Nothing but 'ARAB RACISM' & 'ISLAMIC BIGOTRY' created maintains drives the 'MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT'Reader comment on item: "At War with Islamic Fascists" Submitted by Al (Switzerland), Aug 20, 2008 at 21:27 Nothing but 'ARAB RACISM' & 'ISLAMIC BIGOTRY' created maintains drives the 'MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT' Simply put, the powerful Arab Muslim majority of the middle east (convinced they "own" the place) is intolerant against the (though democratic and multi-racial, multi-culture, still it's majority of the population and official identity is) non-Arab, non-Muslim Israel. THE 1920' RACIST ATTACKS ON THE JEWS Ever since the racist Arabs and Islamic bigots started to massacre POWERLESS innocent Jews in the 1920's, it was always about intolerance, Any wonder now why the global devious Islamo Arab massive machine likes to ignore the 1920's and rather to talk about the "State of Israel" being (re-)established in 1948 as the "cause"...?Or their unwillingness to elaborate about Hitler's Mufti, the infamous Arab Muslim fascist 'spiritual' leader, that incited the pogrom on the Jews of Hebron in 1929? (the same Haj Amin Al-Husseini that led the Hitler-ist Nazi SS brigade into Serbia to commit crimes against humanity upon Serb Christians and on the Jews in the second world war, also led the 'Farhud' pogrom upon Jews in Iraq in 1941). RACIST CALLS FOR GENOCIDE ON JEWS If the earlier Arabs' wars on the Jews were marked by "let's drive them all to the sea".As then, now, Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah talks about he's so happy the Jews are gathered together in one place - Israel so it's easier to massacre them (genocide!).Or today's Palestinian Arab Muslims yearning to 'drink the blood of the Jews' and broadcast in broad day light their 'message' to 'wipe off the Jews'.In fact, the typical genocidal slogan used: 'Itbach al Yahood' = kill the Jews in Arabic, hasn't changed from the 1920's massacres on Jews until now when "Palestinians" or other Arabs march "peacefully" against Israel... THE RACISM THAT EXPELLED 850,000 JEWS FROM ARAB MUSLIM COUNTRIES - 1948 How many know the number of Jewish refugees (of 1948) forced to leave Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, North Africa, etc. with their properties robbed by their Arabian governments? Their only "crime", "reason" was of course - being Jewish. [You don't notice it today because the loving Jews took in their Jewish brethren and became part of Israel, unlike the Arabs who treated/treat their Arab 'Palestinians' always in terrible terms, those refugees called "Palestinian-refugees", is basically nothing other than a case of an all Arab fault, after the 1948 war, which was of course, initiated by Arabs, where the Arabs attacked and tried to eliminate all Jews, in which they lost, most Arabs that left were told to flee by their leaders to facilitate an all Arab attack on the newly re-established Israel in an attempt to destroy it of course, some chose cowardly to flee on their own [all those that fled to Arab "brethren" countries still suffer mistreatment until today], those that stayed, live inside Israel as equal citizens - a fact about Israel even the Arab lobby's paid ex president, the Arabist Jimmy Carter admits.Yes, an unrefuted fact, despite the high risks involved, Israel always treated Arabs better than Arabs treat their own people]. [ALL] JEWS ARE DENIED ENTRY INTO CERTAIN ARAB MUSLIM COUNTRIES AND ARABS INSIDE ISRAEL HAVE FREEDOM TO RACIALLY ATTACK ISRAEL Why are Jews denied entry into Arab Muslim countries such as: Syria and Saudi Arabia?If the reason would have been: 'they only oppose Israel' (which in itself is also, still just bigotry, but that's besides the point), why not allow non-Israeli Jews in those Arab Muslim countries?But tomorrow you will hear again about [racist] Arabs inside Israel, especially those in power in the Israeli democratic elected equal-for-all parliament, stabbing the backs of their Jews and denounce them in the most vile forms (most favorably: painting Israelis' fear of Arab terror as "racism"), on international media, especially on Arabic media.More troublesome is of course the wide dangerously-racist conduct by Israeli Arabs in aiding Arab terrorists to mass murder Jews, put it this way, no terror massacre attack on Israeli civilians could have ever been carried out without the clear assistance by the Israeli Arabs living freely inside Israel. AHAMADINEJAD'S "ISSUE" WITH ISRAEL... Could you point to me where Islamic republic of Iran's "border