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Reader comment on item: [The Issue of Compulsion in Religion:] Islam is What Its Followers Make of It
in response to reader comment: Islam and Quran is only a Concept

Submitted by Ibrahim (Saudi Arabia), Sep 13, 2007 at 16:42

First of all youre giving reference only human right scriptures, for your information kaaaba build by ibrahim ale hissalam its not build 14 hundred years, if you are comparing zam zam water to ganga water are same they why the taste is different of both water. even your sri sri ravi shankar cannot speak properly, he mention in his book namaz drive from namaha namaz is farsi word not arabic words read out below you will find every thinng


Brahmins always criticize, condemn and mock other Religions, and they actually have the nerve to try to mock Al-Islam. Their criticism and mocking is unreasonable and unacceptable. In his autobiography, Dr. Charles, an American scholar says that it is very simple to define a Hindu. He says a Hindu means "one who believes anything and everything if said in the name of God and shall never question its authenticity". The Brahmins claim that Lord Rama is incarnated (came in human form) to study and understand the difficulties of mankind. Is it really necessary for a god to incarnate Himself? Can He not understand His creation? Why should God become a donkey or a cockroach in order to understand the sufferings of these creatures?


Lord Rama is the central character of the Epic RAMAYANA (whose author was Valmiki). Rama is the son of Dasharath, the king of Banaras. Dasharath had three wives, Kaushaliya, Kaikeyi and Smitra besides several hundred concubines. According to the Ramayana, Rama spent most of his life trying to save his wife Sita from the clutches of Ravan. At the same time Rama was enjoying life to the full at every opportunity.


When "god" Rama was exiled to the forest together with his wife, Sukrievan appeared as a deer and fooled "god" Rama. Although Rama was a "god", he was not able to see through Sukrievan's disguise.


To retrieve his wife from devil Ravan, 'god' Rama sought the help of Hanuman, a monkey 'god'. Hanuman agreed to help Rama bring his wife back on condition that 'god' Rama in turn help him (Hanuman) to kill his twin brother prior to undertaking the mission.

It took more than twelve years for Hanuman to build a bridge and accomplish the task, while Ravan just took Sita and flew to Sri Lanka in just one day's time. Where is the bridge that Rama built? Who is more powerful- 'God' Rama or devil Ravan? Would a 'god' seek the help of another 'god' to murder a third god?

  • If Hanuman could fly, carrying big mountains, he should have in the first instance carried and flown 'god' Rama to Sri Lanka, which would have resulted in early rescue of Sita.
  • Who knows what Ravan might have done to Sita during this period of twelve years? Definitely a devil would have done only "devilish" things! Before helping 'god' Rama, Hanuman made Rama shoot his own twin brother in the back and only then did Hanuman help 'god' Rama. How can a "god" indulge in such a criminal act for personal gain?


When "god" Rama was told to go to the forest, he mournfully revealed to his mother: It has been ordained that I have to lose the kingdom, forego the princely comforts and the tasty MEAT-DISHES. (Ayothia Kandam, 20, 26, 94th Chapters).


In Mr. C.R. Sreenivasalyengar's translation of Valmiki Ramayana, it says: 'Though Rama had married Sita to be the queen, he married many other wives for sexual pleasure in accordance with the royal customs. (Ayodhya Kandam 8th Chapter, Page 28). (The term "Rama's wives"has been used in many placesin Ramayana).


Rama called his father "a FOOL, an IDIOT" (Ayodhya Kandam, 53 rd Chapter). The reader should bear in mind that in Al-Islam, it is a very serious sin to disrespect one's parents.


Rama disfigured and mutilated many women by cutting off their noses, breasts, ears, etc. and tortured them (Soorpanagai, Ayomuki). Rama said,

"Women should not be trusted" and that "Secrets should not be confided to the wife". (Ayodhya Kandam, Chapter 100).

Sambuka was slain (by Rama) because he was making penance which was forbidden to him by Vedas as he was a "Shudra". (Uttara Kandam, Chapter 76). Looking at his hand Rama said the Sanskrit slogan "Oh right hand, you kill this Asche Shudra unhesitatingly as killing this Shudra is the only way to get back the life of the deceased Brahmin boy.

Are you not one of the limbs of Rama?" (Valmiki Ramayanam)

Note: This Rama, who mercilessly took away the life of Sambuka for no other fault than that of making penance is held as the Avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu! If there were kings like Rama alive now alas! What would be the plight of those who are called "Shudras?"


Rama, like an ordinary man, fell down into the river and DROWNED (Uttara Kandam, Chapter 106). How can a "god" die? Who will then look after the affairs of the world?


Sita told Rama "You are no better than a womanmonger who lets his wife for hire and makes his livelihood. You want to be profited by my prostitution". Sita also told Rama "You lack in POTENCE, manners and charm" and she called her husband a simpleton.

As soon as Sita stepped into Ravan's palace, her love towards Ravan grew more. (Aranya Kandam, Chapter 54).

When at length Rama asked Sita to swear about her chastity, she declined and died. (Uttar Kandam, Chapter 97)

Kukuvavathy, sister-in-law of Rama, said to him - "Oh Elder! How you love Sita more than you love yourself! Come with me and see what really is in your lovely wife's heart. Still she could not forget that fellow Ravan. Drawing a picture of Ravan on a hand-fan and pressing it closely to her bosom. She is lying on your bed with eyes closed thinking on and rejoicing at Ravan's glories. Rama sighed and went out to Sita's house. There she was found sleeping pressing to her breast the hand-fan on which Ravan's picture was drawn. (This is found in pages 199, 200 of the Bengali Ramayana written by Mrs. Chandravathi).


"My Rama (god Rama) is not the Rama of Ramayana".


"The Ramayana and Mahabaratha are nothing but another Arabian Nights story" - JAWAHERLAL NEHRU:

"Rama is not a god; but he is a hero." C. RAJAGOPALACHARI, First Governor General of India & Ex Chief Minister, Tamil Nadu).

"Ramayana is not a divine story; it is only a literature." (KALIYUGA KAMBAN, T.K. CHIDAMBARANATHA MUDALIAR).


Lord Krishna was very fond of looking at naked young girls. Once upon a time Krishna, in order to get a full view of some bathing virgin girls, went to the extent of hiding their clothes on the tree tops just to get a panaromic view. Does behave divine immunity from looking at a naked woman?

The Gita, a Holy Book of the Hindus, quotes that when these bathing low caste girls begged for the return of their clothes. Lord Krishna demanded that they come out of the water with their hands raised instead of covering their bodies. Oh my innocent Hindu brethren! Can this action be attributed to a god? Is this god capable of indulging in such ungodly acts? Surely, if their deity is "divine," then it should be able to easily restrain its passions.


The Times of India reported on 12-11-87 that the Education Department, Government of Maharashtra, had published a book called "The Riddle of Rama and Krishna" by Dr. Ambedkar.

The report said that various statements contained in the book aroused the ire of some Brahmins, particularly the author's observations on Rama and Dasharath's many wives and also Krishna's moral character. (The Riddle of Rama and Krishna, available from Dalit Sahithya Academy, Bangalore).


According to Hinduism, god Shiva's head is the source of the river Ganges and his head is also the place where the moon is located. (If this was really a fact then why should America send astronaut Neil Armstrong 240,000 miles away to the moon). According to Puranans, goddess Parvathi, wife of god Shiva, sought Shiva's permission to have a baby. When Shiva refused, Parvathi took dirt from her body and created Lord Ganesh. (The late E.V.R. Periar used to call this god a "bundle of dirt").

Later God Shiva mistakenly chopped off his own son's head. How could a "god make such a foolish mistake? Would such a god solve your problems or make them more complicated?

To rectify his error, Shiva severed the head of a baby elephant and transplanted it onto his son who then became known as the Elephant-headed god. His statues are usually found near river-sides where he is said to be looking for a bride resembling his mother! (There is a different version to this story which, for decency's sake, cannot be printed here).


A recent report by United Press trust of India (UPI) stated that during the past three years more than 2,500 young boys and girls were sacrificed to goddess Kali in India. Another of AFP's recent reports say: hundreds of young boys and virgin girls are sacrificed every month for the deity Kali. In one case Rama Sewak hacked his eight year old son to death in broad daylight in Dehii because goddess Kali had told him he would come back to life and bring him good fortune. Bloodthirsty Kali is worshipped openly the length and breadth of India. Kali's statue stands naked astride the inanimate body of the Hindu deity Shiva, tongue stuck out with blood dripping from fang-like teeth. She holds a noose, a skull-topped staff, a blood-encrusted sword and a severed head. She is also known as Durga, Devi, Shaktima, Uma and Parvathi in other manifestations. The priest of Delhi, Kali Bari, says that a child sacrificed to Kali ensures a man the birth of a son. Human sacrifices are also made to these gods or goddesses, either to appease them or to ask favours of them.

Bihar's police chief J. Sahay said: "We have tried our best to curb human sacrifices, but what can an agency do when an entire village chooses a victim and cuts off his head with his parent's consent." Bihar's famous lawyer, Urnkant Chaturvedi, said that "Human sacrifice under our law is treated as murder, but the killer- never found - is always the local high priest." He continues, "at times the local policemen are reluctant to take action because of the inbred fear of the gods and goddesses."

A famous human sacrifice occurred in 1972 when a powerful leader in Maharashtra state- in order to find a treasure - offered blood from I I virgin girls to Manja. He did not find the treasure, but four persons were hanged for the crime and the main culprit escaped because of his political influence. Some time ago, two brothers named Siddharth and Ravi asked their 21 year old sister Shobha to take a bath and come for prayers to a nearby temple in Kerala State. To her horror, the brothers pierced her with a sword and iron rods chanting mantras. Withering in pain, she begged for pity, but she was cut to pieces and her body burned bit by bit. The brothers had done it to unearth a hidden treasure. At first they tried to find another victim but when they failed to find another virgin girl, they sacrificed their own sister. Only Brahmin children are exempted by the Vedas from human sacrifice.


This goddess was married to five brothers. Which one would become the legitimate father of his child should she have one? Dr Charles says that instances of incest are common in Hindu scriptures.



Spiritual leaders, gave an interview to the Kalyan (Hindu) monthly magazine. Extracts are given as follows:

Q: "Maharaj! if a Shudra acts righteously, can he become a Brahmin?"

