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Jihad and Islam -Read it carefully friends

Reader comment on item: Islamists, Get Out
in response to reader comment: ISLAM-The religion of peace

Submitted by Nida Mukhtar (Pakistan), Feb 18, 2006 at 10:12

Dear friends either don't read this article or if you really want to read then only ask questions otherwise don't ask me anything without having any knowledge what I have submitted. So at least read it twice. Friends you are free to comment on this article but before that do read your religious books either by Prophet Hazart Moses, Prophet Hazart Jesus or Prophet Hazart Mohammad(peace be upon him) because whatever here is written is nothing but the truth and you can see it in your religious books and then no point of criticism is left. I assure you'll get a lot of knowledge. God has given you eyes to see and brain to think so without knowledge don't blame others. YOU CAN'T BLAME OTHERS WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW WHATS WRITTEN IN YOUR HOLY BOOK OR WHAT YOUR VERY OWN RELIGION SAYS. I hope we all shall live a good life.

Dear Tony , you would have found answers to all your questions in the article " Islam the religion of peace" I didn't praise the MURDERERS but I think you are so least interested that you didn't bother to read it with open eyes...it's ok...now read this one and ask yourself :) then you won't be having any point to laugh. I think you are unaware of History , you are completely unaware of the rise and downfall of muslims and others, read the history then you'll actually find the results as well.

It does not lie in the mouth of the followers of a religion whose founder "CAME NOT TO SEND PEACE BUT A SWORD" (Matthew, 10:34) and whose POPES, BISHOPS AND ARCHBISHOPS; EXCOMMUNICATED, KILLED and BURNED at the stake poor, helpless and innocent persons of their own faith who could not persuade themselves to fully agree with THOSE HIGH DIGNITARIES OF THE CHURCH on SOME DOCTRINAL POINTS, those owing allegiance to other faiths were considered to deserve and therefore got no mercy( a bloody sacrifice was offered by his mistaken votaries to the God of the Christians; resistance might provoke, but neither age nor sex could mollify their implacable rage; they indulged themselves three days in a promiscuous massacre; and the infection of the dead bodies produced an epidemical disease. after seventy thousand Muslims had been put to the sword, and the harmless Jews had been burned in the synagogue, they could still reserve a multitude captives, whom interest or lassitude persuaded them to spare.-Historians of thje world vol.viii, page 352) who would murder in cold blood a person to save his soul from eternal damnation and whose wrath pursuaded the defenceless victim with unabated fury even after his death.

The vicar of christ dared not open his lips when in the teeth of solemm international pacts and pledges from that very townwhere lies the Vatican hundreds of thousands of Italians sailed to Dark Africa to rain death and destruction from the the air by BOMBS, POISONOUS GASES AND FLUID FIRE upon the unprotected and defenceless Abyssinians FOR NO FAULT except that they were too weak to offer an effective resistance to Mussolini's Black Shirts. THOSE WHOSE WHOLE RECORD IS SO BLACK CAN ILL AFFORD TO FLING MUD AT ISLAM.

Tony, we live under conditions vastly different from those in which Islam took its birth. Ours is the age of publicity and propaganda and now Islam will come to its own not through military conquests but by conquering the hearts and minds of men with its beautiful teachings. To always think in the terms of physical conquests may be the philosophy of that erratic German political thinker- Nietzsche, it is not that of Islam. Islam's greatest need and opportunity now lies in the diffusion and dissemination of its message which possesses a far greater striking power than any SWORD, GUN OR BOMB.Those who regard JIHAD with the sword, bomb, gun etc to be the only means of the restoration of the departed glory of Islam are TERRIBLY MISTAKEN. Black sheeps are every where. Its wrong to kill others but if some1 is doing that so we can't blame all innocent muslims.

Dear Emileo, I think you just copied what Tony wrote. Could you tell me what was wrong in it and Where DID I FORCE OTHERS TO AGREE WITH ME????Kindly read what I wrote. I would love to tell you that I am girl from Karachi, Pakistan. I am around 21 years old and a commerce student here:) borned here and live here. How did you say that WHY I CAME THERE??? WHERE EMILEO???:):):) I never went to America or Canada.... what are you talking about??? which rules?


... The question ... arises - Can it ever be right to fight for a faith? Let us, therefore, turn to this question.
The teaching of religion on the subject of war takes different forms... Moses is commanded to enter the land of Canaan by force, to defeat its population and to settle his own people in it (Deut. 20:10-18). In spite of this teaching in the Book of Moses, and in spite of its reinforcement by practical example of the Prophets Joshua, David and others, Jews and Christians continue to hold their Prophets in reverence and to regard their books as the Books of God.

At the end of the Mosaic tradition, we had Jesus who taught;
But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also (Matthew 5-39).
Christians have often cited this teaching of Jesus and argued that Jesus preached against war. But in the New Testament, we have passages which purport to teach quite the opposite. One passage, for instance, says:
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword (Matthew 10:34).

And another passage says:
Then said he unto them. But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one (Luke 22:36).

