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Recite the Quran in 7 ways

Reader comment on item: Rebuttal from The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928
in response to reader comment: Spot the mistake in the book of Allah in Q7:160 and what a disaster

Submitted by Guardian of Deen (Canada), Feb 24, 2014 at 18:29

your mind is limited, that all I can say

remeber the number 19 and its sisters - do I have to elaborate more, unless you have a thick mind

the Holy Quran descended on 7 ways of recitation - did not Prophet Muhammad the Great say this?

I wish you leave your arrogance and ignorance ad follow the true religion there was , is and will ever be

My Beard is white as pearls

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Reader comments (100) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Speculation [811 words]Aurscant Hughey-BeyNov 10, 2016 14:57233941
How sad it is [94 words]Genie AliJun 13, 2016 03:12229976
1Pipes' response to the "rebuttal" was remarkably charitable [220 words]Shaykh Ratl N. Ro-ElMar 3, 2014 12:04213546
Study This [1 words]Sheik Sharief Abdul AliMar 7, 2014 18:46213546
thumbs up for your name [40 words]orange yonasonMar 18, 2014 21:45213546
Prophet [16 words]AlbertE.Mar 1, 2014 23:13213525
Prove Your Point Accoridnig to the Quran [21 words]Sheik Melvin Velines-BeyMar 6, 2014 17:15213525
1Here is the proof that Muhammad is the last Prophet of God, from the Holy Quran [37 words]Guardian of DeenMar 10, 2014 10:39213525
5Quthm aka Abul Qasim canot be the subject of Q33:40 [240 words]dhimmi no moreMar 11, 2014 14:26213525
4nothing proven [272 words]Mohammed Wazir AhkspaidarMar 14, 2014 02:26213525
1tough luck [28 words]Guardian of DeenMar 14, 2014 22:28213525
3Magnus Opus Arabicus [669 words]Mohammed Wazir AhkspaidarMar 17, 2014 05:52213525
Talking ants! [51 words]dhimmi no moreMar 17, 2014 17:52213525
4الله ينزل راكبا على حمار or Allah comes down to earth (every Friday) riding a donkey and what a disaster [266 words]dhimmi no moreMar 17, 2014 18:12213525
Got you [4 words]Guardian of DeenMar 17, 2014 21:45213525
2the search for the ants goes on [299 words]Mohammed Wazir AhkspaidarMar 18, 2014 07:05213525
Arabic speaking Ants and Allah comes down to earth every Friday and the Qur'an says that the sun orbit earth! [107 words]dhimmi no moreMar 21, 2014 17:39213525
1Arabic speaking ants [44 words]dhimmi no moreMar 21, 2014 18:22213525
Canadianess not rubbing off on him? [415 words]Mohammed Wazir AhkspaidarMar 23, 2014 22:51213525
TRUTH [454 words]Gail Linda Hague KarlsAug 17, 2015 19:24213525
1Nonsense on Stilts [129 words]Larry SFeb 8, 2014 21:28213079
Questions vs. Assumptions [27 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyFeb 11, 2014 02:27213079
What Jewish Traditions Tells Us About Prophets [243 words]orange yonasonJan 26, 2014 19:05212840
If we investgate the word Translation [72 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyFeb 3, 2014 14:12212840
Melvin doesn't respond at all to the substance of what I said.... [171 words]orange yonasonFeb 4, 2014 04:19212840
2Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [380 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 5, 2014 08:08212840
Domestic Scholar [59 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyFeb 11, 2014 02:40212840
Descendents Of Moab [141 words]orange yonasonFeb 12, 2014 22:08212840
Sadly Mistaken [66 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyFeb 17, 2014 21:58212840
Enough Of Straw-Men And Bogus "Facts", Melvin [263 words]orange yonasonFeb 19, 2014 19:48212840
Who Are you - that is the question [196 words]Guardian of DeenFeb 27, 2014 21:32212840
Who is like Moses [188 words]Guardian of DeenMar 5, 2014 10:12212840
I've already addressed part of that issue. [234 words]orange yonasonMar 8, 2014 22:14212840
Past time I commented on Deen's ancestry nonsense [76 words]orange yonasonMar 8, 2014 22:31212840
4Victims of Muslim education [160 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2014 10:26212840
Gross mis-interpretation of the Torah [52 words]orange yonasonMar 12, 2014 14:02212840
Nicely done, Dhimmi No More [49 words]orange yonasonMar 16, 2014 00:25212840
Thank you very much [57 words]dhimmi no moreMar 17, 2014 18:20212840
"What is most amazing... [44 words]orange yonasonMar 17, 2014 22:13212840
talking ants, talking trees - no, he's not prone to fantasy at all [268 words]Mohammed Wazir AhkspaidarMar 20, 2014 05:18212840
But his name was قثم عبد اللات or Quthm Abd Allat and this is Muhammad's real name and I'm not kidding you [171 words]dhimmi no moreMar 23, 2014 13:43212840
Half right, half wrong [94 words]SimhaMay 27, 2014 11:42212840
1Hlaf knowledge is dangerous [453 words]dhimmi no moreSep 5, 2014 13:37212840
Stop making false Fatawat [40 words]AdilNov 8, 2014 13:56212840
Against the gospel ! [38 words]Stephen H. ChopekJan 26, 2014 16:03212837
2The good ole Sheikh needs to read the Qur'an with care part two [481 words]dhimmi no moreJan 19, 2014 12:27212738
Kufic Script Arabic [13 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyFeb 3, 2014 14:31212738
1al-Tabari was editing the Qur'an [195 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 4, 2014 07:12212738
1And speaking of Kufic script [179 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 5, 2014 07:44212738
Every Languge has its Origin [55 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyFeb 10, 2014 13:44212738
1The amazing Sheikh [275 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 11, 2014 08:08212738
