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Is Islam a Religion of Peace?

Reader comment on item: Sudden Jihad Syndrome – It's Now Official

Submitted by gary fouse (United States), Jan 6, 2008 at 22:32

* There is a great video on the Internet from Dubai TV. It is a debate between an Arab woman on one hand and an Islamic cleric on the other. The conversation is in Arabic with English sub-titles. In the debate, the woman (whose name I don't know) harshly condemns Islam (she apparently does not subscribe to any religion.)for its hatred and violence. She makes the point that neither Christianity nor Judaism engages in this kind of barbaric behavior. The man accuses her of being a heretic. This video can be found on;


One of the first things I did in the wake of 9-11 was to check out an English-language Koran from the library. The question had been growing about the true nature of Islam even before 9-11 since Islamic terrorism had already been active in the world for several decades. I should concede here that the Koran, like the Bible, can be open to different interpretations in many areas. Since then, we have continued to witness the War on Terror and inumerable acts of terror committed in the name of Islam. So the question remains- what is the true nature of Islam? Is it a peaceful religion that is being hijacked by fanatics? Or is Islam really a religion that preaches violence against those who refuse to accept its teachings?

When I read the Koran, I noted that much of its prose resembles that of the Bible. It preaches the love of God (Allah) and love towards other Muslims. It is the writings directed toward non-Muslims that I found troubling. Some passages that critics point out to prove a message of violence are disputed by Muslims as being open to other interpretations. Yet what struck me was that in virtually every Sura (chapter), indeed on countless pages, there are references to non-believers burning in Hell. Now I must point out here that, according to Christian doctrine, non-Christians will go to Hell as well. The difference here is the constant reinforcement of this doctrine in the Koran. Is it any wonder that so many Muslims don't respect other religions?

I have also read about the life of the Prophet Mohammed. It is not meant to be an insult in pointing out that Mohammed was a warrior-a military leader who spread Islam at the point of a sword. He personally brought about the death of thousands. Muslims simply cannot dispute that as historical fact.

Before I get to the obvious issue of terror and killing, I should also point out that my own religion (Christianity) has engaged in this practice in history. First, we have the Crusades. (I don't know which side was right and which side was wrong-nor do I much care.) Second, we had the Inquisition. There is no escaping this fact, and there is no defending it. There was also considerable corruption in the Church (Vatican) that led to a Reformation.

What is important, however, is that in the past several centuries, Christianity (and Judaism) have not been involved in organized violent campaigns. Scandals? Of course. The biggest example today is the pedophile priest scandal that has rocked the Catholic Church. We have also seen instances of Christian-based cults, such as the James Jones Church and the Branch Davidians, both of whom engaged in mind-control and violence.

But it is undeniably Islam that, in recent decades, has witnessed countless acts of violence, intimidation, murder and outright terror-worldwide. It is not necessary to recount 9-11 and all the others. They are out there for all to see. The question is- how much of the Muslim world subscribes to this?

Before dealing with that question, it is useful to ask-how did this all explode upon the world in the late 20th Century? Was Islam merely aleep for several centuries? I am no expert on Islamic history, but it seems to me that the Muslim world has basically never experienced freedom or democracy. When certain parts of the Middle East became fabulously wealthy due to oil, the ruling classes managed to expropriate most of it for themselves.

Then came the creation of Israel and the Palestinian issue. That has enabled the Arab rulers to blame Israel and the West for all the problems affecting their peoples. Add to that the growing exposure of Muslim societies to the Western world-and all its vices and temptations. Indeed, the growing fundamentalism of Muslim mosques and madrassahs have found a fertile field of resentment against this Western culture that they see as a threat to their own traditional culture.

So here, in the 21st century, we find ourselves threatened with the rise in worldwide Islamic fanaticism and terror. We see it not only in the Middle East, but in immigrant Muslim communities in the West (principly Europe). Violence and hate are being preached, plotted and carried out by Muslim clerics and their followers, almost everywhere that Muslims have immigrated to. Here in the US, we have congratulated ourselves on having a more educated and assimilated Muslim community than European countries who imported manual laborors without trying to assimilate them. The violence in France and the UK far overshadow our problems here in the US.

