Real Educated (not brainwashed) Muslims can save the worldReader comment on item: [The Issue of Compulsion in Religion:] Islam is What Its Followers Make of It Submitted by XYZ (Canada), Nov 2, 2008 at 12:36 Educated Muslim Brothers please wake up to the life of 21st century and take over the reign from half educated Imam (Fundamentalist) and blood sucker politicians to save the world and yourselves: Pl. note that I do not belong to any religion. I violently hate caste system of Hindus. I belong to a religion dreamed by Buddha, Emperor Akbar, Kabir, Rammohan Roy, Lalan Fakir (Bengali song writer), Bengali Poet Kaji Nazrul Islam where all human beings are same. We are like brothers and sisters. I am telling you some facts and of my analyses to support my above address. 1) If you see the global picture, Muslims are allowed to build mosque in many countries all over the world. Can a Church, Pagoda or temple be made in Saudi Arabia (an example only)? Answer is – No. 2) If one non-Muslim boy marries a Muslim girl, he has to convert himself to Muslim. For a Muslim boy, the bride from other religion has to be converted - other wise he/she or both will be killed. It is not a requirement for any other religion. – Why? 3) A Muslim woman can wear Muslim dress in Canada, USA and India etc. Can any non-Muslim woman wear her regular dress in Saudi Arabia (same in many places)? If she does - She will be killed or punished. Why? 4) Many Muslims are broad minded and like to live in peace and harmony with people from other religion. But, I have seen that even the educated Muslim (in the education level of Ph.D.) believes that if he can convert one non-Muslim to a Muslim or can kill a non-Muslim who does not like Muslim religion, after death he would go to heaven where 40 nice young girls (in Muslim language called Huri!) would be serving them. How is this brainwash possible? Is there any heaven?? 5) If one talks anything against Muslim religion he will be simply killed or would be under threat of death. See the fate of Salmon Rushdie (Satanic Verses) and Taslima Nasrin. No other religion acts this way. No body can touch the power of Allah or God just by writing a book, then why is this rudeness? 6) In most Islamic male-dominated society (where fundamentalist are ruling) girl/woman is like a commodity and is treated badly. They have no equal rights like their counterpart enjoyed in other countries. Muslim Girls/Women are of equal strength (I am not meaning physical strength) like their male counterpart. Just by keeping the girls inside house, Muslims are suppressing half of their power in the kitchen – why? 7) India's president is a Muslim. Can you name a Muslim country where the head of the nation is from other religion? 8) I have not seen any non-Muslim who does not hate Islam religion (they way it is being practiced) for their narrow mindedness and cruelty. Why it would be like so way? A Christian does hate a Buddhist or vice versa. 9) In undivided India and elsewhere people did not become Muslims just by loving Islamic faith other than Muslim's brotherhood concept (that too among Muslims – not extended to non-muslims). In India, people were converted by the sword of the Islamic rulers, additional taxes for practicing own religion (Zizia kar i.e. economic pressure) and due to most derogatory Caste system of Hindu society, which is currently diminishing drastically. 10) Ethnic cleansing: Muslim cannot live with others. See the Islamic countries – very few people from other religion live there (unless they are labour force for Oil –gas industries etc). For example in Bangladesh in 1947 after independence, the Hindu population was about 10% now it is close to 2%. This decline in Hindu population was due to discrimination in jobs and intolerance to other religion. Same in Kasmir; where Muslim population was higher than Hindu population. But gradually due to terrorism etc, they made the Hindus life miserable in Kasmir and forced them to flee and are trying to get Independent Country. But, see how many Muslims live in India, USA, Canada, UK, France and elsewhere. No body is driving them out. 11) No Muslim has even left (except during independence) India due to discrimination but lot of Muslims from Bangladesh are infiltrating to increase the Muslim population in India (Assam and elsewhere) apparently to claim another Muslim Land like Pakistan in future. 12) Did division of India helped India, Pakistan or Bangladesh? See how many innocent people were killed on both sides. I blamed Gandhi and his follower Nehru for this genocide. To protect their boarder, India and Pakistan are buying weapons and enriching economy of USA or other counties while their people are suffering from mal-nutrition, food and education. Pl. see how much money could have been used for improvement of the general public and how many innocent lives could have been saved if there was no division of India in the name of religion. 13) Dominancy of religion over society changed with time. At one time India was under the control of Priest – that is long gone. Pope used to manage the king. That too was gone. Now, is the time for general educated Muslims to take over the reign from half educated Imam (Fundamentalist) and reform the shortfalls of Islam faith and educate the other common uneducated or half-educated Muslim to live in peace, harmony with people of other religions. 