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"Bible corruption, what Bible corruption? what does the Qur'an say/"

Reader comment on item: Israel's Predicament at 60: World's worst neighbourhood
in response to reader comment: Ever since .....

Submitted by Lactantius Jr (United Kingdom), Sep 5, 2008 at 19:20

To sTs

You do a great demolition job on Allah, the Qur'an, Muhammad and Islam's greatest scholars. Great stuff, please keep it coming, and in what follows, I quote the Qur'an extensively, and I do so, not because it is authoritative for me, it isn't, not believing it be inspired by the true and living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but quote it in the way I do, believing it to have supreme authority for you and other Muslims.

The source of the Qur'an is said to be Allah, for example,

"And most surely, this is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds. The faithful servant Gabriel has descended with it to thy heart and mind, that thou mayest admonish in the perspicuous Arabic tongue."

Surah 26:192-195

Allah is said to be the author of the Bible, for example

"-----------sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospels."

Surah 3:3

The Quran declares the Bible to be a true revelation of Allah and demands faith in the Bible. Surah's 2:40-42;136;285;3:3;93;4:47;136;5:47-50;68;6:91;10:94;29:46;

  1. All these above texts presuppose the availability of the true revelation of God to the people of Muhammad's day. Surah's 3:71,93;10:94;
  2. A true Muslim is obliged to believe in all the revelations of God. Surah's 2:136; 4:136; 29:46
  3. The Quran makes no distinction between God's revelations Surah 2:136

The Qur'an claims that NO ONE can change the Word of Allah. Surah's 6:34; 10:34

To really "ink-it in," I repeat that the Qur'an is emphatic about a number of things concerning itself, and its testimony to the Judaeo-Christian Scriptures, that is, the Bible, both Old and New Testaments.

Allah's word cannot contain error and cannot change. Allah is said to preserve the Qur'an Surah's 15:9; 85:21-22; and the words of Allah are said to be unalterable:-

"there is none that can alter the words and decrees of Allah

Surah 6:34


"----------none can change his words-----------"

Surah 18:27

see also:- Surah's 6:115, 10:64 and 50:29

In saying that,

"Old Testament corruption started with the Jews (even during Moses time)……………."

If this were true, you demonstrate that both you and Allah can't be right, who are we to believe sTs? Allah or you? Or would you have us believe that Allah instructed Muhammad to refer to a corrupted Scripture for guidance? and why does he say of the Torah and Gospel, ‘wherein is guidance and light' rather than ‘wherein there used to be guidance and light before they were corrupted'?

and in saying that "The New testament corruption started ever since God took up Jesus Christ," why do you not accept the Bible sTs, since current translations are all based on manuscripts that predate Muhammad? and to give but one example, I refer to the prophet Isaiah, who writing long before the time of the Lord Jesus Christ, wrote of "The Suffering Servant," and the Isaiah scroll, found intact amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls between 1947 and 1956, and containing all 66 chapters of the Book of Isaiah that we read today, is ~1,000 years older than any previously known copy of Isaiah, and is dated at between 200BC and ~68AD providing phenomenal evidence for the credibility of Biblical scripture. Specifically, the Great Isaiah Scroll is almost identical to the most recent manuscript version of the Masoretic text from the 900's AD. (Scholars have discovered a handful of spelling and tense-oriented scribal errors, but nothing of significance.)


I now quote Isaiah 63 "The Suffering Servant" verbatim.

"Has anyone believed us, or seen the mighty power of the LORD in action?

Like a young plant or a root that sprouts in dry ground, the servant grew up obeying the LORD. He wasn't some handsome king. Nothing about the way he looked made him attractive to us.

He was hated and rejected; his life was filled with sorrow and terrible suffering. No one wanted to look at him. We despised him and said, ‘He is a nobody!'

He suffered and endured great pain for us, but we thought his suffering was punishment from God.

He was wounded and crushed because of our sins; by taking our punishment, he made us completely well.

All of us were like sheep that had wandered off. We had each gone our own way, but the LORD gave him the punishment we deserved.

He was painfully abused, but he did not complain. He was silent like a lamb being led to the butcher, as quiet as a sheephaving its wool cut off.

He was condemned to death without a fair trial. Who could have imagined what would happen to him?

His life was taken away because of the sinful things my people had done.

He wasn't dishonest or violent, but he was buried in a tomb of cruel and rich people.

The LORD decided his servant would suffer as a sacrifice to take away the sin and guilt of others. Now the servant will live to see his own descendants. He did everything the LORD had planned.

By suffering, the servant will learn the true meaning of obeying the LORD. Although he is innocent, he will take the punishment for the sins of others, so that many of them will no longer be guilty.

The LORD will reward him with honour and power for sacrificing his life. Others thought he was a sinner, but he suffered for our sins and asked God to forgive us."

In light of Isaiah's rich Messianic prophecy, I ask you sTs, who do you think Isaiah's "Suffering Servant" could be? And remember, the aforementioned passage quoted verbatim, corresponds to Isaiah 53 in today's Old Testament, also remembering, this text was dated 100 to 335 years before the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ !

The Qur'an repeatedly says that it confirms the previous Scriptures, and typical of every mention of the Torah and Gospels, there is no word about textual corruption. Surah's 2:97, 2:285; 3:3,7,23,48,65,84,93,184,199; 4:44,47,51,136,162-164 5:15,46,68-69; 6:91&92,154; 10:37; 11:17; 16:43; 17:2; 20:133; 21:7; 23:49; 26:196; 32:23; 35:31; 41:45; 46:10-12; 54:43; 57:25&27; and 87:18-19 all confirm, rather than repudiate or "complete" the Torah and Gospels, with the texts often being referred to as "inspired."

There are many, many Qur'anic references to the Judaeo-Christian Scriptures, and the Qur'an gives them such noble titles as:-

"the book of Allah" " the word of Allah"

"a light and guidance to man" "a decision for all matters"

"a guidance and a mercy" "the lucid book"

"the illumination (al-furqan)"

"the gospel with its guidance and light confirming the preceding law"

"a guidance and warning to those who fear Allah"

and the Qur'an says this of the Bible,

"musadiqalima mahum" (confirming what is with them)

"musadiqalima baina yadih" (confirming what is between their hands)

"musadiqalima makum" (confirming that which is with them)

Surah's 2:41,89; 3:3; 4:47; 5:48; 35:31 and so on.

Surah 5:43-49 for example, starts by saying:-

"But why do they come to thee for decision, when they have the Torah before them? Therein is the plain command of Allah, yet even after that they would turn away

Christians are told to look into their own Scriptures to find Allah's revelation for them:-

"Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by the light of what Allah hath revealed, they are no better than those who rebel."

Surah 5:47

and even Muhammad himself at one point, is exhorted to test the truthfullness of his own message, against the contents of the previous Divine revelations to Jews and Christians:-

"If thou wert in doubt as to what we have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee, the truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord, so be in no wise of those in doubt."

Surah 10:94

look at Surah 5:47,66 & 68, which say:-

"Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel."

"If only they had stood fast by the Law, by the Gospel, and all the revelation that was sent to them from their Lord, they would have enjoyed happiness from every side. There is from among them a party on the right course, but many of them follow a course that is evil."

