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Not Muslims, but Islam is indicted by Terrorism

Reader comment on item: What Do Terrorists Want? [A Caliphate and Shari'a]
in response to reader comment: Broaden your scope

Submitted by David Ross (Australia), Jan 6, 2007 at 00:36

Mr Rabbani said:

As for the 18th century Egyptian and Van Gogh's murder, these are, again, actions of small groups of people for which you are indicting the whole of Islam.

I have to disagree. Such actions are more representative of real Islam on 2 levels. The Quranic teaching, and the Prophetic example. (Sunnah)

Whenever Mohammed encountered resistance, opposition, he dealt with it militarily/violently. He engaged in political Assassination (Ka'b Bin al Ashraf to name but one) and Genocide (Banu Qurayza) Torture and bodily mutilation (Camel thieves) and unbridled sexual lust (Saffiya wife of newly tortured and decapitated Kanana chief of Banu Al nadi Jews at Khaibar) He desired her after her BEAUTY was reported to him. How Muslims can sanitize this event where she and her cousin were brought past the bloodsoaked ground and decapitated corpse of her husband by Bilal, to Mohammed as anything other than an example of the worst inhuman treatment of fellow human beings comparable to the worst atrocities of the Nazi's toward Jews, is beyond my comprehension.

Mohammed CURSED Christians and Jews on his deathbed. (Bukhari volume 4, book 56, number 660)

The Quran CURSES Christians in surah 9:30 "Allahs curse be on them, they are deluded, away from truth"

Mohammed and his Generals PLANNED INVASIONS.

Bukhari vol 4 book 53 number 386

Umar sent the Muslims to the great countries to fight the pagans. When Al-Hurmuzan embraced Islam, 'Umar said to him. "I would like to consult you regarding these countries which I intend to invade."Further down it says: (Al Mughara speaking, a Soldier/General sent by Umar, close companion of Mohammed)

Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah Alone or give Jizya (i.e. tribute); and our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says:-- "Whoever amongst us is killed (i.e. martyred), shall go to Paradise to lead such a luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever amongst us remain alive, shall become your master."

So, here we see the planned aggression of the Muslims AND its justification based on their understanding of the Quranic verses as 'territorially expansionist". Not only this, but we see the beginnings of the homicide bomber in embryo form -"luxury" in the afterlife.

So, what we in the West are politely terming 'terrorism' in reality we mean ISLAM and MUSLIMS and not just the radical kind, we mean those who are true Muslims. It may be that this is coincidently the radicals, but let us be under no illusions that they are some kind of political abberation of true Islam, they ARE the true Muslims.

SO, we must gird up out loins, and be prepared to take on the challenge. We must encourage the 'Emperor' (Romans13) to do his duty, and we must do ours. Christian or not, if the State rightly calls on us to defend justice and freedom, we must do it as unto God. Just as we resisted Hitler and Tojo, we must not only resist, but bring actively down totally the Islamic threat, and apply their own laws to them. The Jizya or they may choose to convert.

Mohammed attacked whenever he received intelligence to the effect that plots were being made against him. This we are also doing, and justly so. We are surrounded by plots. But we must go further, if there are no Muslmis, there will be no threat. So, we should seek to be annointed in the Spirit of God, and proclaim Christ, repentance and forgiveness to those who are citizens, and deny access to those who seek to become citizens, save they deny mohammed and Islam.

Our goal must be to stop, but not to stomp or trample. Our task must be to advance freedom and justice, not to acquire territory as the Muslims did. Let us be as God intended us to be, free, just and honest and may we promote these values in His mighty name even to the end of the age.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (317) on this item

