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Historical Jesus

Reader comment on item: Bush Declares War on Radical Islam
in response to reader comment: Comments on Iasius statements

Submitted by Allonehhob (Canada), Nov 7, 2005 at 14:55

Here is some of many resources about proofs on Christ Historical existence from non-christians sources.

Commenting on the uniqueness of the New Testament's claim for Jesus, Micahel Green has observed,

It is all about the Jesus of history. Remove him from Christianity and nothing distinctive is left. Once disprove the historicity of Jesus Christ, and Christianity will collapse like a pack of cards. For it all depends on this fundamental conviction, that God was made
manifest in human flesh. And that is a matter not of ideology or mythology but history. 1

Just how well founded the claim for the historical Jesus is will be seen in the evidence as follows.

1. Micahel Green Runaway World, Inter-Varsity Press, p. 12.

From Pagan Sources
Palestine of the first century has been referred to as an unimportant frontier province in the Roman Empire. Those provincial governors assigned to that region of the world were often thought to have received hardship posts. Too, those who wrote the history of Rome were in the upper strata of Roman society and usually had a personal dislike of Orientals, disapproved of their religions and looked upon their superstitions as very un-Roman.2 This partially accounts for the little trickles of information that comes from their pens about the Christian religion. They wrote about it only as it forced its way into the mainstream of their view. Yet what they did write is proof positive that Jesus Christ was both a real person and that he had made such an impact upon society that the Roman world found it increasingly difficult to disregard him.

2. Ibid., p. 12.

1. Thallus
Our initial witness makes a contribution of a unique sort inasmuch as he had no
intention of making Christianity to appear genuine. To the contrary, Thallus, a Samaritan-born historian who lived and worked in Rome about A.D. 52, wrote to offset the supernatural element which accompanied the crucifixion. Though the writings of Thallus are lost to us, Julius Africanus, a Christian chronographer of the late second century, was familiar with them and quotes from them. In a comment on the darkness that fell upon the land during the crucifixion (Mark 15:33), Africanus says that "Thallus, in the third book of his histories, explains away this darkness as an eclipse of the sun."3 Africanus stated his objection to the report arguing that an eclipse of the sun cannot occur during the full moon, as was the case when Jesus died at Passover time. The force of the reference to Thallus is that the circumstances of Jesus' death were known and discussed in the Imperial City as early as the middle of the first century. The fact of Jesus' crucifixion must have been fairly well known by that time, to the extent that unbelievers like Thallus thought it necessary to explain the matter of the darkness as a natural phenomenon. Will Durant observed that Thallus' "argument took the existence of Christ for granted."4 Neither Jesus nor the darkness at his death were ever denied as factual. Durant summed up the matter of Christ's historical existence for himself by saying that it never occured to the early opponents of Christianity to deny the existence of Jesus.5 Ironically, Thallus' efforts have been turned into the mainstream of historical proof for Jesus and for the reliability of Mark's account of the darkness at his death.

3. F.F. Bruce, The New Testament Documents, Eerdmens, p. 113.
4. Will Durant, Caesar and Christ, Simon and Schuster, p. 555.
5. Ibid.

2. Mara Bar-Serapion
F.F Bruce, Rylands professor at Manchester University, tells of a manuscript in the British Museusm preserving the text of a letter sent to his son by a Syrian named Mara Bar-Serapion. In prison at the time of the writing, the father pleads with his son to be wise. He illustrated the folly of persecuting wise men like Socrates, Pythagoras, and the wise king of the Jews, which the context obviously shows to be Jesus.

What advantage did the Athenians gain from putting Socrates to death? Famine and plague came upon them as a judgment for their crime. What advantage
did the men of Samos gain from burning Pythagoras?
In a moment their land was covered with sand. What advantage did the Jews gain from executing their king?
It was just after that that their kingdom was abolished. God justly avenged these three wise men: the Athenians died of hunger, the Samians were overwhelmed by the
seas; the Jews, ruined and driven from their land, live in complete dispersion. But Socrates did not die for good; he lived on in the teaching of Plato. Pythagoras did not die
for good; he lived on in the statue of Hera. Nor did the wise King die for good; he lived on in the teaching which He had given. 6

6. British Museum Syriac Mss., F.F. Bruce, Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament, p. 31.

Some inaccuracies exist in the letter, says Bruce, about Samos and Athens, but the references to Christ and to the Jews are undeniably accurate, and there is no denying the historical existence of the three men mentioned. By the time this letter was written, Jesus had already received a place of recognition equal to the sages of the ages. Jesus was as real a person of history as was Socrates and Pythagoras.

3. Tacitus, Pliny, Suetonius

Three Roman officials, who held stature with emperors as well as with the empire, wrote of Jesus in such a way as to take his historical existence for granted. Their writings appeared at the turn of the century.