"Say: ‘O people of the Book! Ye have no ground to stand upon, unless ye stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to thee from thy Lord. It is the revelation that cometh to thee from thy Lord, that increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. But sorrow thou not, over these people without faith.' "


The Qur'an says that no one can change the word of Allah, it says that the Bible (the "Old" and "New" Testaments, the Judaeo-Christian Scriptures), are the word of Allah.

If Jews and Christians have changed the word of Allah, this means sTs, that the Qur'anic statement is unreliable, which is surely blasphemous to you and other Muslims. The conclusion from the Qur'an itself, which is very adequately supported by sound historical evidence, is that copies of the earlier Scriptures were available in Mecca and Medina, and that they are the same Scriptures as those available today. Since there is unassailable documentary evidence pre-dating Muhammad, Christians can confidently and truthfully say, that the New Testament record documenting Jesus' words, teaching, life, death and resurrection from the dead are trustworthy, and

"…which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus"

2 Timothy 3:15

Looking at the facts, the correct conclusion is that we have available to us, the very Scriptures which the Qur'an declares to be:-

"huddan lin-nas" (a guidance for the people)

So where did the fable of Biblical corruption come from?

More than 400 years after Muhammad's death, Ibn-Khazem who died at Cordoba in 1064 AD was the first to allege that the Bible had been corrupted. (P. A. PALMIERI Die Polemik des Islams, German tr. Holzer, Salzburg 1902; E. FRITSCH, Islam und Christentum im Mittelalter, Müller & Seiffert, Breslau 1930; see also. H. HIRSCHFELD, `Muhammadan Criticism of the Bible'. Jewish Quarterly Review 13 (1901) 222-240.) Ibn-Khazem's writings being very influential in later times. (F. M. PAREJA, Islamologia, Orbis Catholicus, Roma 1951, pp. 460-461. )

In his defence of Islam against Christians, Ibn-Khazem saw the contradictions between the Qur'an and the Gospels. One obvious example being the Qur'anic text `They slew him not and they crucified him not' Surah 4:156. `Since the Qur'an must be true,' Ibn- Khazem argued, `it must be the conflicting Gospel texts that are false. But Muhammad tells us to respect the Gospel. Therefore, the present text must have been falsified by the Christians.' His argument was not based on historical facts, but purely on his own reasoning and on his wish to safeguard the truth of the Qur'an. I. DI MATTEO, (`Il "takhrif" od alterazione della Bibbia secondo i musulmani', Bessarione 38 (1922) 64-111; 223-260; `Le preteze contradizzioni della S. Scrittura secondo Ibn-Hazm', Bessarione 39 (1923) 77-127, E. FRITSCH, op. cit., p. 66.)

Nothing could stop him from pursuing this accusation, it seemed the easiest way to attack the opponents. `If we prove the falsehood of their books, they lose the arguments they take from them.' (IBN KHAZEM, Kitab al-fasl fi'l-milah wa'l ahwa'l nikhal, II,6; E. FRITSCH, op cit., p.55) and this led to him eventually making the cynical statement `The Christians lost the revealed Gospel except for a few traces which Allah has left intact as argument against them.' ( IBN KHAZEM, ibid.; E. FRITSCH, op. cit, p. 64)

Later writers took up the same reasoning, enlarged it and embellished it. The falsification of the Bible was thus asserted by Salikh Ibn-al-Khusain (died 1200AD), Ahmad at-Qarafi (died 1285AD), Sa'id Ibn-Khasan (died 1320AD), Muhammad Ibn-Abi-Talib (died 1327AD), Ibn-Taimija (died 1328AD) and many others. From then on it has become a fixed ingredient of Muslim apologetics.

Fables about Constantine and Paul seem to have arisen from a mixture of anti-Christian Jewish sources, Persian legends and Marcionite writings. (Parallel stories are found in Tustari's Persian version of Qisas al-anbija (history of the prophets) in a manuscript dated 1330 AD, and in Ghalal-addin Rumi's Metnewi (the story of a Jewish king and his vizier, 1273 AD); E. FRITSCH, op. cit., pp. 50-65)

It is not difficult to show they make no historical sense. Paul lived from circa 5 - 67 AD, and preached the same doctrine as the other Apostles,

"In fact, James, Peter, and John, who were known as pillars of the church, recognized the gift God had given me, and they accepted Barnabas and me as their co-workers. They encouraged us to keep preaching to the Gentiles, while they continued their work with the Jews."

Galatians 2:9

and inspired by God's Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul wrote many of the New Testament Letters.

Constantine was the Roman Emperor from 312 - 337 AD. He gave Christians the freedom to practice their religion, but he did not invent the crucifixion or tamper with the Gospels. The Council of Nicaea which gathered from May 20th. to August 25th. in 324 AD did not decree anything regarding apocryphal writings. The 300 bishops who participated argued about the understanding of the Scriptures, not about what was Scripture or was not. They were in full agreement regarding the text. All these are historical facts.

Knowing the cause of a sickness is the first step to its cure. Muslims often read only their own literature, and these keep repeating the same old false accusations which started with Ibn Khazem who died in 1064 AD, genuine progress in dialogue is only possible when we, whether Christian or Muslim, are prepared to face objective facts.

Many of the great Muslim thinkers have, indeed, accepted the authenticity of the New Testament text. Their testimony proves that Christian-Muslim dialogue need not for ever be stymied by the allegation introduced by Ibn-Khazem . Two great historians, Al-Mas'udi (died 956AD) and Ibn-Khaldun (died 1406AD), held the authenticity of the Gospel text. Four well-known theologians agreed with this: Ali at-Tabari (died 855AD), Qasim al-Khasani (died 860AD), 'Amr al-Ghakhiz (died 869AD) and, last but not least, Islam's greatest Theologian/Philosopher, Al-Ghazzali (died 1111AD). (I. DI MATTEO, loc. cit (note 5), AT-TABARI and AL-GHAKHIZ claimed the translations were unfaithful at times; they did not doubt the authenticity of the Greek original. With regard at AL-GHAZZALI, see F. M. PAREJA, op. cit, p. 463)

Their view is shared by Abu Ali Husain Ibn Sina, who is known in the West as Avicenna (died 1037AD). Al-Bukhari (died 870AD), the compiler of one of the collections of Sahi Hadith, quoted the Qur'an itself (Surah 3:72,78) to prove that the text of the Bible was not falsified. (G. PARRINDER, Jesus in the Qur'an, Faber and Faber, London 1965; Dutch translation, Ten Have, Baarn 1978, p. 124)

Fakhruddin Razi, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, a nephew of Muhammed, said "The Jews and early Christians were suspected of altering the text of the Taurat and Injil; but in the opinion of eminent doctors and theologians it was not practicable thus to corrupt the text, because those Scriptures were generally known and widely circulated, having been handed down from generation to generation."

(cited at http://www.bible.ca/islam/islam-bible-not-corrupted-early-muslims.htm)

If the Bible is good enough for Allah, and was good enough for Muhammad and for the aforementioned Islamic "greats," why isn't it good enough for you sTs?

