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A Jewish student was brutally attacked at CUNY, NY. Please see the attached article.

Reader comment on item: The Middle East and Islam Dominate U.S. Public Life

Submitted by H (United States), Feb 23, 2007 at 19:36

Israeli Apartheid Week on U.S. Campuses By Lee Kaplan
FrontPageMagazine.com | February 23, 2007

Movements that support Palestinian terrorism and the Iraqi resistance on American college campuses have become similar to the weather. That is, everyone talks about them, but most feel they cannot do anything about them. Last week a particularly odious "End Israeli Apartheid Week" was given venues on several American campuses, most particularly in

Despite denying this event was even going to be held, the City University of New York, threw the event together in three days in a university facility. The presentation included a film screened by Mohammed Khatib, the International Solidarity Movement-Fatah liaison in the West Bank village of Bi'ilin, and Feryal Abu Haikal, a woman who serves a similar function for Fatah in Tel Rumeida, also in the West Bank.

The two Arab flacks, who are also responsible for organizing riots in the West Bank against Israel's Security Fence and interfere with Israeli soldiers and police, presented a propaganda film that alleges that Israeli soldiers purposefully abuse and bother Palestinian quadriplegics and other disabled people. These events sometimes run films in which Israeli soldiers are accused of using Palestinian children for target practice. Blood libel tales are common fare.

At the conclusion of the film, Binyamin Rister, a Jewish student at CUNY, raised his hand to ask the question, "Do you support terrorism?" The Arab presenters refused to answer. Rister politely repeated the same question only to find himself set upon by five CUNY security cops who dragged him from his seat and removed him from the room. One officer continued holding him by the neck on the outside escalator and repeatedly banged Rister's head against the wall as the escalator descended. Then, before they reached the bottom, the guard threw Rister head first down the remaining steps, injuring him severely enough to be taken to the hospital in a neck brace.

Binyamin Rister, 19, was taken by ambulance to a hospital in a neck brace by paramedics.

This is the second time a Jewish man was beaten up at an ISM event in this country. One year ago, Georgetown University guards severely beat a 67-year-old retired police officer for also asking if the speakers supported terrorism. Georgetown currently has an $8 million personal injury lawsuit on its hands as a result.

There were seven witnesses to the unprovoked attack, and Rister has now filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against CUNY, a taxpayer-funded college. Of note is the fact that a lawsuit filed in advance to prevent CUNY from holding such an event, as it presented a danger to Jewish students, was tossed by the judge because it was filed only a day before the event-- the organizers and university did a good job of denying the event would even take place.

Meanwhile, across town at New York University, another Israel-bashing event was held by the same sponsors and led by ISM-NY leader and activist Patrick Connors, who organizes these events in New York for the ISM. Connors was once arrested and deported by the Israeli authorities while using an alias.

At the NYU event, after another propaganda film was shown, the presenters repeatedly spoke of taking back Palestine "from the river to the sea," which means all of Israel, not just the West Bank and Gaza. The speakers at this event were slick; they didn't mention violence, they just called Israel, "1948 Palestine." This way they subtly intimated their goal is the destruction of Israel. This was, in fact, a war conference masquerading as a human rights event.

The ISM is intent upon convincing American youth that Israel practices apartheid akin to the former South Africa. That way, they hope, they will bring about an end to U.S. support of Israel while the sundry Palestinian terrorists ply their deadly trade on the Israeli population. Judging by the size of the crowd at the NYU meeting, about 150 people, they are gaining supporters.

It was also interesting that at NYU, a college dean named Burton attended the event and stopped anyone trying to film or record the proceedings, despite campus rules at NYU that allow such recordings. Two people who attempted to record the event were surrounded and intimidated by big guys from the organizers' crowd. Also, while NYU rules prohibit collecting money for any group on campus except the campus group sponsoring the collection, cash donations were accepted to go to "unknown recipients." It was made clear the money was destined for the Palestine Authority—Hamas perhaps? The organizers refused to say.

It was no coincidence that "End Israel Apartheid Week" coincided with the recent release of Jimmy Carter's book, Peace, Not Apartheid, which also levels said false accusations against Israel. Several of Carter's associates at his foundation at Emory University have resigned, with one history professor describing the book as "replete with factual errors, copied materials not cited, superficialities, glaring omissions, and simply invented segments." Carter is jumping on the college "anti-apartheid theme" market with his tome, and he was scheduled to speak at UC Santa Cruz in California, a campus that has the biggest Jewish population in the country. In other words, he would be paid from student activity money to bash Israel once again.

