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Title Commenter Date Thread
3Why people call themselves Christians [79 words]VictoriaAug 20, 2017 22:18240529
1Obama is a Christian? [117 words]themadrussianMay 19, 2016 15:47229535
2Compulsion in Islam [63 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
B. McCarthyDec 29, 2015 21:56227357
1Cumpulsion in Islam [23 words]Md JabedMay 26, 2017 15:52227357
1Muslim or Christian [65 words]aquarianNov 22, 2015 07:26226505
2Obama ... [13 words]MikeDec 14, 2015 16:16226505
5Could be meaning of Musalmaan [48 words]Ayaaz KhanAug 22, 2013 15:15209169
1Religion in India is a big industry! It must be [20 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2013 06:57209169
ISLAM AND MUSAYLIMA [38 words]Rajeev JhaDec 27, 2016 15:16209169
Trinity United Church of Christ [93 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
esther stewaratSep 22, 2012 18:51198985
1Trinity United Church of Christ [101 words]esther stewaratSep 24, 2012 12:01198985
1Obama's religion? [6 words]ScepticAug 28, 2012 15:31198238
6Obama a Christian? [78 words]RalphJul 1, 2012 10:56196866
2Ducks [27 words]Roger'Mar 7, 2014 22:24196866
3Obama and Muslims [50 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
stranchanJun 20, 2012 07:47196466
3obama Christian [32 words]kafurJul 31, 2012 17:41196466
His father and his step father were both Muslim [79 words]stranchanMay 28, 2012 08:23195877
3Obama's Shia Policy [155 words]KarlDec 30, 2015 19:42195877
interest [20 words]AlstonMay 3, 2012 17:44195413
8Pres. Obama speaks and acts muslim ! [92 words]Phil GreendMar 3, 2012 11:16193837
2Duck [20 words]juryriggerApr 7, 2012 18:10193837
2A rose by any other name.... [175 words]donvanMay 12, 2012 21:22193837
1Not just his father, but his stepfather too [157 words]saraMay 13, 2012 18:50193837
6If Obama is practicing "el-taqiyya" then he is a practicing Muslim [402 words]Dr Ron PollandMay 10, 2011 10:34185075
4Dr Pollard, there are no facts in your post [148 words]DNAug 24, 2011 11:09185075
8Your liberal lies won't fly here. [150 words]Dr Ron PollandAug 24, 2011 21:12185075
3Facts [218 words]DNAug 30, 2011 10:35185075
2DN needs to check his or her facts! [116 words]NoLiesHereApr 29, 2012 14:16185075
2Like to read an Educated Mans Response!! [216 words]Joseph BrownJan 21, 2014 15:37185075
Indonesia is still Indonesia [265 words]sinantaraApr 3, 2015 23:04185075
1Was barack Obama, a Muslim? [161 words]CNMar 29, 2011 13:09183699
2OBAMA's Religion [43 words]John McLeodMar 3, 2011 10:00183124
1inside story [32 words]MOHAMMED FAIZANFeb 12, 2011 00:02182564
1seems like only hardcore minority group of christians are obsessed with Obama's religion [23 words]thesly1Dec 26, 2010 15:25181264
Bary said Assalamualaikum last night [46 words]b soetoroNov 9, 2010 19:10180048
2Was Obama a Muslim? [360 words]Vigilant101Nov 7, 2010 21:02180016
3should obama be president? [51 words]filthy kafurNov 17, 2010 09:01180016
3born in USA [7 words]b soetoroNov 23, 2010 05:34180016
should obama be president question [130 words]kalm maryMar 24, 2011 10:27180016
2Born in the USA [128 words]urstrangeNov 28, 2011 10:07180016
1Obama is a muslim [45 words]ZeenaMay 27, 2012 05:02180016
1Natural born American [42 words]The RickJul 30, 2012 22:01180016
1You are misunderstooding "natural born citizen" [162 words]DevMar 31, 2016 23:24180016
4surname Hussain [22 words]psrapsrOct 26, 2010 13:49179644
Barack has mutiple meanings [26 words]bobOct 20, 2010 10:26179481
2Why All this Assumptions!! [78 words]Moon LightSep 1, 2010 02:33177527
1Is President Obama a Muslim [103 words]Paul NewtonAug 31, 2010 16:09177509
obama an agnostic? [9 words]triniAug 23, 2010 10:59177145
3Obama is not a murtadd...he's a liar and an active Muslim terrorist sympathizer. [248 words]Joseph Guida MDAug 21, 2010 23:12177067
Obama read the CORAN [76 words]Pablo MaciquesAug 19, 2010 15:52176981
Osama Obama [54 words]brian hathawayJul 12, 2010 07:23175451
1We Are American And Should Voice our Thoughts [180 words]Judd LewisJul 1, 2010 23:31175050
3ABOUT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA [151 words]Elizabeth HardingJul 1, 2010 17:00175044
is he or is he not?? [24 words]meenaMay 25, 2010 21:56173404
6He lies [71 words]FriedrichMay 20, 2010 01:09173132
1True [28 words]ObamaKillsSep 14, 2010 16:09173132
1In his own words [17 words]Truth SeekerApr 30, 2010 13:15171916
2misconceptions about Islamic law [77 words]AnonymousApr 11, 2010 13:16171192
not really [36 words]bthoeryFeb 16, 2010 00:13168954
4he is muslim [20 words]muslim manFeb 15, 2010 23:43168952
Obama's mother [17 words]TeresaMay 9, 2011 15:11168952
2He missed his calling [46 words]blackybFeb 1, 2010 19:50168250
4DUH!!!!!! [89 words]MariaDec 16, 2009 14:35165935
response [10 words]ManasJan 25, 2010 13:23165935
muslm [30 words]anonymousJul 19, 2010 11:32165935
Do you know anything about muslims? [122 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
a muslimNov 3, 2009 01:27163985
1[to Daniel Pipes' response] [368 words]Pierce RandallNov 30, 2009 16:46163985
Obama is Obama. [285 words]koho toraJul 15, 2010 11:45163985
1Could he just be a good man [32 words]William N.WileyOct 28, 2009 00:00163636
1freedoms at stake [36 words]BdOct 30, 2009 01:05163636
1Barack a good man?? [173 words]rogerDec 31, 2010 11:24163636
3Is Obama Good? [9 words]ramjet2Dec 31, 2010 11:34163636
1wake up america [4 words]julieOct 14, 2009 23:23163098
1And.. [7 words]Jerry RAug 17, 2010 07:33163098
Spell Check [12 words]urstrangeNov 28, 2011 09:48163098
Obama a practicing Christian .. [108 words]kleinSep 24, 2009 11:27162022
Gentleman [8 words]AL-ERSHAD BHUIYANAug 25, 2009 22:50160639
2So what if Obama is a Muslim? [36 words]David TorresJun 6, 2009 18:55156910
1If Obama says, he is a christian then he is one [94 words]Kristina BergmannJun 4, 2009 12:13156718
Muslim who cares [20 words]RussJun 4, 2009 07:47156687
1The artice is 100% correct, and please wake up America [114 words]SAMMay 5, 2009 14:27154974
2Not really [11 words]BelgianJul 14, 2009 22:56154974
ready for this [14 words]allondrachaviesMay 4, 2009 16:00154924
how can americans be so stupid [152 words]dont blame me i voted for mccainApr 27, 2009 23:54154574
change of subject [46 words]kimApr 29, 2009 01:49154574
agree [30 words]kimApr 29, 2009 01:57154574
HUSSEIN OBAMA [10 words]ERIC FRIEDMANJun 16, 2009 06:26154574
hes not muslim [35 words]AnonymousApr 15, 2009 19:19153935
missing the point [224 words]anonymousMay 24, 2009 01:33153935
1radical socialism [177 words]Michael B RufMar 27, 2009 05:12152838
1Religion [16 words]eleonore GryFeb 10, 2009 13:19150171
2OBAMA BY ALL MEANS IS NOT MUSLIM BASED ON YOUR FINDINGS AND PROOFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [384 words]anonJan 30, 2009 23:26149572
Concealment [36 words]BrandonSep 1, 2010 10:08149572
HOPES [14 words]ibrahim khalilJan 30, 2009 06:44149508
What high hopes [8 words]PaulJun 4, 2009 07:22149508
freedom for all and humanity [29 words]hendiJan 29, 2009 00:36149429
World needs people like OBAMA [200 words]AgnosticJan 27, 2009 15:20149253
the country is going in the wrong direction [223 words]kleinSep 24, 2009 21:39149253
Is religion of new president going to destruct the peace of US [116 words]mansshamaJan 24, 2009 13:53148945
2Obama is not a Christian [78 words]BayleeMar 16, 2009 01:04148945
No lie is hidden.. [87 words]Carlos MendezMar 23, 2009 15:13148945
Wolf in sheep's clothing [25 words]BayleeMar 27, 2009 19:49148945
disguised as "angel of light" [4 words]voice of last daysFeb 11, 2010 07:01148945
GOOD [9 words]nuriyaJan 23, 2009 01:32148806
3Foreigner's opinions about the Obamination are not welcome! [40 words]Impeach Obama NowJan 26, 2009 21:27148806
oath? [13 words]barry soetoroJan 22, 2009 19:07148781
does it matter ? [33 words]MeeJan 20, 2009 01:03148484
He has lied and will again [28 words]SamuelJan 22, 2009 17:59148484
1Yes it matters!!! [190 words]American GirlJan 24, 2009 15:32148484
human [15 words]Mohammad Ayub khokharJan 29, 2009 13:56148484
Specious Reasoning [266 words]Awesome-OFeb 10, 2009 18:55148484
Barack Obama [29 words]Andrew LafronceJan 19, 2009 12:43148424
Ignorance through Multiculturalism [234 words]JamesJan 14, 2009 09:14148014
Was Obama a Muslim ? [70 words]Billy MillsJan 13, 2009 21:56147975
Is Obama a Muslim [157 words]Jimmy Blue EyesJan 15, 2009 18:15147975
Answer to Johnny Blue Eyes; Was Barak Hussein Mohammed Obama a Muslim ?? [166 words]Billy MillsJan 16, 2009 14:30147975
1Is Barack Jewish [173 words]CoraJan 23, 2009 12:36147975
1Barak Hussein Obama [7 words]joe ruggirelloJan 27, 2009 15:11147975
Reply to Jimmy Blue Eyes [318 words]Ingal PerryJan 31, 2009 22:44147975
only for america [13 words]pscAug 22, 2010 17:49147975
All Things In His Hands [168 words]nicciJan 13, 2009 00:05147896
IT WASN'T GOD [161 words]Sumitted by Anonymous [UNITED STATE]Apr 30, 2010 20:38147896
taqquiya [25 words]Call Me MomJan 11, 2009 01:43147710
You are may be muslim Barak [43 words]Md. Mostafizur RahmanJan 5, 2009 03:49146951
OBAMA is christian by choice and a muslim by birth. [63 words]Thasneem kottayamJan 21, 2009 03:02146951
religion, muslim or not? [290 words]JudyDec 4, 2008 15:10144403
"the Muslim Communities' [148 words]Mr. Nasif Numeiry PadateDec 2, 2008 22:24144322
stop argument about religion [84 words]SYED ZAFFAR KAZIMINov 21, 2008 05:20143429
Birth Certificate [142 words]Abe NoxiousDec 1, 2008 00:25143429
Muslim, Christian, Natural Born American, thats what matters. [102 words]JONDec 8, 2008 13:52143429
who's to blame [52 words]lauraJan 9, 2009 15:26143429
Barack Hussein Obama "SILLY" to say that he is not a MUSLIM.......................... [107 words]ShirozaMar 18, 2009 06:30143429
Well said [161 words]CarlOct 23, 2009 16:03143429
regardless of race or religion we need competent leaders [278 words]don't blame me i voted mccainNov 17, 2008 20:51143113
Obama - The Proper Channel to the Muslim World for Americans [345 words]Anas SiddiquiNov 16, 2008 12:06142992
1Barak Obama is honest and Loves America. [169 words]Nader.Nov 16, 2008 06:07142980
Welcome return to the really good ol' US of A [628 words]CavellNov 13, 2008 12:30142861
God is not worried, why are YOU worried for Him? [187 words]LisaNov 12, 2008 12:45142797
Need a Brain [180 words]Billy MillsJan 14, 2009 20:58142797
43 White Ex-Presidents Failed. Let 1 black man put things in place! [52 words]MissFizahNov 12, 2008 09:07142776