A: "If the Shudra acts according to his code and keeps within the limit of Varnashrama he may become a Brahmin in the next birth - but never in the present."

Q: "Is the belief in the caste system essential?"

A: "Yes, it is very essential. There can be no PROGRESS without belief in caste system.

Q: "Maharaj! The change of caste depends on deeds and virtues."

A: "No, it depends on birth and not on deeds. Caste depends on birth, deeds cannot change it. This is an IRREFUTABLE TRUTH".

At the inaugurating of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (RSS Branch) at Patna in April 1969, the Shankaracharya said:

"Untouchabitity is a part and parcel of Hindu social system, I shall cling to this belief even if they HANG ME. "

On Low Caste Hindus! Have a look and see what the MANU says (Chapter VIII Sloka 4,14).

"Slavery is inborn among the Shudras and no one can free them from it".

The Brahmin originated MANU again says in Chapter 19, Sloka 413:

"Sri Brahmin had intended from eternity that the Untouchables should be born slaves, live as slaves, and die as slaves."

On another occasion the Acharya said that there was no way out for a woman who becomes a widow other than to commit Sati. He said he will oppose the Sati law even if the Government of India HANGS him. Instead of sending him to prison, according to the Indian constitution, this fanatic priest is often visited and worshipped by the top Brahmin leaders in India.


This is none other than the internationally famous "SEX SWAMIJI." He preaches free sex involving orgies and he says that before life comes to an end one should indulge in as much sexual activity as is humanly possible. This he claims is what blissful heavenly life is. He is a true swami, in that, he not only preaches but is also actively involved in practicing what he preaches. The extent of this practice is disgusting beyond what we should even report in this article.

He also teaches the love for wealth and materialism. Little wonder that this "god man" owns over ninety Rolls Royce's and a ranch in America! Rajneesh and his "Holy" group are well known to carry all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases.

The word "perverted" is a gross understatement!


This controversial "globe trotting" godman has links with scandals like the Bofors scandal. He spends much of his time attending to the individual problems of Hollywood stars, multi-millionaires and other famous people. Should anything happen to them he rushes to their aid in a chartered private jet. He never misses an opportunity to pose for photographs with them so as to appear in international magazines like Time and Newsweek. Why doesn't he attend to some of Indian's problems as well?

Pamella Bordes, the Ex-beauty queen of India, well known prostitute, was used by this Swamiji for some of his international frauds which have come to light very recently.


Why does a "HOLY MAN" need a GUN FACTORY? This Swamiji has one! A gun with a licence to protect himself is justifiable ....... but this Swamiji needs a gun factory to protect himself? He also has had a helicopter pad constructed for his convenience. (His followers include Nani Palkiwala and Manoj Kumar). The author has very high appreciation for the following HOLY MEN in preference to other HOLY MEN:


Don't you see how these people fool and cheat the world!


This group is now attracting hundreds of drug addicts in the U.S. and THE WEST. Like the Hindu Saints (Sanyasis) of Kashi (Varnasi) they smoke and take drugs in all sorts of different forms.

A UNI press report (15-8-1987) said, under the heading of "SECT CHIEF IS CONVICTED KILLER". - that the Hare Krishna's chief is a convicted killer and drug dealer. The swami, 38 year old Thomas Drescher, is imprisoned at the West Virginia state penitentiary for gunning down Steven Bryant, 33, in Los Angeles. Drescher was also convicted in 1979 for manufacturing and distributing drugs and was found guilty in January 1983 of slaying a Krishna devotee. Finally the report concludes that since 1977, seven of the original I I gurus named by the HARE RAMA HARE KRISHNA movements founder have been removed for reasons ranging from CHILD abuse, DRUG dealing and SEXUAL promiscuity.

O Ramacandra, these scriptural injunctions were laid down by learned men, skilled in inducing others to give, and finding other means of obtaining wealth, thus subjugating the simple-minded. Their doctrine is 'Sacrifice, give in charity, conse- crate yourselves, undergo austerities, and become ascetics'. 0 Rama, be wise, there exists no world but this, that is certain! Enjoy that which is present and cast behind thee that which is unpleasant! Adopting the principle acceptable to all, do thou receive the kingdom offered thee by Bharat (Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda, 108).


  1. What good has Hinduism done for India?
  2. Does Hinduism have the answers for todays problems? Alcoholism – Drugs – Divorce – Suicide, etc.
  3. Do these gods move, think or speak?
  4. Can they defend themselves if attacked; or mend themselves if broken?
  5. Don'1 you think it foolish to worship these manmade objects?
  6. Does India belong to the Indians (95 %) or the Brahmins (5%)?
  7. Did Hinduism originate in India itself or did it come with the Aryans via the Khyber Pass?
  8. Can a person convert and become a Brahmin?
  9. What is the relationship between the Aryans of India (Brahmins) and the Aryans of Germany (Hitler's Nazis)?
  10. Why do the Brahmins and Nazis have the same symbol - the Swastika? (Look at the racist National Front symbols in South Africa).
  11. Ask yourself who is your God? Is it Shiva, who has the moon and river Ganges on his head and who could not identify his own son? Or is it Rama who couldn't see through Sukrievan's disguise and who murdered another god? Or could it be Krishna, the "playboy god?"


The conspiracy and intrigue of domination over other human beings has been the main objective of Brahminism all along. Brahminism, an Aryan concoction of human and insatiable lust for hegemony, sex and money, sought to rule the ignorant and deprived masses in the name of religion.

This is very visible from the content, tone and message of the holy books, written and perpetuated in the name of religion by the Brahmins. How can these books be called the word of God? They contain the most exotic form of pornography, the most depraved norms of behaviour and the most unjust and ugly system of life based on extortion, cruelty and blood thirst hunger for domination over others. The Hindus are not Brahmins and the Brahmins are not Hindus. At least this is evident from the books written and perpetrated by the Brahmins themselves. The Hindus are the original inhabitants of Hindustan, the very people who were the true architects of the Indus Valley civilization which was considered to be one of the best examples of human societal development in the entire history of the human race.

The barbaric Brahmins came from the wastelands of the region beyond the Himalayas and destroyed the great monuments of culture and civilization and pushed the real inhabitants of India into slavery.

Slavery is the message of the Brahmins "holy" books concocted by them. Just as the Jews divided humanity into Jew and Non Jew, so has the Brahmin. The whole world is classified in these books as Brahmin and Non Brahmin. The non Brahmin is to remain internally a slave unto the "master" who has dominated Indian history since he lay his hand on it.

We must break the chains, once and for ever. The bondage and the slavery must go. But first let us find out what these books say. On concept of democracy, social justice, secularism, politics, economics, leadership and elections are all based on the wretched caste system, an evil curse that has been spun round the necks of the innocent and deprived.

Let us tear the mask away from those evil faces, which stare at us from every nook and corner of our lives.

The intelligent reader can easily uncover the ulterior motives of Brahmins as to why they incite High Caste Hindu mobs to kill Low Caste Hindus or for creating communal tensions with other minorities ever so often. This they do in order to continue their stranglehold on state policies, so that they can manipulate them to their advantage; they don't care a damn for the nation of India... Read for yourself what the Brahmin priest Purshottam Rao has to say......


Temple priest HYDERABAD

Q: Should sadhus enter politics?

A: There was a time when Brahmins used to dictate state policy. Now we have been totally sidelined. The VHP is trying to correct this historical wrong by bringing religious leaders to the forefront of our national life. It is now time for the entire Hindu religious leadership to once again lead the nation.

The Continuing War on Low Caste Hindus......

NEW DELHI, Sept. 19 (R) - Three Indian students set themselves ablaze today to try to shock the government into scrapping plans to reserve more government jobs for low castes in the Hindu hierarchy.

'This (job's plan) is for the poor classes who have been denied their rights for thousands of years. The students shouldn't come in their way," Paswan told Reuters. Protests led by upper-caste students began sweeping north India soon after Prime Minister Vishwanath Pratap Singh said on August 7 that 27 percent of government jobs would be set aside for low castes.

Paswan was himself born an "untouchable" or outcast in the system, which traditionally decides occupation and status by birth. "Untouchables" prefer to call themselves "Dalits," the oppressed. Paswan told a conference of political leaders and officials today that the jobs plan had to go ahead to raise the status of low castes and create a more sympathetic bureaucracy.

He said the upper castes were still taking jobs set aside 40 years ago for Dalits. Bureaucrats would employ an upper-caste graduate with irrelevant qualifications for a typist's job and turn down a Dalit trained to type at 60 words per minute, he said.



Dr. Charles claims that Ramayana contains much pornographic material and cannot be read in public. He gives the following examples: Rama's description of Sita's beauty which is lewdly detailed (refer to C.R. Srinivasalyengar's translation of Aranya Kandam - chapter 46).

In Kiskind Kandam, Rama explains to Lakshmana of his sexual experience with Sita. According to Ramayana, the Aryans (Brahmins) used to drink liquor (nine different kinds), eat meat, marry many wives and prostitution was an accepted way of life amongst the priests and gods.

Ramayana also recounts the "story of King Dasharatha who, in order to have a baby son, made a big sacrifice (yaham) of sheep, cattle, horses, birds and snakes. He then delivered his three wives Kaushaliya, Sumatirai and Kaikeyi to three priests. These holy men, having fully satisfied their carnal desire, returned the ladies to the King. By this means, the King was able to have three sons - Ram, Lakshman and Bharat (Bala Kandam, Chapter 14. For more details on yaham, refer to the book "Gnana Surian", published by Kudi Arasu Press).

The Ramayan tells us much about the unlawful relationship of incest but we do not feel it appropriate or decent for us to go into details. (Please refer to Aranya Kandam, chapter 45, verses 122, 123, 124 & 125).

The following Hindu practices will reveal how immorality and indecency are sanctified in the name of Hinduism.


Lingam and Yoni are the male and female sexual organs respectively. Hindus are allowed to worship anything - including sexual organs. It is not unknown for them to name their children Shiva Lingam (God Shiva's sexual organ) or Rama Lingam (God Rama's sexual organ). (In some places in Karnataka, the gods demand both male and females to pray naked together.)