For an examination of the MSS evidence and the nature of the NT textual variants, demonstrating that the NT books are the best-attested documents of antiquity and that their preservation are not in doubt by honest textual critics, please go here:


And for more on the textual corruption and missing passages of the Qur'an, and how the evidence supporting its preservation fails to compare with the evidence for the Holy Bible, please consult the following links:


For more on what the Qur'an and early Islamic traditions teach about the purity of Bible, please go to:


The oldest known complete Biblical manuscript, The Codex Sinaiticus, dating from the fourth century AD, is in the British Library in London, where it is currently being digitized, and will become accessible online.


It contains the complete New Testament, together with the Greek Old Testament known as the Septuagint.

Another ancient Bible manuscript, also thought to be from the fourth century, and likely to be slightly older that Codex Sinaiticus, is known as the codex Vaticanus, being the most famous manuscript in the Vatican library. It is not complete.

These manuscripts provide the definitive documents against which translations can be checked, and give the lie to your claim that "at the moment you have hunders (sic) of versions, you don't know which one is the right one," and whilst no translation is perfect, or can be perfect, they ensure that present day followers of the Lord Jesus Christ are well-served with reliable translations which accurately convey the Biblical message of the one way to the One true God, even the Lord Jesus Christ, and life in His Name.

With kind regards and best wishes

Lactanius Jr.

