Our dear Gajibur the victim of Arabian imperialismReader comment on item: Islamic Economics: What Does It Mean? Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Mar 25, 2009 at 08:30 Our dear Gaj who is really a Bengali via in England but a real wannabe Arab! go figure wrote >Hello 'Dhimmi no more' Whatever >When i told you that i was actually a Bengali and not a pakistani, you said the following:"So? And do you think that I really care? and why do you live in England? Let me guess: bangladesh (sp?) is a basket case due to islam">I didn't say you cared, i just thought your incorrect assertion that i was a pakistani should be corrected. So? and for the Nth time: and do you think I really care? >You asked me why i live in England, well i live in England because i was born there, it's as simple as that, so i didn't run away from Bangladesh as you imagine, But you can go and live there and be among other wannabe arabs and other victims of islam like you. Oh Saudi Arabia? no they will regard you there as another maskeen ... >neither is Bangladesh a 'basket case'. So why not move to bandladesh? let me guess: it is a basket case due to islam >Once again you have made assumptions about me which are wrong, you are not very good at reading people are you. Oh the Muslim ego has no limits >You also said the following:"But the Qur'an a book that you cannot read in Arabic says 'wa ma arsalna min rasulan ila bilisani qawmihi' I did not say that it is your Allah says that in Arabic a language that you cannot read speak or write Do you know what this means? It means that Muhammad the Arabian warlord and caravan raider was only sent to his qawm the hijazi Arabs".I notice that you haven't given the reference for this verse, You need to ask your Mullah to tell you what it says. Oh wait your Mulllah does not speak read or write Arabic like you. Right? So let me help you it is Q14:4 mr ignorant and if you need more evidence that the Qur'an says that Muhammad the Arabain warlrod and caravan raider was sent only to his qawm (oh the word Qawm? you know by now that I do not translate arabic for wannabe arabs like you) and he was therefore was sent to your Hindu ancestors because he did not seak Bangali > why don't you give the reference. Q14:4 and now you either put up or shut up >The truth is there is no verse in the Qur'an which says the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) was only sent to the Hijazi Arabs. Let me repeat it one more time: wa ma arsalna min rasulan ila bilisani waqmihi and it does not say wa arsalna muhammad li ahl gajihur al-hidusiyuun Oh the Arabic? you know by now that i do not translate arabic for wannabe arabs like you > Like many of your fellow non-muslims you have resorted to spreading lies about Islam in order to win arguments. Contrary to your claim, "Lies" really? I only tell you what your Muslim sources that you cannot read in Arabic say. You? you have to depend on a translation right? > the Quran says the following regarding the prophet Muhammad's mission:YUSUF ALI TRANSLATION: Yusuf Ali's translation? what a joke. Ali was a wannabe arab... just like you and his translation is poor and hod come you did not know that? >Say: "O men! I am sent unto you all, as the Messenger of Allah, to Whom belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth: there is no god but He: it is He That giveth both life and death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believeth in Allah and His words: follow him that (so) ye may be guided." (Qur'an Surah 7 verse 158) Well let us see what it says: Qul ya ayuha al-nass ini rasul allah ilyaykum jami3an Oh: say O people I am the prophet of Allah to you all 1. I do not see the name of muhammad here. You see Allah also spoke to me via an angel called Gabriel. And yes I have a book for you. Do you think that the rasul Allah is this aya is me? what do you think? 2. If the aya would have said: qul ya ayuha al-nass fi kul al-3alam ini rasul allah ilaykum jami3an you would have had case but this is not what the aya says Oh fi kul al-3alam? I do not translate arabic for wannabe Arabs like you 3. And here is your bonus for today: the word ALNAS was edited by the ulama by adding a shadda and a fatha above the nuun and a damma above the seen and so much for the unedited Qur'an >YUSUF ALI TRANSLATION: Oh Yusuf Ali's translation again. Oh I forgot you cannot read write or speak Arabic >O Mankind! The Messenger hath come to you in truth from Allah: believe in him: It is best for you. But if ye reject Faith, to Allah belong all things in the heavens and on earth: And Allah is All-knowing, All-wise. (Qur'an, Surah 4 verse 170) Surah? ROTFL it is sura and let us see what it says ya ayuha al-nassu qad jaa'kum al-rasul bi al-haq or O people the messenger has come to you with the truth so this begs the following questions: 1. Do you see the name of Muhammad here? I do not see it 2. Allah spoke to me too do you think that Allah is talking about me? 3. And i do not see anything about Islam after all your Allah also says that the injiil and the tawrah are the turth so do you think that may be this aya is talking about other prophets (sic) of Allah like Moses or jesus? what do you think ya ayuha al-falyasoof al-kabeer? 