A challenge to all non Muslims and then I will bid you farewell.Reader comment on item: Something Rotten in Denmark? Submitted by Hind Samy (Egypt), Apr 1, 2006 at 13:28 I have chosen to stop posting here anymore as it seems to me it has become a waste of time for me. Before I leave I would like to challenge all non Muslims with these facts about Islam and the Koran. Think of it as food for thought - read it, research it, ignore it, deny it, it is up to you. I am 110% sure of my religion, I am 110% sure of my rights as a Muslim woman, I am 110% sure of my holy Book.A few of you have commented and hinted that I seem to be an openminded, educated person - and some of you expressed or hinted wonder at how an openminded and reasonably intelligent person believed so much in Islam, my answer would be this: I have travelled and lived in countries all over Europe, visited to a few countries in Asia, I have read and studied the Bible, I have read a bit about other religions and theories etc,I have been to international schools and graduated from an American university, so I have been exposed to all sorts of cultures and ways of thinking. I, like many people, have had my moments of doubt, I have strayed in my beliefs, I have questioned and sought answers (by the way Islam does not like blind faith, it encourages Muslims to question and seek knowledge and answers). All my questioning and doubt has led me to question everything, I have scrutinised Islam and come to this conclusion, I believe in it 110%. For those of you in search of evidence, fact, proofs and those of you who are interested in actually learning about new things, here are just a few of the things I learnt along the way that made me think the Koran simply cannot be the work of man: I personally believe in the Big Bang theory of the creation of the universe. The Big Bang theory makes a lot of sense to me. The Koran doesn't rule out this relatively new scientific "discovery": 21:30 Are the unbelievers not aware (after this proclamation) that the heavens and the earth used to be one solid mass that We exploded into parting? And that out of water We made every living thing? Will they not, then, acknowledge the Truth? [Here is a clear allusion to the Big Bang theory. Numerous celestial bodies came into being and started swimming along in their orbits. 21:33, 24:45, 36:40, 79:30] If you don't believe that Mohamed (pbuh) had access to special knowledge that made possible this prefiguring of the modern Big Bang theory -- a theory entirely unknown to the Arabs of the seventh century -- you must conclude that 21:30 of the Qur'an is merely an intriguing coincidence, a matter of getting something right by chance. Relativity of time: 022.047 YUSUFALI: Yet they ask thee to hasten on the Punishment! But Allah will not fail in His Promise. Verily a Day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning. 023.112 YUSUFALI: He will say: "What number of years did ye stay on earth?" 023.113 YUSUFALI: They will say: "We stayed a day or part of a day: but ask those who keep account." 023.114 YUSUFALI: He will say: "Ye stayed not but a little,- if ye had only known! 070.004 YUSUFALI: The angels and the spirit ascend unto him in a Day the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years: Perhaps these passages are simply an intriguing coincidence. If it is, however, they are not the only ones. This man, the supposed "author" of the Koran, would also have to have: Known about the relativity of time (22:47; 23:112-114; 70:4), a subject similarly unknown to Arab tribes of this period. Either he possessed some extraordinary source of knowledge allowing discussion of this subject thirteen and a half centuries before Einstein, or we are looking at another intriguing coincidence. Think about the following - the same author of this book, the Holy Koran would also have to have: - Known that the universe is continuously expanding (51:47). - Known that matter is created in pairs (36:36). (By the way, this discovery earned the scientist Paul Dirac the Nobel Prize in 1933.) Some non believers tried to refute this notion that matter is created in pairs by saying rain isn't created in paris - then it was discovered that rain is composed of negative and positive particles. - Known what modern biological science knows about the foundation of life on Earth, namely that it is water-based (21:30). - Known that iron is not native to the Earth, coming instead from an extraterrestrial source (57:25). - Known that the planet Earth travels in an orbit (27:88; 21:33). - Known that the sun, too, moves in an orbit (37:38), as indeed modern astronomy proves that it does. - Known that the sun itself is moving toward the Solar Apex.