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Turkish hagiography and its Western believers and parrots

Reader comment on item: Turkey's Islamist Turn, 10 Years Later

Submitted by Ianus (Poland), Nov 21, 2012 at 15:28

Dr. Pipes wrote :

>Almost unnoticed, the country exited the pro-Western era started by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1938) and entered the anti-Western era of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (born 1954)... The AKP government also reversed Atatürk's legacy of looking to the West for inspiration and leadership.<

Presumably, everybody who has ever dealt with Turkey or any other Oriental land is sooner or later confronted with a pervasive and enervating contrast between reality and fiction when fiction is pressed upon us as reality and reality is simply denied and suppressed on behalf of fiction. This is what comes to my mind whenever I hear the name of Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha aka Ataturk in the mouth of a Turk or a Westerner. Fiction has totally replaced reality. To see why let's compare the laudatory phrases by Dr. Pipes or even better by John F. Kennedy with some of Kemal's own words.

I take them from the correspondence between him, his closest collaborators on the one hand and their Soviet allies on the other hand. Kemal was after all looking for and found quite successfully inspiration and leadership in various and most unlikely places.

Kemal said among others (p.66) :

" Our nation fully appreciates the magnitude of the sacrifices the Russian people are making to save the human race, as it itself has fought for centuries to defend the Moslem countries, which have been the object of the greed of the European imperialists. I am deeply convinced — and my conviction is shared by all my countrymen — that on the day when the working people of the West, on the one hand, and the enslaved peoples of Asia and Africa, on the other hand, understand that international capital is today using them for mutual annihilation and enslavement for the greater benefit of their masters, the day when the criminality of colonial policy is realised by the mass of the working people the world over, bourgeois rule will end.

The high moral prestige of the Government of the R. S. F. S. R. in the eyes of the working people of Europe, and the respect the Moslem world has for the Turkish people, make us confident that our close union will be enough to unite against the Western imperialists all those who hitherto have supported their rule by submission based on patience and ignorance. "

And on page 62 we read



To Comrade Stalin

Comrade Beibut Shakhtakhtinsky has told us of your work to strengthen the ties between the Bolsheviks and Moslems. Aware of the vital necessity for the proletariat of Europe and the enslaved colonial peoples to fight the common enemy, I profoundly thank you for your efforts to spread the idea of solidarity among all these strata.

When the exploiters throughout the world are no longer able, as they now unfortunately are, to counterpose these two groups of toilers politically and economically, their reign will end. The liberal policy that you are pursuing towards the Moslems peoples will, I do not doubt, have favourable results, and Russia will overcome all the misunderstandings that our common enemies are sowing between us, and achieve the downfall of Western imperialism, the necessary prelude to the destruction of capitalism. In anticipation of this, dear Comrade, I remain sincerely, Chairman of the Grand National Assembly Mustafa Kemal "

How does it compare to Kennedy's soft soap :

" The name of Ataturk brings to mind the historic accomplishments of one of the great men of this century, his inspired leadership of the Turkish People, his perceptive understanding of the modern world and his boldness as a military leader." ?

Well, Kemal indeed had a very perceptive understanding of the modern world . This is why he survived the death fatwa by the caliph and several assassination plot while Kennedy didn't. This is also why he had the opposition party all hanged in a public square when their free speech became too free and he established a one-party dictatorship instead.

The rest of Kennedy's paean reads like a hilarious parody. He says e.g. "I am proud that the United States can be a partner in this alliance linking us to the country of Ataturk and to the ideals which Ataturk helped establish in Turkey and the World." Kemal's ideals revealed personally to J.V. Stalin in his own word included also "the downfall of Western imperialism, the necessary prelude to the destruction of capitalism." Comic effects always set in where fine fiction allied with ignorance tries to replace reality and fails dismally.

