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Mom and Apple Pie

Reader comment on item: How Much Can Air Power Achieve?
in response to reader comment: Marxist Leadership of the West in Agreement With Marxist Papacy-Aire Superiority of a Different Sortie

Submitted by Michael S (United States), May 15, 2015 at 04:32

Hi, Tovey

I had my life-changing encounter with Yeshua 42 years ago, when I was in my 20s. At that time, the US was a pretty "Mom and Apple Pie" place: people actually went to board airplanes without having to take off their belts and hold up their trousers; our personal mail was not routinely read by the government, and it was considered strange for transvestites to parade in the streets. Now we live in a world where "free" governments like the US are "Stazi-R-us", evil is praised and good is spoken evil of. So now, our Jesuit Pope is recognizing a terrorist group as the legitimate govenment of an imaginary "Palestinian" state. Is this really news? Or is this just more of the same?

On another post, I provided a link to a Fox interview with John Bolton. In it, John matter-of-factly talked about some of the things we routinely discuss here on Daniel's forum, while the young interviewer looked bug-eyed and almost frozen in terror. What was being discussed? the fact that the Iranians are doing some blockade-busting-type antics in the Gulf of Aden. Will this lead to war? Omigosh! Will it happen this week? Will I have to cancel the garden party I have planned for Saturday? Heaven forbid!

Yes; as you say, we are charging forward to Armageddon; and if people could see it all with a speeded-up camera, they would be shocked. But we don't have a speeded-up camera. What used to be called black is now called white, and visa versa; and this has all happened in the space of about 40 years: shocking, if you view it from a time machine; but unnoticeable in real time.

I'm concerned about China right now, because I have family there. I think many posters here see China as some sort of pasteboard bogeyman, busy mass-producing aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines so they can take over the world. The reality is different: Their economy has hit some bumps in the road, and it is affecting people. And in a culture where leaders are assumed to have the Mandate of Heaven, even little shocks are seen as Divine disapproval of the reigning Emperor. That may sound like Reactionary, outdated nonesense in a presumably modern, progressive society; but it is deeply rooted in the people, and President Xi is keenly aware of this.

Things aren't that different in the US, where our leaders are increasingly being expected to walk six inches above the ground. Seemingly trivial happenings can quickly spiral out of control. After the Dot Com Bust, 9/11, the Housing Bubble Bust, the Islamic Winter, etc. I think people are getting uneasy and looking for larger-than-live heroes to save the day. That's the kind of mentality that produces Stalins and Hitlers; and you know it isn't good. When such a leader comes, the world will feel great relief; and when God's witnesses are slaughtered, they will feel, as it were, saved from a menace. That's where we're headed; but the individual steps we take to get there will probably, for the most part, go unnoticed.

I think I'm preaching to the choir here.

Shalom shalom :-)


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Reader comments (24) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Air strikes will not work [174 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
PrashantJun 5, 2015 13:41223694
where is this going? [60 words]FrankzApr 9, 2015 00:21222770
1Not quite accurate [164 words]yuvalApr 8, 2015 05:11222749
1Winning is possible [83 words]BamagujeApr 10, 2015 21:09222749
Accuracy Limited in Horseshoes, Hand Grenades and Nuclear Ambitions [302 words]M. ToveyApr 17, 2015 15:24222749
Ho-hum again. [282 words]Michael SMay 1, 2015 19:58222749
The Hum of Running Silent- Running Deep [323 words]M. ToveyMay 6, 2015 13:05222749
It really is ho-hum lately. Caliphate not radical enough? [230 words]Michael SMay 7, 2015 21:45222749
Marxist Leadership of the West in Agreement With Marxist Papacy-Aire Superiority of a Different Sortie [107 words]M. ToveyMay 13, 2015 15:30222749
Mom and Apple Pie [528 words]Michael SMay 15, 2015 04:32222749
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Control of Gaza is a chimera [28 words]BG DavisJun 29, 2015 14:05222749
Air war [32 words]WallyApr 6, 2015 23:33222697
What's the end-game, if survival is the issue? [166 words]JIMJFOXApr 6, 2015 22:50222693
1Dan is right but only for conventional air power [134 words]YususfApr 6, 2015 21:33222690
Israel can eliminate Iran's threat, using conventional weapons. [161 words]Michael SMay 15, 2015 12:19222690
1Also, unstable dictatorships prefer to use air forces [169 words]John in Michigan, USAApr 6, 2015 18:20222689
Wars and relativism. [76 words]steven LApr 6, 2015 17:01222687
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Vietnam bombing ? [27 words]KaiserDerdenApr 6, 2015 15:49222683
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settled long ago [79 words]Larry SeltzerApr 6, 2015 15:25222680
Of course [85 words]Lars NielsenApr 6, 2015 15:17222677

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