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Title Commenter Date Thread
Outstanding words [29 words]GeorgeMar 22, 2016 13:39228526
Not a bad idea [103 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
VijayJul 14, 2014 01:45216008
Very Interesting [276 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AlexJul 13, 2014 15:22215988
perception [34 words]sonuDec 9, 2012 13:17201271
2Is Obama using the Muslim Brotherhood to form a caliphate or are they using him to form a global caliphate? [381 words]Frank LivingstonDec 9, 2012 09:58201267
Funny article [155 words]SaudJun 9, 2012 18:34196178
1Poverty is the biggest source. [7 words]belstaffsaOct 13, 2011 04:59190004
2Is policy the biggest source of terrorism? [65 words]PrashantOct 15, 2011 01:37190004
1Islam is . . . [171 words]AnonymousMay 19, 2012 06:43190004
Poverty is NOT the source of terrorism [32 words]PrashantMay 20, 2012 22:56190004
4Brahmin Khalifa [623 words]Islamic AhimsaSep 11, 2011 00:37189245
1why should the Brahmins embrace a "killing cult" [16 words]spaFeb 3, 2012 00:28189245
Islamic Ahimsa ... [19 words]PrashantFeb 3, 2012 20:42189245
why not the way [67 words]SanjayOct 31, 2013 12:21189245
1What about christian terrorists? [36 words]Enemy of christian terroristsAug 22, 2011 05:48188591
Vatican [477 words]johnAug 9, 2014 21:09188591
today [148 words]lauraSep 10, 2014 18:17188591
Holy Grail [31 words]Jesse RileyJun 15, 2016 17:07188591
There aren't Christian terrorists [17 words]Travis ReppOct 10, 2018 10:40188591
Comments [209 words]Cafer InceFeb 6, 2011 21:13182376
2Egads!!!!!! [223 words]Arlinda DeAngelisFeb 9, 2011 02:16182376
Comment [11 words]Cafer InceFeb 12, 2011 16:55182376
Show example [26 words]LarryFeb 20, 2015 19:01182376
1A Relevant Piece [19 words]Barbara WestFeb 5, 2011 14:34182330
1It's no longer just Egypt [31 words]billy396Mar 25, 2011 22:20182330
83 cheers for the Caliphate [85 words]Robert Ordonez Sr.Feb 4, 2011 17:44182282
8The Truth Liberals Do Not want to See [419 words]PigletFeb 5, 2011 17:28182282
Read "Dr.Zakir Naik" and you will have the answer [34 words]Shiraz AhmedAug 28, 2012 06:52182282
2Zakir Naik is no scholar [37 words]PrashantAug 31, 2012 02:35182282
3Zakir Naik is a moron [36 words]dhimmi no moreSep 6, 2012 06:44182282
7what if hindus start jihad [87 words]RamJul 21, 2010 10:29175859
an article about arabisation in north africa [9 words]meJan 18, 2009 19:48148378
2What do the Terrorists want a (Caliphate) [126 words]DebbieJul 8, 2008 22:20134682
3Fundamental sickness in Islamic Theory [64 words]Ashutosh MishraJun 5, 2008 02:37131154
1god of all is ,was and never will be a god of one so will be the modern world-----must read [567 words]yogiMay 10, 2008 17:24128306
1The inevitability of the Caliphate! [177 words]AbdullahMay 1, 2008 12:28127356
7Re: The inevitability of the Caliphate! [88 words]William EastJun 17, 2008 02:21127356
4World Stability [232 words]Chief_CabiochJun 21, 2010 20:39127356
3World Domination . . . nothing less. [85 words]Phil Greend.Apr 19, 2008 13:17126186
What Do the Terrorists Want? [A Caliphate] [272 words]Firozali A.Mulla MBA PhDOct 27, 2007 22:06112468
3truth [18 words]john doeDec 27, 2008 11:26112468
What do Terrorists Want [255 words]Firozali A.MullaDec 28, 2008 01:19112468
1caliphate is important [45 words]m.usmanJan 22, 2007 00:3874029