Of the three verses the last two contradict the first. If Jesus came for war, why did he teach about turning the other cheek? It seems we have either to admit a contradiction in the New Testament, or we have to explain one of the contradictory teachings in a suitable manner. We are not concerned here with the question whether turning the other cheek can ever be practicable. We are concerned only to point out that, throughout their long history, no Christian people have ever hesitated to make war. When Christians first attained to power in Rome, they took part in wars both defensive and aggressive. They are dominant powers in the world today, and they continue to take part in wars both defensive and aggressive. Only now the side which wins is canonized by the rest of the Christian world. Their victory is said to be the victory of Christian civilization. Christian civilization has come to mean whatever tends to be dominant and successful. When two Christian powers go to war, each claims to be the protector of Christian ideals. The power which wins is canonized as the true Christian power. It is true, however, that from the time of Jesus to our time, Christendom has been involved-and indications are that it will continue to remain involved-in war. The practical verdict of the Christian peoples, therefore, is that war is the real teaching of the New Testament, and that turning the other cheek was either an opportunist teaching dictated by the helplessness of early Christians, or it is meant to apply only to individuals, not to States and peoples.
Secondly, even if we assume that Jesus taught peace and not war, it does not follow that those who do not act upon this teaching are not holy and honored. For Christendom has ever revered exponents of war such as Moses, Joshua and David. Not only this, the Church itself has canonized national heroes who suffered in wars. They were made saints by the Popes.


The teaching of Islam is different from both these teachings. It strikes a mean between the two. Islam does not teach aggression as did Moses. Nor does it, like present-day (and presumably corrupt) Christianity, preach a contradiction. It does not ask us to turn the other cheek and at the same time to sell our clothes to buy a sword. The teaching of Islam fits into the natural instincts of man, and promotes peace in the only possible way.

Islam forbids aggression, but it urges us to fight if failure to fight jeopardizes peace and promotes war. If failure to fight means the extirpation of free belief and of the search of truth, it is our duty to fight. This is the teaching on which peace can ultimately be built, and this is the teaching on which the Prophet based his own policies and his practice. The Prophet suffered continuously and consistently at Mecca but did not fight the aggression of which he was an innocent victim. When he escaped to Medina, the enemy was out to extirpate Islam; it was, therefore, necessary to fight the enemy in defense of truth and freedom of belief.
We quote below the passages in the Quran which bear on the subject of war.

(1) In 22:40-42 we have:

Permission to fight is given to those against whom war is made, because they have been wronged-and Allah indeed has power to help them-Those who have been driven out from their homes unjustly only because they said, "Our Lord is Allah"-And if Allah did not repel some men by means of others, there would surely have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques, wherein the name of Allah is oft commemorated. And Allah will surely help one who helps Him. Allah is indeed Powerful, Mighty.-Those who, if We establish them in the earth, will observe Prayer and pay the Zakat and enjoin good and forbid evil. And with Allah rests the final issue of all affairs.

The verse purports to say that permission to fight is given to the victims of aggression. God is well able to help the victims-those who have been driven out of their homes because of their beliefs. The permission is wise because, if God were not to repel the cruel with the help of the righteous, there would be no freedom of faith and worship in the world. God must help those who help to establish freedom of worship. It follows that fighting is permitted when a people have suffered long from wanton aggression-when the aggressor has had no cause for aggression and he seeks to interfere with the religion of his victim. The duty of the victim, if and when he attains to power, is to establish religious freedom and to protect all religions and all religious places. His power is to be used not for his own glorification, but for the care of the poor, the progress of the country and the general promotion of peace. This teaching is as unexceptionable as it is clear and precise. It proclaims the fact that early Muslims took to war because they were constrained to do so. Aggressive wars were forbidden by Islam. Muslims are promised political power, but are warned that this power must be used not for self-aggrandizement, but for the amelioration of the poor and the promotion of peace and progress.

(2) In (2:191-194) we have:

And fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight against you, but do not transgress. Surely, Allah loves not transgressors. And kill them wherever you meet them and drive them out from where they have driven you out; for persecution is worse than killing. And fight them not in, and near, the Sacred Mosque until they fight you, then fight them: such is the requital for the disbelievers. But if they desist, then surely Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful. And fight them until there is no persecution, and religion is professed for Allah. But if they desist, then remember that no hostility is allowed except against the aggressors.
Fighting is to be for the sake of God, not for our own sake or out of anger or aggrandizement, and even fighting is to be free from excesses, for excesses are displeasing to God. Fighting is between parties of combatants. Assaults on individuals are forbidden. Aggression against a religion is to be met by active resistance, for such aggression is worse than bloodshed. Muslims are not to fight near the Sacred Mosque, unless an attack is first made by the enemy. Fighting near the Sacred Mosque interferes with the public right of pilgrimage. But if the enemy attacks, Muslims are free to reply, this being the just reward of aggression. But if the enemy desists, Muslims must desist also, and forgive and forget the past. Fighting is to continue so long as religious persecution lasts and religious freedom is not established. Religion is for God. The use of force or pressure in religion is wrong. If the Kafirs desist from it and make religion free, Muslims are to desist from fighting the Kafirs. Arms are to be taken up against those who commit excesses. When excesses cease, fighting must cease also.
Categorically, we may say, the verses teach the following rules:

War is to be resorted to only for the sake of God and not for the sake of any selfish motives, not for aggrandizement or for the advancement of any other interests.

We can go to war only against one who attacks us first.

We can fight only those who fight against us. We cannot fight against those who take no part in warfare.

Even after the enemy has initiated the attack, it is our duty to keep warfare within limits. To extend the war, either territorially or in respect of weapons used, is wrong.

