Our dear gaj who is not an Arab pontificates about a language that he cannot speak read or write! Go figureReader comment on item: Islamic Economics: What Does It Mean? Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Apr 25, 2009 at 08:43 For the readers: read and enjoy > Dhimmi no more' when i provided the above quranic verse, you said: Oh I'm waiting for this one Our dear Gaj who is really another victim of the arabs and their imperialism is now pontificating about a language that he cannot read speak or write. Go figure >"Well let us see what it says:Qul ya ayuha al-nass ini rasul allah ilyaykum jami3anOh: say O people I am the prophet of Allah to you all" Oh for the readers notice that our dear Gaj who knows no Arabic will pick up a word that he knows and that is rasul. Oh the rest of the transliterated Arabic? He has no clue >Lol, And LOL to you too >you keep boasting that you know Arabic, but even i can see your translation is flawed. Really? where? I can read speak and write Arabic! You? you are clueless >The Arabic word "rasul" in Surah 7 verse 158 ROTFL Bengali/Urdu/Pakistani Arabic repeat after me the word is sura and there is no letter hah or heh at the end of the word and you need to stick to Urdu or is it Bengali > should be translated as "Messenger", Really? Well let me see: could you tell us what it says in ma3jam wa qamoos Lisan al-3Arab (Ibn Manzur) about the word RSUL? Oh there is no short vowels for you today For the readers the Arabic word rasul is from the Arabic language root RSL (as in send and see HW dictionary pages 338-339) and it inclues the stem for mursal or he who was sent (Q7:75) and the word rasul really means apostole/prophet as Allah sends a mursal and this mursal is a prophet and more later. Now the word messenger in secular Arabic is really sa3i and Muhammad was not a sa3i of Allah he was an apostole/prophet of Allah which means that the word rasul means prophet Now in the Muslim masora of the words nabi v. rasul I urge the readers to check Suyuti's exegesis in Itiqan of the two words and also see Zamakhshari's tafseer/ta'weel in al-kashshaf and here are the facts: 1. The word Nabi is reserved for Biblical prophets in the layer of al-isra'eeliyat in the Qur'an 2. The prophets of the Arabs are really rusul (p of rasul) but a Biblical nabi is also a rasul as he was sent by god 3. In Quranic 7:157-158 al-rasul al-nabi al-ummi should be read as the prophet/apostole/mursal (that belongs to the Arabs line of prophets) the prophet (or Nabi therefore he belongs to the Biblical line of prophets) the gentile (or Non Jewish) Notice that the word ummi does not mean uneducated. It is from Hebrew ummot ha"olam (also 'am ha-ares or common folk ) or Arabic ummiyyun (Q2:78) or gentiles or non Jewish >but you have incorrectly translated it as "prophet" . Really? Incorrect? well then it is you that have to prove that it is incorrect and the following will be accepted as evidence: 1. Ma3jam wa qamoos Lisan al-3Arab by Ibn Manzur 2. The muslim masora of the words nabi and rasul The following would not be accepted as evidence: 1. wikipedia 2. Muslim and Pakistani tendentious web sites 3. I Gaj that knows no Arabic say so 4. Zakir Naik said 5. My Mullah told me so > The Arabic word for prophet is "nabi", Mr ignorant the word Nabi is not an Arabic wrod it is a loan word from Hebrew for prophet and it means in the Muslim masora "one who is sent by god (mursal) and who speaks by divine inspiration" which means that a rasul is also a nabi. Right mr demagogue? And if you ask your Arab masters what does the word rasul mean? the answer is going to be he is not a sa3i (messneger) as a rasul is really a nabi. Now did you get it? >even i know that, so much for your great knowledge of Arabic, lol. You need to stick to urdu or is it bengali. Shame on you >There is a difference between a "Nabi" and a "Rasul", Really? then what is it?Let me guess: you have no clue > so it's important that you translate these words properly. So what is the difference mr demagogue? Well I helped you so far. Hint: a nabi is a Biblical prophet and how dare you pontificate about a language that you cannot reas speak or write? >You're probably thinking 'why has he bothered to correct my translation', I just thought i should correct your poor translation of this verse since you're always boasting about how you know Arabic. Shame on you for pontificating about Arabic and you did not even realize that you should know Hebrew and so much for the Qur'an that is written bi 3arabi faseeh >' Dhimmi no more' you said:"Allah spoke to me too do you think that Allah is talking about me?">No, because he didn't speak to you, Well then how do you know that he spoke to Muhammad? were you there? >and if God has spoken to you can you tell me what my date of birth is and also what my mobile number is, Oh so let me see: where would I find in the Qur'an a book that you cannot read in Arabic Qul ya Muhammad ina al-ustadh Gaj tarikh wildatuhu kan fi abgad hawas wa raqm al-mobile huti kalamoon You will not find it in the Qur'an I know he did not tell Muhammad about neither your date of birth or your phone number so why should you except him to tell me? > if you can speak to God then this information should be easy for you to obtain. He did not tell Muhammad right? then why should he tell me? But again the Muslim ego has no limits. So you think that you are important our dear Gaj? your Allah would not even understand you when you pray to him. The poor guy only knows Arabic >If you tell me what my date of birth is and what my mobile number is