TERRORIST IN OUR OWN BACKYARDSReader comment on item: [Fort Dix and] Jihad in Jersey Submitted by HILDA E. DAVIS (United States), May 10, 2007 at 17:46 If you've heard the news today, you're aware of what could have happened at Ft. Dix, N.J. I'd like to make you aware of what is happening in our own community. We're faced with a very similiar situation with the Illegal Aliens and foreigners right here in our coastal Carteret County, N.C. with no one, not the FBI, SBI, Sheriff's Dept., NCIS, Police Department, ICE, taking any action to protect it's citizens, and remove and/or prosecute them for their crimes. I've personally begged for help, outlined below is a sample of what we've endured. First, if you know of an Illegal in our country, don't bother trying to report them, you're wasting your time. You can't get through to INS, or speak to a living human being, and don't dare try to find a place on-line to file a report on an illegal, it just isn't there. Besides, they overworked and underpaid. If you think ICE is going to help, don't hold your breath. They are definitely over worked. Our Wilmington, N.C. office has 8 agents to cover the entire eastern district of N. C. Each agent spends approximately two days each week transporting illegals to Johnston County, NC for holding until they can be moved to Atlanta, Ga. Mind you, all of this is at our expense. We house them, feed them, have guards that have to be paid, etc., not to mention the medical expenses, when they should simply be taken to the border or to the airport and put on a plane back to their homeland. We'd come out cheaper paying the airfare, than housing the thousands we house daily. When you've got evidence in your hands, and it being their own handwritten ledger which clearly outlines their Cigarette Smuggling, Money Laundering, and Funneling money to Terrorist group Hezbollah, and no one will take action to remove them from our country, what do you do? When the ICE agent, out and out lied to me, telling me they can't charge him with any of these crimes, that the statute of limitations has run out according to their attorney, when in fact, "it has not expired, but is a ten (10) year statute from the date of the last transaction and/or act". What's wrong? When the FBI tells me "if they do anything serious, they'll take action", what a laugh. If their involvement outlined above isn't serious, please tell me what the hell is. It took a while for me to learn the details, and to accept the fact that the brother to the Illegal was caught smuggling cigarettes in Michigan, faked a heart attack, and was taken to the hospital where he cut his deal with the feds, giving them the names of the 18 convicted in Charlotte a few years ago for the same crimes, with the leader getting 155 years. I can only assume the brother's deal included him, as he's better protected than our President, with the only difference being, our President is in this country legally. The funny think is, the feds already had the names from this brothers ex-roommate who got caught with $700,000.00 in counterfeit cigarette stamps at the airport in St. Louis, Missouri. He gave the names to cut his deal, and this brother knew this, but got by with his deal cutting, even to the point the FBI agent from Michigan required our Ass't U.S. Attorney to sign a non-disclosure before giving him the names supplied by the brother. Little did he know their office already had the names and were working the case. Again, our FBI agents had been scammed, after all, they're Dumb Americans too. When NCIS was notified the Illegal comes and goes on our Military base "Cherry Point" easier than you or I, all he has to do is make a phone call, and someone picks him up at the gate. He sponsors Marine baseball teams, caters to the Marines at his Cigar Store with food and wine and dancers, and of course "Porn", even attends the Marine Ball, and had the previous base commander to his home to celebrate his promotion, what's wrong with this picture, yet NCIS did nothing, perhaps they didn't find anything wrong with this. Well, I did. Our government has spent millions putting up new fences, etc., trying to secure our bases and our military, but this illegal can still come and go on our base. What's wrong when a Lebanese man comes to our country is deported in 1988, goes to Canada, obtains citizenship there and returns to the United States and stays illegally. What's wrong when he brings his son here and we educate him. He graduates at our expense, and is ultimately deported, then tries repeatedly to sneak back into our country, even hiding in the trunk of a car, but got caught. What's wrong when INS can't keep a record of who is in our country, or how long they've been here illegally? What's wrong when we pick up the papers or turn on the TV and all we hear about is the number of Illegal Mexicans in our country, and how much they are costing us annually, yet we never hear anything about the Illegal Far Easterners living among us, operating every convenience store in our county. Do you think for one minute that INS or any government agency is going to check to see if they're here legally? I don't think so. When you wait almost two years while needing help, for the sheriff to retire, getting fresh new blood in office, as the previous 2nd in command was a close friend of the Illegals, you explain the situation, and ask the new Sheriff's 2nd in line to file "Bigamy" charges, which the Illegal admitted to in discovery, and the Sheriff talks with the SBI agent, and tells me, he was told "not to pursue the Bigamy, that the SBI agent may do it himself," yet never did anything. What's wrong when you finally get the Illegal charged with "Bigamy" and he's out within the hour on a $2500.00 bond, set by the Magistrate, who just happens to be a friend that buys his cigars from