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Title Commenter Date Thread
the coming colonialism [101 words]Tarek AlhawaApr 17, 2020 15:00258637
3more than one wife [268 words]nadiraSep 10, 2009 06:45161343
5I am itching to grow a beard [245 words]true believerSep 11, 2009 08:32161343
3Justification of Polygamy? [310 words]DisagreeJul 13, 2012 19:09161343
Islam encourages Chastity and safeguarding [50 words]MustafaMay 3, 2015 11:57161343
Chastity (none can be expected if you marry four times) [45 words]PrashantMay 7, 2015 00:29161343
2Islam needs a revival [293 words]RekhaJan 2, 2009 15:14146668
"Islam" needs to find a religion of truth and love towards fellow mankind - Jesus Christ. [348 words]kmanJan 3, 2009 17:23146668
2To Rekha [116 words]FFFFFFeb 25, 2009 01:43146668
1Islam needs NO revival [86 words]TruthAloneTruimphsMar 7, 2009 05:24146668
You have a good point [175 words]Abu NudnikNov 24, 2009 20:20146668
Revival in Islam [97 words]KamathJan 4, 2011 08:32146668
1polygyny than what atleast 60% of American men do... [215 words]kellyDec 25, 2008 00:11145830
1La La land [86 words]pbDec 27, 2008 12:29145830
1New political streams needed. I demand polygamy for women! [106 words]LolaDec 29, 2008 05:51145830
polygamy definitely better than cheating [130 words]hienaFeb 14, 2009 04:59145830
One Final Point [120 words]orange yonasonDec 21, 2008 05:20145552
1Similarity of Tolerance of Slavery with Tolerance of Polygamy [218 words]Mishah PipikDec 18, 2008 18:28145383
1Worldwide Islam [70 words]Ralph EkwallMar 26, 2009 21:00145383
polygyny [100 words]Naheem MalikDec 16, 2008 18:15145246
naheem-male arrogance is polygamy [85 words]btillyDec 17, 2008 23:07145246
Power of Islam [36 words]NariDec 11, 2008 06:55144892
2Polygamist marriages = consanguineous marriages = neurometabolic, nuerogentic, autosomal disorders, etc. [391 words]jennifer solisDec 10, 2008 19:38144862
nari-fornicating in a god's name [79 words]btilly`Dec 12, 2008 21:00144862
1See Video of a Polygamous Muslim Man in Australia beating Jounalists when they ask him about his four wives.. [37 words]FreedomDec 7, 2008 13:51144590
Oh, PRICELESS !!!! [98 words]kmanDec 7, 2008 19:06144590
KMAN [75 words]btillyDec 8, 2008 20:08144590
You called it!! I agree. [148 words]kmanDec 9, 2008 19:25144590
"It's None Of Your Business!" -- Mohamed [95 words]orange yonasonDec 10, 2008 12:32144590
Quoting CNSNews ...Islamic nations against connecting Muslim atricities with "Muslims". [80 words]kmanDec 6, 2008 19:54144532
2Harems are an inevitable sideshow, a symptom of the real problem [108 words]SullyDec 6, 2008 10:08144506
There is No god but God and that Muhammad is his Messenger [24 words]abdulJan 5, 2009 18:52144506
1reality [56 words]mariahOct 18, 2010 19:19144506
Harems are better options [27 words]Syed KasimDec 2, 2008 23:21144327
syed hasim [6 words]btillyDec 3, 2008 23:20144327
What a silly comment [47 words]TimDec 5, 2008 13:30144327
1Harems - easy way for men to sleep around in "legal" fashion. [90 words]kmanDec 5, 2008 21:33144327
KMAN-it's called "shacking up" [10 words]btillyDec 7, 2008 16:19144327
Yeah, truth - that tickles my sense of humor ...good! [5 words]kmanDec 7, 2008 18:47144327
Better for who? [65 words]DonDec 8, 2008 08:08144327
Read Between the Lines [14 words]cynic2Dec 8, 2008 09:38144327
Re: Harems are better options [60 words]Del PhantomDec 21, 2008 11:51144327
Harems =Brothels [80 words]ArlindaDec 22, 2008 06:41144327
1Islam and multiple wives [142 words]Dan BarnesMay 9, 2009 05:02144327
Polygamy is the life [72 words]Abu HazirNov 30, 2008 18:53144183
