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Syria has seceret support from EU

Reader comment on item: Hold Damascus Responsible [for Hezbollah Violence in Southern Lebanon]
in response to reader comment: It's time to speak Turkish

Submitted by Abu Lebanani (Kuwait), Aug 2, 2006 at 05:53

Syria has already converted their currency reserves into Euro and has full support from EU. We have to attack Syria to crack down on EU influence on ME which will also weaken Iran's power.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (191) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
UN resolution [125 words]AbrahamAug 10, 2006 05:1352283
Response to Bisvas [396 words]Peter HerzAug 8, 2006 21:5052130
To Peter Herz [318 words]G.BisvasAug 16, 2006 03:1752130
reply to bisvas [398 words]Peter HerzAug 16, 2006 19:5252130
To Peter Herz [495 words]VijayAug 17, 2006 03:4452130
Comments to Herz [126 words]G.BishvasAug 17, 2006 06:5352130
Reply to Peter Herz [372 words]BidyutAug 17, 2006 11:2252130
reposnses to Bishvas and Bidyut [477 words]Peter HerzAug 17, 2006 17:0652130
To Peter Herz (II) [176 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
G.BishvasAug 18, 2006 12:0852130
Reply to Peter Herz [231 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 7, 2007 18:1052130
To Mr. Bisvas [6 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 7, 2007 18:1552130
A Word To Vijay [9 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 7, 2007 18:2952130
NOT EXCUSABLE [64 words]TonyDec 17, 2013 09:5052130
'Sudden Jihad Syndrome' in Seattle [255 words]zaheerAug 8, 2006 18:5552118
Thanks, Zaheer [56 words]Peter J. HerzAug 16, 2006 20:4652118
Most Important Comment of the Last 5 Years! [108 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
InfidelAug 17, 2006 02:0052118
I am 100% sure Zaheer is not Muslim [162 words]Bharat KumarAug 22, 2006 15:4852118
To Mr. Zaheer [74 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 7, 2007 18:4652118
ISRAEL .... DO NOT RETREAT! [213 words]JanetAug 7, 2006 22:4651886
False Claims To Israeli Land [162 words]clarence puckettAug 8, 2006 23:4351886
Damascus is indeed responsilble [76 words]Hindu - PRGAug 7, 2006 00:4651815
Mohammad bin Kasim of today [205 words]G.BisvasAug 6, 2006 07:0851775
Totally False Story- Some people are expert to change history! [177 words]Muhammad MoosaAug 25, 2006 10:1851775
3Md. Bin Qasim story is true but what about Md. Gaznavi and Md. Ghouri? [195 words]Prakash WadhvaniAug 26, 2006 04:3051775
on Bin Qasim [85 words]on Bin QasimSep 3, 2006 23:3451775
Arab prosecute Hindus [26 words]JalaluddinMar 23, 2009 01:3451775
M B K [95 words]TonyJan 10, 2014 11:1551775
A Different Suggestion--Rifaat al-Assad [347 words]AlexAug 5, 2006 21:2651752
Hold Iran accountable [92 words]James GarnerAug 5, 2006 16:4451738
Talking Turkish to Syria [104 words]Seamus MacMemiAug 5, 2006 14:1951734
Action Against Syria [201 words]Maham Bilal KhanAug 5, 2006 11:3151720
Toppling Damascus and Tehran. [115 words]Charles SmythAug 5, 2006 11:2851718
More Support From India [1362 words]GFAug 4, 2006 11:3251673
naivete [292 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDAug 5, 2006 09:0651673
United we stand, divided we fall ! [8 words]LL, MontealAug 5, 2006 19:1451673
1Majority of Indian Non Muslims Support Israel & West [379 words]Save The WorldAug 6, 2006 01:5451673
Support for Israel [59 words]P NairMar 6, 2012 08:3251673
India-Israel [7 words]Eric LiangSep 29, 2012 19:4251673
Solution, real but unfeasible [185 words]D. DuBoisAug 4, 2006 11:1651672
Great read. [58 words]David PolyanskyAug 4, 2006 10:4851670
A golden opportunity to drag Iran into the conflict [319 words]BidyutAug 4, 2006 03:3951654