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Daniel Pipes replies:

This is called cherry-picking - finding a few quotes and claiming they have more importance than almost two decades at the top of Ottoman and Turkish politics, plus implementing policies that remain of deep consequence close to a century later.

Further, I characterized Atatürk's legacy, not he personally, as one "of looking to the West for inspiration and leadership." I stand by this description.

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Reader comments (36) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
1Saving Turkey -- Saving Western Civilization? [554 words]GWKMar 14, 2013 13:43204321
1I got news about Turkey for you, Dr Pipes [104 words]PrashantDec 19, 2012 02:25201580
7Turkish hagiography and its Western believers and parrots [779 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
IanusNov 21, 2012 15:28200842
3Kind of replying, not on behalf of Ianus, i wouldn't dare:) [1046 words]AlexandrosNov 23, 2012 05:33200842
3The Islamic imperialism and Turkey [1536 words]AlexandrosNov 24, 2012 07:24200842
Get the facts right [281 words]MozereNov 27, 2012 06:23200842
1Some questions because you might be right.... [518 words]AlexandrosNov 28, 2012 04:53200842
facts not prejudices [321 words]MozereNov 29, 2012 12:35200842
2Basically you deny [990 words]AlexandrosNov 30, 2012 05:50200842
Historical errors [21 words]HeraclitusNov 30, 2012 17:35200842
"Ataturk's leagcy" as cherry-picking [112 words]IanusDec 20, 2012 08:00200842
2Kemalists against the Jews vs. Islamists against the Jews [143 words]IanusDec 20, 2012 08:26200842
4"Ataturk's leagcy" as cherry-picking (1936 words , not 112) [1954 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
IanusDec 21, 2012 01:51200842
3Historical errors or making a virtue of necessity? [651 words]IanusDec 21, 2012 17:56200842
Stalinesque Disinformation [700 words]MozereDec 22, 2012 05:37200842
turkey imperialism [10 words]yasmeenMar 23, 2014 03:59200842
From it's designer [87 words]AlexandrosMar 24, 2014 05:55200842
5A general opinion for Turkish leaders [502 words]AlexandrosNov 18, 2012 14:58200769
2Idealism morphing into cynical manupulations of ignorant masses [226 words]MozereNov 15, 2012 11:07200646
1Too much optimism? [16 words]HeraclitusNov 30, 2012 18:07200646
2Turkish warlords as bourgeois or bureaucrats ? [998 words]IanusDec 22, 2012 17:12200646
what? [33 words]cuneytNov 14, 2012 13:28200593
4Smoke and mirrors of Kemalism [425 words]IanusNov 15, 2012 11:31200593
The AKP is pro western and they have not much choice in the matter. [115 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
MozereNov 14, 2012 10:40200579
Turkey and Ezekiel: an interesting viewpoint [96 words]UgriNov 14, 2012 02:37200569
Gog, Magog, Meshech, and Tubal [45 words]Kepha HorDec 16, 2012 20:22200569
Turkey [35 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Fred SchwartzNov 14, 2012 00:01200566
2A Muslim... [17 words]MarkNov 13, 2012 18:28200543
10Turkey Regressing to Ottoman days [57 words]Michael Hanni MorcosNov 13, 2012 16:55200531
2does anyone else see the "proto-dictatorial mentality" parallel? [77 words]MarkNov 13, 2012 16:48200528
Turkey's Islamist Turn, 10 Years Later [156 words]JudithNov 13, 2012 16:34200526
Excellent article [29 words]Reyhan IlhanNov 13, 2012 13:05200517
1The other way around ... [53 words]Mihai-Robert SoranNov 13, 2012 12:32200516
5Give'em enough rope..... [19 words]ates gurbuzNov 13, 2012 12:14200515
1Two worlds [139 words]HalikarnasNov 14, 2012 14:16200515
5"Kemalism that philosophy of an immoral warlord and drunkard is a decaying corpse that is poisoning all of our life" [245 words]IanusNov 15, 2012 12:21200515

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