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Moses and Jesus were never, will never be and WOULD never be Muslims

Reader comment on item: More on the Muslim Claim to Jerusalem
in response to reader comment: Moses, Jesus, Mohammad are ALL Muslims

Submitted by The Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan (Australia), Aug 30, 2008 at 23:54

Ahmad writes:

"....And Jesus will himself testify that he is a Muslim and that his message and that of Moses and Mohammad were all the same."

Ahmad - you've spouted some preposterous statements on this forum before , but this one is really up there. This statement of yours is called 'wishful thinking'. You'd like something to be true that clearly is not. It's a common trait of fantasy-prone individuals.

I say Jesus, if he were around would quite categorically state that he is not a follower of Mohammed. How could he ever have been since he lived 1400 years prior to Mo's birth? Similarly with Moses.

If you asked a sane and unbiased person who'd never heard of any philosophical traditions before - and offered the teachings of Christ or the teachings of Mohammed - it's a no-brainer to guess which one would be dismissed as NOT being a viable philosophy by which to lead one's life. Especially if you gave that person more detailed facts on the personal lives and achievements of both figures.

Let's see: Mo - personally responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of people, cutting off their lims and piercing their eyes, had more than a dozen wives, had and acted on pedophilic tendencies, allowed followers to kill and maim and to loot and pillage and rape captive women, NO miracles, killed people who thought he and his followers were a bad joke etc etc It's almost an unending story.

Jesus Christ on the other hand - well, read the Bible if you're allowed to (do not - repeat NOT rely on the garbage of 'Issa' - 'Issa' didn't exist - that's a tale added in by the people who concocted the Koran).

Christ realised people were disconnected from themselves and taught people to find God (or higher human consciousness) within themselves at the core of their being and stressed sacrifice and compassion for humanity.

If you look into it - Christ said many amazing and at first confounding statements - such as 'seek ye first the Kingdom of heaven' . And when asked where was heaven - he says 'the Kingdom of heaven is within you'. Notice it's not the rather carnal Muslim version in the sky with your green cushions, inexhaustible wine supply and seventy two soon to be deflowered virgins.

Other great spiritual masters such as Buddha all pointed in the same direction - inward - toward self-realisation, the inner connection to the Soul or Real Self (whatever you want to term it).

This is something that is sadly lacking in rather primitive Islamic teachings where the focus is on an imagination of an external 'Allah' and arcane rituals such as the quaint praying to Mecca five times a day, slaughtering of young animals at various times, the necessity of promoting itself as a viable and reasonable belief system at all costs, the punishment (even to death) of people who refuse to continue to believe in it, amputating the limbs of people for minor crimes, poor treatment of women, the unspoken supremacy of the quite clearly not supreme arab culture and language.

. The closest thing to self-realsiation that Islam had were the Sufi's who were and are persecuted by the great unwashed bulk of the Islamic world.
As a current-day Sufi says - 'if I can't have a God I can feel - what's the use of having one at all?'

".................I am throwing the gauntlet down! ......."

Noone's going to pick it up - it's not really a challenge. People are on very many different levels of personal evolution in this world - it really is like a school. Some people are in kindergarten and are happy with their fairytales and crayons and colouring in. They'll say it's the best thing and everyone should be dong it. But older children in senior high doing advanced calculus, history of art and electronics don't have the heart or need to burst the younger kids' bubble. That is - until the young kids start screaming and jumping up and down and trashing the classrooms - getting on the nerves of the older ones who are seriosuly interested in appreciating and studying life and what goes on around them. The kindergartners are saying - 'what we want is to take over the whole school give everyone crayons so everyone must listen to fairytales and do colouring-in - do this or we'll wreck the school !!'.

"...........................If Jesus comes back and says worship the Cross, I will become a Christian and renounce Islam."

Apart from the fact that it will be a bit klate for you by that stage, you have a very, very strange idea of Christianity if you think that Jesus ever recommended people worship crosses...? Crucifixion was a form of execution in Roman times reserved for non-Roman citizens and a practice which was later taken up by Islamists :

"When the Apostle of Allah . . . cut off (the hands and feet of) those who had stolen his camels and he had their eyes put out by fire (heated nails), Allah reprimanded him on that (action), and Allah, the Exalted, revealed: "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Apostle and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is execution or crucifixion." (Abu Dawud, no. 4357)"

Crucifixion can be and has used even up to the present in Sudan and Nigeria and other states that rely on barbaric Sharia law as a substitute for a humane legal system.