The Devadasi system was set up, according to a Times ofIndia report (10-1 1 -87) as a result of a conspiracy between the feudal class and the priests (Brahmins). The latter, with their ideological and religious hold over the peasants and craftsmen, devised a means that gave prostitution their religious sanction. Poor, low-caste girls, initally sold at private auctions, were later dedicated to the temples. They were then initiated into prostitution.


The Bharat Natyam is a dance performance which, because of the Brahmin media, has gained much recognition as a form of art. The celebrated Bharat Natya expert, Rukmini Devi, admits in a National Geographic video programme, that the Baratha Natya was really the art of Devadasis (temple prostitutes) to please their audience and admirers. This is the reason why you might have seen various Baratha Natya's postures in Hindu temples.

Maybe like the art of KARATE to the Japanese, the BHARAT NATYAM is a national art of the Brahmins and very much part of their culture.


Brahminism has also created Kamasutra -a set of instructions on how to have sexual intercourse. Some of the postures detailed in Kamasutra are so complex that they can only be performed with the help of one or more ASSISTANTS!


UNI. - TIMES OF INDIA - 10th Nov. 1987: confirms that the practice of dedicating young Harijan girls (Mahars, Mangs, Dowris and Chambhar) at childhood to a goddess, and their initiation into prostitution when they attain puberty continues to thrive in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and other parts of South India. This is largely due to social backwardness, poverty and illiteracy, according to a study by two doctors of the India Health Organisation.

The report clearly indicates that the Devadasi system was the result of a conspiracy between the feudal class and the priests (Brahmins), who with their ideological and religious hold over the peasants and craftsmen, devised a practice which acquired religious sanction. They noted in their study on - "Devadasis - the link between religious culture and child prostitution". Bear in mind that Allah says in the Holy Qur'an not to prostitute your children, whereas, this sick "custom" lauds this practice.

The study revealed that girls from poor families were sold after puberty at private auctions to a master who initially paid a sum of money to the families ranging from Rs. 500 to 5000.

The study, made during health camps organised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in the devadasi populated areas, revealed that the dedicated girls formed 15 percent of the total women involved in prostitution in the country, and as much as 70 percent to 80 percent of the prostitutes in the border districts of Karnataka and Maharashtra.


Many of the Yogis of Kashi (Banaras) live naked and beg for their living. They live in dirty, unhygienic conditions, and drug addiction is rife among them. Our so-called leaders and intellectuals have all contributed to the superstitious beliefs and they have helped these saints to thrive and practise deceptive methods to cheat the public. It is an utter shame that among the worshippers of such naked godmen, there are a number of high court judges, advocates, engineers, doctors, professors, politicians, cinema actors and actresses.

For more details on these Hindu saints and Yogis, watch the documentary video - "SHOCKING ASIA" - which is available from the following addresses: Atlas International Film GMBH, Munich, W. Germany. Replay Video, London, G. Britain. Distribution First Film Organisation, Hong Kong.


AGENCIES News Agency reports on 23-9-87 that at Kurushetra (India) about 1,000 NAKED Hindu "Sadhus" (saints) plunged themselves into the river during a solar eclipse, claiming this to be a "holy dip". Over one million pilgrims, naked and semi-naked, both male and female, also followed them into the river. The largest of the pools is Brahmasarovar, and is said to accommodate 100,000 bathers at a time. There was still no room for everyone in the water at one time and there was much pushing and shoving. The huge crowds waiting on the banks barely had space to turn around. People crowded the shore waiting for their chance. This is the position of "holy dip" everywhere in India. A Haryana Government spokesman said that they posted 20,000 policemen to avoid misuse of this mixing opportunity for perverted reasons. In addition to this spectacle, the pilgrims also look directly at the sun with the naked eye. Scientists and doctors strongly advise against this as it is likely to cause blindness.


DPA News (6-1 1 -86) reports that Police have arrested a "miracle man" in the Western India city of Prune for raping a number of women, on the pretext of solving their troubles, by making them sit naked before an idol which was supposed to render "divine advice". He would hold a blank sheet of paper over a fire on which written words would appear. He would then convince the women to have sex with him on the strength of the "miracle". Police discovered that his "divine advance" was nothing but a simple chemical trick by which words written on paper with invisible ink became legible when held over a flame.


According to the Hindu Holy books, God Brahma arranged the marriage of god Shiva to goddess Parvathi. When they went around the fire as per Hindu religious ritual, god Shiva looked at the thighs of goddess Parvathi and ejaculated his semen into the Fire and they became Rishis (priests). According to the Hindu Puranas this "god" can do such a filthy act!


In many Hindu temples there are sculptures depicting men having sex not only with women but also cows. What is the meaning of this? Is not the cow sacred? If it is, then it should be worshipped not sexually assaulted!


Dr. Charles claims that the Ramayana is nothing but the culture and way of life of the Aryans (Brahmins) which is still having a great impact on present day India. According to Ramayana, the Aryans (Brahmins) used to drink liquor, used to eat meat, used to have many wives, and prostitution was a way of life to the Rishis (Priests) and even the gods.

The concept of "re-incarnation" or avtar is the bed-rock of the Hindu belief. Rama, Vishu, Hanuman etc ... are all believed to be avtars. But according to Hindu scholar Kshiti Mohan Sen, there is nothing in the Vedas to support this belief! Rather, it is an Aryan / Chinese concept that may have crept into the Hindu thoughts. This shakes the whole foundation of Hinduism!

"Hindus accept many incarnations of God. While some Hindus take the doctrine literally and accept figures like Rama, Krishna, and Buddha as actual incarnation, others prefer to treat it as a useful myth.

The origin of the concept of avatara is obscure. It cannot be found in the Vedas, but it is possible that it came from the Aryan settlers in Iran. The idea of discontinuous incarnations can be found in the Bahram Yasht, which forms part of the Zoroastrian corpus, where incarnations of the deity Verethragna can be seen. According to another theory, the concept originated in central Asia, as the Bahram Yasht shows traces of Chinese influence and mythology. In none of these beliefs, however, does the concept play as important a part as it does in post- Vedic Hindu thought, particularly that of the epics, Ranayana and Mahabharata.


The origin of the holiness of the cow in popular Hinduism is not quite certain. The Aryans loved to eat beef, though they seem to have admired the cow as a very useful animal. The importance of the cow in India's rural life may have something to do with the question." - Hindu scholar Kshiti Mohan Sen



Should you read the Ramayan you will come to the conclusion that it cannot be a God revealed book. On the other hand you will find materials of pornography, incest, lies, cheating etc.

The average Hindu is kept in the dark and in reality, he is ignorant on matters pertaining to Hindu beliefs. If he really reads the Ramayana, we challenge, he will be ashamed of his religion and himself for being a Hindu.


"THE GITA AS IT WAS" is a shocking book which reveals the Brahmin fabrication and forgery of the Gita. Mr Phulgenda Sinha, a Sanskrit scholar from Bihar, now settled in the U.S., has come out with the original Gita which, he says, the Brahmin have interpolated to obscure its original message. The author also gives the original text in Sanskrit and English to prove his claim. The book is available from: Open Court, La Salle, Illinois -61301, U.S.A. Price US$ 15.95.


Brahmins always have a tendency to claim everything in the name of SCIENCE. But the Scientists, Doctors and Specialists claim otherwise. First of all any man with common sense won't agree to the claims originated by these BRAHMINS. Here are a few examples of Brahmin-originated unscientific claims (and the true knowledge of "the gods"):


NARASINGA PURANA - Page 169 - Abithana Sinthamani - says that the earth is flat. Today it has been proved beyond doubt by the scientists that the earth is round.


VISHNU PURANA says that sun is 800,000 miles and moon is 2,200,000 miles away from the earth respectively. Astronomy has now proved that the moon is nearer to the earth, i.e. 240,000 miles and that the sun is 93,000,000 miles away from the earth.


MARKANDEYA PURANA says that the earth has an area of 4,000,000,000 square miles. According to astronomy, it is only 190,700,000 square miles.


The Vedas say that the cow is holy and should be worshipped. These Brahmins also claim that cow dung ash has medicinal value. Samples sent to a leading test laboratory in West Germany have proved this to be untrue. Even today ignorant Hindus smear their homes with cow dung.

In India people are dying of hunger. Why are these low caste Hindus prohibited from eating beef? In India cow meat is cheaper than other available meats. Instead of these Brahmins taking care of the low caste peoples of India they are doing their best to save their "holy" cows. According to Valmith's Ramayana, God Rama "ATE" meat. Why then have these Brahmins given up beef-eating?


One erstwhile Prime Minister, Morarji Desai (Brahmin), boasted that he was drinking eight ounces of his own urine daily (pure and fresh!) in the morning in accordance with the Vedas claim that urine has medicinal value. With the same claim today the Brahmins/RSS are drinking cow's urine as if it is a DAILY TONIC. No scientists have ever claimed that urine has any medicinal value. On the contrary it is well known fact that urine is an unwanted organic substance that the human body needs to discharge. [Editor's note: This is just plain common sense!!!]


The Vedas and Puranas say that all Hindus must pray to the sun god SURYA, and that if you look at the sun daily every morning with your naked eyes, your sight will improve. Accordingly many Hindus practise this act of worship; but instead of their eyesight improving, India is the country that has the most blind people in the world (2.5 million blind people and 9 million with corneal blindness).

There is no scientific truth in sun worship, and on the contrary the scientist and doctors advise everyone not to look at the sun directly with the naked eye. Who is telling us the truth, the Scientists or the Hindu scriptures? You be the judge! The credit of India's blindness also goes to Hinduism.


Hindus are dumping half-cremated bodies, and the ashes of these corpses, into River Ganges for their salvation as ordered by the Hindu scriptures. In other words, the Holy Ganges water is a human soup! This has made the Ganges water polluted and a breeding ground for numerous diseases.

Question: Is there anything similar to this water in America?

Answer: Yes there is! It is called raw sewage. And common sense tells one that sewage is not to be swam in, drank, nor utilized in sacred activity.

Still these Brahmins claim the River Ganges a sacred river - saying that nothing can contaminate it. Why then is the Government of India spending millions of rupees to clean up the dirty waters of River Ganges?