(36:38) [The great Russian philosopher, astronomer and scientist of the 20th century, P.D. Ouspensky, maintained that any science that contradicted the Koran would turn out to be false. Then, during Ouspensky's lifetime, it was discovered that the sun is moving toward a specific destination at 12 miles per second i.e. 43,200 miles per hour! This destination has even been assigned names, the Solar Apex, the Constellation of Hercules. Guess what Ouspensky did! He embraced Islam] - Known that the Earth's atmosphere acts like a protective shield for living creatures (21:32). - Known that the stages of human development in the womb unfold in a specific, describable sequence (23:14) that has been confirmed by modern experts in human embryology. - Known that the roots of mountains extend deep into the earth and serve the function of preventing shocks (21:31). - Known details of how the Earth's rain cycle functions that were mysteries to scientists until the twentieth century (30:48). - Known what modern oceanographers have now learned, namely that bordering seas meet but do not mingle with one another (55:19-20). - Known that oceans have complex subsurface wave patterns (24:40). - Known that, in communities of honeybees, only the females are workers (16:68-69). (The Arabic verb forms can connect only to female beings). - Known, seven years ahead of time, that the humiliated Byzantine Army of his day would rejuvenate itself and secure a major victory, which in fact it eventually did against the Persians (30:1-4). Known, two years before he did so, that he would enter Makkah in triumph (48:27). - Known that the body of the Pharoah who had opposed Moses would be preserved for future generations (10:91-92) -- it is today on display in the Royal Mummies Chamber of the Egyptian Museum. - Known to refer (12:54) to the Egyptian head of state of Joseph's, peace be upon him, era as king (Aziz-Malik) and not as Pharoah, the word that appears erroneously in the book of Genesis. - Known that the fabled Arabian lost city of Iram (89:6-8) whose historical existence was confirmed by archaeologists only in 1990, was a historical reality. - Known that the ancient flood that had beset the southern Arabian people of Saba from their dam system (34:15-17), similarly confirmed by modern archeology, was a historical reality. - Known the name of Haman (28:38), a historical figure close to the Pharoah of the era of Moses, despite the problems that a) the name Haman does not appear in the Torah's version of the story, and b) the ability to translate the hieroglyphic language system of the Egyptians had been utterly lost for centuries at the time of the revelation of the Koran, and indeed would remain lost until the year 1799. After the discovery in that year of the Rosetta Stone, scholars were able to unlock the mystery of the hieroglyphs (writing with symbols) and, eventually, to confirm that there was indeed a Haman, unmentioned in the Hebrew scriptures, who was close to this Pharoah in this period, and who was involved in construction (especially of towers and of temples), just as the Koran says. If we believe that human authorship is the only possible explanation for the origin of the Koran, we must assume either that Muhammad (pbuh), somehow had access to this information, or we must believe that this passage is yet another in a remarkably long series of intriguing coincidences. - Known that honey cures many things - they are discovering now that honey can help cure some forms of breast cancer - honey is mentioned on numerous occasions in the Koran. How many coincidences do we need to get the message? Mathematical miracles in the Koran: A day: The figure 365 does not only represent the number of days in the calendar, but it is also the figure that shows the astronomic relationship between our world and the sun. When our world completes its round around the sun, it has revolved 365 times around its own axis. In other words, when the world has completed its cycle around the sun, this means we have lived 365 days on earth. It is important that the word "one day" has been used 365 times in the Quran, because the world's revolution around the sun takes 365 days. The exact number 365 is not accidental! This word alone is enough to show that there is a conscious order in the Quran. (there are more incidences revolving around the way "a day" is used in the Koran, you can research the issue further if you like. The Moon: The word moon (Qamar), is used exactly 27 times in the Koran together with its derivatives. This number is equal to the number which is the moon's ecliptic cycle around the world. The Koran indicates that both the sun and the moon are based on calculation. (Sura 55) The sun's and the moon's definition in terms of mathematics is interesting and these words in question are mathematically coded in the Koran. The Months: The earth's revolution around the sun makes 365 days while, the moon's 12 revolution