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The UN had no problem defining "war crimes"

Reader comment on item: I Give Up: There Is No Terrorism, There Are No Terrorists

Submitted by DrRJP (United States), Jun 3, 2015 at 11:17

The problem with the word, "terrorism," is that it has a very specific meaning in the context of Islam. It isn't hard to see that given how it says to "Strike terror in the hearts of the unbelievers." The problem is in getting politicians to strop looking for euphemisms for Islamic terrorism. The two are as inseparable as bacon & eggs. Islam would not be a major "religion" without its use. While terrorism has been used as a strategy in conflicts for millenia - nowhere else is it codified in both religious texts and legal texts except in Islam and Sharia.

A cogent argument can be made for separating it out from all other acts of terrorism. Indeed, it should, because left-wing politicians are fonbd of using it, like "racist," to ridicule their opponents. The problem likes not with the word, but with the blatant attempts to redefine it away from its Koranic context.

You suggested "jihadi." Thanks to our Terrorism Advisor (and convert to Islam) John Brennan refuted the ideas that "jihad" has anything to do with war. Remember, he called it "A legitimate tenet of Islam," which, in fact, reinbfdorces myt stgatements above, but then he dissimulates it into "inner struggle." You can call a tank, "an armored vehicle," but I would never confuse a tank with a HumVee, which can also be made into an armored vehicle.

Don't confuse "terrorism" with all the many ways it can be implemented. What's the difference between a guy, dressed in all black, carrying a black flag, and yelling, "Alluah Ahkbar," before beheading a 100 Christian civilians or herding them into a church and setting it on fire? You could argue, as apologists for Islamic terrorism do, that "burning unbelievers alive" is not "Islamic," and, in the sense that only a few specific acts of terrorism are ensconced in the Koran, they would, technically, be right.

Whereas, "beheading of the unbeliever" is specifically mandated in the Koran, along with the amputation of hands and feet on opposite sides. These are examples of "striking terror in the hearts of the unbeliever," but Muhammed didn't limit himself to only a few methods of spreading terror.

"Terrorism" is a lot easier to define than "Hate," yet we have laws against "hate" that are every bit as vague as are the different ways that "hate" can be defined.

For thousands of years, there was never any confusion as to what the definition of "Marriage" was, up iuntil just three years ago, when 2% of society (TWO PERCENT!) managed to change its definition to suit themselves, and the hell with the other 98 percent.

Daniel, yhour argument can be applied to an entire 21st Century dictionary of words that have been redefined from what they were in the prior century. Language does not inhibit thought, as Chomsky said, but limits the ability to convey thoughts to others. If you control the meaning of words, then you can control the way people think and talk.

This is the greatest unjustice done to a people's language and a peoiple's culture. It is also the #1 tactic of the Left, the Totalitarian, the people who want to control the thoughts of others so that everyone is thinking in the same way. They have two strategies when it comes to defdining bwords: either make them strictly literal, or hopelessly vague.

The UN falls in the latter category on everything they attempt to define.

When the US fought the Nazis, it was also fighting against a totalitarian ideology.

When the US fought the Italians, it was also fighting against a totalitarian ideology.

When the US fought the Japanese, it was also fighting against a totalitarian ideology.

When the US fought the Vietnamese, it was also fighting against a totalitarian ideology.

When the US fought the Taliban, it was also fighting against a totalitarian ideology. But with a big difference.

Unlike the other ideologies, this one is rooted in religious beliefs that cannot be excized from them without destroying the beliefs because they are commanded by an all powerful god. The Romans were ruthless, cruel, and also engaged in terrorism, But, not in the name of any god among their pantheon (which was co-opted from the Greeks).

The "War on Terror" was a euphemism. We should define what we face in as clear and exact and as literal terms as possible - no matter how politically incorrect they are.

ISIS is not a group of far-right extremists - yet Obama just gave $588,000 to the University of Michigan to study far-right extremism. All of the acts of violence and destruction committed intrhis country come from two, allied groups: the Left and the followers of Sharia. Note that I didn't say, "Islam," or "Muslim," because,even though Muslims kill each other, all Islamic sects are bound by Sharia. That's the common link and the common enemy. The Westerners who join ISIS have no intererst in the religion of Islam. Their interest is in the license given to them by Sharia Law to kill, torture, burn, loot, and all the other aspects that make Islam, the "Religion of Peace."

