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"Is Islam peaceful and peaceloving. What do Islams most authoritative documents say?"

Reader comment on item: Hating Valentine's Day
in response to reader comment: Re: "Some examples why Islam is not a perfect way of life"

Submitted by Lactantius Jr. (United Kingdom), Mar 5, 2007 at 18:19

To Omar

"Dropping bombs" rhetorical or otherwise, is not my style Omar, choosing instead to critique Islam from its own (to Muslims), most authoritative sources, the Qur'an, the Sahi Hadith of Bukhari and Muslim, the Sirat and the Tarikh literature, and if my critique causes ‘explosions,' please don't blame me Omar, I didn't write it.

You have clearly put considerable time into your response, no wonder your "Internet's about to burn out," and it would take me a considerable amount of time which I cannot spare, to critique and undercut your "analyses," so whilst believing all the issues to be important and worthy of considered responses, I have to concentrate on what I perceive to be the issues most important and germane to whether, as Abdul Muuiz claimed, "Islam is a perfect way of life,"http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/35295

To which I replied with "Some examples why Islam is not a perfect way of life" at:- http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/77839 and to which you responded with your posting at:- http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/79398 concluding by saying, "By the way, we are talking about Valentine's Day? Not religion?" and truth to tell Omar, I'm not interested in discussing the silliness of Valentine's Day, being much more interested in challenging Abdul Muuiz' (and any other Muslim) assertion, that "Islam is a perfect way of life," believing as I do, that Islam is unable to peacefully co-exist with Western Democracies, evidenced by Islamic violence, wherever Muslims exist in sufficient numbers in the West, for Deobandi Islam and its associated violence, to dominate over the "softly, softly, catchee monkey," Barelwi non-violent approach.

Islam's most authoritative documents show that violence was foundational to Islam, being authorized by the Qur'an, and practiced by Muhammad, who was in fact the archetypal Islamic terrorist, held up by the Qur'an to be the exemplar, the model to be followed.

"Ye have indeed in the Apostle of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah."

Surah 33:21 (Abdullah Yusuf Ali)

"And verily, you (O Muhammad SAW) are on an exalted standard of character."

Surah 68:4 (Hilali-Khan)

the Qur'an claiming that Muhammad is a mercy for all creatures:-

"We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures."

Surah 21:107

With Muhammad speaking the following words during his last sermon, on 7th.March 632AD in Mecca:-

"I am leaving you with the Book of Allah (the QUR'AN), and my SUNNAH (the life style and the behavioural mode of the Prophet), if you follow them you will never go astray."

And what was "the lifestyle and behavioural mode" of Muhammad? what did he say and do?

"I have been made victorious with terror" (Sahi Bukhari V4B52N220)

"I shall terrorise the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them, because they oppose Allah and his apostle." (Qur'an 8:12)

"Killing unbelievers is a small matter to us" ( al-Tabari IX:69)

"Paradise lies under the shade of swords" (Sahi Bukhari V4B5N73)

"The believers fight in Allah's cause, they slay and are slain, kill and are killed" (Qur'an 9:111)

"Muhammad said, ‘You are commanded to carry out jihad against the unbelieving infidels until they submit to Islam' " (Qur'an 47:4)

"But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." (Qur'an 9:5)

This sure don't sound peaceful and peaceloving to me Omar, and present-day Islamic terrorism shows that violence remains deeply embedded in Islam

If that's the prescription for "infidels," how did Muhammad and his companions treat their women? What does the Qur'an say about wife-beating?

The Qur'an on beating wives

Translations of Sura 4:34

These three Muslim translations of Surah 4:34 should be read carefully.

Egyptian-born M.A.S. Abdel Haleem, educated at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, and Cambridge University and now professor of Islamic Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, translates for Oxford University Press (2004), as follows:

"Husbands should take full care of their wives, with [the bounties] Allah has given to some more than others and with what they spend out of their own money. Righteous wives are devout and guard what Allah would have them guard in the husbands' absence. If you fear high-handedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of Allah], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them Allah is most high and great."

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, a scholar working out of Lahore, Punjab, East Pakistan, began his translation in 1934 and revised it a third time by 1938. He notes in parenthesis, not original to the Arabic, the sequence of steps and the implied soft meaning of "beat them (lightly)":

" ... As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly) ..."

