Eurabia against RussiaReader comment on item: A Million Moderate Muslims on the March Submitted by Ianus (Poland), May 30, 2007 at 14:47 Hi , Guy ! Te salvere iubeo , mi Agricola ! > Very very good riposte! And yes you were quite right, I was trying to play Devil's advocate to stir debate! Very well done indeed! I suspected that but was not quite sure. Thanks for dispersing my apprehensions . And no undeserved praises , please . > But please allow me to see things from my 'British perspective' as geography does play an important part in our outlooks. Sure , it does. Many an enlightenment philosopher thought it was a decisive influence upon Man's fate. > Yes, I do agree that Russia is a far better ally than my 'dear Turkey' but recent activities in England by Putin's people hardly endear us Britons to them! Now are you suggesting that while the FSB (Russian Federal Service of Security) is carrying out the dirty operations on British soil , the Western secret services behave like good boys in Russia ? We are adult enough to know that both sides are involved in dirty activities . Wait a little longer for some Western-sponsored intrigues disclosed in Russia or recall some umpleasant incidents from the past – e.g. providing a safe haven in London for notorious Chechen terrorists (A.Zakaev , A. maskhadov) under the cloak of "human rights" . But such things are not well advertised or quickly forgotten in the West. > And yes I fully concur that defence of one's civilisational-cultural demesne, is by far and away the best policy but who is going to trust the bunch of cynics and opportunists that currently run thing in the world!? They really are a bunch of 'gentlemen without fathers'. Yet , perhaps they have some spiritual fathers deep in the past ages of this civilization ? Do your remember the remarkable career of John Kantantzinos , the upstart Byzantine emperor , who was the first to propose and implement the idea of inviting" the Turks to Europe . He needed allies in his struggle for the throne. To do that , he didn't hesitate to send his own daughter Theodora to Orkhan's harem and so with his new father-in-law he conquered what he so hankered for . The problem arose later though . The Turks came willingly to Europe "to help" , but never went even though it could really have helped Europe a lot. By the way , Blair might consider sending his only daughter to the harem of a powerful Turkish secularist" . Such an alliance would strengthen the Labour party immensely. > I also have to confess that I try to write from a none subjective viewpoint, deliberately to stir debate and get at the truth, or rather to gain access to what people really believe and think in a time when opinion is silenced by the scum that run the EU and the rotten religious bigots. This is in fact my sole function as an author! I fully share you approach . The present mental state of the EU closely resembles that of the Soviet stagnation period – with growing difficulties and real problems out of control by the inefficient burocracy , one could observe everywhere expanding dogmatism and more and more oppressive measures to stifle and criminalize any free thoughts and criticism . Well, the European Union has willy-nilly learnt the lesson from the Soviet Union quite well. > We must speak up and debate for our civilisation to survive! And yes I am an Hellenophile with great admiration for the Greeks and their struggles, as I am the Serbs that stood against the Turkish hordes. These were after all Christian Armies...my people and my civilisation and yours! Thanks ! I appreciate your stand as it is totally after my heart . But frankly, looking at the EU "elites" I can imagine them all in turbans and white Moslem cloaks and with Qurans in their hands , but somehow never in Greek chitons with Plato's or Aristotle's works , least of all in original ! The present political elites symbolize the degree of barbarisation of Europe and they are the core of today's problems on the continent. > And yes British politicians and diplomats are a pretty dishonourable bunch! And yes the installation on Mount Olympus is still in operation today. I once saw a programme on that. It's an impressive installation site with enormous capacities. > As for the Russians wanting a warm water port that still holds true. Putin seems to be trying to bully Ukraine that has aspirations to EU membership and as they are Christian I would welcome them, Ukraine has a large Russian and pro-Russian population that don't identify themselves with Ukraine – a strange state with dubious history and hypertrophic ambitions. They are most chauvinistic in the Western disctricts. The artificial frontier across the steppes has created many problems . Ukraine has no oil and for the coal mines it needs timber that before 