Yet, it is undeniable that US Muslims are feeling increasingly disaffected in US society since 9-11. They feel that Americans hold them in suspicion. They hear and read about the attacks against Islam among Americans and Europeans. Most seem to be critical of our Middle East policy. Most seem stridently against Israel. On our college campuses, Muslim Student Unions organize demonstrations against Israel, often bringing in radical Imams to speak. Many of them preach a message of hate-not only against Israel, but against Jews and America as well. (I cite my own campus, University of California at Irvine as a prime example.)And occasionally, our law enforcement agencies have broken up terrorist plots to be carried out on our soil.

More to the point; are most Muslims involved in terror? Of course not. Do most Muslims sympathize with the Jihadists. I don't think so, but we really don't know how most Muslims feel. We watch the news on TV and every day, we see images of Muslim mobs in the streets of Pakistan or some other Muslim country burning flags, torching cars, fighting the police and calling for someone to be killed. What are we supposed to think? We hear about the car bombs, the suicide Palestinian bombers in Israel and what are we supposed to think? We hear about Muslim clerics preaching hatred and the worldwide imposition of Islam. What are we supposed to think? It is pointed out that there are some 2 billion Muslims in the world and that most are simply trying to go about their normal lives and live in peace with others around them. But what if one-half of 1% are ready to join the Jihad? That would be a lot of people we need to worry about.

It is clear that Islam is facing the greatest crisis in its history, at least since the Crusades. As yet, we don't know who will win control of the religion-the so-called peaceful moderates or the Jihadists. After all, in the final analysis, a religion is only what its believers and leaders say it is. Certainly, we should do all we can to assist and encourage the peaceful elements. People like the woman on Dubai TV, Nonie Darwish, Irshad Manji and Ayaan Hirsi Ali must be supported, encouraged and protected. Yet, I feel strongly that the moderates, if they are to prevail, will have to resort to violent means to defeat those who preach hatred and terror. (And I really don't much care.)

We also need many more voices like the names I listed above. Sadly, they seem to be few and far between. It is not enough to simply argue that most Muslims are non-violent and should not be stigmatized or discriminated against. I have argued in the past that Muslims should indeed defend their religion-not against non-Muslims or critics-but against those Muslims who are engaged in hatred and terror, thus destroying Islam's name in the eyes of the world.

But why are so many Muslims-otherwise decent people-unwilling to stand up, speak out and take action against the Jihadists? There are some possible answers.

First, many obviously are afraid to stand up and subject themselves and their families to violent retribution.

Some, I am sure, while not engaged in Jihad, probably sympathize with their goals and methods.

Some, while not agreeing with violence, don't want to engage in actions against other Muslims-on behalf of non-Muslim societies.

There is one other possible reason- and I am merely speculating here-after having read the Koran and the life of the Prophet Mohammed. Is it possible that many Muslims, while personally rejecting violence, feel that based on the Koran and the life of Mohammed, they simply cannot win a theological debate against the Jihadists?