Good Luck to Black OBAMA [43 words]asifNov 27, 2008 00:44142776
Does it really matter??? [11 words]Support...Nov 11, 2008 17:08142731
Our Muslim, "Demander & Cheat". [322 words]ScrewGreenDig4OilNov 10, 2008 19:41142661
So what if he is a Muslim??? [202 words]HilwaNov 10, 2008 16:48142637
who what [14 words]careNov 10, 2008 00:15142560
Islam is Way of Life [54 words]munawar salehNov 8, 2008 20:55142505
This is still America isn't it? [289 words]CyndyNov 10, 2008 17:46142505
2any peaceful religion but... islam [352 words]James ThomasOct 9, 2010 16:43142505
if obama was/is a muslim, what can we do now? [140 words]unpredjudiced christianNov 6, 2008 21:19142329
I'd be worried if i were you. [174 words]BygSyxxNov 10, 2008 09:58142329
Religion issue? is it really? [54 words]Michael MoslimNov 10, 2008 18:40142329
it was just another example of republicans. [110 words]starNov 11, 2008 18:52142329
1Proof that Obama is a muslim. [221 words]MealasiaNov 6, 2008 18:19142299
obama in islam [25 words]swswNov 10, 2008 13:39142299
STIMULUS check [161 words]Bob HollandNov 10, 2008 21:44142299
Great Guy ! [28 words]JaneNov 11, 2008 01:26142299
Response to user: Mealasia - comment that Obama is a Muslim [83 words]Proud Caucasion supporter of ObamaNov 14, 2008 16:09142299
Is the middle name a muslim name? [81 words]JugdishchandraApr 1, 2009 13:27142299
Let him be [16 words]ChinyereNov 6, 2008 10:02142249
No body know who is really Islam or Atheist [72 words]munawar salehNov 6, 2008 17:46142249
Disgusted. [96 words]AcilliaNov 7, 2008 09:51142249
oh well.. [41 words]justanotherguyNov 8, 2008 09:45142249
Let Obama be!...PROSECUTED! [214 words]Joseph Guida MDNov 8, 2008 17:24142249
HOODWINKED BY OBAMA [173 words]truthseekersNov 8, 2008 21:32142249
Please, get your facts straight. [344 words]LisaNov 9, 2008 17:02142249
Pure insanity [136 words]DeeNov 10, 2008 13:56142249
Ignorance in the US [66 words]OddvarNov 10, 2008 18:00142249
Illustrious History [65 words]Johnny WalkerNov 10, 2008 18:50142249
i cant believe us elected him [34 words]beckyNov 10, 2008 20:28142249
Scared of a Black Man? [174 words]RobertNov 12, 2008 18:46142249
so what [94 words]fiazNov 18, 2008 06:58142249
Amen [3 words]jb kayNov 18, 2008 22:00142249
The Supreme Court met yesterday OFF THE RECORD...all justices..wonder about WHAT? [122 words]Joseph Guida MDNov 21, 2008 13:03142249
1Joseph Guida MD ... [130 words]Karen McNov 21, 2008 15:12142249
Those who choose to ignore the facts about Fraudbama will meet with great disappointment. [6 words]Joseph Guida MDDec 2, 2008 22:58142249
Whether Christain or Muslim,Mr.Obama brings prosperity rather than destruction [159 words]YasirDec 10, 2008 08:47142249
Obama is a fraud and will make a horrible president...but the media will never tell! [127 words]Joseph Guida MDDec 11, 2008 03:26142249
Barak is the only opportunity [90 words]MinaDec 21, 2008 04:47142249
Murtadd Barry Soetolo (alias Obama) isn't even an American! [158 words]Joseph Guida MDJan 5, 2009 14:53142249
get it right [99 words]kerryApr 16, 2009 05:04142249
He is a Muslim [13 words]shahidNov 6, 2008 03:13142223
Your President is no Muslim [107 words]Mohammad MalakNov 8, 2008 09:04142223
if christain let him follow bible [56 words]QureshiNov 13, 2008 18:19142223
muslim or christian...doesn't matter [24 words]Y-ZNov 5, 2008 21:40142190
Barack Hussein Obama [69 words]Carl WinstedNov 5, 2008 19:17142180
Blame it on Obama? [59 words]Millicent PerryNov 10, 2008 10:10142180
Practicing Islam [57 words]Hassan SwediNov 18, 2008 09:42142180
fools [60 words]MADDODNov 5, 2008 13:09142140
BRAVO!!! [43 words]munawar salehNov 5, 2008 21:55142140
Obama will lead us [20 words]AdamNov 6, 2008 11:52142140
sol [51 words]cranemanNov 6, 2008 13:50142140
6 years in the USMC [49 words]cranemanNov 7, 2008 10:32142140
not race issue [56 words]cranemanNov 7, 2008 10:45142140
reply [118 words]concerned americanNov 7, 2008 19:44142140
He is a "LION" [56 words]IbrahimNov 10, 2008 12:49142140
Color [153 words]PatsyNov 10, 2008 17:13142140
Please! Let's try to change [141 words]JuanitaNov 10, 2008 18:58142140
What have you done to be what you are? [168 words]Hassan Swedi - TanzaniaNov 11, 2008 08:22142140
Wrong [22 words]Mohammed AliNov 5, 2008 12:56142139
Interesting [107 words]anonNov 5, 2008 07:50142108
Obama and his background [293 words]ricardoNov 10, 2008 21:42142108
1it doesn't matter [89 words]obama's president now.... does it matter?Nov 5, 2008 04:53142095
Obama's Self-described Muslim Faith...It Truly Does Matter! [546 words]Joseph Guida MDNov 6, 2008 20:32142095
How little you know about Islam [295 words]Mohammad MalakNov 8, 2008 09:28142095
Say What You Want [23 words]Diana Smith-WatsonNov 10, 2008 14:23142095
Our dear Mohammad Malak and Muslim logic [621 words]dhimmi no moreNov 15, 2008 10:26142095
religion,discretions [328 words]JudyDec 2, 2008 04:36142095
Why is it so hard to understand that Islam is not just a religion? [19 words]Joseph Guida MDDec 2, 2008 22:34142095
Islam/religion? [203 words]JudyDec 4, 2008 14:32142095
Make Peace-Not War DOESN'T WORK WITH ISLAM! [184 words]Joseph Guida MDDec 6, 2008 11:26142095
Was Obama a Muslim [10 words]Charles NickaloupoulosNov 4, 2008 19:14142062
religion and politics [42 words]jimmy alexanderNov 4, 2008 18:59142058
1Barack Obama's name. [121 words]ThomasNov 4, 2008 00:55141985
Gotta know your stuff [188 words]Dancing BearNov 6, 2008 11:14141985
1Religion and state ought to be seperate. [259 words]ShannonNov 3, 2008 19:49141948
1So what! [87 words]DonNov 3, 2008 18:54141938
NOBAMA 08 [38 words]NOBAMANov 4, 2008 21:28141938
Barack Obama [5 words]MaryNov 3, 2008 13:03141914
1Where was Obama Born? Answer: Hawaii [19 words]DonNov 3, 2008 18:57141914
reply [40 words]concernedNov 7, 2008 20:09141914
i agree [18 words]alexNov 3, 2008 11:59141907
OBAMA IS OUR MUSLIM BROTHER [22 words]DELTAMAXNov 3, 2008 06:02141873
1Barak O'Bama's Religious background [179 words]SHIRLEYNov 4, 2008 15:04141873
Was Obama a muslem? [191 words]Haruna KellyNov 21, 2008 10:17141873
It is ok for Muslims to lie about their faith for political gain. [26 words]JosephNov 2, 2008 13:15141815
what does religion have to do with it? [222 words]JudyDec 5, 2008 22:43141815
1What does Muslim mean? [79 words]Y.M.Nov 2, 2008 07:37141797
We should not think like this. [67 words]MuatasimJan 21, 2009 13:08141797
Islam- The way of Life (recommended for Obama) [189 words]ShajiMay 21, 2009 03:27141797
Muslim [36 words]Apollo Legion IIAug 30, 2015 10:51141797
Obama Chaos [125 words]ChuckOct 31, 2008 23:32141702
go john mccain [3 words]nannaNov 3, 2008 14:40141702
Obama born in Hawaii [65 words]DonNov 3, 2008 19:03141702
John McCain from Panama? [53 words]dominoeNov 5, 2008 15:02141702
not a citizen [52 words]concerned americanNov 6, 2008 20:08141702
HMMMMM [11 words]truthseekersNov 8, 2008 22:30141702
Can he be trusted?? [99 words]CONCERNEDOct 30, 2008 08:06141431
Don't know him [15 words]rhondaNov 5, 2008 15:05141431
I agree that... [64 words]Charlie-MaiOct 30, 2008 07:36141426
No it doesn't matter! [70 words]Aleah L. :-)Oct 29, 2008 21:30141385
Leave him alone!!!!! [71 words]Aleah L.Oct 29, 2008 21:24141383
It better matter [234 words]SweetnessOct 31, 2008 17:35141383
why does it matter,? [134 words]LadytruthOct 29, 2008 20:56141379
Peaceloving muslims? [165 words]Teresa DoyleNov 3, 2008 11:47141379
Vote NO to Obama [273 words]David DuBoisOct 28, 2008 20:40141258
definition of a socialist [44 words]DonNov 3, 2008 19:12141258
Obama [94 words]MattNov 4, 2008 14:45141258
Is he, isn't he, does it matter? [107 words]Foreigner looking inOct 27, 2008 07:44141116
I don't care if he worships Satan! [92 words]Steven blockOct 28, 2008 10:23141116
Couldn't have said it better [71 words]Rebecca from the USNov 5, 2008 23:32141116
Is he a Muslim, or, has he ever been a Muslim? [103 words]Dillion AustinOct 25, 2008 13:54140973
obama who is he really [102 words]roseOct 24, 2008 22:30140914
He's most certainly a Muslim. [79 words]Linda PaulsonOct 26, 2008 15:24140914
What difference would it make if he was a muslim??! [109 words]Khaled ShafeikOct 30, 2008 17:22140914
For the last time, the man is NOT a Muslim. [137 words]LizzieOct 30, 2008 23:14140914
late in the game but whats the difference? [289 words]J NapolitanOct 23, 2008 11:29140757
Barack Obamas Muslim upbringing and how he rose too quickly to Senator. [228 words]Margaret HoodOct 19, 2008 21:45140481
Barack the Socialist who would bury America and replace it w/ AMERIKA! [333 words]A good Muslim upbringing!Oct 20, 2008 19:15140481
Obama vs. McCain [275 words]HeatherOct 30, 2008 13:40140481
irrelevant [185 words]Jason FranklinOct 18, 2008 13:54140410
Response to comment. [181 words]DoloresOct 19, 2008 15:53140410
Yes it does matter [114 words]TomOct 19, 2008 21:28140410
Irrelevant! give me a break! [231 words]margaretOct 20, 2008 19:39140410
islam [46 words]barbara van aswegenOct 24, 2008 11:50140410
What happened to Diversity? [528 words]NadiaOct 29, 2008 22:02140410
for reader Margaret [11 words]laraOct 29, 2008 22:36140410
Haven't you been listening? [22 words]AustinNov 10, 2008 04:20140410
was Obama ever muslim [46 words]JudyOct 17, 2008 14:28140359
Anyone who thinks Obama is a Muslim ... [133 words]Free ThinkerOct 17, 2008 00:48140326
This makes sooo much sense!! Why doesn't everyone see [56 words]Freethinker2Oct 30, 2008 14:41140326
Family of Obama most muslim [28 words]WILLIOct 16, 2008 08:57140276
Says what you want to hear [32 words]YvonneOct 13, 2008 16:37140099
Why? [56 words]LuisaOct 12, 2008 22:31140041
Wrong! [81 words]jcapeOct 25, 2008 16:04140041
amen [110 words]StaceyNov 5, 2008 18:41140041
Does it really matter [156 words]LisaOct 11, 2008 08:32139929
Who cares what you think...it's what they think! [174 words]BryanOct 22, 2008 14:38139929
Obama is American [136 words]MichaelOct 11, 2008 01:26139912
1It can happen in America. [279 words]Martin HoranOct 5, 2008 19:32139587
Obama's calibre [62 words]AmoebaOct 11, 2008 18:10139587
1America, and the rest of us, should be scared of Amoeba reasoners. [846 words]Martin HoranOct 12, 2008 19:42139587
BRAVO!! [13 words]JudithOct 24, 2008 02:31139587
Fondness for deceased father and paternal heritage [70 words]andromedaOct 5, 2008 02:59139566
re: Fondness for deceased father and paternal heritage [206 words]R. WillisOct 6, 2008 14:46139566