Prophets and Messengers of God [76 words]Guardian of DeenFeb 20, 2014 20:52212738
3بالتقريب and Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [245 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 22, 2014 11:04212738
4Spot the mistake in the book of Allah in Q7:160 and what a disaster [130 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 22, 2014 16:25212738
2Recite the Quran in 7 ways [74 words]Guardian of DeenFeb 24, 2014 18:29212738
2The nation of the offspring of Jacob [76 words]Guardian of DeenFeb 24, 2014 19:25212738
1Our dear God is saying that there are seven versions of the Qur'an! What a disaster [155 words]dhimmi no moreMar 1, 2014 00:10212738
2Quranic disasters and poor Arabic language grammar in the Qur'an [400 words]dhimmi no moreMar 1, 2014 10:27212738
1More Syriac in the Qur'an [221 words]dhimmi no moreMar 1, 2014 11:10212738
2الاحرف السبعة aka المصيبة الاسلامية الكبيرة or the seven readings of the Qur'an aka The big Islamic disaster [4440 words]dhimmi no moreMar 2, 2014 12:38212738
2More Islamic disasters the term السلام عليكم or al-Salamu 'Alaykum is plagiarized from Hebrew and Syriac [111 words]dhimmi no moreMar 2, 2014 12:54212738
The Grammar stand correct - you have poor Arabic [40 words]Guardian of DeenMar 5, 2014 09:26212738
The Grammar is correct [55 words]Guardian of DeenMar 5, 2014 09:31212738
A versatile book (The Holy Quran) and a versatile language (The Arabic) [53 words]Guardian of DeenMar 5, 2014 09:43212738
Peace is the word since Adam [98 words]Guardian of DeenMar 5, 2014 09:50212738
Funny To Me [14 words]Sheik Melvin Velines-BeyMar 6, 2014 17:18212738
Really ! [43 words]Sheik Melvin Velines-BeyMar 6, 2014 17:21212738
Tell us about [27 words]Sheik Melvin Velines-BeyMar 6, 2014 17:23212738
Guiding the perplexed again [94 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2014 08:32212738
2Oh I'm telling you about it: The term al-Salamu 'Alikum is plagiarized from Hebrew and Syriac and what a disaster [178 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2014 08:42212738
3More Quranic disasters and the Qur'an says that Jesus is indeed the Logos [563 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2014 09:55212738
3Exposing plagiarists and Adam is a PUBH! [316 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2014 10:57212738
1More Quranic grammatical disasters: Spot the mistake in the book of Allah! [164 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2014 11:21212738
1Our dear GoD does not know any Arabic oh my evidence? Here! [66 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2014 11:47212738
2Islamic disasters and the art of name calling [160 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2014 16:34212738
1Then Maududi and Ahmad Deedat were not telling the truth! [290 words]dhimmi no moreMar 11, 2014 15:14212738
1More Quranic disasters and spot the mistake in the book of Allah [135 words]dhimmi no moreMar 16, 2014 11:32212738
1'peace, man.' [101 words]Mohammed Wazir AhkspaidarMar 20, 2014 05:25212738
Actually, that's how Arabic Grammar works [11 words]Adam ZaimApr 25, 2016 20:12212738
Great Rebuttal Shaykh Ra Saadi EL [201 words]Sheik Charles Brown-ELJan 17, 2014 20:36212715
Information about The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928 [60 words]The MSTA-1928Jan 15, 2014 19:41212686
5The good ole Sheikh needs to read the Qur'an with care [267 words]dhimmi no moreJan 13, 2014 14:56212646
History of Islamism [101 words]Melvin M. Velines-Bey, A.G.S., S.G.R., B.A., M.A-P.A.Jan 21, 2014 03:22212646
1Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [245 words]dhimmi no moreJan 23, 2014 07:36212646
1The True History of Islam [250 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyFeb 3, 2014 10:06212646
2Islam is the religion of the Arabs only part two [338 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 5, 2014 08:27212646
2Islam and its victims [408 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 5, 2014 13:53212646
You have Do Better Than That [154 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyFeb 11, 2014 02:14212646
2Our dear Sheikh Melvin is a careless reader [497 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 13, 2014 18:12212646
Read this Carefully [544 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyFeb 20, 2014 02:53212646
Get Your History Right [285 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyFeb 20, 2014 07:53212646
6Delaying the inevitable: Allah really says that it is OK to own slaves and rape them! Despicable [776 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 22, 2014 10:28212646
2Justifying the absurd [82 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 22, 2014 10:43212646
dhimmi [22 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyFeb 24, 2014 19:55212646
Rebutall and Evidence of the Emphatically Inevitable [233 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyFeb 26, 2014 11:47212646
5Leave Islam and be free from the Arabs and their racism [485 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 28, 2014 19:30212646
The Mouth can Say Anything [38 words]sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyMar 3, 2014 14:25212646
LOL [208 words]Sheik Melvin M. Velines-BeyMar 3, 2014 14:51212646
2I feel sorry for you [182 words]dhimmi no moreMar 5, 2014 18:09212646
belated reply to untruths presented as 'facts' [400 words]Mohammed Wazir AhkspaidarMar 22, 2014 02:29212646

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