1991 came from Russia. How can it get both constantly estranging Russia ? I know one guy who worked in Donzek but moved to Moscow. Many would follow, but the problem is the frontier and citizenship that didn't exist as long as there was just one state. > as I would not necessarily the Turks without major changes in Turkey. Those changes will never happen of course without a civil war in Asia Minor. And like you I distrust the Nationalists. Moslems by the way seem to have a rather broad definition of the truth don't they? We would call it telling lies of course! But Moslems don't lie do they Ianus as we both well know! Islam is in essenc a covert solipsism . The truth is what a Moslem says is true and nothing else . You might paraphrase Protagoras' theorem and say A Moslem is the measure of all things – of those that exist , that they exist , and of those that do not exist , they they do not exist". If someone says this measure is a false one , the Moslem terrorises or kills the doubter to save his solipsist truth". Hence a state of irreparable mental and moral degradation and permanent violence Moslems are in . > And the Moon is made up of Islamic green cheese isn't it Ianus? Did you know that the American Lunarnauts all became good Moslems after eating it and hearing the call to Moslem prayer after landing there! Wallace and Grommet went to the moon looking for Islamic green cheese as well! It is called 'A Great day Out! All good Moslems should watch it! Green cheese" ? I'd rather suppose they are after finding the traces of the famous miracle of the splitting of the moon conducted according to the most reliable Moslem sources by the prophet (pbuh) in person . To confirm conclusively this miracle is strictly speaking the job of all Moslem lunar science so generously sponsored by the Saudi Royal family . ;) > A Ukraine in the EU sympathetic towards Russia, could be a boon but how could we know, given Putin's desire to curry favour with his own populace in an effort to bolster Russia's lost power. And what would you do in his position ? The same Yeltzin did ? Nothing ? After the USSR broke up , a chaos and bloody wars in the Caucasus , Moldova , in Tajikistan were the result . And now also Russia should break up to satisfy the greedy Western tycoons and their ideologues ? > I do not believe by the way that Russia is as broken as you say. She is still a power to be reckoned with and has a nuclear strike force. She also supplies power to the Ukraine and Europe, and she has already tried to influence European stataegy. You cannot blame her for that of course, since she has been invaded by Napoleon and Hitler, both Europeans in the last 200 years alone! Well, building anti-rocket and missile installations in Poland and Bohemia doesn't look like a friendly act towards Russia , even though it is being explained away as designed soley to defend Europe against Iran and North Korea . Stupidity is a quite widespread phenomenon but not to the degree the Americans seem to assume . > Russia cannot be blamed for being fearful of American and European attempts to surround her and hem her in! The modern EU maybe something of a military joke but the Yanks are not! Yes, Russian could be a great source of comfort to Europe and the US in our fight back, as she has been before when she gave 30,000,000 lives. However traditional east-west attitudes have to change big time and I do not see that happening ...yet. What has not changed is this crazy US honeymoon with Islam ever since Roosevelt met ibn Saud in spring 1945 . The US in a act that resembles a new version of the medieval dance macabre" has created two Moslem states on European soil – Bosnia and Kosovo and so delivered a mortal blow to Orthodox Christianity there. Now don't expect Serbia or Russia or anyone with a grain of common sense uneroded by PC will thank the US for that . The US and teh EU have sown much wind on the Balcan. But one day they will harvest the fruit of their mad acts. > However as the reality of Islamist expansion dawns upon the dopes in Europe, then perhaps Russia will fulfil the role it did in the Napoleonic wars, to wit a traditional Eastern ally of the West. She has after all always wanted to be accepted as a truly westernised power and we have not exactly been of assistance here. That has to change I think! Provided a new enlightened elite rules Europe . Russia has nothing good to expect from Eurabia . The Eurabian traitors press hard to provide more and more rights and privileges to Moslems across the continent. Having accomplished the Islamisation of Europe they will press Russia to Islamise herself in turn as they will be themselves pressed by their own Moslem "electorate" to blackmail Russia. > Turkey would then be of little use to the West! or The role of