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Reader comments (449) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Re Dalal IRIQAT advocacy for terrorist Ahmed Manasra [47 words]GalitApr 19, 2022 23:38279903
salute to Israel soldiers [33 words]John WhiteneAug 7, 2008 07:43136396
1Israel predicament at 60 [108 words]joeJun 8, 2008 10:37131428
re Israel [375 words]GabbyJun 22, 2008 10:11131428
Not the promised Land! [77 words]Fred InglisJun 23, 2008 05:05131428
A Question if I may. [48 words]Fred InglisJun 23, 2008 19:33131428
Israel at 60 [12 words]joeJun 24, 2008 14:53131428
chosen people [19 words]yellow canariDec 31, 2008 08:40131428
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The vessels [38 words]Fred InglisJun 10, 2008 20:12131294
Graffiti-Graffiti-Graffiti [293 words]NishiJun 16, 2008 10:41131294
Nishi's understanding of "Graffiti" akin to Hanoi John's understanding of "swiftboating" [61 words]DevasahayamJun 17, 2008 11:58131294
islam is your way [200 words]TariqJan 31, 2009 15:12131294
Whats the problem? [96 words]DweebSep 2, 2010 02:06131294
his name's osama. he was a showgirl. [6 words]PDMJun 4, 2008 20:54131126
Nuclear war or worse! [104 words]Fred InglisMay 27, 2008 18:41130232
1Hitler even demonstrated such to the Mufti [72 words]DevasahayamMay 29, 2008 10:56130232
Plus, Arab nations gave shelter to Nazi war criminals [83 words]DevasahayamMay 29, 2008 11:43130232
But Why [268 words]Joe UserJun 1, 2008 08:56130232
Worlds worst Neighbourhood! [178 words]Fred InglisJun 2, 2008 19:16130232
Historical correction [132 words]DevasahayamJun 3, 2008 08:41130232
1Israel and the Truth - What the World Does not Understand About Israel's Survival [974 words]M. ToveyJun 4, 2008 14:05130232
What I have observed [110 words]Fred InglisJun 5, 2008 19:52130232
The truth about jewish assembly in the holy land [733 words]sTsJun 6, 2008 10:53130232
The Brotherhood of True Belief in the LORD Almighty God of Israel - As you Have Observed [220 words]M. ToveyJun 9, 2008 15:51130232
Truth According to the Veracity of Its Source [78 words]M. ToveyJun 9, 2008 18:00130232
I think we are in agreement [55 words]sTsJun 10, 2008 16:33130232
Returning King of Kings in Agreement with the Hebrew Holy Scriptures [616 words]M. ToveyJun 10, 2008 18:24130232
Read the last chapter of Riyad Al-Saliheen [307 words]sTsJun 12, 2008 01:29130232
Holy Bible is Still the Final Word on the Destiny of Israel [146 words]M. ToveyJun 12, 2008 19:18130232
To all those who do not believe in Quran or the Miracles in the Quran - Check this !!!! [72 words]sTsJun 13, 2008 05:30130232
sts --shame ...shame [90 words]spaJun 16, 2008 02:29130232
This sentence appears in the Bible first. [102 words]spaJun 16, 2008 02:49130232
sTs -read this comment about the bogus claim of Muslims [191 words]spaJun 16, 2008 03:00130232
Angry eye [127 words]sTsJun 17, 2008 02:30130232
Quran is more precise [217 words]sTsJun 17, 2008 08:39130232
sTs, If all people like you are jokers [96 words]spaJun 18, 2008 02:05130232
Quran is more precise!!!! [55 words]spaJun 19, 2008 03:47130232
Re Muhammedans and nazis comment- unbelievable lack of knowledge about the topic of WW2 [163 words]GabbyJun 22, 2008 10:21130232
re mufti husseini's british looking appearance and questionable genetic origins, lol [103 words]GabbyJun 22, 2008 10:30130232
muslims [86 words]Fred InglisJun 22, 2008 22:11130232
Correction on burning Muslems [95 words]Fred InglisJun 23, 2008 04:44130232
Actually [61 words]DevasahayamJun 23, 2008 15:46130232
Recorrection for Fred [54 words]DevasahayamJun 24, 2008 07:26130232
Mentality of Muslims, Communists and Nazis rather similar [134 words]DevasahayamJun 24, 2008 12:54130232
Clarification on Qadianis/Ahmadiyas [87 words]DevasahayamJun 24, 2008 16:00130232
Where does the Sun set sTs? [70 words]Lactantius JrAug 23, 2008 17:00130232
when? [50 words]Lactantius JrAug 25, 2008 02:48130232
Angry Eye [104 words]sTsAug 25, 2008 12:01130232
translating Surah 18:86 [154 words]Lactantius JrAug 26, 2008 17:11130232
100% sure Angry Eye [162 words]sTsAug 28, 2008 05:43130232
"Clear and unclear verses in the Qur'an, will learning Arabic help my understanding?" [1062 words]Lactantius JrAug 28, 2008 15:50130232
meaning of the Quranic words [127 words]sTsAug 30, 2008 06:25130232
"Qur'anic words continued" [497 words]Lactantius JrAug 31, 2008 10:51130232
Ignorance is an excuse [317 words]sTsSep 1, 2008 10:09130232
"When?" [58 words]Lactantius JrSep 1, 2008 21:47130232
1Ever since ..... [106 words]sTsSep 3, 2008 05:39130232
7"Bible corruption, what Bible corruption? what does the Qur'an say/" [2894 words]Lactantius JrSep 5, 2008 19:20130232
The forged bible [1013 words]sTsSep 7, 2008 14:00130232
"Extra, extra, read all about it, Qur'an says Bible OK" [6215 words]Lactantius JrSep 10, 2008 16:26130232
GOB ("Gospel of Barnabas") is a forgery [1220 words]Lactantius JrSep 30, 2008 07:42130232
Understanding Quranic verses [132 words]Vinod SethiMay 13, 2010 12:49130232
Thank you and typo you may wish to change [62 words]Louis GoinsSep 13, 2016 12:36130232
The Gospel of Barnabas is full of contradiction [431 words]zumaJun 14, 2017 07:26130232
I have a few questions for our dear Zuma re Gospel of Barnabas and other sordid matters [229 words]dhimmi no moreJun 19, 2017 08:02130232
Our dear Zuma is quoting a corrupted book as per the Islamic literary sources [171 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2017 06:47130232
Weird teaching from Quran [2783 words]ZumaJul 15, 2021 12:10130232
well done, but time to reflect on a serious question [150 words]azharMay 27, 2008 03:31130135
re Israel from azhars comment [276 words]Gabby (Australian and proud to be a "almost jewish going to convert to Judaism" soon)Jun 23, 2008 05:38130135
2Happy Birthday, Courageous Jewish State [97 words]Richard RheinerMay 24, 2008 15:48129829
As Prophesied [71 words]Larry B.May 27, 2008 19:29129829
To add some historical ironies [113 words]DevasahayamMay 20, 2008 15:36129301
Will the free world survive with leaders like Pelosi are at the helm? [146 words]Adam EylatMay 19, 2008 12:21129146
Nancy P Lousy is no leader [15 words]DevasahayamMay 20, 2008 11:13129146
Nancy Pelosi [85 words]KimMay 21, 2008 22:10129146
Another, but apter comparison [411 words]DevasahayamMay 17, 2008 22:20128959
Two more similarities [344 words]onlytruthMay 22, 2008 08:09128959
The Despair of the Soul [161 words]C I ThomasMay 17, 2008 05:59128912
Great ideal, but unworkable [46 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 07:44128912
U.N. - Useless Numpties [96 words]jennifer solisMay 19, 2008 18:38128912
Sharon had an out-of-context remark on the acronym (NATO) [42 words]DevasahayamMay 20, 2008 15:52128912
Despair is Healed in the Love of Jesus Christ - the Center of All Things in the Controversy of Israel [426 words]M. ToveyMay 20, 2008 18:25128912
Religion versus Politcs [206 words]Fred InglisMay 28, 2008 18:06128912
Who asked U to?? [93 words]SaqiMay 17, 2008 04:32128909
"Palestinian" never used for Arabs prior to 1918 [246 words]DevasahayamMay 17, 2008 22:32128909
Jerusalem isn't mentioned in the Koran -- not once! [141 words]onlytruthMay 18, 2008 07:46128909
we are home [76 words]yuval Brandstetter MDMay 18, 2008 12:45128909
Saqi, And who asked you? [186 words]InfidelMay 18, 2008 20:12128909