AP News (India) dated 10-1 1-86 says: When a Hindu is cremated in India, one or more medium-sized trees are also chopped down to accompany him on the funeral pyre. Ecologists warn that forest loss seriously threatens the environment and that we have already lost 32 % of the Indian forest. Daily in India, Hindus are dying and taking with them trees. A staggering 6.43 million kilograms of timber goes up in flames each day. The annual loss is 2.35 million tons. How much pollution does a body create when it is burnt with wood? (Not only that, imagine the foul smell it causes in the atmosphere.)

"The most absurd stories of their gods are readily believed... This hurrying from one means of salvation to another can be accounted for partly by the fear that though an act of merit may have satisfied the claims of one deity, others who have not been pacified may wreck their vengeance upon them.

Interested and unscrupulous priests make capital out of the gross ignorance and credulity of the people.... Shrine after shrine is visited and word after word is done; and yet the fear remains that some deity has been neglected who at any moment may demand his rights, or punish for neglect..... There are so many deities, and are so different in character, that almost any habit can be different in, almost any vice committed, under the impression that it is pleasing to one or another." (W.J. Wilkins Modern Hinduism)



Inequity and degradation of women are sanctified in the Hindu religion. Manu Smriti says:
Never trust a woman. Never sit alone with a woman even if it may be your mother, she may tempt you. Do not sit alone with your daughter, she may tempt you. Do not sit alone with your sister, she may tempt you.

Again the same Manu Smriti continues:

"Na stree swadantriya marhathi". "No liberty for women in society".

Now, that is most disgusting!!! This sick pervert actually insinuates that one's own mother will tempt him! Na'oothu billahi minash-shaytaanir-rajeem!!!


The Brahmin media made a big campaign recently out of the Shah Banu case and they blew it out of all proportion. They implied that Islam restricted the freedom of women. Let us compare the positions of the Hindu woman and the Muslim woman. See the following facts for comparison and then try to bring these Brahmins to their senses.


  1. The Hindu woman has no right to divorce her husband.
  2. She has no property or inheritance rights.
  3. Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family.
  4. The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family.
  5. If her husband dies she should commit Sati (being cremated with her dead husband). Since today's law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other "holy" ways (see below).
  6. She can never remarry.
  7. The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public. She cannot wear jewelry or colorful clothes. (She should not even take part in her children's marriage!)
  8. Child and infant marriage is encouraged.


  1. The Muslim lady has the same right as the Muslim man in all matters, including divorce.
  2. She enjoys property and inheritance rights. (Which other religion grants women these rights?). She can also conduct her own separate business.
  3. She can marry any Muslim of her choice. If her parents choose a partner for her, her consent has to be taken.
  4. The dowry in Islam is a gift from a husband to his wife (not the other way round as is practiced by some ignoramuses).
  5. A Muslim widow is encouraged to remarry, and her remarriage is the responsibility of the Muslim society.
  6. Mixed marriage is encouraged and is a means to prevent racism creeping into society.
  7. A Muslim mother is given the highest form of respect.

To learn more about Muslim ladies, visit the Banaa-tun-Noor web site.

The living revolutionary Mr. Rajashekar questions what right has the Hindus to criticize the Muslims? Have you ever heard of a Muslim burning his wife? Every day we read in the paper about dowry deaths, Hindu women being burnt by the husband or in-laws. It is a fact that upper caste Hindus ill-treat their women. The Brahmin press has brainwashed all of us saying that Muslims do not give freedom to their women. He again questions, "Do the Hindus respect their women?" You be the judge!


If the Hindu man's wife dies, he is free to go and find another beautiful woman when he wants. But if the Hindu woman's husband dies, not only is she prohibited to remarry but she should be cremated along with her dead husband ("Sati"). According to the Haria, the woman who follows her husband in death purifies three families - her father's, her mother's and her husband's. These Brahmin theologians propagate the theory based in the Vedas that a woman who did not burn herself would never become free of being born as a woman again. If a woman's husband was guilty of the murder of a Brahmin or guilty of "ingratitude" - then the wife who died clasping his body was said to purify him of his sins.

When His "Holiness" Puri Shankaracharya was asked about the fate of the widow's children, he replied - "it is fate! Let the children suffer or die without a mother. But SATI has to be performed according to Hinduism".


The Times of India reported (14-9-87): Jaipur- In what appeared to be a revival of a centuries-old custom of "Sati", a young woman belonging to a warrior caste of Rajasthan climbed into the funeral pyre of her husband, police said yesterday. Eighteen-year old Roop Kanwar's husband, Mansingh, had died in a hospital in Kikar district on Friday, His body was later taken to his home village at Diwrala for cremation. Roop Kanwar sat on the funeral pyre while it was lit by one of Mansingh ' s relatives. Hundreds of villagers who knew of her "Sati" well in advance gathered at the spot shouting slogans in praise of the burning widow. Police, who claimed to have received the information late, registered a case against four close relatives of Mansingh for having "HELPED" Roop Kanwar commit "Sati".

Roop Kanwar's husband, Mansingh took more than Rs. 100,000 worth of dowry in the form of money, 25 tola of gold, a TV, a radio and a refrigerator. Though Mansingh had demanded dowry worth of 200,000 rupees, her father had success- fully negotiated and reduced the amount to Rs. 100,000/=. So far in the same village more than 23 dowry killings have occurred in the last 3 years as recompense for not bringing the promised dowry in time.

The paper continues that the most revealing statement came from Mr. Cheeta Singh, a village teacher who said:

"After all, she had no life to took forward to. As a widow, remarriage was out of the question in the Hindu tradition bound community".

The teacher continues:

"The society treats a widow as a "kulachani" (an evil omen) and a economic liability. She has to remain barefoot, sleep on the floor and is not allowed to venture out of the house. She is slandered if seen talking to any male. It was better that she died, than live such a life," he said.


A report from REUTER (25-9-87): said that Roop Kanwar was forced onto the funeral pyre against her will and struggled to save her life. Some villagers alleged that Roop Kanwar was forced onto the pyre and that she cried piteously as she died. A police report established conclusively on 4-10-87 that Roop Kanwar did try to escape from the pyre before it was lit. But she was unable to do so as logs of wood were stacked up to her neck. Her screams, which the villagers insist was the recital of "Gayatri mantra," were drowned in the slogans of "Sati mata kijai" (long live the lady of "Sati"). Although neighbours claimed that she was 18, the Times of India quoted school records as showing her date of birth as August 15th 1971.

A survey by a Calcutta Women's Association reveals that most of the "Sati" are conducted because of the compulsion of the dead Hindu husbands close relatives, irrespective of the young widow's protests to commit suicide. Though the Indian Law prohibits such a cruel act, never in Indian history have any of the dead Hindu husband's close relatives been punished for forcing such crimes.

Had Roop Kunwar died in an accident instead of her husband, Mansingh would have sat as the groom in yet one more marriage ceremony with another beautiful girl. He would also pick up one more dowry worth 100,000 rupees and as a result Mansingh's parents would have gained another colourful income.


Knowing that Kanwar's father would not allow such a cruel murder, Mansingh's parents had not even informed her father, he came to know of the incidents only through newspaper reports the next day.

Roop Kanwar's father has lost his beautiful, young and only daughter in a cruel forceful murder in the name of Hinduism. Look at the atrocities to the Hindu women. BEING A HINDU WOMAN IS A CURSE.


Dr. Lakshmi, a well known gynecologist and social worker from Delhi, and who herself is a Brahmin (and married to the age of 37), suggests that Brahmin women should come out of their shells and act their own since she claims that their corroded thoughts won't save them at all.

Dr. Lakshmi again claims that most of the women who get married after 25 are not virgins. (Most Brahmin women do not get married until they are 30. For this long delay the Brahmin male is responsible for finally getting a SECOND HAND SPOUSE. She challenges that abstention from sexual activity is against the nature of the human physical body. She also says that it is the responsibility of the society to get them married quickly as in other religions.

She says that if you are a Hindu woman you cannot love anyone you like and you cannot marry anyone whom you choose. Your birth sign (stars) should match your mate's birth sign. In addition you should meet the unbearable dowry demand.

From the Skanda Purana

The Goddess then entered the palace of the god who bears the moon as his diadem. When the three eyed god saw her he said, "Damn 'women," and she bowed to him and said, "You have spoken truly, and not falsely. This portion of Nature is senseless; women deserve to be reviled. It is the grace of men which brings release from the ocean of existence". Then Hara rejoiced and said to her, "Now you are worthy, and I will give you a son who will bring renown to you who are fair and glorious". Hara, the abode of various wonders, then made love with the Goddess.



The Ramayana and the Mahabharat are no doubt GREAT stories, but they are also stories that belong to India's ancient past. We cannot scientifically or factually prove the authenticity of these tales, and as such, we cannot accept Hinduism as a religion.

Religion is a "man to God" relationship and not a "man to man" relationship. To reach God, treating fellow human beings with love, justice and equal rights is a duty upon the believer. Most religions preach these ideals. Unfortunately Hinduism, which originated from the Brahmins, preaches that to reach your God you should not treat them with justice or give them equal rights.

On the other hand Hinduism teaches a man how to cheat and enslave people in the name of "Religion". With this technique, 5% (Brahmins) of India's population have control over 95% of its people.


Is there any historically documentated evidence to prove that Rama ruled India? Can any of the so-called Brahmin scholars quote any Western historian to support them? For example where is Hanuman's bridge today? Is the moon on top of the Himalayas? Can immorality be identified with religion?

The Puranas and Vedas state that a true Brahmin should not cross the sea and that is the reason behind Rama asking Hanuman to build a bridge to Sri Lanka. But today Brahmins not only cross the sea but they are working as airline pilots etc. The Achariyas (Brahmin priests) have now passed a resolution saying that the egg is a vegetable food and therefore may be eaten by Hindus. Bengali Brahmins are already eating fish claiming that it is a water flower.

Brahmin women are not only remarrying, but they are also marrying men from other castes. Thanks to reformist like Dr. Ambedkar, E.V.'R. Preriar, Lord Pending and Dr. Ramdas, many low-caste Hindus have now become administers, scientists and even priests.

To know more about Hinduism, please read the Vedas and Puranas with an unbiased mind. Before long, you will see a big difference in the way that you view the Hindu religion.


