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American Democracy Can No Longer Be Exported - Cannot Export What One Does Not Have

Reader comment on item: Blame the UN's Power on George H.W. Bush
in response to reader comment: Democracies and their undemocratic allies

Submitted by M. Tovey (United States), Feb 16, 2012 at 14:30

Close; but only by forgetting that the 'democratic' principles that once were part of the founding light of America of an earlier age does one come to realize that the 'stars and stripes' were hijacked by 'principles' of another sort; or shall we say, lack of principles. It has become quite apparent that the veil of the leadership of America's past is torn and the people are now finding out that all is not as it seems. To make matters worse, the imposition of some that American blood was spilled for less than honorable reasons might have some legitimacy is all the more appalling. But that does not make the sacrifices of others in the 'cause for peace' in the Middle East any less valuable: in a sense, those losses such as the Syrian civilians are of a greater value in Syria for it was spilled on home territory.

For some who are American by birth, seeing what is happening in the Middle East (a focal point, but by no means limited to the Middle East) calls to mind that freedom and liberty that is called a birth right should be available to all; yet it is excruciatingly evident that not all who would rule have that in mind. It further goes on for the American citizen to watch these things, desire it for every other human being and yet that intention is marred and obfuscated by the political powers (even certain American politicians are included in this) that have other intentions in trying to impose on others that which they would not accept for themselves.

Can we make a valid comparison of improbable compatibility of thought as is proffered by reader Ianus? How can we not, given that thought processed expressed by the people mentioned being validated by the excesses of power seen in the world today. That the U. N. is an enabler of such things gives further credence to the elitist mentality of those with the might can exert whatever intentions of power that is desired irrespective of the rights of the individual to freedom and liberty. There is reason for that.

Democracy as a means to govern is valid only when there is consensus of the governed to live in a way that where one's liberty ends is where another's begins. It is actually based upon a Biblical principle, a principle no longer sought out except at an individual level. Modern governments no longer seek that mindset let alone offer that willingly to their people. Secularism has one that argument for the time being.

Secularism does not work well in democracies; the democratic processes of America have proved that by leaving democracy behind for the excesses of a Roman modeled society. And that is why America is not mentioned in the Holy Bible as being the example of how the LORD will govern any society. That will fall to Israel in the future, under her King of the future.

And reader Ianus is only partly right: jihad does carry part of the day, imposing shari'a in Syria and creating the circumstances that will place Russia in a place they will regret; but there it ends. But one will not find the America we know of today, having been replaced by an entity of another mother. How that is going to work out is yet to be seen.


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Reader comments (31) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
revolutions have nothing to do with democracy [235 words]calhouniteApr 10, 2012 10:11195050
Disband this money sucking monstrosity [104 words]danariFeb 23, 2012 00:42193574
Americans the British and the UN [1349 words]Martin HoranMay 31, 2012 08:31193574
The toothless U.N. [68 words]saraFeb 14, 2012 18:53193374
8Democracies and their undemocratic allies [524 words]IanusFeb 13, 2012 18:38193356
American Democracy Can No Longer Be Exported - Cannot Export What One Does Not Have [561 words]M. ToveyFeb 16, 2012 14:30193356
3When you can't export democracy because you don't have it,then you export what you have, e.g. oligarchy or Wahhabism [519 words]IanusFeb 17, 2012 16:07193356
A Rebuttal [394 words]Pied PiperFeb 25, 2012 18:00193356
2A rebuttal of the rebuttal [1095 words]IanusFeb 25, 2012 19:48193356
The Battle of the Rebuttals [519 words]Pied PiperMar 3, 2012 16:43193356
2How many witches have been recently beheaded in the US ? [551 words]IanusMar 4, 2012 06:44193356
Ibi Erit Fletus et Stridor Dentium [135 words]Pied PiperMar 6, 2012 12:53193356
2Malleus maleficarum Arabicus [646 words]IanusMar 6, 2012 23:14193356
Cutting One's Teeth on Biblical Translations [208 words]M. ToveyMar 8, 2012 17:36193356
Ego Sum Princeps Arabicus et Super Grammaticam [191 words]Pied PiperMar 11, 2012 16:05193356
So - Not in Latin Then [681 words]M. ToveyMar 12, 2012 19:09193356
1Manipulating the U. N. is Unconstitutional [886 words]M. ToveyFeb 13, 2012 12:03193351
Thanks for source of UN power and Question [105 words]Dr Bryan PoulinFeb 10, 2012 14:05193278
2We cannot put Sanctity of All Lives on the back burner in the U.N. [65 words]Michael Hanni MorcosFeb 11, 2012 23:14193278
Toothless [316 words]AEBFeb 10, 2012 14:04193277
permanent organizations and UN authority [127 words]mythFeb 9, 2012 12:56193251
4Won't "an organization of only democratically-elected governments" be the accuser,the judge and the executioner in one person? [568 words]IanusFeb 9, 2012 11:42193248
Follow that Light [40 words]Jay1Feb 8, 2012 19:58193228
That Light? It Needs to be Relit First. [370 words]M. ToveyFeb 9, 2012 18:52193228
2The UN a shameful organization [495 words]NuritGFeb 8, 2012 16:43193219
Hey UN.Go away already. [94 words]batya daganFeb 8, 2012 16:39193218
Worthless Trash= The U.N. [8 words]Sandra DeeOct 24, 2014 11:25193218
A man can always turn around if he finds he's gone in the wrong direction. [1 words]Abu NudnikFeb 8, 2012 11:18193202
UN power goals [105 words]lily flacksFeb 8, 2012 05:30193193
2How many times did George H W Bush utter the phrase 'new world order'? Too many, but few had a clue.... [39 words]Adina Kutnicki, IsraelFeb 8, 2012 05:25193192
an observation [293 words]Peter HerzFeb 18, 2012 22:44193192

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