Hold Damascus Responsible [127 words]Victoria H. ConroyAug 4, 2006 00:0451648
Media is giving very wrong picture of Israel and IDF [666 words]Save The WorldAug 3, 2006 23:2751646
Fox [83 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDAug 5, 2006 09:1251646
1Israel's current government too weak willed [158 words]Earl LulloffAug 3, 2006 23:2151645
Yes Israel! [35 words]DaisyAug 3, 2006 21:5851643
Many Countries are part of this war [415 words]FaisalAug 5, 2006 18:1051643
Faisal [390 words]DaisyAug 6, 2006 11:4851643
All are equally responsible [415 words]FaisalAug 7, 2006 05:3651643
Faisal [423 words]DaisyAug 8, 2006 21:2351643
U r changing the subject [738 words]FaisalAug 10, 2006 17:2751643
Faisal, Stop Arresting Females, Children and Old Ones [129 words]InfidelAug 28, 2006 23:5551643
Check Iran [79 words]Yale ZussmanAug 3, 2006 21:2351641
Holding entities responsible does nothing! [295 words]PDMAug 3, 2006 20:2351639
A few basic points and a suggestion [243 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Tom TononAug 3, 2006 19:3751638
Tonon's Ignorance Of Jewish History [408 words]InfidelAug 5, 2006 22:4751638
Excellent reply Infidel! [159 words]MosheAug 6, 2006 04:3551638
What about Arab countries? [133 words]VijayAug 6, 2006 07:3151638
To Daniel [46 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Tom TononAug 6, 2006 11:4951638
To Infidel [149 words]Tom TononAug 6, 2006 12:0251638
Sovereignty Issues? [588 words]John RAug 6, 2006 21:1151638
No Muslim Country was created with popular consent/reply to Tonon [102 words]Peter J. HerzAug 7, 2006 09:3051638
To Various [207 words]Tom TononAug 7, 2006 20:2351638
Peter Hertz and his wishful knowledge [239 words]HarrakAug 8, 2006 22:3451638
A Broader Dimension [587 words]John RAug 8, 2006 23:1851638
To Daniel (again) [450 words]Tom TononAug 9, 2006 01:1551638
Fact (1) [284 words]InfidelAug 9, 2006 02:2551638
Tom, let me try to help you out [754 words]MosheAug 9, 2006 15:5151638
To John R and Moshe [354 words]Tom TononAug 9, 2006 21:3651638
Tom, a friendly suggestion for you [93 words]MosheAug 10, 2006 04:5351638
Distinction [769 words]John RAug 12, 2006 00:5251638
Tom Tonon and his "BIG LIE" [95 words]MosheAug 16, 2006 03:4351638
Something you should Know [231 words]Tasha KAug 17, 2006 17:3851638
To Tasha K [168 words]No2IslamAug 18, 2006 05:0951638
listen [284 words]Tasha K.Aug 18, 2006 17:0751638
to Tom Tonon on Israel [231 words]Anubhav SinghSep 4, 2006 00:2651638
Hit the nail on the head [268 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDAug 3, 2006 16:5551626
Is Bashar al Assad Responsible for what is happening in Lebanon? [280 words]Maurice PicowAug 3, 2006 15:0651618
No stamps required [403 words]JayAug 3, 2006 03:0451576
attacking a sovereign nation [72 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDAug 3, 2006 17:0251576
to Yuval on Ahamdinejad's goal [65 words]Anubhav SinghAug 4, 2006 07:3051576
You really need to hold Iran responsible [108 words]Josh NewhartSep 1, 2006 22:1351576
The shame of appeasement, and, "Let's not cry over Qana" [128 words]GFAug 3, 2006 01:5351572
Through "Moralism" we are all hosed [666 words]Reuben HorneAug 2, 2006 20:2451553
Hold Damascus Responsible [113 words]steven LAug 2, 2006 18:5851548
Hold Damascus Responsible, an ILLUSION: The logic of INSANITY: the Iranian Mullocracy. [257 words]Steven LAug 5, 2006 10:4351548
International "peace keeping force is a bad idea [90 words]chadashiAug 2, 2006 12:2451526
British PM condemns " Global Islamist Terrorism " openly and called for its defeat and destruction [79 words]DhruvAug 2, 2006 12:0851525