We are to fight only a regular army charged by the enemy to fight on his side. We are not to fight others on the enemy side.
In warfare immunity is to be afforded to all religious rites and observances. If the enemy spares the places where religious ceremonies are held, then Muslims also must desist from fighting in such places.

If the enemy uses a place of worship as a base for attack, then Muslims may return the attack. No blame will attach to them if they do so. No fighting is allowed even in the neighborhood of religious places. To attack religious places and to destroy them or to do any kind of harm to them is absolutely forbidden. A religious place used as a base of operations may invite a counter-attack. The responsibility for any harm done to the place will then rest with the enemy, not with Muslims.

If the enemy realizes the danger and the mistake of using a religious place as a base, and changes the battle-front, then Muslims must conform to the change. The fact that the enemy started the attack from a religious place is not to be used as an excuse for attacking that place. Out of reverence Muslims must change their battle-front as soon as the enemy does so.

Fighting is to continue only so long as interference with religion and religious freedom lasts. When religion becomes free and interference with it is no longer permitted and the enemy declares and begins to act accordingly, then there is to be no war, even if it is the enemy who starts it.

(3) In 8:39-41 we have:
Say to those who disbelieve, if they desist, that which is past will be forgiven them; and if they return thereto, then verily the example of the former people has already gone before them. And fight them until there is no persecution and religion is wholly for Allah. But if they desist, then surely Allah is Watchful of what they do. And if they turn their backs, then know that Allah is your Protector. What an excellent Protector and what an excellent Helper.

That is to say, wars have been forced upon Muslims. But if the enemy desists, it is the duty of Muslims to desist also, and forgive the past. But if the enemy does not desist and attacks Muslims again and again, then he should remember the fate of the enemies of earlier Prophets. Muslims are to fight, while religious persecution lasts, and so long as religion is not for God and interference in religious matters is not abandoned. When the aggressor desists, Muslims are to desist also. They are not to continue the war because the enemy believes in a false religion. The value of beliefs and actions is well known to God and He will reward them as He pleases. Muslims have no right to meddle with another people's religion even if that religion seems to them to be false. If after an offer of peace the enemy continues to make war, then Muslims may be sure of victory even though their numbers are small. For God will help them and who can help better than God?

These verses were revealed in connection with the Battle of Badr. This battle was the first regular fight between Muslims and disbelievers. In it Muslims were the victims of unprovoked aggression. The enemy had chosen to disturb the peace of Medina and of the territory around. In spite of this, victory went to the Muslims and important leaders of the enemy were killed. To retaliate against such unprovoked aggression seems natural, just and necessary. Yet Muslims are taught to stop fighting as soon as the enemy ceases it. All that the enemy is required to concede is freedom of belief and worship.

(4) In 8:62-63 we have:
And if they incline towards peace, incline thou also towards it, and put thy trust in Allah. Surely, it is He Who is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. And if they intend to deceive thee, then surely Allah is sufficient for thee. He it is Who has strengthened thee with His help and with the believers.

That is to say, if in the course of a battle the disbelievers at any time incline towards peace, Muslims are to accept the offer at once and to make peace. Muslims are to do so even at the risk of being deceived. They are to put their trust in God. Cheating will not avail against Muslims, who rely on the help of God. Their victories are due not to themselves but to God. In the darkest and most difficult times, God has stood by the Prophet and his followers. So will He stand by them against cheats. An offer of peace is to be accepted. It is not to be rejected on the plea that it may only be a ruse with which the enemy seeks to gain time for a fresh attack.
The stress on peace in the verses is not without significance. It anticipates the peace which the Prophet signed at Hudaibiya. The Prophet is warned that a time will come when the enemy will sue for peace. The offer is not to be turned down on the ground that the enemy was the aggressor and had committed excesses, or that he cannot be trusted. The straight path inculcated by Islam requires a Muslim to accept an offer of peace. Both piety and policy make the acceptance desirable.

(5) In 4:95 we have:
O ye who believe! when you go forth in the cause of Allah, make proper investigation and say not to anyone who greets you with the greeting of peace, "Thou art not a believer." You seek the goods of this life, but with Allah are good things in plenty. Such were you before this, but Allah conferred His favor on you; so do make proper investigation. Surely, Allah is well aware of what you do.
That is to say, when Muslims go out for war, they are to make sure that the unreasonableness of war has been explained to the enemy and that he still wants war. Even so, if a proposal of peace is received from an individual or a group, Muslims are not to turn it down on the plea that it is not honest. If Muslims turn down proposals of peace, they will not be fighting for God, but for self-aggrandizement and worldly gain. Just as religion comes from God, worldly gain and glory also come from Him. Killing is not to be the aim. One whom we wish to kill today may be guided tomorrow. Could Muslims have become Muslims if they had not been spared? Muslims are to abstain from killing because lives spared may turn out to be lives guided. God is well aware of what men do and to what ends and with what motives they do it.

The verse teaches that even after war has begun, it is the duty of Muslims to satisfy themselves that the enemy is bent upon aggression. It often happens that no aggression is intended but that out of excitement and fear the enemy has started preparations for war. Unless Muslims are satisfied that an aggressive attack has been planned by the enemy, they are not to go to war. If it turns out, or if the enemy claims, that his preparations are for self-defense, Muslims are to accept the claim and desist from war. They are not to argue that the enemy preparations point to nothing but aggression; maybe he intended aggression, but his intention has changed. Are not intentions and motives continually changing? Did not enemies of Islam become friends?

