Scrutiny, Awareness, education and debateReader comment on item: A Madrasa Grows in Brooklyn Submitted by Ibby (Australia), Sep 12, 2010 at 18:09 Islam –V- the world What is Moderate islam???????? This article is an opinion on the absolute importance of criticism in our society and why it is so dangerous for Islam to declare itself beyond any criticism, scrutiny or question. We have a choice at the moment; we can adopt sharia norms and abandon our deeply established traditions, heritage, cultures, freedom of expression and critical thought and speech. The choice is quiet simple; we can stand up firmly against Islam & sharia that wants to dominate the world or we can sit idol and allow it to happen and bring an end to all other tradition, faiths and cultures. It is not hateful to stand up to the evil system of sharia as declared by Islam and declare unequivocal opposition to any such proposal. If any free think individual is afraid to criticise sharia then you are effectively supporting it and should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. We all need to criticize Islam all the time. I don't think I can over estimate and overstate how important it is for you, your family your friends, community, fellow citizens, towns people and your international eyes to start if you have not already started, and to continue to criticize islam at every opportunity you can. I am not talking about the threat of terrorism here, I am talking about the inexorable and carefully planned overwhelming of Western democracies, European culture and thought, Judo-Christian heritage by the sheer numbers of Muslims and exponential growth. It is a deep rooted concern about a totally legal and utterly unstoppable islamic tsunami that remarkably still is barely recognizable by main stream western leader. This might sound extreme but I am going to give you 2 reasons. FIRSTLY: Any individual or Organization or Political party or doctrine or intellectual movement that specifically and uniquely claims for itself the god given right that it may and can not be criticized in any way whatsoever, deserves to be criticised remorselessly and relentlessly. They must acknowledge that in the free western world, "Criticism is not only a normal and healthy of aspect of every part of life, more so it is an essential aspect of every part of a healthy, civilised and fruitful life". "It is critical thinking and ones ability to indulge oneself in it without fear of prosecution or death, that has created the freedoms that you your family and community hold so dear and value". Freedom and democracy go hand in hand. This is not the time to allow the clock to be wound back to a draconian era that mirrors the years of Mohammed. The world community has matured immensely since those dark days. SECONDLY: If we remain silent and are not permitted to examine and scrutinise Islam, we have failed all our founding forefathers and the nations and democracies they fought to provide for future generations. When we fail, (you and I) to actively criticize islam there is no doubt whatsoever at its present rate of growth, it will destroy the last semblance of European, western, and American freedom of speech. Islam in every form, from moderate to extreme stands for values diametrically opposed to those of secular freedom of thought, speech, freedom and action. To put the threat in context I consider that it is so great, that the recent social effect (in both loss of life and altered lives of the violent muslim terrorist actions of 9/11 and 7/7) will appear numerically as insignificant in comparison to similarly measured impact of muslim majorities gaining control in western countries. I want to make it clear I am not advocating any form of unreasonable criticism here. I don't want to encourage any form of or intimidation, aggression, or violence towards any Muslim. The criticism is not against Muslims per say, The criticism is of Islam, Sharia law, the Koran and what it advocates, legitimizes and promotes. I suggest, that when you criticize or scrutinise islam, do it with intelligence, energy and wit, be calm considered, be well informed, let gentle but incredibly firm reason dictate the message, or question that you are conveying. Why is this so very very important? Simply because Islam is going to take over the western world, Not by violence and force, But by intelligence, by political manipulation and the sheer weight of the rapidly growing numbers of Muslims all over the world, especially all over Europe. Our political leaders have already been out witted, still now are been outwitted, and most probably will continue to be outwitted by the far more driven and focused muslim strategists. Lets look at some facts, the birth rate of non Muslim Europeans in the whole of Europe is dramatically declining; The birth rate of muslim Europeans is rocketing. The UK has now legalized bigamy for muslim men, a thing that remains totally illegal and is heavily punishable by imprisonment for non muslim native British citizens. Thus the UK has allowed muslim men to marry 2, 3, 4 wives all maintained by the state and can then produce dozens of children, all legal, all paid for by the state. Yet at the same time non Muslim men will be imprisoned if they follow suit. "Incredibly absurd". Do the sums and add some figures together! How much do you think this will this cost the Uk benefit and health systems over say the next 20 years? Nationally bankruptcy is not attractive to the native citizens, but to most Muslims it marks a joyful weakening of a long time enemy, "a non muslim infidel state that must be replaced by the one true faith". Then we have Gordon Brown (labour), he know wants to make it illegal to criticize Islam. Need I say more? Oh Ok I will say a bit more, Gordon Brown and politicians around the world are too scared, to confront the issues and problems of Islam. Like many around the world, he wants the problem to vanish, "rather than confront Islam, he has taken the easy road, the non confrontational path at the expense of the people he has been elected to represent. It is far easier for him to stifle, gag and suppress expression of concern, critique or scrutiny of Islam. He desires to padlock the freedoms the UK has fought for and was founded upon. It is easier to suppress the civilised people by enacting laws that make criticism of Islam a crime, and push Sharia down the throats irrespective of their wishes as a nation. Turning to other European nations, The Netherlands is predicated to have a majority Muslim population by 2017, yes by 2017. Brussels city council has a socialist government; Muslims hold ten out of the 18 seats. The city of Brussels a capital city of the EU has a majority Muslim government now, yes right now, not in 20 years, NOW. A recent British survey showed 36% of young Muslims in the UK believe that leaving Islam should be punished by death. In France, the police are not allowed in muslim areas, NOT ALLOWED, Can not go! Are legally, not allowed to go in muslim areas, yes in France. In Denmark 51% of Muslims believe freedom of speech should be replaced with respect for their religious