113 year old wives are illegal in NZ [319 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 1, 2008 20:17144183
abu hazir the greedy [30 words]btillyDec 1, 2008 20:48144183
Polygamy is the life [12 words]moDec 3, 2008 17:12144183
1Abu a 'troll' ??? Could be, I hope so, but would not surprise me in the least if he were not. [126 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 4, 2008 03:27144183
2Lust & Mind Control [144 words]RianDec 5, 2008 15:25144183
I get here late, the others have all the fun with you [48 words]kmanDec 5, 2008 21:42144183
1In Kuwait you can tell... [172 words]DonDec 8, 2008 08:20144183
1As Winston Churchill said of Islam . . . [202 words]orange yonasonNov 30, 2008 18:35144181
You forgot Israel [86 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
yuval Brandsteter MDDec 1, 2008 16:36144181
You are right. [25 words]YnnatchkahDec 2, 2008 15:11144181
1I think I've answered your question numerous times... [40 words]kmanDec 5, 2008 21:52144181
And, also, amongst the wisest. [115 words]kmanDec 5, 2008 21:59144181
West's policy = present a glass jaw [312 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 6, 2008 22:22144181
@kman [33 words]orange yonasonDec 6, 2008 22:59144181
Excellent - no less than Churchil himself - whew! [78 words]kmanDec 7, 2008 18:34144181
You are correct ... [104 words]kmanDec 7, 2008 18:45144181
Correction [16 words]orange yonasonDec 8, 2008 01:50144181
kman - check who my first post was directed to again [74 words]orange yonasonDec 8, 2008 22:36144181
1Unions non-traditional in the US [189 words]John BlakemoreNov 30, 2008 11:58144165
Monogamy is not eroding under the influence of Sharia [70 words]Peter HerzNov 30, 2008 05:56144142
The slippery slope [342 words]kazanderNov 30, 2008 18:12144142
Q for Mr Pipes and Mr Herz: Doesn't our Bible approve Polygamy? [93 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Morris GrahamDec 1, 2008 11:11144142
1I agree with you in part Kazander [77 words]SullyDec 5, 2008 00:48144142
Morris Graham, traditions of men [237 words]InfidelDec 8, 2008 22:32144142
for Morris Graham on Biblical polygamy, [296 words]Peter HerzDec 9, 2008 10:41144142
Examples of monogamy in the Bible [92 words]jennifer solisDec 11, 2008 22:00144142
Polygamy is legal in Canada [27 words]HazemMar 30, 2009 09:58144142
1Third World Sharia Law is poisoning Western Civilizaton [261 words]Ron KilmartinNov 29, 2008 18:54144118
on topic web radio [32 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 29, 2008 04:51144071
1WAR OR ASSIMILATION [125 words]PhiLNov 30, 2008 16:10144061
1Incrementalism [41 words]jennifer solisNov 28, 2008 16:36144039
Trouble and strife [445 words]Rebecca MouldsNov 28, 2008 13:56144027
WHICH IS BETTER? [185 words]RawiNov 28, 2008 11:08144019
1Something is missing. [269 words]Mary ConnorNov 29, 2008 07:03144019
Rawi, disobeys the Qur'an [76 words]InfidelNov 29, 2008 12:17144019
WHICH IS BETTER? [167 words]RawiNov 29, 2008 23:23144019
Rawi flawed figures [183 words]JorgeNov 30, 2008 19:05144019
1poly-anything... sure - but, you got to pay for it! [187 words]KarlDec 2, 2008 05:39144019
Westerners welcome harems [132 words]kim segarNov 28, 2008 09:16144012
What's wrong with polygamy? [86 words]kazanderNov 27, 2008 16:25143963
hear hear [49 words]Ari ZadeNov 28, 2008 00:00143963
kazander [58 words]btillyNov 28, 2008 03:57143963
1Two Things Wrong With Polygamy [80 words]AnneMNov 28, 2008 07:30143963
1There are 57 Islamic States...... "What's wrong with polygamy?" -- kazander [61 words]KristaNov 28, 2008 09:45143963
