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From the Israeli who's never been to Israel

Reader comment on item: When Obama Meets Netanyahu
in response to reader comment: To Mr. Jeff Israeli

Submitted by Jeff (United States), Apr 6, 2010 at 12:40

Mr. Banerjee,

I didn't know I was an Israeli, thanks for that. Actually, I've lived my whole life in the USA, and have never been to Israel. But thanks for the compliment. But, sorry, I have never read a book handed out by the CIA or Mossad. And I think the Copts are very sad and angry when Muslim mobs routinely destroy their churches, murder them and kidnap their daughters and forcibly convert them to Islam.

The US did not put Mubarak into power. Are you proposing the US remove him, like we did Saddam Hussein? As I recall, the USA did not put Abdel Nassar or Anwar Sadat into power, either. As I've mentioned before, if we try to do business with Islamic governments, then we're propping up dictators; if we remove any, even the most genocidal one, then we're crusader infidels. Which do you prefer? I'm not sure how the USA could possibly force free and fair elections to occur in Egypt or anyplace else. Maybe India should give it a try.

India only imports oil from other democracies, so as not to prop up dictators, do I have that right?

I don't have to show you proof of anything. The simple truth is, we here in the USA have an elected, representative government, which we complain about endlessly without any us being imprisoned or murdered. We call our President a liar and worse, and remain free. We have an independent judiciary and a free press. In other words, a democracy. You can choose to believe, or not believe, the above, it's all the same to me.

Details of American aid to Egypt, Israel and other countries are readily available on the web, Mr. Banerjee, you don't need me to list it for you. I'd be interested to learn about India's foreign aid program, though.

Yes, American Indians lost the wars of hundreds of years ago, and now live with all the rights of US citizenship, or can choose to live in their own sovereign states under their own laws. Very different from the losers of an Islamic conquest, isn't it?

I'm a bit surprised you would bring up the subject of slavery, in view of the millions of African slaves Muslim slave traders imported into the middle east for hundreds of years, and the thousands of Europeans kidnapped by Muslims, who were transported and sold into slavery in the middle east in the 17 and 1800's. The USA outlawed slavery in 1863. Some US states outlawed slavery 80 or so years prior to that. Compare that to Saudi Arabia, which outlawed slavery in 1962 (ostensibly, at least) under pressure from the USA. Imams there rail against the abolition of slavery; why is that, Mr. Banerjee? Because slavery is still legal under the perfect and unchanging sharia. While you worry about what happened in the USA over 150 years ago, when, at its height, about 1.4% of Americans held slaves, slavery still exists today in Islamic countries, like Mauritania and Sudan. Does that worry you? I suspect not.

The My Lai massacre was described in American newspapers (that 'Zionist press') and resulted in a military court martial and a prison sentence. You still have forgotten to answer my simple question, how many prison guards in Islamic countries have been tried and sentenced for any of the thousands of murders that routinely occur in prisons there?

Oh, and of course, Hiroshima. Well that proves, once and for all, the USA is not a democracy. You really are quite a historian, Mr. Banerjee, however, the USA did not, as you imply, just decide for fun one day to drop atomic bombs someplace and randomly pick a couple of cities in Japan. There was a series of events leading up to Hiroshima, of which you are strangely ignorant, events generally referred to as World War II. Japan attacked the USA. Japan attacked China, Korea, the Philippines, Southeast Asia, Burma. They had to be stopped. Ask a Chinese if he or she thinks Japan had to be stopped. The Japanese army killed more people in one week in Nanjing, China with bullets, knives and flames than were killed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. (An event that doesn't seem to bother you any.) Ask a Korean if the Japanese had to be stopped. The entire Korean peninsula was turned in to one huge slave labor camp, from which slaves were exported, never to return, to the expanding Japanese empire. (Another event that doesn't seem bother you any.) The air attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, tragic as they were, were done to eliminate the need of a full-scale invasion of Japan, which would have cost many more lives on both sides than did the bombings. After the war we stayed temporarily and helped to rebuild Japan's infrastructure and economy, and instituted a democratic government. We didn't stay, we didn't conquer, we didn't force anyone to convert to Christianity, nor did we levy extra taxes and burdensome rules on non-Christians. (Not quite like an Islamic conquest, was it?) Why is it I never hear complaints like yours from Japanese people? Why are the USA and Japan such good friends, now and since only a few years after they attacked us and used our POW's for bayonet practice? Why is it, every time I am in Japan, I enjoy the warm hospitality of my Japanese friends and colleagues, and look forward to returning the favor when they visit the USA? Meanwhile, Muslims still whine about wars of a thousand years ago. You could learn a lot from the Japanese and us, Mr. Banerjee. But I doubt you will.