However, if the Messiah comes back and and says to become a Muslim as he is a Muslim, how many Christians are prepared to become Muslims?
that's just not gong to happen - as in many cases the teachings of Christ and the Mohammed differ markedly. Here's another teaching of Christ
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits."

"....... I asked a Christian this once and he said NO!!"

He said no because Christ would never give such an answer - because then he would be contradicting hs own teachings.

"........ Therein lies what you must reconcile within yourselves. Are you REALLY following Jesus?"
I imagine most Christians sincerely try - but in doing so they are automatically NOT following Mohammed - which is a good thing. Christ and Mohammed taught different things.

Ye shall know them by their fruits.


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Reader comments (110) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Why Islam Cannot Claim Jerusalem - Temple Mount Prophecy Already Fulfilled from Time of Romans Before Islam Arrived [155 words]M ToveyJul 23, 2022 22:21284097
Fulfillment of Islam's Destiny on the Temple Mount [224 words]M ToveyJul 29, 2022 10:19284097
Denial of Jewish history is fake news [209 words]DaveJul 22, 2022 15:10284050
1Is there a testament of Iftikhar? [62 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
martin walkerJun 16, 2016 07:23230029
One God [43 words]Daryl LocklearJul 12, 2021 19:05230029
Israel Liberated Judea and Samaria - Just like U.S. and its allies liberated Kuwait [86 words]YJ DraimanMay 17, 2015 20:50223398
The Jewish peoples war of survival was not won when Hitler lost. It continues to this day [610 words]YJ DraimanMay 11, 2015 03:29223307
2Thanks for the link to Leah Bat-Chaim's Why Jerusalem is Not Holy to Muslims [56 words]Joe BlackDec 23, 2009 03:11166165
3Arabs and Muslims have no authority to claim Jerusalem [227 words]Bestley JoeDec 11, 2009 08:14165657
How can we expect anything human (or decent) from wacko self proclaimed genius historian Shamekh Alawneh? [260 words]SvetAug 28, 2009 03:19160712
Zechariah 12 [128 words]UgriAug 8, 2009 08:35159834
Eyes Wide Open [37 words]BKSep 25, 2009 18:12159834
No doubt new herods will emerge. [92 words]UgriSep 27, 2009 04:42159834
Tick Tock. [112 words]LynnJul 6, 2009 10:21158530
TEMPLE MOUNT [9 words]FredJan 5, 2009 12:14147018
Undeniable claim to Jerusalem [102 words]Rebecca MouldsJan 4, 2009 23:38146929
Jerusalem in the Bible [36 words]UgriJan 11, 2009 01:33146929
Mosque on top of the claimants rock. [132 words]LynnDec 11, 2008 08:44144903
More on the muslim claim to Jerusalem [109 words]DebbieDec 3, 2008 23:12144369
3where were the jews during the past 3000 year, why they did not claim the land? [72 words]sTsNov 19, 2008 11:37143278
It speaks volumes [14 words]UgriNov 21, 2008 01:59143278
1Our dear Samer and the Jews and Allah says in the the Qur'an really says that the Jews are really his favorite nation [283 words]dhimmi no moreNov 30, 2008 07:58143278
Where were those Jews? [244 words]catarinDec 5, 2008 00:56143278
You admit it then? [64 words]MeeTooJan 9, 2009 09:20143278
4It is written in the Quran and in the Torah [312 words]sTsJan 10, 2009 04:57143278
Makes you wanna go hmmm... [246 words]LynnAug 30, 2009 10:00143278
Arch of Titus [56 words]UgriNov 6, 2008 11:13142251
muslim imperialism [128 words]G.VishvasNov 5, 2008 05:36142104
Great! [11 words]New York UniversityOct 31, 2008 16:34141664
Apples and oranges [149 words]Rebecca MouldsSep 2, 2008 13:53137854