(6) On the inviolability of treaties the Quran says clearly:
Excepting those of the idolaters with whom you have entered into a treaty and who have not subsequently failed you in anything nor aided anyone against you. So fulfill to these the treaty you have made with them till their term. Surely, Allah loves those who are righteous (9:4).
Pagans, who enter into a pact with Muslims, keep the pact and do not help the enemy against Muslims, are to have reciprocal treatment from Muslims. Piety requires that Muslims should fulfill their part of a pact in the letter as well as the spirit.

(7) Of an enemy at war with Muslims who wishes to study the Message of Islam, the Quran orders:
And if anyone of the idolaters ask protection of thee, grant him protection, so that he may hear the word of Allah: then convey him to his place of security. That is because they are a people who have no knowledge (9:6).

That is to say, if any of those at war with Muslims seek refuge with Muslims in order to study Islam and ponder over its Message, they are to have refuge with Muslims for such time as may be reasonably necessary for such a purpose.

(8) Of prisoners of war, the Quran teaches:
It does not behoove a Prophet that he should have captives until he engages in a regular fighting in the land. You desire the goods of the world, while Allah desires for you the Hereafter. And Allah is Mighty, Wise (8:68).
That is to say, it does not become a Prophet to make prisoners of his enemy save as a result of regular war involving much bloodshed. The system of making prisoners of enemy tribes without war and bloodshed practiced until-and even after-the advent of Islam, is here made unlawful. Prisoners can be taken only from combatants and after a battle.

(9) Rules for the release of prisoners are also laid down. Thus we have:
Then afterwards either release them as a favor or by taking ransom-until the war lays down its burdens (47:5).
The best thing, according to Islam, is to let off prisoners without asking for ransom. As this is not always possible, release by ransom is also provided for.