We can safely conclude that Hinduism, as a religion, does not satisfy human nature, in addition to being a filthy curse upon its unsuspecting followers. It is based on inequality, hatred of others and the oppression of the weak, especially women. Empty claims such as urine drinking and sun worship further make this an unsound religion.



  1. Ask yourself if the contents of this book are true.
  2. Obtain the books/videos mentioned in the reference section. Read/view them and circulate what you can.
  3. Print/photocopy/translate this booklet and distribute as widely as possible.
  4. Write your opinions in newspapers, magazines etc.
  5. Get in touch with the present leaders who are fighting against Brahminism and assist them in achieving freedom.

Once again we remind you of the great English philosopher Edmund Burke's saying:" SILENT SPECTATORS ARE DANGEROUS"!


Now that you have studied my book, what do you think of India's beloved religion? Is it a blessing or a curse? Our "Masters", The Brahmins, will certainly call it a blessing, but for the Non-Brahmins, it has been a curse from the beginning. As an Indian author who loves his country, I feel that I have conveyed the reality of the religion, which was created by the Brahmins to divide and rule the People.

In reality it was the Aryan (Brahmin) invaders who used the lactic of- "DIVIDE AND RULE" - long before the British came to India. The problem is that this policy is poisoning the minds of Indians in the form of religion. I appeal to you, dear readers, to create unity and equality amongst India's people. Remember that:


Suicide mania in India

The suicide mania in India need not worry psychologists. Many have been busy analyzing this phenomenon and trying to convince us that frustration and anxiety among the Indian youth over the effect of job reservation is a valid reason for suicide. That analysis itself is a high-caste plot.

The doctors who walk out of hospitals leaving their patients to die are high-caste Hindus. So are those who commit suicide on streets and those who burn others. Central ministries and secretariats are monopolized by high-caste Hindus. There are varying assessments about their percentage, the lowest being 85. The percentage of high-caste Hindus in various state ministries and secretariats ranges between 50 and 95. Ninety percent of posts in Indian administrative services, police services and private sector executive posts are occupied by them. Of the leaders of national political parties 75 percent come from high caste Hindus. In Communist and Socialist parties it is 60 percent, and in right-wing RSS and BJP it is 98 percent.

They will do anything to preserve status.


  1. The Untouchables OF INDIA Minority Rights Group 36, Craven St., London WC2 5NG
  2. Mr. Ghandi and the Emancipation of Untouchables, Bhim Patrika publication, Jullunder, India
  3. Brahmin fabrication and forgery of the Gita? and why? Open court, LA Salle, lllionois-61301, U.S.A.
  4. Gita Rahasya? or manusmrit (A code of inhumanity), by B.G.Tilak, Higginbothoms, Madras.
  5. The sacred books of the East edited by F. Marx Muller The Vedanda-Sutras with the commentary by Shankaracharya translated by George Thibaut, Page 228-9: Published by Motilal Banarsidars, Delhi 1968
  6. The Untouchables OF INDIA Minority rights group (A U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMN.) 36 Craven St., LONDON WC2 5NG., U.K.
  7. Untouchability, will it ever vanish? Bhim Patrica Publications
  8. Ramayan-Valmikhi
  9. Bahgvath Geetha
  10. The Bible, The Quran and Science, Maurice Bucaille - The French Scholar Book Centre, 1353,Chitli Qabar, Delhi 110006
  11. Answer to Racial Problems, by a German Diplomat, A.Q. Publishing House P.O. Box 6156 Jeddah 21442.
  12. Mahabharath
  13. Ramayana - A true reading
  14. Politics of Gods - Churning of the ocean by S.L.Dhani, IAS - D.D. Books 754 - sector - 8 Panchkula, Haryana 134 108
  15. Bunch of thoughts - M.S.Golwalker Jagarana Prakashana, Kempa Gowda Nagar Banglore 560 019
  16. R.S.S. A danger - By Viduthalai Rajendran
  17. Apartheid in India
  18. The Untouchables in contemporary India, University of Arizona press, Tucson Arizona, U.S.A.
  19. The Unchristian side of the Indian Church (DSA-1985)-By Rev A.M.Azariah.
  20. Why Godse killed Ghandhi?
  21. Untouchability - by Periyar E.V Ramasami
  22. Violence in Hinduism
  23. Who is the mother of Hitler?
  24. Why communal G.O.? - By Periyar E.V. Ramasami
  25. The Salvation to Shudra Slavery
  26. Christianity, A political problem by Major Vedantam 11 Main road, East CIT Nagar, Madras 600 035
  27. God & Man - By Periyar E.V. Ramasami
  28. Why go for conversion? by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar
  29. Why Brahmins hate reservation? by Periyar E.v. Ramamsami
  30. Quintessence of Hindu Philosophy, By Periyar E.V. Ramasami
  31. Rishis lack of real knowledge, Light House Publications, Madras-99
  32. Declaration of War on Brahminism, by Periyar E.V. Ramasami
  33. Is not the Brahmin a foreigner? by Periyar E.V. Ramasami
  34. History of Tamils, P.T. Srinivasa lyenger
  35. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on Congress and Brahmins K.Veeramani
  36. Hindu Festivals, by Periyar E.V. Ramasami
  37. Scientific Methods and ignorant beliefs, by Singaravelu
  38. Lord of the Air by Tal Brooke Lion Publishing, 121 High Street, Berkhamsted Herts U.K.
  39. Recipe for Revolution
  40. S.Cs, S.Ts, and O.B.Cs - Why Reservations - K Veeramani
  41. Brahmins K.Veeramani
  42. Brahminism (The curse of India)
  43. They burn (160 Million Untouchables of India) Dalit Sahitya Akademy, Bangalore
  44. Hinduism, Fascism and Ghandism
  45. The class and castes in India.
  46. Annihilation Of Caste.
  47. Periar Philosophy
  48. Who is ruling India? Dalit Sahitya Akademy, Bangalore
  49. Agitation against reservation Thakar Das Pasi 582 DLF Colony, Rohtak, Haryana - 124 004
  50. Backwards, Do you know? Mandal commission report
  51. Untouchability
  52. Women in Islam, Maryam Jameela
  53. What Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables? by B.R. Ambedkar Thacker & Co. Ltd Bombay
  54. After Secularism What? Book Centre 1353, Chilli Qabar, Delhi 100 006
  55. Is not the Brahmin a Foreigner? D. Raghavandrayya Sath Sastri New Era Publications, Madras - 6009 099
  56. Marxists or Hindu Nazis? Who is more dangerous? V.T.Rajshekar. (A must for every Kerala Dalit, Ezahava, Muslim and Christian and rationalist) Dalit Cultural Front 37, Chintavalappup-lane Rammohan Road, Calicut, Kerala 673 004
  57. The Untouchables Story, D.P. Das, Allied Publishers 13/14 ASAF Ali Road New Delhi 110 002
  58. The Shahbano controversy, Orient Longman Ltd, Calcutta.
  59. Mahatma Ghandhi, The Last Phase By Pyarilal
  60. Militant Hinduism in Indian PoliticsBy J.A. Curran
  61. How to exterminate Muslims In India, Dalit Voice (May 16-3101985 special issue)

    62. Indian Archaeology By Dr R.L.ShukIa, Asi Publication 1976 - 77 New Delhi.

  62. Thus Spoke Ambedkhar
  63. Islam an India Culture by P.N. Pande, Governor of Orissa.
  64. Begion Godmen (Encounters With Spiritual Frauds) Dr. Abraham Kovoor, Jaico Publishing House 121, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bombay 400023
  65. Gods, Demons, and Spirits, Abraham Kovoor, Jaico Publishing House 121 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bombay 400023
  66. The Dialogue between Hindus and Muslims, Crescent Publishing Company 2034, Qasimjan Street, Ballimaran, Delhi 110006
  67. Riddles In Hinduism By Dr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar Educational Department, Govt. ofMaharahstra, Pubin.


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  1. Shocking Asia, Atlas International Film GMBH, Munich or Replay Video, London or Distribution First Film Organisation, Hong Kong
  2. Shock Survey - BBC Programme, Rev. Jenkins, Bishop Anglican Church, London
  3. World Religions
  1. History of Religions - Gary Miller (Canada)
  2. Human Rights - Steve Johnson (U.S.A)