gary fouse- fousesquawk


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (52) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
1Google Search: "Sudden Jihad Syndrorm": About 686,000 results (0.42 seconds) [21 words]RobertDec 19, 2021 23:18277377
2No 'Radical' Islam [104 words]JKOct 20, 2020 13:54261043
1And it happened again at Orlando [86 words]loupgarousOct 17, 2016 19:50233418
1Terror Is as Terror Does [130 words]Islam RevealedDec 1, 2009 09:24165268
Bulldozer Terrorists in Jerusalem ---Examples of Sudden Jihad Syndrome [53 words]joeJul 25, 2008 13:02135653
jihadist Sirhan Bishara Sirhan (June '68) shot RFK for voting jets to Saudis [65 words]Mike Smith M.A.Mar 5, 2008 19:21121837
Just a remote social phenomenon that can happen in all oth situ [117 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Marco HiirataFeb 14, 2008 00:07120184
I was a muslim. [161 words]zari namdarFeb 10, 2008 03:08119872
Its not about religion... [346 words]Marco HiirataFeb 14, 2008 00:29119872
1When Taking a Child to the Park [187 words]YnnatchkahFeb 3, 2008 00:50119494
sudden narrow-minded syndrome [34 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
TajJan 25, 2008 03:29118944
1Suddenly (active) Muslim Syndrome [178 words]HumanistFeb 5, 2008 04:48118944
better late than never [98 words]TajFeb 6, 2008 19:37118944
1Unfortunately Muslim (or christian, or jew or hindu or whatever) [215 words]HumanistFeb 11, 2008 06:32118944
1Devout = devoted to what? [48 words]Brian HFeb 11, 2008 16:15118944
1The Bible - The Koran [382 words]Susan BrowneFeb 12, 2008 14:17118944
yup, it's little... [39 words]TajFeb 14, 2008 22:26118944
sudden-bad-grades-syndrome... [130 words]TajFeb 14, 2008 22:47118944
1Distortion by Proportion [120 words]Brian HFeb 17, 2008 23:33118944
Devoutly adhering to Islam??? [215 words]humanistFeb 18, 2008 10:29118944
Koran + + [37 words]Brian HFeb 18, 2008 17:00118944
bad vision [109 words]TajFeb 21, 2008 17:23118944
one left field to another... [121 words]TajFeb 21, 2008 20:23118944
In the middle of center [155 words]humanistFeb 25, 2008 05:02118944
close, yet... [259 words]TajFeb 26, 2008 04:58118944
Humanist you are just being politically correct. [60 words]IndhinduFeb 19, 2011 07:32118944
1Historic case of "sudden jihad syndrome" [55 words]Alan in KansasJan 19, 2008 02:40118527
Sirhan- Sirhan was a Christian. [72 words]YnnatchkahJan 23, 2008 12:16118527
1No Christian hates Jews [50 words]Guy MacherDec 31, 2009 11:27118527
This applies to everybody [223 words]Blane BurnsJan 18, 2008 12:32118461
1Muslim Personality Disorder [124 words]donvanJan 17, 2008 12:55118389
All of them have it !! [55 words]JaladhiJan 18, 2008 09:49118389
Sweeping generalizations by the OBSES-ed [153 words]Addo EijlsumMar 19, 2008 09:27118389
Sudden jihad syndrome has it's roots in teachings of Quran!!! [304 words]JaladhiMar 27, 2008 13:36118389
It's utter nonsense to ignore the various unholy bases of Muslims' SJS [169 words]Addo EijlsumMar 31, 2008 07:31118389
UC Irvine-Letter to campus Newspaper [494 words]gary fouseJan 15, 2008 20:05118291
New phenomenon? [98 words]John CoffinJan 10, 2008 19:31117949
What is it about Islam .... [44 words]Nuke99Jan 9, 2008 11:37117795
On the other hand what's wrong with us .... [88 words]JaladhiJan 9, 2008 17:18117795
The Peacefulness of All Religions [57 words]Brian HFeb 11, 2008 22:53117795
Your estimate is modest [92 words]Archimedes2Jan 8, 2008 20:19117766
THE STAKES ARE LIFE AND DEATH [622 words]Geno M.Jan 7, 2008 19:36117690
Offended Muslim Syndrome & Self-Help Support Groups [232 words]Red SquareJan 7, 2008 16:20117674
Is Islam a Religion of Peace? [1487 words]gary fouseJan 6, 2008 22:32117623
The Peaces of Islam [88 words]Brian HFeb 3, 2008 21:32117623
Evidence of Muslim violence [122 words]RalphJul 24, 2009 16:56117623
IT'S TIME TO FOLLOW THE LEAD OF SAUDI ARABIA [421 words]Geno M.Jan 6, 2008 14:42117601
Lead, follow, or get out of the way [332 words]PDMJan 6, 2008 21:28117601
Even benign Moslems can have terrorist children [92 words]Charles MartelJan 7, 2008 11:12117601
About what you wrote [305 words]YnnatchkahJan 7, 2008 15:12117601
Sudden Jihad Syndrome & "Mental Doctor" Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) [302 words]YnnatchkahJan 6, 2008 10:18117595
Elizabeth Becton [117 words]Wade AJun 20, 2009 05:35117595

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