re: R Wi [135 words]s.Oct 6, 2008 19:03139566
Barack Obama - black or white [50 words]janeSep 30, 2008 06:30139365
Black, White or Brown [75 words]PhyllisOct 13, 2008 16:40139365
he is who he is [118 words]calonieNov 10, 2008 15:05139365
child's view vs free spirited dual family [263 words]newtodanielpipes.orgSep 26, 2008 20:29139234
College [74 words]ChrisSep 25, 2008 12:38139154
America's Enemies Love Obama [40 words]FloOct 3, 2008 12:11139154
1Filling in the Blanks of Obama's college years..... [1086 words]MarjorieOct 13, 2008 14:09139154
Bad fact checking is bad [302 words]JerryOct 17, 2008 07:22139154
barack obama a muslim [77 words]rose senfOct 21, 2008 15:20139154
A careful and footnoted rebuttal [2679 words]SteveOct 21, 2008 16:41139154
Does it matter? [89 words]stryver1Sep 18, 2012 00:45139154
i dont belive that barack obama is a muslim [81 words]anaSep 22, 2008 23:09139041
How could anyone deny Obama as a Muslim? [224 words]Joseph Guida MDSep 26, 2008 13:58139041
comment from Indonesian. [177 words]RIRISep 28, 2008 11:04139041
Many Muslims do not understand critical aspects of their own religion! [643 words]Joseph Guida MDSep 30, 2008 02:10139041
that's sweet ana [72 words]wondergirlOct 1, 2008 05:41139041
obama is as muslim as yusuf islam is christian [67 words]omerOct 4, 2008 11:43139041
Wondergirl... [45 words]Lizzie DOct 31, 2008 21:18139041
I'd rather die than listen to Michael Savage. [98 words]LizzieOct 31, 2008 21:26139041
duh [15 words]MikeNov 1, 2008 01:24139041
Comments of Catholic violence..give me a break! [119 words]Joseph Guida MDNov 4, 2008 21:38139041
Get Over Yourself [77 words]AustinNov 10, 2008 03:47139041
Mis-speaks or Clintonisms [226 words]R. BurrellSep 19, 2008 09:54138851
How the Arab World will respond to an Obama Presidency [126 words]DeAnn NoelSep 19, 2008 07:58138848
christian america? [35 words]t.j.Oct 11, 2008 21:17138848
Muslims can lie too can't they? [47 words]Chris RSep 17, 2008 13:27138739
1Obama and Sonia [54 words]M.A.SASTRYOct 9, 2008 04:13138739
why are people so filled with fear? [136 words]robertOct 9, 2008 19:37138739
its obvious. [277 words]hate meMar 1, 2009 18:20138739
Citizenship [44 words]Paul W. DunemanSep 14, 2008 20:51138571
why did they help Obama? [98 words]ASep 11, 2008 16:14138297
barak obama [963 words]andreaOct 11, 2008 12:54138297
All in a name [23 words]SheilaSep 11, 2008 10:05138281
Why? [152 words]SheilaSep 11, 2008 09:55138280
Judge Mr. Obama for who he is and what he does [368 words]ScottSep 16, 2008 16:14138280
A Great Question [54 words]B GuestSep 21, 2008 20:26138280
Where is tolerance? [242 words]BusybeeSep 30, 2008 07:39138280
BarackObama a Christian ? [213 words]Margaret HoodOct 20, 2008 20:08138280
Why is religion a factor. [325 words]JeffOct 28, 2008 20:25138280
I love you America! [268 words]Marki WashigntonNov 11, 2008 03:43138280
We are dealing with it.. [165 words]donvanMay 13, 2012 21:52138280
It makes all the difference. [39 words]J.J.Sep 10, 2008 18:57138252
The danger of fear [57 words]Hamidah Sharif HarrisOct 19, 2008 00:08138252
he's a sexist [149 words]no obamantions pleaseSep 10, 2008 13:04138239
Obama Friend to Women [583 words]ScottSep 16, 2008 17:15138239
Muslam attitude toward women.... [157 words]donvanSep 17, 2008 12:16138239
OBAMA'S WORDS AGAINST RUMORS SAID HE IS MOSLEM.. [283 words]Timotius PrimandaruSep 10, 2008 03:16138215
Who said they were his enemies? [62 words]BBOct 25, 2008 12:33138215
Is Barak Obama a Christian? NOT [257 words]LanceNov 9, 2008 14:48138215
Why does this matter [138 words]NoahSep 8, 2008 21:53138156
also [18 words]J.J.Sep 10, 2008 18:59138156
goverment & church [114 words]Nadine EndicottSep 22, 2008 10:24138156
Obama is not Suitable President to USA- [304 words]Teng MarioSep 3, 2008 09:43137881
God loves us no matter how or where we worship [312 words]Patricia SeagroveAug 29, 2008 14:07137609
God loves us all BUT [33 words]questionistAug 29, 2008 23:00137609
Was Barack Obama a Muslim? God loves us no matter how or where we worship. [45 words]Philip Verghese ArielSep 8, 2008 05:50137609
WHY do Muslims Support this Apostate [50 words]PaulAug 28, 2008 00:45137535
Why do Muslims Support Obama? [119 words]FloOct 3, 2008 11:57137535
Hey Obama! Come clean.. [96 words]Mad as &%#@Oct 13, 2008 22:53137535
My Personal Comments [68 words]Joan RaschellAug 26, 2008 22:55137447
Yes BUT Obama LIED about it. [100 words]questionerAug 29, 2008 23:04137447
Amazing... [155 words]BrandonAug 25, 2008 19:39137367
I HAVE based my opinion of Obama on his record. [17 words]questionistAug 29, 2008 23:06137367
nuts [15 words]the old manSep 22, 2008 16:09137367
his record or lack of [12 words]theoldmanSep 22, 2008 16:21137367
Actually............. [82 words]KimberlySep 27, 2008 13:00137367
Its this simple.. [82 words]GinaAug 25, 2008 16:29137354
Obama's shirt [68 words]jennifer solisAug 29, 2008 01:05137354
Don't be an O-Zombie [22 words]questionistAug 29, 2008 23:08137354
Oath of office [70 words]CaryAug 23, 2008 16:43137219
Cary- I recommend snopes.com [194 words]david wilcoxsonAug 28, 2008 00:55137219
The short answer is NO [23 words]KathyAug 29, 2008 18:21137219
It matters not [95 words]JamesAug 14, 2008 05:11136707
Barack Hussein Obama [110 words]jennifer solisAug 18, 2008 14:57136707
1AMEN [66 words]jessicaOct 8, 2008 13:15136707
barack obama [21 words]nooneNov 2, 2008 01:04136707
Obama a Muslim [79 words]susanAug 9, 2008 01:31136493
The World is watching America. [155 words]CalvinSep 9, 2008 21:25136493
You are lying Calvin- about foreigners. [175 words]YnnatchkahSep 9, 2008 21:46136493
Interesting metaphor... [148 words]DONVANSep 10, 2008 15:28136493
Americans should NOT give a hoot what the world thinks! A Canadian point of view [104 words]James BurkeSep 10, 2008 21:13136493
obama may deny, but he attends meetings with black militants and people who like bombs [194 words]muslimjewchristiandontmatterOct 25, 2008 20:17136493
Who is Obama? [104 words]marieAug 6, 2008 22:14136383
Obama? Why? [144 words]adamAug 8, 2008 00:11136383
Obama is who? [165 words]MarieAug 9, 2008 00:16136383
Obama having been muslim (whether he admits or not) can help enlist jihadists in the middle-east [841 words]SusanAug 10, 2008 20:25136383
You are so right! Obama is Obama [178 words]MarieAug 13, 2008 10:49136383
Barracks of Hussein Obama [127 words]jennifer solisAug 18, 2008 18:19136383
the word "change" [155 words]julz75Aug 22, 2008 00:04136383
julz75 - it could happen [171 words]jennifer solisAug 24, 2008 16:40136383
On the subject of G.W. Bush and islam [209 words]JoshAug 29, 2008 12:39136383
You're not parinoid if somebody IS after you... [214 words]questionistAug 31, 2008 15:58136383
What we are actually questioning... [107 words]Ikholwa e Durban, South AfricaSep 7, 2008 13:15136383
Just answer the question, or am I allowed to even ask? [94 words]marieSep 8, 2008 19:46136383
if you ask [7 words]the old manSep 22, 2008 16:37136383
Josh this not fear mongering [133 words]MarySep 23, 2008 12:50136383
questions or no questions [18 words]marieSep 24, 2008 10:17136383
God Bless Us [31 words]apuse cocondaoOct 2, 2008 03:55136383
Here is the problem? [124 words]BrianOct 14, 2008 09:43136383
Why is it only Racist if someone white says it? [316 words]WingnutOct 25, 2008 22:51136383
If the end is upon us....neither Barack or McCain can change that..... [151 words]LisaNov 9, 2008 17:27136383
Is United States of America a Christian Nation!! [138 words]AnonAug 2, 2008 13:27136129
"Christian" [82 words]adamAug 8, 2008 00:21136129
Obama a Muslim? [94 words]ClemmieAug 1, 2008 15:31136065
he is not muslim [82 words]mariza maimounahAug 1, 2008 08:06136055
misinformation.... [102 words]donvanAug 18, 2008 17:23136055
I am Indonesian and I am not a muslim, I am sure Obama also not a muslim!!! [449 words]OlieAug 25, 2008 11:23136055
Why Do Muslims Support This Apostate? [59 words]questionistAug 31, 2008 16:03136055
You Are Indonesian, SO STAY OUT OF OUR BUSINESS [65 words]questionistAug 31, 2008 16:08136055
then why did he said 'my muslim faith'? [77 words]wondergirlOct 1, 2008 05:50136055
1Amen! [22 words]EarlOct 6, 2008 01:19136055
lived for 20 years in Muslim country [213 words]victoriaAug 1, 2008 03:10136041
re: lol [9 words]Nikos T. PlakasAug 23, 2008 12:14136041
Huh? Try to make sense please. [5 words]questionistAug 31, 2008 16:10136041
The whole muslim issue [138 words]HomeboyAug 1, 2008 03:02136039
Race is NOT the issue. [97 words]questionistAug 31, 2008 16:15136039
Not American [66 words]JonJul 31, 2008 18:55136018
I agree with Jon [10 words]MikeAug 4, 2008 03:35136018
Who has a problem with Obama and Muslims [78 words]True AmericanAug 24, 2008 12:32136018
there's even a question of where he was born [19 words]not an americanSep 10, 2008 13:07136018
Wake up! [10 words]EarlOct 6, 2008 00:52136018
is it right or wrong [207 words]rickOct 29, 2008 17:22136018
Good Religions and Bad Religions [134 words]Frankie RaderJul 20, 2008 15:23135433
A persons Religion is what he says it is. [132 words]Frankie RaderJul 20, 2008 15:16135431
People fear what they don't know! [179 words]Amazing!Jul 15, 2008 13:10135166
MUHAMMAD HUSSEIN OBAMA!! [9 words]noorJul 15, 2008 13:08135164
I disagree with this article [240 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
BrianJul 15, 2008 11:49135161
Anyone with Hassan, Hussein etc can be assumed to be a Muslim??? [113 words]AnonymousJul 15, 2008 03:42135127
Who is Muslim [27 words]MohamedJul 23, 2008 06:38135127
What ever it may be [36 words]Raja sekarNov 6, 2008 05:56135127
1Obama supports sharia minded cousin in Kenya ! [155 words]Phil GreendJul 13, 2008 06:11134984
Muslim? Not Muslim? Worry more that he comes from the Chicago political machine. [26 words]AnonymousJul 24, 2008 23:45134984
what's the big deal in Obama being a muslim. [97 words]BEA SMITHJul 4, 2008 07:51134374
Where did you get idea that all are born Muslim? [75 words]B. SmithJul 10, 2008 10:44134374
Obama has lied and will continue to lie, to be elected [84 words]David MatthewsJul 13, 2008 20:25134374
Funny [65 words]YnnatchkahJul 14, 2008 17:46134374
Whats the Big Deal in Obama being a Muslim--Naivete Will Get Us Killed [175 words]Debbie ShaferJul 16, 2008 16:29134374
I agree with B. Smith. [63 words]adamAug 8, 2008 21:59134374
Study to show correctiveness [56 words]John H PoweMay 20, 2014 12:53134374
obama's father [33 words]Robert D. RadovichJul 2, 2008 14:12134198
