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And why you should not be a Muslim and the tablighee topos of "i'm a convert" read and laugh

Reader comment on item: Keith Ellison, Where Are You?
in response to reader comment: Why I became a Muslim

Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Mar 17, 2011 at 14:08

Our dear Mullah Ahmed who sounds like a tablighee and is a tablighee and whose Hindu ancestors were brutalized by Muslims and Islam

You see our dear Mullah you sound like a tablighee and you must be one so why the delusions?

>After reading you comment,I decided to post a response to it. I'm African American,

Really? then you should not be a Muslim our dear Mullah after all your Allah says in the Qur'an a book that you cannot read in Arabic

wa ma arsalna mn rsul (I'm not using short vowels so we do not confuse our dear Max) ila bilisani qawmihi

Oh darn it the Arabic! Do you know what this aya means our dear Mullah? It means that islam is really the religion of the Hijazi Arabs only and you ain't as you admitted an Arab

So did you convert (sic) to islam while in prison? Wanna share with us?

But wait the people of Africa were brutalized by Muslims and the slave trade so are you aware if such fact our dear Mullah?

And are you aware that we have extant evidence from about 650CE or less than 20 years after the death of your so called prophet that Arab slave traders were already in Nubia hunting for slaves?

Are you aware of such fact our dear Mullah al-tablighee?

>and have been Muslim for almost 9 years.

Really? And I have been a Meccan pagan for 9 years what a coincidence

>The reason I became Muslim is because Islam firstly made sense to me through the Qur'an in many different facets of my life personally.

And let me paraphare this and I became a Meccan pagan in-order to drive Allah out of his mind


For the readers "firstly" is part of the topos! You are a tablighee why the delusions?

>on the basis of spiritual belief, As a Muslim we pray, and worship the Creator, Allah, alone,

Really? but the Qur'an a book that you cannot read in Arabic says that Allah wa malai'katuhu yusaluna 3ala al-nabi? Do you know what this means? It means that Allah and his angels PRAY to Muhammad! What a fadiha! Oh fadiha? Go and ask one of your Arab masters to tell you what it means!

Allah prays!! That is what it says in the Qur'an! How come you did not know that?

>there are no intermediaries, no saints we have to pray to, etc.

Who needs saints when Allah prays to Muhammad and when you say sali 3ala al-nabi it means that you are praying to a mere human being right mr Einstein?

Oh wait so Allah created you and not your mama and papa! Right? then Allah must be your papa an' yo mama too right?

>So unlike the christian, or the hindu, we don't have a 'trinity', or a pantheon of gods we have to worship.

The the question becomes: If Allah created this creation then who really created Allah? Oh this is straight from the sira and it is the Aristotelian problem! but again Greek and pagan logic was beyond you and your Allah and his so called rasul

So much for the bogus tawheed

Oh al-thalooth al-muqadas so which one are we talking about? Your Arabian Allah says that he does not like the Trinity which he says it is Allah wa 3Isa wa Maryam right mr Einstein?

But wait them Christians tell us that the Trinity is really al-Rab wa yasoo3 al-maseeh wa al-Roh al-Qudus right mr Einstein? Darn it Christian Arabic! Oh well

But Allah seems to be silent about such Trinity otherwise he would have told us that heis not happy about it right?!

Then congratulations our dear Mullah but it seems that Allah has no difficulty with such Trinity as described by them Christians

>Secondly, Islam made sense on the basis of ethics, and values.

What ethics and what values? so iqtoloo al-mushrikeen and irhibu 3aduwa allah and qatil fi sabeel allah are ethics and values? Or it is collecting the mafia tax known as al-jizya or is it Allah and his rasul getting 1/5 of the loot that was collected by Muslims from your Hindu ancestors? So which one is it?

