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The Greater Evil for the World is the US-jihadis coalition then, isn't it?

Reader comment on item: Thoughts on the Syrian Downing of a Turkish Warplane
in response to reader comment: The Greater Evil for the World is that Too Few Seek for Its Peace

Submitted by Ianus (Poland), Jul 23, 2012 at 09:12

M. Tovey wrote :

> To be sure, the times for euphemistic speculations are at an impasse; since arguments for the sake of rhetorical explorations are patronizing at a minimum in the wake of the reality of lives in jeopardy and risk of loss of more lives. People, indeed entire groups, are being decimated for the sake of political argument and dominance and the words just seem to fall to the ground for failure to penetrate into the hearts of the antagonists.<

You maybe have not noticed yet the talks about 'overpopulation' that pop up with increasing intensity and obstinacy in the media. It seems that the same people who scare us with the red rag of overpopulation do unleash wars which have not just to do with what you write , namely that "People, indeed entire groups, are being decimated for the sake of political argument and dominance". They have also a hidden unholy agenda , namely what they call euphemestically "reduction of population",and uneuphemistically speaking "genocide".

Frankly, why was it needed to decimate Libya's population, break up the country and make it fall back in its development to the Middle Ages ? Qaddafi was submissive enough, integrated into the Western system of exploitation, fraud and brainwashing. He assured stability not just in Libya but in the Sahara region. He directed the continuous flow of money into the Western banks. Now the US is not just exploiting Libya's oil fields for its (or Saudi Arabia's?) needs but also is making sure that "the reduction of population" is on the rise across Libya and the Sahara.

> As for the blunt question(s): what do I prefer?

Very few would give ear to my preferences; for my tolerance of blatant aggression at the hands of any aggressor is nil, no matter whose flag, either the Russian tri-color (a distant cousin to its predecessor, the red hammer and sickle), the flag(s) of the Islamic Revolution (in the variant forms of green and black and red, and yellow); and if it came down to it and we find that the presence of the American forces are detrimental to the peace of the region, then add that.<

I have never found anything written by you that would suggest that you condemn the US involvement in and support for worldwide jihad like exemplified by the creation of brand-new Moslem states on the Balkans by your country. Or maybe you still somehow think that it is the Russians and the Chinese that created the Islamic Republic Bosnia and Kosovo and then blamed the poor US for it ?

> The Russian presence in Tartus presents a situation that not too many understand. Are we to conclude that the interests of the Russian military is enough of a deterrent that none would dare to involve themselves in an encounter with the Russian navy or marines; or does the stated intentions of the Russian interests to defend Syria against aggression seem insignificant while the country implodes into civil war. My preference is to allow the Syrian crisis work itself out without outside interference, even that of the Russians. <

Can you explain to me why in some countries internal contradictions and conflicts end up in regime changes or civil wars ( like in Tunisia, Egypt,Libya, Syria) while in others with similar contradictions and conflicts we are spoon-fed with happy silence despite the news of brutal suppression of any opposition and protests like in Saudistan or Bahrein and no sweeteners of Western outcry and calls for intervention or embrago to impose "democracy" and "human rights" ?

It seems that to bring about a regime change in America all one needs to do is buy some you will later call "opposition" or "rebels", send masses of arms into the country , train terrorists in Mexico or Canada and bring them across the border and stage a few massacres. To make a long story short , without a foreign (i.e. US-approved ) intervention and involvement not a single regime can be changed in the Near East or I' d dare say worldwide! So don't tell me fairy tales of "allowing the Syrian crisis work itself out without outside interference".

> Otherwise, the question must be asked: what price peace? This is difficult to answer because no one, not even the American Secretary of State, knows how to achieve that there. Russia would love stability for their own purposes, but seem stifled for the moment. Turkey is even more clueless.<

I don't want to sound cynical but it seems very naive to believe that anybody in high places in America is really looking for or interested in "peace", "stability", "prosperity", "good". Quite the contrary, the powers that be quite openly call for war, chaos and destabilisation as a matter of principle to make sure that the status quo remains in place and keeps working for the sake of the only superpower despite the latter's thin feet of clay.

