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To... Zari Namdar

Reader comment on item: Israel and Syria going to war?
in response to reader comment: the root of war against terrorism is rich iranians in usa and other countries accross the globe!

Submitted by Aria M. (United States), Jul 10, 2008 at 13:47

To Zahra Namdar:

Zahra: "Most Iranians, holding American passport, also hold the Fascist Republic of Iran's passport . [...] A huge number of these Iranians go back and forth at least twice a year to Iran.The only way to enter the soil of Iran today ,one must enter with the Islamic Iranian passport. They make a stop in the middle of their journey to Dubai, England, and France,and exchange passport from their safety box."

The majority of foreign born Americans have dual citizenship as a means to travel to their country of origin more facilely. This especially holds true for countries in which an entry requires a lengthly and sometimes unattainable acquisition of visa from the country of destination due to intercountry foreign relations.

First of all, there is no copious influx of Iranians visiting their home country; this statement is not only egregiously untrue but is based on mere and gratuitous assumptions. The majority might travel once every five years as it is, not only costly but predicamental. Traveling to a destination country such as Iran through visa is practically impossible for those who holds US citizenship; moreover, the majority of Iranian people here in the US or abroad, still have relatives in Iran and one should not and must not expect a common individual to severe these family ties over political quibbles existed among two countries.

Having a desire to visit the country in which you were born does not make you a "fascist" as you perniciously put it. I have a sick grandmother and an aunt who my father visits once every few years. You cannot expect him to act nonchalantly and ignore his ill mother. People should not suffer just because two governments are at odds. Cutting off a simple visitation of loved ones is inhumane.

I had to revoke my Iranian passport due to work as a defense contractor on projects which require secret clearance. However, for other Iranians who still wish to travel abroad, you cannot expect them to be a prisoner of your revisionist mentality -- you are nothing but a complete reactionary nation-crusher.

Zahra: "That is why , at the American airport immigration there is no trace of their visits to Iran.This must be stopped!!"

That statement is patently false. Every time a family member, including my father, cousins, aunts, uncles, acquaintances or friends, travels to Iran, he/she is most certainly asked to divulge his/her itinerary and reasons for his/her itinerant. There is no reason what so ever for anyone to abstain from sharing such information with authorities and as a matter of fact almost every individual that has traveled to Iran and back has disclosed such information. Perhaps, if Miss Zahra would have actually done a quick research on this matter, she wouldn't have made a folly of herself.

Zahra: "USA today is invaded by rich Iranian's specially in LA,CA [Beverly Hills] and a big number of these Iranians are Savama Agents [secret sevice of the crazy Ahmadinejad] ."

"Invaded!!!" Is Zahra expressing her contempt for likes of "royal" family and their posse, such as herself, who ran away from Iran with people's money and refuged to affluent neighborhoods of Hollywood? The latest consensus report estimates the Iranian descendants comprises no more than 0.1% of entire US population while Zahra insidiously labels such tiny minority as "invaders." I can clearly see a calculated pattern of bigotry from Zahra which pars with the same tactics employed by antisemites.

"Savama!!!" Zahra is still being delusional and uninformed with regard to the history of intelligence services in Iran. Savama is a succession organization to Savak -- Shah's brutal secret service, and although it was pampered by CIA and MI6 "after" the Iranian revolution, nonetheless, it was mainly transmogrified to a resolute agency more aligned with the current regime's agenda. As a matter of fact, there is NO Savama but rather VEVAK (Vezarat-e Ettela'at va Amniat-e Keshvar OR Ministry of Intelligence and Security) which you miserably failed to distinguish. Although the agency has number of proxy and diversionary surrogates and procurers, the nature of their operation is almost non-existence in the US and a very few who operates, are tightly monitored. And for you to come here throwing baseless accusations and lynch mobbing Iranians in the US is deviously malicious. It seems to me that the only agent of "hate," flagrantly operating in the US is you.

Zahra: "with huge wealth they come to Usa and settle powerful businesses and hold powerful jobs specially in the Banks.This must be stopped!!."

A paragon of antisemitic lure employed by miss Zahra. The majority of Iranians who come to the US are people who either run away from the oppression of the regime or to seize more economical opportunities. And from my observance of Iranian communities, the big portion of them have created wealth on their own -- either through achieving higher eduction (1/4 hold masters and doctorate degrees) or entrepreneurship.

Just like antisemite attack dogs who content the social and monetary statue of Jews for their "hold [on] powerful jobs," it is abundantly clear that your anti-Iranian mantra pars with anti-capitalism and anti-democracy. Zahra, ungracefully, copies her tactics from the same crowd who reprimand a few Jews for their talent and determination to succeed in this country and merely replace the ethnicity of Jews with Iranians. The irony is that she considers herself a "Zionist" -- what a hypocrite.

Zahra: "Iranian devout Muslems are continuesly [sic] invading the USA and in every little corner of the universe!!!"

Preposterous, Iranians are the least religious "Muslim" ethnicity and as a matter of fact, their depreciation of "Arab invaders" are well known. Besides, being intolerance of Muslims clearly goes against the very belief system of a supposed "artist" such as yourself. Again, miss Zahra cunningly chose to juggle provocative words such as "invading" to insinuate an alarmist tone in her fallacious equivocation. "Devout Muslims invading the world..." whack whack whack... As a "non-believer" like myself, I can see the divisiveness and formulated hatred to promote a culture of antagonism in her every misguided and emotionally charged slate.