Excellent points! [117 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 09:19128909
Not only Arabs [68 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 12:45128909
Israel & its fathers America & Europe are actually at fault for its failures [383 words]NishiMay 20, 2008 00:35128909
MUSLIMS WILL RULE! [108 words]saqMay 20, 2008 02:42128909
1Al Aqsa Mosque is mentioned in Quran [239 words]KhawlaMay 20, 2008 07:12128909
Not built before 638 AD [39 words]DevasahayamMay 20, 2008 18:49128909
Truth is as a vampire's reaction to a crucifix to Muslims [355 words]onlytruthMay 20, 2008 19:23128909
Khawla, wrong conclusion [82 words]InfidelMay 21, 2008 20:27128909
Al Aqsa Mosque [61 words]KhawlaMay 22, 2008 03:02128909
What Are You Correlating Here? [216 words]KhawlaMay 22, 2008 04:03128909
Al Aqsa Mosque [58 words]KhawlaMay 22, 2008 04:08128909
Comment wording a little off [55 words]DevasahayamMay 22, 2008 10:21128909
Um, isn't SOUTH pole actually further from Mecca? [55 words]DevasahayamMay 22, 2008 10:27128909
Something even worse [288 words]DevasahayamMay 22, 2008 11:26128909
There's so much proof! [286 words]onlytruthMay 22, 2008 18:55128909
Notice how Muslims never criticize Islam? [337 words]onlytruthMay 22, 2008 20:19128909
Khawla's "score" so far [139 words]DevasahayamMay 22, 2008 21:20128909
Forgot to add [37 words]DevasahayamMay 22, 2008 23:06128909
2Thanks for the nice words! [643 words]KhawlaMay 24, 2008 00:57128909
Ignorance of international law is no excuse. Nor is taking laws out of context. [729 words]DrRJPMay 24, 2008 10:16128909
why 9/11 occured [9 words]sTsMay 25, 2008 03:14128909
Jungle law [42 words]sTsMay 25, 2008 03:19128909
Words are cheap [394 words]onlytruthMay 25, 2008 08:05128909
Yes we know, sTs [92 words]BAMay 26, 2008 00:58128909
Analogy of Muddle East Muslim's mentality [278 words]DevasahayamMay 26, 2008 07:42128909
Why 9/11 happened [1028 words]onlytruthMay 26, 2008 11:55128909
"A law that allows the wiping, annihilation of an nation to place another people in their place" is not a Law, but... [93 words]DrRJPMay 26, 2008 14:15128909
Answer to your PPS [36 words]DevasahayamMay 28, 2008 08:19128909
Excellent post onlytruth [50 words]DevasahayamMay 28, 2008 13:33128909
Thanks for that snippet [40 words]onlytruthMay 28, 2008 18:57128909
Muslim opinion of Jerusalem exposed in 1991! [143 words]DevasahayamJun 2, 2008 11:25128909
No logic [37 words]sTsJun 4, 2008 14:31128909
Serbia [83 words]a Human VersionSep 1, 2008 08:15128909
Ignorance of International Law is no excuse [466 words]VideospiritJan 5, 2017 11:38128909
Anti-Israel Terrorists' ("Palestinian" or Hezbollah) Routine Use of its Own Population as Human Shields Since 1982 [10477 words]LauraMay 15, 2021 20:55128909
1How the Vicious Cycle of Arab "Palestinian" or Hezbollah - Bringing About Dead Kids Can Be Diminished [208 words]Al PostMay 20, 2021 03:16128909
Annually: The same Al Aqsa violence with Islamists disregard for the place... and the media being duped [263 words]GalitApr 18, 2022 03:38128909
Who had asked you to live in World's worst neighbourhood- USA & Europe [100 words]NishiMay 16, 2008 14:55128859
You too need to think soberly before posting [64 words]DevasahayamMay 17, 2008 23:01128859
Nishi, A new history [135 words]InfidelMay 19, 2008 16:56128859
You again think soberly Devasahayam (United States) [197 words]NishiMay 19, 2008 23:52128859
Infidels are always Infidels [34 words]NishiMay 20, 2008 00:42128859
very good [23 words]mohammedMay 20, 2008 08:10128859
Nishi, Infidel is not infidelity [42 words]InfidelMay 23, 2008 21:09128859
Infidelity is one of the basic character of an infidel [61 words]NishiMay 25, 2008 02:09128859
Nishi...resonable people can reason...are you a reasonable person? [149 words]SimonMay 25, 2008 14:31128859
Nishi, Infidel is not infidelity [116 words]InfidelMay 26, 2008 00:58128859
You are right, only reasonable people can reason, not Uncle Sam. [101 words]NishiMay 26, 2008 10:38128859
No Simon, Nishi is incapable of reason [19 words]DevasahayamMay 26, 2008 19:00128859
Nishi who can't tell the difference and more history lessons... [114 words]SimonMay 26, 2008 23:41128859
Dictionary meaning of Infidel is 'One who has no religious beliefs.' [133 words]NishiMay 27, 2008 12:07128859
Nishi, not interested [33 words]InfidelMay 27, 2008 22:16128859
Distorted facts & History - mutailated people all over World - What Next Uncle Sam ? [188 words]NishiMay 27, 2008 22:18128859
Devasahyam permanently impaired from the "kool aid" that he have been consuming [218 words]NishiMay 27, 2008 22:27128859
Devas you are correct...submission in Islam means submitting your intellect [19 words]SimonMay 28, 2008 01:53128859
Nishi and more history lessons [331 words]SimonMay 29, 2008 01:18128859
Simon - blood & oil thirsty Intellectual [270 words]NishiMay 29, 2008 07:49128859
Don't be a stubborn [33 words]NishiMay 29, 2008 08:17128859
Simon reply to the hard questions & don't hide your face by abusing Islam [538 words]NishiMay 29, 2008 23:38128859
Nishi sounds like a left wing liberal who works for CBS [753 words]SimonMay 30, 2008 02:05128859
Nishi, confused and non Intellectual [203 words]InfidelMay 30, 2008 21:25128859
Abuses are the only savings Simon have upon failure [311 words]NishiMay 30, 2008 22:09128859
Nishi I never met a Muslim who who met a conspiracy he never liked... [118 words]SimonMay 31, 2008 02:20128859
Actually [36 words]DevasahayamMay 31, 2008 10:39128859
Uncle Simon Derailed once faced with reality [334 words]NishiJun 1, 2008 00:03128859
Actually Devasahayam you are programmed to hate Islam [347 words]NishiJun 1, 2008 00:18128859
Nishi I dont know what to say...well I do know [654 words]SimonJun 1, 2008 02:35128859
Simon started showing signs of exhaustion. [112 words]NishiJun 1, 2008 21:18128859
What passes for "logic" au Nishi [52 words]DevasahayamJun 2, 2008 05:33128859
as with SFB (sTs) [73 words]DevasahayamJun 2, 2008 09:01128859
More on Harvey Kirk [107 words]DevasahayamJun 2, 2008 10:47128859
Uncle Simon is looking for a few good men. What we do in one day Muslims couldn't do in a life time [790 words]SimonJun 3, 2008 02:23128859
Dont be shy and explain Imperialist...ya Nishi [114 words]SimonJun 3, 2008 02:29128859
Imperialim - as per your own admitted History [440 words]NishiJun 3, 2008 22:54128859
Mr. D Spot on... [32 words]SimonJun 3, 2008 23:36128859
Run, Run, Run.......failed [260 words]NishiJun 4, 2008 23:29128859
Poison of Imperialism [391 words]NishiJun 5, 2008 05:49128859
Examples grotesquely executed for refusal to convert to Islam [63 words]DevasahayamJun 6, 2008 12:36128859
Devasahayam, Uncle Simon's Pupil doing editing job [140 words]NishiJun 9, 2008 23:52128859
Holocaust committed by Europe-Jews State should have been created in Europe & still it can [848 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Farman NaqviMay 16, 2008 14:43128857
History of Creation of Israel, No land was ever purchased by any one Sir Pipes [667 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Farman NaqviMay 20, 2008 01:45128857
Farman Naqvi, Israel belongs to Jews [94 words]InfidelMay 25, 2008 00:39128857
"Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar's statement of intent" [328 words]Lactantius Jr.May 16, 2008 07:55128820