> As for the jihadists that are imbedded and embroiled in this latest iteration of the 'Arab Uprising,' their agenda is plain; and it seems unstoppable on several levels. They aim to take control – at any cost. Can the Russians stop it? Look at Afghanistan in the 80's and ask the question again.<

Can you remind me of what 'Operation "Cyclone" was all about and how could a horde of illiterate savages resist one of the finest war machines on earth ? Or do you perhaps believe that cries of "Allahu akbar" have the miraculous power of bringing down Mi-24 "Hind" helicopters ?

> Your contention that state sponsored terrorism is somehow easily laid at the base of covert operations of the American sort – and there may be something to that –but they are not alone. Definitively, the change in the American Administrative Executive's attitude since the change occurred in 2009 has lent itself to certain speculations of expectations and the antics of the American Secretary of State has done nothing to allay them; but if that were true, then the outcome should have produced better results if democracy were the motive.<

The influential author and diplomat I was referring to earlier writes with disarming sincerity that democracy is nothing but a "human virus" applied for warfare of a new type to bring about chaos and instability wherever necessary for the American national interests. So much for your "democracy" as the motive.

Second, you see persons without seeing the system. If it were this or that person's mistake, whim or fancy to do this or that which harmed or ran counter the system the system would have long corrected the mistake. If it hasn't done that it means it has been done in accordance with the system .

Can you name the US politicians that are calling for abolishing Bosnia and Kosovo as enclaves of jihadist aggression, anti-Western hatred and Saudi-sponsored bridgehead against Europe ? For the time being citizens who call exactly for this are being silenced, sacked and threatened by the system's servants.

> I have no known or speculative reason for the Russians being directly involved in Libya's demise; their interests there seemed limited to political observations. Kosovo on the other hand bears another look, if for no other reason than the peripheral association of the neighboring Slavic connections. I was not as keenly active in those circumstances in those days; except that to note that a Clinton is still involved in such things. You may draw your own conclusions on that one.<

I have drawn my conclusions. You have already read part of them.

> Let us revisit the first blunt question: do I prefer a Russian Naval base in Tartus? Considering that shortly the question will become academic, I have previously asserted that the Russians do not employ military force except, like emergency signs that say here in America –"in an emergency, break glass." Their emergency is about to break open because the glass is being shattered all over the place and I cannot see how they will not be compelled to respond. But, that would not have been my preference; my preference being that of seeking peace at equity for all concerned.<

It's hard to see whether the question of the Russian military base will be academic or not in the near future. If more Turkish planes are shot down over Syria and more Turkish pilots land in the Moslem paradise instead of a US-made air base in Turkey ,then the question will remain rather non-academic.

In the meantime I'd suggest - if you know anybody high enough in the hierarchy - you should inquire how the negotiations about selling the biggest US military base in Europe , namely Bondsteel in Kosovo , to Turkey are proceeding. I'd love to learn the details of another great American treachery in the long series of America's traitorous, pro-jihadist and anti-European acts.

Furthermore, the glass is being broken by Qatar and Saudi Arabia and their indefatigable American godfather ; the reason being - beside America's new grand strategy of applied chaos theory ,its greed and power hunger - the natural gas exports that are at stake. If Qatar acquires Syria's Mediterranean ports and builds natural gas terminals there it will be the end to Russia's natural gas exports from the North and maybe the end to Russia as such since she will lose her main source of income. Having been de-Industrialized in 1990-ies and afterwards her natural gas is the last straw that is keeping her afloat. Now Qatar - with US approval - wants to cut this straw in Syria. Some time ago the Qatari security officers beat up the Russian ambassador without apologizing. Recently, Qatar's prime minister Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani has been seen in Kyrgystand and Tajikistan spending money on organizing wahhabi madrassas and recruiting "supporters". It seems that after Syria Russia will become the next target of "Arab Spring"-style "democratization".