around the earth makes12 months. The Koran says that there are 12 months in year. As we all know, a year consists of 12 months. On the other hand, in the Koran, the word "a month" is also mentioned 12 times to indicate that there are 12 months in a year.The following verse mentions this: 009.036 YUSUFALI: The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve (in a year)- so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth The date of the landing on the Moon: In chapter 54, we studied the expressions in the Koran that alluded to man's landing on the moon. One of the most important among the signs is in the first verse of the sura "Qamar". The number of verses to be counted from this verse to the end of the Koran is 1389. The year 1389 in the Muslim calendar corresponds to the year 1969 in the Gregorian calendar. And the year 1969 was the year when man landed on the moon for the first time. (On the other hand, the number 1389 also points out that man will land on the moon 1389 years after this verse or the Koran was revealed by God. Because the Muslim calendar (Hijri calender) had started at a time when the revelation was not completed.) PICKTHAL: The hour drew nigh and the moon was rent in twain. Land-sea ratio: The word sea (bahr) is used 32 times in the Koran. The word bahr is used both for the sea and other waters like lakes and rivers. The word land (barr, yabas) is used 13 times. If we calculate the ratio of 32 to 45 the result is 71.111%. You may look up in any encyclopedia in the world and see that the sea cover 71% of the earth whereas the land covers 29% of it. It is really an interesting miracle that scientific and the Koranic ratios of the lands to the seas are exactly the same. This knowledge which was not available in Muhammad's time is coded in the Koran with concordance of words. People who will outgrow their stubbornness will see that this is an easy to understand and impossible to imitate miracle. Wikipedia: Note: 70.8 % of the world's surface is covered by water, 29.2 % is exposed land The colour white: White is the source of all colors. In the color spectrum, we can witness that from white derive seven other colors. And when those seven colors come together, we have the white color. Thus, white has a special place among the other colors. In the Koran "to be white" is expressed by the word "abyad". The mathematical value of this word is 813. If we add up the numbers of the verses where the color white is mentioned in all its derivatives, we end up with the mathematical value of the word, viz 813. Teh Atomic number of iron: There are many references to the chemical characteristics of iron, in the Koran. Let us see first the verse which mentions the importance and characteristics of iron: [57:25] ....... And we sent down the iron, wherein there is strength, and many benefits for the people. All this in order for GOD to distinguish those who would support Him and His messengers, on faith. GOD is Powerful, Almighty. . The verb "anzal" in the Koran is usually used to describe the action of coming from above the earth. The verb "anzal" refers to the fact that a creation in the world has taken place following an event exterior to the earth. The temperature of the earth was not sufficient, at the beginning, for the formation of iron. Not only the earth, but even a middle sized sun like ours did not have the heat necessary for the formation of iron. That is why iron must have come to our planet from outer space, as well as to the entire solar system. The iron we have in our planet today must have come to our solar system from other suns which had higher temperatures favorable for the formation of iron. To allude to iron, the Koran uses the verb "anzal" to explain its origin is the space. The Koran shows other mathematical miracles by pointing out the iron's atomic number, which is 26, in different ways. 1. In the Koran, there is a mathematical value for every letter. The mathematical value for the word iron (hadid) is 26. Ha =8 Da = 4 Ya = 10 Da = 4 Total = 26 2. The verse which refers to iron is the 25th verse in the sura Hadid. If we count Basmalah as a numbered verse then that number is 26. 3. The name God mentioned in this verse for 26th time is in the 25th verse. The atomic number of an element is the main characteristic of that element and is determined by the number of its protons which are the building blocks of that element. Iron's atomic number is 26 because of its 26 protons. The fact that from the beginning of the sura Iron (Hadid) till the end of the verse of that sura that alludes to iron, the word God is used 26 times. Iron's isotopes: As the iron's atomic number is encoded in the sura that mentions iron, there is also a sign in that sura about the iron's isotopes. 