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Reader comments (103) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Obama's Nuclear Summit [14 words]Howard CapitoApr 15, 2010 09:30171340
Logic and Obama [196 words]HomefrontApr 14, 2010 19:31171320
article Jerusalem Post: Silver Lining in Israel's Predicament [130 words]w. gaskillApr 14, 2010 09:28171309
I hope the US and its allies can survive one-term Obama [38 words]Screw HusseinApr 9, 2010 07:52171118
From your mouth to God's Ear [51 words]Susan BrowneApr 11, 2010 23:42171118
Democrat propogation [56 words]HomefrontApr 14, 2010 19:37171118
Middle East Needs No R.S.V.P. to the Impending Collapse of Peace There - Unfortunately, Israel Needs Only to Wait [286 words]M. ToveyApr 8, 2010 19:30171098
Why use F15s when Jerichos with conventional warheads can do the job? [40 words]Kent GatewoodApr 7, 2010 19:01171071
Two State Imposition [236 words]BlackspeareApr 1, 2010 15:13170861
Useful information [10 words]PVApr 1, 2010 00:12170837
Obama Decided on Containing a Nuclear Iran, BEFORE His Election [212 words]Dennis RingMar 31, 2010 05:35170813
REPLY TO DENNIS RING [363 words]LOU FROM QUEENS, NYC, USAApr 5, 2010 15:00170813
Stark difference in perception [207 words]Leonid TokmanMar 31, 2010 03:07170805
Body language!!! [24 words]JaladhiMar 30, 2010 17:28170786
Reality as seen from the swamp. Eretz Israel [250 words]SHmuel HaLeviMar 29, 2010 09:43170747
universal terrorism [115 words]Jonathan UsherMar 29, 2010 09:36170746
We agree [46 words]SHmuel HaLeviMar 30, 2010 15:35170746
Astonishing [80 words]Mark K.Mar 28, 2010 10:34170715
US-Israel "special" relationship [120 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Debanjan BanerjeeMar 27, 2010 08:13170669
Debanjan's short memory!!! [350 words]JaladhiMar 30, 2010 18:14170669
Mr.Debanjan Banerjee's antisemitic bigotry is so transparent... [70 words]Leonid TokmanMar 31, 2010 11:52170669
Madam, why people never asks the opposite? [100 words]T & JMar 31, 2010 17:17170669
A reply to Jaladhi [606 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 1, 2010 06:02170669
Jaladhi, you are exactly right on point! [154 words]Leonid TokmanApr 1, 2010 11:59170669
To Mr. Leonid Tokman [113 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 2, 2010 05:18170669
Our dear Deb is back [160 words]dhimmi no moreApr 2, 2010 06:55170669
To Mr. Facts and Figures (aka Debanjan Banerjee) [484 words]JeffApr 2, 2010 13:31170669
Jaladhi, and the False Prophets of Islam [466 words]LOU FROM QUEENS,NYC, USAApr 2, 2010 16:00170669
Debanjan, you need to start reading more than just the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and their modern day equivalents [356 words]Leonid TokmanApr 2, 2010 19:56170669
To Mr. Jeff Israeli [466 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 3, 2010 09:07170669
Reply to DNM [69 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 3, 2010 23:06170669
A reply to Leonid Tokman [255 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 3, 2010 23:19170669
Our dear Deb has nothing to say [198 words]dhimmi no moreApr 5, 2010 07:01170669
Muslim hate for Jews!! [109 words]JaladhiApr 5, 2010 11:22170669
Debanjan, everyone here realizes ... [87 words]Leonid TokmanApr 5, 2010 12:12170669
Robert Fisk as the authority -- sure thing! [118 words]Leonid TokmanApr 5, 2010 13:05170669
By the way, you need to learn to answer questions, rather than call people names [177 words]Leonid TokmanApr 5, 2010 15:02170669
1History Lessons for Debanjan!!! [1331 words]JaladhiApr 5, 2010 21:09170669
To DNM [101 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 6, 2010 00:51170669
Reply to Leonid [50 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 6, 2010 02:16170669
No questions on Robert Fisk's authority [76 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 6, 2010 02:45170669
From the Israeli who's never been to Israel [942 words]JeffApr 6, 2010 12:40170669
Debanjan, how in the world do you know that I haven't been to the Middle East? [253 words]Leonid TokmanApr 6, 2010 18:36170669
Debanjan, I think you need to reread the article before making an unsupportable claim [181 words]Leonid TokmanApr 6, 2010 18:54170669
More bogus claims from our dear Deb [316 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2010 16:40170669
How do you know ...? [530 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 9, 2010 22:07170669
Reply to Banerjee [153 words]DevasahayamApr 10, 2010 16:36170669
Jai Hind (did I spell it right?) [34 words]Peter HerzApr 10, 2010 22:44170669
A response to Mr. Devasahayam [189 words]Debanjan BanerjeeApr 10, 2010 23:44170669