importance of caliphate [26 words]anayatullahMar 14, 2008 07:2974029
1right [9 words]monmonJan 1, 2007 22:4171394
9Muslims should solve the terror problem, not others [383 words]Frederic PinsonnaultDec 20, 2006 08:1170069
THE unanswered question [130 words]jennifer solisAug 28, 2007 21:1670069
2My Thoughts Exactly except: [122 words]JakeNov 30, 2008 07:5170069
new partnership to stop the hate. [89 words]ammar h. ibrahimOct 15, 2006 12:2760444
Small example [105 words]Haseeb RabbaniSep 16, 2006 19:1356190
2Many not-so-small examples [250 words]Sue DonimSep 17, 2006 11:1856190
Broaden your scope [635 words]Haseeb RabbaniDec 4, 2006 22:0556190
Not Muslims, but Islam is indicted by Terrorism [667 words]David RossJan 6, 2007 00:3656190
you act like you know... [183 words]Haseeb RabbaniJan 8, 2007 17:1356190
2Strong Weak Hadith and Christians Cursed [879 words]David RossJan 9, 2007 17:1156190
... [208 words]Haseeb RabbaniJan 9, 2007 20:1456190
1I noticed something [497 words]David RossJan 10, 2007 03:4856190
lame [166 words]HaseebJan 10, 2007 17:1656190
Quran Reform [24 words]AbbosyJan 20, 2007 18:2056190
? [27 words]Haseeb RabbaniJan 20, 2007 21:2456190
1Religion of pieces [215 words]Seenu SubbuDec 22, 2008 04:0656190
Assalamu alaikum (peace be upon you) [587 words]AhmedJun 23, 2011 20:2456190
1Islam is the religion of the Hijazi Arabs only and to be Muslim you must know Arabic [331 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2011 08:0456190
1Response to The Myth of Moderate Islam by Dr Patrick Sookhdeo [229 words]Dr Fred CharatanSep 15, 2006 09:5456027
Benedict and Paleologus [169 words]John HarknessSep 15, 2006 08:5956015
1Benedict and Paleologus [113 words]RajanSep 19, 2006 00:5956015
What the islamic world wants [207 words]majnoonDec 21, 2006 09:1756015
No More CalipHATE [232 words]Mark TownsendSep 10, 2006 22:2955500
5dhimmi in Scotland [235 words]GuardsmanMay 27, 2006 16:3146532
1correction to previous article [52 words]GuardsmanJun 2, 2006 15:0346532
Definition of Terrorism? [101 words]Isaam Muhammad MoosaMay 23, 2006 08:0546193
1You didn't include THE type of terrorism that prevails today... and since 600ad! [218 words]bfreeSep 15, 2006 14:5046193
Definition of Terrorism and Outcome [65 words]saurabh srivastavaDec 30, 2008 10:4146193
1How we should deal with Terrorists [148 words]Rob HanniganApr 17, 2006 21:0343431
1Your knowledge is showing [139 words]Jeff in KabulApr 22, 2006 19:2443431
What planet are you on?? [130 words]RossSep 12, 2006 16:5143431
How to deal with terrorism [24 words]Shar VJan 6, 2008 18:3543431
You don't mean that. [25 words]James PriebeJan 18, 2010 15:4743431
could someone answer? [99 words]abdellahFeb 17, 2006 19:1836144
3Answer to abdellah [566 words]answer_to_abdellahFeb 23, 2006 18:1636144
2Not to mention... [86 words]AmyAug 16, 2006 21:3636144
random thoughts on the issue of religion-terrorism etc..... [385 words]AncySep 14, 2006 02:4136144
hypocrisy of christians [459 words]shahzaib safdarSep 15, 2006 04:4536144
answer to abdella [96 words]alamgirSep 15, 2006 16:4436144
What do the Terrorists want? response to hypocrisy of Christians [85 words]MercySep 19, 2006 21:5036144
It is the pot calliong the kettle black!!! [206 words]RajanSep 28, 2006 02:2636144
another response to abdallah:Truth is not in numbers [126 words]alexOct 27, 2006 11:3336144
Catholic conversion by sword [285 words]debbie jJan 28, 2007 15:1636144