(10) There is provision for prisoners of war who are unable themselves to pay, and who have none who can or will pay, for their release. Often, relations are able to pay, but do not, because they prefer to let their relations remain prisoners-possibly with the intention of misappropriating their property in their absence. This provision is contained in the Quran:
And such as desire a deed of manumission from among those whom your right hands possess, write it for them, if you know any good in them; and give them out of the wealth of Allah which He has bestowed upon You (24:34).
That is, those who do not deserve to be released without ransom but who have no one to pay ransom for them-if they still ask for their freedom-can obtain it by signing an undertaking that, if allowed to work and earn, they will pay their ransom. They are to be allowed to do so, however, only if their competence to work and earn is reasonably certain. If their competence is proved, they should even have financial help from Muslims in their effort to work and earn. Individual Muslims who can afford to do so should pay; or, public subscription should be raised to put these unfortunates on their feet.
The passages from the Quran which we have quoted above contain the teaching of Islam on the subject of war and peace. They tell us in what circumstances, according to Islam, is it right to go to war and what limits have to be observed by Muslims when they make war.
Muslim teaching, however, does not consist only of precepts laid down in the Quran. It also includes the precepts and example of the Prophet. What he did or what he taught in concrete situations is also an essential part of the Islamic teaching. We append here some sayings of the Prophet on the subject of war and peace.
Muslims are forbidden altogether to mutilate the dead (Muslim).
Muslims are forbidden to resort to cheating (Muslim).
Children are not to be killed, nor women (Muslim).
Priests and religious functionaries and religious leaders are not to be interfered with (Ôaªavi).
The old and decrepit and women and children are not to be killed. The possibility of peace should always be kept in view (Abu Dawud).
When Muslims enter enemy territory, they should not strike terror into the general population. They should permit no ill-treatment of common folk (Muslim).
A Muslim army should not camp in a place where it causes inconvenience to the general public. When it marches it should take care not to block the road nor cause discomfort to other wayfarers.
No disfigurement of face is to be permitted (Bukhari and Muslim).
The least possible losses should be inflicted upon the enemy (Abu Dawud).
When prisoners of war are put under guard, those closely related should be placed together (Abu Dawud).
Prisoners should live in comfort. Muslims should care more for the comfort of their prisoners than for their own (Tirmidhi).
Emissaries and delegates from other countries should be held in great respect. Any mistakes or discourtesies they commit should be ignored (Abu Dawud, Kitab al-Jihad).
If a Muslim commits the sin of ill-treating a prisoner of war, atonement is to be made by releasing the prisoner without ransom.
When a Muslim takes charge of a prisoner of war, the latter is to be fed and clothed in the same way as the Muslim himself (Bukhari).
The Holy Prophet was so insistent on these rules for a fighting army that he declared that whoever did not observe these rules, would fight not for God but for his own mean self (Abu Dawud).
Abu Bakr, the First Khalifa of Islam, supplemented these commands of the Prophet by some of his own. One of these commands appended here also constitutes part of the Muslim teaching:
Public buildings and fruit-bearing trees (and food crops) are not to be damaged (Mu'aÕÕa).
From the sayings of the Prophet and the commands of the First Khalifa of Islam it is evident that Islam has instituted steps which have the effect of preventing or stopping a war or reducing its evil. As we have said before, the principles which Islam teaches are not pious precepts only; they have their practical illustration in the example of the Prophet and the early Khalifas of Islam. As all the world knows, the Prophet not only taught these principles; he practiced them and insisted on their observance.
Turning to our own time we must say that no other teaching seems able to solve the problem of war and peace. The teaching of Moses is far from our conceptions of justice and fair play. Nor is it possible to act upon that teaching today. The teaching of Jesus is impracticable and has ever been so. Never in their history have Christians tried to put this teaching into practice. Only the teaching of Islam is practicable; one which has been both preached and practiced by its exponents, and the practice of which can create and maintain peace in the world.