Debanjan, here is the "justification" of my statements [966 words]Leonid TokmanApr 11, 2010 04:26170669
What Authority [128 words]DevasahayamApr 11, 2010 21:24170669
Devasahayam, you won't be able to use logic in your dialogue with Debanjan... [225 words]Leonid TokmanApr 12, 2010 19:57170669
Who me - ??? [34 words]JaladhiApr 27, 2010 14:32170669
When Obama Meets Netanyahu [113 words]Sharon KatesMar 26, 2010 15:52170646
The Islamic Candidate [65 words]John PostMar 26, 2010 14:24170641
Hope [97 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDMar 26, 2010 08:54170634
Obama Objective [73 words]ZentristMar 29, 2010 13:16170634
not, unfortunately [29 words]dohMar 25, 2010 23:13170631
Just read on another forum... [13 words]PavaMar 25, 2010 21:22170627
Don't Blame Obama [129 words]Alan FoxMar 25, 2010 15:41170621
Don't Blame Ross [31 words]Glenda LoughdMar 27, 2010 16:47170621
daniel pipes [68 words]daphne dolstraMar 25, 2010 12:17170617
Only the nukes of Iran are worth talking about ! ..Mar.24. 2010 [116 words]Phil GreendMar 24, 2010 12:48170596
CIRCLE GAME [447 words]LOU FROM QUEENS, NYC, USAMar 24, 2010 03:07170585
Energy Independence is not an Obama Goal. [41 words]Glenda LoughMar 27, 2010 16:53170585
7.1, 7.2 ... [54 words]GRMar 23, 2010 22:45170575
Comment 12 Comment 13 [66 words]Jay1Mar 23, 2010 20:01170571
Hussein's Finger against Netanyahu [117 words]Truth and JusticeMar 23, 2010 15:30170563
Obama is a Chicago Thug - This photo should be spread around to show all who he is [35 words]Sofa SogoodMar 24, 2010 12:11170563
One trick pony. [201 words]kindnessMar 23, 2010 12:57170559
Obama's Mideast focus is consistent with his US Domestic habits [156 words]Saul SteinMar 23, 2010 09:37170552
Straight Talk [20 words]Doug GreenerMar 23, 2010 08:58170551
surely you jest [43 words]j hoffmanMar 22, 2010 23:20170540
Good Luck with logic.... [25 words]Dorine McKinnonMar 22, 2010 22:53170539
Israel to Face Renewed Opposition to Her National Sovereignty? [121 words]M. ToveyMar 22, 2010 19:36170532
Preventative nuclear war vs. Iran is not a credible threat [456 words]John in Michigan, USAMar 22, 2010 19:07170530
A credible threat? [324 words]a zMar 23, 2010 21:37170530
Nuclear Exchange Will Not Be Preventative; It Will be Retaliatory [278 words]M. ToveyMar 24, 2010 17:20170530
Dear John [120 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 27, 2010 00:21170530
Ahmadinejad knows better. [111 words]Peter HerzApr 10, 2010 22:51170530
Harbor No Hope in the Iranian President's Intentions - Deluded or Not. [326 words]M. ToveyApr 12, 2010 11:59170530
So, what are your policy prescriptions? [256 words]Peter HerzApr 12, 2010 21:20170530
A Policy to Seek Peace - But at What Cost? [1046 words]M. ToveyApr 14, 2010 12:10170530
When Obama meets Netanyahu -- No apologies from Netanyahu, please! [69 words]M.DMar 22, 2010 18:16170527
Prof. Eidelberg is correct. [50 words]Carl SesarMar 23, 2010 02:08170527
When Obama Summons Netanyahu [185 words]M D AnthonyMar 22, 2010 16:04170524
The Sky is Falling! [399 words]John W. McGinleyMar 22, 2010 14:22170522
Right, Because [8 words]NinjaBobMar 24, 2010 00:41170522
Know Thy Enemy [99 words]Rebecca MouldsMar 22, 2010 13:55170521
Not only Health Reform, Ms Moulds...Don't forget the so "imperative" immigration reform. [130 words]T & JMar 23, 2010 01:13170521
Right of Return [102 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDMar 26, 2010 09:03170521
When Obama meets Netanyahu [148 words]M. WellingtonMar 22, 2010 13:36170519
A Middle Road [597 words]Bruce P.Mar 22, 2010 22:09170519
Mr. Wellington [27 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 27, 2010 00:44170519
Obama's objective is the destruction of the Jewish state. [17 words]Steve KleinMar 22, 2010 13:20170518
I Agree With You -- That and the Destruction of American Influence and Prosperity [14 words]Sofa SogoodMar 24, 2010 12:15170518
The danger of the Iranian nuclear buildup is, [83 words]Carl SesarMar 22, 2010 13:07170517
Obama Invite sArabs to Attack Israel [245 words]Prof. Paul EidelbergMar 22, 2010 13:00170516
Are you certain? [235 words]JovianMar 24, 2010 01:16170516
Israeli's are Calling the Riots -- THE OBAMA INTIFADA -- and Rightly So. The Death and Destruction is On His Head [101 words]Sofa SogoodMar 24, 2010 12:29170516
Mr. Jovian [60 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMar 27, 2010 01:03170516
Jovian, that's absolute nonsense [328 words]EstherApr 15, 2010 23:16170516
Laura Kern [37 words]laura KernMar 22, 2010 12:40170513

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