Ibrahim khaleel


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Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (374) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
4Allah in Quran is very impatient [314 words]PrashantJun 18, 2016 14:40230057
1U have to go in deep [250 words]ShameemNov 20, 2019 00:36230057
1Really a Nice article [11 words]Ahmed SalehJun 23, 2015 19:51223928
2Good work [22 words]AnkitSep 24, 2013 12:49210006
1compulsion [198 words]BruceMar 2, 2012 13:28193816
2Compulsion [128 words]Abdullah ReedMar 14, 2012 00:03193816
41terror is indeed for india [141 words]amit yadavJul 17, 2011 02:10187467
NOT TO WORRY ABOUT MUSLIMS IN INDIA [30 words]M.Y KHATRIJun 8, 2012 01:52187467
1bad future [48 words]ToramanaFeb 7, 2014 17:39187467
8Indian suffering [372 words]ToramanaFeb 7, 2014 18:35187467
islamophobia [28 words]salluMar 19, 2015 22:43187467
1re: Lying allowed in Islam [455 words]SridharJul 16, 2015 11:27187467
Reply on 2002 modi and bala saheb ji thackrey [5 words]Abhimanyu vermaMay 1, 2020 19:31187467
11Long duration of revelation raises doubts about authenticity [117 words]PrashantJul 5, 2011 00:29187024
3The Circularity of Islam [44 words]SteadyfriendJan 18, 2012 06:24187024
7opportunistic "prophet" [58 words]Jack SmithJul 4, 2011 15:42187006
1Exploiters and oppressors never enter into a Dialogue [133 words]Dr. S L Dhani IAS (R)Aug 13, 2010 10:28176659
13Dr. Dhani Ji, please read. [783 words]HariAug 14, 2010 08:41176659
10search for the truth [71 words]anilSep 30, 2010 08:34176659
8Please...... stop it [137 words]venkateshJan 14, 2011 14:28176659
2You are right [25 words]AbrahamMar 2, 2011 06:17176659
i have no problem [89 words]Ravi Ranjan Singh Bharat PanthiMay 15, 2011 13:47176659
8islam [72 words]samApr 26, 2010 02:37171721
1Re: [101 words]shayanSep 1, 2010 09:52171721
2Obsessive cumpulsive and more [110 words]JillSep 15, 2009 05:30161545
1Islam and voilence and terrorism [27 words]David ChellarajSep 21, 2012 04:24161545
3Please provide full Verse, don't quote OUT OF CONTEXT. [103 words]imranMay 19, 2009 09:36155771
4rama [39 words]jonJan 19, 2009 06:21148400
4those who have ears hear [279 words]chiranjeeviOct 21, 2009 21:59148400
3reply to rama(those who have ears hear) [185 words]mohd zeeshanAug 22, 2010 08:53148400
3those who have eyes see! [125 words]SunilAug 28, 2010 15:36148400
4islaam can never be better.. [138 words]indianNov 7, 2008 15:26142379
3Misconception about the word KAFIR among the hindu people [163 words]M Y KHATRIJan 3, 2009 10:54142379
yes you are right [185 words]rajnish mishraMar 29, 2010 04:17142379
Good market, bad product [18 words]Sardar Ravi Ranjan Singh 'Bharat Panthi'Apr 12, 2010 13:18142379
1THE CREATOR [121 words]R N SathiyamJun 2, 2012 14:16142379
1no hindu religion? [29 words]toramanaFeb 7, 2014 17:20142379
You don't get it, my dear. [111 words]TimMar 30, 2016 02:39142379
13a question for true muslims [63 words]muhammadAug 16, 2008 02:36136814
1Reigious clash [97 words]R SUBRAMANIANSep 3, 2008 05:48136814
8Muhammad [252 words]SK BallalNov 16, 2008 02:57136814
11Please go from non muslim country India [47 words]Manish SaxenaMar 7, 2009 07:55136814
3brother ....what is absurd? [187 words]mayeedApr 6, 2009 09:46136814
5In response of Mayeed's comment [127 words]Manish SaxenaApr 8, 2009 07:54136814
1Manish sexena [392 words]MayeedApr 19, 2009 05:11136814
3Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him) [325 words]A.Samad KhanApr 28, 2009 01:05136814
1shameless ballal [144 words]bilalJul 7, 2009 19:22136814
9islams ignorance of Hinduism [70 words]proud hinduSep 13, 2009 15:39136814
1to manisha saxena [94 words]naziaSep 29, 2009 11:07136814
love eachother [47 words]sheikhApr 16, 2010 07:19136814
2Islam and quran [41 words]samApr 26, 2010 02:26136814
1Love country [129 words]samApr 26, 2010 02:33136814
7Regarding worship of Idols [342 words]TarakJun 22, 2010 11:56136814
1prophet pbuh [12 words]rahimSep 28, 2010 08:11136814
yes we cannot comment without right knowledge [18 words]king slaveofallahJul 28, 2011 00:24136814
The Road Ahead [123 words]CrusaderMar 9, 2012 14:58136814
Country first -religion last [72 words]NARAYANAApr 25, 2012 16:13136814
insa Allah [11 words]JameOct 4, 2013 17:29136814
1War time? [92 words]ToramanaFeb 7, 2014 17:56136814
2Brutal Islamic conquest of India in the name of Islam [1775 words]SridharJul 16, 2015 11:08136814
being human [35 words]ABID ALI TAKOct 19, 2015 06:17136814
for true muslims [65 words]muhammadAug 16, 2008 02:25136813
You will Know [39 words]IslamAug 15, 2008 19:55136798
1AKMA [97 words]KabirOct 21, 2009 05:15136798
hindu or muslim [95 words]hindu-muslimJul 18, 2008 11:16135365
2dream on [29 words]AshwinSep 17, 2008 21:18135365
agree [15 words]jonJan 19, 2009 06:24135365
2Are All Religions Great? [860 words]Dr. S L Dhani IAS (R)Aug 13, 2010 22:42135365
1Hindu or muslim [143 words]masudJan 6, 2011 03:43135365
lowercast [8 words]dddJan 14, 2011 13:57135365
Obsessive cumpulsive disorder [105 words]PatilFeb 29, 2008 01:15121379
Truth is in the small print [63 words]vamananDec 5, 2007 10:30115761
Come on people, It's time to be cool!! [319 words]kcNov 17, 2007 09:54113919
2True religion is humanity [204 words]s.azizMar 3, 2007 21:1880013
2True religion is humanity(2) [99 words]IRMar 8, 2007 12:2280013
Sensible comment [28 words]Cool DrangoApr 10, 2010 02:5680013
1terror the new religion [124 words]RajMay 5, 2010 05:3980013
Disagreement [57 words]Pro BritainFeb 11, 2006 15:0534958
Blame it on Saud [240 words]Eddie MustDec 2, 2005 05:2329306
1Agree with Criticism of Saud [537 words]MkFeb 20, 2008 20:4329306
1Jews were in India long before Islam [19 words]Nov 22, 2005 18:5028719
1incomplete knowledge [61 words]ayeshaFeb 16, 2007 14:3528719
What a parody [30 words]PatilFeb 29, 2008 01:1828719
2Rubbish [208 words]Hindu4LifeAug 5, 2010 18:4428719
2you're right about Islam being the biggest threat in the world [187 words]americanaNov 7, 2005 17:1927909
you're right about Islam being the biggest threat in the world [142 words]MoMay 24, 2006 08:0527909
1Organized Religions [78 words]RationalistMar 6, 2007 23:2827909
1Fruits of colonialism [67 words]BajpaiJun 2, 2007 10:1927909
You have little knowledge about Islam [173 words]M. AkmalSep 30, 2007 03:0427909
Science as we know it started from Ancient India and the vedic religion [30 words]Vikram AdityaDec 4, 2007 20:2227909
What Development ? [1536 words]ShailendraDec 5, 2007 03:2727909
Biggest Threat? [502 words]MkFeb 20, 2008 21:0827909
fruit [9 words]jayJul 4, 2008 11:0127909
Oh poor dear, [136 words]naingwinJan 28, 2009 05:0527909
1hi mr shailander i am sorry i read your comment late [91 words]bilalJul 7, 2009 19:3827909
richest [29 words]the manMar 7, 2010 16:0527909
Lord Macaulay's address to British Parliament [142 words]TarakJun 22, 2010 12:2627909
God is watching! [323 words]Dr. MaidunOct 29, 2005 08:4627479
where is allah? [28 words]aejanJan 30, 2006 06:2927479
Islam [118 words]ParvezApr 15, 2007 11:4527479
reply [40 words]vikramMay 14, 2007 04:4227479
Please have a thought [116 words]RajatJun 3, 2008 12:1627479
2Prophet Muhammed made a blunder by claiming that he was the last one [359 words]PhilosopherJul 1, 2008 01:0027479
Reply [123 words]SRSep 30, 2008 10:2127479
1response [87 words]youmuslimApr 9, 2009 18:0027479
2what ... [365 words]Hindu4LifeAug 6, 2010 14:4727479
3Response to Dr. Maidun [969 words]Hindu4LifeAug 6, 2010 16:3427479
5Islam V Hinduism [60 words]Ravi LOct 3, 2005 07:3626556
HATE, VIOLENCE, BLOODSHED, WAR [93 words]RAJVINDER SINGHFeb 3, 2006 10:0826556
4Islam V Hinduism [2588 words]Shaikh ShafiAug 25, 2006 05:5826556
1HOLD UP [313 words]ishqmeil khan convert to hinduismSep 11, 2006 04:1626556
A True Muslim [428 words]ShafiSep 12, 2006 08:1826556
54Islam and Quran is only a Concept [1804 words]RamaOct 2, 2006 09:2626556
11Absurd Hinduism (Indian Paganism) [93 words]PamodhaNov 10, 2006 11:0426556
A different perspective!! [440 words]Satnam BansalDec 15, 2006 14:2526556
8Hindu civilization was destroyed in the 1000 years of living as a Dhimmi [131 words]sandyDec 21, 2006 06:5026556
1Finally there is a human among us............. [85 words]KaisJan 14, 2007 03:3226556
1A True muslim [46 words]shafiJan 18, 2007 11:0826556
2knowledge is power [36 words]DR. Naveen RainaJan 20, 2007 01:1626556
A True muslim [335 words]shafiJan 21, 2007 03:1126556
1Dear Satnam [161 words]MisraFeb 20, 2007 11:1326556
2Modern Physics including Quantum Theory & Hinduism [188 words]ShantanuMar 6, 2007 18:4026556
Why compare the religions?? [195 words]SoulMar 21, 2007 13:2126556
God give you wisdom [250 words]rachinApr 21, 2007 17:0726556
1ALLAH (THE ONE GOD) BLESS MUSLIMS [196 words]AysheMay 8, 2007 00:1326556
reply [88 words]vikramMay 16, 2007 12:1626556