When was Barack Obama baptized a Christian? [31 words]mumacitaJul 3, 2008 14:32134198
baptism [13 words]the old manSep 22, 2008 16:45134198
He was in fact baptized. [14 words]LizzieOct 31, 2008 21:08134198
Swiftboating of Obama [110 words]Not drinking your kool-aidJun 29, 2008 17:05133814
Are you sure [46 words]B GuestSep 21, 2008 20:35133814
We've been asking the wrong Question here [1680 words]GeorgeJun 28, 2008 12:26133692
Why Believe Barack Obama? [1192 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Lame CherryJun 26, 2008 16:55133486
Implications of Obama being a Muslim [87 words]Ikholwa e Durban, South AfricaSep 7, 2008 12:33133486
Was Barack Obama a Muslim? [74 words]Debbie ShaferJun 26, 2008 09:17133459
HE Is A Muslim [321 words]magic372Jun 21, 2008 22:08132931
He Is A Muslim [74 words]magic372Jun 21, 2008 22:03132930
So what [72 words]NurJul 19, 2008 05:02132930
Oh people of the Book (Bible) and of the Quran... [489 words]Abdulmalik TijaniJun 16, 2008 04:29132257
This is why we got Bush'ed! [129 words]ReasonJun 17, 2008 09:53132257
a lot to learn from Ol' Islam..I dont think so mate!!! [370 words]GabbyJun 23, 2008 04:28132257
It's pretty clear to me [272 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiJun 23, 2008 20:45132257
Oh People of the Book and of the Koran-Was Barack Obama a Muslim [161 words]AnneJul 11, 2008 21:01132257
Our dear Abdulmalik and more islamic fantasy [490 words]dhimmi no moreAug 2, 2008 13:20132257
1Sorry [73 words]EbOct 6, 2008 01:46132257
Can you be born a particular religion? [50 words]DeanJun 13, 2008 17:16132034
Was Barack Obama a Muslim? [158 words]MichaelJun 13, 2008 14:13132016
Obamas Pro Hamas Church & Adviser [304 words]Nancy RileyJun 13, 2008 00:47131959
What does Obama mean by this? [21 words]GrizzJun 12, 2008 20:49131931
the quote [9 words]the old manSep 22, 2008 16:57131931
The relevance of it all [447 words]RAMMJun 9, 2008 23:08131619
To Ramm [159 words]common senseJun 10, 2008 22:44131619
For the sake of GOD! [36 words]Louis JugalJun 8, 2008 18:52131445
you haven't read or learned enough [123 words]dawnJun 13, 2008 13:15131445
hey.. [84 words]nUyJun 6, 2008 17:05131331
"The Devil" [79 words]KurtJun 6, 2008 12:13131308
argument about Obama and Islam [85 words]LorenzohJun 5, 2008 15:01131209
to Lorenzoh [186 words]kafurJun 8, 2008 13:34131209
Because they hate [196 words]ELisJun 9, 2008 05:34131209
Wow, just wow. [408 words]AaronJun 10, 2008 19:36131209
Because they hate [128 words]Debbie ShaferJun 26, 2008 21:10131209
wake up americans [53 words]asiaJun 5, 2008 11:34131188
I am baffled [127 words]JerryMay 31, 2008 10:26130673
One Nation Under God "Help Us" [179 words]AmericanMay 15, 2008 14:23128748
What does it matter if he is or if he isn't a muslim [205 words]MarvinJun 4, 2008 12:21128748
Wrong [55 words]Snowman ProphetJun 5, 2008 15:38128748
to marvin [176 words]kafurJun 8, 2008 13:49128748
Unreal [198 words]MakoJun 10, 2008 15:06128748
Get a life! Muslims are also doctors, lawyers, and politicians. [173 words]SyraJun 19, 2008 00:25128748
Get a life, Muslims are Doctors, Lawyers, and Politicians [86 words]Debbie ShaferJun 26, 2008 21:23128748
Names do not denote religion [124 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
tonygatorMay 13, 2008 08:58128549
I don't care what they say...it's not like you can trust it anyway [31 words]nayMay 13, 2008 08:30128547
Educate yourself before voting!! [58 words]TrishMay 16, 2008 14:33128547
Items to check on Obama that cannot be disputed [165 words]tomNov 1, 2008 23:17128547
What are you afraid of? [34 words]IMPLIEDTHREATMay 5, 2008 09:02127749
I am a white agnostic. What is wrong with people today? [243 words]PatrickApr 29, 2008 02:16127142
Thanks for your service [273 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiMay 1, 2008 23:47127142
What's wrong with people is right [261 words]DavidJun 7, 2008 23:46127142
2NO, Blacks are racist against whites [320 words]AshleyJul 1, 2008 10:21127142
i agree [50 words]sabMay 26, 2009 23:39127142
Should not be treated like this, I had nothing to do with slavery [120 words]AshleyMay 30, 2009 22:36127142
racism [418 words]AngieJun 20, 2009 01:10127142
i AGREE 100 % [105 words]JOHNSep 15, 2009 02:34127142
Fired because of a black man [162 words]Lisa JolleyJan 26, 2010 02:31127142
Muslim father [72 words]jejeApr 28, 2008 10:01127057
Not just his father, his stepfather and step-family [304 words]saraApr 28, 2008 15:47127057
Wrong [33 words]Snowman ProphetJun 5, 2008 15:42127057
presidents' background can play a role [118 words]veredJun 6, 2008 10:25127057
That's right qualifications [142 words]DaviidJun 7, 2008 23:59127057
good idea [44 words]MedicJun 8, 2008 09:42127057
History =/= religion [64 words]Snowman Prophet of DoomJun 10, 2008 01:43127057
Lets see Obama as Obama [51 words]AnthonyApr 27, 2008 09:41126961
Once elected, Muslims will try to convert Obama to Islam like no religious crusade we have ever seen before [148 words]DanApr 23, 2008 01:43126540
Response to 12th Imam theory [163 words]DEE CEEJun 10, 2008 10:15126540
12th Imam, the messiah? [133 words]SyraJul 2, 2008 13:23126540
obama is muslim and he will never change [34 words]mohammed mohammedApr 22, 2008 11:37126484
1Barak Hussein Obama is a Shiite Muslim [66 words]VALERIEJun 6, 2008 18:17126484
Worst fears are confirmed [213 words]Deborah ShaferJun 25, 2008 23:23126484
128Obama a Shiite [574 words]DeanOct 9, 2008 01:19126484
Emphasis on Shiite [70 words]DeanOct 13, 2008 18:19126484
obama is The best man [21 words]Mohammad Reza HussainiNov 29, 2008 01:05126484
the American presidents for the last 30 years were shiite. [115 words]adam poorshedJan 30, 2009 19:08126484
InshaAllah he's muslim [56 words]OrtodoxMar 26, 2009 13:55126484
BHO [8 words]DocJun 22, 2014 10:59126484
Political [45 words]Susan strombergJan 25, 2015 07:03126484
On target [33 words]jim leichtMar 28, 2015 18:19126484
It makes sense that Obama is a Shia Muslim [198 words]Sheila McLarenApr 6, 2015 15:46126484
2A Shia Muslim in Christian clothing [94 words]Jon GeistOct 4, 2015 11:44126484
Obama is muslim [10 words]ObeaguDec 19, 2015 10:14126484
This is ridiculous, Barack Obama is not a Muslim! [13 words]Daniel JohnsonApr 10, 2008 12:28125291
muslim name [4 words]johnsenMay 17, 2008 01:21125291
Christian or M uslim Here is the proof [49 words]infandeJun 5, 2008 07:14125291
Wrong Congressman [55 words]Straight StoryJun 20, 2008 16:12125291
Hope so he should be ok [14 words]A A TALUKDERJan 30, 2009 13:14125291
Obama oxymoron: A Muslim cannot become a Christian. [76 words]DrRJPApr 7, 2008 17:24124971
Was Barack Obama a Muslim? [49 words]Zak McKrackenApr 11, 2008 21:20124971
To Zak: [138 words]DrRJPApr 13, 2008 10:27124971
Taqiyya: is a shiite concept, not a muslim one [40 words]HenryMay 3, 2008 15:10124971
Henry, while technically correct, there are other references to taqiyya and kitman in the Qu'ran. [210 words]DrRJPMay 4, 2008 11:35124971
obama,please tell the truth about your religion. [63 words]zsxdJun 6, 2008 10:56124971
Not Qualified? [166 words]KurtJun 6, 2008 12:38124971
Correct attribution of author on the topic of Taqiyya [65 words]Dr A CampbellNov 14, 2008 05:35124971
Most Liberal [17 words]Zach benderNov 14, 2008 15:12124971
Timing [57 words]Nissa JohnsonNov 20, 2008 11:21124971
I was quoting a secondary source mentioned in Daniel Pipe's article [43 words]DrRJPNov 21, 2008 11:27124971
obama a miracle [20 words]atul shuklaFeb 8, 2009 05:15124971
Familiy [123 words]JohnMar 5, 2009 10:43124971
JUST A PUPPET [26 words]NWOMar 15, 2009 12:44124971
Shame! Shame! [1402 words]MikeMay 10, 2009 02:26124971
Tired of Obama trying to protect terrorist [450 words]RonMay 23, 2009 01:23124971
not me [12 words]CarlOct 22, 2009 15:41124971
Impeachment [41 words]robert carpenterMay 27, 2010 08:53124971
Stop crying people [140 words]OneofmanyMar 27, 2011 09:02124971
I agree with D,BARR [36 words]B. ScottOct 5, 2012 00:07124971
Religion of a person should not matter [210 words]gaurApr 7, 2008 14:08124940
a view from Afghanistan [64 words]JoshApr 20, 2008 07:44124940
GROW UP GAUR!!! [175 words]SUSANApr 27, 2008 10:20124940
a reponse to "susan" [251 words]a literate broadmindJun 7, 2008 23:31124940
In The Duck World... [293 words]SusanJun 9, 2008 17:52124940
Obama or Osama??? [18 words]MansoorApr 6, 2008 02:55124812
Rest assured [222 words]Thapelo Mofokeng (South Africa:Richards Bay)Apr 4, 2008 11:14124640
Obama pushing Mohammedan Koranic values while being a Christian [208 words]Syed AbbasApr 2, 2008 23:29124471
May Be or May Not Be - But is it reveresible? [206 words]ManjunathApr 27, 2008 11:03124471
Are you at all familiar with the operation of our government? [223 words]Straight StoryJun 20, 2008 16:30124471
God is in control [31 words]charity humuriMar 31, 2008 07:12124174
what bible are you reading [190 words]rodJun 4, 2008 22:34124174
Why should it matter [16 words]Johnny MontezMar 27, 2008 17:45123833
for johnny [191 words]bosMar 28, 2008 09:27123833
How many? [65 words]Johnny MontezMar 29, 2008 10:51123833
Anti-semitism? [27 words]Johnny MontezMar 29, 2008 11:14123833
you overestimate the brits [78 words]bosMar 29, 2008 20:05123833
Gaza Phone Bank [39 words]Nancy RileyJun 13, 2008 00:42123833
OBAMA WILL CHANGE THE WORLD!!!! [826 words]ahmadzafireMar 24, 2008 22:31123554
Well...said! [13 words]Johnny MontezMar 29, 2008 11:16123554
Ability to Overcome Racism? yes - Obama for president? No [184 words]annbeardsleyJun 5, 2008 16:53123554
Barack Obama contributes to Islamic Candidate in Kenya [96 words]JamesMar 24, 2008 20:53123548
Odinga is not a muslim [31 words]murage kamoreApr 5, 2008 08:39123548
Pledge of Allegiance and the Koran [105 words]GraydogMar 19, 2008 10:57123015
Obama a Muslim [27 words]P. MC INTYREApr 13, 2008 08:01123015
Pledge Allegiance and the Koran [153 words]Pam DaileyMay 12, 2008 17:33123015
Obama's Birth Certificate [45 words]J WoodMar 18, 2008 19:54122960
"I've always been a Christian" Not Possible [50 words]Mark SimmonsMar 19, 2008 23:05122960
A definitive solution to determine Obama's native residency: Medical Record Evaluation [409 words]Joseph Guida MDSep 29, 2008 01:42122960
Are you people kidding? [191 words]Michael DouvrisMar 18, 2008 10:53122938
Well said! [164 words]JeffJun 5, 2008 13:39122938
20 years in church and never heard [35 words]JRMar 15, 2008 18:59122746