> Instead, all we see in what is going on is the race for dominance in the human race and history shows that never turns out well - now does it?<

Well, the Hellenistic period and the Roman Empire do show that if the right power wins, then all benefit from it . But when a wrong power wins , then nothing follows but more chaos, poverty,injustice and lawlessness as happened after the fall of Rome in the 5th century. Now the amazing thing is that this is nowadays the official US policy and strategy - the applied chaos theory with the US -jihadist alliance as its backbone and pillar.


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Reader comments (80) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Turkey & Islam [9 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
theantislamistOct 15, 2012 16:23199841
Sep. 29 fakes part of psychological war [101 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Syrian ObserverSep 29, 2012 17:54199286
1Gulf countries drinking the blood of Syrians [181 words]Syrian ObserverSep 30, 2012 07:15199286
Hurriyet [13 words]Syrian ObserverSep 30, 2012 14:32199286
turkey and iran [373 words]havasJul 2, 2012 12:51196892
2Don't fear, grey wolf! Your American masters will fit sharp false teeth ... [36 words]IanusJul 3, 2012 12:02196892
Russia, Turkey, Iran, Syria; More Questions Than Answers [507 words]M. ToveyJul 10, 2012 16:51196892
1Turkish in confused condition? [368 words]AngelJul 11, 2012 17:13196892
Turkey Clear Message [115 words]AngelJul 11, 2012 18:08196892
1America's - not Turkey's - message! [252 words]IanusJul 15, 2012 17:50196892
Ianus's Syrianesque Response [44 words]M. ToveyJul 16, 2012 16:00196892
1What is a greater evil for the world - the US-jihadist coalition or the Russian naval base in Tartus ? [148 words]IanusJul 17, 2012 04:20196892
The Greater Evil for the World is that Too Few Seek for Its Peace [660 words]M. ToveyJul 18, 2012 19:21196892
3The Greater Evil for the World is the US-jihadis coalition then, isn't it? [1768 words]IanusJul 23, 2012 09:12196892
A US Led Coalition Will Be the Least of the World's Problems [154 words]M. ToveyJul 24, 2012 19:27196892
1The CIA - a charity organization [345 words]IanusJul 24, 2012 23:34196892
CIA a Charity Org? - Then What does that Make the UNRWA? [465 words]M. ToveyJul 25, 2012 19:17196892
2ı dont understand [311 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
havasJun 28, 2012 04:58196779
1A risk worth taking? No. [24 words]Lily FlacksJun 28, 2012 00:02196774
2For Qatar and Saudi Arabia [41 words]IanusJun 29, 2012 17:50196774
Surprised its taken this long [256 words]David DJun 27, 2012 18:58196766
1How many new Bin Ladens are being made in Syria now ? [859 words]IanusJun 28, 2012 12:38196766
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5Assad is a lesser evil [673 words]IanusJun 29, 2012 17:46196766
1Which one does pose a greater danger? [275 words]AishaJul 2, 2012 05:32196766
only fools rush in to be used by Islam purpose [70 words]Don MarshJun 27, 2012 18:52196765
exposing weakness [146 words]mythJun 27, 2012 08:32196748
turkey not so powerful [150 words]havasJun 26, 2012 15:06196713
1Erdogan's days are counted. He has got cancer. [178 words]IanusJun 26, 2012 19:18196713
2Turkey's Continuing Dilemma - Getting No Respect - Internally or Externally [326 words]M. ToveyJun 26, 2012 19:28196713
4Havas, restore the "TurkoArab islamic honor" [51 words]NikosJun 27, 2012 02:38196713
5The victims of the Turks and their imperialism [329 words]dhimmi no moreJun 29, 2012 14:56196713
between the lines [58 words]DavidJun 26, 2012 04:10196692
4Why I Back Assad [73 words]DaveJun 25, 2012 19:54196683
1Not likely [297 words]Oz DJun 26, 2012 22:27196683