1Ask Yourself is Islam a Religon of Peace -- [624 words]Afraid and Rightly SoAug 24, 2007 12:0636144
Response to Afraid and Rightly So [709 words]MSSep 4, 2007 15:0336144
oppressors [10 words]hgq123Feb 2, 2011 05:0736144
islamists dream [249 words]proudanglosxonFeb 25, 2011 01:1336144
What is so wrong with Western values ? [310 words]bonzodogFeb 15, 2006 08:4635775
Hijacking the Caliphate [97 words]David B. HattisFeb 8, 2006 13:0034394
Sharia and Caliphate.- Response to "Hijacking the Caliphate". [88 words]Dr Cornelius BuhlerSep 3, 2007 20:3034394
1Terrorists are not muslims. [52 words]tariqJan 8, 2006 13:4531281
shell game [35 words]al hakansonMay 19, 2006 12:0631281
Reply to tariq, Jan 8: Islam is a religion of peace [32 words]rudyMay 29, 2006 10:2831281
Religion of Peace? [398 words]John HarknesJul 30, 2006 17:0331281
informative [299 words]shahzaib safdarSep 19, 2006 09:4031281
Islam is a Religion of peace [80 words]BenSep 19, 2006 22:0231281
Islamist Al-Qaeda terrorists are irrational--but, their goals are simple.... [729 words]Joseph P "Dutch" Bialke, BSCJS, MA, JD, LLMDec 14, 2005 16:1929966
Hell yeah [141 words]Tony H.Apr 3, 2006 23:4729966
Next Outrage [78 words]John HarknessJul 30, 2006 17:1629966
Fundamentalism and Religion [309 words]Adam ThomsonNov 2, 2005 09:1727673
Reply to Adam Thomson [12 words]abd_abdalJan 19, 2006 13:0927673
Two sides to the story [196 words]george p royOct 25, 2005 06:0627284
Agree with george [177 words]Zac BurnsNov 1, 2005 03:0727284
bravo [60 words]saqApr 4, 2006 14:5627284
Muslims learn violence from the US? Pull the other one, it's got bells on! [365 words]MazratApr 22, 2006 10:3127284
Force [57 words]BoboSep 23, 2005 15:2126227
Muslims want to co-exist in harmony do they? TEAPOT! [333 words]ThereisnogodSep 21, 2005 18:3826141
'cheating 'is allowed in islam' [163 words]jagdish rozaSep 19, 2005 12:1126023
1Jagdish Roza is wrong. Taqiyah is not an Islamic concept. [302 words]HusseinOct 26, 2005 04:5526023
Taqiyaah is not Shia Concept, its Islamic Concept. [291 words]Fawad SayedJul 5, 2006 16:4926023
you are wrong [119 words]mmOct 25, 2006 13:0026023
Taqiyyah - Jagdesh Rozas Hypocrasy - courtesy of Nasibis. [256 words]Zaydi74Sep 17, 2009 11:0826023
Give the prove from Quran Sunnah for your blame . [49 words]asmaFeb 6, 2012 01:5426023
encouraged [74 words]donevanSep 15, 2005 16:4025873
Re: Islamic Errorism - Jihad as the motive for Jihad [346 words]Reuben HorneAug 24, 2005 01:1725037
Pope Benedict and Islam [83 words]MaggieAug 21, 2005 06:0024935
Thank you Maggie [111 words]SULTANAug 22, 2005 01:5524935
Bangladesh - 300-400 bombs in a co-ordinated attack [92 words]MaggieAug 19, 2005 04:4624892
What Do the Terrorists Want [117 words]mercyFeb 20, 2009 00:2524892
I agree with you [46 words]Amita TripathiAug 16, 2005 07:5724737
This is a very interesting report [379 words]MaggieAug 15, 2005 19:1524695
The Road to Terrorism [16 words]Swahili DinazAug 13, 2005 02:1124610
Reply to Mohammed's posts! [202 words]Mushrik and proudAug 10, 2005 01:5824524
1They want to introduce the worldwide caliphate [460 words]MaggieAug 9, 2005 05:2524448
HardTalk on BBC [40 words]DamienAug 8, 2005 14:2924431
Question for Damien [13 words]No DhimmiAug 8, 2005 23:1924431
The Enemy Within [69 words]DamienAug 9, 2005 06:1024431