Ahmed Ali was an author of fiction, and he translates the relevant line for Princeton University Press (1984, rev. 1986), adding parenthetic glosses not originally found in Arabic:

"As for women you feel are averse, talk to them suasively; then leave them alone in bed (without molesting them) and go to bed with them (when they are willing)."

This translation flatly contradicts the two others cited here and many others: "beat" (Fakhry); "scourge" (Pickthall); "beat" (Dawood); "beat (lightly)" (Hilali and Khan); "chastise" (Maulana); "chastise" (Khan); "beat" (Maududi); "beat" (Salahi and Shamis, Muslim translators of Sayyid Qutb); "beat" (Committee of Muslim translators of Ibn Kathir); "beat" (Shakir); "chastise" (Khalifa); "beat" (Sher Ali); and "beat" (Asad, whom Hathout quotes in her article).* "beat" (Arberry) "beat" (Palmer) "scourge" (Rodwell) "chastise" (Sale)

Muhammad and Aisha bint Abu Bakr

The following report is narrated by Aisha, Muhammad's favourite young wife, whom he married when he was in his fifties and she was around nine or ten years old (they were betrothed when she was six, and the marriage was sexually consummated when she was a 9 years old child.

Sahi hadith narrated by Aisha about wife beating

"Rifa'a divorced his wife whereupon 'AbdurRahman bin Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi married her. 'Aisha said that the lady (came), wearing a green veil (and complained to her (Aisha) of her husband and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah's Apostle came, 'Aisha said, "I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!"

Bukhari Volume 7, Book 72, Number 715:

The following report is narrated by Aisha, Muhammad's favourite young wife, it showing Muhammad sneaking out of the house to visit a graveyard and pray over the dead. Aisha followed him. She returned just before he did, but he noticed she was out of breath and asked her why. She told him, and apparently fearing for his life as he saw her in the shadows, he punished her. Says Aisha: "He struck me on the chest which caused me pain" (Muslim, vol. 2, no. 2127).

So Omar, Aisha had not seen any women suffering physical violence as much as the believing women, and being Muhammad's favourite wife, did not stop Muhammad committing domestic violence on his young wife, with him striking her on the chest, "causing me pain."

Islam and slavery

The Quran allows slavery, and Muhammad himself traded in slaves.

Surah 47:4 saying:-

So, when you meet (in fight—Jihad in Allah's cause) those who disbelieve, smite (their)necks till when you have killed or wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives). Thereafter (is the time) either for generosity (i.e. free them without ransom), or ransom (according to what benefits Islam), until war lays down its burden . . . . (Hilali and Khan, The Noble Qur'an, Riyadh: Darussalam, 2002; all insertions are theirs)

These two conservative translators accurately catch the essence and spirit of early historical Islam in battle and in taking prisoners of war. The Muslim victor has two options for prisoners: free release or ransom—according to what benefits Islam, add Hilali and Khan. The third option in other passages is for the raider to keep prisoners for himself, especially women with whom he may have sex .

Surah 4:24 saying:-

And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your hands (as prisoners of war) . . .

The following Sahi hadith shows a sad snapshot of abuse in original Islam. The passage matter-of-factly talks about disrobing a recently captured female prisoner of a Muslim raid. Salamah the Muslim raider was "fascinated" by her. But Muhammad wants her for himself. Why?

So we [Salamah and his captured girl] arrived in Medina. I had not yet disrobed her when the Messenger of Allah . . . met me in the street and said: Give me that girl, O Salamah. I said: Messenger of Allah, she has fascinated me. I had not yet disrobed her. When on the next day, the Messenger of Allah . . . again met me in the street, he said: O Salama, give me that girl, may God bless your father. I said: she is for you, Messenger of Allah . . . By Allah, I have not yet disrobed her. The Messenger of Allah . . . sent her to the people of Mecca, and surrendered her as ransom for a number of Muslims who had been kept as prisoners in Mecca. (Muslim no. 4345)

Though Muhammad freed some slaves, he did not in this case. He did not give her family the option of ransoming her. He did not give her back freely, as an example for the world to stop the slave trade. "I hereby give the girl back as an example that all Arabs must stop this trade! I do this especially as an example to the new community of Muslims I'm founding!" Instead, he is depicted here as ravenously wanting the hapless girl. "Give me that girl!" And he trades her for some Muslims who had been kept as prisoners in Mecca, which was not involved in the raid, or in her life. So trade or exchange is a fourth option for a slave-owner, even if this means selling a slave far away from her family.

