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Dear Hopeful: it's never a good idea to start off with an ad hominim argument

Reader comment on item: Assessing Obama's Cairo Speech
in response to reader comment: Hopeful

Submitted by DrRJP (United States), Jun 7, 2009 at 18:12

What does my degree have to do with understanding the facts about what really happened in this century with respect to Jews and Arabs? What does my degree have to do with understanding what Obama said? Especially since I heard him repeat the same BIG LIE that has been repeated, over and over and over again, by Palestinian propagandists going back to 1964 when Arafat and the PLO invented this mythology. What Obama laid out is EXACTLY THE SAME as what's stated in the PLO's charter -- which became part of the Palesitinian Authority's mission: A unified, independent Palestinian state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

What Obama said was the BIG LIE: that post-Holocaust Jews stole all of the land from indigenous Palestinians and drove them off. It's a pile of camel dung higher than Mt. Everest. It was, and has always been, a case of Arabs not wanting any Jews in their midst. Case in point: from 1948, almost one million Jews were expelled from Arab countries with just the clothes on their backs. They were easily assimilated into Israel along with 1.5 million Arabs.

Meanwhile, not only did they expel Jews, the Arab nations REFUSED to allow any "Palestinian Arabs" to assimilate into their countries, preferring that they rot in squalid camps just so that they could use this to divery attention away from their countries' own problems. Arabs are FULLY RESPONSIBlE for the refugee problem ON BOTH SIDES, Five Arabs nations launched a war of extermination against the Jews, that's the JEWS, hoping to finish what Hitler didn't. And they call that a "catastrophe?"

how many more times did they commit the same "catastrophe of killing Jews?" 1956, 1967, 1973, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2006. BUT, do you see any Jews attacking the Arab countries from where they were expelled? Do you see any Jews wanting to go back to these Arab countries? Of course not, and neither would any of the Arabs living under Israeli control. Between 1948 and 1967, Egypt killed 9,000 Palestinans (many trying to escape Egypt into Israel) and Jordan killed 29,000 Palestinians. Yet, you will never hear any of the Arab nations mention that. Nor will you hear anything about the illegal occupation of the West Bank by Jordan or the illegal occupation of Gaza by Egypt during that time. What do "Palesitinnas want?" A state REPLACING Israel.

The modern state of Israel has been in existence for 60 years, yet it had never venured anywhere near its original, historic borders. Now, compare that to the spread of imperialistic militant Islam across Asia to Eastern Europe to Africa, leaving death and destruction in its wake. The Ottoman turks were the most barbaric people on Earth. They are also the role models for Hamas, Hezbollah, and Fatah. Yet, you ask the following: "I mean what do you want? Because unless someone brings some sanity into this equation the only choice you have is that Jewish state from Mecca to Gibraltar." What utter nonsense!! The only thing that Jews want is a PART of the land, the country, and the nation, that BELONGED TO THEM, that had existed 3,000 years BEFORE there ever was a "Palestinian," before there ever was this bogus mythology of an independent state known as "Palestine." Nowhere in history has there ever been such a place. They don't want any Arab land. Arabs let what they call, "Palestine," turn into a desert and a cesspool Arabs never take care of the land as Jews have done for millenia.

When Jews returned to Israel in the 19th Century, they turned deserts into oases, and the Arabs flocked to them and settled in and around them. That's how Arabs got there in the first place: through one migration after another. There is no denying that Arabs, living in Israel, and everywhere else that Israel controls or once controlled, and everywhere that Jews were have settled, have always had the highest standard of living than any other nation in the region. It's not even close. Outside of Israel, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Gaza has been indpendent since 2005. There are no more Jews in Gaza. So, what have they accomplished in four years? NOTHING!

For that matter, what have ALL of the Arab nations accomplished in the last 60 years for the betterment of its people? **crickets** Inside Israel, Arabs have freedoms unheard of and undreamed of in Arab countries. So, what do we want, you ask? To live in peace. A very simple request that has been denied us for 1,400 years, and not just the past 60. We would like SOME of OUR land back. We would like SOME of the LAND that was promised to us by Britain and the League of Nations. Arabs got all THEIR lands in 1947, as well as OUR land. Except for Egypt, Iran (Persia) and Iraq, the countries in the Middle East that were a part of the Ottoman Empire were created by Britain and handed to Arabs on a platter. Why? Because they had the oil. If only Israel had the oil, where would Arab countries be? I can answer that one: looking to conquer Israel, too.