Religious Tolerance? [316 words]john barcusAug 8, 2005 09:2224424
Hmm..Spot on [113 words]SnakeNov 8, 2007 09:4424424
The New Fascism [139 words]MoeAug 7, 2005 07:5524408
Better Quotes? [146 words]Jutlya KoniskaAug 7, 2005 06:1224407
Response to Jutlya Koniska, August 07, 2005 [78 words]WallaceAug 8, 2005 12:3224407
What terrorists want is the same as what Islamists want [199 words]Cary LichtmanAug 6, 2005 15:2224396
terrorists vs islam vs christians and catholics?? [59 words]gisela lealMay 1, 2006 15:0724396
I killed US troops, British al-Qaeda gunman claims [105 words]--Aug 6, 2005 13:3924394
Radical in Australia [594 words]MaggieAug 4, 2005 18:1624362
islamic radicals in USA, UK, Aus [214 words]michael cAug 5, 2005 16:5324362
liberals and terrorism [735 words]MaggieAug 6, 2005 17:4624362
1Hellish Solution [192 words]Raymond JeffersonAug 4, 2005 10:4724335
Response to Maggie [31 words]No DhimmiAug 3, 2005 23:3624325
Response to No Dhimmi [335 words]MaggieAug 4, 2005 05:3124325
bible- equally bad? [540 words]Judy FoulkeAug 3, 2005 18:4124310
Most Muslims are not more bad than Christians. [99 words]NorahJan 11, 2008 23:2124310
What constitutes martyrdom [574 words]MaggieAug 3, 2005 18:3824308
permawar [60 words]donvanAug 3, 2005 11:0124279
Wishes vs Reality [166 words]DaisyAug 2, 2005 21:2824255
Contrast of Islamic, Jewish and Christian Martyrdom [252 words]John Randall PeacherAug 2, 2005 17:2824236
1solution is very difficult [704 words]SULTANAug 2, 2005 15:1924215
Are millions retarded?Response to Sultan [316 words]Abdullah A.Aug 3, 2005 12:3224215
Armenian genocide [637 words]MaggieAug 3, 2005 23:1224215
To Maggie- Re Armenian History [613 words]SULTANAug 4, 2005 14:2724215
Armenian genocide- Maggie [346 words]IanusDec 15, 2005 13:0424215
re: Turkish Atrocities Against non-Muslim Anatolians [264 words]LexEconDec 16, 2005 11:4124215
Response to Armenians [299 words]SULTANDec 18, 2005 13:3924215
eto [8 words]etomotoApr 23, 2006 11:2824215
Muslim Attrocities In India [16 words]Lex MarkJul 14, 2007 15:3424215
The Independent Jul 28, 2005 [427 words]TomAug 1, 2005 12:4024184
2Mr. Islamism and Miss Civilization [284 words]Allen WeingartenAug 1, 2005 12:3924183
Re: Mr. Weingarten [26 words]DaisyAug 1, 2005 16:0924183
It should be obvious why Westerners don't realize what Islamic Extremists want [53 words]B.PosterAug 1, 2005 01:5424173
1Why preach hatred? [152 words]PaulNov 4, 2006 14:0824173
quick solution [59 words]mike bazJul 31, 2005 22:2224168
9FROM THE KORAN ITSELF [601 words]JamesJul 30, 2005 22:2824138
To James [141 words]aliAug 1, 2005 18:1924138
To Ali [261 words]DaisyAug 1, 2005 18:4824138
PS To Moderate [77 words]DaisyAug 2, 2005 10:0624138
1Perfect code of life, Response to Ali [144 words]Ex- muslimaAug 2, 2005 14:1524138
Khayber Raid, Response to Mohammed [341 words]Hisham M.Aug 4, 2005 11:3424138
reply to hisham m. [439 words]randa aliNov 6, 2005 15:4324138
The simple life of Prophet Muhammed [927 words]abd_abdalJan 19, 2006 14:1024138
wrong translation [74 words]sajNov 22, 2006 16:5124138
For Saj and his poor Arabic! [297 words]dhimmi no moreNov 22, 2006 21:4324138
Qur'an does not encourage violance [261 words]Ahmad JenkinsNov 30, 2007 11:5624138
all lies!!! [36 words]jamesOct 15, 2015 20:0024138
BOSNIA [17 words]sam (muslim)Jul 30, 2005 20:4924133
Who? Response to Sam (muslim) [73 words]Taylor LAug 1, 2005 00:1224133