disputes" with Israel are at? the usual excuse the Arab 'Palestinians' are masquerading their racist anti Jewish genocide agenda with? or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's "reason" for wanting to "wipe off Israel", [or Islamic Republic's crime in massacring Jews in Argentina in the AMIA building] or why he calls for 'Death to UK, Death to US'?How more obvious of his goal to create another holocaust does he need to get, if it wasn't clear enough to us in his attempts to "deny" the first one upon the 6,000,000 Jews [that included ALL types of Jews, religious or not, Zionists or not, those with a certain ideology or those without, that included 1.5 Million kids! That unique historic crime 1939-1945 of attempting to ERASE an entire creed]?So why the reluctance [by some liberal circles] to call an Islamofascist what he really is? [Or What else do you call Bin Laden that "gives" only one option for America, Islamic conversion that is?]Another question related to the Islamic Republic, What's on the Mullahs in Tehran mind in sending it's global Mehdi army the terrorists thugs - Hezbollah, to murder for Islamism, in Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon? Is it "aching" for the "poor Palestinians" again? THE 'OCCUPATION' EXCUSE AND THE ARAB MUSLIM ATTACKS BEFORE IT 'HAPPENED'... Or the excuse of 'occupied territories' that 'occurred' in 1967 when Israelis pushed away Arab attackers and captured 'territories', So, let's see what these Arabs, the ones not called 'Palestinians' yet, such as in the years of 1920's, 1930's, 1940's, 1950's, what "drove" them all those years prior to the so called "occupation", to try to destroy Israel and 'drive them all to the sea' (genocide)? THE SAME ARAB RACISM Because 'ARAB RACISM' that hates all that is non-Arab, wether Africans, such as the largest calamity since WW 2, today's biggest genocide, the one in Sudan, where the Arab Government of Khartoum, the Arab militias the infamous deaths-squads mass-rapists villages-erasers, the 'Janjaveeds', augmented by "imported" Arabs from neighboring Nigeria and Mauritania, an all "Arab supremacist" force ganged up against the indigenous African black poor population, [spilling over into] Chad, or wether one is a Kurd, as in persecuted in totalitarian oppressive regime of Syria, or in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, no other reason why he tried genocide on them, by the same token also explained why he was so pro "Palestinian", the [typical] Arab racist had no better words to leave the world with, other than with his racist message that "all of Palestine is Arab", meaning no Jews allowed!That racism in the Arab world that persecutes the [real] indigenous of/in their lands, the Berbers, the history of trouble upon the Maronites in Lebanon, etc. And Why do you think real slavery today in age is only 'left' practiced in the Arab world? How much do you know about slavery in Mauritania? or take for example the "sex" and other types of slavery in the "kingdom" of Saudi Arabia (and in other Arab states) upon non-Arabs. (or the persecution of the Al-Ahdam and other minorities). THE SAME ISLAMIC BIGOTRY The other factor 'ISLAMIC BIGOTRY', that can't tolerate anyone that is not Muslim or not the "right kind of Muslim" (as in Shiite massacre Sunnis and vice versa in Iraq, the Islamists' war in Algeria claiming 100,000 casualties, or attacking 'moderates' in Somalia and the terrorism against the Gulf states), that bloodily attacks/attacked non Muslims in the Islamic (oppression) republic of Iran, in Afghanistan, Christians in Iraq, (Christians in Sudan - prior to current 'conflict' there), Nigeria, E. Timor, the Islamists being caught in Europe that simply want to murder Europeans [take the ones caught in Austria for example, not even an 'Iraq war' excuse can "work" there...], declared war and kills Buddhists in Thailand, Hindus in India, persecutes Arab Christians in Lebanon and among "Palestinians", that kills Jews (in Israel or in Diaspora) only for being Jewish.Let's put it this way, What goes through your mind when you read the 'often' brutal attacks by Arabs, Muslims in France or in England (for example) on Jews? is it "freedom fighting" or is it another Pallywood slogan like "fighting oppression"?Or, What did you think of the not-so-isolated cases of 'Palestinian' Muslims forcing Christians into Islam, like pointing a gun to Christian journalists 'Convert to Islam or die!' or forcing Christian Arabs in Gaza to become Muslim?Or, Is there a difference between the Paris metro bombing [1995], Bali bombing (of Australian youths in 2002), 911 WTC bombing [2001], Madrid bombing [2003], Bombing in Istanbul Turkey [2003], Bombing in Casablanca Morocco [2003], Beslan massacre of kids [2004], London bombing, [2005], multiple bombings in Mumbai, attempts to bomb the UN in Switzerland, bombings, massacres in Tel Aviv, Netanya, Jerusalem, etc.? GLOBAL ISLAMO ARAB POWER Ever wandered how come the [issue of victims of Arabs in] Darfur genocide is always subdued when bashing Israel's defense against 'Palestinian' Arab attacks are always brought up? try the ISLAMO ARAB GLOBAL [LOBBY] POWER, the bigoted power [via oil, terrorism and threatening economic power] that (oppresses Israel and) drives the UN agenda, and even has the US foreign policy in check, Could you otherwise explain how come the neo-conservative George W. Bush's foreign policy so Arabist pro-'Palestinian', his relentless efforts to establish a NEW THING, never before in history, a 'Palestine' state, for the grandchildren of Arab immigrants [immerged mainly in the 1880's] into the historic land of the Jews?The Arabs' power in pushing the 'Iraq war':After Iraq's Saddam Hussein invasion of Kuwait and threatening Saudi Arabia that brought Bush Sr. attacking Iraq in 1991, Can anyone in his right mind really deny the Arab mighty Gulf states' hands so deep in George W. Bush's invading Iraq in 2003?That's right, and you thought they only control your economy, your pocket and hold you by the 'throat' at the pump. A BIGOTRY THAT IS WILLING TO KILL IT'S OWN PEOPLE TO DEFAME ISRAEL Those cruel tactics of using it's own women and children as 'human shields' among "Palestinians" and among [Syrian-Iranian Arab Muslim militia terrorists] Hezbollah are no secrets, it demonstrates you again and again, the Arab racism & Islamic bigotry how far it will go to make sure Israel's image is damaged in world opinion, via most bloody images of injured/dead Arab kids, pointing -- of course -- to the "bad Israel". THE BLIND HATRED MASQUERATING AS 'ANTI-ZIONISM' 1) When Arabs, Muslims call to kill the "Yahood", this is exactly what it means, no more no less, but: to 'kill the Jew'.2) Everyone knows about the ultra orthodox Jews piety and their objection to Zionism, they (most of them) don't even serve in Israel's army, yet they, their distinct exclusive neighborhoods, have been targets in Arab Muslim terror attacks to massacre their kids. Even a religious anti-Zionist school [situated as far as] in Montreal Canada has been attacked [2004] by Islamic arsonists.3) Attacking Jews outside Israel, wether a journalist in Afghanistan or a Jew in Paris, or a crowd of Jews in Argentina can never be connected to a so called: "anti-Zionism" ideology. THE ANTI-SEMITISM IN THE ARAB MUSLIM WORLD When you see the overwhelming documented Anti-Semitism, hatred against ALL Jews that is, in mainstream Arab Muslim media, most evil type of cartoons (these hypocrites are the same that will call to or justify to kill for any "offensive" cartoon on their Muhammad of course) in their mainstream education instilling blind hatred upon Jews (or on Christians) you feel so overwhelmed that you can never "explain" it by just a "conflict", because it's rather the cause of this whole conflict and not the result of it. THE MUSLIM LIE REGARDING [JEWS'] JERUSALEM Since when was this never refuted historic city of the Jews a "Muslim issue"? (refreshing memories/history/facts - Israel's capital - Jerusalem was the Jews' long before Islam was invented/came about in 620, Yes, Jews' holy books are filled with Jerusalem as a hope and yearning for it's rebuilding, but no! the Muslims' book, the Koran never mentions Jerusalem! nor was Muhammad ever in Israel, Jerusalem) It was only the late 'Palestinian' leader, the Egyptian born "turned Palestinian" (another epitome of "indigenous Palestinian" myth) Yasser Arafat, (the notorious liar thief who stole the money from his own population and) rose the Islamic world to the 'Palestinian' case as an 'Islamic' cause, jumped on the wagon of Jerusalem to sell it well to the Islamic bigotry, an empowered weapon yet, how to de-legitimize Jews from their holy places. MAKE A LIST OF THE SO CALLED "ISSUES" THAT ALWAYS TRIED TO COVER THEIR TRUE FACE OF BIGOTRY So, first it was the massacres of the 1920's, without any excuse, then came an excuse of Israel as a state (what's really wrong with that other than not being an Arab Muslim, AKA an 'outsider'?), then after attacking Israel again & again they lost the 1967 war, due to their loss they brought upon themselves an "occupation" or "occupied territories", now