An honest and objective view from a Non-White Non-Black American [807 words]Big BangMar 17, 2008 17:48122746
20 years in church [322 words]NathanMar 22, 2008 23:18122746
why [12 words]not satisfiedMar 25, 2008 14:59122746
BIG BANG said it all [144 words]Native American HeartMar 31, 2008 16:29122746
I totally agree with you [209 words]SusanApr 27, 2008 10:02122746
Big Bang [254 words]GogiMay 15, 2008 15:42122746
I really appreciate you comment [85 words]TrishaMay 19, 2008 03:58122746
I don't care [29 words]Handsome Murphy AlabiMay 21, 2008 06:08122746
grooming of a leader double talk religion? [473 words]judyJun 13, 2008 21:30122746
(It's stupid) people just want a black president [118 words]AshleyJul 1, 2008 10:40122746
by ashley [72 words]karen bridget funkJan 21, 2009 15:41122746
Dude, you just wasted about 5 minutes of my life here - WHERE ARE THE EMPIRICAL FACTS TO SUPPORT YOUR POSITION? !!!!! [22 words]Franklin BrownMar 8, 2016 10:29122746
Is this United States or some Islamic country like Saudi Arabia? [152 words]maheshvkMar 12, 2008 21:57122515
agree [38 words]i agreeMar 25, 2008 15:06122515
BARACK is a Muslim name [35 words]DeepakMar 12, 2008 11:41122484
Barack is an African Name [11 words]TerranceFeb 2, 2012 23:20122484
Read a book! [16 words]CAROLMar 12, 2008 00:49122454
2Obama is lying about his Islamic past! WHY? [203 words]King KongMar 10, 2008 19:13122307
Thank for revealing the TRUE Obama [325 words]HamiltonMar 11, 2008 23:26122307
This is the main thing that matters to me!! [332 words]JohnMar 12, 2008 00:33122307
Does anyone remember 911? [70 words]Crazy_yankee2007Mar 12, 2008 12:05122307
Hilarious! I love you, Hamilton! [184 words]GogiMay 15, 2008 15:56122307
You are absolutely right ! [82 words]LeonMay 23, 2008 10:02122307
Obama the Operator [105 words]Arif AliMar 10, 2008 16:53122295
Comments to Arif Ali's Response [253 words]O'BamaMar 11, 2008 11:16122295
Are we going to be 'dared' into destruction? [184 words]BethMar 16, 2008 12:34122295
Well at least he is Un American and probably a closet muslim [84 words]DeepakMar 9, 2008 13:42122175
Obama's Detractors [392 words]M. Naim ShaikhMar 11, 2008 18:15122175
Proof [41 words]SelenaMar 8, 2008 10:59122075
Did Obama get sworn into his position as Senator by taking his oath on the Koran [48 words]VanceMar 6, 2008 17:44121921
Vance- that's Representative Ellis you are referencing... [46 words]Freddi Brown-CarterMar 7, 2008 19:03121921
Read his lips ...he is Christian! [26 words]M. Naim ShaikhMar 11, 2008 18:21121921
Bible [36 words]GaryMar 13, 2008 14:11121921
Obama the Muslim [79 words]CindyMar 18, 2008 10:59121921
People should vote for the person and not for his religion. [151 words]adnanMar 20, 2008 21:29121921
barack, muslim or not [172 words]RaufMar 23, 2008 10:49121921
Cleric Defines Muslim Obama [319 words]Nancy RileyJun 13, 2008 00:55121921
A President is expected to be a defender of the American flag, in his/her job as the Commander-in-Chief. Including in President's place of worship. [61 words]MikeMar 6, 2008 16:56121920
He is an Enigma...A mystery wrapped in a LIE! [189 words]JamesMar 5, 2008 15:54121824
a church deliberately devoid of anything American. Even the term "African-American" is avoided like a plague. [65 words]MikeMar 6, 2008 12:57121824
1Barak Husein Obama's Church Mission Statement...Read it for yourself!!! [500 words]JamesMar 7, 2008 09:20121824
BUT WHY OBAMA [181 words]tjMar 10, 2008 07:06121824
Great Presidential candidate? or Fantastic Muslim ploy? [225 words]BethMar 16, 2008 11:08121824
the real statement? [22 words]William CramerMay 13, 2008 14:09121824
what? [46 words]AnnieMay 18, 2008 17:06121824
Why should religion matter when the other super-powers will hate his race? [260 words]Irish catholicJun 4, 2008 02:30121824
it has nothing to do with obama [35 words]emmnuelMar 18, 2009 07:35121824
Obama please CHOOSE the religon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [32 words]pippeMar 20, 2009 07:45121824
Was Obama ever a Muslim? [185 words]NarekMar 4, 2008 19:25121748
Religion is not the question... Deception and Subversion is! [87 words]OhiomanMar 3, 2008 01:49121584
Long live islam [13 words]IKMar 2, 2008 11:17121546
Yes, he is. [131 words]Art TeacherMar 1, 2008 23:39121528
If Obama is a Muslim, than McCain is a Communist [442 words]ErikMar 3, 2008 10:36121528
smarter than everyone [60 words]concerned citizenMar 4, 2008 15:58121528
What kind of thought process is this?!? [206 words]JasonMar 5, 2008 16:15121528
Erik...you are a crack up! [81 words]SimonMar 6, 2008 22:13121528
Concerned for america [27 words]Concerned for AmericaNov 3, 2008 21:44121528
obaminator vs mccain [124 words]Benjamin NapierMar 27, 2010 14:46121528
was Sen. Obama a Hawaii born Christian, as claimed in TIME mag, Feb 28, 2008 ? [255 words]MikeMar 1, 2008 16:59121512
If Obama is a Christian, why doesn't he actively support Psalm 139 and Romans 1:24-27 [191 words]Diane ReinstadtlerMar 1, 2008 15:36121503
Better than the idiots we have now [10 words]larryMar 1, 2008 10:26121490
Why it bothers you if Obama is a Muslim?? [9 words]MuslimFeb 29, 2008 09:53121409
Isalmics - their only social life. [101 words]gordon weareAug 7, 2009 22:07121409
America,do not make a mistake [71 words]tshililoFeb 28, 2008 10:04121315
Well said. Barack HUSSEIN Obama. [34 words]YnnatchkahFeb 29, 2008 02:06121315
Muslim or no muslim, let's be reasonable [88 words]junaid kolaMar 1, 2008 09:34121315
To Junaid Koka Kola [38 words]SimonMar 3, 2008 11:42121315
Response to Simon's reply [108 words]Junaid KolaMar 4, 2008 12:27121315
and an answer back to Junaid... [156 words]SimonMar 5, 2008 01:32121315
source for Muslim talk [27 words]concerned citizenMar 6, 2008 14:23121315
JUDGE THIS WAY [29 words]JASPER CHRISSMay 26, 2008 03:16121315
America's voters are darn foolish in skipping testing Sen. Obama first on his job of governor of Illinois ! [113 words]MikeFeb 27, 2008 21:38121267
He isn't a Muslim? A rose by any other name...? [106 words]Joseph GuidaFeb 27, 2008 21:28121264
What's in a name? [135 words]Kit LawsonFeb 29, 2008 05:51121264
The President must never be "of Islam." [159 words]Joseph GuidaMar 1, 2008 18:52121264
Is being a Muslim President a problem? [131 words]concerned citizenMar 3, 2008 15:52121264
Some background on why we should all fear a President with Muslim heritage. [439 words]Joseph GuidaMar 3, 2008 16:01121264
Man's inhumanity to man [303 words]Kit LawsonMar 4, 2008 06:36121264
Respnse to Joseph Guida, Arizona [112 words]DeeCeeJun 10, 2008 11:12121264
my people are destroyed for LACK of knowledge [177 words]JERRYFeb 27, 2008 17:58121247
Suggestion for Jerry [84 words]Believer4lifeMar 1, 2008 00:57121247
God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge [187 words]Allan SvenssonOct 4, 2008 07:17121247
The Truth is in His Name [160 words]FrankApr 16, 2009 03:24121247
credibility at stake [42 words]Faraz NizamaniFeb 27, 2008 06:08121197
Obama is a Christian [34 words]Simon SteelFeb 26, 2008 22:27121172
A false christian [164 words]DomoiFeb 29, 2008 18:16121172
Islam is a mixture of truth and lies [176 words]ToutaMar 4, 2008 11:19121172
Obama is a Christian [28 words]Simon SteelMar 5, 2008 22:38121172
This is ... [wrong] [168 words]Nafeesa ZamanMar 19, 2013 14:39121172
Goodbye America [103 words]PaulFeb 26, 2008 05:01121113
Muslim celebrating Obama is from Muslim Hertiage [52 words]Davis RashFeb 26, 2008 03:59121107
If he is a Christian? [92 words]KevinFeb 27, 2008 11:39121107
bloodline and religion? [85 words]anitaMar 24, 2008 05:30121107
Where's the Beef [146 words]DavidFeb 26, 2008 00:10121090
Obama's Photo and connections [50 words]AntonyFeb 25, 2008 19:57121061
If obama were a muslim [20 words]wm. JJul 15, 2008 13:58121061
Dont fall for the hype [79 words]TruthWilSetYouFreeFeb 25, 2008 12:47121035
Shades of the Anti-Christ [63 words]SandraFeb 25, 2008 22:58121035
was barak obama a muslim [53 words]paul christopherMar 8, 2008 18:55121035
Why Indeed? [47 words]ZhyenderMar 8, 2008 20:35121035
hello? [92 words]JulieFeb 24, 2008 18:02120983
You have to be kidding [54 words]Leif TildenFeb 23, 2008 13:20120875
Closed minded? [14 words]BethMar 16, 2008 15:38120875
we are america [250 words]for the peopleFeb 22, 2008 14:52120799
Born as a Muslim doesn't matter [82 words]Azmul HussainFeb 22, 2008 05:02120773
Was Barack Obama a Muslim [92 words]Mirza Zahid BaigFeb 21, 2008 06:31120694
born as? [197 words]pattyFeb 21, 2008 01:14120677
". . . BORN a Muslim. . ." [275 words]ElaineFeb 20, 2008 21:51120663
Is Obama practicing taqiyyah [119 words]DallasFeb 20, 2008 12:16120599
He can't be a Muslim, but if he is, then what? [123 words]ALALI ANDREW KENOBIFeb 20, 2008 10:00120597
You don't live in the united states [26 words]JoshFeb 29, 2008 01:18120597
Better safe than sorry. [16 words]AdamFeb 20, 2008 00:56120586
What change? [57 words]mariaFeb 21, 2008 15:43120586
Let's get real! [106 words]StanFeb 21, 2008 16:34120586
ridiculous [132 words]chicagoFeb 27, 2008 11:23120586
could "an also citizen of Kenya", become "an also Commander-in-Chief" of the United States of America ? [85 words]MikeFeb 19, 2008 13:51120537
religion [15 words]andziejFeb 18, 2008 17:27120486
In the Quran it says... [15 words]AminFeb 17, 2008 18:05120425
Our dear Amin and his little gem [15 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 18, 2008 07:19120425
the word muslim [100 words]AyazFeb 26, 2008 04:56120425
Our dear Ayaz is a careless reader [42 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 26, 2008 18:00120425
Obama's Fallen Nature from Birth, Muslim or Not, Needs a Reconciliation of His Heart with Christ. [482 words]M. ToveyFeb 27, 2008 18:58120425
Sen. Obama's birth certificate should be posted in Wikipedia, in public domain view for all who vote. [98 words]MikeFeb 17, 2008 16:07120416
Who cares if he is or was a Muslim? [55 words]VirginiaFeb 19, 2008 08:53120416
This country was built on Christan values! [35 words]DanaFeb 21, 2008 15:44120416
Can a muslim deny his religion [89 words]Azmat HussainFeb 26, 2008 00:16120416
2what if Sen. Obama's first name IS NOT "Barack" in the original ? [109 words]MikeFeb 27, 2008 21:13120416
Obama's first name [132 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 28, 2008 07:15120416
Other countries will also suffer [28 words]TSHILILOFeb 28, 2008 10:19120416
what would have been the word from Mark Twain while watching this presidential primary season ? [103 words]MikeFeb 29, 2008 00:09120416