Muhammad was a slave trader. How does this establish exemplary justice for humanity?

Early Islam—the one that Muhammad founded—trafficked in slavery and allowed sex with women prisoners of war, in their most helpless condition, and slavery continues, being "a part of Islam" according to Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, a leading Saudi government cleric,and author of that country's religious curriculum, who believes, and forcibly says so, that Islam advocates slavery.

Al-Fawzan is a member of the Council of Religious Edicts and Research, the Imam of Prince Mitaeb Mosque in Riyadh, and a professor at Imam Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia's main center of learning for the strict Wahhabi interpretation of Islam.

"Slavery is a part of Islam," says Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan, according to the independent Saudi Information Agency, or SIA. In a lecture recorded on tape by SIA, Al-Fawzan said, "Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long as there is Islam."

Al Fawzan – a member of the Council of Senior Clerics, Saudi Arabia's highest religious body – says Muslims who contend Islam is against slavery "are ignorant, not scholars." "They are merely writers," he said, according to SIA. "Whoever says such things is an infidel." Al-Fawzan's best-known textbook, "Al-Tawheed – Monotheism," says most Muslims are polytheists, and their blood and money are therefore free for the taking by "true Muslims."

Saudi sheik: 'Slavery is a part of Islam'
Leading government cleric, author of country's religious curriculum


Posted: November 10, 2003
5:00 p.m. Eastern

© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com


So Omar, where does this put you, if Al-Fawzan is correct in his judgement that those denying slavery is a part of Islam are "infidels?" what's the Islamic prescription for "infidels?"

To draw to a close on a personal basis, because I have known many Muslims over the last 15-20 years, the saddest thing for them, and the most frightening thing for non-Muslims, is that no Muslim can have any assurance of being admitted to Al-Janna ("the Muslim Paradise"), unless they die as shahids ("martyrs"sic), that is, unless they kill and are killed "in Allah's service," which explains why homicide bombing is so attractive to young Muslim men, looking forward to an eternity copulating with their ever-virgin houris, "with swelling breasts" Surah 78:33 (Arberry) "with swelling breasts" Surah 78:33 (Rodwell) "full-breasted" Surah 78:33 (Al-Hilali and Khan), surrounded with ‘rivers of wine' and other carnal ‘delights.'

Surah's 61:10-12, 4:74, and 9:111 guarantee al-janna to Islamic shahids in an economic bargain. Indeed, these three references explicitly use words that connote buying and selling and signing a contract of sale, and the currency behind the deals is death by "martyrdom."

For multiple translations of the above Surah, and for the "virgin verses" and other sensuous descriptions of Al-Janna, go to http://www.quranbrowser.com/ and type in the references: 44:51-56; 52:17-29; 55:46-78.

I close by quoting just two examples demonstrating that the Muslims concerned, understood very well, the deal on the table from Allah, should they kill and be killed in his service. The first would-be shahid I mention is Sajid Badaat, the wanabe passenger airliner bomber from Gloucester, England, until he mercifully got cold feet and chickened-out. Badaat went to jihadi training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan, from where he he wrote to his family, "I have a sincere desire to sell my soul to Allah in return for paradise," showing he clearly understood the promises of Allah described in Surah's 61:10-12, 4:74, and 9:111. In another e-mail, in May 2001, he added: "If the enemy comes, then either we gain victory or we gain martyrdom." (sic)


Last Updated: Friday, 22 April, 2005, 21:13 GMT 22:13 UK

Badat "a religious teacher," was jailed for 13 years http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4474307.stm

The other would-be shahid I mention, is Mohammed Taheri-azar, who drove an SUV into a group of people at the University of North Carolina, and who wrote to a local TV station saying Allah approves of such attacks. Taheri-azar wrote:- "Allah gives permission in the Qur'an for the followers of Allah to attack those who have waged war against them, with the expectation of eternal paradise in case of martyrdom…………………" also writing, "I did not act out of hatred for Americans, but out of love for Allah instead."

