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Reader comment on item: "Jewish" - Not the Same as "Pro-Israel"
in response to reader comment: What bogus sources are you getting your info from I wonder

Submitted by ayah (Saudi Arabia), Sep 23, 2009 at 01:07

I apologize if I have offeneded you in any way ,that was not my intention, I guess you were right . my comment was really brief and unprofessional ,However it has nothing to do with a local imam or a fanatic .that is just a lame stereotype that you created from the media, the very same thing you accused me of.everything I wrote in the previous comment though brief I have read about documents written by well known western journalists that verfiied it .I explain that in the following:

1-I am not going to challenge what you said regarding the sabra and shatila massacres but claiming that the IDF was clueless about the phalangists plans is plain naive as " during the 1982 invasion of lebanon that was supposedly carried out to clean out the plo fighters in lebanon .the US sponsored a cease-fire in August ,under which the plo fighters agreed to leave for tunis ,Israel agreed not to move further into Beirut ,Two days after the plo fighters left ,Israeli troops surrounded the PALESTINIAN refugee camps south of Beirut .on september 14 after the assassination of Bashir Gemayel ,the israeli army broke its agreement with the Us and reoccupied west beirut .Israel sealed off the refugee camps and Israeli and Israeli leadrers including Ariel sharon invited right -wing Lebanese phalangists,south Lebanon army militias ,LONG ALLIED WITH ISRAEL to"clean out" alleged PlO fighters from the sabra and shatila camps on sept 16 as the israeili soldiers lit the skys with flares to light their way" .The previous was a part of an essay that was written by a journalist named Phyllis Bennis which was published in a book called"The war on Lebanon in 2006". Besides ,when you say that ariel sharon was forced to resign as a defense minister at the time but remained in the cabinet as minister without portfolio and then he was elected as prime minister in 2001,,,,,How on earth do you think this is an appropriate punishment or in any way respectful to the victims ?

2-You claimed that the separation wall was justified,but in reality it was a program backed by the us inorder to undermine the realization of palestinian national rights.the program of the "disengagement " from Gaza and the "convergence" in the west bank-in western rehtoric ,Ehud Olmert's courageous program of withdrawal from the occupied terroteries ,the reality is quite diffrent. The Gaza dissengagement was openly anounced as a west bank expansion plan.Having turned Gaza into a disaster area ,sane israeli hawks realized that there was no point leaving afew thousand settlers taking the best land and scarce resources,protected by a large part of the IDF .It made more sense to send them to the west Bank and Golan Heights(the syrian occupied lands since 1976) where new settlements programs were announced while turning Gaza into" the worlds largest prison " as israeli human rights groups accurately call it.WestBank convergence formalizes these programs of annexation ,cantonization,and improsinment .with decisive US support ,Israel is annexing valuable lands and the most important resources of the West Bank(primarily water), while carrying out settlement and infrastructure projects that divide the shrinking palestinian territories into unviable cantons ,virtually seperated from one another and from whatever pitiful corner of jerusalem will be left to the palestinians .all of these programs are recognized to be illegal in violation of numerous security council resolutions and the unanimous decision of the world court that any part of the "separation wall " "that is built to defend " the settlements is"ipso facto" illegal (US justice buergenthal in a separate declaration).Hence, about 80 ton 85% of the wall is illegal .

3-As for the Qana massacres ,in the war of 2006 the assault on the lebanese town of Qana on july 30 weeks into the war forced then secertary of state Rice to call for a cease fire. The attack on Qana returned to stark reality the decade-long memory that was begining to fade in much of the world but not in the hearts of the lebanese peaple.In 1996 the israeli air force attacked a UN peace- keeping center at Qana a small lebanese village in the south.The center was a long-established headquarters for UNIFL,the UN's observer force in place since israel's illegal occupation of southern lebanon began in 1978 its mandate was to confirm the immediate israeli withdrawal demanded by security council resolution 425.But Israel had actually expanded its occupation through southern lebanon,UNIFL had been unable to do more than monitor Israel's continued occupation and by 1996 Qana was a well known UNifl headquarters.In August 1996 hundreds of lebanese refugees most of them women,childrenand old people took refuge at the center hoping it would keep them safe from the bombardment.Instead ,the israeli air force attacked the UN center killing more than 100 Lebanese civilians and wounding several Fijian peacekeepers serving with the UNIFL.Israeli officials claimed the massacre to be "an unfortunate mistake".UN secretary General Boutrous Boutrous Ghali comissioned an investigative report.when the report was completed but before it was publicly issued it contained evidence of the presence of the israeli drone surveillence plane in the immediate area during the airstrikes thus rebutting the israeli claim that it was just an accident.The US went through alot of efforts to hide the Information but Boutrous Ghali refused to comply which is why he was denid a second term at the UN.

-I just want to say that i DONT ADVOCATE HATE if i gave that message I am deeply sorry .But I cant see and witness this amount of injustice and just keep silent.

my previous comment was actually meant in response to another comment called my christian upbringing made me a christian zionist , but I think a mistake has occurred .