Hear Hear - Salute to Mr. Zahar [14 words]sTsMay 20, 2008 16:39128820
Israel is History's Best Evidence of a Land and a People That Will Not Go Away, No Matter the Intentions Otherwise [465 words]M. ToveyMay 22, 2008 15:57128820
Israel's Predicament Now At 70 Plus [157 words]M ToveyMay 26, 2021 14:45128820
Osama Bin Laden offers Al Qaeda assistance to Chinese earthquake victims [131 words]PDMMay 15, 2008 18:56128773
Also notable [107 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 10:39128773
It doesn't matter [318 words]MikeMay 14, 2008 17:09128671
Good deeds do not matter for people with hate [44 words]SamMay 15, 2008 15:03128671
Amply demonstrated by Pakistan's treatment of Ahmadiyas [16 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 11:06128671
A Missing Word? [177 words]Ron ThompsonMay 13, 2008 14:33128564
More than Noble [487 words]JayMay 12, 2008 19:22128486
Happy Sixtieth Birthday Israel [601 words]Amil ImaniMay 11, 2008 22:42128424
Israel and Jews are NOT the targets of muslims and islam [45 words]PDMMay 11, 2008 09:36128384
A Glasgow Article [17 words]Peter, ScotlandMay 10, 2008 20:37128326
"The unfinished battle, Islam and the Jews" [2338 words]Lactanius Jr.May 10, 2008 20:09128322
Not only applicable to Jews [317 words]SadhasivMay 14, 2008 08:44128322
excellent Lactanius Jr. [87 words]spaMay 15, 2008 02:28128322
Basically, Muslim mindset as a whole [61 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 08:59128322
1Fight of existence and truth for israel [65 words]DevanshJul 10, 2009 06:43128322
"By their fruits you will know them" [522 words]Lactantius JrJul 16, 2009 15:49128322
Cahtolic Church is one of Israel's strongest defenders [319 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Thomas and Mallory DanaherMay 10, 2008 14:24128304
Another question for Dr. Pipes [29 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
DevasahayamMay 21, 2008 05:47128304
Dr. Pipes, thank you for the clarification [4 words]DevasahayamMay 27, 2008 09:44128304
Mr. Pipes, I don't understand what you mean when you say the Church is not mainline Church. [17 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Daniel LafontaineNov 28, 2012 19:47128304
Americans are programmed to think of Arabs as terrorists [102 words]PDMMay 10, 2008 08:21128283
OK So... [14 words]SSMay 10, 2008 19:29128283
A question to Dr.Pipes [37 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Debanjan BanerjeeMay 11, 2008 06:14128283
Israel is a battleground for... [36 words]Andy HuttMay 12, 2008 11:55128283
Israel is the new West Berlin [6 words]Philip JohnMay 9, 2008 12:21128211
VERY GOOD ANALYSIS of Israel's predicament. [105 words]M.D'SouzaMay 9, 2008 11:11128206
Good points [86 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 14:29128206
Israel's predicament at 60 [100 words]S.C.PandaMay 9, 2008 09:20128200
Improve the neighbourhood [50 words]jennifer solisMay 9, 2008 01:56128184
The cost of peace [68 words]Larry B.May 12, 2008 18:22128184
Law of the Jungle [9 words]sTsMay 13, 2008 03:13128184
the quran is the law of the jungle [46 words]Larry B.May 13, 2008 19:47128184
Volition is key [104 words]jennifer solisMay 13, 2008 20:49128184
God's pure words [27 words]sTsMay 15, 2008 14:59128184
That could be disputed [15 words]DevasahayamMay 15, 2008 14:58128184
sts proves my point by obfuscations [59 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 05:43128184
A rather simple answer [152 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 12:49128184
Reply to Devasahayam [125 words]jennifer solisMay 17, 2008 02:13128184
Keep Blind [20 words]sTsMay 17, 2008 04:03128184
Works for me [73 words]DevasahayamMay 17, 2008 21:55128184
Bangladesh actually is proof that Allah is NOT HaShem [106 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 07:27128184
Devasahayam, about the Ka'aba [61 words]InfidelMay 19, 2008 21:18128184
IS IT TRUE?? [87 words]mohammedMay 20, 2008 08:07128184
Contrasting power of real God [192 words]DevasahayamMay 20, 2008 11:26128184
jennifer solis, words from Glorious Qur'an [245 words]InfidelMay 20, 2008 14:56128184
Did you miss some details? [44 words]DevasahayamMay 20, 2008 15:56128184
Oops--I actually did forget a detail [19 words]DevasahayamMay 20, 2008 16:06128184
I know a family from Bangladesh [214 words]jennifer solisMay 20, 2008 19:56128184
Response to Infidel - describing the playground [89 words]jennifer solisMay 21, 2008 00:30128184
Even if they don't "seek", they "find" [106 words]jennifer solisMay 21, 2008 00:52128184
Well [75 words]DevasahayamMay 22, 2008 12:40128184
mohammed questions [301 words]InfidelJun 19, 2008 23:21128184
The Refugee Curse [62 words]Caryl WeissMay 8, 2008 19:37128152
refugee curse [722 words]trans-parereMay 18, 2008 07:40128152
For Caryl and trans-parere [98 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 09:05128152
Israel at 60 [133 words]Isaac FlaksMay 8, 2008 17:32128143
Why so much opposition to a single Jewish state ? [131 words]SamMay 8, 2008 15:30128132
response to Sam [463 words]Geno M.May 9, 2008 11:09128132
Very thoughtful [48 words]SamMay 9, 2008 20:04128132
Geno, You said the following"... [531 words]YnnatchkahMay 12, 2008 02:14128132
The core of the problem [221 words]Geno M.May 13, 2008 15:26128132
Loved what you said, Geno. [116 words]YnnatchkahMay 13, 2008 16:13128132
Near and Middle East Futures [649 words]Charles W. ConnMay 8, 2008 14:38128125
No Comparison [67 words]Janusz LaskiMay 8, 2008 13:40128123
Cease to exist? [64 words]Mark HoustonMay 10, 2008 07:34128123
Liked what you wrote and muhamad. [186 words]YnnatchkahMay 12, 2008 02:39128123
Israel - Center of World Controversy - Now and Always [218 words]M. ToveyMay 8, 2008 13:22128117
Why have Jews been targeted? [147 words]jennifer solisMay 9, 2008 00:37128117
Jennifer--it's envy [152 words]ClaireMay 9, 2008 20:45128117
God's Wrath [10 words]sTsMay 10, 2008 06:37128117
Is God Allah and God's Wrath [75 words]jennifer solisMay 11, 2008 03:02128117
Reply to Claire [163 words]jennifer solisMay 11, 2008 18:57128117
Totally agree with your Opinion, Great Jennifer. [197 words]YnnatchkahMay 12, 2008 02:52128117
Could you be more specific? [26 words]YnnatchkahMay 12, 2008 03:00128117
The Jewish Nation - Blessings, Chastisement, Blessings Again- Because They Were Chosen of Almighty God in His Love [1284 words]M. ToveyMay 12, 2008 12:07128117
Want answers? Read Quran [53 words]Que BeMay 12, 2008 14:00128117
God's Wrath [52 words]sTsMay 13, 2008 02:25128117
YOU FLATTER YOURSELF [210 words]jennifer solisMay 13, 2008 02:51128117
read my reply to claire [13 words]sTsMay 13, 2008 03:00128117
Here is the reciting of God's Wrath [435 words]sTsMay 13, 2008 08:04128117
Seriously - Only the WORD of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Controls Israel's Future [285 words]M. ToveyMay 13, 2008 15:50128117
Did Benjamin Franklin say it in 1934? [276 words]jennifer solisMay 13, 2008 18:59128117
What about Qur'anic instruction for it's followers? [50 words]jennifer solisMay 14, 2008 01:12128117
our dear Jennifer and her Torah [83 words]Que BeMay 14, 2008 11:26128117
1HaShem and Allah NOT the same [302 words]SadhasivMay 14, 2008 13:20128117
Why should she read a book full of errors? [27 words]Devasahayam (ex Sadhasiv)May 14, 2008 19:15128117
See my 13:20 post, under my old handle of Sadhasiv [24 words]DevasahayamMay 14, 2008 19:31128117
