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For Sohail (Rabna Yusahil Alaikum) three words!!! and the fantasy goes on and on!

Reader comment on item: Piggybacking on Terror
in response to reader comment: Reply to dhimmi

Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Sep 5, 2006 at 07:14

Mahmud of Ghazni


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (185) on this item

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Title Commenter Date Thread
Alliance of Al Qaida and Pakistani Jehadis in Afghanistan - Pakistan Border [1608 words]JoraMay 7, 2007 13:1591967
'Hang the British' cry Teheran students [448 words]ASMar 30, 2007 04:2988250
Unnecessary problem [79 words]Kalle KarlssonSep 24, 2006 15:3857336
Audacity [96 words]danSep 17, 2006 16:3956282
paradise 72 seekers -not suicide bombers [106 words]alexreynoldsOct 3, 2006 04:0556282
Inevitable collision [123 words]dfwhiteOct 3, 2006 16:0156282
Give us a chance [159 words]jo mOct 25, 2006 18:0556282
Vote far a decent party [63 words]JonathanNov 14, 2006 15:0656282
72% of brits are right, but there is a big BUT.. [135 words]ianSep 13, 2006 18:1455857
Sweden shows the way? [76 words]Torsten BraheSep 5, 2006 07:0554955
swedens' appeasement [61 words]michael cSep 8, 2006 09:0154955
Sweden Shows the Way - NOT [66 words]TonyNov 14, 2006 16:4354955
3new 10-religion study concludes Islam most violent [117 words]traehSep 5, 2006 00:5854932
What a load of rubbish [64 words]sdfsgsdfgdfvSep 12, 2006 14:5954932
Islam's silence [78 words]alexSep 22, 2006 06:1554932
we need some wisdom... [307 words]MohamedApr 2, 2008 06:0754932
peaceful killers [119 words]skyboyMay 24, 2009 16:2354932
It just dawned on me [48 words]David B RaschJan 19, 2015 13:4554932
Common morality [301 words]Canadian ChrisSep 4, 2006 12:5654878
Hi Canadian Chris... [329 words]J.S.Sep 7, 2006 14:2654878
Naive [29 words]David DonaldSep 10, 2006 20:0854878
Fight of our generation [105 words]sanjaySep 4, 2006 03:3154848
fight islam [119 words]skyboyMay 24, 2009 16:3854848
Time to Take Action in Britain [116 words]michael cSep 3, 2006 13:4554776
"An Islamic United States in 2036, complete with Jihad Cola as the number one drink!" [67 words]Rakshas 10 AnanSep 2, 2006 03:5554679
Foolish British Govt. [182 words]SwaminathanSep 1, 2006 16:3154620
Where are your facts? [301 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 1, 2006 21:2354620
Foot soldier, Abdul Rahman [42 words]SwaminathanSep 1, 2006 23:3854620
Still waiting for some facts........................ [33 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 2, 2006 18:4754620
To Sword of Islam&babies.. [299 words]SwaminathanSep 2, 2006 22:2154620
1Your government and media won't let you combat Islam [341 words]Georges FernandezSep 3, 2006 00:5954620
God Save The Queen [143 words]Vishnu GuptaSep 3, 2006 03:3154620
Swaminathan [690 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 3, 2006 18:3254620
Georges Fernandez [597 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 3, 2006 19:0954620
Sword of Islam and Children of Beslan [234 words]Children of BeslanSep 3, 2006 19:3354620
Children of Beslan [742 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 4, 2006 23:0654620
Ignorant of history [148 words]Georges FernandezSep 5, 2006 01:4054620
SoI & TBoB: Some facts [1366 words]Georges FernandezSep 5, 2006 08:0254620
Sorry Sword of Islam & Children of Beslan, it's me Swaminathan not 'Children of Beslan' [394 words]SwaminathanSep 5, 2006 18:1154620
Georges Fernandez [394 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 5, 2006 22:1154620
SoI&TBoB [400 words]Georges FernandezSep 6, 2006 21:3454620
Swaminathan [231 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 7, 2006 01:1954620
SOI&BOB [258 words]SwaminathanSep 7, 2006 20:1854620