Polygamy [45 words]Carla BauerNov 28, 2008 13:11143963
AnneM [180 words]kazanderNov 28, 2008 19:30143963
Krista and Carla [191 words]kazanderNov 28, 2008 19:42143963
1polygamy - great idea for fat egos [316 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 28, 2008 21:13143963
not possible. [126 words]havasNov 29, 2008 14:31143963
What is wrong ? [139 words]RianNov 29, 2008 14:46143963
Morals, values, ethics [35 words]KristaNov 29, 2008 21:05143963
Huh? [18 words]kazanderNov 30, 2008 03:40143963
Greater Sucess Was Realized By The West Because The Bible-Based Monogamy Marriage Made It Possible [45 words]AnneMNov 30, 2008 16:17143963
Rebecca and AnneM: Then why the Polygamist Ranch wives were happy ? [55 words]Vanessa DouglasDec 1, 2008 11:26143963
Carla: Two Huge Problems in a Reverse Situation. [91 words]Ibn MasudDec 1, 2008 17:21143963
The loosening of any moral base will lead to many ultimate debaucheries ... [713 words]kmanDec 6, 2008 01:26143963
success and west...... poles apart. :) [58 words]ayatul islamDec 6, 2008 02:52143963
There Is One Bride That Jesus Has, It Is The Christian Church [56 words]AnneMDec 9, 2008 09:38143963
ari zade-ONE man one woman is fair [104 words]btillyDec 18, 2008 12:45143963
The Essence of Our Culture [45 words]CharlieNov 27, 2008 13:54143959
Westerners regarding Harems [276 words]Margaret HoodNov 27, 2008 12:18143953
Thank you D. Pipes. [43 words]kmanNov 27, 2008 02:21143914
Sharia does not REQUIRE polygamy, and we should not tolerate it. [67 words]Norm GreenNov 27, 2008 01:57143909
Islam, polygamy,sharia law [170 words]LaurieNov 28, 2008 06:30143909
norm green aka muhammad [109 words]btillyNov 29, 2008 08:16143909
Norm Green, polygamy acceptable in Qur'an [59 words]InfidelDec 4, 2008 15:15143909
No polygamy neede in the Wester world [37 words]Norm GreenDec 5, 2008 20:23143909
Polygamy Canada [161 words]RogerthatFeb 16, 2009 10:15143909
1.... guess who strikes again ? [169 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 26, 2008 22:56143903
Religion of Peace strikes again and again and again... [287 words]JaladhiNov 28, 2008 22:14143903
....deranged is incorrect [874 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 30, 2008 05:00143903
In India , Deputy CM of Haryana State converted to Islam inorder to take second wife.. [438 words]IndianDec 7, 2008 13:35143903
4Polygamy in Spain [70 words]Gudrun EussnerNov 26, 2008 22:17143899
Polygamy [54 words]ZentristDec 11, 2008 22:00143899
So what? [27 words]EdwardJan 23, 2009 11:24143899
1Polygamy is better than same sex marriage [66 words]JohnSep 18, 2009 07:42143899
What Yeshua says, and what man-made religions say, are at odds. [171 words]gordon weareSep 27, 2009 15:02143899
1Spanish policemen starting incidents in protest march [61 words]JavierJun 17, 2011 10:02143899
1Harems [106 words]AyashaNov 26, 2008 21:41143896
1Polygamy [114 words]joe six-packNov 26, 2008 21:38143895
polygamy? [10 words]B. SoetoroNov 26, 2008 19:49143893
post name of judge [36 words]kawNov 26, 2008 16:27143886
post name of judge [66 words]ChancyApr 2, 2009 09:44143886
Mormons aren't polygamists [158 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Jason AlderNov 26, 2008 15:53143883
Mormons & polygamy [92 words]pigpenNov 26, 2008 19:46143883
Canda already allows polygamy [35 words]TerryNov 27, 2008 11:15143883
Mormons & Polygamy [271 words]Jason AlderNov 28, 2008 10:10143883
Mormons WERE polygamists, Jason [62 words]jennifer solisNov 28, 2008 16:52143883
Joseph Smith was a polygamist with 30 wives [96 words]btillyDec 21, 2008 12:00143883