Turkey as one of the greatest parasites of world history might be ended at last. > sic magnus cedit titulis Agamemnonis Atreus ? Venuste recteque id dixisti , amice! Profecto assentior tibi haec pulchra Ovidii verba memoranti. > Very very good riposte! And yes you were quite right, I was trying to play Devil's advocate to stir debate! Very well done indeed! I suspected that but was not quite sure. Thanks for dispersing my apprehensions and no undeserved praises , please . > But please allow me to see things from my 'British perspective' as geography does play an important part in our outlooks. Sure , it does. Many enlightenment philosophers thought it was a decisive influence upon man's fate. > Yes, I do agree that Russia is a far better ally than my 'dear Turkey' but recent activities in England by Putin's people hardly endear us Britons to them! Now are you suggesting that while the FSB (Russian Federal Service of Security) is carrying out the dirty operations on British soil , the Western secret services behave like good boys in Russia ? We are adult enough to know that both sides are involved in dirty activities . Wait a little longer for some Western-sponsored crime unearthed in Russia or recall some incidents from the past – support for the Chechen bandits under the cloak of humanitarian aid or secretly buying" from Belorussia the latest Soviet anti-aircraft installations soon after the end of the USSR , the intrigues around Baku and in Central Asia.The list might be much longer . But such things are not well advertised in the West. > And yes I fully concur that defence of one's civilisational-cultural demesne, is by far and away the best policy but who is going to trust the bunch of cynics and opportunists that currently run thing in the world!? They really are a bunch of 'gentlemen without fathers'. Yet , perhaps they have some spiritual fathers deep in the past ages of this civilization ? Do your remember the remarkable career of John Kantantzinos , the upstart Byzantine emperor , who was the first to propose and implement the idea of inviting" the Turks to Europe . He needed allies in his struggle for the throne. To do that , he didn't hesitate to send his own daughter Theodora to Orkhan's harem and so with his new father-in-law he conquered what he so hankered for . The problem arose later though . The Turks came willingly to Europe , but never went . By the way , Blair might consider sending his only daughter to the harem of a powerful Turkish secularist" . Such an alliance would strengthen the Labour party immensely. > I also have to confess that I try to write from a none subjective viewpoint, deliberately to stir debate and get at the truth, or rather to gain access to what people really believe and think in a time when opinion is silenced by the scum that run the EU and the rotten religious bigots. This is in fact my sole function as an author! I fully share you approach . The present mental state of the EU closely resembles the Soviet stagnation period – with growing difficulties and real problems out of control , one could observe everywhere expanding dogmatism and more and more oppressive measures to stifle and criminalize any free exchange of thoughts . Well, the European Union has willy-nilly learnt the lesson from the Soviet Union quite well . > We must speak up and debate for our civilisation to survive! And yes I am an Hellenophile with great admiration for the Greeks and their struggles, as I am the Serbs that stood against the Turkish hordes. These were after all Christian Armies...my people and my civilisation and yours! Thanks ! I appreciate your stand as it totally after my heart . But frankly, looking at the EU elite I can imagine them all in turbans and white Moslem cloaks and with Qurans in their hands , but not in Greek chitons and Plato's or Aristotle's works , least of all in original ! They symbolize the degree of barbarisation of Europe. > And yes British politicians and diplomats are a pretty dishonourable bunch! And yes the installation on Mount Olympus is still in operation today. I once saw a programme on that. It's an impressive installation site with enormous capacities. > As for the Russians wanting a warm water port that still holds true. Putin seems to be trying to bully Ukraine that has aspirations to EU membership and as they are Christian I would welcome them, Ukraine has a large Russian and pro-Russian population that don't identify themselves with Ukraine – a strange state with dubious history and hypertrophic ambitions. They are most chauvinistic in the Western disctricts. The artificial frontier across the steppes has created many problems . Ukraine has no oil and for the coal mines it needs timber that before 1991 came from Russia. How can it get both constantly estranging