i will leave Islam and start following you. Sorry our dear Gaj Allah and I talk about interesting and more important stuff. You? You are a nothing but wait: you sound like the hypocrites of Mecca that did not believe Muhammad's claim that Allah spoke to him remember? >" And i do not see anything about Islam after all your Allah also says that the injiil and the tawrah are the turth so do you think that may be this aya is talking about other prophets (sic) of Allah like Moses or jesus? what do you think ya ayuha al-falyasoof al-kabeer"Why would Allah be talking about Moses or Jesus (peace be upon them), But your Allah talks about them ad nausem. So do you think that Allah was talking about Jesus or Moses? >the Qur'an was revealed centuries after Moses had died, and centuries after Jesus, plus the Qur'an was not revealed to Moses or Jesus but was revealed to prophet Muhammad(pbuh) Really? were you there? And why would you not believe me when i say that Allah aslo spoke to me too and I have a book for you after all you believe that Allah spoke to an Arabian warlord and caravan raider (and you were not even there) and I'm not even an Arabian warlord or caravan raider . So you do not believe me because your Allah did not provide me with the date of your birth or your cell number? Muhammad would have called you a munafiq! so are you a munafiq our dear Gaj? >, so Allah is referring to him, just as the tafsirs say. Your poor logic amazes me. 'Dhimmi no more' you said: gobbledygook "I do not do al-hadith after reading the hadith about "rada3at al-kabeer" there is no reason for you or for me to believe anything in the hadith"How convenient that you "do not do al-hadith", Oh you did not know what is this rida3at al-kabeer tradition did you? and you think that I ddi not notice? so what am I talking about? so what is rida3at al-kabeer mr demagogue? let me guess you have no clue > you only reject hadith because the hadith clearly mention the fact that the prophet Muhammad was sent for the whole of mankind, you don't fool me with your cheap excuses. Why should I believe the hadith when we have the big fadiha (oh I do not translate Arabic for wannabe arabs like you) of rida3at al-kabeer and shurb bool al-ba3eer so do you drink camle's urine when you are sick our dear Gaj and as we cannot get some of bool al-rasul would bool al-ba3eer do? and would you allow your wife to breast feed an adult not once but 5 times? The hadith is bogus And you know what? you cannot even reconstruct the life of Muhammad by reading the Quran that opaque revelation alone and this is why we have this bogus hadith >And who cares if you "do not do al-hadith", the fact remains that the muslims all over the world accept hadith. All muslims know that Islam is taken from the Qur'an and Sunnah (Authentic hadith), Well rida3at al-kabeer is a hadith sahih and we are told that babbling 3A'isha tells us that it was supposed to be a whole sura (oh another laon word from Syriac and Hebrew) but wait we are also told that a hungry goat ate the palm leaf upon which this little gem was written and this is why we do not have it in the Qur'an. So did a hungry goat eat your Allah's words? >so who cares if a non-muslim like yourself doesn't accept hadith. Do you think the whole muslim world should follow your opinion and reject the hadith just because you say so, Keep dreaming. Hello: many of your masters the Arabs realize that the hadith is bogus >I said: No you wrote "Actually every nation has had messengers sent to them including my ancestors. And the prophet muhammad was the final messenger meant for the whole of mankind"You replied:So where does it say that in the Qur'an?"The Qur'an clearly says that prophets were sent to every nation, and here is the verse which mentions this:And verily We have raised in every nation a messenger, (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods. Then some of them (were those) whom Allah guided, and some of them (were those) upon whom error had just hold. Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for the deniers!(Qur'an Surah 16 verse 36) So where would i find in the above aya ina Muhammad rsaulan li ahl Gaj al-hindusiyuun You will not find it but you will find wa ma arsalna min rasulan ila bilisani qawmihi Your claim is bogus '>Dhimmi no more' you have failed to prove that Islam teaches the prophet Muhammad(pbuh) was only sent to the Hijazi arabs. Really? then you disagee with your Allah that says wa ma arsalna min rasulan ila bilisani qawmihi > I urge you to learn Islam from Muslims and not non-muslims. But wait: You Allah says in the Qur'an a book that you cannot read in Arabic that he guides whom ever he wants. So how can we get Allah to change his mind? do you have his cell number? Oh I will do the talking as the poor guy does not know any other language but Arabic. And do you know what? by you asking us to become Muslims you are working agaist your Allah's little al-qada' wa a-qadr doctrine so do you disagree with your Allah? >I also urge you to embrace Islam for your own good, Really? But again your Allah does not want me to do so based on the doctrine of al-qawa' wa al-qadr. So how can we get him to change his mind? >don't let your hatred for muslims be the reason No one hate you. We feel sorry for you and I urge you to abandon the religion of the Arabs and be free again from their imperialism >why you end up in hell. Oh does Allah provide 72 virgins in his little hell?and i like my wine chilled so what do we do about it? >Peace Get a life
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