reply [42 words]vikramMay 16, 2007 12:3326556
none [10 words]MuslimMay 23, 2007 15:4226556
absurd [76 words]AnonymousJun 6, 2007 15:4426556
reply [44 words]TariqJun 20, 2007 16:1926556
managing your view by your own way [32 words]SujitJun 24, 2007 17:5426556
Foolish writer [38 words]SujitJun 24, 2007 18:0226556
Islam V Hinduism [70 words]shafiJul 1, 2007 05:2826556
foolish writer...not [15 words]rashidJul 9, 2007 10:2326556
hello [11 words]rashidJul 9, 2007 10:3726556
islam isn't a concept but a way of life [431 words]rashidJul 9, 2007 11:0726556
To Satnam [359 words]Sukhdev Singh AulakhJul 20, 2007 20:1826556
1You can not compare philosophy to tribal laws [167 words]sincereefforts (www.faithfreedom.org)Jul 25, 2007 15:0626556
Reply to : Islam V Hinduism [322 words]Lotus MoonclanAug 22, 2007 22:0626556
get your life on track [162 words]ram gopalSep 9, 2007 17:5326556
1true hindu [111 words]ram gopalSep 9, 2007 18:2026556
2explain that i have seen that video [9739 words]IbrahimSep 13, 2007 16:4226556
reply to Tariq [23 words]rahul(india)Nov 26, 2007 13:5226556
9Mecca is an ancient hindu temple [19 words]ShivDec 4, 2007 20:3226556
why [79 words]RikDec 10, 2007 03:4626556
Sure, there is no image of Brahman but that does not mean that He is formless [148 words]AMDec 25, 2007 12:5726556
Idolatry in Western Testaments [318 words]AMDec 25, 2007 13:5426556
All for wine in Mohammad's paradise? [166 words]AMDec 25, 2007 14:0326556
1misconception about islam [123 words]iqbalMar 27, 2008 13:5526556
8idol worship,hinduism and other religions [1301 words]sandeep koulMar 31, 2008 03:1426556
2You Said the truth [10 words]peaceboyApr 3, 2008 12:1526556
reply to Feroz [12 words]MohnishMay 18, 2008 16:4926556
ALLAH IS THE ONLY TRUTH [35 words]swapnilMay 21, 2008 00:3026556
2Hinduism or Sanatan [476 words]SibaramMay 29, 2008 21:1026556
Re [47 words]sibaramJun 3, 2008 05:5326556
YOU ARE WRONG [112 words]swetaJun 7, 2008 23:0226556
10the kalki [778 words]sultanJun 11, 2008 04:1126556
1NO YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS WRONG [402 words]PamodhaJun 20, 2008 19:5226556
Absolute non-sense [43 words]VishwasJul 13, 2008 21:3926556
first think then write [53 words]JasmineAug 13, 2008 00:2926556
Prove it [11 words]PamodhaAug 13, 2008 16:5126556
Quran is first and Last, nothing Else [137 words]mohamadAug 15, 2008 15:2926556
1kashmir [40 words]ajay panditaSep 20, 2008 04:3826556
respect others life [44 words]enlighten yourself this is ulimate goal not bomb blastsSep 27, 2008 10:5026556
explain [20 words]zodiacloveOct 2, 2008 08:1826556
Submitted by zodiaclove (Brazil), Oct 2, 2008 at 08:18 [62 words]RikOct 5, 2008 14:3626556
1Pamodha [231 words]Hindu-HumanistOct 16, 2008 02:0626556
3The term 'Hindu Humanist' is an oxymoron [1123 words]PamodhaOct 18, 2008 14:1626556
3The tyranny of Islam [566 words]Terry SmithNov 4, 2008 19:5226556
For everyone.... [357 words]SathyaNov 26, 2008 10:2026556
Hinduism, judaism and christianity [328 words]DelwinDec 6, 2008 05:4526556
Idol Worship mis interpreted [172 words]SauravDec 29, 2008 14:2626556
R U so foolish enough to say? [206 words]Naing winJan 20, 2009 07:5726556
You say Hinduism has already defined Islam [168 words]ShivaFeb 10, 2009 06:4526556
1Don't leak traditional secrets [70 words]Rama Z ZutshiFeb 13, 2009 22:5626556
1Islam Versus Civilization [149 words]BajpaiFeb 14, 2009 20:2926556
Truth Hurts [434 words]PamodhaFeb 19, 2009 18:0926556
3Holocausts, belief, and everything inbetween [136 words]Harkirit Kaur RayattMar 21, 2009 10:3626556
58wherever you find Hindu..Kill him....where does Quran say that? [1161 words]MayeedApr 5, 2009 12:0326556
2brother ....what is absurd? [204 words]mayeedApr 6, 2009 09:2026556
1idiot [192 words]AnonymousApr 8, 2009 21:5526556
1request [9 words]mayeedApr 19, 2009 08:4726556
to shaik shafi [20 words]racJun 18, 2009 09:0426556
Kalki is not mohammed. [26 words]M. Srinivas ReddyJun 28, 2009 03:1626556
ishqmeil khan ruscle [138 words]bilalJul 7, 2009 20:1926556
ram gopal kutta [91 words]bilalJul 7, 2009 20:3326556
why we are fighting for a silly thing??? [118 words]omnipresentJul 22, 2009 08:5226556
manu to shafi [93 words]shaAug 23, 2009 12:3526556
Please read [9 words]vikramSep 4, 2009 08:0526556
Islam vs Hinduism [116 words]NikSep 7, 2009 02:4526556
pak hind superpowers -- ram rahim ek hai - allah aur ram [111 words]rajSep 16, 2009 12:4626556
hmmmm [194 words]KabirOct 21, 2009 05:2726556
hmmmm [113 words]KabirOct 21, 2009 05:4126556
Do not quote out of context [172 words]NileshNov 20, 2009 03:4226556
TRUTH IS OUT THERE [129 words]MahdiJan 12, 2010 13:5726556
God is love [49 words]FatimaFeb 9, 2010 12:0426556
2know complete hinduism [110 words]mukesh ranjan mallickMar 5, 2010 04:4026556
Shiva lingam.Seeds of Jivatmas.God created created force to live in harmony,karmas are linked to bear its fruits. [57 words]shridevMar 6, 2010 14:1326556
Mr Ibrahim - My response to your Research [807 words]Gods SonMar 28, 2010 04:2626556
5Muslim rulers in India never totured hindus or forced conversion [188 words]M Y KHATRIApr 3, 2010 02:0526556
2reply for godson [880 words]ibrahimApr 7, 2010 05:5326556
Then you must know this [47 words]C09FFApr 11, 2010 16:2526556
Buddha was not Hindu [187 words]PamodhaApr 15, 2010 12:5226556
17For all those followers of tripurasura ..... [659 words]snehta sisodiaJun 19, 2010 08:0726556
2Reply to Pamodha [190 words]TarakJun 22, 2010 13:4526556
Ekamevyadwitiyam [44 words]arindamJul 31, 2010 07:5926556
10HA HA, another cock up [1186 words]Hindu4LifeAug 5, 2010 10:4426556
MMmm Interesting [687 words]Hindu4LifeAug 5, 2010 19:5226556
here we go again [295 words]Hindu4LifeAug 6, 2010 17:1026556
response to AM [53 words]Hindu4LifeAug 10, 2010 18:3526556
response to Bajpai [48 words]Hindu4LifeAug 10, 2010 18:3926556
Response to Bilal [552 words]Vijay BhattAug 13, 2010 11:5326556
you ... need to read the whole shloka [28 words]vishal singhAug 22, 2010 01:0326556
Traits Hindu Orthodoxy before Birth of Congress by A Hindu by Birth [11344 words]Dr. S L Dhani IAS (R)Sep 7, 2010 06:4326556
@Sultan(India) [475 words]AkshaySep 29, 2010 03:4726556
TRUTH ABOUT KALKI [138 words]82_RKSMNov 29, 2010 12:5726556
No Self Declared GODS in HINDUS [97 words]Nirmal KumarDec 14, 2010 15:2826556
think peace not skeptism [231 words]Ravikumar ShuklaDec 24, 2010 14:2826556
oversmartness [26 words]johnApr 23, 2011 11:4126556
100% incorrect [58 words]hitlApr 23, 2011 12:0026556
100% foolishness [45 words]hariApr 23, 2011 12:0726556
kabha is a hindhu temple [17 words]V.R.YADAVSep 3, 2011 00:1326556
GOD [56 words]ram devJan 12, 2012 06:0726556
ISLAM FAILS TO REACH ITS MESSAGE TO ITS OWN FOLLOWERS [36 words]pranavFeb 14, 2012 12:0126556
Hi ! [19 words]ScrutatorMar 16, 2012 16:5226556
I AM THE GOD [36 words]WHAT IS IN THE NAMEApr 13, 2012 06:5026556
7Please educate yourself before you talk about Hindu religion [419 words]subenMay 13, 2012 14:4126556
Pamodha the wise man [49 words]PrashantMay 15, 2012 02:1326556
5Buddhism - An antidote for Hinduism [375 words]PamodhaMay 22, 2012 11:5926556
1Pamodha please do an intellectual inquiry [40 words]PrashantMay 23, 2012 01:5326556
THANK YOU [32 words]ASMA MAJIDJun 21, 2012 13:4726556
If you are a sincere Sikh I should praise you [131 words]ronNov 30, 2012 02:1126556
Re: Absurd Hinduism [44 words]AnkushApr 3, 2013 00:1726556
Spread of Islam in India [321 words]Independent ThinkerMay 19, 2013 06:0326556
Reply [42 words]Vishwas KMay 19, 2013 06:4126556
orthodoxy muslim [29 words]samar mohammad khanJul 29, 2013 12:2926556
real fact [50 words]hinduAug 5, 2013 01:3926556
TRUTH of Islam practice [721 words]HUMANNov 2, 2013 05:5026556
I Agree the greatness of the muslim religion but than why the followers are being so cruel to humanity [371 words]HumanMar 1, 2014 06:3226556
Thanks [4 words]KismaaatMar 30, 2014 18:0626556
KHAFIRS [37 words]HinduJun 29, 2014 05:4826556
Gita [100 words]RaviAug 19, 2014 16:2726556
Pamoda, you need to learn a lot. [165 words]RockyOct 7, 2014 15:3626556
If Islam is a religion of peace [17 words]S WrightJan 12, 2015 12:5026556
islam imposing [71 words]rkjJan 13, 2015 07:1226556
Islam is a cult [87 words]SridharJul 16, 2015 10:4926556
truth lies in facts [73 words]puneetSep 4, 2015 11:0626556
Excellent interpretation [562 words]Ujjwal KarmakarJun 3, 2016 05:1826556
Islam [11 words]SomadityaSep 15, 2016 00:4826556
All false claims! [31 words]kunal kumarNov 18, 2016 00:5026556
Really? [193 words]AddiyanJan 2, 2017 01:1326556
i left it [17 words]Haneef KhanMar 27, 2017 12:2726556
Quran was a improvised answer book by prophet mohammed [76 words]VinApr 6, 2017 05:3226556
Hadith says invade india [22 words]RajeevMay 9, 2017 11:2326556
Quran [123 words]SumitMay 24, 2017 03:4726556
humanity [155 words]sumitMay 24, 2017 04:5626556