Not So Fast on the MNF [286 words]BlackspeareAug 2, 2006 11:5851523
IsloFacism's supporter in New York [8 words]robert aAug 3, 2006 03:1251523
Speaking Turkish to the Syrians [168 words]Robert GuinaughAug 2, 2006 10:4951517
Holding Syria to account [37 words]Ernesto Cornejo, Sr.Aug 3, 2006 00:4151517
Syria has a long history regarding terrorism [347 words]JasonAug 2, 2006 09:2051507
Speaking About the Unspeakable [576 words]Douglas BoggsAug 2, 2006 04:4251498
The Elephant in the Room [41 words]LDCAug 2, 2006 16:1751498
follow the money [279 words]rick freundAug 2, 2006 16:4251498
No advanced warning needed! [108 words]JasonAug 3, 2006 13:5751498
Speaking the "unspeakable" reasonably and responsibly [379 words]KevinAug 3, 2006 15:4351498
Syria and Iran should be held accountable [25 words]ShawnAug 2, 2006 02:4851491
How UK Journalists are compromised [82 words]Ted TollmanAug 4, 2006 04:3051491
There is need for international forces [57 words]Dr.Faqir chandAug 2, 2006 01:1151478
Dream On [8 words]LDCAug 2, 2006 16:1951478
Well said..... [23 words]DrewAug 1, 2006 23:1251476
What to do? [95 words]Richard B.Aug 1, 2006 22:4651473
Lebanon [46 words]DavidAug 1, 2006 21:3251468
international force [in Lebanon], [26 words]Michael SzusterAug 1, 2006 21:2851467
Strike Syria before 20th of August [356 words]BidyutAug 2, 2006 08:2951467
Feasibility in putting Turkish, Jordanian and Egyptian forces in Southern Lebanon? [156 words]BidyutAug 3, 2006 05:0051467
Syrian Support for Hezbollah [96 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Bill GreeneAug 1, 2006 21:1551465
Sitting Ducks They Are [85 words]The WatcherAug 1, 2006 20:5651464
Bring home the troops, send in the nukes [84 words]PDMAug 2, 2006 10:0251464
Another War ! [22 words]UnbiasedAug 3, 2006 02:3151464
Hold the news media accountable, too! [312 words]Dr RJPAug 1, 2006 20:5651463
stop the flow. [35 words]John ManittaAug 1, 2006 20:5351462
Right on! [185 words]Abu NudnikAug 1, 2006 20:5251461
Can somebody tell me [37 words]UnknownConservativeAug 1, 2006 20:3251458
Just another liberal journalist [33 words]lindaAug 4, 2006 16:3251458
It's time to take the next step... [212 words]Rick HouseAug 1, 2006 20:2951457
Holding Syria Responsible For Hezbollah Actions Sounds Worthwhile [120 words]Mark AndersonAug 1, 2006 20:2651456
Go Ahead [202 words]John RAug 1, 2006 20:1351455
Only true Solution is... [137 words]Edgar Malcolm ErvinAug 1, 2006 19:0151449
Window of Opportunity [143 words]lindaAug 1, 2006 18:5551448
Warning! We are heading towards Nuclear Terrorism! [18 words]MosheAug 2, 2006 04:0751448
linda.. [52 words]ahmad zafireAug 3, 2006 00:0651448
It's About Religion, Not Oil [81 words]lindaAug 3, 2006 17:3851448
Nuclear Holocaust is coming soon if ....................... [389 words]RosyAug 4, 2006 00:3551448
Linda/not about oil [66 words]Peter HerzAug 7, 2006 09:3551448
A Worrisome Time [151 words]lindaAug 7, 2006 17:5251448
oil a factor [322 words]SiddaAug 9, 2006 15:3151448
Right and Wrong [193 words]lindaAug 9, 2006 18:3451448
Yes [237 words]Henry DanielsDec 15, 2006 10:3751448
this comment is wrong [20 words]omerDec 26, 2006 13:1651448
Hold Tehran Responsible For This Latest Middle East Crisis [59 words]AnneMAug 1, 2006 17:0051440
Arab-Israel conflict & dplomacy [132 words]Helen BankerAug 1, 2006 16:3551437
Get Damascus [133 words]Ian MordantAug 1, 2006 16:2451435
Hold Damascus Responsible [246 words]dr. richard tombackAug 1, 2006 16:0251434
COMPELLING REALITY [236 words]Howlin FreedomAug 1, 2006 15:3751433
UN Preventing Further Attacks [107 words]Kerry WinnAug 1, 2006 15:3251431
Kerry [297 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanAug 1, 2006 19:3851431