1. The word "el hadid" which means a particular iron has a mathematical value of 57. The article "el" corresponds to "the" in English. When the word hadid is used with the article "el", referring to a specific iron, the mathematical value turns out to be 57. Alif = 1 Lam = 30 Ha = 8 Da = 4 Ya = 10 Da = 4 Total = 57 2. The sura Iron (hadid) is the 57th sura of the Koran. And 57 is one of the isotopes of iron. 3. The sura Iron (hadid) is the 58th sura from the end of the Koran. That is another isotope of iron. 4. This sura has 29 numbered verses. This number becomes 30 when the unnumbered Basmalah is counted. This number is equal to the neutron numbers of two isotopes of iron, from the total of four. The frequency of the word God in this sura gives the neutron number of the other isotope. Sura of the Honey Bees: (apart from the healing power of honey we are also told): The honey bee is mentioned more specifically than other animals. There are many examples of animals in the Koran but none of them is mentioned in particular except the honey-bee and none of them is mentioned in successive verses. The number of this sura is 16 and entitled honey-bees (nahl). The number of this sura and the number of the chromosomes of the male honey-bee are equal. The number of chromosome of the female honey-bee is 2n which is equal to 32 (16X2). So the number of the sura indicates the number of chromosomes. The number of chromosome of an element is like the atomic number of that element, it can not be changed. Everywhere in the world, the number of chromosomes of the male honey-bees is 16 and every female honey-bee has 32 chromosomes. On the other hand, the verse number of this sura is 128, this means; 8 times the number of chromosomes of the male honey-bee (16) and also 4 times the number of chromosomes of the female honey-bee (32). Just like the number of this sura, the verse number is proportional to the number of chromosomes of the honey-bee. The World and the Hereafter: The Koran speaks of two lives: the one in this "world" (Dunya), which is finite, and the other in the "hereafter" (A'akherat) which is infinite. The relation between these words in the Quran is very clear. These two words which are used sometimes together in a verse and sometimes separately, are mentioned 115 times each. There are two examples below: [3:185] ...... The life of this world is no more than an illusion. . [11:103] This should be a lesson for those who fear the retribution of the Hereafter. … The First Blow of the Horn and the Second Blow of the Horn: We learn from the Koran that the horn will be blown twice (The Throngs, 68). The first blow will announce the beginning of the end of the universe, and the second blow will announce the rising of the dead. 5 of the 10 uses of this blow indicate the first blow while the other 5 indicate the second blow. In the sura the Throngs, 68th verse where the two blows are mentioned, the word "sura" is used while describing the first blow but it is not used to describe the second blow, by this way the harmony of the words are kept in order. The verse is: 039.068 YUSUFALI: The Trumpet will (just) be sounded, when all that are in the heavens and on earth will swoon, except such as it will please Allah (to exempt). Then will a second one be sounded, when, behold, they will be standing and looking on! Man and creation: Verse 67 of the sura The Believer and the verse 14 of the sura The Believers refer to the stages of the creation of the man. We can sum up the stages until the time of the birth under 6 head lines: 1- dust, 2- drop (sperm), 3- the hanging (the hanging on the womb wall), 4- a bite size meat, 5- the bones, 6- flesh. (We examined how miraculously the Koran speaks of the creation of man between the chapters 48 and 54) The words that describe the stages are mentioned as follows ; 1- dust (turab) 17 times 2- drop (nutfe) 12 times 3- the hanging (alaq) 6 times 4- a bite size meat/lump (mudgha) 3 times 5- the bones (izame) 15 times 6- flesh (lahm) 12 times. These stages man undergo before his birth are used 65 times in total. And the word "man" is also used 65 times in the Koran. Can all this be the consequence of coincidences? The two verses which reflect to the stages of creation are as follows: 040.067 YUSUFALI: It is He Who has created you from dust then from a sperm-drop, then from a leech-like clot; then does he get you out (into the light) as a child: then lets you (grow and) reach your age of full strength; then lets you become old,- though of you there are some who die before;- and lets you reach a Term appointed; in order that ye may learn wisdom. 