How disgusting

Oh the Arabic? may be you can ask one of your Arab masters to translate it for you

>Honesty, family values, proper manners, equality regardless of race,

Race? really? The saudis call African people barabra which is not very nice and very much similar to the N word! Oh and they would call your likes and you must padon me maskeen men el-hind aw el-bakistan and it is not very nice either

>and culture, etc.

What culture? Arab culture? And who says that islam is no more than cultural imperialism right mr demagogue?

>These issues are placed at the top of the Muslims priorities secondly to worshipping the Creator alone.

We have established so far that you pray as well as your Allah and his angels to an Arabian warlord and caravan raider and his name is Muhammad! So your claim is bogus

>no where in the Qur'an does it say that blacks will burn in hell forever.

Let me guess because your Allah knew no Afircan people after all he was an Arab! And you know what? your Allah is also silent about your Hindu and Buddhist ancestors too right? More evidence that he is an Arab

>Allah doesn't make a distinction between people based on the color of their skin,

Really? where would i find in the Qur'an any thing close to

ina allaha la yufadil al-bashr al-ladhina jilduhum abyad men al-nashr al-ladhina jilduhum asfar aw aswad aw ahmar

Or Allah does not make distinction between people with white skin from those with yellow, black or red skin

Your claim is bogus

>or by what culture they come from. Allah in the Qur'an says;"Mankind! We created you from a male and female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you might come to know each other. The noblest among you in God's sight is that one of you who best performs his duty. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware. "(The Qur'an , 49:13)

Really? so where does it say that Allah does not divide people based on color in the above aya? you will not find it

And mr Einstein you wrote: Mankind right? let us read the word in Arabic

Ya ayyuha al-nassu

Let me translate it for you

1. ya means O

2. ayyuha is a vocative particle

3. al-nnasu means people

4. The word mankind mr Einstein in Arabic a language that you cannot read speak or write means al-bashr so do you see the word al-bashr here in this aya? Let me help you you do not! This means that your translation is bogus

5. So who are really these people? Well in the above aya where it says that Islam is the religion of the Hijazi Arabs only those people must be the Hijazi Arabs only now do you get it mr Einstein?

6. And here is your bonus for today the word ALNAS was edited by the ulama by adding a shadda above the nuun as well as a fatha and a damma above the seen and what a scandal the Ulama had to edit Allah's poor Arabic! So much for the unedited Qur'an

>Allah distinguishes people according to thier faith, not thier skin color or culture. Which is why a Muslim from Afghanistan, or Burma, and any country where Islam can be found i can call that person my brother, or sister. The Prophet Muhammed said in an AUTHENTIC HADITH;

Which hadith is that? Is it the one where he says that black people are like raisins and they will all go to hell? all of them? Oh darn it my source? Kitab al-Qadr in Mishkat al-Masabih

How come you did not know that our dear Mullah? Did the tablighees lie to you while in prison?

>"O people, know that the Lord and Sustainer is One. Your ancestor is one, your faith is one. The Arabism of anyone of you is not from your mother or father. It is no more than a tongue (language). Whoever speaks Arabic is an Arab." (As quoted in Islam The Natural Way by Abdul Wahid Hamid p. 125)

Oh yeah and who says that islam is not really the religion of the Arabs only

So where is your little Mosque our dea Mullah?

Why the delusions? So if you are from Pakistan or India why not tell us the truth?