The first of these, usually rated as the greatest of Roman historians, was Cornelius Tacitus, who was born about A.D. 52-54. At about the age of sixty, while writing of the reign of Nero (A.D. 54-68), he told how the Christians were made scapegoats for the Great Fire of Rome in A.D. 64. It had been rumored that Nero had himself started the fire so that he could attain to glory by rebuilding the great capital city in more glorious fashion. When Tacitus wrote about this, he mentioned Jesus by the name of Christus:

Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus. 7

To Tacitus, a pagan who knew little or nothing of Jewish messianism, "Christus" was more than likely only a proper name; but to him, Christus was as real as the Roman procurator who executed him.

C. Plinius Secundus, called Pliny the Younger to distinguish him from his uncle, the elder Pliny, was governor of Bithynia about A.D.112. He often wrote to the Emperor Trajan asking his Imperial advice on how best to deal with the problem of the
Christians in his province. According to him, they were causing trouble. In one of his
letters, he spoke of Christ as he reported of some information which he extracted from some Christian girls by torture, "They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang an anthem to Christ as God, and bound
themselves by a solemn oath not to commit any wicked deed . . . after which it was their custom to separate, and then meet again to partake of food, but food of an ordinary kind."8

7. The Annals and the Histories, 15:44. From Britannica Great Books, Vol. 15, p. 168.
8. Epistles, 10:96.

Pliny seemed to be perplexed by the innocence of the whole matter, and perhaps to keep from countermanding any governmental policies about Christians, he thought it best to write to the Emperor before taking any action.

There is also a testimony to the historical Jesus from Suetonius, annalist and court official of the Imperial House during the reign of Hadrian. About A.D.120, he wrote the Life of Claudius. From this work comes his most famous statement: "As the Jews were making constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus, he (Claudius) expelled them from Rome."9 The reason for the fame of this quotation is due to the fact that Luke, some sixty years earlier, had recorded this same incident as the reason for the apostle Paul yoking up with a Christian Jewish couple named Aquila and Priscilla (Acts 18:1-2). Again, the mention of Christ in the historical context is observed in extra- biblical literature.

After having referred to the above three Roman officials as an evidence for the actual existence of Jesus Christ, Durant explains that while these references prove the existence of Christians rather than of Christ, unless we assume that Christ did indeed live, we will be driven to the "improbable hypothesis that Jesus was invented in one generation; moreover we must suppose that the Christian community in Rome had been established some years before 52, to merit the attention of an imperial decree."10

9. Life of Claudius, 25:4.
10. Durant, Caesar and Christ, p. 555.

When this evidence is compiled in the company of such an historian as Tacitus and with Roman officials of the stature of Pliny and Suetonius, it makes the historical reality of Jesus as certain as that of any outstanding figure of antiquity.

1. The Talmud

There are two separate books of writings dealing with Jewish law called the Talmud. The first of these is the Mishnah, which is the Jewish code of religious jurisprudence. It began to be compiled sometime after the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 and was completed about A.D. 200. This great body of newly codified case law became the object of Jewish study from which grew a body of commentaries called Gemaras. Together, the Mishnah (the law book) and the Gemara (the commentary) are called the Talmud. Being Jewish, suffice it to say, all references to "Yeshu'a of Nazareth" in the Talmudic writings are unfriendly, but nevertheless sufficient in number to establish beyond doubt his historical reality.

2. Josephus

The most important references to the historical Jesus from a Jewish source is from a former Jewish general turned historian by the name of Flavius Josephus. In his writings he tells us who he was, what he did, and his own evaluation of a historian. He wrote of many of the outstanding persons we read of in the New Testament: Pilate; Quirinius of Syria (during whose governorship Rome enrolled the Empire for taxation purposes); the Caesars; the Herods; the Pharisees and the Sadducees; Annas and
Caiaphas, who had Jesus crucified; Felix and Festus, under whose governorships the apostle Paul was arrested and before whom he spoke of Jesus; Jesus' brother, James; and John the Baptist.

Most significant is his reference to Jesus himself in the following words:

And there arose about this time Jesus, a wise man, if indeed we should call him a man; for he was a doer of marvelous deeds, a teacher of men who receive the truth with
pleasure. He won over many Jews and also many Greeks.
This man was the Messiah. And when Pilate had condemned him to the cross at the instigation of our own leaders, those who had loved him from the first did not cease. For he appeared to them on the third day alive again, as the prophets had predicted and said many other wonderful things about him. And even now the race of Christians, so named after him, has not yet died out. 11

11. Antiquities, 18, 3.3.

All attempts to discredit this reference to Jesus as having been dressed up by a Christian copiest have failed. The reference is included in all of the manuscripts of Josephus, including the copy from which the fourth-century historian, Eusebius, read and quoted.