Swaminathan [381 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 8, 2006 18:0454620
SOI&BOB [786 words]SwaminathanSep 10, 2006 01:1254620
Swaminathan [626 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 10, 2006 18:5654620
SOI & BOB [314 words]SwaminathanSep 11, 2006 17:0354620
To Swaminathan: Indians say Fiat Lux on that! [30 words]Rakshas10AnanSep 18, 2006 03:4254620
We should be assisting all Muslims of good will, not denouncing them & their religious faith [265 words]Pam ProiettiSep 30, 2006 16:5154620
to Babies of Beslan [667 words]ASMar 30, 2007 07:2454620
The Sissyfication of Britain. [302 words]gordon weareMar 12, 2008 20:5654620
The Sissyfication Of Britain. [280 words]gordon weareJan 20, 2009 17:5454620
About the future of Europe... [364 words]J.S.Sep 1, 2006 14:4554617
Nice theory - shame about the facts! [150 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 1, 2006 21:4654617
Speaking of flawed "logic" [282 words]J.S.Sep 5, 2006 14:2654617
J.S. [248 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 5, 2006 22:3154617
One more time... [250 words]J.S.Sep 6, 2006 17:2754617
One More Time? I Doubt That! [571 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 8, 2006 13:3454617
Dangerous Christians [43 words]InfidelSep 10, 2006 00:5654617
Statistics, etc. [677 words]J.S.Sep 11, 2006 16:4854617
JS [873 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanSep 12, 2006 19:1954617
Intolerance of Islam of any other religion [113 words]David GoshenSep 1, 2006 12:0654607
Islam in Britain: the Moors have returned. [154 words]Andrew BalmbraJun 10, 2009 03:1754607
British = Centuries of "Complete Disregard For Indigenous Peoples" [92 words]JamesAug 10, 2010 02:5354607
Piggybacking: Wrong Definition! [65 words]MosheSep 1, 2006 06:4154579
But the roots of radicalisation for Londonistan are in Pakistan! [12 words]GFSep 1, 2006 01:5154548
that conversion game [817 words]Anubhav SinghSep 2, 2006 03:1454548
Muslim Community and Extremism [265 words]Iftikhar AhmadApr 11, 2009 14:2254548
Enact Sharia' Laws Pertaining to Crime for Minority Muslim Populations! [124 words]GFSep 1, 2006 01:0354546
Shocked at state of affairs [532 words]William SellMar 8, 2007 04:1254513
Inescapable Destiny [57 words]Abdul RahmanAug 31, 2006 14:0154491
Abdul, live life dont hate life. [80 words]WillAug 31, 2006 21:0454491
The first Indian high 'profile' Muslim conversion against jihad; way to go! [61 words]Rakshas 10 AnanSep 1, 2006 00:4754491
This is not the real words of a muslim speaking here...adul rahman [49 words]ahmad zafireSep 1, 2006 20:4754491
That's the case with him.... [109 words]ahmad zafireSep 2, 2006 18:0854491
Ahmed, are you sure? [86 words]MosheSep 3, 2006 03:3554491
Even With Conversions To Islam, Christianity Is Still Faster Growing Faith [114 words]AnneMSep 3, 2006 11:1654491
moshe [28 words]ahmad zafireSep 3, 2006 21:4854491
ANNEM [103 words]ahmad zafireSep 3, 2006 22:0754491
Vande Mataram, End of Islamic Jihad! [1079 words]Rakshas 10 AnanSep 5, 2006 01:2654491
Ahmed, this is indeed great news! [36 words]MosheSep 5, 2006 03:4854491
Oh ahmad zafire! [42 words]AnneMSep 5, 2006 18:1454491
Re: There Is A Question That Needs To Be Answered [71 words]AnneMSep 5, 2006 18:2254491
For Ahmad - everyone must read this [275 words]Abdul RahmanSep 6, 2006 00:2454491
Rakshas 10 Anan [68 words]ahmad zafireSep 6, 2006 02:3854491
annm [51 words]ahmad zafireSep 6, 2006 19:2354491
ANN M [111 words]ahmad zafireSep 6, 2006 19:3254491
Abdul Rahman [85 words]ahmad zafireSep 6, 2006 19:4354491
For Ahmad - Muslims are the vicitim of Islam. Please help. [76 words]Abdul RahmanSep 7, 2006 23:3954491
Adul Rahman [169 words]ahmad zafireSep 9, 2006 02:4954491
The old testament is a history so is bound to have cruel statements in it the new testament doesn't [125 words]WillSep 9, 2006 19:3954491