Meanwhile, 80% of what was to be part of the Jewish homeland was torn out from it and given to the Hashemite King because he threw a temper tantrum when Iraq was given to someone else. So, the slimeball British gave them Transjordan, which became Jordan: THE INDEPENDENT PALESTINIAN STATE. About 75% of Jordan is already Palestinian. We would like some of Judea and some of Samaria back. Who do you think has been living there continously for 3,000 years? "Palestinians?" LOL! Listen, I'm talking about the REAL history of the Middle East, and not the revisionist crap that the PLO authored in 1964, and that mullahs, imams, and Middle Eastern scholars seem to invent on the fly.

Which part of "Both Hamas nor PA/Fatah want to replace the whole of Israel with a Palestinian state," did you not understand? There is no such thing as a "peace agreement" with Israel because the pan-Arab mentality along with jihadist Muslim aspirations both yearn for Israel's destruction.


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Reader comments (113) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
start to be president [103 words]lynn andersonSep 25, 2009 17:44162111
Iran & Obama [144 words]Miriam 'downunder'Jun 29, 2009 09:02158189
Cairo speech [60 words]FredJun 16, 2009 19:58157502
1President Oboma is doing the best anyone could expect [62 words]Deborah EllsworthJun 20, 2009 03:58157502
1President Oboma is doing the best anyone could expect [96 words]SkipnotSep 22, 2009 23:37157502
Kashmir based Prominent Columnist Tarique A Bhat writes on Obama Speech [959 words]Abd al AliJun 16, 2009 05:39157461
What the other side thinks of Obama's speech [38 words]KafiristJun 14, 2009 12:46157335
netanyahu should offer a point-by-point rebuttal to obama's distortions in his address [6 words]georgeJun 13, 2009 11:35157289
How to Destroy America (Hint) Obama Knows [248 words]K J HullJun 11, 2009 16:17157193
My Message to the WORLD ! [375 words]Lou from Queens, NYC, USAJun 11, 2009 14:49157191
Seven Million Muslims [232 words]old guyJun 11, 2009 12:52157187
For Old Guy [119 words]Peter HerzJun 15, 2009 22:17157187
Islamic fellow traveler [61 words]donvanJun 25, 2009 07:56157187
Other Wrongs [107 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Peter HerzJun 10, 2009 15:29157143
My dear Peter Heiz [91 words]Faiyaz(Darjeeling)Oct 17, 2009 04:21157143
For Faiyaz on the deity of Jesus Christ [482 words]Peter HerzOct 19, 2009 06:03157143
Obama's role [130 words]donvanJun 10, 2009 07:10157125
Allah says: Those Jews Condemned Themselves to Slaughter [225 words]BronsonJun 9, 2009 23:04157101
Tired of this substandard demographic argument [214 words]Skeptical ElephantJun 9, 2009 22:08157099
My lifetime personal guarantee... [18 words]PavaJun 9, 2009 13:50157075
defending Obama for the time being [217 words]G. VishvasJun 9, 2009 11:40157072
Obama's naive and ignorant speech in Cairo! [328 words]romJun 9, 2009 05:03157063
What was truly wrong in Obama's speech [346 words]GunjanJun 9, 2009 01:02157051
The Real Danger in Obama's Numbers: They're Real [156 words]JoeJun 8, 2009 17:57157038
Obama's Cairo speech [308 words]Gloria StewartJun 8, 2009 15:15157026
Hints of Stockholm syndrome [337 words]B.N.GururajJun 8, 2009 09:03157001
Concerning Israeli settlements [825 words]Stephen BererJun 8, 2009 00:06156991