But, because the followers of the "Religion of Peace" become the prisoners of the "Religion of Peace" and cannot complain about the "Religion of Peace" without getting tortured or killed. So they invented "Taqiyya" (if you're a Sunni) and "misyar" (if you're a Shiite). INSTITUTIONALIZED LYING by any other name.

In the Western world, they say, the only thoings that are certain are death and taxes. They also say the same in the Eastern world of Islam - except they added an additional certainty for non-Muslims: "Death, jizza (dhimmi taxes), and belief in Allah (forced conversion)."

Daniel, Hezbollah is a terrorist group. It was established specifically for that purpose by Iran. Hezbollah means "Party of God," but I've never seen a single Hezbollah member engage in proselytizing for Islam. Which differentiates itself from Hamas, which prides itself on being a terrorist group, was initially established by the Muslim Brotherhood to offset the secularism of the PLO by practicing Sharia, keeping peoplev in line with it, and forcing conversions to Islam on nonbelievers.

To placate Iran, the taqiyya-talking Islamist in the White House took Hezbollah off the terrorist list, but they didn't turn to doing missionary work afterwards. They remain a terrorist group who commit acts of terrorrism. But, since terrorism is not a day job, they do engage in political activities.

But, liked all Islamic terrorism, they make no distinction between civilian and military like you do. Neither does Hamas. To them, slitting the throat of a 3-month old infant in her crib, a 14-year old teenager at a disco, or an 18-year old IDF soldier standing guard, these are distinctions without a difference.

Terrorists dress as civilians (a war crime for which none have been punished). Are they fighting for a country? Even though they are an arm of Iran, being called, "the Party of God," would negate that direct connection. We were allegedly fighting Iraqis in Iraq - yet most of the deaths there were caused by Iranian-made IED's. The missiles that Hezbollah launched at Israel's civilian centers were all made in Iran.

Prior to 9/11, Hezbollah (and, by extension, Iran) was responsible for more American deaths than was Al Qaeda or the PLO, even if you discount the Marines murdered in their beds - and not on the battlefield - in 1983 Beirut. Even though Libya's former leader, Qaddafi, was responsible for blowing up Pan Am 103, it was Iran who provided both the incentive (lots of money and weapons) and explosive experts to build the bomb and conceal it inside a Toshiba radio, which was placed inside a hard-sided Samsonite suitcase that had been designated as an unaccompanied bag. It was done "in revenge" for America's accidental downing of an Iranian jetliner that a rookie radar operator mistook for an enemy plane.

One thing that Hezbollah is noted for, and could win a Nobel Prize if they had a category for it, was building bombs. They built the car bombs that took outr the American and Freench embassies, in addition to the huge US barracks in Beirut. They leveled an entire building just to kill Lebanon's President Hariri without any regard to the 21 others also killed and huindreds wounded on Feb. 14, 2005. Syria also played a role, but Syria is also a proxy and patron of Iran.

Iran's 2nd major export, behind oil and gas, is terrorism. What is so hard to define acts of terror? You can easily operationally define it as a destructive and homicidal act intented to create fear in people. "FEAR" is the key word here because it is a "fear" that always leads to predictable consequences for those who experience it. Besides being a totally bogus and invented word, "Islamophobia" is also an oxymoron and a nonsequitur. Yet, that has not stopped anyone from using it as a euphemism for "identifying and combatting Islamic acts of hate and forced submission to Sharia."

I agree that we do need to stop using an omnibus term that describes a strategy of psychological warfare to identifying all of the attributes of our nation's enemies, to our very way of life, who are bent on destroying both the citizens and the nation who support the citizen's individual rights and freedoms.

Our Leader refuses to do this and many of his fellow politicians and patrons do also. We are being guided by opur mortal enemy on how to fight our mortal enemy. Thatr's more than just having the fox guard the hen house. That's the fox inviting his entire pack over for chicken dinner!


