Wow I nearly cried from your amazing ignorance, reading your comment was sorta funny , Heres what i got to tell youReader comment on item: Distinguishing between Islam and Islamism Submitted by Moe (People READ THIS) (Canada), Jul 18, 2012 at 19:56 First of all im arab, British Libyan Im 19. im open-minded i dont believe in calling people Kufar I memorised half the quran so whatever it is that ur saying is just [BS] again, coz i know way more knowledge i have seen the light bro, u call ur self kaffir? well ok thats fine with me i dont give a ... just i wouldnt call u a kaffir really, id call u "jahhel" very jahhel, the zaboor torah and bible were all sent down by allah, to be muslim we must acknowledge the holy books, acknowledge Judgement Day, The prophets (PBUT), the angels (PBUT), now u can go read surat al-anbya (the prophets) online, itll give u signs, however talking about the holy books (except for the quran) theyve all been manipulated until the bible, tell me how many editions does the bible have? u guys think ur a monotheism when in reality the new testimony has mixed god to be a human a holy spirit & God? and ... ? i never said quran is from is from hell u must be on some drugs. Habibi there is heaven and hell and both are owned by the one creator God sent down islam just 600 years after christianity, there were many good christians but jesus was'nt really allowed to finish his job as he got crucified but was not murdered (what we beleive in) god switched him with jodas, Jodas got murdered. we believe god saved Jesus (Peace be upon him) and took him up to heaven, but he is not Gods son strictly, we have blind faith In allah as we've never seen Allah (God), but we beleive in Allah coz of the signs, and we read the quran, and pray 5 times a day, unlike the pre holy books Quran is the book that god swore would never be changed, book of miracles, However did u know that taking specific words out of a verse without the total phrase it came with, would change the meaning however let me refer to all what u said first things first this is verse for earths sphering {أَأَنْتُمْ أَشَدُّ خَلْقًا أَمِ السَّمَاءُ بَنَاهَا * رَفَعَ سَمْكَهَا فَسَوَّاهَا * وَأَغْطَشَ لَيْلَهَا وَأَخْرَجَ ضُحَاهَا *وَالْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ دَحَاهَا * أَخْرَجَ مِنْهَا مَاءَهَا وَمَرْعَاهَا * وَالْجِبَالَ أَرْسَاهَا } (النازعات 28-33) so here what u need to know, "da7aha" us in libyan we say Da7ya to Describe an egg, god has wisdom and him bringing the quran down to the arabs in arabic was'nt a coincidence, its because back then people used to talk one language which was the old arabic, and if u are arab u would know how complicated and deep ur language is, different meanings for alot of words, and as a human who has big faith in God, id tell u when the poets heard the Quran in the old times, they were striken by shock, they knew it wasnt words of a human nor was it words of the prophet it was Allahs words sent down to Prophet Muhammed by Angel Gebriel (Peace be upon him), Go read Surat "el-Shuaraa (the poets)" Online and seriously now ur saying Quran is false when clearly u know it isnt its just ur too attached to living freely in earth but buddy were all dying soon, no one knows when hes gonna live but whats the max 80 years say 90? then u go down to ur grave u will deffinatly be shaken by surprise, see im only 19 but i faced death 3 times in my life, so i have the realisation of the reason we have to be in gods path no matter, Allah sent down his message that u live in earth bypassing test, but live strongly for eternity in jannatt(Heavens) what will u gain by Going against everything god told you to do? or going against the one pure religion God sent down for every being to follow? nothing ur a fragile, imperfect, mortal human being just like me and everyone else, take a good look at ur self and realise what makes u different then other species, take a look around u and realise how organised everything is, why did god ambush us humans with religion and made us stricted to Rituals yet god knows how hard it is for us to stricten so there comes the test, as god made us to live in heaven however adam messed up but god had mercy so Allah sent him & Eve down to earth with lucifer, where good & bad exists Heres more Verses for u to read and i dont know how can u Deny the Righteousness of Islam after this two surahs; http://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/quran/07601.htm Surat Al insan (The Man) http://www.sacred-texts.com/isl/quran/02301.htm Surat Al Mumeneen (The believers) Trust Me ISLAM is perfect, a perfect well rounded religion that has a way of life, but sadly Muslims arent were supposed to as muslims follow the sunnah of the prophet, but devil comes through and there u have wahabis whom in my opinion are a bad example of muslims, Shiaas which is an over loose Muslims, god tells us to prevent extreming or over loosening, Genocide on india, not really my ancestors but as i said Muslims are human beings and they might not be following it exactly how theyre supposed to, there fore bad example and not perfect but u really should join Islam as for me there is not point of joining Christianity as ill be a definite Loser in my life and after life, my faith is strongly adhered ive seen all the signs of Islams Purity and im 100 percent sure about everything mentioned to me in my religion i thank god everyday for having the gift of Islam, that i dont think u were blessed with, or maybe u were taught in the wrong way Worst mistake people fall into, is not teaching islam the way it is, it was never a religion of Extremism its an easy lovely religion that explains many aspects of life, that if we follow well be the most successful; sadly no one had yet had the time to open up the resolutions of what god printed out and told us to follow instead we follow what us humans made like Communism & Capitalism, yes u might be confused now but Sharia Economics is proven to be nations saviour out of Recessions, and a defence against it may god bless u and all christians with Islam, hopefully i pray for u all to find the path as its right there for u to follow, u just need to break your bubble, and check the religion, maybe allah yahdeek who knows god loves all mankind Salam im not done with u either if u have any questions u can always ask me or google but i guarantee u that if u bring all the qurans around the world, u wont find a difference only in the way tajweed of it is i might be to deep for u and hence i ingored the stupid references as really i LOL'd reading them so, u know which references u tried to make are stupid Thank u
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