Ahmed Zafire [34 words]Abdul RahmanSep 10, 2006 01:5054491
will [414 words]ahmad zafireSep 11, 2006 02:2954491
OT is a history book - the words of God is what Jesus said not what Jewish historians said. [199 words]WillSep 11, 2006 16:1054491
will [524 words]ahmad zafireSep 13, 2006 10:0954491
which one is NOT a religion [84 words]Dr. DuncanFeb 7, 2008 23:3554491
Jesus is not son of god [154 words]RiazMay 1, 2013 22:4554491
BLACKMAIL! [51 words]MichaelAug 31, 2006 13:0654482
Appeasing the aggressor [96 words]MarySep 1, 2006 03:2654482
Enoch Powell was right! [90 words]Kevin MAug 31, 2006 11:1854470
1What do you Muslims want? Please answer us honestly, and no taqiyya! [646 words]Thomas Justin KazeAug 31, 2006 07:2454455
Answering Thomas Justin Kaze [85 words]Abdul RahmanAug 31, 2006 17:3954455
You are right [7 words]Amitabh tripathiSep 1, 2006 00:5854455
Dismissing Islam is the biggest strategic mistake one can make [1345 words]Reuben HorneSep 6, 2006 20:4154455
Reply to Abdul Rahman [376 words]WillSep 10, 2006 09:1954455
Will, and sarcastic Abdul [55 words]InfidelSep 10, 2006 21:5754455
sarcastic or not i stick to my words to most muslims, not abdul [86 words]WillSep 11, 2006 15:4654455
Allah Hu Akbar [152 words]Abdul RahmanAug 31, 2006 00:1754432
Let the Weak say I am Strong. [33 words]MichaelSep 1, 2006 03:0854432
Amerika hu Akhbar!! [88 words]Charles The HammerSep 2, 2006 14:4054432
Solution [23 words]NimrodAug 30, 2006 22:1654427
Outrageous Letter [778 words]John RAug 30, 2006 17:5554407
I fear it will get a lot worse [13 words]George BruceAug 30, 2006 13:5854397
I fear it will get worse...before we act...starting with reassessing our paradigm of reality at home [309 words]RPaineAug 31, 2006 21:0154397
Piggybacking on Terror in Britain [65 words]Suren SukhtankarAug 30, 2006 13:5554395
islam classified [207 words]terence silberAug 30, 2006 12:1854386
they should go home [121 words]DanAug 30, 2006 10:1854381
Coincidence is not acceptance [238 words]Saul GreenAug 30, 2006 09:3554377
Peace be upon us - but on our terms! [1182 words]Thomas Justin KazeAug 30, 2006 04:0254358
comments on "Piggybacking" article [163 words]John SchwartzAug 30, 2006 03:4654357
Contrast between the US and UK approaches [83 words]VijayAug 30, 2006 03:3854356
It vindicates my point [345 words]Amitabh tripathiAug 30, 2006 01:0554346
Muslims and burglars: an analogy [231 words]Dr RJPAug 30, 2006 00:2754345
providing ammunition to extremists [50 words]alan mitchellAug 29, 2006 23:2154343
Muslims Expect Us To Assimilate To Their Way Of Life? No Way! I Like Bacon. [302 words]RWCowboyAug 29, 2006 22:4154337
A Body Of Many Parts [17 words]Abu NudnikAug 29, 2006 22:2754334
Seeing through the Ploy [137 words]Ed HalperAug 29, 2006 22:1854332
Selective Piggybacking [223 words]JayAug 29, 2006 21:3954329
The sheep-like mentality in Britain [536 words]PSAug 29, 2006 19:2954314
Britain is too soft [115 words]muminsalihAug 29, 2006 19:0954313
Mr Pipes… don't be so tough on us Brits! [208 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
SteveAug 29, 2006 18:3054311
I'll bet on Britain [60 words]Peter J. HerzSep 2, 2006 23:2154311
Britain not "perilously close" to waking up [95 words]Andy B.Aug 29, 2006 18:2554310
Here we go again! [842 words]Sword of Islam and The Babies of BeslanAug 29, 2006 18:1254309
Britain a threat to the U.S. [431 words]David J. JonssonAug 29, 2006 18:0454306
Piggybacking [58 words]PhllipAug 29, 2006 17:4354303
Terrorism in Britain [122 words]David Vieira, Sr.Aug 29, 2006 17:3754302
UK Muslim topcops "piggybacked" on plot to 'hijack the terrorism issue and turn it into a debate on racism" [273 words]Ben van de PolderAug 29, 2006 17:0754294
Bush Bashers Deserve What They'll Get [129 words]lindaAug 29, 2006 16:4654290