How come nobody says anything about Bosnia - answered [80 words]AndyJan 25, 2009 20:2524133
1Sufi Islam [118 words]Ex-MuslimJul 30, 2005 11:3224111
Response to Ex-Muslim [40 words]JaladhiJul 30, 2005 16:0424111
ex-Muslim good point [104 words]MaggieJul 30, 2005 18:2824111
To Jaladhi [70 words]MaggieJul 30, 2005 21:3424111
It's HOMICIDE, not suicide! [319 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Jerome B. MeyerJul 30, 2005 11:0824109
Refugees are the result of the Islamofascists [72 words]MarcJul 29, 2005 18:0124079
To Marc: Well stated [94 words]MaggieJul 29, 2005 20:4524079
Mark: Refugees must go home [44 words]MohammedJul 29, 2005 20:4624079
Refugees - flee their homes but are not forced [718 words]MaggieJul 30, 2005 01:4324079
Refugees - the oppressed? [34 words]MaggieJul 30, 2005 18:0224079
Mohammed's logic can solve Palestininan problem [123 words]A.B.Aug 3, 2005 19:4824079
Refugees - more lies about the makeup [801 words]MaggieJul 29, 2005 16:5324071
3My final words...İslam is beautiful [630 words]SULTANJul 29, 2005 15:5124063
To the Noble Sultan [305 words]G.MJul 29, 2005 17:1324063
Reply to Sultan [395 words]No dhimmiJul 29, 2005 17:2224063
To Sultan - you proved my point [335 words]MaggieJul 29, 2005 17:2324063
Response [279 words]TonyDec 3, 2006 16:3324063
The myth of moderate Islam [2534 words]Eli TaboriJul 29, 2005 12:4324044
Koran's Secret Weapon [162 words]Rufus SJul 28, 2005 23:2824003
A prophet's desires [210 words]PansyJul 28, 2005 21:4823993
Clearer and clearer [220 words]PansyJul 28, 2005 18:1023978
Jizya was not innocent harmless protection money [406 words]ChoudhuryJul 28, 2005 16:3323965
Re: Jizya was not innocent harmless protection money [1031 words]MohammedJul 28, 2005 17:2923965
Resonse to Mohammed [148 words]ChoudhuryAug 1, 2005 14:5923965
Responding to Choudhury [85 words]MohammedAug 2, 2005 00:2923965
Authentic Sources , Response to Mohammed [233 words]ChoudhuryAug 2, 2005 11:3923965
Murder of Kinana , Response to Mohammed [296 words]Abdullah A.Aug 2, 2005 17:1023965
Response to Abdullah: Murder of Kinana , Response to Mohammed [1194 words]MohammedAug 3, 2005 09:5623965
History: Response to Mohammed [49 words]WallaceAug 3, 2005 15:1823965
Allah's revelations, Response to Mohammed [380 words]Abdullah A.Aug 3, 2005 16:0623965
Comment on Mohammed's biography [108 words]A.AAug 3, 2005 16:4623965
Raid of Kahyber, Response to Mohammed [320 words]ChoudhuryAug 3, 2005 18:4023965
The Disease !! [358 words]abd_abdalJan 19, 2006 13:0223965
Muslim [10 words]IchNov 9, 2006 11:1323965
If your House is made of Glass! [842 words]Eli MosaOct 16, 2007 23:3323965
When your house is made of glass [227 words]Eli MosaOct 17, 2007 04:3123965
what do the terrorists want [96 words]raviFeb 4, 2009 02:3823965
Applebaum's column worth adding to this discussion [78 words]David S.Jul 28, 2005 13:4223959
THE END [128 words]Bill DJul 28, 2005 12:3123955
Time Bomb [301 words]Albert WaneJul 28, 2005 10:5923951
Response to various responses [147 words]Jacob CarmielJul 28, 2005 09:3623948
A Christian Arab [269 words]Joe Van VoastJul 28, 2005 07:0123944
You are all ignorant! [233 words]Shareef MuhammadJan 31, 2006 05:1023944
Studying Islam [39 words]CarrieSep 12, 2007 01:5223944
you dont have to read a book and learn how to be a good human being [24 words]RamAug 5, 2010 08:0123944
