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Reader comment on item: More on the Burkini Ban

Submitted by Iftikhar Ahmad (United Kingdom), Sep 7, 2016 at 12:44

Sir we have to fight terrorism shall we send air force to bomb isis ? no .shall we send aid to the rebels ? no shall we decrease number of immigrants ? no . what shall we do sir ? BAN BURKINI . It's part of western society who can't seem to stop objectifying women. Look around its everywhere. U get paid more to take ur clothes off, and fined for wearing more clothes.

It's ok for Nuns to chill on the beach full clothed but not Muslim females? Absolutely disgrace! Glad to hear of this being suspended!

Mayors do mot have the right to ban Burkinis. France's highest administrative court ruled.
The Council of State's ruling suspends a ban in the town of Villeneuve-Loubet, near Nice, and could affect cities around the country that have prohibited the full-length swimsuit.

I'm fascinated to hear from those decrying this decision exactly what they would do if local authorities decided to ban an item of their clothing and engaged policemen to force them to take it off in public? Hiding behind the nonsense that the Burkini defies France's secular culture is just pathetic. There is nothing outwardly religious about it as the police proved by their own incompetence yesterday in failing to distinguish Burkinis from similar dress worn by women with no allegiance to Islam at all. The court has ruled quite correctly according to law. Let's hope that's an end to it. I am proudly a reactionary person is to defend the common good and the good of society I am in favour of Burkini in Europe

French authorities have been criticised for imposing the ban, after photographs were published this week of police fining Muslim women wearing headscarves on beaches. It has peaked fierce debate on freedom of religion, women's rights and the integration of France's Muslim community. The ban was imposed following a series of terror attacks in France by Islamist terrorists.

Opinion polls suggested most of the French public supported the bans, which Muslims claimed targeted them unfairly.

John Dalhuisen, Amnesty International's Europe Director welcomed the court's decision.

"By overturning a discriminatory ban that is fuelled by and is fuelling prejudice and intolerance, today's decision has drawn an important line in the sand," he said in a statement.

"French authorities must now drop the pretence that these measures do anything to protect the rights of women. Rather, invasive and discriminatory measures such as these restrict women's choices and are an assault on their freedoms of expression, religion and right to non-discrimination."

"These bans do nothing to increase public safety, but do a lot to promote public humiliation. Not only are they in themselves discriminatory, but as we have seen, the enforcement of these bans leads to abuses and the degrading treatment of Muslim women.

A long time ago, in Europe, a Catholic woman had to cover her hair when entering a church. Also, before nuns were liberated, they had to wear habits! Very restrictive and ridiculous! The French then didn't make a big deal out of it as it was A RELIGIOUS RIGHT!

Long before France attempted to colonise parts of Africa and the Middle East, there was a battle, in 732, at Tours, when an Islamic army, led by Abdul Rahman, tried to colonise all of France, and to force every French person to convert. The French drove them back to Spain, with much bloodshed. So, naturally, they have a reasonable amount of distrust for anything Muslim. After the battle of Tours, France was "ruled" for 1,000 years or so by the Church of Rome, and the "aristocracy", until the revolution of 1793, when the people decided that no religion or royalty would ever hold sway over the elected government. That's it, and the laughable attempts by Islamists to justify dress codes mandated by their "prophets", is just, laughable. Thank you. Banning the Burkini by the French govt. is not the issue but telling me that France is a secular country after the banning of the Burkini is the big issue. This is hypocrisy and we know it.

European immigrants to Australia, New Zealand, Canada or even the USA did that they took their religion, culture, language and customs with them and then forced the indigenous people to behave like them!! The French government is doing exactly what ISIS and the other terrorist groups want. They want the French government to segregate and discriminate against Muslims, to create a us and them society. Well done France, bowing to terrorism. How many attacks were carried out by French Muslim women in Burkinis?

Women should be allowed to wear WHATEVER THEY WANT on the beach. Whether that be a bikini, a swimming costume, a skirt, leggings, a dress, pyjamas, trousers, a jacket, a coat, a jumper, a hoody, a Burkini! It's their body so should be their choice whether to strip off or cover up. The West is fast becoming very oppressive and hypocritically doing the very thing it's accusing other nations of. Whatever happened to tolerance, acceptance, equality and freedom? Leave innocent people alone. Fed up of this nonsense. I think forcing the woman to take off her clothes was wrong. A bit like forcing a Sikh to remove his turban. They should have explained the new law to her and given her a chance to leave the beach, or just face a fine. I am wondering how this law could be implemented in Australia as stinger suits and wet suits are not dissimilar to Burkinis. Will they be outlawed too?

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defended the Burkini — an Islamic dress for swimming that covers the whole body except the face, hands, and feet — and stood for individual rights during a meeting with his ministers on Monday (22 August). He said that Canada did not like to seize personal rights and respected cultural diversity.

While speaking to media, the Liberal Party leader addressed the controversy swirling in France over a Burkini ban and said, "We should be past tolerance in Canada". He added that the country could never think of a Burkini ban or any kind of prohibition that would affect any person's individuality.