the Illegal? Mind you that this Illegal is out on bond for deportation by the Federal Government, wouldn't you think he'd be a flight risk? I did. What's wrong when your local paper that publishes all arrests in the county, fails to publish the Bigamy charge against the Illegal? What's wrong when you talk with a reporter at the paper, and are told that the editor won't allow them to write a story that greatly reflects on our community? What's wrong when you ask the Police Dept. to pursue clear cut felony charges of "Fraudulent Deed and Conspiracy to commit Fraud, and obtaining property under false pretenses, not to mention forgery of a power of attorney used to cause harm" and you're told that the Magistrate won't issue the warrants? What's wrong with this entire picture? Who's protecting the Illegal Alien? Who's waving the flag, telling the authorities not to proceed? Why is an Illegal Alien picked up for Deportation by 7 state and federal agents, held for two months, bonded for 60 days before a deportation hearing, and then given another 60 days before he's supposed to be deported? Why are we so lenient with the Illegals that come to our country, commit crimes, cut deals giving names that the federal government already has, that was supplied by a friend in cutting his own deal, and we do nothing about it? It's obvious that with our government agencies, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing, yet they control the investigations. I was told by INS that if the Illegal has a good INS attorney, he can drag the deportation out indefinitely, probably up to two years. What's wrong with this, why is this happening in our country, why are we allowing this to happen? Why is an Illegal Alien deported, and without a criminal conviction, allowed to return to the United States after 120 days, and then allowed to apply to remain here legally? I've explained this to the Police, the District Attorney's office, etc., yet they refuse to prosecute clear cut felonies with evidence in their hands, which would prevent this criminal from coming back to our country and doing more harm. What's wrong with this picture? Who's covering for him. Who's protecting him and preventing the criminal charges from being filed and a conviction being pursued, as it would be for you or I, or any other American Citizen. Perhaps we have to understand that our laws are to prosecute the Dumb American's, not the Smart Illegal's that come to our country and get by with anything they want, including their criminal acts. They laundered the money from their criminal acts in paying a local attorney to form their corporation, obtain business license, open their business(es) and go on with life, far better than you or I. For an American to open their own business, they have to do it one of two ways, we either inherit a lot of money, or we work for years to save the money needed to allow us such a luxury. They lie that they owned a big restaurant in Canada, and a home there, and with the sale of these they are able to open their own business, when the truth is: He didn't own a restaurant, he was a waiter, he didn't own a home, he lived with his girlfriend and her two sons, with her parents helping with the bills. But no one in this county or state was smart enough to know what he was doing. Our laws don't require that individuals applying for new corporations or business license be in our country legally, therefore our Secretary of State's office allowed the forming of the Corporation to the Illegal, our town issued a business license with no one ever asking questions, as offices issuing business license, follow state guide lines . Even when an Illegal opens a bank account, and obtains a mortgage, he lies on the application, and no one ever knows the difference. If they did, don't think for one minute they'd pursue the illegality of the lies on the bank document, it's not worth their time or money, after all, there haven't been any cases of this nature tried in our courts, there's no precident to go by, after all, we're Dumb Americans, what do we know? When will our government and our people realize that we no longer live in the 50's, 60's or even the 80's, we live in a different world than our laws were made for. We live in a time when every American's life is in danger. It doesn't matter if you're in your own home, at work, on a plane, or on our highways, we're in danger of the Illegals in our country taking action to destroy our world as we know it, and cause us great harm. With the obstacles I've encountered the past three years in seeking help to remove ONE ILLEGAL ALIEN, why won't I be surprised when we have another major tragedy in our country. As sad as it is, it's just a matter of time before it happens, and who will we blame? I wasn't surprised to read in the article released by the FBI today that they had been investigating this issue for 18 months, before taking action. I wonder what the informant had to give them to get their attention on this one. God Bless you and your families, and God Bless America. We're going to need all the help we can get. I pray that no other family ever has to endure what my daughter and her family have been through the past three years, as a result of our federal government and law enforcements lack of interest and action. I'm a hard nose, but truly believe that if you give money to terrorist, as this Illegal clearly did, and which he noted in his ledger, you're a terrorist and should not be allowed to remain in our country. Please share this story with your friends and family, ask them to pass it on to others. All Americans need to be aware of what we're facing. We need to open our eyes and look around us, and be aware of who, and what is happening in our own backyards before it's too late.
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