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (79) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Synonym of Terror = Abject Fear [199 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
DrRJPMar 27, 2017 13:58237961
The American Approach Should Be To Keep Fighting For The Accurate Use Of Terrorism As A Word [302 words]Mike ConlonApr 13, 2016 20:03228947
Drop Racism As Well, But Call Out Hatred [133 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
DaveMar 23, 2016 22:08228538
"hate crime" is a ridicuous category [148 words]Anon.Nov 1, 2019 08:47228538
1Definition of Terrorism - no less difficult than Rape or Robbery [431 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
RobertOct 12, 2015 16:30225595
1The Insurance Companies Know [93 words]
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MalcolmJul 15, 2015 18:21224229
More to do with Erdogan's stubborness [49 words]
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David W. LincolnJul 14, 2015 16:22224210
Propaganda at Its Finest Hour of Delusion - Terrorism by Any Other Name Still Terrorises [231 words]M. ToveyJul 9, 2015 10:28224120
Peace in Our Time [381 words]Michael SJul 15, 2015 02:19224120
No Bet Here For 2017. [163 words]M ToveyJul 16, 2015 11:15224120
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Obama's vision of the future? [448 words]Michael SAug 3, 2015 17:56224120
Alliances Made; Broken; All Without Honor [201 words]M ToveyAug 3, 2015 18:45224120
Timing of Armageddon: Will Hillary be the one? Donald Trump? Jeb Bush? God knows. [738 words]Michael SAug 7, 2015 16:22224120
Definitely; The Father Knows; But Are HIS Children Listening? [48 words]M ToveyAug 11, 2015 19:30224120
4Terrorism in the Qur'an in Q8:60 and many Islamists are proud to be called terrorists [362 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2015 07:43223918
terror definition. [54 words]PermReaderJun 21, 2015 13:08223889
1Absolutely correct, and I propose another harmful semantic controversy that should be ended. [478 words]Stu FaginJun 13, 2015 10:05223802
"Enhanced Interrogation" - great way to get false confessions [149 words]BG DavisJun 29, 2015 11:47223802
Absolutely correct, and I propose another harmful semantic controversy that should be ended. [478 words]Stuart FaginJun 12, 2015 22:21223787
1a message from the Council on Rattlesnake Acceptance by People (CRAP) [238 words]Charles MartelJun 9, 2015 14:25223747
Of Concord and Discord [310 words]Genghis CohenJun 8, 2015 19:52223736
Cut the Cr_p, senators! "Antisemitism" is Antizionism. Condemn Antizionism, or keep your mouths shut [64 words]Michael SJun 12, 2015 13:29223736
1Arabs are not "anti-Semitic" [42 words]BG DavisJun 29, 2015 11:57223736
Definition of Anti-Semitism [45 words]Michael SJul 3, 2015 17:52223736
Other Semitic peoples will be surprised [99 words]BG DavisJul 9, 2015 07:29223736
Surprize, surprize, surprize! [18 words]Michael SJul 13, 2015 03:39223736
1Fraudulent claims [347 words]dhimmi no moreJul 28, 2015 06:58223736
Untruth will get you nowhere [36 words]BG DavisJul 30, 2015 18:33223736
Our dear BG is saying that the Sunni Arabs should cannot hate Shia Arabs because they are both Semites! Mash'allah [426 words]dhimmi no moreAug 3, 2015 13:46223736
1Ignorance is bliss and the meaning of the word anti-Semitism and what is a Semite in Arabic dictionaries [437 words]dhimmi no moreAug 3, 2015 14:31223736
Samiyya [44 words]SamOct 22, 2017 10:07223736
36Self-terror-phobics will never succeed! [339 words]MdShafiqMJun 7, 2015 03:18223717
2Terror in the Qur'an in Surat al-Anfal 12 [353 words]dhimmi no moreJun 24, 2015 06:55223717
1Allah as depicted here is not a true muslim [25 words]PrashantJun 25, 2015 03:14223717
2Our dear M is providing us with bogus translations of the Qur'an [268 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2015 08:32223717
