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Open Letter to Obama's Speech

Reader comment on item: Obama's Failed Middle East Speech

Submitted by NuritG (United States), May 20, 2011 at 01:54

May 19, 2011 To: President Barack Hussein Obama,

In your tsunami speech today, May 19, 2011, regarding your Middle East policy, mostly concerning Israel, you have crossed the red line. This speech leaves most of those who see clearer than you and are not stuck in Arabism ideology to wonder how you and your staff came up with this ill conceived idea which is, Israel fold back to your armistice 1967 lines. You might as well join Helen Thomas and tell the Israelis to "get the hell out of Palestine." I understand your preference is the dysfunctional, autocratic Arab world over the democratic State of Israel, that is the only ally the United States has in the region, and that is also a major asset to the USA. But to be so perfidious simply borders betrayal.

After the 1967 war, Israel negotiated with the United States, not with the White House, certain terms every president, no matter what party he belonged to, adhered to. The People of the United States gave Israel the written, vowed promise that she will not have to return to the 1967 armistice lines, not border, and whatever it negotiates with its hostile neighbors will be based on everlasting security and defensible border, real defensible borders, on the ground, not in a sketch you may have seen while sitting at your Oval office desk with your legs up on top of it. What you have done today, you ripped all of what the American People promised the People of Israel and sent it to the trash bin. And you call yourself a Zionist? You need to read what Zionism really mean, or perhaps you invite me, to the White House and I will explain to you the term Zionism, not the pejorative one Israel's enemies use, but the one who gave my Holocaust survivors parents, a new meaning to shattered life, a new beginning in the Jewish Homeland they could, against, after 2000, call HOME.

President Obama, you may or may not know what you have done wrong in delivering such a speech as the one you have delivered today. I hope you do, but if you do not, allow me go over just few points: It is obvious that you are pro-Arab-Moslem world and you take their position regarding Israel. It is also obvious that you have some deep biased issues when it comes to the State of Israel and that makes you a one sided mediator, unfit to broker a peace deal between Israel and the Arab Palestinians. Since 1967, based on many military, intelligence and security reports, prepared by neutral parties, not Israel, Israel had maintained, and the United States agreed with her, that the 1967 armistice lines, not borders, are indefensible; the pre-1967 picture has changed, thus a new map of Israel must be drawn. You cannot put the baby back in his mother's womb, as you allude, and new, fair and implementable approach must be applied.

Shrinking Israel into the pre-1967 lines, means the Golan Heights go back to Syria and then what, Mr. President? The hostility, the ongoing bombardments, the shooting and the terror the entire Jordan Valley lived under for 20 years starts all over again? Did you even give it one moment of thought when you shot your mouth today? What you are talking about is Israel needs to make concessions, on the ground, and in return receive a piece of paper that have no meaning to the Arabs. After all, they have not followed on one clause in the Oslo Accords and the Road Map on which they agreed to and signed for. Your statement that Israel is "occupying" land is false and only shows that you do not know, or you chose to ignore, or prefer to whitewash the history about the establishment of the modern state of Israel and what really belongs to the Jewish state. So let me tell you that in 1967, Israel simply took back land that BELONGS to her, which the Arabs occupied, illegally, for 19 years. By using the wrong lexicon to support your agenda and your Islamism belief you will not bring peace, rather war.

Then there are issues of the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria that, if Israel does what you exclaim, will make thousands of Jews refugees in their own Homeland. Have you thought of that? Do you have a plan to sustain such national calamity? And what about Arabs 'right of return' clamor? Have you ever thought it through? Do you know that if Israel to survive, this issue must be solved by the international community only outside the borders of Israel, or this "return" will end the state of Israel? You also gave little regard to the Arab-Palestinians' effort to isolate Israel at the UN, in September, by bringing a resolution calling for recognition of a Palestinian state without any negotiations with Israel. Just like that they will become a state on Israel's legal land, in Israel's back yard? The same with the Fatah-Hamas reconciliation, little regard as if it means hardly anything. The joke is that you claim to have strong words of commitment to Israel's security, but you are ready to shrink it back to Auschwitz borders.