Blair [48 words]LDCAug 3, 2006 16:3551431
LDC [99 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanAug 3, 2006 18:0351431
Sword, good to see you here [87 words]JustMeAug 4, 2006 12:2051431
Hey, JustMe! [71 words]Sword of Islam & The Babies of BeslanAug 4, 2006 22:2251431
Stay well Sword, [3 words]LDCAug 5, 2006 21:2251431
1Muslim formula of success [278 words]G.BisvasAug 1, 2006 14:4051428
Solving the Israel/Lebanon border crisis [230 words]E. J. BlumbergAug 1, 2006 14:2251426
"Speaking Turkish to Syria" [93 words]Jascha KesslerAug 1, 2006 13:4651423
Lebanese Humanitarian Crisis [261 words]John Randall PeacherAug 1, 2006 13:0251421
Absolutely! [20 words]Howard DanielAug 1, 2006 12:5851420
Islamist Cancer [91 words]IsraelAug 1, 2006 12:2751418
It's time to speak Turkish [62 words]B. AlotaibiAug 1, 2006 12:0451415
Syria has seceret support from EU [34 words]Abu LebananiAug 2, 2006 05:5351415
A singular opportunity [48 words]Martin C.Rosner,M.D.Aug 1, 2006 11:4351414
1To Kill a Snake you must Hit the HEAD [36 words]Samir ANTOINEAug 1, 2006 11:3951413
Yeah, hit the head.... [21 words]MosheAug 2, 2006 03:4851413
It's 2006.. not 1982 [120 words]Brahm CanzerAug 1, 2006 11:3451412
Multinational will work this time [65 words]DanielAug 1, 2006 19:2351412
The Logic is Airtight [91 words]Andy B.Aug 1, 2006 11:3051411
Questions re terrorists [156 words]Claire BlumAug 1, 2006 11:1651410
Hold the world accountable, too! [737 words]Dr RJPAug 1, 2006 11:1051408
Hold Damascus Responsible [327 words]chrisAug 1, 2006 11:0051407
Target Syria [134 words]Frank MarshallAug 2, 2006 15:5651407
Hold Syria Responsible [87 words]steve gureAug 1, 2006 10:5451406
Why Syria? [20 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
FrancesAug 1, 2006 10:4851405
Why? You ask... [20 words]LDCAug 1, 2006 16:5751405
I would say that both of them are barking dogs. [48 words]MosheAug 2, 2006 03:2951405
U R Right, Moshe [239 words]LDCAug 2, 2006 16:1151405
Syria! [130 words]HarrakAug 1, 2006 10:3351403
The most rational and insightful comment to date [184 words]Carmen WaggonerAug 1, 2006 10:2551401
Involving Syria is the best solution. [115 words]Anthony P. MarinoAug 1, 2006 10:1651400
What to do about hizbollah and Syria [449 words]rickAug 1, 2006 10:1051399
Battle-tested EU soldiers? [118 words]LDCAug 1, 2006 10:0751398
Public Opinion [131 words]Capt Dave PetteysAug 1, 2006 10:0251397
Right on [21 words]Samuel B GinsburgAug 1, 2006 10:0251396
Commentary [64 words]Michael R. WhelanAug 1, 2006 09:5851395
Hold Damascus Responsible [362 words]Kim SegarAug 1, 2006 09:4651394
"A" leads to "B", leads to... [109 words]David W. LincolnAug 1, 2006 09:4151393
True [54 words]TeranceAug 1, 2006 09:3451392
Help me out here: What's in it for Syria? [144 words]Doug StracnerAug 1, 2006 09:2551391
You ask... [153 words]LDCAug 1, 2006 17:0951391
LDC for UN Secretary General [61 words]JasonAug 2, 2006 08:5251391
Syrian key to Hezbollah [63 words]David SabghirAug 1, 2006 09:1951390
A Tiny, Little Thing Overlooked in This Analysis and Recommendation [55 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Robert H. Tyrka Sr.Aug 1, 2006 08:4851388
Yes, Tiny [65 words]LDCAug 1, 2006 17:1451388
Taking Counsel From Our Fears [130 words]Robert H. Tyrka Sr.Aug 2, 2006 09:3451388
Yea, but... [155 words]LDCAug 2, 2006 16:4351388
Because they are not able to fight an asymmetrical war [262 words]Robert H. Tyrka Sr.Aug 4, 2006 08:2451388
"Speak Turkish to the Syrians" [29 words]Merry WhitneyAug 1, 2006 08:2851384
WMD [25 words]James HylandAug 1, 2006 07:0751377
Syrian culpability [99 words]VijayAug 1, 2006 06:5851375

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