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Understanding the Holy Bible is an Act of Faith Necessary to Understand its Truths

Reader comment on item: Must Counterinsurgency Wars Fail?
in response to reader comment: rituals of Hajj

Submitted by M. Tovey (United States), Oct 29, 2008 at 18:27

That you have said ‘you really[are] way out of touch with true Islam' is a statement that this reader has already alluded to, and even more than that, being a true believer in faith as a disciple of Yeshua HaMashiach, following the unbelief in the words of Yeshua HaMashaich as required by the Islamic Prophet is exquisitely against the whole purpose of being obedient to the truth in the Holy Bible.

Now, we have gone round and round on which has prescience, and which does not; either the Holy Bible is true (and there is more proof of that in the existence of Israel than any non-Christian cares to acknowledge), or the Quran, as written centuries ago, which does not mention the re-emergence of Israel as we see it today according to the prophetic passages of the Holy Bible. You have failed to understand the truth of the Hloly Bible.

Muslims only acknowledge the Quran because that is what they are told to do in order to dismiss the truth of the Holy Bible. We keep hearing that the Muslim community (at least many if not most) acknowledge the existence of the Tanach and the Brit Hadassah, yet they spurn the truth because the truths contained have been misunderstood, maligned, misapplied or whatever, and use these misapplications to justify an alternative belief system. You cannot say it is not so, because that is exactly what you (and so many others) are saying here. For the sake of discussion, were the contentions of your assertions that the Holy Bible is originally from Almighty God (I will, for the moment allow the use of your Deity's appellation, allah, for contrast), and protection from the all-powerful Deity one would think preserves the integrity of the message, how is it the Quran can be protected from corruption (suras, hadiths and all that) if there was not enough power to protect the scripture the first time?

The answer is that the Holy Bible, in all of its revelation of Almighty God, written in perfection the first and only time by the inspiration of Almighty God through Yeshua HaMashiach and the Holy Spirit, is the only truth that can be counted on. You make so many references to the supposed corruption you're your proofs are no more valid now than when they were first interjected into the rebellious arguments against a Holy God by unholy people in times past), failing to realize that the corruption is really in the hearts of the rebellious unbelievers trying to justify why they are not willing to believe in Yeshua HaMashiach, just like the Islamic Prophet.

Now, it is conceded that English may not be the most easily understood language for those who did not learn it as a first language (It is a difficult language even for those who did learn as a first language). Couple that with the first acceptable English translation of the Holy Bible still being in the (British) King's English (done hundreds of years ago and many still use it as the first basis for understanding the WORD of the LORD), it is no wonder there is difficulty. There are other English versions, (NIV, NASB, etc.) which the scholars who participated in those translations say they studied and developed their versions based on the old Hebrew manuscripts and various versions of the Greek manuscripts. Here is where there must be understanding; if the scholars did not have faith in Yeshua HaMashiach which governs how one believe in what they are translating, then that translation is subject to error in that it is in the power of the Holy Spirit to make sure of the purity in the words according to the original meanings. Each person seeking the WORD of the LORD in Faith must seek the help of the Holy Spirit in order to gain the understanding of the truth contained in any of the translations, even non-English ones.

Now in a true copy of the Holy Bible, what are perceived as errors or contradictions by unbelieving people are the example of evidences that those people making such allegations do not believe. Therein lies the beginning of the corruption, not of the truth contained in the Holy Bible, but in the lack of understanding of it. A true disciple sees the truth in the Holy Spirit's direction while reading the Holy Bible, and in that power, faith is built, and belief follows.

Now, it is the unbelieving individual that needs tangible evidence (it is written that the Jews seek a sign), and so do many who claim to be Christian but do not have the personal relationship, but faith is the mechanism a disciple of Yeshua HaMashiach utilizes for validation of belief. When I ask for forgiveness, it is by the written WORD of the LORD that I seek it from Almighty God the Father, in the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, just as Almighty God requires in His written Word. It is also written, that He is faithful and just to forgive me of my sins, and does so by the redemption paid for by the blood shed by Yeshua HaMashiach on the cross in His death. We are then justified in our faith by His resurrection and ascension, just as it was witnessed by His closest family, friends and associates. The Jewish rulers at the time began their acts of defamation even as He was being buried, almost as if they needed to cover up what really happened because they knew what they did was wrong.

These are facts, uncorrupted, as witnessed by the Holy Spirit after the cross and written in the subsequent writings of the Gospels and epistles. Anything written outside of those inspired by the Holy Spirit are not to be trusted. By saying that the Holy Spirit does not have the power to protect and preserve the revelation of Almighty God puts into question anyone who thinks there is an almighty power beyond human logic and comprehension. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the WORD of the LORD in the Holy Bible is preserved in the designated texts, whether they were the original manuscripts, or inspired copies hundreds of years later.