wikepedia is a horrible source for anything or just about anything [33 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 29, 2008 18:06120416
deliberate name issue obfuscation still posted by Sen. Obama's campaign [122 words]MikeMar 3, 2008 01:56120416
The real problem is where was he born? In Hawaii or Kenya? [69 words]AshanMay 7, 2008 15:07120416
YOU ALL HAVE SOME NERVE [107 words]?May 21, 2008 11:53120416
Muslim Middle Name does not mean anything [35 words]clive vassellJun 4, 2008 17:02120416
Obama Is Not A Christian [262 words]Nancy RileyJun 11, 2008 14:43120416
Obama In His Own Words Not Bringing Troops Home !! [45 words]Nancy RileyJun 13, 2008 00:37120416
Barack will keep Bush in office [167 words]Marian McClungOct 27, 2008 17:57120416
Our country's chant! [13 words]MattieyNov 4, 2008 14:33120416
Birth certificate [174 words]BayleeApr 9, 2009 15:07120416
birth certificate [190 words]BayleeApr 9, 2009 15:41120416
Righteousness Counts! [114 words]GulshaninFeb 13, 2008 22:29120174
Muslim Obama? [67 words]RAGEFeb 13, 2008 11:33120103
Muslim Obama? What does it matter. [68 words]RFFeb 13, 2008 21:23120103
1Mr. Obama's birth name [205 words]Daniel SchultzFeb 25, 2008 12:58120103
Sworn in on his kuran? [11 words]ConcernedJun 6, 2008 10:08120103
My Mistake [17 words]ConcernedJun 9, 2008 06:42120103
Birth name: Barack Hussein Obama Jr. Nickname: Barry [198 words]Carrie H.Feb 17, 2009 20:14120103
The true Barack Obama [130 words]Boyd TDec 5, 2014 16:38120103
Think about it [42 words]KevinFeb 12, 2008 02:18119973
one may take the oath of office on a sunflower or an enchanted ladybug beetle, if one so desires...also the Bible.. [38 words]MikeFeb 18, 2008 16:42119973
For them, that he was born to a line of Muslim males makes him born a Muslim. [82 words]Feroz-e-LughatFeb 11, 2008 12:42119934
2muslim [28 words]alasowFeb 15, 2008 00:49119934
230What does the word muslim mean? [566 words]AyazFeb 19, 2008 19:37119934
1Our dear Ayaz and Arabic 101 and logic 101 [1631 words]dhimmi no moreMar 1, 2008 08:05119934
1Our DHIMMI NO MORE is BECOMING NERVOUS ! [869 words]AyazMar 3, 2008 18:17119934
Our dear Ayaz and the religion of the Arabs and his little blog and the Stockholm Syndrome [114 words]dhimmi no moreMar 4, 2008 06:49119934
Our dear Ayaz and the Qur'an really says that Jesus is God. Do not blame me you can only blame poor Muslims [1470 words]dhimmi no moreMar 5, 2008 07:07119934
Gem time from no other than our dear Ayaz and Muslim fantasy part one [82 words]dhimmi no moreMar 5, 2008 11:51119934
Our dear Ayaz but Islam was spread by the sword and by ignorant tablighees [125 words]dhimmi no moreMar 5, 2008 11:58119934
When the CRUNCH comes Dhimmi becomes silent! [531 words]AMar 5, 2008 18:09119934
Our dear A and it is called Surat al-Anfal [47 words]dhimmi no moreMar 6, 2008 06:33119934
Our dear A aka Ayaz al-tablighee [440 words]dhimmi no moreMar 7, 2008 07:26119934
Dhimmi No More Lies Again [174 words]AyazMar 8, 2008 17:15119934
our Dhimmi seems to know arabic but does not UNDERSTAND it [766 words]AyazMar 8, 2008 18:48119934
To A...b...cya [39 words]SimonMar 9, 2008 04:12119934
Our dear Ayaz and I except an apology or else [650 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2008 07:13119934
But our dear Ayaz the Qur'an says that Allah and Muhammad must get 1/5 of the loot [241 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2008 07:31119934
For our dear 3Ayad aka Ayaz and Q14:4 and the Muslim concept of al-wali wa al-mawali [119 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2008 07:40119934
dhimmi has no evidence where he quotes from the quran of his claims [20 words]ayazMar 10, 2008 04:14119934
Dhimmi just doesnt understand Qur'an [263 words]AyazMar 10, 2008 05:53119934
Ayaz you are in trouble now [11 words]SimonMar 11, 2008 01:58119934
And here is the evidence [15 words]dhimmi no moreMar 11, 2008 07:14119934
But the Qur'an says that islam is the religion of the Arabs [570 words]dhimmi no moreMar 11, 2008 07:35119934
Our dear Ayaz and Islam is the religion of the Hijazi Arabs and you ain't no Arab [582 words]dhimmi no moreMar 11, 2008 19:29119934
All Honor to you Dhimmi no more [5 words]YnnatchkahMar 12, 2008 14:48119934
Dhimmi still cannot accept the true facts! [860 words]AyazMar 12, 2008 19:38119934
Our dear Ayaz and "true facts"! What true facts? Part one [804 words]dhimmi no moreMar 14, 2008 07:20119934
Our dear Ayaz and his "true facts" and the hadith part deux [594 words]dhimmi no moreMar 14, 2008 08:04119934
Our dearAyaz and the hadith and other sordid matters part trois [1421 words]dhimmi no moreMar 15, 2008 08:19119934
Our Dhimmi the twister [318 words]AyazMar 15, 2008 14:43119934
Our dear Ayaz and twisting and the almighty [959 words]dhimmi no moreMar 16, 2008 08:14119934
1Dhimmi in denial [310 words]AyazMar 16, 2008 14:06119934
Our dear Ayaz is editing the book of Allah and Q2:23 and my sura like it [733 words]dhimmi no moreMar 18, 2008 06:51119934
2Muhammed(PBUH) is mentioned in various scriptures [1121 words]AyazMar 18, 2008 20:22119934
Muhammed(PBUH) mentioned in various sriptures part 2 [2346 words]AyazMar 18, 2008 20:32119934
More from our dear Ayaz and this time Muhammad's name mentioned in Hindu holy books [113 words]dhimmi no moreMar 19, 2008 18:51119934
Muhammed (PBUH) not just a warrior... [1355 words]AyazMar 20, 2008 19:48119934
Our dear Ayaz and Hitler was not just a warrior [89 words]dhimmi no moreMar 22, 2008 06:58119934
Our dear Ayaz and Q7:157 [254 words]dhimmi no moreMar 22, 2008 07:17119934
Our dear Ayaz and Abul Qasim in the Bible! Really? [258 words]dhimmi no moreMar 22, 2008 07:31119934
Dhimmi [1194 words]AyazMar 22, 2008 17:09119934
1Muhammed (PBUH) in other scripts [693 words]AyazMar 22, 2008 18:54119934
4al-qada' wa al-qadr [2868 words]AyazMar 23, 2008 20:08119934
Our dear Ayaz and poor tablighee logic [206 words]dhimmi no moreMar 24, 2008 18:48119934
More Islamic delusions from none other than our dear Ayaz [202 words]dhimmi no moreMar 24, 2008 18:59119934
More cut and paste jobs from our dear Ayaz [95 words]dhimmi no moreMar 24, 2008 19:06119934
please read!! [1179 words]anonymousApr 16, 2008 23:54119934
1Our dear anonymous and read what? [43 words]dhimmi no moreApr 18, 2008 21:48119934
unknown facts [111 words]joeApr 24, 2008 23:52119934
reconsider!! [239 words]anonymousApr 25, 2008 01:43119934
Our dear anonymous and reconsider what? [89 words]dhimmi no moreApr 26, 2008 07:07119934
Our dear Joe and Islam was spread by the sword [229 words]dhimmi no moreApr 26, 2008 07:16119934
Arabian imperialism and its victims, our dear Joe included [39 words]dhimmi no moreApr 26, 2008 07:50119934
Arabian imperialism and its victims [411 words]dhimmi no moreApr 26, 2008 08:01119934
The answer to all of your critics [215 words]JoeApr 27, 2008 19:25119934
shame on you to use the name of mother Teresa in your mockery [325 words]joeApr 27, 2008 21:23119934
Influences of Truth Vs Influences of Unbelief - A Question Still to be Answered [771 words]M. ToveyApr 28, 2008 12:06119934
1Our dear Joe and idols in islam [219 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2008 06:57119934
What critics? [418 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2008 19:19119934
about topic [28 words]ablahOct 15, 2008 04:28119934
about barack [101 words]AblahOct 15, 2008 04:42119934
Obama will bring peace! [41 words]ishiNov 5, 2008 20:42119934
Our dear Ishi another victim if poor Muslim education [73 words]dhimmi no moreNov 8, 2008 09:09119934
thank you [6 words]ZenobiaMay 18, 2010 09:45119934
THE WORD MUSLIM [28 words]e.patrickSep 20, 2012 17:15119934
Muslim [4 words]MohamedAug 21, 2013 15:11119934
Offensive in its basic postion [86 words]Non AllahDec 21, 2013 08:33119934
Believe in One God are all muslims [20 words]Khalid obied ullah mirJun 15, 2014 11:03119934
1another victim of Islam [80 words]dhimmi no moreJun 18, 2014 07:12119934
Obama a Muslim? [257 words]MaoSep 3, 2014 16:40119934
Christ not a created being [100 words]AdamSep 6, 2014 23:32119934
Muslim and Muslim [133 words]JuliusSep 13, 2014 22:28119934
Thank you for that definition [88 words]John Edward FortsonOct 2, 2014 07:38119934
Response to The word Christian being derived from something created [172 words]Am HansoJun 8, 2015 15:22119934
submission to GOD [181 words]bobby williamSep 7, 2015 14:38119934
Completly Untrue [67 words]MarainOct 12, 2015 01:35119934
LOGICAL FLAW IN THIS ARGUMENT!!!!! [110 words]Tony DraperDec 12, 2015 22:42119934
Nonsense [70 words]David cullyDec 17, 2015 13:03119934
Paul Von Ward [20 words]LongbidDec 17, 2015 14:59119934
Scholars take a look [36 words]DaveApr 12, 2016 11:19119934
Truth [67 words]Tracy SarabiJun 14, 2016 15:27119934
Obama is not a muslim [10 words]ButtacavoliJun 25, 2016 08:03119934
Thank you [149 words]jeanJul 6, 2016 05:16119934
Believed all in one [4 words]Ashok RoyAug 7, 2016 14:52119934
TRUTHS TO BE HEARD [116 words]John L.JohbsonAug 11, 2016 23:20119934
This is so wrong on so many levels! Here is why! [496 words]IgorOct 7, 2016 04:48119934
Identity [6 words].Nov 30, 2016 20:59119934
Muslim [381 words]James WellsDec 2, 2016 01:24119934
Do Christians follow something created? [101 words]MattMar 22, 2017 15:36119934
What Muslim means [30 words]JanieMar 7, 2018 08:48119934
1Janie: The Qur'an defines the word Islam as: to surrender! [132 words]dhimmi no moreMar 8, 2018 07:21119934
MohammEd and AhmEd [309 words]RiasatMar 27, 2018 17:15119934
Teaching Arabic to our dear Riasat! [571 words]dhimmi no moreMar 29, 2018 08:41119934
1Just want to know.... Answer please! [99 words]Amit BhattJul 8, 2019 16:12119934
Was Jesus, son of Maria created? [199 words]Uldis SaulkalnsDec 25, 2019 03:07119934
So What [77 words]JohnFeb 11, 2008 10:17119924
Barack Obama as a Muslim [52 words]GeorgeFeb 12, 2008 14:23119924
He is not a Muslim !!!!!!! [41 words]ImaniFeb 13, 2008 08:45119924
We don't claim [141 words]MuhammadFeb 13, 2008 11:56119924
WAKE UP! [78 words]LINDA - USAFeb 14, 2008 11:00119924
The true War, the War on Truth. [335 words]RFFeb 15, 2008 18:35119924
Our dear Muhammad and the tablighees [575 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 19, 2008 09:54119924
dhimmi no more [49 words]RFFeb 19, 2008 20:45119924
Mr. Muhammad [197 words]Art TeacherMar 1, 2008 23:28119924