Allah is not the God of the Bible [114 words]jennifer solisMay 14, 2008 20:46128117
Forged Bible [29 words]sTsMay 14, 2008 23:42128117
Babylons [46 words]sTsMay 15, 2008 00:14128117
No, Jennifer and the BIBLE [304 words]jennifer solisMay 15, 2008 00:46128117
Yes we know [188 words]sTsMay 15, 2008 15:19128117
Israel Still In the Hands of Israel's Eternal Sovereign - Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and His WORD. [227 words]M. ToveyMay 15, 2008 15:57128117
The best sources to check are ex-Muslims [43 words]DevasahayamMay 15, 2008 16:05128117
Essential Truth - The Hebrew Holy Scriptures - If One Truly Knows It, One Cannot Truly Dispute It [413 words]M. ToveyMay 15, 2008 17:33128117
Reply to Devasahayam [223 words]jennifer solisMay 15, 2008 19:24128117
JENNIFER ,MUSLIMS ARE ACTING! [149 words]SPAMay 16, 2008 03:00128117
- not an excuse [137 words]sTsMay 16, 2008 03:04128117
--sTs [202 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 05:40128117
These Passages Are Examples Of Why Bible Is The Greatest Book [35 words]AnneMMay 16, 2008 07:47128117
Some logic to ponder from Sahiwal-born London pastor [105 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 13:27128117
Unfortunately [297 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 15:30128117
Forged Bible? [27 words]Paul R.May 16, 2008 18:59128117
carry on [6 words]sTsMay 16, 2008 19:00128117
This post... ! [77 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 20:08128117
Surprisingly, I never heard of Devasahayam Pillai [86 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 20:13128117
Only problem is their acting is quite "ham" [57 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 22:54128117
Get educated [51 words]sTsMay 17, 2008 04:08128117
Keep blind [14 words]sTsMay 17, 2008 04:13128117
Get off the "Kool-Aid" [23 words]DevasahayamMay 17, 2008 08:18128117
I looked up Pillai's bio [286 words]DevasahayamMay 17, 2008 08:41128117
Amusing - who's the London pastor? [38 words]jennifer solisMay 17, 2008 20:52128117
Lies beget lies [32 words]jennifer solisMay 17, 2008 21:12128117
And you prove my points AGAIN [20 words]DevasahayamMay 17, 2008 21:47128117
Pot calling CLEAN kettle black [20 words]DevasahayamMay 17, 2008 21:49128117
Worthless [16 words]sTsMay 18, 2008 01:42128117
The pastor's name is Asif Mall [15 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 04:31128117
Another anecdote of Asif Mall [147 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 07:40128117
A factoid for you Anne [67 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 08:55128117
Jennifer solis is unreliable source - don't believe her [174 words]sTsMay 19, 2008 13:19128117
Jennifer - Kill in the Bible [343 words]sTsMay 19, 2008 13:23128117
Oh, not difficult to short-out their warped imaginations [208 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 15:27128117
Amusing how deep sTs is willing to dig himself [90 words]DevasahayanMay 20, 2008 06:05128117
sTs has a "mac daddy" lie this time [262 words]jennifer solisMay 20, 2008 21:04128117
sTs - those who were killed in the Bible [143 words]jennifer solisMay 20, 2008 21:41128117
No imagination [92 words]jennifer solisMay 20, 2008 21:59128117
1The Holy Bible Stands Alone in Regards to Truth About Israel - the Quran Cannot Corroborate What It Does not Believe [617 words]M. ToveyMay 21, 2008 11:28128117
Another factoid quote [156 words]DevasahayamMay 21, 2008 13:52128117
lying and being deceitful [266 words]sTsMay 22, 2008 01:52128117
you don't understand the Quran [181 words]sTsMay 22, 2008 02:11128117
GOD FORBID [389 words]sTsMay 22, 2008 03:30128117
Caste system is basically a pernicious, persistent cancer [54 words]DevasahayamMay 22, 2008 06:01128117
The Righteous in His Sight Have Nothing to Fear - He Forbids Only Those Who Seek To Controvert His Word [1198 words]M. ToveyMay 22, 2008 17:46128117
Mistake in the Bible [712 words]sTsMay 23, 2008 00:00128117
Does aya 9.111 use the word "Kitab"? [458 words]jennifer solisMay 23, 2008 01:54128117
Moses is like Muhammad? [72 words]jennifer solisMay 23, 2008 02:15128117
The Destruction of the Israelites [545 words]sTsMay 23, 2008 15:25128117
Read the Holy Bible for the Truth It Contains - Do Not Chase the Mirages of False Scholarship That Ends in Disbelief [895 words]M. ToveyMay 23, 2008 18:14128117
Linguistics of the Times Dictated More than One Tongue [148 words]M. ToveyMay 23, 2008 18:24128117
iskandar mirza [21 words]sTsMay 24, 2008 02:25128117
I am stunned and confused [431 words]sTsMay 24, 2008 12:11128117
Moses like Mohammad [161 words]sTsMay 24, 2008 12:38128117
The tongue of the Quran is Arabic [152 words]sTsMay 25, 2008 01:51128117
Mistakes in the Bible [450 words]sTsMay 25, 2008 07:01128117
Genesis and Deuteronomy - reply to sTs [430 words]jennifer solisMay 26, 2008 02:28128117
"Kitab" means "Bible" in the Qur'an - why are you confused, sTs? [81 words]jennifer solisMay 26, 2008 02:44128117
Mohammad like Moses [967 words]sTsMay 27, 2008 03:31128117
Kittab - Bible - Torah [286 words]sTsMay 27, 2008 06:33128117
Debunking comparison of Moses with Mohamed [113 words]DevasahayamMay 27, 2008 11:17128117
The Hebrew Holy Scriptures is in Arabic as Well [465 words]M. ToveyMay 27, 2008 11:37128117
The Only Mistake About the Holy Bible is in Rejecting Jesus Christ as Savior While Reading It. [307 words]M. ToveyMay 27, 2008 12:33128117
Discerning Truth Versus Error [292 words]M. ToveyMay 27, 2008 18:40128117
re: mistakes of the bible [102 words]jordanian princeMay 28, 2008 12:37128117
Minor Correction - Israeli King David is Not the Sole Author of the Psalms. [80 words]M. ToveyMay 28, 2008 16:03128117
There is no error - read inside [348 words]sTsMay 28, 2008 16:23128117
Other prophets did miracles [98 words]sTsMay 28, 2008 17:28128117
This is getting repetitive [65 words]jennifer solisMay 28, 2008 17:46128117
No Error in Believing the Truth of the Holy Bible and of the Bible's LORD, Jesus Christ. [632 words]M. ToveyMay 28, 2008 17:55128117
This is getting repetitive - part II [74 words]jennifer solisMay 28, 2008 18:05128117
This is getting repetitive - part III [173 words]jennifer solisMay 28, 2008 19:01128117
Some believe it does say [7 words]sTsMay 30, 2008 01:15128117
unbeliever's aggression [187 words]sTsMay 30, 2008 01:32128117
1orgins of samaritans [100 words]sTsMay 30, 2008 15:11128117
falsifying History [331 words]sTsMay 30, 2008 17:17128117
Repeating Lies is Not Good Representation of Truth [19 words]M. ToveyMay 30, 2008 22:31128117
There Needs To Be Better Reference Than This To Describe The Samaritans of Jesus Christ's First Appearance [31 words]M. ToveyMay 30, 2008 22:37128117
No reply on Mohammad vs Moses [20 words]sTsMay 31, 2008 01:15128117
(True) analogy of Muslims from UCalgary [250 words]DevasahayamMay 31, 2008 08:30128117
Yes, I did reply, sTs [21 words]jennifer solisMay 31, 2008 21:02128117
No-name unbelievers [123 words]jennifer solisMay 31, 2008 23:21128117
Matthew 9:6 [567 words]jennifer solisJun 1, 2008 02:41128117
What proof you want I will show you [70 words]sTsJun 1, 2008 03:58128117
look up history of the samaritans [54 words]sTsJun 1, 2008 04:02128117
Here are some proofs for you [769 words]sTsJun 1, 2008 09:04128117
Moses vs Mohammad [44 words]sTsJun 1, 2008 15:50128117