"In Canada, can we speak of acceptance, openness, friendship, understanding? It is about where we are going and what we are going through every day in our diverse and rich communities," he was quoted as saying by AFP.

He also added that individual rights should be "at the top of public discourse and debate."

Some policymakers in Quebec province of Canada had requested for the ban after 15 towns in France's southeast banned Burkinis, but Trudeau dismissed the ministers' call.

Societies which force people to dress a certain way cannot call themselves 'democratic.' This Burkini ban claims to protect "secularism" and ban "beachwear which ostentatiously displays religious affiliation." My question: do you think someone wearing beach clothes decorated in Jewish religious themes would face the same fine and treatment? What a low hypocrite and disgusting country. No wonder why France is becoming almost a poor country and having millions of its own citizens immigrating to England, USA, Dubai, Canada seeking a better life.

Should we start dressing down anyone wearing a nighty and a shower cap because of "national security" This isn't a law that targets criminals, or terrorists. This is a by-law that targets Muslims for not wanting to show skin. Which is ridiculous. If tomorrow in any country someone said "white people cant wear trench coats" because of the amount of American mass shooters who have worn one would be met with complete anarchy.

There is a thousand and one other outfits from different cultures that similarly represent the Burkini. This is state sponsored racism. No one seems to have a problem with Sikhs wearing turbans and rightfully so... You see this is borderline apartheid on the grounds of "national security" and "protecting western values" when in reality it's just a way of segregating and disenfranchising those who are 'different' from us.

They have no problems with Sikhs, Jews, Buda's etc... When it comes to Muslims, yes everybody is against them! Com on guys those are not our values, we were not raised like this, at least not in the US... We should all condemn these stupidities which divide us more than anything else and give terrorists more ground to recruit other ignorant people. This is really what the terrorists wants and the French are doing exactly what they want to segregate those Muslims and make them feel the society don't want them although those ladies weren't terrorist. This is how the terrorist wants and the French are doing exactly. Congrats and now many of those who got fined eventually will feel ashamed that society cant accept them for who they are... thus what do u think these people would do? God knows how they feel.. and just so u people know that many Muslims themselves are targets of terrorist too.

West must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. Discrimination against Muslim practices, such as France's recent stance against the Burkini, can have the opposite of the intended impact. In making Muslim communities feel threatened and under siege, discriminatory policies can make the narrative of extremists that the West is at war with Islam that much more appealing.

Muslims are not embracing western life'. What do we do? In our free time us English go down the pubs and get smashed, do the same in clubs, sleep with random people and as a result have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe. Can anybody please tell me what integration means? other then speak English!!! The Jews did their best to integrate in Germany. They even took German names! Look how far it got them. If the Muslims try to integrate, the Germans/British will complain about the 'pollution' of their identity once again. I wonder how many English people were saying "Multi-Culturalism does not work" when they were busy invading and taking over other people's countries!? India, the Africa, the Americas, Australia, to name but a few. I wonder how many English people are saying "Multi Culturalism does not work" when they are busy sunning themselves in the south of Spain, speaking only English, eating in English restaurants, drinking in English bars, and complaining that not all Spaniards speak English!? Monkey see? Monkey do? And what is English culture, anyhow!? Our football teams are full of foreign players and some are owned by foreign owners, Christian Church attendance has dwindled, we love our curries (influenced by Indian food), we holiday abroad often...so I really would like somebody to define to me what is English culture, these days. If you mean by integration going down to the pub with the lads, getting drunk, picking up a few girls, and then on Sunday maybe going to church - then I'm sure that Muslims will not integrate.


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Reader comments (17) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
The nanny state is ubiquitous and obnoxious [334 words]DaveMay 22, 2022 15:26281632
the burkini is a symptom of a greater illness [99 words]Charles MartelOct 5, 2016 14:06233174
2The NYT v Manuel Valle [92 words]dhimmi no moreSep 7, 2016 17:41232411
Burkini [1819 words]Iftikhar AhmadSep 7, 2016 12:44232399
1grudging acceptane - if they're lucky [293 words]Mohammed Waza Khiddif id'UllahSep 12, 2016 05:30232399
This is all sopping wet. [173 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
LynnAug 31, 2016 21:03232067
The Spirit Of Europe Is Conformism [143 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
DaveAug 31, 2016 18:02232063
Religious intolerance ? [33 words]marlanSep 2, 2016 04:53232063
America Has Limits To Tolerance [15 words]DaveSep 4, 2016 11:19232063
Burkini Brouhaha [72 words]Kepha HorAug 31, 2016 09:38232049
2My response to the Burkini! [347 words]Debra WeinerAug 28, 2016 07:40231874
3Can women wear bikini in muslim countries? Why should muslims be allow to promote their religion in secular coutries? [125 words]secularity means freedomSep 2, 2016 12:58231874
My response to Dr. Pipes [567 words]marlanAug 27, 2016 11:09231826
Respect [71 words]JoAug 27, 2016 08:03231816
Ban the Burkini [232 words]JoAug 27, 2016 07:56231815
It is not a MUST in Islam [66 words]LunaAug 28, 2016 04:14231815
One day the same court might ban topless bathing [109 words]AnonAug 26, 2016 16:33231802

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