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Reader comments (78) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
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Zionist now the 'PC' word for Jew [228 words]AndyOct 25, 2009 01:17163531
ZIONISM = NATIONALISM [174 words]JohnNov 6, 2009 17:54163531
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Jewish Christian? [3087 words]Martin HoranNov 24, 2009 20:50162115
bnp member [204 words]jamesOct 12, 2011 20:10162115
James and Churchill. [197 words]Martin HoranOct 14, 2011 19:29162115
Mr Pipes is right on..trying to make peace with a "crocodile" only gets your arm chopped off as you try to pet him. [117 words]Ben ZalmanSep 21, 2009 13:02161848
It's our Jewish youth that worries me. My Grandson didnt even know what "Zionism" means! [80 words]Ben ZalmanSep 21, 2009 12:48161847
I have changed my opinion over the years [636 words]sigmundSep 20, 2009 16:09161803
Liberalism as Religious Faith [177 words]Fay VoshellSep 8, 2009 13:53161264
Becoming very weary of Anglo Jews in the Democrat Party [129 words]James B from CanadaSep 15, 2009 13:53161264
James, unfortunately you forgot some major self hating players [185 words]saraSep 15, 2009 18:02161264
Good Jew = Good Liberal ( but not when it comes to business) [162 words]James B from CanadaSep 16, 2009 08:05161264
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I am pro-Israel, but I am not a Zionist. [122 words]Marc FeldmanOct 20, 2009 18:48161199
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Never prouder to be a Jewish Zionist [11 words]Jon KleinmanSep 20, 2009 20:04160947
Are all supporters of Israel Zionists? [205 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
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Zionism should be historical. Call it Israeli nationalism or simply Pro-Israel. [139 words]Marc FeldmanOct 22, 2009 18:52160744
Allah against the Palestinians and muslims [64 words]Christian MohamadAug 24, 2009 17:10160600
1Sorry Christian Mohamad... [124 words]DillahSep 20, 2009 16:16160600
Beheadings [124 words]Christian MohamadSep 23, 2009 08:11160600
Yes and he also said... [22 words]LynnSep 23, 2009 10:17160600
imams Were able to fool the Muslims and non muslims [189 words]01SpSep 29, 2009 08:25160600
In Response to Christian Mohamad [918 words]DillahOct 8, 2009 00:37160600
European Koran [316 words]Krisitian MohammedOct 9, 2009 01:42160600
You can't erase the past. [197 words]LynnOct 12, 2009 12:42160600
which Mohammad you are talking about ? [43 words]New QuranOct 14, 2009 00:10160600
New Quran [428 words]LynnOct 20, 2009 09:13160600
RE: to Krisitian Mohamad [303 words]DillahNov 11, 2009 19:17160600
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A Spiritual Divide [251 words]Fay VoshellAug 24, 2009 10:54160590
??? [26 words]PavaAug 24, 2009 00:01160574
Clarifying definitions [146 words]Rebecca MouldsAug 21, 2009 09:34160490
Agree Rebecca- regarding Christian Zionists. [132 words]YnnatchkahAug 23, 2009 02:53160490
You Know Nothing About Christian Zionists [106 words]LogiconSep 3, 2009 09:59160490
Really??? [35 words]Rebecca MouldsSep 4, 2009 17:54160490
To Clarify [91 words]Michele EzellSep 4, 2009 21:04160490
References [29 words]Michele EzellSep 26, 2009 00:48160490
Zionism is not Judaism [41 words]Franz von FearAug 21, 2009 03:27160483
"Jews are adherents of a faith, not a political movement-"quote from your column [65 words]David ZoharAug 20, 2009 02:06160449
Jewish not the same as Pro-Israel [74 words]Yitzhak FiersteinAug 20, 2009 01:22160447
Note the Jews in the US congress. [180 words]M.D.Aug 19, 2009 17:37160435
1Tell it to the pro-Palestinians [72 words]Cheryl MAug 19, 2009 16:03160428
non-Christian Zionists [98 words]Anne JulienneAug 19, 2009 15:39160423
Zionism is not Judaism [64 words]Franz von FearAug 19, 2009 15:00160422
Are Kadima and Labour "Pro-Israel?" [48 words]
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Zionism and Judaism [97 words]Stefan MarcusAug 19, 2009 14:03160419
Zionism [55 words]Janusz KowealikAug 19, 2009 13:43160415
Our enemies usually don't discriminate between Jewish Zionists and Jewish Israel bashers [639 words]Ken BesigAug 19, 2009 09:39160410
Our enemies usually don't discriminate [142 words]sheik Yer'MamiAug 19, 2009 23:26160410
must take exception to one statement, "Jews are adherents of a faith, not a political movement" -- [37 words]MarkAug 19, 2009 09:24160409
Being Jewish is not synonymous with being Zionist [135 words]Margalit ShinarAug 19, 2009 07:10160403
Islamist "love" for Jews. [156 words]GenivaldoAug 18, 2009 17:50160376
Who is a Zionist? [103 words]Isaac FlaksAug 18, 2009 10:06160361
Who is a Zionist - Indeed! [489 words]M. ToveySep 3, 2009 19:04160361
Remember. [355 words]LynnAug 18, 2009 09:43160360
Interesting comment on Jews [97 words]
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But aren't you . . . ? [116 words]RebekahAug 18, 2009 08:46160358
My Christian upbringing makes me a Christian Zionist ! [244 words]Phil GreendAug 17, 2009 23:31160341
I am not sure what the non-zionist Jews want or expect Israel to do. [27 words]Abu NudnikAug 19, 2009 13:44160341
the real israel [186 words]ayahSep 21, 2009 18:42160341
What bogus sources are you getting your info from I wonder [658 words]saraSep 22, 2009 18:38160341
An explanation to my views [960 words]ayahSep 23, 2009 01:07160341
Christian Zionism Requires Full Understanding of the Hebrew Holy Bible [521 words]M. ToveySep 23, 2009 17:02160341

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