Oh and i urge you to leave islam and get a grip on reality


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (123) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Bwahahahahaha! [34 words]Evan MarkJun 10, 2011 21:28186173
Keith Ellison [50 words]Evan MarkJun 10, 2011 21:24186172
1Keith Ellison and hypocrisy [83 words]dhimmi no moreJun 10, 2011 06:08186139
Ellison's belief in liberal democracy [37 words]PrashantJun 11, 2011 14:16186139
Age old tactics [69 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
PrashantJun 8, 2011 00:27186061
1Ellison's "tears" - Islamization watch - What's Taqiyya? [349 words]Maria JoseMar 10, 2011 20:28183268
5Thank you Dr Pipes again for exposing scoundrels [92 words]dhimmi no moreSep 19, 2010 17:14178438
2Dear Dhimmi [222 words]moSep 20, 2010 17:00178438
3Another victim of Arabian imperialism and islamic slavery [729 words]dhimmi no moreSep 21, 2010 07:22178438
Dear Dhimmi [291 words]moSep 25, 2010 15:59178438
3Islam and slavery and our dear Mo the wannabe Arab does not care about the fact that 90M Hindus were killed and enslaved by Muslims he says that there are plenty of hindus left! part deux [838 words]dhimmi no moreSep 26, 2010 07:15178438
Do I smell sarcasm? [62 words]Peter HerzSep 26, 2010 15:18178438
the worst comments [23 words]b soetoroOct 12, 2010 09:43178438
1Islamic drivel [78 words]dhimmi no moreOct 13, 2010 07:18178438
you cant stop the spread of Islam [44 words]b soetoroOct 14, 2010 00:02178438
2Another victim of Arabian imperialism [100 words]dhimmi no moreOct 15, 2010 06:20178438
dear dhimmi [57 words]billyOct 30, 2010 11:26178438
Battlfield Assessment [121 words]donvanMar 30, 2010 10:38170771
Is Ellison a coward or did not get the message? [28 words]SvetMar 26, 2010 02:24170633
Ron Klein Sell-out [24 words]JackMar 10, 2010 21:29169954
Dr. Pipes Challenges Rep. Ellison to a debate [116 words]John NosserMar 4, 2010 02:35169666
what is the point? [29 words]Elie orenFeb 28, 2010 12:46169492
Elie Oren: Perhaps Daniel wants to crush Islamists in America, But is he being successful ? [128 words]Al OlsonMar 1, 2010 23:01169492
Pipes wins by default [22 words]Ron GerskupMar 16, 2010 03:51169492
squeaky wheel [71 words]IVYSep 23, 2010 15:50169492
Evidence [145 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Charles LavergneFeb 20, 2010 03:44169195
Ha Ha: I get it [9 words]pdmFeb 26, 2010 13:36169195
...and he stayed... [3 words]pdmMar 2, 2010 11:22169195
Ellison, the Muslim [110 words]btillyOct 28, 2010 09:30169195
Why I became a Muslim [333 words]Imam Ahmed MuhammedMar 16, 2011 16:28169195
question for "Imam Ahmed Muhammed" [126 words]GopiMar 16, 2011 23:40169195
1And why you should not be a Muslim and the tablighee topos of "i'm a convert" read and laugh [1444 words]dhimmi no moreMar 17, 2011 14:08169195
Shariah law [190 words]ahmad MuhammedMar 18, 2011 02:21169195
7More islamic delusions and today's topos is "i'm a revert"! [1079 words]dhimmi no moreMar 22, 2011 07:57169195
re ellison [13 words]quhitcorseFeb 20, 2010 03:23169194
Debate Mearsheimer and Walt [52 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Jon KahnFeb 18, 2010 18:33169142
Dear Dr Pipes - please re-examine "ad hominem attacks" [223 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
NoorFeb 18, 2010 18:11169139
Islamist the new Indian [45 words]TajFeb 23, 2010 21:02169139
1You need to stick to Urdu [244 words]dhimmi no moreMar 1, 2010 07:37169139
not a dhimmi ... [107 words]TajMar 3, 2010 12:17169139