At the close of his excellent book offering evidence for the historical reliability of the New Testament, F.F. Bruce has observed,

Whatever else may be thought of the evidence from early Jewish and Gentile writers . . . it does at least establish, for those who refuse the witness of Christian writings, the historical character of Jesus himself. Some writers may toy with the fancy of a 'Christ-myth,' but they do not do so on the ground of historical evidence. The historicity of Christ is as axiomatic for an unbiased historian as the historicity of Julius Caesar. It
is not historians who propagate the Christ-myth" theories. 12

12. F.F. Bruce. The New Testament Documents. p. 119.

Whatever reasons may be given for accepting the testimonies of Josephus or of Tacitus or of any other writer from antiquity as reliable histories, to be fair and consistent, must be equally applied to the New Testament writers. Fairness demands that we give at least the same consideration to the New Testament books as we would to any other writing from the same period. All of the New Testament writers were contemporaries of Jesus. Five were eyewitnesses, three accompanied Jesus throughout his ministry, and all of their writings are in remarkable agreement. In addition to this, their
writings continue to stand the tests of genuineness and historicity. These New Testament writings are by no means the least of the evidence testifying to the actual existence of Jesus as a real person of history. As a matter of fact, if the New Testament books were the only single source from antiquity which presented to us the life of Jesus Christ, that would be more than sufficient proof of his historical reality. It is stated in the Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem) that the fact that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John have written of Jesus' life is conclusive proof of his reality. That admission from unbelieving Jews should satisfy the most skeptical doubter as to the trustworthiness of the evidence.

H. G. Wells rejected the supernatural element in the gospels, but nevertheless used them as his source material for writing about Jesus and the spread of Christianity in the first century. He admitted that the gospel accounts carried the conviction of reality and felt compelled to say of Jesus, "Here was a man. This part of the tale could not have been invented."13 Will Durant wrote, "That a few simple men should in one generation have invented so powerful and appealing a personality, so lofty an ethic and so inspiring a vision of human brotherhood, would be a miracle far more incredible than any recorded in the Gospels."14

The fact of the historical Jesus of Nazareth, as supplied to us by sources both friendly and hostile, is seen to be an indisputable matter. It is conclusive that there was a real Jesus, a man of outstanding character and of unique personality and ability, whose life and teaching truly "constitutes the most fascinating feature in the history of western man."15 We can be as certain of this fact as we can of any matter of history.

13. H. G. Wells, The Outline of History, Vol. I, p. 420.
14. Will Durant, Caesar and Christ, p. 557.
15. Ibid.

He Lived, So What?

With the evidence before us, we can expect most atheists to admit that Jesus lived. But the fact that he existed does not convince us he is God. Practicality leads us to ask if there is any real value to modern men in knowing this single fact?

It Admits to the Reliability of the New Testament

We have all made admissions to one thing or another, while we were unaware that we had admitted to other things at the same time. If, for example, we say that the Bible is the word of God, we are admitting that there is a God. By the same token, if we admit that Jesus was a great man of history, as most of us certainly do, though we may not be aware of it, we have also admitted that the New Testament is historically reliable. To determine this, consider three things: First, Jesus has received a place of preeminence among the great men of history. Second, men do not receive such recognition merely because they have existed; they must either say or do something that is considered to be truly great. Third, the only source of information from which we can reproduce the great life of Jesus Christ is the New Testament. Beyond the New Testament books, we can know only that he lived and that he was crucified by Pilate in Jerusalem. To know of his works, his personality, his life and teachings, his death and resurrection, in short, what it was that made him great, we are totally dependent on the New Testament. It seems conclusive that a recognition of the greatness of Jesus is, at least to an appreciable degree, an admission of the historical reliability of the New Testament which tells us about him.

This conclusion is of great practical value to those who would know whether the New Testament expresses an outdated sentiment or whether it is actually a historical revelation from God for the redemption of ruined humanity.

Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (276) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
jhdhd [7 words]tarekMar 3, 2010 12:11169613
End of time [171 words]BobDec 16, 2008 04:12145211
my journey from dhimmihood [213 words]AgentDec 14, 2008 14:00145085
08, Still waiting for the "good muslims" to speak against islamofacists ! [213 words]Phil GreendSep 15, 2008 10:41138619
No serendipity, your hope will be deferred [21 words]The_researcherNov 11, 2008 22:20138619
Muslim Terrorism and Islam [2572 words]Abdur Rahman AbidDec 9, 2005 11:4829699
To Abid, Summary of early Islamic history [548 words]Abdullah A.Dec 9, 2005 16:0929699
Islam v Christian v Jewish (Muslim Terrorism and Islam [215 words]kim segarJan 17, 2006 13:1829699
1Prophet Muhammed is a mercy to all the worlds [895 words]abd_abdalJan 25, 2006 13:3929699
Bush Declares War on Radical Islam [765 words]GayeMar 4, 2006 02:5829699
Response to abd_abdal [237 words]desi_dostJul 14, 2006 15:2929699
Laid the foundation for the Genva Convention?! [51 words]Kevin MJul 14, 2006 18:5829699
may ALLAH let them know. [72 words]Abdul rahman seiduNov 11, 2007 15:5429699
2I've read the koran, cover to cover. Have you? [112 words]Andrew BrownJan 8, 2008 01:3729699
Help? [44 words]Dovid CoderSep 5, 2008 10:4729699
every sura has a name [89 words]Nehal safwatSep 14, 2009 11:5829699
hatred is all you know [90 words]NehalSep 14, 2009 12:0429699
if you can have explanation of these verses [258 words]HemantOct 10, 2009 19:4929699
Jerusalem and Muslims [58 words]rahamatullaApr 3, 2010 18:5329699
Mother Teresa, A Misused Icon To Furhter Aims Of Christian Conversions [502 words]Rakshas 10 AnanNov 17, 2005 08:4628525
Reply to Rakshas 10 Anan [542 words]DonNov 18, 2005 02:4628525
To Don, About Mother Teresa and the Missionaries [237 words]Rakshas 10 AnanNov 19, 2005 00:5028525
To Rakshas... Save the "Refined English" and leave Mother Theresa/Missionaries alone! [323 words]DonNov 25, 2005 10:1528525
To A Very Confused And Contrary Don [1368 words]Rakshas 10 AnanNov 26, 2005 13:4528525
Don's Reply to Rakshas [November 25, 2005 at 10:15] [183 words]hohovahNov 27, 2005 13:2128525
Ah Don! The Missionary Position, At Last [146 words]Georges FernandezNov 28, 2005 01:2428525
1Don Says, Aryan Invasion Theory Legitimises Missionary Christian and Other Invasions of India [397 words]Vishnu GuptaNov 28, 2005 02:5428525
To Rakshas...Opposition is not confuson [2803 words]DonNov 29, 2005 12:5328525
Vishnu- out of context [487 words]DonNov 30, 2005 03:0328525
White Man's Burden [275 words]Vishnu GuptaNov 30, 2005 14:2028525
'Hindu Invasion' Justifies Aggressive Evangelism in India (DON) [166 words]Vishnu GuptaNov 30, 2005 14:4428525
Indefensible, Don [387 words]Vishnu GuptaNov 30, 2005 16:1028525
To Don: A Little More Learning [63 words]Georges FernandezDec 1, 2005 09:1428525
Vishnu,You live in the past [2312 words]DonDec 2, 2005 03:0828525
To Georges! [105 words]DonDec 2, 2005 03:1528525
Don takes "confusion" to a new high! [2032 words]iasiusDec 2, 2005 04:1028525
To Vishnu-The Evils of Hindu Fanatics on Sikhs [61 words]B.SinghDec 2, 2005 06:3028525
To B. Singh [396 words]Vishnu GuptaDec 2, 2005 15:2328525
Welcome to Sanity, Don [142 words]Georges FernandezDec 2, 2005 15:3728525
Welcome to India of the 21st Century, Don [123 words]Vishnu GuptaDec 2, 2005 15:5128525
Don, may I suggest that you are wasting your time [329 words]allonehhobDec 2, 2005 18:2028525
Long Standing Pakistani ISI Propaganda- B. Singh [789 words]Vishnu GuptaDec 2, 2005 21:5228525
Response to Iasius [1074 words]DonDec 3, 2005 06:5628525
Sadly, Allonehhob's last contribution [1217 words]iasiusDec 3, 2005 09:4928525
To my friend and correspondent, Don [826 words]iasiusDec 6, 2005 07:5628525
Iasius "sense"---Part I [2834 words]DonDec 7, 2005 11:5028525
Alas! The doctrinaire Don.... [65 words]iasiusDec 7, 2005 15:3328525
Iasius "sense" and "correction?" Part- II [1647 words]DonDec 8, 2005 13:0128525
pak terror [253 words]smithJan 2, 2006 20:2628525
Prejudice [20 words]Sarahis90Feb 15, 2006 07:2228525
Hello DON [287 words]Tom NarayanApr 5, 2007 18:4428525
Christianity is not western. [57 words]Bobby NairMar 29, 2008 04:2128525
Don's comment on Christians in India [282 words]SujataAug 11, 2008 08:5028525
Aryan Invasion might not have occured at all [208 words]T.S.RaoOct 12, 2008 02:2328525