Again, Taheri-azar like Saajid Badat, shows his expectation of admission to Al-Janna, with its carnal "rewards" for jihadis.


Posted: March 15, 2006
5:00 p.m. Eastern

© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com


So what's it to be for you Omar, you have a choice to make. No assurance of admission to Al-Janna unless you kill and are killed in Allah's service, or commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is indeed the Prince of Peace, Who will deal with your past, work in your present and guarantee your future, no ifs, no buts, no maybes, no, if I do enough good works. Are you going to remain a Muslim, unsure of your eternal destiny, following the example and teaching of Muhammad who brought death destruction and enslavement, or are you going to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, Who brought life, liberation and the promise of life in all its fullness now, leading to eternal life after this earthly life is over, as one day it will be.

Hear the Word of the living God:-

"The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord"

Romans 6:23

You're not worth it, you don't deserve it and you can't earn it, do you want it Omar? a free gift from the God of Grace, and somebody has said that mercy is not being given what you deserve, whilst Grace is being given what you don't deserve, no wonder that John Newton wrote, "Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see."

With all good wishes

Lactantius Jr.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (164) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
something valentine, somthing musilm [73 words]some muslim guyFeb 14, 2011 12:46182663
of course islamists hate Valentine's Day, it is about love ! [197 words]Phil GreendJun 7, 2009 23:16156988
Valentine is not about love but an excessive lust [240 words]WildanFeb 12, 2010 04:42156988
pity [97 words]ShaimaFeb 14, 2010 08:19156988
responding to of course islamist hate valentines day it is about love/ by phil greend [175 words]mister omalleyAug 12, 2012 17:34156988
Valentine is nothing but consumerism and cheap sex [79 words]Right!Jan 19, 2009 22:36148476
2we must come out from mental slavery of west [68 words]syed mohammad aliFeb 19, 2008 07:46120517
2Culture Killer [137 words]A Fed-Up MalayAug 28, 2009 16:00120517
1Valentines Day [97 words]T.J.Jun 27, 2007 01:42101675
NOT HATING BUT WHY 1 PATICULAR DAY... [440 words]merziyahFeb 19, 2007 10:5977917
Well-said. (End) [8 words]Omar KajFeb 25, 2007 16:2077917
SO RIGHT!!!! [16 words]SaraOct 27, 2007 12:4777917
Would you fast on ramadhan? [129 words]Amy/Amina MyerFeb 12, 2008 14:0377917
I don't get it [88 words]AnonymousOct 28, 2008 18:0777917
Totally Agree [60 words]Oduniyi YunusFeb 14, 2009 03:0777917
Valentine beheaded [49 words]JJJosephFeb 14, 2007 20:5877250
What's the problem? [200 words]Neill WylieFeb 14, 2007 14:1877191
who are you describing [25 words]TerryFeb 24, 2007 18:3077191
Re: who are you describing [12 words]OmarFeb 28, 2007 08:3777191
observations [63 words]pattyomalleyAug 17, 2012 09:4577191
Commercial Day [132 words]AhmadFeb 14, 2007 01:5277127
Educate yourself [135 words]SarahFeb 12, 2007 21:3376966
Valentine's Day = Roman origin [96 words]Omar KajFeb 14, 2007 12:0076966
Valentine's day [98 words]JoJoFeb 15, 2007 15:3276966
Re: Valentine's day [82 words]Omar KajFeb 20, 2007 12:4376966
how pathetic.... [126 words]donvanNov 29, 2007 16:3076966