Is Barak Obama muslim? [8 words]Morshed Shafiul HasanMar 6, 2008 01:54119924
the truth! [221 words]ambarApr 24, 2008 21:08119924
with all the love and respect to all who read my reply [377 words]peace with loveApr 28, 2008 08:36119924
Hussein Obama is both a nominal Christian and Muslim [26 words]PhilipFeb 10, 2008 18:34119896
something to ponder [173 words]RayFeb 27, 2008 08:59119896
Barack obama and Islam [35 words]vincentFeb 9, 2008 17:49119863
The real test: Will he fight Moslems? [110 words]Vered GoldFeb 18, 2008 06:41119863
Are USA radicals foolish? [15 words]cassyFeb 9, 2008 13:35119857
Is the risk worth it? [124 words]No NameFeb 6, 2008 09:57119653
Undo the Bush damage [119 words]devoFeb 7, 2008 17:41119653
Is the risk worth it.....no! [129 words]Brenda ReismannFeb 27, 2008 21:31119653
bush [20 words]minymeApr 1, 2008 17:43119653
Is America still racially and religiously motivated? [74 words]Naim ShaikhFeb 6, 2008 02:37119644
Serach of soul [37 words]AndyFeb 8, 2008 10:31119644
Searching the soul of Mohammad Atta and Usama Bin Ladin? [148 words]Naim ShaikhFeb 9, 2008 00:17119644
Yes andy, well whatever [50 words]MelissaFeb 9, 2008 08:40119644
a kid? [88 words]Naim ShaikhFeb 11, 2008 10:04119644
Obama?? [14 words]peteFeb 11, 2008 20:29119644
Hes not a muslim [82 words]MelissaFeb 5, 2008 18:10119631
How can you so sure that "He is not a Muslim" [48 words]AndyFeb 8, 2008 10:23119631
Why is none of this info covered in the national media? [159 words]LinFeb 11, 2008 22:27119631
Why does mass media support [Mo]barak Hussein Obama? [120 words]RFFeb 12, 2008 20:38119631
Americans should Watch it. [76 words]Micheal OlufemiFeb 21, 2008 13:59119631
Oh my God! Listen to this!! [306 words]PirandelloFeb 4, 2008 23:25119593
victim [70 words]rabbitFeb 6, 2008 19:28119593
You are so wrong!! [29 words]PattyFeb 7, 2008 16:22119593
Enjoy freedom that America offers you [265 words]RFFeb 13, 2008 21:07119593
Voting my conscience [158 words]jthornesFeb 19, 2008 23:07119593
We do not live in fear. [340 words]AndrewFeb 25, 2008 23:14119593
Listened to it, dismissed it [124 words]RebeccaFeb 27, 2008 08:11119593
Unlike public schools, Catholic shools in Indonesia makes Christianity cumpolsory for all students. [161 words]MuhammadFeb 2, 2008 23:44119487
Osama or Obama ? Afraid... [255 words]khalidJan 31, 2008 12:20119378
From Secularism to Cultism! [101 words]RFFeb 2, 2008 22:43119378
Obama agenda [101 words]Jerry FarberJan 31, 2008 12:15119376
You don't even need to look in the past!! [411 words]JohnFeb 7, 2008 23:50119376
Barack never gave the Muslim Shahada, fasted, made pilgrimmage [60 words]AmirJan 28, 2008 04:28119134
I can't believe this really matters in 2008! [180 words]qtipoulakiFeb 2, 2008 17:29119134
True side of Mr. [Mo]barak Hussein Obama [71 words]RFFeb 2, 2008 22:52119134
He said HE WAS A MUSLIM [42 words]FactFeb 4, 2008 11:37119134
CULT??? [214 words]sarahFeb 6, 2008 07:34119134
qtipoulaki = Spot on !! Learn about other countries, religions and cultures first hand! [306 words]devoFeb 7, 2008 22:33119134
Morend Islam IS a cult [745 words]RFFeb 11, 2008 23:47119134
There's nothing like Modern Islam and a Conventional one [982 words]SarahFeb 12, 2008 22:36119134
Islamic Cultism [531 words]RFFeb 13, 2008 20:22119134
RE: [796 words]SarahFeb 15, 2008 17:55119134
I am THE righteousness! [184 words]RFFeb 16, 2008 00:52119134
what is common betrween The bible and Quran [179 words]spaFeb 18, 2008 04:38119134
Sarah has left the building! [75 words]RFFeb 19, 2008 20:52119134
Re: Islam is a cult [401 words]KianaFeb 20, 2008 20:46119134
it is because you people [37 words]spaFeb 23, 2008 03:15119134
Islam is a Cult [397 words]RFFeb 23, 2008 12:35119134
RE: Islam is a cult RF [451 words]KianaFeb 24, 2008 11:35119134
Islamic Cultism [2 words]RFMar 2, 2008 20:10119134
2Bible Leviathan and Hotama of Quran [3858 words]yousuf gabrielJun 9, 2010 06:16119134
important [17 words]sherryFeb 4, 2011 05:54119134
muslim [10 words]kansasfox2Jan 26, 2008 12:58119030
"My mother was a Christian from Kansas..." [190 words]GandydancerJan 26, 2008 10:46119023
so what if he was a muslim or is or whatever [15 words]david greenJan 24, 2008 04:20118869
What's the big deal about the deal ? [115 words]SilicondocJan 25, 2008 09:08118869
Try investigating the supposed muslim school !!! [123 words]Nathan K.Jan 30, 2008 22:49118869
That's a big fat joke [905 words]SilicondocFeb 5, 2008 07:50118869
Born in Hawaii [31 words]Tiffany MoseleyFeb 6, 2008 05:00118869
2Technically in Islam we are ALL Muslims... [912 words]JaimeJan 14, 2008 01:35118107
Whatever [84 words]KerwinJan 22, 2008 06:52118107
Re: Whatever [141 words]jaimeJan 24, 2008 16:29118107
Weak argument [172 words]David WarburtonJan 29, 2008 06:50118107
To Jaime [205 words]JihadWatchJan 30, 2008 00:48118107
"IN ISLAM"... [17 words]Joe KesparoJan 31, 2008 06:11118107
Re: JihadWatch comments [1493 words]JaimeFeb 1, 2008 01:50118107
Let's get real here... [674 words]JihadWatchFeb 5, 2008 17:28118107
VG response [25 words]MahmoodFeb 13, 2008 12:04118107
Barack Obama is Christian and was NEVER Muslim [17 words]James O'ReillyJan 10, 2008 13:01117913
WHY THAN HE HAS A MUSLIM NAMEAND KEPT IT? BEHIND THE NAME IS OBVIOUS! [57 words]pamelaJan 17, 2008 21:16117913
Barack muslim or black seperatist [158 words]republicanmotherFeb 10, 2008 21:29117913
PLEASE EXPLAIN CONCEPT OF "al-Taqiyya" [117 words]SGJan 10, 2008 06:20117886
Can you afford the risk that Obama's a Muslim liar? [67 words]KevinApr 22, 2008 16:35117886
al taqqiyah [110 words]OdetteJun 25, 2009 02:52117886
Comments miss the point entirely [241 words]Mike RandallJan 8, 2008 05:17117719
It does not matter [53 words]MohamedJan 8, 2008 02:18117713
Yes, it sure does matter!! [79 words]Janie YoungJan 10, 2008 16:46117713
He may be using Al Taqiyya [93 words]surjJan 14, 2008 15:18117713
Muslims are permitted to be deceitful and lie to non believers [43 words]The Politically Incorrect Guide to IslamFeb 11, 2008 10:03117713
"Every Thinking American" [72 words]Dennis B.Jan 7, 2008 17:02117679
Will the real Obama please stand up [497 words]Eleanor GoldsteinJan 7, 2008 16:49117677
colorism and obama [215 words]steineversJan 11, 2008 17:50117677
(Sick of) OBAMA'S "THE NOTION THAT SOMEHOW [232 words]OliverJan 22, 2008 12:08117677
sick of obama [34 words]Flu-BirdNov 25, 2008 23:01117677
3Barack Obama's mother MUST HAVE converted to islam if only temporarily. [224 words]Leon FissJan 7, 2008 10:58117647
You know nothing about Islamic law [224 words]Margaret Hopewell.Jan 27, 2008 12:56117647
Names of Obama [99 words]S.k. SarojJan 28, 2008 21:07117647
1The Truth about Islam. The Hisory researched for you by a former terrorist [104 words]Brian DavisJan 29, 2008 22:18117647
More Information on Islam and Christianity [144 words]Brian DavisJan 31, 2008 19:38117647
concerning Obama's current religion [73 words]KFeb 20, 2008 00:18117647
Obama Rumors Exposed! [943 words]FreelandMar 22, 2008 08:59117647
K K K and Obama [70 words]david chiraMar 22, 2008 13:43117647
A secular anthropologist [157 words]Steve JacobsMar 28, 2008 14:11117647
Why Obama cannot be Christian [133 words]truth be toldOct 22, 2008 11:17117647
Is there a proof we say Ann Dunham is a Muslim convert? [33 words]RichardJun 14, 2016 14:20117647
Koran and American Pledge [30 words]Nancy SchnippelJan 6, 2008 18:07117608
I hope someone asks him before he gets the nomination. [56 words]Concerned in AmericaJan 8, 2008 13:56117608
Obama's Alleglance [203 words]Robert O.Jan 9, 2008 22:05117608
who's behind obama? [192 words]bob shiskaFeb 2, 2008 03:27117608
Barack Hussein "O b/s ama"! [73 words]postcynicFeb 13, 2008 10:33117608
Was Barack Obama a Muslim? [45 words]PattyMar 4, 2008 18:18117608
Barack Obama [318 words]Thomas-live in the ukMar 26, 2008 10:40117608
1Oust Obama [79 words]Sharon M.Jan 6, 2008 17:10117604
2Obama's true motives? [256 words]Litl BitsJan 7, 2008 12:33117604
birthplace [33 words]Ted WalkerJan 25, 2008 17:02117604
Obama's here to stay [97 words]AnnJan 31, 2008 14:00117604
obama [33 words]fayeFeb 6, 2008 09:31117604
Simply - can Obama ever f i g h t muslims, his forefathers? [108 words]Vered GoldFeb 16, 2008 03:21117604
this is stupid and just the king of thing Karl Rove would do [235 words]kathy SmithFeb 28, 2008 23:28117604
To Kathy it was the Clintons who first put out the news Obama was or is a Muslim [252 words]SimonMar 1, 2008 13:47117604
Stop...just stop [54 words]JacobJan 30, 2009 13:11117604
BOY! you've hit the nail on the head! [156 words]MikeleMay 19, 2009 19:01117604
Obama the Socialist wants to be Dictator of America [72 words]johnSep 25, 2009 13:12117604
6"taquia'-the moslem way of survival [60 words]emanuel dudaiJan 5, 2008 09:04117554
that is truly absurd [82 words]Joe PekaasiJan 31, 2008 06:16117554
w/response from Daniel Pipes
johnJan 4, 2008 22:12117541
Apostasy questions off limits...even to conservatives. [343 words]Edmond D. SmithJan 8, 2008 13:28117541
A censored topic [526 words]SiliconDocJan 14, 2008 14:15117541
Wake up .John. [75 words]surjJan 14, 2008 16:06117541
Phony Conservatives! [90 words]Edmond D. SmithJan 14, 2008 21:44117541
Thank you [98 words]SilicondocJan 15, 2008 06:02117541
Not every blog is afraid... [173 words]Edmond D. SmithJan 16, 2008 22:33117541
National Anthem ??? [36 words]ThinkaboutitJan 4, 2008 15:36117526
Did Barack wear a chim-chim hat? [219 words]sideswipedJan 2, 2008 20:17117378
So many lies, so little time... [760 words]SilicondocJan 29, 2008 17:00117378
Who cares? [11 words]CareyJan 2, 2008 13:17117347
1Obama burned in effigy in Pakistan -- for his "The War We Must Win" [175 words]Old DemocratJan 1, 2008 21:00117305
Obama is a good guy [94 words]JimboJan 1, 2008 15:24117284
My golly Jimbo [352 words]SilicondocJan 29, 2008 17:16117284
Funny choice of words.... [298 words]ScottSep 16, 2008 17:36117284
If it quacks like a duck..... [81 words]donvanSep 17, 2008 11:59117284
Then Obama should come clean. [307 words]SiliconDocSep 17, 2008 17:17117284
Obama is not going to become the President [13 words]Amin RiazDec 31, 2007 10:25117217
I KNOW who will win! [76 words]PJ side noteJan 4, 2008 09:33117217
take your best shot [80 words]Steve CDec 30, 2007 23:10117181
background [64 words]AnneDec 29, 2007 21:18117095
Anne - your assertions don't stand the test of logic [205 words]SullyJan 3, 2008 10:01117095
logic [143 words]AnneJan 3, 2008 21:36117095