they want Jerusalem as well (Why not? Since Israel is always willing to give...), truth is however, that when "Palestinians" [extremists or moderates] talk among themselves referring to "occupation", they mean 'ALL OF ISRAEL' for themselves, that's really their ultimate goal, in other words "no place for Jews there"! ISLAMIC APARTHEID VS PLURALISTIC ISRAEL Oh! wait, also among their "issues", in their bombastic Pallywoody language, they dare define the security checkpoints, (you know those that you have in the airport and in other crowded places to check you out for metals and bombing devices?) as "apartheid" or "oppression", imagine that! when the real Apartheid is practiced of course all over the Muslim world against non Muslims or even against women, trust me! you don't want to be a Christian in Saudi Arabia or in Gaza, or better yet, see the open vibrant lives of Muslims inside pluralistic Israel and (apart from some pockets in Tunisia/Morocco) see no more Jewish life in the Arab-Islamic Apartheid world!. NEVER 'WHAT ISRAEL DOES' BUT THE VERY EXISTANCE OF ISRAEL IS NEVER ACCEPTED Could you count the countless gestures Israel always did/does with the Arab-'Palestinians'? I can't.But take a look at one particular case, at the aftermath of an historic uprooting of Jewish families from Gush Katif in the Gaza peninsula [2005], Do you imagine an uproar at any nation if such a drastic step would be taking?And what did Israel really "get" from all of this [immense sacrifice for peace sake] from the bigoted Arab world?Did any Arab state come forward and denounced the racist years long boycott of the 'Jewish' state? or had the guts to establish relation with Israel, Heck! not even having the minimum of decency shedding it's arrogant racism and "giving" Israel the minimum which every nation has, the right-to-exist!Never mind the very recipients of Israel's give-away, the Arab 'Palestinians' themselves, what did they then or ever 'give' for peace sake? On the contrary, as a result the Islamic [more] extremis t terrorist Hamas only grew and won Gaza by popular vote from mainstream 'Palestinian' Muslims. NO RACISM, NO CONFLICT! As long as the arrogant Arab Muslim world continues to "believe" that the middle east "belongs" only to them, will not change their evil fascism to 'accept' the non Arab non Muslim 'entity' in the middle east [we are not talking nearly as much as Israeli Arabs are accepted in Israel's democracy and are often first class citizens over Jews especially in land cases plus they are not obligated to serve in Israel's army, like other Israeli citizens do, yet have all the rights], no "concession" by the good guy Israel (the only side that always feels "guilty" and sacrifices for peace, When was the last time Arabs gave anything to the Jews? or, Is there a Jew allowed to live on ETHNIC CLEANSED "Palestinian" territories 'Judenrein-Palestine'!, while Arabs make up 20-25% of multi-racial tolerant democratic Israel's population? now, do you still need a better example of Good vs Evil?) will really 'change' anything in reality. SAY IT OUT LOUD! ISRAEL - THE CLASSIC VICTIM OF BOTH 'ARAB RACISM' & 'ISLAMIC BIGOTRY' Clearly, Israel, Jews are not the only victims of 'Arab racism' & 'Islamic Bigotry', but -- most probably -- there's no better classic victim of these evil forces, in dealing with a problem you better define it, yes, the "conflict" is nothing but intolerance!How many such clear sane announcements have you been exposed to?Why the PC of so much confusion and dancing around the subject?For any real peace visions, you must include this problem to be recognized at and plans to CHANGE it, rather to root it out!! ELIMINATE ISLAMIC BIGOTRY = A VISION FOR WORLD PEACE I HAVE A DREAM...With that dream of Arab-Muslims changing their bigotry to tolerance, hatred & rejection to understanding & acceptance, not just the middle east conflict would then vanish, take a good look around and tell me, just about how many onflicts all around the world are not related to Islamic bigotry?Because the key to world peace [today] or world war is in Muslims' (mainstream and leadership) hands only!But until you won't see disappearing the dark cult of hatred being instilled into young minds such as, that 'the infidel' is bad, the "apes & pigs" doctrine to be referred to Jews and Christians, glorifying Jihadi mass murderers as "heroes", and their mainstream media in a full function of demonizing & inciting rather than real reporting, all this peace vision will remain just that, a dream.
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