UK and and USA will become islamic countries. [20 words]Sushama KumariOct 1, 2019 11:2626556
Numbering of prophets. [22 words]Mukhtar SipaiFeb 28, 2020 07:2826556
What is a "lakh" our dear Mukhtar? [133 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 28, 2020 14:0526556
3Does Allah protect Mecca and Medina from al-Ta'oon including the Coronavirus? It seems that this is not true [207 words]dhimmi no moreMar 4, 2020 07:4126556
سعاد صالح or Su'ad Saleh issues an apology for recommending that a husband is allowed مضاجعة ونكاح البهاءم if his wife dies! Read and laugh [190 words]dhimmi no moreMar 4, 2020 11:2526556
1The case for Quarantine or كرانتينا (E. Arabic) or الحجر الصحي (MCA) and President Trump is very correct to ban flights from Europe [292 words]dhimmi no moreMar 12, 2020 17:1326556
1Does Halah food protect Muslims from the Coronavirus? And delusions from Pakistan! [194 words]dhimmi no moreMar 16, 2020 11:0426556
Coronavirus has entered Medina [17 words]J.R. QwertzMar 28, 2020 16:1926556
Kafir means non-believer not Non Muslim [195 words]PranabMar 30, 2020 04:4526556
Qwertz: The Saudis and the Wuhan/Chinese coronavirus pandemic! [159 words]dhimmi no moreMar 31, 2020 09:0626556
Our dear Pranab and the word كافر [85 words]dhimmi no moreMar 31, 2020 14:5426556
Even Moderates Believe in Killing Kafir Today [157 words]SAApr 9, 2020 03:4226556
Kalki avtaar & relegion of peace [28 words]Abhimanyu vermaMay 1, 2020 19:2426556
what is Hinduism [429 words]RishikaMar 26, 2022 17:2026556
Islam destroyed buddhism from Dr. Ambedkar [155 words]SujataMar 26, 2022 17:5426556
Not intolerant [323 words]ArchanaAug 9, 2005 06:2324451
Mr.Pipes, please start all new Cable Channel "Freedom" [74 words]HerveMar 14, 2005 13:0020976
10Islam is biggest Threat for Whole World [610 words]HerveMar 14, 2005 12:4020975
What? [40 words]PEACEAug 13, 2007 13:4720975
1DEAF AND DUMB [159 words]KHANApr 21, 2008 17:0320975
1Wrong [86 words]MyraMay 11, 2008 18:4820975
1Me Again.... [106 words]MyraMay 11, 2008 18:5420975
2Real Educated (not brainwashed) Muslims can save the world [1903 words]XYZNov 2, 2008 12:3620975
3The world would be a better place without Islam [43 words]mieouxNov 30, 2008 01:1220975
the author is 100% correct [77 words]humanityJan 11, 2009 13:3720975
islam [173 words]markJan 25, 2010 12:1620975
muslim is not terrorist [27 words]AyeeshaMar 3, 2010 07:5420975
Rethink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [34 words]saqibApr 28, 2010 07:1020975
Not Really No [549 words]Hindu4LifeAug 6, 2010 10:5120975
Very Nice [384 words]Hindu4LifeAug 6, 2010 11:4520975
Inquisition - Arab Apology Demanded? [226 words]John Randall PeacherMar 8, 2005 17:1120877
Fear and Absolute obedience [273 words]John CarlsonSep 2, 2006 19:5120877
RE: Inquisition - Arab Apology Demanded? [513 words]MiquelJan 21, 2007 16:5920877
1Please do some research [223 words]Neutral observerApr 5, 2008 08:4720877
Excuse-me? [31 words]YnnatchkahApr 7, 2008 01:0320877
Slave Soldiers of militant Islam and the Tsunami Disaster [132 words]Ilona MelstradsDec 30, 2004 15:3619253
Re: Militant Islam [158 words]RenataNov 29, 2004 08:2518694
We should accept Turkey into the EU [20 words]OzgaziOct 28, 2004 11:5518015
I disagree [104 words]reema saffariniOct 20, 2004 12:2917817
Strong Opposition [213 words]PublicFeb 25, 2006 10:3217817
Brutality [141 words]S.C.PandaOct 14, 2004 06:1717721
2prophet mohammed said " who ever changes his islamic religion, KILL him " [223 words]Phil GreendJun 24, 2009 23:3017721
Islam is a violent religion [163 words]JohnnyNov 6, 2009 11:2817721
1from which side [50 words]doesnt matterFeb 25, 2010 16:2017721
its matter [19 words]sumitMay 24, 2017 05:1517721
Not all [34 words]JaimeOct 13, 2004 15:1617634
Thank you. [57 words]John EkdahlOct 7, 2004 12:4317558
Muslims are what Islam Makes of Them [97 words]Gamaliel IsaacOct 7, 2004 10:4817557
5Why is there such an anti- Hindu hysteria among some muslims? [73 words]Michael J BlusteinOct 5, 2004 00:2517520
answer to your question [75 words]a sasidharFeb 12, 2006 23:1217520
islam- much more than what they call it!!! [129 words]anubha khandelwalSep 5, 2006 12:5017520
Why is there so much anti islamic remarks? [48 words]rashidJul 9, 2007 10:1417520
Because they are jealous of hindus [128 words]VJJul 21, 2007 04:3017520
Islam is the only right way not hundism. [86 words]emran ahmedSep 29, 2007 18:2817520
Info [109 words]soulOct 26, 2007 11:4817520
4Islam- most intolerant & violent cult of madmen | Hinduism- the most liberal way of Life [130 words]Jai RamFeb 13, 2008 14:1717520
Disagree: Islam preaches hatred? Where? [48 words]MkFeb 20, 2008 20:4717520
1Muslims hate Hindus because we dont like geting pushed around [130 words]AnonMar 12, 2008 10:2917520
hindu religion [159 words]MR ?Mar 23, 2008 14:2817520
124Muslims hate Hindus because we dont like getting pushed around [193 words]sandeep koulApr 2, 2008 07:5017520
Re: Mr? [495 words]sibaramJun 3, 2008 06:1717520
Tecniques to rule over the world [332 words]surinder singhAug 1, 2008 03:2417520
Idols [31 words]Hindu-HumanistOct 16, 2008 02:1517520
the bene israeli jews have been in india for long before the birth of islam [71 words]sheenaJan 15, 2009 13:2417520
1Jai Ram is right [9 words]steadyfriendNov 21, 2009 19:4217520
muslims have to admit that there are other religions also exist in the world [55 words]ashishDec 29, 2009 15:3317520
why muslims hate hindus [37 words]siddarthJan 3, 2010 00:1817520
Ph.Ds not needed to see the sun [175 words]VamananJan 14, 2010 22:5117520
God Fight!!! [145 words]PeacemakerMar 27, 2010 12:4317520
2comment [79 words]Cool DrangoApr 10, 2010 03:0717520
islem is the religion of right [80 words]achouakApr 20, 2010 09:1317520
Muslims marry everyone [152 words]shankarMay 17, 2010 10:4217520
Islam tolerated in India as well [310 words]Jack SwaggerJul 8, 2010 10:0317520
Full View [341 words]DrPhilAug 6, 2010 13:2317520
Response to MR? [470 words]Hindu4LifeAug 10, 2010 18:1817520
Not another ... [762 words]Hindu4LifeAug 10, 2010 19:3217520
truth [48 words]David HarlowJan 22, 2011 10:4717520
AGREE!! [25 words]yogita ashokFeb 29, 2012 10:1717520
My Dear Brothers & Sisters [85 words]SafiJan 25, 2013 11:2117520
Pride to be a christian [33 words]BenSep 18, 2014 02:0717520
Excellent! A request [22 words]David TsalOct 4, 2004 03:4317513
Pakistani Judge's Comment [282 words]John C. ZimmermanOct 3, 2004 17:3217505
You read my mind [43 words]Harry F StarkOct 3, 2004 13:5617504
Militant Islam [54 words]Issa BotrosOct 2, 2004 13:0917498
Militatant Islam and freedom of choice? [66 words]John SmithOct 2, 2004 06:1717495
Lacunae in Pipes' writings on Islam related issues [230 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Shankar SharanOct 1, 2004 07:1917486
mr shanker you'r e so wrong [41 words]veeraApr 11, 2006 21:3517486
veera ji aap ko sachhai maalum nahi hain [118 words]dilipJan 19, 2007 10:1417486
Can we keep it simple? [84 words]Robert M. ArmstrongSep 30, 2004 11:0117475
no problem, robert [79 words]rashidJul 9, 2007 10:3017475
If thats so [65 words]Hindu4LifeAug 10, 2010 18:3217475
La Ikrah Fil Deen [218 words]maurice massaadSep 29, 2004 22:3217468
jizya [62 words]rashidJul 9, 2007 10:1917468
do they pay? [12 words]SathyaNov 26, 2008 10:1117468
A query on literalism and on politics in Islam [290 words]John ClementsSep 29, 2004 19:3417463
Islam is like all religions? [299 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Bill SweeneySep 29, 2004 15:3517460
What you see isn't What you get [628 words]Raymond LullSep 29, 2004 15:0317458
Gagging America in the Holy War [555 words]Jordan OroszSep 29, 2004 10:5917455
Tariq Ramadan [122 words]Dave KabaySep 29, 2004 01:0917449
Preaching vs Action [321 words]Hari IyerSep 28, 2004 23:5417448
Islam vs. Freedom of Religion [89 words]Arlinda DeAngelisSep 28, 2004 23:2217447
re [57 words]veeraApr 11, 2006 21:2817447
May Allah enlight you [301 words]naing winJan 28, 2009 05:3517447
"Infidels." [24 words]Douglas BoggsSep 28, 2004 22:1317446
Good Article [46 words]Umm YasminSep 28, 2004 21:4917444
Turkey must be allowed to enter the E.U. [49 words]J. SheffSep 28, 2004 19:1217441
Interpretation [60 words]vladSep 28, 2004 16:2417436
False Hope [175 words]Tom ClearSep 28, 2004 14:3017434
Please .......brother [26 words]mayeedApr 5, 2009 12:3817434
Faith vs. Reason [240 words]Ralph C. Whaley MDSep 28, 2004 13:5917431
Faith [139 words]PJSep 30, 2006 15:0517431
Re: The Koran on tolerance of other religions [1557 words]ElliottSep 28, 2004 11:5217424
control the world [194 words]jackDec 3, 2006 21:5417424
the quran [37 words]rashidJul 9, 2007 10:3317424
true history [64 words]jaYDEEPANDec 11, 2008 15:2617424
Not so different [32 words]marySep 28, 2004 11:2417422

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