Temple Mount revisited [93 words]UgriSep 3, 2008 01:36137854
Israel is the Land of the ancient Jews [44 words]KatteyNov 10, 2008 20:38137854
2Moses, Jesus, Mohammad are ALL Muslims [95 words]AhmadAug 30, 2008 05:55137656
6Moses and Jesus were never, will never be and WOULD never be Muslims [1077 words]The Grand Infidel of KaffiristanAug 30, 2008 23:54137656
4 things [52 words]YnnatchkahSep 3, 2008 22:22137656
2Moses and Jesus were Muslims? [134 words]KatteyNov 18, 2008 17:47137656
Polar opposites between the Koran and the Bible [165 words]jennifer solisNov 29, 2008 16:13137656
1More drivel from our dear Ahmad [558 words]dhimmi no moreNov 30, 2008 07:18137656
2If you follow God's words then you are a Muslim [396 words]sTsDec 1, 2008 03:18137656
1The Quran is not perfect, and it is the offspring of the Torah and New Testament. [283 words]KatteyDec 1, 2008 21:22137656
Quran, Torah, Gospel are from one source [141 words]sTsDec 3, 2008 01:12137656
1Moses and Jesus were Muslims? [128 words]AnneDec 3, 2008 23:34137656
2Quran is Perfect, check how it was compiled [1124 words]sTsDec 4, 2008 10:11137656
2A Muslim, any person who submits to the will of God [518 words]sTsDec 5, 2008 00:48137656
The Qur'an is perfect? Really? How about surat al-rajm? [286 words]dhimmi no moreDec 5, 2008 07:23137656
Our dear Samer; It seems that your Allah says in the Qur'an that the Bible is not really corrupted [147 words]dhimmi no moreDec 5, 2008 07:35137656
A muslim is any person who submits to God's will- response to Ts [133 words]DebbieDec 5, 2008 20:37137656
It seems that the star of David adornes the main building of al-Azhar University [199 words]dhimmi no moreDec 6, 2008 10:42137656
Our dear Samer and more drivel [361 words]dhimmi no moreDec 6, 2008 11:01137656
1Ahmad, you sound desperate for numbers and converts. [131 words]ZenDec 13, 2008 01:04137656
sTs, you have a very simplistic view [196 words]ZenDec 13, 2008 01:23137656
You are not a Muslim [409 words]sTsDec 15, 2008 06:17137656
It is not wrong to look for the truth [429 words]sTsDec 15, 2008 10:06137656
No it is not wrong to look for the truth, It sets you free [120 words]DebbieDec 15, 2008 20:32137656
2a response to Moses, Jesus, Mohammad are ALL Muslims by reader Ahmad [513 words]IfrahimJan 5, 2009 22:38137656
Just a Simple Question [201 words]Seif Al DeenJan 9, 2009 08:19137656
koran [116 words]D.Gerard SebolfFeb 22, 2009 09:27137656
Jerusalem not mentioned in the Qur'an [168 words]Roy MasonOct 1, 2009 06:43137656
Jesus calling by killings of sword [417 words]AlwynOct 25, 2009 12:36137656
islamic domineeringness [52 words]hiallMar 4, 2014 04:27137656
Here is a Strange Exception [37 words]AlexAug 18, 2008 11:48136948
WHY NOT GIVE THEM A CHOICE? [20 words]IamJosephAug 18, 2008 05:44136931
A Brilliant Idea? What are they smoking? [462 words]Lame CherryAug 18, 2008 02:38136924
Q17:1 [641 words]dhimmi no moreJul 27, 2008 13:16135742
3muslim greed, more greed and fascism [216 words]G.VishvasJul 23, 2008 05:53135582
The Qur'an does not say the Prophet was taken to Jerusalem [123 words]Akbarally MeherallyJun 26, 2008 07:25133453
The Temple Mount as a Flashpoint [29 words]Yisrael MedadMar 12, 2008 06:48122473
Can anyone be a Muslim and STILL defend the name Palestine? [138 words]DillahJan 25, 2008 23:06119001
What Muslim holy sites? [195 words]KatteyDec 15, 2007 21:34116228
Hey [68 words]demonarundoMar 9, 2008 16:45116228
Islamic historical Propaganda [267 words]KatteyMar 10, 2008 23:24116228