4. If the aya would have said: ya ayuha al-bashr (mankind) qad jaa'kum muhammad aw abul qasim al-rasul bi deen al-islam you would have case but this is not what the aya says 5. And here is your bonus for today: the word ALRSUL was edited by the ulama by adding a shadda and a fatha above the reh and a damma above the seen and a sukun above the waw and a damma above the lam. So much for the unedited Qur'an 6. But your allah says: wa ma arsalna min rasulan ila bilisani qawmihi so how do you explain that?could it be a case of the fuuny al-nasikh wa al-mansukh? what do you think? >YUSUF ALI TRANSLATION: We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not. (Qur'an, Surah34 verse 28 ) 1. So where would I find the name of muhammad is this aya? 2. Where would i find ina muhammad al-rasul inahu rasulan 3amman (universal) you will not find it 3. "to men"? so where would I find ila al-rijal you will not find it. See what happens when you depend on a translation by another wannabe arab like you? So you claim so far is bogus >I have used the famous Yusuf Ali translation so that you can't claim i am using faulty translations. "famous" really? For the readers Yusuf Ali's translation is a poor and tendentious and discredited translation > The Qur'an also says about Muhammad:"We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures(Alameen)." (Qur'an, Surah 21 verse 107) Oh I knew this one was coming wa ma arsalnaka ila rahmatan lil 3alameen 1. It is aya as there is no letter hah or letter heh at the end of the word it is a teh marbouta 2. where would i find the name of muhammad in the above aya?you will not find it and how do you know that Allah is not talking about me after all he spoke to me too via an angel and if you can believe Muhammad then why not me? 3. And where does it say that Muhammad was sent as a prophet for all of mankind? it does not say that it says rahma and not rasul 4. "For all ceartures"? really? the word al-3alameen means the peoples the creatures means al-makhluqat! See what happens when you quote a poor translation?and was Muhammad also sent as a prophet for the rats and the pigs too? they are also creatures after all 5. Now if your Allah would have said: wa ma arsalnaka ila rasulan li kul al-bashar fi kul al-3alam you would have a case but his is not what the aya says >So as you can see from the above quranic verses the prophet Muhammad was sent as a messenger to the whole of mankind, and sent to the whole of creation as a mercy. Really? then how do you explain Q14:4? > Also the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) himself said:"Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation exclusively but I have been sent to all mankind" ( Bukhari Vol. 1, No. 429)and he also said:".....I have been sent to all mankind; And the line of Prophets is closed with me." (Sahih Muslim Number 1062) I do not do al-hadith after reading the hadith about "rada3at al-kabeer" there is no reason for you or for me to believe anything in the hadith 'Dhimmi no more' you also said the following:"so who was the prophet (among the 120000 prophets, that your Arabian Allah sent) that was sent to your Hindu ancestors? let me guess: Rama or is it ganesh because he ain't Muhammad! So do you think we should tell all the non Hijazi Arabs that are victims of islam like you they should not be Muslims because this is what the Qur'an says?" >Actually every nation has had messengers sent to them including my ancestors. And the prophet muhammad was the final messenger meant for the whole of mankind, So where does it say that in the Qur'an? > so i don't need to tell 'non hijazi arabs' anything. The abandon islam and be free again >'Dhimmi no more' you said:"Oh the Arabic? no I do not translate Arabic for wannabe arabs like you" Actually i couldn't care less about the things you have written in Arabic, so i wouldn't have asked you for a translation anyway. And why are you writing in Arabic in the first place, You care this is why you reponded >are you a wannabe arab lol. And finally you said: gobbeldygook ."...abandon islam that brutalized your Hindu ancestors and be free again and learn more about your own culture and heritage and stop being a wannabe Aarb" You keep going on about my Hindu ancestors, are you Hindu or something. I have my own mind and i am a muslim by choice, i would never convert to Hinduism, islam is far superior. I urge you to abandon islam and be free again
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