Now as mentioned above, once belief and faith are assured in the confession of faith in Yeshua HaMashiach (a prayer in faith and belief is all that is necessary, then to be baptized (there is no need for a Hajj as Muslims do) to be in obedience as Yeshua did with John the baptizer in the river Jordan. Then a disciple, a true Christian, is cleansed from all unrighteousness.

A Holy God had already written these requirements in the Holy Bible for salvation and eternal life, and He does have the power to protect it from corruption. That being so, as it is written, the only reason that can be concluded as to why the Islamic Prophet took to heart the corrupted testimony from unbelievers of the time (the truth still being intact under the power of the Holy Spirit) was to justify having the Quran written because he did not believe in the truth of Yeshua HaMashiach.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Title Commenter Date Thread
The gap between Tribal Culture and the way that the West Thinks About Counterinsurgency [233 words]Sam StolzoffMay 23, 2009 15:08156053
Must counter insurgency wars fail? [44 words]joeNov 7, 2008 09:03142357
British experience. [221 words]DixonOct 25, 2008 22:45141009
This is a Truth Regarding the Insurgencies [557 words]M. ToveyOct 7, 2008 19:44139699
What provocation? [344 words]NuraOct 11, 2008 19:42139699
Misdirected Comments Cannot Hide the Truth - the Provocation is Already There [655 words]M. ToveyOct 13, 2008 19:02139699
Nura fails to present the truth [354 words]InfidelOct 13, 2008 19:37139699
Re: Misdirected comments [2843 words]NuraOct 16, 2008 19:00139699
The Righteous Branch - Yeshua HaMashiach [325 words]M. ToveyOct 20, 2008 12:02139699
No truth!!! [180 words]MansoorOct 1, 2008 22:45139447
Ask Jesus to save you ... [37 words]PDMOct 3, 2008 19:59139447
islam=submission (and that is not for me) [118 words]j. turnerOct 4, 2008 11:19139447
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Mansoor, the fools pond [39 words]InfidelOct 5, 2008 15:08139447
Turning the table!! [117 words]MansoorOct 6, 2008 08:01139447
I am happy!! [10 words]MansoorOct 6, 2008 08:04139447
Mansoor in Pakistan [119 words]Kafir911Oct 7, 2008 09:56139447
Drama unfolds!!! [230 words]MansoorOct 7, 2008 23:53139447
no comment [134 words]realJan 15, 2009 16:39139447
legitimacy wins such a war [211 words]the libertineOct 1, 2008 17:48139430
Insurgencies are the Precursors - It Takes World Power to Dominate the World [665 words]M. ToveySep 23, 2008 16:48139070
Re Must counterinsurgencies wars fail [124 words]Gabby (from Australia)Sep 23, 2008 00:48139046
Make 'em stand up [72 words]Joe Six-PackSep 19, 2008 12:28138856
Joe 36-Pack [52 words]adnan khanOct 5, 2008 00:08138856
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Its very hard to compare different insurgencies... [194 words]CadwallonSep 18, 2008 20:23138834
Two can play at that game. [16 words]MontySep 18, 2008 18:11138828
Peace or Rebellion - Rule of Law or Anarchy - Which is Necessary for Survival of Societies [619 words]M. ToveySep 18, 2008 13:28138815
TTS [14 words]InfidelSep 25, 2008 15:22138776
In order to defeat any enemy, we have to understand its ideology [694 words]HowardSep 17, 2008 18:40138761
Islam [134 words]KundaDec 9, 2009 17:38138761
Extremism in the Cause of Liberty is No Vice [54 words]Pennsy DutchJun 5, 2010 15:04138761
winning against islamic terrorists. [29 words]hariSep 17, 2008 02:22138711
The main war is not militarily [190 words]Shial InquilabSep 16, 2008 16:22138682
O.K., NOW I'M MAD [123 words]jennifer solisSep 17, 2008 23:29138682
Take Knowledge in the Truth of Why People Hate the United States - [574 words]M. ToveySep 29, 2008 13:36138682
Jenn- Talibans are winning? What in the h--- [747 words]ah haOct 6, 2008 00:11138682
God gives time but never neglects [95 words]sTsOct 17, 2008 16:30138682
Samer is back: and Allah created the mountains as a protection against earth quakes! really? [177 words]dhimmi no moreOct 18, 2008 08:51138682