feelings. It is estimated the four largest cities in Holland will have a Muslim majority in the next decade. Now Journalists politicians, teachers, writers, artist, intellectuals throughout the whole of Europe and some western countries are becoming so scared of threats of violence and death from Islam, they are now having to go around with guards, go into hiding, or openly promise that they will never criticize islam again Then they beg that they and their families be not hurt or killed. "Netherlands: Former MP Hirsi Ali lives under police protection after she moved to the USA". Why???? Because she is a valuable promoter of the cause against Islam, she is a black African female and ex-Muslim. The Muslim cell that planned and executed the assassination of Theo Van Gogh in Holland in 2004 communicated a direct death threat to Hirsi Ali by having the assassin Mohammed Bouyeri pin a note to the chest of the dying Theo Van Gogh, the note was directly addressed to Hirsi Ali by name and contained a direct death threat to her. Hirsi Ali had written the text for Van Gogh's film Submission which got him murdered by the same Muslims who threatened her with death, She has fled to the USA. Like wise, Pim Fortuyn who was a Dutch MP, he spoke about islam in Europe back in 2002. He said: "it is 5 mins to twelve, not only in the Netherlands but in the whole of Europe". this was before he was brutally murdered for speaking against Halal practices in the Netherlands. {He was shot several times whilst cycling to his office in Amsterdam by Muhammad Bouyeri, a Muslim with dual Moroccan and Dutch citizenship. (This is the killer that stabbed Mr van Gogh, slit his throat and left the note on his body, in which he also threatened to kill Ayaan Hirsi Ali). Don't shelf this one, don't think someone else will deal with it, They won't, read a bit about Islam. Please don't think that your political leaders have learnt this lesson, and they now know best, they didn't then and they don't now. They are concerned about their own safety and the safety of their own families; they dare not speak out against Islam. The only way they will dare to do so, is if there is such a ground swell from non Muslims (Europeans, Americans and westerners) like you and me, they will just become a sitting target for the annex of Islam. Irrespective of your faith, if you have no faith, I am asking you to stand up along with every other free minded individual and apostate and "totally refuse to accept that our history, our traditions, our freedoms. and our aspirations are to be destroyed by islam". Islam is a warped political system based on superstition that according to the UNHOLY Koran, can never be criticized, questioned or analysed, ever, by Muslims, or non Muslims. I know that some of you reading this are still thinking I am been extreme, the only uncensored voices you are going to hear are the little voices like me, and that's only until mediums like YouTube, blogs and select internet sites are finally silenced by our duly elected representatives bowing to the ever increasing pressure from these highly intelligent Islamic opportunists. Their new catch phrase is "screaming "islamaphobeia" when any one questions or criticises islam. They have changed tact and are determined to get these mediums banned, and they will. Then how will you and I then express and share our freely held views? Who is there to communicate our voices and opinions too?? Trust me the lights are rapidly going out in Europe and western nations, So while we STILL have this level of freely available freedom of speech, USE IT, Because if you do not You will LOSE it. The price of democracy has always been perpetual vigilance, Our politicians have not been vigilant, We haven't been vigilant. It is only in the last 6 months or so that even I have become fully aware of the problem with Islam in Europe. I use to consider it was confined to the middle east, countries like Lebanon and Egypt. When did you first think about it? Didn't you think that the people who were talking to you about it back when you first heard about it were been extreme? So how long do you think it is going to take to start getting receptive listeners who at the moment still feel the same as you and so many did when you first heard about the threats of Islam? I for one now that even now that when I try talk to friends and even some family about the threat of islam, they turn away because they feel I am been extreme. They are not to blame; It is simply, that they really can not believe that something as big and dangerous as this could have possibly been allowed to creep up on their precious countries without them knowing. - Neville chamberlain was warmly received by the British public when he came back from signing the Munich agreement with Hitler in 1938. He said, "Peace in our time" on 30 September 1938. On 3rd September 1939 Britain & France declared war on Germany, yes, less than 1 year after Chamberlains declaration of peace. - Douglas Murray used this thought test, in a 2007 lecture on Jihad against the west, He said "if you want to make a criticism of something, what could you possibly, and how could you do it in a way that is smaller than drawing a cartoon?" I know this is way back in 2007, but let me mention what islam thinks about this. Well there was a group of Danish school kids that went on a scout trip, and they had a mini cartoon drawing competition. They videoed it on their mobile phones, footage was passed onto one of the imams in Denmark, who in turn issued a Fatwa against these young boys, that they should be put to death. Sine, people have been trying to raise enough money to protect them and their families. Do you think that drawing a cartoon of something should carry the death penalty? When not If the country becomes a muslim majority country, and on current progress and trends it will within the next decade. Then drawing such trivial cartoons will be punishable by death. If you do not believe me please read the koran for yourself. Look into how many people have lost their hands and heads or have been stoned in Saudi Arabia within the past seven days. This is not something that might happen, it will happen UNLESS WE do something about it. - Look up Child Brides in Yemen, Saudi Arabia - Do you recall the reaction of Muslims when Jyllands-Posten published cartoons of Muhammad?? I encourage everyone to utilise the net, read and inform yourself about Islam, Sharia law, or any matter raised in this article. Again, I stress the objective is not to attack muslim people, but rather to scrutinise and analyse the perversion known as the koran, This radical draconian primitive Stone Age ideology warps so many minds and transforms them into radical, fundamental murderous intolerant Islamists. They are relentlessly pursuing world domination under sharia law, Wiping into oblivion every other faith, doctrine ideology and belief. Islam teaches that every person must be a Muslim or alternatively an infidel that must be killed. They desire to see the world transformed into a resemblance of "Saudi Arabia".
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