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John kerry from a normal planet Hillary is not

Reader comment on item: What Planet Does John Kerry Live On?

Submitted by urabus (New Zealand), Feb 4, 2013 at 04:16

Hillary Clinton was not a diplomat as such what she had been doing was more of a typical American lobbyist. John Kerry says things and does things more like a top diplomat. Wait and see what happen.


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Reader comments (48) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
2Useless, Useless [198 words]Jules PostenFeb 7, 2013 10:28203285
3The imposed misery of the Left they do not impose on themselved [36 words]NuritGFeb 6, 2013 15:26203242
3Another winner [22 words]Rich KFeb 5, 2013 15:20203213
1What makes sense [65 words]Bob W.Feb 5, 2013 00:38203183
The things need to be looked in totality [145 words]Amit SrivastavaFeb 4, 2013 21:49203179
Another way to look at this... [36 words]MikeyFeb 4, 2013 21:32203178
3Egypt Might Become Another Pakistan [177 words]Madhav SinghFeb 4, 2013 21:28203177
1So much wisdom in three paragraphs [92 words]PrashantFeb 8, 2013 19:10203177
1Non Muslims and real Muslims in Syria [73 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 9, 2013 08:54203177
2Sad but not a shock, President Obama lies for islam ! [76 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Phil GreendFeb 4, 2013 19:46203174
1Islam = Shalom = Peace [89 words]Anatol ZukermanFeb 5, 2013 12:58203174
1Very astute. But Crusades were a very late response to centuries of Muslim intrusions ... [100 words]kmanFeb 6, 2013 23:08203174
The world policeman? [49 words]Anatol ZukermanFeb 7, 2013 23:10203174
"Invaded Viet Nam" - ? What a joke! [220 words]kmanFeb 8, 2013 21:52203174
Appeasing Muslims [111 words]zinovyFeb 9, 2013 22:40203174
3Please don't give weapons to your enemies [40 words]vitorFeb 4, 2013 19:32203171
1What Planet is he on. [16 words]Doc HolidayFeb 4, 2013 19:10203169
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse [4 words]MadhviFeb 22, 2013 21:26203169
2KERRY'S Egypt [26 words]John WeidenhofFeb 4, 2013 19:10203168
5Kerry & mental vapidity [334 words]Donald ConnerFeb 4, 2013 18:43203165
2History repeating again ? [41 words]NortonFeb 4, 2013 15:28203159
Never [6 words]Jules PostenFeb 7, 2013 10:37203159
2Treason in the White House and Congress. [103 words]Carole Gleason-MinorFeb 4, 2013 11:05203147
2Doing the same thing, expecting a different result... [17 words]JFKARFeb 4, 2013 10:53203146
1Egypt and F16s [65 words]Al MillerFeb 4, 2013 10:44203145
2Is anyone surprised? [169 words]john w. mcginleyFeb 4, 2013 10:42203143
3Dr. Zaius, please pick up the courtesy phone... [49 words]J.J. SeftonFeb 4, 2013 10:35203142
2Obama doesn't care about Israel [43 words]SouzaK99Feb 4, 2013 10:06203141
Obama The Great But Not The Greatest! [42 words]Leo GrunsteinFeb 4, 2013 09:54203140
1Showtime History Miniseries [255 words]Jules PostenFeb 7, 2013 11:01203140
Thank you [69 words]saraFeb 7, 2013 19:55203140
2No head in the sand [127 words]EthanPFeb 4, 2013 08:25203136
John kerry from a normal planet Hillary is not [37 words]urabusFeb 4, 2013 04:16203128
1It's all about anatomy [10 words]C PageFeb 4, 2013 00:12203122
2What Planet Does John Kerry Live On? [192 words]JudithFeb 4, 2013 00:04203121
A Conceited and Naive State Department [121 words]sfaginFeb 3, 2013 23:36203118
2What Planet does John Kerry live on? [124 words]Nenette GrunbergFeb 3, 2013 22:59203116
2BAD DECISIONS [72 words]Susan KFeb 3, 2013 22:53203115
3Truly loving the new Daniel Pipes ... [255 words]kmanFeb 3, 2013 22:33203114
1It's SO believable [64 words]EthanPFeb 6, 2013 12:12203114
1Correctomundo! * [16 words]kmanFeb 6, 2013 18:37203114
1Anything to be said for Eqypt's miltary? [166 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
John in Michigan, USAFeb 3, 2013 22:26203113
1peacemaker delusion [61 words]GamalielFeb 3, 2013 22:00203112
AMERICA'S LACK OF COMMON SENSE [113 words]JACQUES HADIDAMar 8, 2013 20:31203112
3Can't blame Kerry for Patterson [34 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Lori Lowenthal MarcusFeb 3, 2013 21:37203110
3A Failed Strategy [153 words]John R PeacherFeb 3, 2013 21:33203109
3...whose goals differ profoundly from those of Americans? [52 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Richard GordonFeb 3, 2013 21:14203107

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