maybe [15 words]true believerJan 16, 2009 07:2328525
Islam, a religion of peace? [67 words]Robert K..Nov 9, 2005 11:4028082
Reply to Robert K. [239 words]Mu'een Ud DeenNov 10, 2005 11:0428082
Mueen Ud Deen is right partially [301 words]NaqviNov 14, 2005 18:0328082
Mueen Udd Deen , Please clarify [502 words]Mark G.Nov 14, 2005 18:1428082
Reply to Mark G. [480 words]Mu'een Ud DeenNov 25, 2005 07:5528082
1War on Islam or on Islamism [292 words]Gay CarmanNov 7, 2005 07:0727876
Islam is NOT the Greatest Above All [323 words]DebraNov 3, 2005 14:5627744
Reply to Debra [41 words]Mu'een Ud DeenNov 10, 2005 11:0927744
Debra [233 words]MaariaJan 7, 2006 18:2327744
Simplification of Complex Faith Issues [106 words]TerrySep 19, 2006 12:0127744
Reply to John Bastile [315 words]Mu'een Ud DeenNov 2, 2005 05:1127662
Mr. Mu'een Ud Deen's Comment: I pinched myself 2ce; thought I was dreaming!!! [49 words]hohovahNov 2, 2005 18:3527662
Reply to Mu'een Ud Deen [430 words]John BastileNov 12, 2005 09:2227662
Reply to John Bastile [363 words]Mu'een Ud DeenNov 14, 2005 10:0027662
Mu'een Ud Deen's "Reply to John Bastile" - November 14, 2005 at 10:00 [234 words]hohovahNov 15, 2005 07:2827662
Bastile's post [45 words]AhmedNov 15, 2005 07:5427662
Reply to Hohovah [253 words]Mu'een Ud DeenNov 16, 2005 05:0227662
Further to my friend Mu'een Ud Deen [723 words]hohovahNov 17, 2005 15:2527662
Comments on Iasius statements [182 words]allonehhobOct 31, 2005 14:2927549
response to allonehhob [344 words]garyOct 31, 2005 22:0627549
To Gary [696 words]AllonehhobNov 1, 2005 13:1527549
For Gary and Allonehhob [1054 words]iasiusNov 3, 2005 13:3727549
to Iaisius [350 words]DebraNov 3, 2005 15:3927549
To iasius [222 words]AllonehhobNov 3, 2005 23:5627549
For Debra [870 words]iasiusNov 4, 2005 05:3027549
To Allonehhob [771 words]iasiusNov 5, 2005 04:2027549
Part 1 reply to iasius [2624 words]AllonehhobNov 5, 2005 19:2527549
Continue to iasius [415 words]AllonehhobNov 5, 2005 22:2327549
"Jesus" not historical? [51 words]Genghis GandhiNov 6, 2005 10:3527549
To Ghandi, Roman history and Christianity [1559 words]AllonehhobNov 6, 2005 23:3727549
Comment to iasius [907 words]DonNov 7, 2005 01:4427549
"Ducks in a row"? [239 words]iasiusNov 7, 2005 03:0827549
Historical Jesus [2824 words]AllonehhobNov 7, 2005 14:5527549
To Iasius- If one can't convince should one confuse? [1044 words]DonNov 10, 2005 05:4427549
For Allonehhob: response to "Part 1 reply to Iasius" & "Continue to Iasius" [752 words]iasiusNov 14, 2005 07:4527549
To my friend iasius [515 words]AllonehhobNov 14, 2005 22:5927549
allonehhob, again! [53 words]iasiusNov 16, 2005 01:3327549
iasius, who sees evil out of good [208 words]AllonehhobNov 16, 2005 15:5727549
From the "evil" Iasius to the "righteous" Allonehhob [334 words]iasiusNov 18, 2005 04:1327549
Common sense Iaisus, COMMON SENSE! [1538 words]DonNov 22, 2005 13:0627549
Reply to Iasius [196 words]Atim BasseyNov 23, 2005 11:3527549
Don's "common sense" [2327 words]iasiusNov 26, 2005 17:1027549
Atim's Comment [496 words]iasiusNov 28, 2005 04:3027549
Yes; Bush makes further commitment against Jihad (Oct. 28th speech) [134 words]AlanOct 29, 2005 13:0627483
Response to A.A , Amar and others [126 words]MohammedOct 26, 2005 12:0827371
Muhammad, Maybe we are all wrong, Please give me examples on how mercifull Muhammad was [41 words]AmarOct 26, 2005 17:3527371
Questions for Mohammed [373 words]John BastileOct 26, 2005 22:2427371
Response to Bastile [88 words]MohammedOct 27, 2005 18:3427371
Response to Mohammed [816 words]John BastileOct 28, 2005 00:2127371
Response to Amar [96 words]MohammedOct 28, 2005 11:0927371
Response to Bastile [248 words]MohammedOct 28, 2005 14:1227371
To Muhammad [201 words]AmarOct 28, 2005 14:1327371
Thank you, Mohammed. A muslim's asnwer [446 words]John BastileOct 28, 2005 23:0027371
Which "God" do you mean, Amar? [926 words]iasiusOct 31, 2005 04:2227371
muhammad (S.A.W.) [767 words]Abdullah HaleemMar 27, 2009 12:4527371
Bush Declares War on Radical islam art. No.3026 [75 words]S.C.PandaOct 26, 2005 05:5627359
abondoning islam.. [202 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 24, 2005 23:2627274
Bush Declares war on Radical Islam [972 words]iasiusOct 22, 2005 16:1427213
Iasius... I am an agnostic so.. [48 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 23, 2005 00:2327213