Faith in Yeshua HaMashiach Prepares the Believer for Eternity, and All the Time One Wants with His Savior [89 words]M. ToveyOct 20, 2008 12:31138682
We believe in the unseen [174 words]sTsOct 21, 2008 06:22138682
Worship Of Almighty God is Worshipped in Spirit and in Truth - Holy Bible is Written Evidence of the Truth in Yeshua HaMashiach [645 words]M. ToveyOct 22, 2008 14:19138682
rituals of Hajj [1116 words]sTsOct 28, 2008 02:52138682
1Understanding the Holy Bible is an Act of Faith Necessary to Understand its Truths [1192 words]M. ToveyOct 29, 2008 18:27138682
Great resource for passages [13 words]BRandy F. BrooksMar 20, 2010 01:11138682
The Hebrew Holy Bible is the ONLY Resource for These Difficult Times. [108 words]M. ToveyMar 22, 2010 11:15138682
"Holding our postion" never wins wars - against state, as well as non-state enemies [109 words]jennifer solisSep 16, 2008 15:16138678
What type of war we should win?! [274 words]Khaled AlySep 16, 2008 11:33138673
Managing between winning and losing [106 words]JaySep 16, 2008 05:27138660
PC rears its ugly head again [207 words]Y Brandstetter MDSep 16, 2008 04:07138658
Must counterinsurgency wars fail [185 words]kim segarSep 15, 2008 13:29138633
counter insurgency? [152 words]trans-parereSep 15, 2008 11:06138620
Not with a sword [163 words]michaelSep 15, 2008 09:31138617
To win or to loose, a question of objectives. [177 words]Jon, a Brit in EurolandSep 15, 2008 08:42138615
Victory against insurgents [116 words]RafiSep 15, 2008 06:25138608
Economical way to beat terror. [119 words]RadovanSep 14, 2008 23:32138588
different and clever ways to beat Terror [174 words]RadovanSep 14, 2008 23:13138584
Pakistan backed Insurgency was defeated Indian Punjab [155 words]SinghaSep 14, 2008 22:51138581
Very Interesting Question for Dr. Pipes [195 words]AlexSep 14, 2008 22:16138577
Must counter.wars fail? [220 words]Miani, ElieSep 14, 2008 17:45138564
Sleuths, Poets, Boots and Persistence [596 words]J. S. OppenheimSep 15, 2008 09:47138564
Much simpler [155 words]Stuart TeichSep 14, 2008 17:08138562
Counterinsurgency wars are winnable, provided... [49 words]M.D'SouzaSep 14, 2008 17:01138561
I have a news for Hindus and Jews [92 words]Aseel AbdulOct 5, 2008 00:17138561
No amount of olive branches waved at Islamists will pacify them! [30 words]M.D'SouzaDec 2, 2008 17:12138561
"fighting terrorism" [99 words]Ben ZSep 14, 2008 16:55138560
Only native states can win counterinsurgency [50 words]Romesh ChanderSep 14, 2008 16:20138556
counterinsurgency [199 words]staffordSep 14, 2008 16:12138555
Wrong examples [449 words]IanusSep 14, 2008 14:55138549
Leadership winning over FARC insurgency [171 words]Dan SchwartzSep 14, 2008 14:20138547
Winning the war against Islamic extremists [119 words]AhmadSep 14, 2008 14:03138546
Act like Putin did in Chechnya [273 words]Romesh ChanderSep 14, 2008 21:59138546
Ahmad [16 words]TerroristsSep 15, 2008 07:38138546
Ahmed: Thanks but NO thanks [13 words]Khan BulzarSep 21, 2008 17:39138546
yes, that's the way to win [27 words]TulioSep 14, 2008 13:10138543
Counterinsurgency wars are winnable, but require a paradigm shift in the population [326 words]Dr-RJPSep 14, 2008 13:08138542
Reply to Dr-RJP [88 words]jennifer solisSep 16, 2008 15:37138542
All wars are one (sic) [51 words]DrRJPSep 18, 2008 13:37138542
Hammer and nails [234 words]Ghulam Muhammed, MumbaiSep 14, 2008 12:31138538
Winnable or accepting the inevitable? [246 words]Rebecca MouldsSep 14, 2008 12:05138535
Justice/Mercy is the answer: suicide/murder are false gods [98 words]Moshebaer ben YosefleviSep 14, 2008 11:51138534
Winning hearts and minds [78 words]hyman peskinSep 14, 2008 11:08138532
War: Its nature cause and end. [242 words]Ralph C Whaley MDSep 14, 2008 10:15138528
A realistic answer. [95 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreSep 14, 2008 07:26138515
THE FINANCING OF TERROR [763 words]TIRDAD GHARIBSep 14, 2008 07:02138512
Win or not win [46 words]Francesco MangasciàSep 14, 2008 06:14138510

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