Submitted by M Tovey (United States), Nov 2, 2022 at 12:54
What does it take to make a population happy in living lives that are provided for in freedom of pursuits; only then to find out that others of a perverse perception of life are there to take it all away. Where's the sense of that?
In rational terms, there are many whose lives are a mess; and they are not shy in their pain so much that they will take out their frustrations on ramdom others for the lack of never learning that, as the saying goes, 'misery loves company;' but trying to find comfort in causing more misery is always a losing proposition.
This is not a human condition that is contrasted from an occidental versus oriental mindset, since misery takes on so many variant forms and knows no limits in regards to individuals or multitudes: all are targeted.
So, the evidence is that humanity is perverse, that in history's remembrances of genocidal escapades of tribal and national expressions of envy towards one another, there is barely any time that such tragic targetng of neighboring communities did not result in decimating the others before becoming targeted themselves.
That there were obvious characteristics that facilitated easy identification of those to whom such expressions of hatred were directed made for drumming up causes in which action was required to justify such feelings.
For protections' sakes, governments (first kingdoms; then empires; then lesser entities such as feudal estates and other collaborations) were formed and a certain trust was placed to ensure freedom of living without fear. The problem with that is fear can be manipulated in the mentality that if trust is not automatically sensed in the form of the reliance of the governed in the government, its failure is guaranteed.
Tools of trust are frustrated when within the governed, that trust is supposedly inherent is not actually practiced for a variety of reasons and they are legion. Goverance in democratic alliances, such as that found in the United States of America, issues of trust were already in evidence, but for the duration, more rational thoughts of protecting freedom prevailed, even though ethnicity was part of that republic's fabric. The ancient antipathies of the contributing national and ethnic populations took much longer to foment to the point they are today. Of such is the occidental pathway to understanding humanity's trepidations of seeking peace with one another.
In the oriental culture, the historical implications are much deeper and more developed antipathies are at the roots of the many issues leading to devastated empires. This can be traced to the history on the plains of Babylon and its trace civilization, Babel. When humanity was unable to come to terms of mankind's inability to recognize the greater Sovereign Power, humanity was struck with the recognition that their supposed unity
while being vareagated children of the times of Noah, was the initiation of race based emnity and they all fled in fear of not being a single people anymore. This was antagonized further when the Soverign Power separated and segregated Abram (Abraham) and his progeny (later emphasized as Jewish based upon the grandchildren of Israel) for reasons to prove His sovereignty can never be challenged without consequences.
Of such is racism, practiced by those in the rebellion to the Sovereign Power.
It is now the source of the envy that non-Jewish contenders who seek to eliminate Israel against the destiny set out by the Sovereign Power and the time is approaching when what happened at Babel and later to Sodom (et al) will look like footnotes to history's most ragic times and humanity will never be the same.
Democratic governance (especially under Islamic perceptions) was never meant to bring peace or protect freedom to all; it becomes a placekeeper until the time when true governance is established under the Sovereign Power and all races are represented.
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