4And the islamic comedy goes on and on Stick to Urdu part deux [521 words]dhimmi no moreMar 4, 2010 18:21169139
1Our dear Taj cannot even tell the difference between the perfect Arabic words islam and Islami and has no clue about the difference between the letter yeh and a kasra [35 words]dhimmi no moreMar 4, 2010 18:36169139
proper response for your nonsense... [56 words]TajMar 5, 2010 12:04169139
2Our dear Taj and the islamic comedy goes on and on [165 words]dhimmi no moreMar 6, 2010 12:30169139
1And more of the islamic comedy and this time: Your translation of ayat al-tashreeh is bogus [272 words]dhimmi no moreMar 7, 2010 08:01169139
Slight correction [5 words]dhimmi no moreMar 7, 2010 13:00169139
about the translation [55 words]dogagasMar 9, 2010 04:13169139
1And the islamic comedy goes on and on and this time from our dear dogagas [217 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2010 17:55169139
What a scandal that muslims like our dear dogagas have no clue about what the Qur'an really says [78 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2010 19:22169139
Our dear dogagas and Anatomy and Physiology Islamic style and the islamic comedy goes on and on [205 words]dhimmi no moreMar 12, 2010 07:09169139
Taj [28 words]ahmadzafireMay 1, 2010 17:52169139
He made me do it [182 words]dhimmi no moreMay 2, 2010 12:20169139
American Indians [64 words]btillyOct 28, 2010 09:12169139
more "mis-facts" [75 words]TajOct 29, 2010 12:50169139
1Our dear Taj and the word islami which is a perfect Arabic word [204 words]dhimmi no moreOct 31, 2010 08:52169139
1More islamic comedy and our dear Taj really cares about the native people of this land! but does he care about his own ancestors? Not really [121 words]dhimmi no moreOct 31, 2010 09:06169139
Slight correction [23 words]dhimmi no moreNov 1, 2010 07:46169139
spell-check [55 words]TajNov 1, 2010 14:13169139
1dhimmi - LOL [18 words]TajNov 1, 2010 14:19169139
1The islamic comedy goes on and on [156 words]dhimmi no moreNov 1, 2010 19:37169139
2Our dear Taj but If I make mistakes in spelling or garmmar then I must be in good company and what a fadiha! [138 words]dhimmi no moreNov 1, 2010 19:49169139
1Our dear Taj cannot even tell the difference between the words islami (islam with a kasra) and islami or islamist [199 words]dhimmi no moreNov 1, 2010 20:52169139
2Typos and the Qur'an! [304 words]dhimmi no moreNov 2, 2010 07:08169139
really got you going huh? [6 words]TajNov 3, 2010 23:09169139
1The word Islami! and big time islamic jahl! [40 words]dhimmi no moreNov 6, 2010 07:50169139
taj bering strait [68 words]btillyNov 6, 2010 22:27169139
read this as... [10 words]TajNov 8, 2010 19:39169139
still confused [57 words]TajNov 8, 2010 19:58169139
1Islamic gems! [138 words]dhimmi no moreNov 10, 2010 07:14169139
1And the illiterate is! part deux [131 words]dhimmi no moreNov 10, 2010 07:48169139
Americans [56 words]to tajNov 10, 2010 21:41169139
back to "to taj" [69 words]TajNov 11, 2010 19:11169139
1st people to come to the Americas [159 words]btillyNov 13, 2010 18:25169139
1Slaves and islam [289 words]dhimmi no moreNov 18, 2010 07:02169139
you should study this more [199 words]TajNov 18, 2010 14:16169139
1There were slaves in Saudi Arabia until the 1950's! Shame! [168 words]dhimmi no moreNov 20, 2010 07:55169139
2More mistakes from the book of ignorance [542 words]dhimmi no moreNov 20, 2010 15:04169139
1Jefferson's koran [30 words]pdmFeb 18, 2010 12:23169121