Khatib and Haikal are also scheduled to visit St. Mary's College and San Jose State in Northern California this week, in order to disseminate the same false, hateful material. Not to be outdone, Stanford University's Islamic Studies Center, in cooperation with the distinguished University's continuing education program, planned to screen the film "Valley of the Wolves - Iraq" as an "educational event." This film features Jewish U.S. doctors at Abu Ghraib who team up with U.S. soldiers in Iraq to murder innocent Iraqi civilians, then harvest their body organs to sell on the U.S. black market. An advertisement for the film, which was distributed by Stanford, states:

It has also enjoyed great popularity in Europe and the Middle East. It was due for a limited American release in December 2006, but was quietly dropped at the last minute after a letter from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Br'ith to the film's U.S. distributors objected to ‘the incendiary anti-Jewish and anti-American themes and characters in the film.' As a service to the Stanford academic community at large, we offer you the chance to see this important film for yourself. Non-stop screen action, intellectual stimulation, and real political controversy in one program! This is an event not to be missed. [emphasis added].

This film was co-sponsored by Stanford's Abbasi Islamic Studies Program and Continuing Education, thus no one objected to screening this blood libel propaganda film that also denigrates U.S. soldiers. The Abbasi program website states, "Islam is poorly and inadequately understood in our country." However, this film is not an example of Arab propaganda: It is designed to convince viewers of the evils of Americans and Jews. On Sunday, February 18th, Stanford was to host a panel of alleged Israeli army deserters who also call for the dismantling of the Jewish state called Breaking the Silence. The exact same organization toured US campuses just a few weeks ago calling itself Combatants for Peace. One can only guess their next name in the coming weeks as it tries to make people think it is another group.

The worldwide jihad doesn't consist just of armed terrorists. It also contains financial backers and propagandists. Sadly, academia is also playing a significant part in spreading the hate of Jihad. The situation is only getting worse.

If you've ever wondered why peace is unattainable in the Middle East, just look at American colleges to see why the jihadists feel no need to quit and end the war. Why should they, if American colleges afford them the ability to turn American opinion their way?

New York -- yet the mainstream media nary said a word.

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Reader comments (22) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Islams' "FINAL SOLUTION" to US [500 words]Mike DeMontoyaMay 7, 2007 13:1491966
A conspiracy theory [140 words]Robert H. YaugerMar 13, 2007 12:1786147
A Jewish student was brutally attacked at CUNY, NY. Please see the attached article. [1310 words]HFeb 23, 2007 19:3678566
The Scripture and the Heart [218 words]Stefan UllrichFeb 22, 2007 17:5578399
Not Islam but Political Islam? [44 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Hassan RadwanFeb 22, 2007 08:5278337
Reply to the response by Daniel Pipes to me [179 words]Hassa RadwanFeb 27, 2007 05:1378337
awful [32 words]meJun 23, 2008 03:0478337
the choice is simple [185 words]syed bayezidOct 7, 2008 00:2378337
Hamas is sabotaging Sunnis [363 words]AbudllahJan 30, 2007 10:3675152
Pushing Back [30 words]Clifford IshiiJan 12, 2007 19:2672586
islam does not dominate public life in the US [54 words]jon purizhanskyJan 11, 2007 23:0472472
Of course [76 words]Douglas V. GibbsJan 6, 2007 23:1571922
The MidEast is not the MidWest [391 words]Abu NuwasJan 3, 2007 12:4371534
I find the same thing [98 words]EileenJan 6, 2007 16:1571534
The Naming of The War [164 words]Abu NudnikJan 2, 2007 10:3471420
think small-what constitutes a crisis [346 words]jJan 2, 2007 08:4771415
Up shi'ite creek in a sunni canoe [45 words]joe KaffirJan 2, 2007 02:2471404
Failing to Rise to the Challenge [853 words]Ron ThompsonJan 1, 2007 21:0671389
Jews in the News [174 words]Mitzi AlvinJan 1, 2007 19:2871374
Even more of the same for 2007 and beyond! [290 words]DaveDec 31, 2006 13:5071239
ME and Islam dominate... [83 words]steven LJan 1, 2007 21:0571239

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