So allow me to end my rant here with the following: You may have good intentions, but the road to Hell is paved with lots of good intentions and you are doing a great job paving the road to Hell for Israel and the USA too. Your betrayal of promises the United States made to Israel leaves the People of Israel and Israel's supporters overwhelmingly distrusting you and the USA. The trust and respect is out of the main entrance door. I for one have had enough. I see you totally unfit to be our president. Comes 2012 elections year I will do all that is in my power to make sure that in 2013, you are seeking a new job and the People of the United States get to have a president who deserves representing them.

Nurit Greenger, Los Angeles, California


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Reader comments (73) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Obama is confused [179 words]kamekishMay 27, 2011 02:08185625
"Israel needs to act boldly" [18 words]TLMay 26, 2011 13:28185609
"a contiguous Palestinian state" [18 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
ClaudiaMay 25, 2011 06:53185552
Tsk Tsk [96 words]Barry BlackMay 23, 2011 10:03185491
3From an Australian, (not Jewish or even evangelical just has some common sense and a moral compass) far smarter than Obama: [722 words]YJ DraimanMay 23, 2011 08:44185490
1the status quo and why it is unsustainable [269 words]mythMay 22, 2011 18:51185475
4News media LIES. Dr. Pipes gets it right. [365 words]There is NO Santa ClausMay 22, 2011 13:28185469
3Wrong: the Status Quo IS sustainable [186 words]TzionaMay 22, 2011 06:12185462
8Obama's Betrayal of Israel [509 words]John KellyMay 22, 2011 02:05185456
Status Quo [132 words]John KasegianMay 21, 2011 22:08185454
welcome home [65 words]anitaMay 21, 2011 18:48185451
5Inexplicable To Me [411 words]Fred BaehrMay 21, 2011 12:25185440
Obama's current policy is dangerous for world peace [152 words]Frank LukeMay 21, 2011 11:33185439
Into the furnice with the jews [141 words]Dave LindesmithMay 21, 2011 11:25185437
This is forward looking, peace building, not folly!! [86 words]StudentMay 21, 2011 06:03185430
Thought experiment about Israel and her neighbors [63 words]PrashantMay 22, 2011 11:28185430
Sandbagging America's Most Reliable Ally [262 words]Adina Kutnicki, IsraelMay 21, 2011 05:51185429
Barack strikes out after promising swings at the plate [118 words]daveinbocaMay 21, 2011 02:19185424
the pursuit of the world as it should be [317 words]mythMay 20, 2011 17:43185415
1Oh Look! Yet Another Failed Attempt at World Peace at Israel's Expense [470 words]M. ToveyMay 20, 2011 17:11185414
1Obama's Rhetoric [250 words]Nenette GrunbergMay 20, 2011 16:43185413
There's More To It [257 words]Barry BlackMay 20, 2011 16:01185412
7OBAMA-AN ANTI-SEMIT [408 words]Ilene RichmanMay 20, 2011 15:13185411
Completely appalled by Ilene Richman's post [140 words]StudentMay 21, 2011 06:26185411
Are you surprised Obama is an anti-Semite? [75 words]Don GossMay 21, 2011 09:37185411
1Bold Enough [178 words]Jay1May 22, 2011 09:42185411
Great Comment [7 words]John KellyMay 22, 2011 17:56185411
Obama an Anti Semit [13 words]nenette GrunbergMay 22, 2011 18:31185411
THE DEMONIZATION OF ISRAEL BY THE UNITED NATIONS [155 words]Ilene RichmanMay 24, 2011 11:48185411
Great Comment [44 words]John KellyMay 28, 2011 00:48185411