In our time, Mr. Gandhi apparently taught that even when war is forced on us we should not go to war. We should not fight. But this teaching has not been put into practice at any time in the history of the world. It has never been put in the crucible and tested. It is impossible; therefore, to say what value this teaching may have in terms of war and peace. Mr. Gandhi lived long enough to see the Indian Congress attain to political independence. Yet the Congress Government has not disbanded either the army or the other armed forces of India. It is only making plans for their Indianization. It also has plans for the reinstatement of those Indian officers who constituted themselves into the Indian National Army (and who were dismissed by the British authorities) during the Japanese attack on Burma and India in the last stages of the recent World War. Mr. Gandhi has himself, on many occasions, raised his voice in extenuation of crimes of violence, and urged the release of those who committed such crimes. This shows at least that Mr. Gandhi's teaching cannot be put into practice and that Mr. Gandhi knows it as well as all his followers. No practical example at least has been offered to show the world how non-violence can be applied when armed disputes arise between nation and nation and State and State, or how non-violence can prevent or stop a war. To preach a method of stopping wars, but never to be able to afford a practical illustration of that method indicates that the method is impracticable. It would, therefore, seem that human experience and human wisdom point to only one method of preventing or stopping war; and that method was taught and practiced by the Prophet of Islam. Take care friends.
Life of Muhammad, pp. 95-105,
Islam International Publications, U.K., 1990.
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Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (216) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
21Islam has no future in the West [102 words]EricDJul 16, 2008 13:47135282
6Suicidal [76 words]PapaFeb 22, 2010 19:50135282
2No. [134 words]MuhammadSep 3, 2010 22:09135282
281 plus Billion Muslim and... [84 words]ToniSep 26, 2010 16:31135282
what a powerful argument for the apologists to answer [4 words]rajeevSep 27, 2010 03:35135282
2PRIME EXAMPLE [10 words]Heathen RulerJun 26, 2011 13:59135282
6let in only good muslims [38 words]Phil GreendMay 18, 2008 01:35128970
6Among Muslims,Those who kill Infidels like you are considered the best. [69 words]James ThomasOct 11, 2010 17:58128970
1Who Told U this [177 words]ZeeshanDec 13, 2010 08:43128970
1Thanks all [231 words]Dr.KarimFeb 26, 2006 09:3138073
5be serious [93 words]not worriedApr 8, 2006 15:2838073
1To Dr Karim and Nida [113 words]wamahNov 7, 2006 17:3338073
the Greater Australian Caliphate [60 words]davidFeb 13, 2006 18:5835458
China is Next [35 words]cFeb 24, 2006 03:4435458
1excuse me??? [37 words]D. LennonAug 3, 2008 06:5935458
4ISLAM-The religion of peace [2755 words]Nida MukhtarJan 20, 2006 11:0432053
10Nida - Are you for real..? [336 words]TonyFeb 9, 2006 21:2532053
6Nida -Where were you Born? [44 words]EmileoFeb 10, 2006 07:3132053
nida...totally right.. [30 words]ahmad zafireFeb 15, 2006 03:4032053
1Jihad and Islam -Read it carefully friends [5159 words]Nida MukhtarFeb 18, 2006 10:1232053
1Missing The Point [62 words]BlewynFeb 22, 2006 10:2032053
2Sure... [20 words]AnneMar 9, 2006 20:5732053
Thanks Anne, Blewyn and Ahmad. [135 words]Nida MukhtarMar 13, 2006 11:5632053
As usual you are right Nida. [90 words]F. AnwarApr 19, 2006 15:0532053
4‘al-Taqiyya' [348 words]PeteApr 29, 2007 02:0332053
5Islam is NOT peace - That statement is fallacious [47 words]FredJun 26, 2007 20:4032053
Nida i loved your effort [67 words]amna virkSep 23, 2007 07:1732053
please do not speak out of ignorance. [115 words]AmilaMay 21, 2008 21:4732053
3reply to letter from NIDA MUKHTAR [87 words]Heinz SchmidJun 2, 2008 13:3132053
2Islam is a religion of a PIECE! [8 words]MunirAug 9, 2008 06:3832053
5Same old deceiption just like the title argument suggests [225 words]EvanOct 5, 2010 09:5632053
1If only [157 words]GarethOct 10, 2010 14:2732053
1Stop talking in circles. [12 words]GETHE,,,Feb 27, 2012 17:3032053
1HAHAHA [119 words]TruxMar 6, 2012 13:3832053
Context, Not Religious Ignorance [174 words]DWApr 21, 2013 21:5532053
A correct explanation of Scripture about Jesus and the sword... [2469 words]Sara BennettDec 30, 2013 23:1232053
Do your studies of all the Islamic books, not just the early Koran. [169 words]GrahamSep 16, 2016 00:1532053
1Canada's open welcome mat [15 words]ralphDec 26, 2005 15:0230576
Crime pays in Canada... [81 words]RobDec 29, 2005 19:2930576
1Legal entry to Canada not welcome [147 words]Mark FlodenFeb 23, 2006 09:4830576
4Cause of Sydney Riot [428 words]NewgamersDec 23, 2005 02:5630434
1More recent news on Sydney Riots [274 words]John FuredyJun 20, 2006 01:0230434
Most recent news of the precipitating event [156 words]John FuredyJun 21, 2006 04:0730434
1Where did the laws come from? [165 words]ddsDec 20, 2005 14:4930274
1Sydney Riots [455 words]GDec 18, 2005 19:5130163
3That's Allah Folks! [207 words]CFeb 21, 2006 17:5030163
To G [38 words]David SmithFeb 25, 2006 09:0230163
Reply to Walter [5 words]DeanNov 22, 2005 20:1428728
Pipes' Bashing at Uni of Toronto [457 words]Patrick McGeeNov 4, 2005 16:3527786
2UofT administration continues to protect Muslims and increasingly abuse academic freedom [199 words]John FuredyJun 19, 2006 00:5327786
Question to Shazia [189 words]John GiannascaOct 27, 2005 19:2927428
Reply to Malik [155 words]John GiannascaOct 27, 2005 19:1827427
and don't forget about the Islamists in the Caribbean, either... [1893 words]pollyannanomorenowaynohow!Oct 22, 2005 13:3527208
looking for a book !! [54 words]Tim TaylorOct 2, 2008 09:3027208
"Islamic charity's copy of Quran calls for ‘race to jihad' [408 words]SophieOct 17, 2005 09:1627008
Response to Western View of Jihad [669 words]Ali IbrahimFeb 16, 2006 09:3327008
why? [13 words]asriJul 21, 2009 04:1327008
Reply to Malik [27 words]MaryOct 17, 2005 06:3427004
1Destruction of a way of life [379 words]Malik al-KuffarOct 16, 2005 12:5226995
1The wages of sin [195 words]Malik al-KuffarOct 13, 2005 08:0226898
1Mohammed's post [30 words]Reply to MalikOct 12, 2005 10:1726856
Reply to Walter [345 words]Swahili DinazOct 6, 2005 14:5226643
Reply to Shazia [137 words]Malik al-KuffarOct 4, 2005 16:3826591