Nothing surprises me anymore. [31 words]KathyFeb 10, 2007 08:0676698
Moral Policing [330 words]XXXFeb 16, 2006 04:0435900
Valentine's Day Unneeded by Moslem [92 words]HusniFeb 12, 2006 21:2735304
valentines day [140 words]sushmaFeb 14, 2006 01:1635304
Moslems MUST and ALWAYS love other Moslems........... [100 words]TimothyFeb 19, 2007 22:0135304
tolerating traditions [36 words]MrxFeb 22, 2007 03:4535304
WHAT !? [187 words]TimothyFeb 22, 2007 21:5135304
normal response [168 words]TerryFeb 24, 2007 18:2335304
What can I say [6 words]TerryFeb 24, 2007 18:3335304
Think [342 words]Rehman Baig MirzaApr 1, 2007 09:4035304
Not Agree with this tradition! [7 words]Gul NabiFeb 12, 2008 21:5235304
Valentine's day an unislamic tradition [163 words]Seeme NazirFeb 14, 2008 08:3835304
Valentine's Day boycot is muslim country reason. [115 words]faiz khanFeb 1, 2006 01:3633365
Re: Valentine's Day boycott is muslim country reason. [38 words]Omar KajMar 1, 2007 13:2033365
valentine day-islam- muslim festivals [336 words]fiazfaziliFeb 14, 2008 05:3633365
No problem! [183 words]NeenaDec 30, 2005 14:3330800
Valentine's day in Mumbai, India [359 words]K. AgarwalMar 28, 2005 17:2021192
What will they ban next? Christmas? [18 words]SeemaFeb 10, 2009 12:5521192
Hating Valentine's Day [75 words]PatFeb 11, 2005 14:4820274
valentine - and so what [112 words]meenaFeb 16, 2006 09:4720274
Valentine's Day [43 words]JonathanMar 8, 2004 21:4014121
Valentine is totally against the islamic teachings [226 words]SalimMar 6, 2007 06:0314121
Muslims [116 words]Proud to be an infidel!Jul 27, 2007 04:2914121
reply [44 words]salimJul 28, 2007 06:5814121
Not so simple [319 words]Arun GuptaMar 1, 2004 21:3714034
4Malaysian Muslim Hypocrites [174 words]Tom PetersFeb 28, 2004 04:4014015
Behaviour of people [158 words]LeoMay 16, 2006 21:1414015
individuality [123 words]dfwhite19438Feb 12, 2007 15:4914015
beyond belief [116 words]TerryFeb 24, 2007 18:4614015
accusation [87 words]mirandaNov 26, 2007 09:4614015
Get the fact right [104 words]ConsuellaMar 30, 2009 09:3114015
Valentine's Day [231 words]MLJulia SalletteFeb 22, 2004 16:1413966
Islam is TRUTH: [89 words]YusufFeb 20, 2004 04:1413943
Holiday Based On A Certain Christian Saint [108 words]AnneMFeb 18, 2007 17:3913943
What is the point? [111 words]DagmarFeb 19, 2004 16:3413939
In the dark [33 words]TedFeb 19, 2004 16:2913938
Valentine's Day [135 words]Harden ErvinFeb 18, 2004 08:2413920
"200 arrested in Mina for celebrating Valentine's Day" [43 words]Adam GreavesFeb 17, 2004 23:5313917
Be more Mature [185 words]DibFeb 14, 2006 01:4313917
Governments and their people [19 words]Muhammad SiddiquiFeb 17, 2004 23:3913916
no need for valentine's Day [28 words]mounirFeb 19, 2006 11:3813916
Opposition to Valentine's Day is not hate [164 words]Project2012Feb 17, 2004 19:1713913
So what? [91 words]Peter J. HerzFeb 17, 2004 18:3413912
Commenter Peter J. Hertz has missed the point [176 words]Adam GreavesFeb 17, 2004 23:3413912
Sorry [169 words]TerryFeb 24, 2007 19:3913912
Traditional Jews have problems with Valentine's day too [93 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
MoFeb 17, 2004 17:0113911
Re: Daniel Pipes replies: [56 words]OmarFeb 28, 2007 09:0613911
Off the point [149 words]TerryMar 1, 2007 15:5213911
Down With Love [173 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
J. Keen HollandFeb 17, 2004 16:3213909
Boycott of Valentine's Day in Muslim countries [92 words]A.AFeb 17, 2004 13:5713905