The Mormon Church and Racism [546 words]Jason AlderDec 22, 2008 13:59143883
1Feminists mute [59 words]DarrylNov 26, 2008 15:35143881
Why? [37 words]Francesco MangasciàNov 26, 2008 14:29143876
Why not ? [42 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreNov 27, 2008 11:43143876
Anne-Marie Delcambre, don't run away, answer [41 words]Francesco MangasciàNov 27, 2008 17:23143876
I am not feminist ! I am a jurist [78 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreNov 29, 2008 05:27143876
Anne-Marie Delcambre I knew you are not a feminist [100 words]Francesco MangasciàNov 30, 2008 02:43143876
The Feminists are crazy ! [76 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreNov 30, 2008 20:23143876
May polygamy rule! [67 words]Ari ZadeNov 26, 2008 14:11143875
Where does it end Mr. Zade? [260 words]jkmanNov 26, 2008 23:15143875
Ms Zade, actually [17 words]Ari ZadeNov 27, 2008 23:52143875
1Moral decadence. [42 words]M.D'SouzaNov 28, 2008 17:27143875
My apologies Ms. Zade [97 words]jkmanNov 28, 2008 21:54143875
Fascinating: Development or Degeneration? [115 words]Stuart TeichNov 26, 2008 13:30143874
Vulnerability to Polygamy [37 words]Douglas Van DevenderNov 26, 2008 13:01143873
The Foundations are being destroyed [67 words]Thomas F.Nov 26, 2008 12:44143871
Asinine judgement [83 words]VijayNov 26, 2008 11:53143868
1The not so subtle influence of Islamic intimidation through ... [243 words]kmanNov 27, 2008 02:40143868
Flabbergasted [106 words]Aaron Z SnyderNov 26, 2008 11:42143867
Polygamy in the U.S.? [34 words]Stephen MerkelNov 26, 2008 11:30143866
1Unbelievable [168 words]John WalkerNov 28, 2008 23:35143866
Why shouldn't the Polygamist be rewarded? [52 words]Aneeta KumarDec 1, 2008 11:04143866
1aneeta-greed is 4 wives [108 words]btilly`Dec 1, 2008 20:58143866
Aneeta Kumar, Bible or Qur'an [48 words]InfidelDec 2, 2008 14:01143866
The Bible Gives Preference To One Man, One Woman Marriage [47 words]AnneMDec 2, 2008 16:26143866
AnneM Is Correct, ...But... [14 words]orange yonasonDec 8, 2008 22:45143866
Aneeta Kumar - There Has To Be One Law For Everyone, That's why... [146 words]orange yonasonDec 8, 2008 23:20143866
Torah never gives "green light" for polygamy, Orange Yonason [532 words]jennifer solisDec 14, 2008 19:23143866
Sorry, Jennifer, But You Are Mistaken [290 words]orange yonasonDec 16, 2008 12:29143866
reply to Orange Yonason [533 words]jennifer solisDec 18, 2008 00:59143866
orange yonason, Torah laws [45 words]InfidelDec 18, 2008 02:11143866
Reply To Jennifer Solis [309 words]orange yonasonDec 18, 2008 21:58143866
To Infidel [10 words]orange yonasonDec 18, 2008 22:20143866
Why does Deut. 21:15 not use the Qal imperfect of "satam"? [710 words]jenifer solisDec 20, 2008 02:55143866
Jennifer Solis, Please Consult A More Knowledgeable Source [318 words]orange yonasonDec 21, 2008 00:15143866
Jennifer Solis, More Problems With Your Interpretation [396 words]orange yonasonDec 21, 2008 03:57143866
Agree to Disagree [87 words]jennifer solisDec 22, 2008 00:36143866
"Dikduk"? OH, my gosh, you are FUNNY, Orange Yonason [104 words]jennifer solisDec 22, 2008 00:58143866
? ? ? ? [24 words]orange yonasonDec 22, 2008 19:20143866
Agree To Disagree [198 words]orange yonasonDec 22, 2008 19:36143866
Islam "agrees to disagree" - temporarily? [391 words]jennifer solisDec 27, 2008 15:45143866
Wrong assumption ? [29 words]true believerJan 16, 2009 07:19143866
Thats why [20 words]true believerSep 11, 2009 07:14143866
Verse 15 correction [49 words]CorrectionAug 1, 2012 17:22143866

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