14) Some Muslims dream that one day whole world will be converted to Islam. Most likely, there is a hidden plan and there are devoted soldiers who move from place to place to fight against non-Muslims to materialize their dream. They are dreaming of a false paradise. This will only lead to the bloodbaths and kill common people on both sides: Muslim and Non-Muslim. Can you kill or convert almost one billion Hindus all over the world to Muslim, do you dare to convert Sikhs or Jews to Muslim or total Christian population to Muslims without a catastrophic blood bath at both sides. And what would you gain? Love of Allah that too by killing his sons and daughters who are in the form Hindus, Jews, Sikh and Christian. Muslim terrorists! Your mentors (Imam and Religious leader) are fooling you for their own vested interest. You will know it if you are properly educated. Come out of your small well (Madrasa education) to the ocean of 21st century education – you will see Allah/God are same, all human beings are your brother/sister. Religion is like a dress i.e. perfectly personal between you and your God i.e. consciousness that will lead to self-realization. 15) Muslims believe – in future, number (Muslim with highest population) would rule the world. This is why lot of Muslim countries are against family planning. In 21st century when people do not fight with sword – number of soldiers has no meaning. It is the weapon which will determine who will win. 16) Islam is the fasted growing religion. But, mind that this is due to the refusal of family planning by Muslims. This growth is due to newborn babies of Muslim families. I have seen in Libya (in year 2000), one man has thirteen kids. This is obvious when one couple is getting two kids (one in China). Here and there few people are being converted to Islam to get rid of poverty by Oil-money supplied by Saudis. Some black people in America are being converted because of lack of proper care from the Govt. of USA just like the mistake of Hindus for their Caste system. A majority of India/Bangaladeshi Muslims is converted from the oppressed low caste Hindus. Hindus had paid a lot and would be paying more in future for the mistake. Until USA is careful they will have the same situation from the Black American. 17) Muslims (not all Muslims, there are hundreds of Muslims, whom I admire for their broadness) with very narrow vision do not even want to know what is good about other religions like Christianity or Hinduism. What is really God or Allah mean? Are they different? They do not have the curiosity to judge why only prophet Mohamed is right others are wrong. Why is this narrow mindedness? Where was Allah or God before Muhammad or Jesus was born? Human being is living in this world for at least 100000 years. They made pyramid, invented gunpowder, develop basic mathematics, develop astrology, and so many things? In China, religion is almost band (no Allah, No God, No Jesus) they are thriving to get the status of Superpower soon. See what Afganisthan is getting just by being uneducated Muslim? 18) The religious war (Crusade) between Christian and Muslim over 100 years and 500 years of Muslim rule in India proved that this world would never be a 100% Islamic world. On the contrast, because of current uprising of Islamic fundamentalism, gap between Muslims and non-Muslims are gradually increasing. Hatred between them is being multiplied. Both sides have nuclear weapons. We are sitting on a time bomb. It is in the hand of the educated or common Muslims to eradicate the fundamentalism or the dream of global Islamic kingdom. If they fail, in near future there would be a bloodbath that was never seen in the past and Muslim would shed more blood than the other side as the other side will be always remain stronger. I do not know whether there is any heaven but there is a hell right here with us if we do not love each other and learn to live in peace and harmony. 19) Even, if the whole world is converted to Islam. It would not be the same Islam what to-day's Muslims are dreaming. They will dare to see the faction of Muslim groups that would be created all over the world. Quran would be re-written as per local demand of the people. See the division of Shia and Sunni. Think of eight years fight between Iran and Iraq both are Muslim countries. Think of Sufis and Bahai etc. I have seen majority of Muslims in Canada, USA and Europe do not do fasting in Ramadan, drink alcohol and eat pork. Muslims girls are not anchored at kitchen or home, came out of home and competing with the boys in the offices, hospital etc. with full efficiency. See Muslims in Bangaladesh is different to Muslims in Afganisthan. Can one imagine Sekh Hasina as the leader of Taliban? Think of Iran during Shah's time. Conclusion: Romans got their glorious days and that is gone. Same are with Muslim, British Emperors and communism. Now USA is enjoying but probably they are seeing that their days are also to soon be over. This age is for common people, democracy and education and it is the age to wipe out autocracy, vested interest, superstition and religious blindness. Main problem with Muslim countries that most of them are not educated, as needed for the 21st century they are still living in the 17th century or beyond. Once they get the proper education (if common educated Muslim people come forward) they would be able to see the real world and will be able to identify real enemy – they will kick out fundamentalist concept and religious blindness and learn to live with others with peace and harmony without even bothering what religions others or he himself are having. "
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