2Islamists get out! [76 words]MaryOct 2, 2005 06:3726525
Abrogation, response to Shazia [108 words]MohammedSep 29, 2005 17:4126466
Real Islam, Response to Shazia [499 words]Robert W.Sep 29, 2005 13:5726458
Fighting in Islam, Response to Shazia [589 words]A.ASep 29, 2005 13:1426455
NNNOOOOO WWAAAYYY [65 words]A MuslimMay 5, 2009 14:1626455
1Real Islam, response to Shazia [150 words]MohammedSep 28, 2005 19:5026431
Mecca and Madina ayas, response to Shazia [515 words]Hisham M.Sep 28, 2005 14:0926424
Response to Mohammed [287 words]Shazia KhanumSep 28, 2005 08:5826405
Another Response to A.A. [560 words]Shazia KhanumSep 28, 2005 08:4626404
Comment on Shazia's post [84 words]MohammedSep 27, 2005 14:2326372
1Response to Shazia, abrogated ayas [169 words]A.A.Sep 27, 2005 13:1726364
Response to Malik [498 words]Shazia KhanumSep 26, 2005 10:1526317
to Rick [458 words]FreelancerSep 25, 2005 13:0026290
Inconsistency or what? [302 words]Malik al-KuffarSep 25, 2005 10:1926284
More action and less of words, freelancer [284 words]RickSep 24, 2005 19:4126264
to Alonnehhob [63 words]FreelancerSep 23, 2005 16:3526230
I hear you Freelancer [242 words]AllonehhobSep 23, 2005 14:3626224
Thank you Rick and Freelancer [457 words]AllonahhobSep 23, 2005 13:3026220
Reply to Rick [421 words]FreelancerSep 23, 2005 08:3126202
1You must be kidding Freelancer [398 words]RickSep 22, 2005 21:1026190
1Infidels [280 words]stuartJan 17, 2006 20:2326190
response to Alonnehhob [424 words]FreelancerSep 22, 2005 08:2826162
With respect to all [680 words]AlonnehhobSep 21, 2005 13:5826132
Response to A.A. [338 words]Shazia KhanumSep 20, 2005 21:1126101
1Response to Samir [254 words]A.A.Sep 20, 2005 14:3226064
Reply to James [58 words]RickSep 20, 2005 14:1326060
Separating Islam from Leaders [149 words]FreelancerSep 19, 2005 17:2226035
1Samir I pity you [121 words]DianaSep 19, 2005 12:2426025
The United States Must Conquer Iran [311 words]JamesSep 15, 2005 21:4625882
your vision is not really right at all [122 words]italianJan 2, 2006 18:3125882
Cores beliefs [183 words]Israel LachovskySep 14, 2005 23:0925852
synagogue burning in Gaza [53 words]ira levineSep 12, 2005 16:3725725
To Freelancer [548 words]DaisySep 12, 2005 13:5625719
Annihilate Islamist Lunacy [384 words]columbusSep 11, 2005 14:0325647
A Catalyst [188 words]AndrewNov 23, 2006 19:1625647
Response to A.A. [893 words]SamirSep 9, 2005 21:5425626
2Time for us all to recognise what extremists actually do! [219 words]MarieMay 3, 2006 20:1225626
Allegiance to this country - a test that should apply to all [69 words]Bill NovingerSep 7, 2005 17:0325571
response to yoven [238 words]garySep 7, 2005 00:4325542
Responses to various... [1343 words]FreelancerSep 6, 2005 17:3025529
1The breaking of Islamism [547 words]WernerSep 5, 2005 23:4625504
islam is hard, but fragile.... [85 words]italianJan 2, 2006 17:4325504
Ban Islamists from the West [286 words]JohnSep 5, 2005 03:0725489
1Northern European Brilliance [102 words]Justin CaseSep 5, 2005 00:2525487
Khomeini's speech, Response to Sultan , Shazia and Samir [349 words]N.K.Sep 3, 2005 20:0225458
weterners as main target [80 words]RavindraSep 3, 2005 19:4225457
Reply to SULTAN [65 words]Donald HudsonSep 2, 2005 21:5725435
To Shazia and Sultan [309 words]WalterSep 2, 2005 14:5525409
Super comments by Shazia [673 words]SULTANSep 2, 2005 13:4325396
Quran and non muslims, Response to Samir [280 words]A.A.Sep 2, 2005 11:1425387
1Muslims/islamists out [218 words]DanSep 2, 2005 10:5225383
1i want my kids to grow up safe [19 words]deek (want my country back)Feb 11, 2007 23:1525383
What may fly in UK - without a constitution - versus USA constitutional culture [200 words]David J. BardinSep 2, 2005 10:0625377
Terror, Disaster and Federal vs. States Rights [223 words]John Randall PeacherSep 1, 2005 19:3025347
Reply to Carl [125 words]MarySep 1, 2005 18:3125345
Whom to believe, Response to Walter [118 words]Mamdouh M.Sep 1, 2005 18:1425343
Bold and Accurate [51 words]Harry RileySep 1, 2005 17:4125341
1Response to Samir and Shazia Khanum [797 words]Abdulllah A.Sep 1, 2005 17:2525339
Let them all go now! [81 words]David ChanskySep 1, 2005 17:0525337
1Off the Record [140 words]CFeb 23, 2006 20:1925337
Citizenship requirements [207 words]Yehoshua ZellerSep 1, 2005 14:4625332
Don't believe me, do not believe them [169 words]samirSep 1, 2005 14:2325328
Reply to Amitabh Tripathi on a compact of civilised cultures [246 words]Swahili DinazSep 1, 2005 13:4225322
165Taqiyya and Kitman: The role of Deception in Islamic Terrorism [318 words]Donald HudsonSep 1, 2005 11:3525320
Why should I give up my "Idea of the West" [95 words]SteveFeb 14, 2006 14:4825320
2Taqiyya is a deception modailty used by Shiites and Sunnis. [57 words]Dr A. CampbellNov 14, 2008 05:2325320
sunni do not believe in taqiyaah or kitman [43 words]monaDec 23, 2009 11:2825320
Forewarned & Preparing [29 words]Rob ParksAug 10, 2010 09:1225320
ridiculous [33 words]Ron BSep 15, 2010 16:4925320
Taqiyya is a deception modailty used by Shiites and Sunnis? [186 words]Justin CaseJan 25, 2012 11:4725320
Definition vs Practice [253 words]PrashantJan 28, 2012 18:3825320
Taquiya and Oaths [119 words]stranchanJun 12, 2012 02:3825320
Not correct [22 words]GlennOct 1, 2012 20:3525320
T&K [26 words]Joe1938Nov 25, 2013 19:5825320
islam is not peaceful [9 words]jJes GarzaFeb 25, 2015 15:3925320
other names [22 words]islamorealistApr 18, 2017 19:4225320
taqiyya [98 words]Philip MartinJan 27, 2018 11:3325320
1Response to Freelancer [256 words]Carl SametSep 1, 2005 10:5025318
1"Islamism" vs. "Islam" and The Meaning of "Jihad" [871 words]Shazia KhanumSep 1, 2005 09:5725314