Zahra: "[...] look arround you , do you see any poor Iranians? they already own half of Los Angeles and San Diego! the Savama Agents buy peoeple accross [2x sic] the globe to do their dirty terrorist job, and unlike the Arabs they look highly western and to the max fashionable,and cruze arround [2x sic] in their BENZ or BMW and sitt in beyound immagination manssions in Beverly Hills. [Get a dictionary]"

"Poor Iranians!!!" If Zari, once in a while, would have come out of her mansion in La Jolla, she would surely find a number of middle-class or even struggling Iranians all around the US -- I've met many. Instead of latently sitting around your studio and conjuring snide comments about other Iranians, do us a favor and have your mouth shut sealed with venearal warts. Once again, Zahra is actuating the same measures employed by antisemites who point out the economical status of Jewish community to convene a "demonic" picture of such group, she too is guilty of hasty generalization and reproaching Iranian people solely base on their ethnicity.

Zari is another example of self-hating Iranian who associates every persecuted and oppressed countryman by the government of Iran and place a placard of "treason" around their neck. According to her, anyone who has worked hard to upgrade his/her economical status is to be suspicion of cooperation with the Iranian regime. Just unbelievable.

Zahra: "Just take a good look, how many Persian restaurants do you see in LA?"

Yes, it's because there is a condensed Iranian population in LA, duh! It's as if someone goes to "Chinatown" and not expect to find ample number of Chinese restaurants. Apparently, multi-culturalism is an affront to miss Zari and her sense of "artistic" racism. Her theater of cruelty is fully operational and ready to service a gullible and impressionable mind of people around the world.

Zahra: "How many Iranian Vice Presidents do you see in LA Banks?How many Iranian tellers do you see in your bank?how many Iranian Doctors do you see? How many Iranian or Muslim cab drivers do you see across the globe?"

Indeed, how many "vice" presidents of banks are Iranian? So what if there are a few who hold such positions? Are the aforementioned banks are the ones operating under the Iranian regime? Then why are you berating other Iranian immigrants for regime's installment of banks around the world?

Is it a crime, for instance, a Jew to be active and successful in certain industries? Is this somehow a crime to accelerate in life; in land of opportunities; in land of free? So why are Iranians being singled out here? Iranian tellers, cab drivers!!! Where are you going with that? Doctors? My god [sic], so being a doctor somehow brands you a "terrorist" these days, huh pumpkin? Do you realize, it takes decades of arduous study and practice to become one? Your racist rant clearly brands you an ethno-centrist who is undeserved any rational response.

Zahra: "The iranian yellow pages is thicker than American yellow pages!! You can pickup the Iranian yellow pages at any Persian stores."

No kidding sherlock!If I walk to an Indian or Brazilian store, I do expect to find resources advertising native-oriented products or services.

Zahra: "Our country is full of Mosques! Dont you think they already have invaded the USA and England?"

What country, the US? I see a church for every 5 houses where I live. So what if there are some Mosques erected here in the US? Are you anti-Muslim? Then I must say your juvenile attempt to demonized Muslims is noted. If you can't tolerate freedom of religion, I suggest pack and move to North Korea.

You are a shame to Iranian community. If you want act is a sole agent of bigotry and intolerance, do it in the seclusion of your studio. Don't come here spread false rumors just to get your jollies off. Your accusations are merely a loose collection of intellectual conceits, stemming from sheer ignorance. Lumping all Iranians under flag of regime cohorts is nothing short of ...


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (39) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
THE BACKSTABBING MIDDLE EAST ! [363 words]jack backermanSep 8, 2007 06:39108238
Zakir naik [51 words]Dirk PittmanSep 8, 2007 01:47108202
7 DEADLY SINS OF GEORGE W BUSH: [585 words]Ernesto RibeiroJul 14, 2007 13:44103669
You are right about clinton! [297 words]jackSep 22, 2007 21:16103669
Syria announced a July 15th deadline for Syrians to leave Lebanon... [761 words]James VesceJul 12, 2007 14:58103526
the root of war against terrorism is rich iranians in usa and other countries accross the globe! [346 words]zari namdarJul 6, 2007 10:18103107
2To... Zari Namdar [1699 words]Aria M.Jul 10, 2008 13:47103107
To Arya M,From: An XXX Iranian {now 100%American} [340 words]zari namdarJul 11, 2008 02:32103107
To Zahra Namdar, a.k.a Iranian Hater [1669 words]Aria M.Jul 13, 2008 18:05103107
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1Let's work instead of beeing jealous [39 words]FredFeb 20, 2010 21:52103107
You are wrong [106 words]MaryJun 21, 2010 00:11103107
1bullshit [42 words]PersianAthiestDec 28, 2010 00:19103107
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Not only exciting... [2 words]JoshuaJun 21, 2007 22:1799719
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Dr. Pipes is Right unfortunately.- Deterrence in action. [278 words]YnnatchkahJun 7, 2007 17:2096634
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Incompetence has a way of generating unpredictability [59 words]RandyJun 7, 2007 13:4396483
Negotiating strategy? [32 words]Bobbie WenickJun 7, 2007 12:1196478
Israel and Syria diplomacy [224 words]jJun 7, 2007 10:1496466
Diplomacy and Mid-East don't mix. [177 words]Oscar NavarroJun 7, 2007 19:4396466
Diplomacy is only as good as the Diplomats [762 words]Chris G.Jun 30, 2007 23:4496466
Israeli leaders, weak or strong, inevitably make bad deals with the Arabs [428 words]Kenneth S. BesigJun 7, 2007 10:0096465
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For Money, The Koran does not comdemn to have business with Jews. Palestinian's Scandal. [400 words]Ynna (tchakh)May 19, 2007 17:0193648

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