Turkey is Not Neutral to Syrian Intentions - and Vice Versa [228 words]M. ToveyJun 25, 2012 19:30196682
2Turkey will get this one right. [135 words]NazimJun 25, 2012 10:31196667
8Turkey is West? Since When? [481 words]AlexandrosJun 26, 2012 08:16196667
3Two hideous alternatives ? [484 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AxelJun 25, 2012 08:27196664
1Don't forget Iran [119 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Lars NielsenJun 25, 2012 07:53196663
4Just another personal view [282 words]AlbertJun 25, 2012 06:41196661
Once burned, twice afraid? [149 words]Vazir MukhtarJun 24, 2012 21:55196653
Partition Syria (and Lebanon) [151 words]jgetsJun 24, 2012 16:25196648
Lebanon will never integrate with Syria [65 words]Phoenician LebaneseJun 26, 2012 09:10196648
Population Exchanges [194 words]jgetsJun 27, 2012 03:22196648
You are 100% right [212 words]PrashantJun 24, 2012 14:29196644
2Violance is not an Islamic monopoly [133 words]mozereJun 26, 2012 06:19196644
2This guy has a point [156 words]DavidJun 27, 2012 23:45196644
1Thoughts on the Syrian downing of a Turkish war plane [64 words]JudithJun 24, 2012 11:46196637
2Luckily this one's easy: The pact can ony be invoked for acts of aggression against a member state. [66 words]Abu NudnikJun 24, 2012 09:59196632
Turkey afraid of Syra's alies [95 words]HenkJun 24, 2012 09:57196630
5OK! War -- and then what? [115 words]PantelisJun 25, 2012 08:57196630
3A coward's grand design [140 words]Nelson D'SilvaJun 24, 2012 07:43196627
Leaving Turkey alone on a Syrian adventure would have negative affects for Israel [231 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
SananeJun 24, 2012 04:50196622
2CIA instigated operation? [88 words]Oz DJun 23, 2012 21:42196616
1Huh? [68 words]RayJun 24, 2012 14:31196616
3"CIA officers are there, and they are trying to make new sources and recruit people." "I would be shocked and disappointed if we were not doing these things". [759 words]IanusJun 24, 2012 16:25196616
Whats the bad news? [49 words]CharlesJun 23, 2012 18:23196602
1Israel's Strange Dilemma [68 words]Martin KaufmanJun 23, 2012 16:40196598
Not Strange at All [36 words]jgetsJun 26, 2012 15:49196598
2NATO [137 words]William MallinsonJun 23, 2012 16:36196597
1It's in your head [10 words]Abu NudnikJun 24, 2012 09:57196597
2both sides [12 words]mikeTJun 23, 2012 16:27196596
5Good news from Turkey at last ! [295 words]IanusJun 23, 2012 15:51196594
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3Kemalist jihad - Soviet victory [567 words]IanusJun 24, 2012 10:45196594
1Greco Turkish War [257 words]gerardJun 26, 2012 19:09196594
2Intellectual janissaries [1068 words]IanusJun 27, 2012 18:19196594
1The "Jihad" against the entente [189 words]GerardJun 29, 2012 10:56196594
1Kemal's shahids and gazis [877 words]IanusJul 1, 2012 05:55196594
What better [18 words]Sylvio AconapsycusJun 23, 2012 15:32196593
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1What Turkey Wants, Turkey Gets [88 words]BeatrixJun 23, 2012 14:47196586
2Not Turkey, the Turkish lobby in America ! [172 words]IanusJun 23, 2012 20:13196586
2I was hoping you'd say that! [37 words]Leon KushnerJun 23, 2012 14:39196584
4An endless list of Turkish defeats, retreats, capitulations, flights and withdrawals [179 words]IanusJun 23, 2012 19:53196584
1Greek,Israeli bias [103 words]Ameer RaschidTurkeyJun 24, 2012 01:42196584
2Turkish victories post 1700 [136 words]MozereJun 26, 2012 09:23196584
2"It is evident that countries not governed by the laws of the Sheriat cannot survive." [402 words]IanusJun 26, 2012 18:57196584
4Turkish "victories" [526 words]IanusJun 27, 2012 06:57196584

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