Re: "Iasius... I am an agnostic so.." [53 words]iasiusOct 23, 2005 19:0227213
no idealism.. [88 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 24, 2005 22:5727213
"no idealism..." responses [625 words]iasiusOct 26, 2005 05:1827213
Iasius.. [441 words]Saleem AkhtarOct 26, 2005 21:0827213
To Mr. Akhtar [912 words]iasiusOct 27, 2005 15:1227213
Mr. Iasius and Mr. Mohammed.. "Koran/Sunnah/Hadith is not Islam". [100 words]Saleem AkhtarOct 31, 2005 23:0827213
To Mr. Akhtar: "Koran/Sunnah/Hadith is not Islam". [526 words]iasiusNov 1, 2005 10:5627213
Mr. Iasius [84 words]Saleem AkhtarNov 2, 2005 00:0827213
Mohammaed Saleem Akhtar's version of Islam [408 words]John BastileOct 18, 2005 06:2127036
But again, Wahabists, Palestinians and Hypocrisy are to blame. [552 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 20, 2005 11:2727036
To John Bastile [432 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 20, 2005 14:4427036
Mohammed Saleem Akhtar's call to reform Islam [235 words]John BastileOct 22, 2005 06:2727036
to John Bastile [585 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 22, 2005 18:3227036
Impossible to reform Islam [350 words]John BastileOct 24, 2005 03:0627036
Why the hush up of Oct. 1, 2005, suicide bomb at U. of Oklahoma? [89 words]Chris ChrismanOct 17, 2005 09:4527010
Slapshtik Hirsutitis [478 words]Swahili DinazOct 17, 2005 06:1427003
The Hypocrisy of Islam [133 words]RickOct 17, 2005 00:2527000
Rsponse to Rick [125 words]JaladhiOct 17, 2005 09:3127000
response to Jaladhi [315 words]EdwardOct 17, 2005 14:3127000
Response to Edward [103 words]JaladhiOct 17, 2005 15:4727000
final response to mr akhtar and a comment on edward [682 words]garyOct 17, 2005 17:5327000
To Gary, Rick, Jaladhi, Edward [165 words]Swahili DinazOct 18, 2005 01:3327000
Gary and Jaladhi you got to understand the fundamentals of what is going on [600 words]EdwardOct 18, 2005 13:4527000
To Edward, contradiction in your statement? [479 words]allonehhobOct 18, 2005 15:4127000
Comments on Edward's post [181 words]N. KhanOct 18, 2005 16:2527000
To Edward [243 words]HishamOct 18, 2005 17:4527000
response to ed [981 words]garyOct 18, 2005 21:0427000
Preaching in islamic countries, Response to Edward [216 words]Steve F.Oct 19, 2005 02:5727000
Response to Edward [427 words]JaladhiOct 19, 2005 12:1027000
Illegally occupied lands, response to Edward [187 words]A.A.Oct 19, 2005 12:3527000
Edward's Soothing Lullaby [83 words]WalterOct 19, 2005 19:0327000
Response to Rick [57 words]MaryOct 20, 2005 07:2827000
Get ur facts right [314 words]LumaFeb 23, 2006 22:5027000
Why only Muslims are Calumnious? [69 words]Muhammad AwaisNov 20, 2007 08:4927000
its right Mr Bush [62 words]radjiOct 16, 2005 17:5026997
Earthquake and Islam [164 words]Hari IyerOct 16, 2005 03:1626987
The real path..... [328 words]Talha IqbalOct 18, 2009 22:5526987
Does Mr. Bush "Get It?" A Recap [218 words]orange yonasonOct 16, 2005 01:5426986
1Will the Moderate Muslims Please Stand Up And Show the Way? [930 words]Swahili DinazOct 15, 2005 14:0226976
To Swahili Dinaz [690 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 15, 2005 18:1826976
To Mohammad Saleem Akhtar, The Lion-Hearted Solitary Defender [1031 words]Swahili DinazOct 16, 2005 12:3226976
To Mohammad Saleem Akhtar (Addendum) [310 words]Swahili DinazOct 16, 2005 13:5126976
The passionate and emotional Swahili Dinaz [579 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 16, 2005 19:2926976
Interpretation of Quran, Response to Mohammed Akhtar [201 words]JimOct 17, 2005 14:4826976
Saudi women [99 words]SophieOct 15, 2005 08:5626974
Bushes naming the enemy, flushed out Saudi Whabbi! [137 words]Chard JeromeOct 15, 2005 01:2126968
Re: The Real Terrorism [1731 words]Reuben HorneOct 15, 2005 00:5726967
Hatred against 'Muslims' would be a wrong strategy... [283 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 14, 2005 18:3526957
To: Mohammed Saleem Akhtar [229 words]Chard JeromeOct 15, 2005 21:5526957
Knowledge is Paramount [76 words]Ali MustansirApr 7, 2006 02:1526957
Blasphemy - armor of the cowards [786 words]sadia masroorApr 10, 2008 05:3326957
Jaladhi's, Michael Glass', J Force's comments [10 words]Ready TeddyOct 14, 2005 16:3526953
Test for Muslims [74 words]WalterOct 14, 2005 14:1526950
Racism In Islam [138 words]YovenOct 14, 2005 13:1426946