The threat of Moderate Islam [184 words]Thomas CohenAug 29, 2006 16:3554285
Rise of Militant Islam with the help of Moderate muslims [83 words]Daniel GoldbergAug 30, 2006 17:0054285
in my opinion [208 words]skydiverAug 29, 2006 16:3354283
What Christian identity ? [162 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Allison HarrisonAug 29, 2006 15:4954276
to Allison on Mellanie Phillips [176 words]Anubhav SinghAug 30, 2006 01:3354276
England does not have a Christian identity [111 words]Joe KeysorAug 30, 2006 04:1754276
A timely prudent response to Allison on Mellanie Phillips [305 words]Faqi HussainAug 31, 2006 02:3954276
to Joe on Christian Identity [140 words]Anubhav SinghSep 1, 2006 02:0154276
How will the British react to increased presure from Muslims? [267 words]Prof. Irving HexhamAug 29, 2006 15:3054274
Actually I'm Mildly Encouraged [462 words]RTAug 29, 2006 20:1654274
Sad, frightening and true [114 words]Art GAug 29, 2006 15:2254273
Religion of Barbarity [165 words]Faqi HussainAug 29, 2006 21:0854273
This too shall pass [52 words]David W. LincolnAug 29, 2006 14:5754272
Londonistan: It's already happened [94 words]Alan N.Aug 29, 2006 14:4454271
Religion? [78 words]Faqi HussainAug 29, 2006 21:1254271
No Moderate Muslims Anywhere ! [66 words]JaladhiAug 29, 2006 14:2254269
Jaladhi [51 words]InfidelAug 29, 2006 22:4254269
reply to Jaladhi [16 words]SohailAug 30, 2006 06:5554269
And the authorities try to placate us with lies [123 words]SheilaAug 30, 2006 17:0654269
For Sohail (Rabna Yusahil Alaikum) and reading history! [65 words]dhimmi no moreAug 30, 2006 18:0054269
Versions of history [134 words]G.VishvasAug 31, 2006 13:5954269
Reply to: dhimmi no more [397 words]SohailAug 31, 2006 20:0754269
Just a Little Biased?! [100 words]BlackspeareSep 1, 2006 13:0754269
For Sohail (Rabna Yusahil Alaikum) and the Arab invasion of the Middle East! [116 words]dhimmi no moreSep 1, 2006 18:1854269
Reply to:dhimmi no more [10 words]SohailSep 2, 2006 19:3154269
For Sohail (Rabna Yusahil Alaikum) and "Islam did not spread by the sword" part deux [142 words]dhimmi no moreSep 3, 2006 07:5654269
Dhimmi no more [159 words]SohailSep 4, 2006 13:4954269
Reply to dhimmi [27 words]SohailSep 4, 2006 13:5254269
For Sohail (Rabna Yusahil Alaikum) three words!!! and the fantasy goes on and on! [3 words]dhimmi no moreSep 5, 2006 07:1454269
For Sohail (Rabna Yusahil Alaikum) and Islam was spread by the sword! part trois! [61 words]dhimmi no moreSep 5, 2006 07:2254269
For Sohail (Rabina Yusahil Alihu) Qur'an 9:5, Meccan pagans and evidence that Islam was spread by the the sword! [191 words]dhimmi no moreSep 8, 2006 07:1954269
Islam should change -- not UK laws [82 words]VinodguptAug 29, 2006 14:1854268
Piggybacking on Terror [368 words]S.ThiagarajanAug 30, 2006 02:4954268
Good point [236 words]SadhasivAug 30, 2006 11:2054268
Missing the Point of Islam: Up Against The Wall, Mother! [164 words]GFSep 20, 2006 03:1954268
Changing British attitudes [46 words]SteveAug 29, 2006 13:0554263
And don't forget Spain... [54 words]J.S.Aug 29, 2006 12:5954261
1Terror tactics of the so called moderate Muslims in our societies, change or else!!!!! [886 words]Faqi HussainAug 29, 2006 12:4954260
from the "New Americans Manifest" [73 words]B29 EGAug 29, 2006 16:0054260
breathtaking [29 words]DanAug 30, 2006 10:4054260
Moderate Muslims in our societies, change or else... [14 words]A.J.Aug 30, 2006 12:2154260
Respect Australian values or leave: Treasurer Peter Costello...PM John Howard agrees [37 words]RPaineAug 31, 2006 10:5454260
Talk is cheap [436 words]Reuben HorneAug 31, 2006 22:1054260
ToB29EG [82 words]Peter J. HerzSep 2, 2006 23:3254260
America wake up [55 words]A. WilliamsAug 18, 2010 21:4554260

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