Submitted by M Tovey (United States), Jul 12, 2022 at 16:05
This observer, in the spirit of attempting to discern the consternation of the Reader Prashant's inquiry as to why Islam appears impenetrable to a rational discussion of its adversarial approach to Judaism and Judaism's offspring, the Messianic message of salvation through its Savior, Yeshua; and by extension, the hostilities historically directed to any and all other religious endeavors; and by further admonition, even towards secularistic attitudes against non-religious attempts in rejecting Islam on purely anti-religious bases: it is to Dr. Pipes' long and enduring examination of these ME issues this observer is indebted for that expertise, and for the forum in which the observations and opinions of other have inserted their indelible contributions towards a lifelong educational process.
To Reader Prashant's conundrum, examine the situation in the context of Islam's historical mission to exert whatever means necessary to eradicate Judaism, by word and deed; and by extension, to do the same to the Messianic mission established by the Messiah, the Savior Yeshua, Jesus Christ, of which the Jewish Scriptures spoke in historic predictions from the time of Abraham and before, to the time of the Roman occupation, from such came the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of said Savior, of which, Islam is extremely antithetically opposed. From such, Islam cannot retreat, or it loses its cause for existence. Since the Messianic message is one of love, then Islam must generate its rejection by hatred of the Jewish things and their course of the redemption provided in Messianic belief. It is written.
In a much broader context, the history of humanity was ingulfed in a confrontational battle of empires from which the history of the Jewish existence emerged and the enmity of mankind was kindled towards the tiny population of the children of Abraham for the cause of Ishmael, from which Islam was destined to become the lightning rod of contention that is seen in the modern issues of the fight for territorial rights promised to the children of Abraham. Islam cannot bear to give up its perceived calling to oppose things Jewish or Messianic, for to do so is to give up its reason for existence. To this extent, this is written also.
To Reader Prashant's contention, [It is unbelievable that this hate comes out of the religious doctrines of Islam], we offer the conjecture that it has been written, not only in the sura(t), but in the following al-hadiths that such attitudes are called for and for the most part, are mandatory for the fully committed Muslim. This is even further demonstrated that while much is construed in the Arabic (Aramaic) context of the Quran, it is amplified from a historical context of ancient Persian influences as well when remembering and considering that ancient empire's attitude during the time of Esther. This is written in the history as well.
But the obverse of such things is in evidence as well; that before Islam was instituted to be the bane of Jewish existence, the Messiah offered the choice of believing in the love of the Almighty, that His sacrifice to redeem mankind from the hateful existence that persists in the world today, is in the written record today for all to see and seek that forgiveness of sin that is inherent in each of us. Believing in His message supersedes all the issues that Islam seeks to impose on a world 'Muslims have captured huge land masses throughout the planet (mostly through force, allurement and deception),' a process of which they must conclude by taking over Israel or lose their cause for existence.
It is why Islam neither forgets nor forgives; which is contraindicative to why believing in Yeshua in love is the basis of forgiveness of sins.
Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".