Black Racism in islam [172 words]non arabOct 14, 2009 02:5526946
Bush Declares War on Radical Islam [70 words]I.D. BradleyOct 14, 2005 11:2726944
Radical Distinction? [398 words]ShlomoOct 14, 2005 01:1626932
The fear in the heart of the Americans [184 words]f. shawkiOct 13, 2005 23:0226928
Comments of F. Shawki [109 words]JaladhiOct 14, 2005 09:2726928
multi-headed hydra [234 words]Arnie FishmanOct 13, 2005 20:0026920
Bush Declares War on Radical Islam [323 words]Maurice PicowOct 13, 2005 17:0926916
Wars are violent conflicts between governments. [182 words]Ralph C Whaley MDOct 13, 2005 16:3926914
What's missing [216 words]yuval Brandstetter MDOct 13, 2005 14:5326910
Well done Mr. Pipes, but one could be even more specific [420 words]AriOct 13, 2005 11:2026901
Also.. [7 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 12, 2005 23:1126892
Radical Islam [75 words]Mohammaed Saleem AkhtarOct 12, 2005 23:0426891
response to mr akhtar [288 words]garyOct 14, 2005 22:0526891
Mohammed Saleem Akhtar [379 words]WalterOct 15, 2005 00:2626891
Gary and Walter [391 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 15, 2005 01:2526891
Walter [178 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 15, 2005 01:5526891
Islam is obeying Allah and Mohammed, Response to saleem Akhtar [205 words]MohammedOct 16, 2005 00:3226891
Islam without quran and Mohammed, Response to Akhtar [121 words]Hamza Y.Oct 16, 2005 01:1626891
To Hamza and Mohammed [557 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 16, 2005 10:0226891
An illuminating post by Mohammed [144 words]SullyOct 16, 2005 11:2326891
Wahabis follow quran and sunna, response to Akhtar. [371 words]MohammedOct 17, 2005 13:3526891
Islam cannot be reformed, Response to Mohammed Akhtar [261 words]RobertOct 17, 2005 14:4026891
2Allah hates non muslims, Response to Mohammed Akhtar [450 words]Abdullah A.Oct 17, 2005 15:0626891
Why blame wahabis, response to Akhtar [271 words]MamdouhOct 17, 2005 17:2926891
Koranic verses- a clarification. [372 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 20, 2005 12:5526891
Islam is following quran and sunna, Response to Akhtar [244 words]MohammedOct 21, 2005 13:0726891
To Mohammed [348 words]Mohammed Saleem AkhtarOct 22, 2005 02:5226891
Prophet was a living quran, Response to Akhtar [233 words]MohammedOct 24, 2005 02:0326891
I see no hope Akhtar trying to convince Mohammad [186 words]AmarOct 24, 2005 21:2526891
1Mohammed is right. The prophet was the living quran. (Oct 24 post) [596 words]John BastileOct 25, 2005 05:0126891
Question to Mohammed [239 words]A.A.Oct 25, 2005 19:3426891
Mis understanding of dawah [200 words]yusuf AbdullahAug 27, 2006 14:3626891
lies again [89 words]sakina luluAug 30, 2007 13:2926891
Islam cannot be reformed!! [47 words]SM AkhtarJun 25, 2008 13:4426891
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) [180 words]Abdullah HaleemMar 22, 2009 19:2426891
A Word of Caution [122 words]Aidan MaconachyOct 12, 2005 21:0926886
1Moderates just waiting to become radical. [204 words]Dale EhrgottOct 12, 2005 19:4426883
geez, what a surprise [439 words]garyOct 12, 2005 19:1926882
Thank you LORD. [188 words]YovenOct 12, 2005 17:0926877
A Decision Rule for Bush's War [85 words]Martin KesslerOct 12, 2005 15:5526874
Seperation of Radical from Islam [257 words]Kevin BaysOct 12, 2005 14:1926871
Reply to Kevin Bays [105 words]MaryOct 13, 2005 02:4226871
George Bush's "War on Terror" speech [277 words]Jacqueline F. KnoblockOct 12, 2005 12:2226866
What Bush should have said ... [384 words]Victor PurintonOct 12, 2005 13:1026866
war on terror [41 words]alessandroSep 28, 2006 01:3926866
Enough political correctness. [298 words]PatOct 12, 2005 11:1526862
Islam IS the problem [202 words]Bill StoreyOct 12, 2005 10:2826858
Bush Declares War on Radical Islam (For Bill Storey) [10 words]Jacqueline F. KnoblockOct 12, 2005 17:1126858
Jihad can be good [55 words]JessOct 12, 2005 09:2526854
Islam and the US Constitution [334 words]Michael GlassOct 12, 2005 07:3826850
Bush Declares War on Radical Islam [216 words]Michael GlassOct 12, 2005 06:5126845
Abhor violent reaction. Win their heart by conviction that universal love & brotherhood as fundamental principles of ISLAM [320 words]N NatarajanOct 12, 2005 05:4226843
Natarajan is Correct [222 words]WalterOct 12, 2005 21:2726843