VD [215 words]KalsoomFeb 13, 2006 11:4013905
Valentine's day [15 words]hadiFeb 8, 2009 20:1813905
Valentine's Day - the 'Indian Reaction' [398 words]O.K. SudeshFeb 17, 2004 13:4513904
Happy Valentine day 2007 [766 words]Mike GhosueFeb 14, 2007 11:3613904
Another Point to Be Made [187 words]Debbie WallsFeb 17, 2004 13:2513903
Valentines day and islam [73 words]Dan KatcherFeb 17, 2004 12:5513901
1ISLAM IS A PERFECT WAY OF LIFE [82 words]abdul muiizFeb 12, 2006 19:4113901
dk [21 words]samiaFeb 13, 2006 11:5513901
valentines day in islam? [271 words]masoodFeb 9, 2007 12:3613901
3"Some examples why Islam is not a perfect way of life" [355 words]Lactantius Jr.Feb 18, 2007 19:5513901
Not holding my breath [299 words]TerryFeb 24, 2007 19:1313901
Re: "Some examples why Islam is not a perfect way of life" [3166 words]Omar KajFeb 28, 2007 17:0613901
"Is Islam peaceful and peaceloving. What do Islams most authoritative documents say?" [2748 words]Lactantius Jr.Mar 5, 2007 18:1913901
Re: "Is Islam peaceful and peaceloving. What do Islams most authoritative documents say?" [92 words]OmarMar 7, 2007 08:1113901
part 2 [933 words]OmarMar 8, 2007 02:4313901
Where will we find peace? [2281 words]Lactantius JrMar 9, 2007 19:2113901
THINK A LITTLE!!! [193 words]SaraOct 27, 2007 12:4013901
"Give us some examples of just how peaceful Muhammad was" [43 words]Lactantius Jr.Nov 6, 2007 11:4013901
Lactantius Jr. [202 words]abdul muiizNov 27, 2007 14:4113901
Here we go again, the usual moslem resort [20 words]KlewNov 27, 2007 20:2813901
Please explain [65 words]Lactantius Jr.Nov 28, 2007 04:0213901
ramble on.... [162 words]donvanNov 28, 2007 17:0213901
in your words [57 words]abdul muiizNov 30, 2007 02:5613901
Please give us some examples of just how peaceful and peaceloving Muhammad was [66 words]Lactantius JrDec 19, 2007 05:3813901
understanding! [58 words]abdul muiizDec 19, 2007 23:3313901
still waiting [14 words]abdul muiizDec 19, 2007 23:4013901
2"Do Islam's most authoritative documents say Muhammad was a terrorist?" [2990 words]Lactantius JrJan 14, 2008 16:0513901
Lactantius Jr "Do Islam's most authoritative documents say Muhammad was a terrorist?" [1903 words]abdul muiizJan 17, 2008 19:2213901
Does "Islam" mean peace? was Islam spread by the sword? was Muhammad a terrorist? [170 words]Lactantius Jr.Feb 4, 2008 15:1413901
sad [186 words]nadiaMar 3, 2008 06:1313901
"Glad not sad" [3975 words]Lactantius Jr.Mar 9, 2008 16:1913901
Lactantius Jr. ..............even nadia (15yrs old) knows! [23 words]abdul muiizApr 23, 2008 17:0113901
Lactantius Jr.....bully? [184 words]abdul muiizApr 23, 2008 17:1913901
Our dear Abdul Muiiz rabina yu3alimuhu al-lugha al-3arabiya [188 words]dhimmi no moreApr 24, 2008 07:0713901
"Lactantius Jr.................bully?" a response [252 words]Lactantius Jr.Apr 24, 2008 17:2613901
now we can have a productive debate, Lactantius Jr [90 words]abdul muiizApr 24, 2008 19:4613901
response [342 words]NadiaApr 25, 2008 01:0113901
Our dear abd al-mu3iz and his big time falsafa [217 words]dhimmi no moreApr 25, 2008 06:5113901
"Response with corrections" [600 words]Lactantius JrApr 27, 2008 15:4413901
"Let amicable discussion continue" [153 words]Lactantius Jr.Apr 27, 2008 15:4913901
like i said [32 words]NadiaMay 1, 2008 04:2913901
Dhimmi no more, you want my time, OK, hope you can handle it, " Our dear Abdul Muiiz rabina yu3alimuhu al-lugha al-3arabiy'" [530 words]abdul muiizMay 2, 2008 17:0213901