here is the truth [142 words]demonarundoMar 12, 2008 07:53116228
Muslims honor all Prophets? [178 words]KatteyMar 13, 2008 16:54116228
islam thinks the whole world belongs to allaha [76 words]phil GreendAug 31, 2007 19:15107411
I am Muslim [51 words]demonarundoMar 9, 2008 16:32107411
Making colonisation appear indigenous! [113 words]leighJun 2, 2007 05:4895748
I understand that history is a VERY flexible narrative [103 words]Dan the YidAug 17, 2007 04:0095748
Jerusalem never been in Qoran [5 words]ilhamJul 7, 2016 06:0195748
Proof positive; Jerusalem, Israel belong to Muslims [170 words]InfidelNov 26, 2006 19:3467422
24"Jerusalem's not in the Qur'an, and Muhammad was never there" [678 words]Lactantius Jr.Jun 5, 2007 15:5067422
1Lactantius Jr, I think you misunderstood my comments [217 words]InfidelJun 5, 2007 23:1867422
Arabs have been doing Temple denial for a long time [219 words]ElliottNov 6, 2008 08:2167422
Not mentioned in the Torah either [23 words]sTsDec 1, 2008 03:2067422
1"Which Bible books, which Temple?" [646 words]Lactantius JrDec 3, 2008 07:0667422
5Zabour and Zubur [691 words]sTsDec 4, 2008 07:1067422
More on Jerusalem and other topics [658 words]sTsDec 4, 2008 11:1167422
Which Jerusalem Temple did Muhammad visit? [320 words]Lactantius JrDec 5, 2008 05:1267422
"What remains for you to do now" [125 words]Lactantius JrDec 5, 2008 06:2567422
The word ZBR in the Qur'an, the Psalms of David and al-Isra'eeliat in the Qur'an [443 words]dhimmi no moreDec 6, 2008 09:1767422
ZBR and an addendum [123 words]dhimmi no moreDec 7, 2008 08:2967422
Jerusalem in the OT [92 words]dhimmi no moreDec 7, 2008 09:0267422
Mohammed visits Mt. Sinai [97 words]Dale BrownDec 6, 2009 21:2767422
The mosque was not destoyed. it remains till this day ! [238 words]Al -AqsaJan 21, 2010 15:2067422
Masjid Al-Aqsa [1462 words]Lactantius JrFeb 19, 2010 17:5367422
Mosque people were flaming racist until now. [194 words]HilmeFeb 28, 2010 09:2967422
"living in peace with one another" [128 words]Lactantius JrFeb 28, 2010 17:2367422
1You don't know what your saying [288 words]Omar SalehMay 17, 2010 23:1067422
Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Qur'an and even Tabari had no clue what is really al-masjad al-aqsa and you our dear Omar think that you know? Masha'allah [982 words]dhimmi no moreMay 19, 2010 07:4767422
1To: dhimmi no more [177 words]OmarMay 19, 2010 22:5667422
Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Qur'an and even Tabari had no clue what is really al-masjad al-aqsa part duex [27 words]dhimmi no moreMay 20, 2010 17:2767422
Our dear Omar and his excuse that the battery ran out [300 words]dhimmi no moreMay 20, 2010 18:0967422
Q17:1 revisited [64 words]dhimmi no moreMay 20, 2010 18:2067422
Our dear Omar and tahreef al-Qur'an [330 words]dhimmi no moreMay 22, 2010 08:0167422
1Jerusalem, the Abode of Peace [181 words]AngelaJun 14, 2010 09:2067422
1Jerusalem is in the quraan and the prophet muhamed was there [25 words]yomnaOct 1, 2011 17:3767422
1Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Qur'an and Muhammad was never there continued [399 words]Lactantius JrOct 5, 2011 04:4367422
false statement about jerusalem [40 words]saqibFeb 19, 2013 00:2567422
The Qur'an is silent about Jerusalem [131 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 20, 2013 07:0467422
Only Christ! [10 words]hammarJul 13, 2013 15:0067422
answer [56 words]bla bla black sheepApr 21, 2017 19:4867422

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