sTs, more proofs for you [537 words]InfidelJun 2, 2008 02:02128117
ugly command in the bible [240 words]sTsJun 2, 2008 05:37128117
Somewhat like neo-Nazis [17 words]DevasahayamJun 2, 2008 10:49128117
An extra aside [38 words]DevasahayamJun 2, 2008 14:28128117
No proof - look up my comments [49 words]sTsJun 2, 2008 16:04128117
Mohammad is not like Moses [508 words]jennifer solisJun 2, 2008 19:00128117
sTs -day dreamer [146 words]SpaJun 3, 2008 03:07128117
3wrong understanding of God's promise to the Jews [887 words]kid berthaJun 3, 2008 12:36128117
Reply to jennifer [317 words]sTsJun 4, 2008 02:04128117
Not all Muslims think like you, sTs [767 words]jennifer solisJun 4, 2008 03:38128117
The jews throughout the centuries [191 words]sTsJun 4, 2008 14:09128117
Ignorance is not an excuse [17 words]sTsJun 4, 2008 14:14128117
Who is that GREAT NATION [16 words]sTsJun 4, 2008 14:17128117
Try me [26 words]sTsJun 4, 2008 14:24128117
naive [32 words]sTsJun 5, 2008 13:23128117
sfb/sts past daydreaming stage, Spa [56 words]DevasahayamJun 5, 2008 13:40128117
sTs [189 words]spaJun 6, 2008 01:14128117
who is dreaming or a myth [110 words]sTsJun 6, 2008 11:13128117
2Moriah vs Marwah [189 words]sTsJun 7, 2008 15:45128117
contradiction [174 words]kid berthaJun 9, 2008 10:37128117
sts start the dialogue -but should be logical [116 words]spaJun 10, 2008 01:57128117
sts [193 words]spaJun 10, 2008 02:44128117
Mistakes in the Bible [690 words]sTsJun 10, 2008 04:13128117
Ishmael & Isaac [205 words]sTsJun 10, 2008 16:22128117
Check Marwah on the internet [206 words]sTsJun 11, 2008 03:42128117
HOW CAN I MAKE A DIALOGUE WITH YOU? [259 words]SPAJun 12, 2008 01:59128117
Funny person [36 words]sTsJun 13, 2008 03:14128117
sTs-- I know A muslim cannot make any logical dialogue on anything in the universe [258 words]spaJun 16, 2008 02:19128117
Explain the Ishmael / Isaac issue [80 words]sTsJun 17, 2008 08:48128117
hey latecomer if you feel that something is wrong come with proof [105 words]spaJun 19, 2008 04:36128117
60 years [259 words]steven LMay 8, 2008 13:07128115
Israel Predicament at 60 [88 words]Alvin SamuelsMay 8, 2008 12:11128113
Interesting [112 words]Peter HerzMay 8, 2008 11:43128109
several points [480 words]John W. McGinleyMay 8, 2008 11:16128106
A bleak neighbourhood [215 words]Ian CampbellMay 8, 2008 10:30128101
ENTIRE ARAB-ISRAEL CONFLICT EXPAINED IN LESS THAN 20 LINES [153 words]G. MarcusMay 8, 2008 10:16128099
Reply to G Marcus [23 words]SadhasivMay 9, 2008 12:36128099
Once again, Israel forever [158 words]Rebecca MouldsMay 8, 2008 09:54128096
What were "they" thinking! [46 words]Patricia TorpisMay 8, 2008 08:08128089
Key may be in the timing (speculative) [99 words]DevasahayamMay 20, 2008 11:43128089
Israel's Predicament at 60: World's worst neighbourhood [322 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyMay 8, 2008 07:13128082
Fazal, your post is full of lies [205 words]SadhasivMay 9, 2008 12:55128082
Reply to Sadhasiv [504 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyMay 9, 2008 23:09128082
Pakistan Problem [188 words]ThiaganMay 11, 2008 02:09128082
Pakistani delusion [79 words]BalajiMay 11, 2008 03:03128082
Pakistan Problem [1073 words]ThiaganMay 12, 2008 05:59128082
Take your own "advice" ... [85 words]SadhasivMay 13, 2008 11:12128082
Reply to Thiagan [25 words]jennifer solisMay 14, 2008 02:00128082
Thiagan, you need to read Bible (Old Testament) for better info [390 words]SadhasivMay 14, 2008 11:45128082
More info from Bible [105 words]SadhasivMay 14, 2008 15:35128082
On a look out of weaker prey!!! [339 words]MansoorMay 14, 2008 23:53128082
Thanks for your support [9 words]MansoorMay 15, 2008 00:15128082
Excellent point Jenn [29 words]DevasahayamMay 15, 2008 07:58128082
check some real info rather than your propaganda [243 words]DevasahayamMay 15, 2008 22:14128082
A note for Thiagan [40 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 09:05128082
As with Fazal [40 words]DevasahayamMay 17, 2008 08:21128082
Open up!!! [99 words]MansoorMay 17, 2008 10:54128082
Strange comments [349 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 04:59128082
Mansoor's Allah Punishment [94 words]BalajiMay 19, 2008 06:07128082
Already revealed [93 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 22:33128082
I agree at least on this issue [127 words]MansoorMay 20, 2008 03:25128082
IS THAT SO??? [290 words]mohammedMay 20, 2008 08:37128082
GREAT [283 words]mohammedMay 20, 2008 09:57128082
Also another detail he forgot (and assumed conveniently) [151 words]DevasahayamMay 20, 2008 11:10128082
Still you quote a myth [215 words]DevasahayamMay 20, 2008 16:28128082
On Ismail [149 words]DevasahayamMay 20, 2008 18:56128082
Devasahayam - Mansoor [274 words]BalajiMay 21, 2008 02:41128082
mohammed's posts show naziesque mentality [31 words]DevasahayamMay 21, 2008 05:44128082
ismail? [192 words]mohammedMay 23, 2008 08:19128082
Ishmael [12 words]sTsMay 25, 2008 03:27128082
Mistake in the Bible [11 words]sTsMay 25, 2008 03:28128082
ok [37 words]mohammedMay 26, 2008 05:16128082
I am willing to contribute [154 words]sTsMay 27, 2008 06:45128082
ok [69 words]mohammedMay 28, 2008 06:56128082
Pakistan prablem [51 words]joeJun 8, 2008 10:23128082
Read my point on re-assessment [109 words]DevasahayamJun 10, 2008 11:48128082
pakistanis live in a fantasy world [261 words]dc batemanJan 4, 2011 09:58128082
Canadian Liberal Party - always anti Israel ( but do not tell that to Canada's Jews) [224 words]james burkeMay 8, 2008 06:44128079
Good points, jim [53 words]SadhasivMay 9, 2008 13:03128079
Also, vultures came home to roost for Grits [101 words]DevasahayamMay 19, 2008 08:42128079
More info on Canada wrt Muddle East [156 words]DevasahayamMay 22, 2008 13:41128079
How to celebrate Israel at 60: 1) retake Sinai 2) Nuke Tehran [169 words]James BurkeMay 8, 2008 06:34128077
Seeking a Hopeful Example for Israel's Future Existence [99 words]Ellen Ben-EliahuMay 8, 2008 05:12128063
Interesting what Dr. Pipes exposed about the quintet [241 words]YnnatchkahMay 8, 2008 04:54128061
Israel at 60 [69 words]DAVID R. GROESBECKMay 8, 2008 04:30128060
India at 60 - With world's worst Neighbourhood [229 words]kamekishMay 8, 2008 02:27128053
Kamekish said it right, except for... [139 words]M.D'SouzaMay 9, 2008 11:36128053
New emerging threat in South Asia an alliance between Leftists and Islamists [1206 words]Amitabh TripathiMay 12, 2008 08:41128053
Hindus Are Americans' Ally? [309 words]kamekishMay 13, 2008 01:31128053
Extra info for M. D'Souza [183 words]SadhasivMay 14, 2008 06:12128053
1Quite unsurprising- Islam (crescent/star) and communism (hammer/sickle) [121 words]SadhasivMay 14, 2008 08:17128053
India Is Helplessly Crying [238 words]kamekishMay 15, 2008 04:30128053
Monuments in India left by Muslims? [174 words]M.D'SouzaMay 15, 2008 08:37128053
Good points [79 words]DevasahayamMay 15, 2008 19:22128053
Re-assessment [55 words]DevasahayamMay 16, 2008 09:10128053
1India is great [34 words]baneeshkhanJun 9, 2008 01:36128053
what is the faith of the chrisitans of India [99 words]baneeshkhanJun 9, 2008 07:25128053
Wrong in lots of ways [35 words]DevasahayamJun 10, 2008 11:38128053
Christians are persecuted mainly by Muslims. [104 words]spaJun 25, 2008 00:00128053

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