AND WHERE IS OUR ANTI-SEMETIC PRESIDENT? [312 words]Ilene RichmanMay 28, 2011 09:56185411
Thank you for your comment [149 words]Ilene RichmanMay 28, 2011 17:46185411
3I wish it were only folly [429 words]john W McGinleyMay 20, 2011 13:51185406
2Obama's "policy" for Israel [21 words]Katherine McLeanMay 20, 2011 13:44185405
The tyranny of low expectations [31 words]JeffMay 20, 2011 13:08185403
1HeHe [12 words]PvMay 20, 2011 12:18185402
3A big mistake we must correct in 2012 [199 words]Jayson RexMay 20, 2011 09:42185400
Good luck with that... [139 words]Don GossMay 21, 2011 09:46185400
1Amen [16 words]PrashantMay 22, 2011 11:32185400
Tardy, and then Inconsistent [328 words]Ron ThompsonMay 20, 2011 09:34185399
1Obama's failed speech on the Middle East [110 words]IsaacMay 20, 2011 08:39185397
1Amen! [14 words]Anna RolenMay 20, 2011 08:22185396
it's not just pharaoh hussein all by his lonesome is it [12 words]MarioMay 20, 2011 08:00185395
No Concessions [12 words]aspaciaMay 20, 2011 07:08185394
2Obama's Failed Speech [53 words]Ellen SantellaMay 20, 2011 06:54185391
Another great article from Pipes [62 words]Pat EnglishMay 20, 2011 04:57185390
deleted [28 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
fred tawilMay 20, 2011 03:48185387
Obama the Back stabber [44 words]Mickey ObermanMay 20, 2011 03:36185386
Obama just made one mistake [269 words]RajivMay 20, 2011 03:30185385
Obama and Israel [213 words]Kepha HorMay 21, 2011 22:01185385
Concessions from Israel [60 words]M D FisherMay 20, 2011 03:29185384
1Great President for America! [15 words]Alexander WangMay 20, 2011 03:22185383
Asking of Israel what NO Other country is asked for [65 words]EdwardMay 20, 2011 02:29185381
1returning to the 1967 borders [95 words]PrashantMay 22, 2011 11:42185381
1Open Letter to Obama's Speech [1017 words]NuritGMay 20, 2011 01:54185379
What Obama said and what he didn't say [252 words]yonatan silvermanMay 20, 2011 00:41185377
What He Did, Didn't; and Won't. [181 words]M. ToveyMay 23, 2011 18:27185377
Moral Bankruptcy [148 words]Ted SmolanowiczMay 20, 2011 00:41185376
The Bad Guy All Along [382 words]Jay1May 20, 2011 00:23185374
2Wow! [13 words]RDMay 20, 2011 00:14185373
Obama just gave the Israel hater nations an easy reason to go to war! [72 words]Benji's kidMay 19, 2011 23:58185371
Headline is correct [171 words]Harry BauskinMay 19, 2011 23:41185370
Folly? [37 words]Barry MeislinMay 19, 2011 23:34185369
Stupid or evil [189 words]Abu NudnikMay 19, 2011 23:32185368
"Insanity" says it all. Obama knows exactly what he is doing ... Satan's bidding. [297 words]kmanMay 20, 2011 21:33185368
1Naif [14 words]ilana B. KraussMay 19, 2011 23:30185367
1B.O.'s insanity [89 words]SamuelMay 19, 2011 23:11185366
Obama wants to throw Israel under the bus [152 words]batya daganMay 19, 2011 22:59185365
Obama's starting points for negotiation will end up killing more people [174 words]Roque NuevoMay 19, 2011 22:42185364
1967 borders? [35 words]Romesh ChanderMay 19, 2011 22:41185363
1Obama Weakens U.S. Credibiliy--Again [56 words]Michael RosenbergMay 19, 2011 21:41185362
Why should that surprise anyone? America is blindly following the course set by the British Mandate Government after WW1 [55 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiMay 22, 2011 19:23185362

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