Our dear 3Abd al-mu3iz [69 words]dhimmi no moreMay 3, 2008 08:5313901
"knowing religion and knowing Jesus Christ" [186 words]Lactantius Jr.May 3, 2008 17:1313901
lantatius jr , lantatius jr [30 words]abdul muiizMay 3, 2008 17:5913901
" Our dear Abdul Muiiz rabina yu3alimuhu al-lugha al-3arabiy'" response 2 [124 words]abdul muiizMay 3, 2008 20:2113901
Our dear 3Abd al-mu3iz you still did not answer my question [31 words]dhimmi no moreMay 3, 2008 21:2813901
Does "Islam mean peace?" [445 words]Lactantius JrMay 6, 2008 17:3513901
2"Was Islam Spread By The Sword?" [4489 words]Lactantius JrMay 6, 2008 17:4613901
3"Let There Be No Compulsion In Religion" [1732 words]Lactantius Jr.May 6, 2008 17:5913901
2"Islam is the fastest growing religion in America and Europe" a response [564 words]Lactanius Jr.May 6, 2008 18:0713901
dissolving your assertions [44 words]abdul muiizMay 7, 2008 16:1313901
Does "Islam mean peace?"....abdul muiizs' response to Lanctantius Jr [141 words]abdul muiizMay 8, 2008 12:0913901
the fastest growing religion in world [49 words]muhamedJan 21, 2010 11:1713901
Awesome!! [20 words]AgentblackdiamondFeb 16, 2010 05:0013901
1"Even more Awesome" [484 words]Lactantius JrFeb 17, 2010 18:0813901
Why does Islam provide a "complete way of life," and Christianity doesn't? [34 words]Lactantius JrFeb 20, 2010 12:0313901
Come to Istanbul and see [109 words]CorakApr 1, 2010 19:2013901
late reply [41 words]AgentblackdiamondFeb 18, 2011 05:0313901
islam [17 words]adnanDec 28, 2012 04:1613901
Islam & Valentine's Day [66 words]Mark AlexanderFeb 17, 2004 10:3213898
Restricting valentine day is not paranoia [247 words]saima sadiaJan 28, 2006 12:5313898
Americans' need to feel loved by everyone on earth [53 words]paul gilbertFeb 13, 2006 05:1713898
Open Mind [16 words]Abdul RahmanFeb 15, 2006 05:0913898
Valentine-phobia [237 words]JoshFeb 15, 2007 16:1013898
Valentine Day Nonsense!!!! [88 words]Proud IndianFeb 16, 2007 01:2013898
hello [25 words]SalimMar 7, 2007 05:2313898
Valentines Day [15 words]T.J.Jun 27, 2007 02:3713898
Anti-Valentine's Day [16 words]Qareena KarimFeb 8, 2008 10:2513898
why should valentine? [40 words]denisFeb 10, 2009 21:5713898
valentines day [57 words]kianiFeb 14, 2009 04:5413898
don't celebrate valentine day [11 words]shahid akhtar khanFeb 13, 2010 17:4413898
1Valentine's Day - You Missed on This One [89 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Brian KheelFeb 17, 2004 10:2013897
Insight [13 words]WPLVFeb 17, 2004 09:1913895
The need for perspective [63 words]S. FeldmanFeb 17, 2004 09:0613894
RE: The need for perspective [265 words]R.L.Feb 18, 2004 14:3013894
WHAT ARE U AFRAID OF [115 words]KathyFeb 10, 2007 08:2513894
Re: WHAT ARE U AFRAID OF [82 words]Omar KajFeb 18, 2007 02:4713894
Repetition [80 words]TerryFeb 24, 2007 19:2113894
Terry, have a reality check [190 words]Omar KajFeb 25, 2007 15:3913894
P.S. ... [46 words]Omar KajFeb 26, 2007 01:5213894
reality check [72 words]TerryFeb 26, 2007 16:4513894
Re: reality check [307 words]Omar KajFeb 27, 2007 03:4813894
By the way... [42 words]Omar LakMar 1, 2007 13:4913894
what drivel [127 words]TerryMar 1, 2007 15:3913894
End of story [72 words]TerryMar 1, 2007 18:1113894
Re: what drivel [259 words]OmarMar 2, 2007 08:2613894
"none of which would convince or even interest you? [104 words]OmarMar 2, 2007 09:5013894

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