1The present situation is difficult enough without Presidential Muslim Family Ties [239 words]Sofa SogoodJan 6, 2008 23:46117095
Take off blinkers [89 words]surjJan 14, 2008 17:27117095
open mind and heart [285 words]AnneJan 15, 2008 23:21117095
That's lovely [302 words]SilicondocJan 18, 2008 15:26117095
paradox [396 words]AnneJan 22, 2008 02:06117095
Think again, Anne [429 words]DonJan 24, 2008 00:41117095
Islamophobia [323 words]AnneJan 29, 2008 17:12117095
Naive [419 words]DonJan 29, 2008 20:44117095
The Devil's Tinderbox [204 words]AnneFeb 8, 2008 17:00117095
Islamaphobia exists for a reason -their recent resume [199 words]ScotFeb 23, 2008 18:03117095
too good to be true [171 words]lyssa252000Mar 25, 2008 23:40117095
Wondered why Muslims are in support of Obama [199 words]JihadWatchDec 29, 2007 20:25117092
Why not a president that lives in reality? [28 words]Mr TrueDec 31, 2007 10:33117092
Oh! [23 words]LewisJan 3, 2008 07:59117092
Thank you Jihadwatch-- [25 words]susanJan 27, 2008 15:33117092
now he has to change his name? [67 words]anitaMar 24, 2008 05:50117092
Better to deal with an honest Muslim than an dishonest Christian [31 words]GolanDec 28, 2007 09:30117039
honest muslim or christian [14 words]bosDec 30, 2007 07:27117039
Comments on Obama's religion [293 words]Janusz KowalikDec 30, 2007 22:54117039
relevance [156 words]bosJan 1, 2008 08:05117039
Getting tiring, Janouz [223 words]DonJan 1, 2008 09:06117039
The Point [71 words]GolanJan 1, 2008 16:39117039
Roosevelt! proof we need Obama? [219 words]bosJan 3, 2008 06:42117039
What is better and what is worse? [31 words]KrzychJan 4, 2008 15:49117039
Yeah, it is right you are tired, Don [103 words]KrzychJan 4, 2008 16:12117039
in defense of janusz [239 words]pushkinaJan 11, 2008 05:34117039
relevance? again! [106 words]bosJan 17, 2008 07:46117039
the problem is... [229 words]davidOct 21, 2008 11:00117039
Far Right Americans much bigger threat to Obama [28 words]HTRDec 27, 2007 21:54117024
Religious Implications of Conspiracy Politics [404 words]M. ToveyDec 27, 2007 13:39116985
Can he be trusted ? [435 words]DannyDec 30, 2007 09:17116985
Muslim--Shmuslim [121 words]john P. CrowderDec 27, 2007 11:28116970
Give the guy a break!!! [101 words]DanishDec 27, 2007 07:16116963
I agree with Danish [134 words]GWKDec 27, 2007 20:51116963
don't allow muslim to white house [46 words]fakustaislamJan 22, 2008 15:57116963
think about this? [220 words]sonriseOct 21, 2008 11:38116963
Yeah, he was a Moslem [226 words]Ken BesigDec 27, 2007 04:40116960
Obama is not a Muslim but... [148 words]Peter HerzDec 30, 2007 21:41116960
Menem apostasy and Iranian terror attacks: is there any connection? [156 words]verkhovenskyDec 27, 2007 02:00116958
Obama's knows this and has (concocted?) a defense under sharia law [96 words]Sammy FinkelmanDec 26, 2007 19:29116950
Interesting; but not really [124 words]mcginleyj1@scranton.eduDec 26, 2007 18:21116948
Muslim by birth [19 words]joeDec 26, 2007 17:02116946
Obama is honest man [104 words]muratJan 2, 2008 23:10116946
A Presidential candidate hiding his Idendity is pre-betraying the Nation. [221 words]Norma FaresDec 26, 2007 16:58116945
Questions for Norma Faris [53 words]belardoFeb 23, 2010 15:42116945
chauvinism ? [60 words]europeanDec 26, 2007 08:51116931
To European [116 words]DonDec 29, 2007 01:35116931
A tiring line of thought and attitude [72 words]SullyDec 31, 2007 09:08116931
and they called dubya the liar in chief. [209 words]bosDec 26, 2007 07:32116929
Revelation of candidate Obama's misrepresentations [170 words]Dr. Howard GarberDec 26, 2007 03:25116926
US politics [559 words]mufuta mulongoDec 26, 2007 03:24116925
"Muslims do not see practice as key."??? [215 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
John PhilipsDec 25, 2007 22:57116922
Constitution [42 words]oswaldJan 1, 2008 04:32116922
comment on Professor Pipes' reply to my comment [169 words]John PhilipsSep 16, 2008 21:19116922
Come clean, Mr. Obama [177 words]Rebecca MouldsDec 25, 2007 22:50116921
"Peaceful Jihad"? [68 words]InfosifterDec 25, 2007 22:05116920
Should our votes be influenced by potential Islamic perception of Obama apostasy? [568 words]Dennis GravesDec 25, 2007 19:21116910
Was Barak Obama a Muslim [215 words]MauriceDec 25, 2007 15:21116905
1MUST BE MUSLIM [23 words]N AhmedApr 24, 2008 07:59116905
Ahmed - When Hell freezes over! [25 words]CDMay 7, 2008 00:31116905
insha allah! [7 words]MOHAMMED FAIZANFeb 12, 2011 00:00116905
So what would be different [120 words]Mic LawlerDec 25, 2007 14:34116902
not sure what title could go with this... [13 words]OffendedDec 25, 2007 13:43116897
Offended [106 words]DonDec 29, 2007 02:10116897
can you allow christian faith in United Arab Emirates [141 words]johnJan 1, 2008 00:11116897
Nonsense [100 words]Yasser El ShararaJan 10, 2008 04:10116897
Bull stuff! [573 words]DonJan 11, 2008 04:15116897
JARGON! [396 words]Yasser El ShararaJan 15, 2008 03:10116897
Pop quiz [64 words]DisaffectedJan 15, 2008 05:39116897
No, you're wrong [444 words]DonJan 16, 2008 01:13116897
The Quran [210 words]DonJan 16, 2008 01:26116897
Lies and Propoganda [427 words]Yasser El ShararaJan 21, 2008 06:51116897
Okay, Yasser, you got me [70 words]DonJan 22, 2008 04:20116897
Glad to hear [16 words]Yasser El ShararaJan 23, 2008 02:57116897
yah yasser--- [17 words]susanJan 27, 2008 15:44116897
What about JFK? [37 words]AnneJan 29, 2008 17:22116897
lol [33 words]Yasser Al ShararaJan 31, 2008 04:49116897
Glad to be living in Europe [64 words]Maureen GöllerFeb 24, 2008 19:12116897
Europeans are more tolerant [112 words]Yasser Al ShararaFeb 29, 2008 08:56116897
he is right [4 words]interFeb 15, 2010 23:48116897
Obama is not an apostate in Islam [253 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Amjad KhanDec 25, 2007 13:11116894
Seriously? [218 words]RobinsonDec 25, 2007 08:27116887
Is the Pope Jewish? [32 words]Atoo LandarvDec 25, 2007 02:37116883
Menem paid for absolution in another fashion [95 words]yuval Brandstetter MDDec 25, 2007 01:29116881
"The Plot Thickens" [36 words]RaymondDec 24, 2007 23:11116879
I don't agree with all of Barack Obama's ideas, but I can see in his eyes that he is a good person. [12 words]JonathanDec 24, 2007 19:58116877
Does it really matter if Obama was exposed to Islam as a child in Indonesia? [530 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Steve AbramsDec 24, 2007 18:18116876
murtadd or not ... [10 words]GudrunDec 24, 2007 17:17116874
Apostasy as utilitarian pretext for Islamic fundamentalists [333 words]Tom MarzulloDec 24, 2007 16:45116873
A Question [215 words]Ron ThompsonDec 28, 2007 10:05116873
Reply to the question concerning whether Islam is by nature peaceful.... [575 words]Tom MarzulloDec 30, 2007 11:45116873
Thanks for the interesting post [139 words]sullyDec 31, 2007 08:42116873
barack - muslim [121 words]glovideoDec 24, 2007 16:15116872
Good Article! [63 words]GWKDec 24, 2007 16:05116871
It smells fishy [39 words]David W. LincolnDec 24, 2007 15:49116870
Re Barak Obama for president [106 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
edith m. cordDec 24, 2007 15:46116869
Read Obama's life story [55 words]nathanDec 31, 2007 02:46116869
is Obama a Muslim [86 words]Marlena BerghammerFeb 6, 2008 13:29116869
Good on two counts -- bad for his election prospects, and may further expose evil of Islam [76 words]Charles MartelDec 24, 2007 15:40116868
Lets get real [109 words]Yaakov WatkinsDec 24, 2007 15:17116867
If it looks like it, smells like ir, and walks like it... [438 words]marion ds dreyfusDec 24, 2007 15:08116866
Obama Muslim? [208 words]Shlomo ben Avraham PinheiroDec 24, 2007 14:12116864
Why is this man being forced down our throats? [66 words]catFeb 10, 2008 20:55116864
Manchurian Candidate? [168 words]MichaelDec 24, 2007 12:53116860
Obama Muslim step siblings and kin [45 words]Patrick CrawfordDec 24, 2007 12:41116859
let him be a good human only. [41 words]zubairNov 10, 2008 08:39116859
just the colour ( Zambia in Africa ) we are whole equal. [31 words]mirriamNov 10, 2008 08:49116859
and what??... [80 words]calonieNov 10, 2008 13:47116859
Religion and politics [235 words]janusz kowalikDec 24, 2007 12:39116858
To Janousz [276 words]DonDec 29, 2007 01:52116858
No child is born Christian or Moslem [273 words]Janusz KowalikDec 30, 2007 22:19116858
Parsing fine hairs, Janouz [164 words]DonJan 1, 2008 08:45116858
wrong!!!!!! [7 words]ShukurullohOct 6, 2009 05:14116858
A Little Bit Contradictory [221 words]Ron ThompsonDec 24, 2007 11:42116856
Obama Hussein Barak's Moslim origins [142 words]Eli Bar-HaiDec 24, 2007 11:32116855
Is there any doubt ?? [125 words]JaladhiDec 24, 2007 11:26116854
Yes, but what about "family"? [432 words]DeianeiraDec 24, 2007 10:57116853
Corrections and more questions [468 words]DeianeiraDec 29, 2007 15:24116853
Read his book [27 words]MikeDec 30, 2007 21:54116853
Yes, more questions and info needs to be made public for all about Obama [102 words]KayFeb 11, 2008 22:37116853
So what if he was a muslim? Why is your Christianity so threatened? [113 words]LisaNov 9, 2008 17:14116853
2 things about Obama [113 words]Ted WalkerDec 24, 2007 10:50116852
Obama is a muslim [13 words]BILLYJan 24, 2008 20:31116852
a true christian is he [53 words]vince rappaFeb 6, 2008 01:07116852
Response to Khalid: Osama or Obama afraid [135 words]DonnaFeb 10, 2008 20:29116852
faith and loyalty do matter [3 words]republicanmotherFeb 12, 2008 00:22116852
This is God's country [30 words]MarieFeb 12, 2008 12:18116852
Remember 911 [102 words]DavidApr 18, 2008 00:58116852
Help the world [27 words]JonathanJul 31, 2008 18:51116852
obama -will he investigate me [17 words]w brexOct 30, 2008 16:13116852
AKCHILLY... [10 words]Sigh...Nov 2, 2008 01:19116852
Barak Obama's religion [28 words]Danesh AhmedNov 26, 2008 01:09116852
Its in the name. [34 words]JohnAug 20, 2009 08:23116852
Carlos Menem [61 words]thereisnosantaclausDec 24, 2007 10:32116851
So, Menem's Middle-Eastern background caused or abetted the Buenos Aires synagogue bomb? [151 words]Margaret HopewellJan 27, 2008 13:28116851
What do Americans Want. [144 words]Cosmas BanyeMar 19, 2008 02:34116851
mccain [9 words]minApr 1, 2008 17:36116851
2Concerned for Americans [184 words]douglasSep 28, 2008 13:07116851
LOL. [5 words]LizzieOct 31, 2008 21:32116851
Hardly matters.... [65 words]Aizan HadiJan 23, 2011 01:34116851

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