1religion [9 words]AnonomiousMay 30, 2010 15:5525314
Responding To WALTER.... [166 words]Jacob CarmielSep 1, 2005 09:4725313
Double standards [164 words]Øyvind SørøySep 1, 2005 09:1425312
Response to Freelancer [274 words]jan VinkSep 1, 2005 05:4225311
Response to Reuben [350 words]MarySep 1, 2005 05:2325310
1Islamists Unwelcome [98 words]Gerald LafonSep 1, 2005 02:3725308
islam is a religion of peace [60 words]juned begDec 17, 2008 04:5125308
Bad Actor's Guild [420 words]orange yonasonAug 31, 2005 22:2625303
Not the case now [104 words]StasMay 25, 2012 22:1525303
Freedom in America [236 words]FreelancerAug 31, 2005 20:5425301
Samir, Who Should We Believe? [344 words]WalterAug 31, 2005 20:1325300
The first to speak in the land of the free, and the home of the brave. [52 words]David W. LincolnAug 31, 2005 20:1225299
Thank You, Mr. Pipes! [86 words]Dan HollowayAug 31, 2005 18:0125294
1Islamists in Israel [212 words]yuval brandstetterAug 31, 2005 17:1825292
response to jennifer king [505 words]samirAug 31, 2005 17:0325289
Response to Gerald Lankin [173 words]Carl SametAug 31, 2005 14:2725287
1Intructions for Muslims in the Infidel World [1475 words]Jennifer KingAug 31, 2005 13:1825283
Standing Up Against Islamists [787 words]Chris ChrismanAug 31, 2005 12:1425280
Islamists Come to Canada [908 words]WalterAug 31, 2005 11:4725278
Islamists [133 words]YovenAug 31, 2005 11:3625276
It goes both ways.... [151 words]Richard JarrowAug 31, 2005 11:3025275
Slogans Won't Get Islamists Out [217 words]JaladhiAug 31, 2005 11:2125274
Who Will Be the First [160 words]Arlinda DeAngelisAug 31, 2005 08:3725270
Loyalty Oath, Lying Immigrants, and Ideological Gatekeeping [204 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Constantine KipnisAug 31, 2005 07:4025268
Read and Heed [64 words]Margery FeinsteinAug 31, 2005 06:1425266
Reason for American politicians' reticence [168 words]Jim BondAug 31, 2005 05:4125263
1Australia still in denial [1522 words]Reuben HorneAug 31, 2005 05:2425262
bias on italian media vision of australian disorder [81 words]italianJan 2, 2006 17:1625262
"Islamic double-talk" [1263 words]LactantiusJan 18, 2006 08:5425262
Political Agenda Disguised as Religion [130 words]T. CorcoranFeb 21, 2006 16:5225262
Other sources of information on this [62 words]MarielApr 21, 2007 10:3125262
1wishful thinking:Canadian perspective [250 words]JayAug 31, 2005 03:2425259
I can practice my religion without breaking the law... [69 words]Jacob CarmielAug 31, 2005 03:1925258
Deport supporters of terrorism and build more robotic weapons systems [130 words]John GellesAug 31, 2005 00:5625256
Tricky, sticky wicket [115 words]Jeremy KarekenAug 31, 2005 00:2125255
There is One American [316 words]PatAug 30, 2005 23:4025253
Your articles are excellent! [285 words]Dale EhrgottAug 30, 2005 22:0925251
Be Positive [2536 words]Nida MukhtarJan 19, 2006 06:4925251
Who are false prophets [53 words]EbenezerFeb 11, 2006 22:2625251
Original Teachings Of A True Prophet [30 words]Nida MukhtarFeb 20, 2006 06:5025251
Islamists, Get out [268 words]Faqi HusssainAug 30, 2005 21:4825248
1Islamists, Get Out! [95 words]DvoraAug 30, 2005 21:1025247
Islam' s reign of terror [110 words]Edgar Malcolm ErvinAug 30, 2005 20:2925245
Islamists get out! [30 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Charles M. GriffithAug 30, 2005 19:3925242
Common courtesy is still in order [96 words]Gerald LankinAug 30, 2005 19:2325241
Choice of words [141 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
George AdamowiczAug 30, 2005 19:0025239
Minor factual error and related comment [98 words]Warren MarshallAug 30, 2005 18:3325237
1Islamsists, Get Out [313 words]Dr.Bernard VAug 30, 2005 18:0825236
1No difference in Islam [55 words]Southern(USA)whiteboyAug 30, 2005 18:0825235
GLIMMERS OF AWAKENINGS? [133 words]Ruth LowryAug 30, 2005 17:1425234
Do you believe in miracles? [36 words]tonymixanAug 30, 2005 15:5425232
About Time! [97 words]JaneAug 30, 2005 15:1025228
1About Time [460 words]yehoshua ZellerAug 30, 2005 14:3525227
1Adapt or Go [44 words]Margaret YoungAug 30, 2005 14:3325226
1Its about time [60 words]Derek JohnAug 30, 2005 14:2725225
Why there is not even a single quote from American politicians? [14 words]yvAug 30, 2005 14:1625223
Don't cheer too loud [40 words]Fred LipsigAug 30, 2005 14:0125219
Quebec Example Inappropriate [392 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
WalterAug 30, 2005 13:5625218
Financed by the Wahabis and Muslims brotherhood [133 words]MoussaDec 3, 2009 04:0925218
Taking a stand based on facts! [25 words]LanceAug 30, 2005 13:5225217
S.Berman [47 words]Brooks ImperialAug 30, 2005 13:5025216
Blunt but Accurate [21 words]Joy WezelmanAug 30, 2005 13:2925213
something to learn from the Europeans... [170 words]batya daganAug 30, 2005 13:1925211
Islamists to conform or get out [83 words]Ray HardyAug 30, 2005 13:1125210
Standing Up for Tradition? [52 words]Stephen BermanAug 30, 2005 13:0425209
2Islamists, GET OUT! [45 words]Karen D. RosenthalAug 30, 2005 12:5825208
1If you don't want to be a regular citizen, get out [143 words]Donald W. BalesAug 30, 2005 12:3525207
1Cultural treaty is required [156 words]Amitabh tripathiAug 30, 2005 12:3525206
Right on! [29 words]Dr. Leonard B. ZikeAug 30, 2005 12:2725205
Legislation against islamist danger [35 words]Ayesha AhmedAug 30, 2005 12:2725204
5Soon we can welcome the new european muslim states... [358 words]Emma HorvathFeb 15, 2006 07:0325204
To Emma Horvath [49 words]wamahNov 7, 2006 17:4325204
Time to Re-evaluate [154 words]Virginia CrawfordMar 26, 2003 16:177689

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