Russia ? I know one guy who worked in Donzek but moved to Moscow. Many would follow, but the problem is the frontier and citizenship that didn't exist as long as there was just one state. > as I would not necessarily the Turks without major changes in Turkey. Those changes will never happen of course without a civil war in Asia Minor. And like you I distrust the Nationalists. Moslems by the way seem to have a rather broad definition of the truth don't they? We would call it telling lies of course! But Moslems don't lie do they Ianus as we both well know! Islam is in essenc a covert solipsism . The truth is what a Moslem says is true and nothing else . You might paraphrase Protagoras' theorem and say A Moslem is the measure of all things – of those that exist , that they exist , and of those that do not exist , they they do not exist". If someone says this measure is a false one , the Moslem terrorises or kills the doubter to save the solipsist truth". Hence a state of irreparable mental and moral degradation and permanent violence Moslems are in . > And the Moon is made up of Islamic green cheese isn't it Ianus? Did you know that the American Lunarnauts all became good Moslems after eating it and hearing the call to Moslem prayer after landing there! Wallace and Grommet went to the moon looking for Islamic green cheese as well! It is called 'A Great day Out! All good Moslems should watch it! Green cheese" ? I'd rather suppose they are after finding the traces of the famous miracle of splitting of the moon conducted according to the most reliable Moslem sources by the prophet (pbuh) in person . To confirm conclusively this miracle is strictly speaking the job of all Moslem lunar science so generously sponsored by the Saudi Royal family . ;) > A Ukraine in the EU sympathetic towards Russia, could be a boon but how could we know, given Putin's desire to curry favour with his own populace in an effort to bolster Russia's lost power. And what would you do in his position ? The same Yeltzin did ? After the USSR broke up , a chaos and bloody wars in the Caucasus , Moldova , in Tajikistan were the result . And now also Russia should break up to satisfy the greedy Western tycoons ? > I do not believe by the way that Russia is as broken as you say. She is still a power to be reckoned with and has a nuclear strike force. She also supplies power to the Ukraine and Europe, and she has already tried to influence European stataegy. You cannot blame her for that of course, since she has been invaded by Napoleon and Hitler, both Europeans in the last 200 years alone! Well, building anti-rocket and missile installations in Poland and Bohemia doesn't look like a friendly act towards Russia even though it is being explained away as being designed to harm Iran and North Korea . Stupidity is a quite widespread phenomenon but not to the degree the Americans seem to suppose. > Russia cannot be blamed for being fearful of American and European attempts to surround her and hem her in! The modern EU maybe something of a military joke but the Yanks are not! Yes, Russian could be a great source of comfort to Europe and the US in our fight back, as she has been before when she gave 30,000,000 lives. However traditional east-west attitudes have to change big time and I do not see that happening ...yet. What has not changed is this crazy US honeymoon with Islam ever since Roosevelt met ibn Saud in spring 1945 . The US in a act that resembles a new version of the medieval dance macabre" has created two Moslem states on European soil – Bosnia and Kosovo and so delivered a mortal blow to Eastern Christianity there. Now don't expect Serbia or Russia or anyone with a grain of common sense uneroded by PC will thank the US for that . The US has sown wind on the Balcan . But one day it will harvest the fruit of its mad acts. > However as the reality of Islamist expansion dawns upon the dopes in Europe, then perhaps Russia will fulfil the role it did in the Napoleonic wars, to wit a traditional Eastern ally of the West. She has after all always wanted to be accepted as a truly westernised power and we have not exactly been of assistance here. That has to change I think! Provided a new enlightened elite rules Europe.Russia nothing good to expect from Eurabia . The Eurabian traitors press hard to provide more rights and privileges to Moslems across Europe. Having accomplished the Islamisation of Europe they will press Russia to Islamise herself . > Turkey would then be of little use to the West! or The role of Turkey as one of the greatest parasite of world history might be ended at last. > sic magnus cedit titulis Agamemnonis Atreus ? Rectissime dixisti , amice! Profecto assentior tibi haec Ovidii verba memoranti.
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