2Who is really the author of the Qur'an? [106 words]dhimmi no moreJun 28, 2015 11:36223717
2The latest disaster in Bangladesh where the government "Uses Arabic to stop public urination." [95 words]dhimmi no moreJun 29, 2015 08:30223717
1A brief history of terror. [413 words]Genghis CohenJun 5, 2015 20:19223699
Comparing the Balkans with the Middle East [337 words]Michael SJun 7, 2015 12:55223699
2Stephen Coughlin is warning us..are YOU listening? [165 words]Frank LivingstonJun 4, 2015 15:28223681
"Losing to Jihadists???" [252 words]Michael S.Jun 6, 2015 11:17223681
An accurate, brief, and concise definition of the word, terrorism [217 words]Michael HoustJun 4, 2015 14:25223680
completely agree [59 words]y Brandstetter MDJun 4, 2015 04:28223672
"Values" of no value [173 words]Michael SJun 4, 2015 02:14223670
Tell That to the Insurance Companies [70 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
MalcolmJun 4, 2015 02:00223669
I Give Up: There is No Terrorism There are No Terrorists [50 words]LoisJun 3, 2015 20:13223664
Nouns are better than adjectives [387 words]Brenton KittermanJun 3, 2015 15:04223663
Dr. Pipes is right...as usual. [133 words]Larry StirlilngJun 3, 2015 11:27223657
1The UN had no problem defining "war crimes" [1614 words]DrRJPJun 3, 2015 11:17223655
The BBC are just being true to form [73 words]TonyJun 3, 2015 08:39223651
Terrorism [29 words]Steve WenickJun 3, 2015 07:12223650
1Let us parse the phrase 'islamic terrorism' [269 words]PrashantJun 3, 2015 02:27223644
1He's a Terror [323 words]Pied PiperJun 3, 2015 00:06223642
3The Correct Word [251 words]DajjalJun 2, 2015 23:39223640
Apathy [38 words]infosifterJun 2, 2015 23:09223639
I'm sorry to hear this decision Mr. Pipes [310 words]Martin KesslerJun 2, 2015 23:08223638
2"Terrorism" is simply the crime of EXTORTION writ large! [960 words]Uncle VladdiJun 2, 2015 22:31223637
RELIGIOUS ZEAL [52 words]SunshineJun 2, 2015 22:22223636
2Don't Go Down The Islamic Rabbit Hole [123 words]DaveJun 2, 2015 21:41223635
1There is no terrorism......... [189 words]FatherJonJun 2, 2015 21:08223634
1Euphemism as a refiuge [29 words]MahamuniJun 2, 2015 20:30223632
4Don't Give Up? [227 words]John in Michigan, USAJun 2, 2015 20:09223631
2but using 'counterterrorism' w/o terrorism is as illogical as US gov't linguistic contortions; also: [25 words]MarkJun 2, 2015 19:56223629
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Kelly CloverJun 2, 2015 19:45223628
1Discussion of Islamic Terrorism, Islamism or just Islam [191 words]PrashantJun 5, 2015 02:50223628
4Islamism [69 words]DajjalJun 6, 2015 01:35223628
1Islam and not Islamism!! [94 words]JaladhiJun 18, 2015 15:07223628
3Response to Mr. Pipes on avoiding the term "terrorist" [279 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Ronald DolginJun 2, 2015 18:10223627
Actions that we call "terrorism" happened before are happening now and unfortunately will happen in future. [71 words]RomanJun 4, 2015 12:04223627
don't give up on the term [78 words]daniel kennedyJun 2, 2015 17:19223626
3No Terror, No Problem? [84 words]DajjalJun 3, 2015 00:00223626
An accurate, brief, and concise definition of the word, terrorism. [89 words]Michael HoustJun 4, 2015 14:11223626
3Why is it OK to attack foreign armies who aren't at war with you?! [101 words]Uncle VladdiJun 7, 2015 17:47223626
3Its OK 'Cuz: [144 words]DajjalJun 12, 2015 04:22223626
5Crime-gangs have no "rights" to attack anyone, ever! [182 words]Uncle VladdiJun 12, 2015 17:27223626
Actually, there is a point at which they do. [122 words]Michael D. HoustJun 19, 2015 19:10223626
1Islam is only an old, large crime-gang; no more; no less! [65 words]Uncle VladdiJun 22, 2015 01:33223626
2Islam is the Arab Mafia [116 words]DajjalJun 22, 2015 03:40223626

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