The "Truth" [472 words]AsherJun 7, 2009 17:40156970
Obamas Cairo speech [152 words]Isaac FlaksJun 7, 2009 12:25156953
" Salute !" [403 words]MsMJun 7, 2009 08:07156936
A Warn From a Future Socialist Nation to United States [144 words]Ismael Pio EliasJun 7, 2009 00:57156918
Muslim involvement [104 words]BronsonJun 8, 2009 00:17156918
LIked what you said, Ismael [193 words]CarlaJun 8, 2009 02:45156918
Obama's manifesto for Muslims [1311 words]GunjanJun 6, 2009 22:04156914
A sense of loss that we must overcome. [313 words]abhiJun 6, 2009 11:28156896
ASK YOURSELF ! [51 words]MSMJun 6, 2009 08:55156890
Obama! Cheers! [51 words]FelixJun 6, 2009 03:02156878
Islam is the greatest threat to democracy and freedom since the Nazis [263 words]IrishwolfeJun 5, 2009 19:03156863
Excellent Speech [169 words]John JoyceJun 5, 2009 18:34156859
Sorry Mr. Obama, We Should Be Afraid, Very Afraid [353 words]Geno M.Jun 5, 2009 16:57156857
Geno - Plan B is obvious!!! [94 words]JaladhiJun 7, 2009 06:27156857
Muslim ummah [125 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
KamranJun 5, 2009 16:10156853
Amazing insight shown by Kamran. [46 words]gunjanJun 9, 2009 01:08156853
Assessing Obama's Cairo speech [98 words]DebbieJun 5, 2009 11:01156830
History repeating itself off the coast of Somalia ! [139 words]Lou from Queens, NYC, USAJun 5, 2009 10:53156829
Where did all those Muslims come from? [135 words]VernJun 5, 2009 10:48156828
Obama's fight against terrorism? [145 words]B N GururajJun 5, 2009 10:17156826
Obamas Cairo speech [174 words]IsaacJun 5, 2009 09:16156821
OH!! OBAMA!!! [14 words]TRUTH_FINDERJun 5, 2009 07:19156812
Re: Obama Repeats Historically Baseless Myths [113 words]Aymenn JawadJun 5, 2009 03:32156806
Assessing Obama's Cairo speech [145 words]Bob KopsteinJun 5, 2009 00:59156794
sugaring words in ways appealing to Islamists [46 words]eJun 5, 2009 00:41156790
How many Nobel Prizes? [21 words]JoeSettlerJun 4, 2009 23:38156787
Same old same old [116 words]Rebecca MouldsJun 4, 2009 23:08156784
Hossein Obama [26 words]Bibi LapuréeJun 4, 2009 21:58156783
7 Million Muslim Americans [43 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Bob McGovernJun 4, 2009 20:56156778
# 51 through # 57 [109 words]YnnatchkahJun 8, 2009 02:53156778
Telling the Truth--Unlike Mr. Obama [886 words]prof. paul eidelbergJun 4, 2009 19:29156771
Actions speak [55 words]BronsonJun 5, 2009 02:34156771
Hoping it will all go away... [104 words]Mark GJun 5, 2009 13:39156771
ASTRAY ! [36 words]msmJun 6, 2009 08:49156771
Well, he is a Muslim [32 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDJun 7, 2009 11:48156771
Obama Kairo visit and speech [174 words]Janusz KowalikJun 4, 2009 17:35156765
Obama, the Arab League, the KGB and Rodney King [400 words]K P Price, Ph.D.Jun 4, 2009 17:09156763
You're Kidding [296 words]K. AhmedJun 5, 2009 09:55156763
Obama knows not of what he speaks [25 words]H. FoxJun 4, 2009 16:43156760
Question [13 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Jere SchlossbergJun 4, 2009 16:30156758
Chief of Staff [11 words]Jere SchlossbergJun 27, 2009 12:28156758
You've 'Let Him Off Easy'. RESPECT??? 5 or 6 Times In The Past 20 Yrs Americans Fought & Died For Muslims, Against Christians. [698 words]marianaJun 4, 2009 16:01156756
Wow - I could not have said it better myself !!! [113 words]mariaJun 5, 2009 10:01156756