023.014 YUSUFALI: Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then we made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then we developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the best to create! I don't think they had ultrasounds at the time of Mohamed (pbuh), do you? How could this process have been known then (unless the author was divine, ie. God is the author of this info!) Adam and Jesus: The 59th verse of the sura The Family of Imran, points to a similarity between Adam and Jesus. There is no other comparison like that between any other two prophets in the Quran. How many times are these prophets' names used in the Koran? In equal number, exactly 25 time each. The verse that points to the similarity between Jesus and Adam is given below: [3:59] The example of Jesus, as far as GOD is concerned, is the same as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, "Be," and he was. If we study the gematrical value of the names, Jesus ('Eysy in Arabic) and Adam (Aadm in Arabic) we will find that the G values of Jesus 70 10 60 10 and of Adam 1 1 4 40. If we add all the digits in 701060101140 = 25. 25 = the frequency of the words Jesus and Adam in the whole Quran. Some people declare Jesus incarnation of God as he was created without a father in total disregard of the omnipotence of God. God gives Adam as an example, since he was created both without father and mother. By doing so, God shows how illogical it is to attribute to Jesus divine qualifications. God, while referring to the similarity between Adam and Jesus, also supports this statement with numerical miracles using both names 25 times each in the Koran. It is the 59th verse of The Family of Imran, that points out the relation between Adam and Jesus. It is the only verse in which these two names are mentioned together. In this verse, both these two words are used 7th time, from the beginning of the Koran. On the other hand, if we count from the end of the Koran, it is in this verse that these words are used 19th time. And very surprisingly, these words' 19th uses are in the sura Mary which is the 19th sura of the Koran. These two names are used only once in the sura Mary and these uses are the 19th repetition of these words in the Koran. The number of the verses between these two words in the sura Mary is also interesting. The word Jesus is used in 34th verse of the sura Mary and the word Adam is used in the 58th verse. If we start to count from the 34th verse, the 58th verse is the 25th verse. And 25 is the frequency these two words are used in the Koran. We want to present another interesting point. In this sura (Mary), which talks about Jesus, Mary, is also mentioned. The number of this verse is 34. Make a guess. How many times the word Mary is used in the Koran? Exactly 34 times. The verse is given below: [19:34] That was Jesus, the son of Mary, and this is the truth of this matter, about which they continue to doubt. It is the 59th verse of The Family of Imran, that points out the relation between Adam and Jesus. It is the only verse in which these two names are mentioned together. In this verse, both these two words are used 7th time, from the beginning of the Koran. On the other hand, if we count from the end of the Koran, it is in this verse that these words are used 19th time. (This is an example how the 19 miracle and the mathematical miracle in lexical concordance are used together) From the beginning of the Koran to 3:59 there are 352 ayats. In 3:59 the names 'Adam' and 'Jesus' are used for the 7th time. 352 + 7 = 359 .... refers to 3:59 Thank you all for bearing with me on this. The message is simple: no human intelligence could have produced this Book in the seventh century. Please know that there are many, many more such 'coincidences' in the Koran. A final thing for me to leave you to think about: John_14:30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. Who is the "prince of the world"? Could it be Mohamed (pbuh)? JustMe, you believe that Jesus is not human, that he is not like us in any way yes? Well, what do you say about this: Acts 3:22 (New International Version) 22For Moses said, 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you must listen to everything he tells you. Also in another edition as: Acts 3:22 (King James Version) King James Version (KJV) 22For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. "LIKE ME" was Jesus LIKE Moses? We ALL agree Jesus (pbuh) was born of a miracle from God - he was not like Moses (pbuh), he was not "of your brethern" - so who is the Bible referring to here? I would say the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh). According to Christians, Jesus (pbuh) is NOT a Prophet. SO here is it glaringly clear you have 2 interpretations of this - either Mohamed (pbuh) is predicted OR Jesus (pbuh) is a Prophet. It seems to me this is a clear prediction in the Bible of the coming of Mohamed (pbuh) because, like Moses, he was born normally. In conclusion I wish you all good health and happiness, Peace upon you all.
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