There's an elephant in the room! [190 words]Joe Van VoastJul 28, 2005 05:2623942
India gets it [63 words]S.C.PandaJul 28, 2005 05:1823941
They hate the Hindus too- S.C. Panda [456 words]MaggieJul 29, 2005 00:3323941
Understand Islam [170 words]CemJul 28, 2005 01:5923940
Historical Revisionism hides the truth [613 words]MaggieJul 28, 2005 00:2823938
Truly it is What They Want [183 words]Ruth LowryJul 27, 2005 22:1323936
Give them what they want.... [87 words]Tim WilliamsJul 27, 2005 19:3523929
Martyrdom is the Only Assurance of Salvation [52 words]cqbJul 27, 2005 19:2123928
Islamic Agenda of a Caliphate [181 words]DvoraJul 27, 2005 18:5423926
Muslims are responsible for explaining the Qur'an [400 words]MohammedJul 27, 2005 18:2523922
2Reply to Mohammed [1052 words]No dhimmiJul 27, 2005 20:4723922
Response to 'No Dhimmi' [196 words]MJul 27, 2005 23:4723922
Well said 'no Dhimmi' [13 words]Hari IyerJul 28, 2005 01:3923922
Mohammed's Response to 'NoDhimmi' [3843 words]MohammedJul 28, 2005 06:2323922
Dearest Mohammed [308 words]MarcJul 28, 2005 10:2423922
To Mohammed: Big mistake saying that! [105 words]Boris FrenkelJul 28, 2005 12:0723922
Here is what they want [1430 words]No dhimmiJul 28, 2005 20:2623922
Re: Here is what they want [577 words]MohammedJul 28, 2005 21:1323922
Re: Here is what they want 2 [163 words]MohammedJul 28, 2005 21:2123922
Mohammed [95 words]DaisyJul 28, 2005 22:4323922
Reply to Mohammed II [261 words]No dhimmiJul 29, 2005 03:0723922
Mohammed the prophet [533 words]MaggieJul 29, 2005 05:4723922
Re: Mohammed (Response to Daisy) [588 words]mohammedJul 29, 2005 05:5923922
To Maggie: Muslims hate only their oppressors [538 words]mohammedJul 29, 2005 07:4323922
It's 2005 Mohammed, not 610? [199 words]Scott RyanJul 29, 2005 09:1823922
Reply to Marc and Mohammed [217 words]G.M.Jul 29, 2005 14:5723922
Quran question, Response to Mohammed [121 words]AliAug 1, 2005 15:5223922
May Jesus open your hearts [494 words]The TruthApr 12, 2006 16:2823922
sperm comes from a rib in your back [331 words]RizalJul 5, 2006 05:0823922
NO NO NO dhimmi [151 words]lisaApr 3, 2007 06:5323922
Islamic Tolerance [43 words]lee Hing MingJan 12, 2009 03:4223922
Terrorists want to see us suffer [72 words]Jan VinkJul 27, 2005 16:5123919
Islam is 'arab imperialism' [68 words]KhanJul 27, 2005 16:5123918
The emperor - or rather the Caliph - has no clothes [97 words]Joshua TruaxJul 27, 2005 14:0123913
How many read Mein Kampf? [70 words]michael cJul 27, 2005 13:0123910
Terrorism - One of many ways [61 words]TerryJul 27, 2005 12:0723908
NO NO NO [344 words]SULTANJul 27, 2005 10:2723906
Response to Sultan [447 words]JohnJul 27, 2005 19:5623906
In Response to SULTAN [181 words]Scott RyanJul 28, 2005 12:5723906
İn response to Scott Ryan [518 words]SULTANJul 29, 2005 01:1723906
To Sultan - Terrorists or Freedom fighters [192 words]MaggieJul 29, 2005 02:3523906
Will the MSM pull their head out of the sand? [107 words]Andrew Ian DodgeJul 27, 2005 10:0423905
The rule of law as a solution [292 words]Alex HouranyJul 27, 2005 08:4623901
A voice of sanity [62 words]Mashud ChoudhuryJul 27, 2005 05:5123897
Amen brother Mashud Choudhury [74 words]MohammedJul 27, 2005 16:2223897
response to Mohammed (US) [77 words]RamAug 5, 2010 07:5323897
Do THEY even know? [184 words]DRJul 27, 2005 05:4423896
None so blind as they who will not see [180 words]Marvin RabinovitchJul 27, 2005 04:0023894