Jefferson's Quran [213 words]TruthWFreeFeb 24, 2010 09:54169121
Torah offers more violence than Quran [32 words]Steve S.Feb 28, 2010 23:45169121
That Torah sounds dangerous [202 words]JeffMar 1, 2010 16:35169121
Torah [168 words]TruthWFreeMar 1, 2010 23:49169121
Torah/Koran [215 words]SarahMar 6, 2010 13:40169121
Atheist or Muslim? [260 words]TruthWFreeMar 7, 2010 17:08169121
Not a FEW [31 words]TruthWFreeMar 7, 2010 17:17169121
I'm not sure I get the point, Sarah [254 words]JeffMar 8, 2010 16:49169121
Understanding the True Reason for the Torah and Why There is No Comparison with the Quran. [269 words]M. ToveyMar 9, 2010 18:05169121
The Torah doesn't, but... [37 words]ChurchillMar 10, 2010 15:28169121
Unquestioning acceptance is a choice [224 words]SarahMar 10, 2010 22:21169121
Almighty God's Reasons for Acceptance Much Different Than Mankind's [407 words]M. ToveyMar 12, 2010 16:01169121
Thank-you [68 words]SarahMar 17, 2010 06:44169121
Hi Sarah [266 words]JeffMar 18, 2010 16:23169121
Hi Jeff [502 words]SarahMar 22, 2010 02:57169121
Violent torah [97 words]btillySep 6, 2010 07:48169121
double speak [42 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDFeb 18, 2010 05:46169110
Lesson # 1 when debating a door ... don't [63 words]kmanFeb 17, 2010 23:54169099
Mr. Ellison won't even arm wrestle you, let alone debate you in public [253 words]Phil GreendFeb 17, 2010 22:00169096
Untimely for a wood worm to pop up [36 words]DavyFeb 23, 2010 01:24169096
Except [20 words]ChurchillMar 9, 2010 08:45169096
Keith Ellison [43 words]Samuel StephensFeb 17, 2010 19:39169092
rights [22 words]b soetoroFeb 17, 2010 18:58169091
MEETING WITH ELLISON? [78 words]Jacques HADIDAFeb 17, 2010 18:48169090
1Keith Ellison's arrogant condescension. [83 words]M.DFeb 17, 2010 17:10169081
Ellison [34 words]Leonard BoasbergFeb 17, 2010 17:08169079
Mr. Ellison Needs No Further Exposure to Debate His Agenda - It is Plain for All to See [512 words]M. ToveyFeb 17, 2010 15:37169070
Keith Ellison not an Islamist [25 words]Robaby1984Mar 8, 2010 21:34169070
Was Not Called an Islamist By This Reader-Was Called a Muslim Politician [68 words]M. ToveyMar 9, 2010 17:33169070
Battle of the Brains, Part One [19 words]Rebecca MouldsFeb 17, 2010 15:34169069
Keith Ellison will not reply to you, just like Barack Obama did not reply to Rush Limbaugh [68 words]Joe NewenschwanderFeb 17, 2010 13:26169062
Congressman Ellison was very generous with you. [26 words]Kurt HaslettFeb 17, 2010 13:19169060
Kurt [48 words]MikeFeb 18, 2010 18:43169060
nice initiative [79 words]Ankur kakkarFeb 17, 2010 11:55169056
Interview with Keith Ellison [17 words]Abraham DavidsonFeb 17, 2010 08:09169047
Debate [45 words]Steve KleinFeb 17, 2010 07:53169046
1try coffee first [75 words]Rabbi Eric M. Lankin, D.Min.Feb 17, 2010 07:15169044
Coffee isn't going to help... [97 words]Cynthia BrooksworthFeb 23, 2010 00:16169044
Democracy = islam ???? [38 words]Don RosenbergNov 1, 2010 17:51169044
Labeling comments doesnt serve your argument [76 words]Rabbi Eric M. Lankin, DMInNov 5, 2010 07:52169044
two types of arguments [18 words]mythFeb 17, 2010 04:56169041
Ellison's allegation-- we all woud love to watch a debate in between you and Dr. Pipes. [402 words]YnnatchkahFeb 16, 2010 20:17169024
Don't hold your breath... [48 words]Patrick ClancyFeb 16, 2010 17:57169017
Yeah, hiding in the Capitol!!! [24 words]JaladhiFeb 16, 2010 17:26169015
Mismatch [75 words]David LFeb 16, 2010 16:19169010

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