CONSTRUCTION RESTRICTED, DESTRUCTION IGNORED. [63 words]Chaim R-BJun 4, 2009 14:50156749
Giveaway? Obama gave away Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem. Tells Jews where they can live [196 words]DrRJPJun 4, 2009 14:42156747
Hopeful [195 words]K.AhmedJun 5, 2009 11:35156747
Dear Hopeful: it's never a good idea to start off with an ad hominim argument [1037 words]DrRJPJun 7, 2009 18:12156747
What's Possible [711 words]K.H. AhmedJun 9, 2009 10:20156747
The Barbary Pirates and the Treaty of Tripoli [42 words]JoeSettlerJun 4, 2009 14:26156745
Obama and The Second Coming [603 words]Salah AliJun 4, 2009 14:23156743
The Disneyland of Salah Ali [547 words]Lou from Queens,NYC,USAJun 12, 2009 12:11156743
Hooligans and killers are shameless [2138 words]Salah AliJun 13, 2009 10:04156743
Proud to be a Kafir, and things [244 words]Lou from Queens, NYC,USAJun 15, 2009 12:13156743
The Language of God [944 words]Salah AliJun 16, 2009 06:23156743
Cairo Speech [392 words]Kyle GosnellJun 4, 2009 13:53156739
Please count this Muslim OUT of this demographic equation... [23 words]Wana88Jun 4, 2009 13:39156738
MLK Obama [42 words]yonatan silvermanJun 4, 2009 12:58156730
Manufacturing history [120 words]PauliJun 4, 2009 12:56156728
OBAMA;S SPEECH IN CAIRO [140 words]JACQUES HADIDAJun 4, 2009 12:51156726
For Those Jews Who Voted For Obama [56 words]Stuart KaufmanJun 4, 2009 12:49156725
Foolish Hope? [86 words]John W. McGinleyJun 4, 2009 12:35156722
Very Polishing Words [51 words]P V ARIELJun 4, 2009 12:29156721
Obama's Speech [42 words]Jack ShattuckJun 4, 2009 12:25156720
A few dumb things in Obama's speech [125 words]Romesh ChanderJun 4, 2009 12:14156719
Missing the point about Hijab [148 words]GunjanJun 8, 2009 12:18156719
Reply to Gunjan -- Restrictions on Hijab [199 words]Romesh ChanderJun 8, 2009 22:11156719
Choose to wear the hijab [167 words]BronsonJun 9, 2009 01:15156719
How long? [15 words]Sam DeakinsJun 4, 2009 12:04156717
1muslim contributions to mankind [63 words]paul mortonJun 4, 2009 12:03156716
re: muslim contributions to mankind [120 words]peaceJun 4, 2009 18:34156716
re: muslim contributions to mankind [46 words]practical thoughtJun 4, 2009 19:02156716
xenophobes [172 words]K.H. AhmedJun 5, 2009 08:21156716
Muslim Scientists [33 words]DaveJun 5, 2009 15:11156716
Muslim scientific contributions? What contributions? [102 words]Romesh ChanderJun 7, 2009 19:26156716
Adding to Romesh's argument on muslim scientists. [107 words]GunjanJun 12, 2009 03:13156716
Muslim innovations? [464 words]Solomon StavrovJun 4, 2009 11:59156715
Muslim Innovations? What have they got to do with Muslims or Islam? [168 words]Romesh ChanderJun 4, 2009 18:45156715
Getting arabs and muslims to be honest [174 words]G.VishvasJun 6, 2009 11:19156715
correction... [205 words]TajJun 10, 2009 18:39156715
Re: Muslim innovations? [395 words]JaggerJul 3, 2009 11:23156715
Holocaust-Nakba [311 words]Solomon StavrovJun 4, 2009 11:53156714
An old Jewish Saying [97 words]K.H. AhmedJun 5, 2009 09:35156714
"Sugaring Words" [12 words]DavidJun 4, 2009 11:38156712
Okay [42 words]K.H. AhmedJun 5, 2009 09:37156712
OK is not enough! [262 words]DavidJun 8, 2009 11:40156712
The Problem [212 words]K. AhmedJun 9, 2009 10:47156712

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