Martyrdom is the Only Assurance of Salvation [21 words]ckrotruthJul 27, 2005 02:1523890
Terrorists die to be feared and live to be addicted to hate. [99 words]John GellesJul 26, 2005 22:4623886
Fundamentalists want to take over the world [144 words]f.shawkiJul 26, 2005 22:4523885
Difficult to seriously contemplate? [206 words]Adam2Jul 26, 2005 22:0423884
The Separation of Mosque and State [168 words]Bill StoreyJul 26, 2005 21:4123882
Fundamentalist Islam is intolerant of other religions [106 words]Houshang. YazdiJul 26, 2005 21:2323881
convert to islam or be killed ...is what the terrorists want. [193 words]Phil GreendMay 27, 2007 13:1123881
Islam IS Arabisation [83 words]hmmmJul 26, 2005 21:0023880
Demonstratably questionable analysis [155 words]AdamJul 26, 2005 20:4523879
Wish it were true [12 words]lisette MuradJul 26, 2005 20:2723877
We should help the oppressed and stop helping the oppressors [335 words]Mohammed SarhanJul 26, 2005 20:0923876
Response to Sarhan [303 words]A.A.Jul 27, 2005 12:2223876
Resonse to Mohammed Sarhan: you are wrong [330 words]Abdullah A.Jul 28, 2005 12:1823876
Simple: The universality of Islam [297 words]PatJul 26, 2005 19:5023875
response to Pat [10 words]RamAug 5, 2010 07:3823875
is Islam reformable? [206 words]VictorJul 26, 2005 19:2623873
Why do they terrorize [79 words]Philip SnyderJul 26, 2005 18:2423870
No Excuses [246 words]Andy B.Jul 26, 2005 18:1223868
What Do the Terrorists Want? [153 words]Fighting terroristsJul 26, 2005 17:5523867
Pope on Islam--surprise? [61 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
tonymixanJul 26, 2005 17:2623865
pope benedict is a true missionary! [311 words]RebekaSep 15, 2006 20:5623865
simple Meaning for the Word JIHAD [80 words]ASep 20, 2006 19:3423865
which way is Good? [80 words]s.tajSep 20, 2006 19:3823865
Jihad Meaning...huh? [14 words]CBLMar 26, 2008 12:5223865
Causes of terrorism [107 words]Paul EngelJul 26, 2005 17:2023864
2CAIR's founder said" Islam must be the only religion on earth" [173 words]A.B.Jul 26, 2005 17:1723863
Not Awake [36 words]Dr. Lee D. CaryJul 26, 2005 17:0823862
What do the Terrorists want? - Always the same: POWER [104 words]Gudrun EussnerJul 26, 2005 17:0723861
Today's terrorists [133 words]HARRYJul 26, 2005 16:5323859
The Caliphate=Danger [219 words]JeffJul 26, 2005 15:5223855
Power and Money [178 words]Jon SmithJul 26, 2005 15:4923854
How do random mass murders contribute to the caliphate? [114 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Paul BowamnJul 26, 2005 15:4423853
What will it take? [36 words]tonymixanJul 26, 2005 15:3923852
Irshad Manji's Reflection [118 words]JACQUES HADIDAJul 26, 2005 15:3323851
We Westerners have risen to the challenge! [17 words]LanceJul 26, 2005 15:3223850
1Simplistic View [95 words]Pat Goudey OBrienJul 26, 2005 15:2023849
What do they want [157 words]Donald W. BalesJul 26, 2005 15:1623847
Amazing Blindness and Deafness [223 words]Always On WatchJul 26, 2005 15:0223846
I'm not sure I agree with you. [36 words]Monty PogodaJul 26, 2005 14:5723845
Solutions then? [13 words]EvaJul 26, 2005 14:4023840
Reality please [189 words]John SJul 26, 2005 14:2523839
don't worry too much about the peace the creator will take care of the world [52 words]Anbil MohamedAug 10, 2016 21:1323839

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