and what about the anticonstitutionality of the Holy Book [82 words]francesco G.MangasciaOct 12, 2005 03:2526839
Islamic Jihad [69 words]Swahili DinazOct 12, 2005 02:3626837
A small step in right direction [261 words]Amitabh tripathiOct 12, 2005 02:0626835
to: Amitabh tripathi [292 words]orange yonasonOct 12, 2005 12:0126835
Congratulations but [83 words]Howard E. CookOct 11, 2005 22:3126832
Religion of peace [214 words]RobbyOct 11, 2005 22:0226831
Better Later than Never [791 words]Yehoshua ZellerOct 11, 2005 21:3426830
Barbary Pirates [33 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Gil BOct 11, 2005 21:1026829
1Religion of Bin Laden and his Ilk is Islam [300 words]JaladhiOct 11, 2005 20:5126828
Inspired By Jaladhi [73 words]orange yonasonOct 12, 2005 12:1426828
A Top 25 Comment! [34 words]Cornelia CreasyOct 12, 2005 13:2626828
militant islam is islam [170 words]henry newmanOct 11, 2005 19:2926826
Bush Declares War on Radical Islam [208 words]NTMOct 11, 2005 18:3426825
Where are the moderates? The reformists? [90 words]Always On WatchOct 11, 2005 18:2126823
Bush war on islam [56 words]bobOct 11, 2005 18:0426821
Is Radical Islam and better than the Radical Religious Right ? [234 words]Gunther SteinbergOct 11, 2005 17:4526819
Response to Gunther Steinberg [455 words]DebraOct 31, 2005 23:2926819
Stop the dribble, state the facts [177 words]J ForceOct 11, 2005 17:3926818
Islamism - a distraction from Islam [146 words]AndrewOct 11, 2005 17:3726817
There is one islam [274 words]M. J. KhanOct 11, 2005 17:2326816
M.J. Khan knows.... [252 words]Cornelia CreasyOct 12, 2005 08:5426816
Sick of the hypocrisy [326 words]Future ACLU OpponentOct 11, 2005 17:0826815
Reply to Future ACLU Opponent [82 words]MaryOct 12, 2005 10:3826815
Extreme Islamists are dissatisfied with our world and want to leave [109 words]David GoshenOct 11, 2005 16:5426814
Presidential support [114 words]Thomas Earl CannadyOct 11, 2005 16:1726812
jihad [228 words]Donald W. BalesOct 11, 2005 16:1126811
The plot thickens. [44 words]Darwin BarrettOct 11, 2005 15:4126808
Halfway measures [428 words]Charles FortnerOct 11, 2005 15:2426806
An Islamic empire all over the world [63 words]David AlgazeOct 11, 2005 15:2326805
Funny [57 words]Kosovan MuslimMar 13, 2006 10:3126805
war on islam [56 words]samDec 31, 2007 15:4126805
Bush is wrong; not an ideology like Communism [246 words]Steve KleinOct 11, 2005 15:0826804
What of those who do not preach violence? [186 words]J.S.Oct 11, 2005 15:0626803
Al Qaeda, Sinai, Iskander SS-26 & Bush's words [352 words]Nachum ' Nick" WiesenfeldOct 11, 2005 15:0326802
For "Nick".....Inalienable rights [142 words]Cornelia CreasyOct 13, 2005 08:1226802
Mr. President: What took you so long? [100 words]There is NO Santa ClausOct 11, 2005 14:5026801
WHAT THEY WANT IS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. [139 words]BATYA DAGANOct 11, 2005 14:4826800
Radical Islam [210 words]Dr. Anthony RuffinoOct 11, 2005 14:2126799
Islamism And It's Intimate Connection With Nazism [58 words]orange yonasonOct 11, 2005 14:1126797
It's A Start, But... [291 words]orange yonasonOct 11, 2005 13:5526796
Faithfully Sounding the Alarm [174 words]Norman SingerOct 11, 2005 13:5226795
Bush declares our enemy.. [52 words]kim segarOct 11, 2005 13:4326794
Sharia Laws [241 words]Apostate of islamOct 11, 2005 13:2426793
Koran misquoted? and nature of Islam [280 words]Jonathan David CarsonOct 11, 2005 13:2326792
Pipes Right on with Islamic Threat [42 words]Cynthia GrenierOct 11, 2005 13:2326791
Unimpressed by Bush [32 words]Roger W. TalbotOct 11, 2005 13:2226790
Response to Roger re Gaza Strip [147 words]SullyOct 11, 2005 16:3026790
Sully, You Are Missing The Point [129 words]orange yonasonOct 12, 2005 13:2626790
War on Islam or on Islamism [46 words]Romesh ChanderOct 11, 2005 13:1026789
war on Islam [210 words]peter poweSep 27, 2006 23:2626789
Explicit candor [74 words]Yair WeinstockOct 11, 2005 13:0326788
Pipes' Points Finally Having Impact [193 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
steve chambersOct 11, 2005 12:5726787
A light at the end of the tunnel [99 words]abrahamOct 11, 2005 12:5426786
Need to remove Islam from religion [499 words]John BastileOct 11, 2005 12:5226785
Comment on John Bastile post [101 words]A.A.Oct 11, 2005 15:5226785

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