"Extra, extra, read all about it, Qur'an says Bible OK"Reader comment on item: Israel's Predicament at 60: World's worst neighbourhood Submitted by Lactantius Jr (United Kingdom), Sep 10, 2008 at 16:26 To sTs You say "it is difficult for me to read all, I am too old for that," so I'll not attempt to answer all your many objections, because that would make an already lengthy response even longer, but will concentrate on the self-destructive claims that the Qur'an makes, with the massive testimony it gives to the Bible as the unchanged, unchangeable word of Allah, until Ibn Kazem came along ~400 years after Muhammad (who never rejected the Bible as corrupt), and first made the claim that the Jews and Christians had changed the Bible, which falsehood has been continued down to the present day, with Muslims erroneously claiming corruption of the Bible as a fixed ingredient of Islamic apologetics. There is nothing explicitly stated in the Qur'an that teaches biblical corruption. In fact, the evidence actually proves the exact opposite, namely, that Muhammad and his first followers believed in the authenticity, purity and inspiration of the Holy Bible of their day; being identical to what we hold in our hands today, and I ask you sTs to quote a Qur'anic verse which states clearly and unmistakably that the Bible has been corrupted. I again emphasise that I do not believe the Qur'an to be the word of the Biblical God. I do believe, however, that the Qur'an is the earliest record of the beliefs and practices of the first Muslims. As such, I refer to it solely for historical purposes, to show you that your own sources support the authenticity and reliability of the Holy Bible. The dilemma facing you sTs is quite plain. To accept the Qur'an, is to accept its testimony that the Holy Bible is the preserved, uncorrupted, unchangeable Word of the One true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And yet, to accept the Holy Bible, is to reject both the Qur'an and Muhammad, who along with the first Muslims evidently thought that by appealing to the Holy Bible they would be verifying the prophetic claims of Muhammad. Little did they realize, that their appeal to the Holy Scriptures for verification purposes, actually proves that Muhammad cannot be a true prophet in the line of authentic prophets, since he contradicts the message of God's true prophets and messengers, especially the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, God's beloved unique Son. On the other hand, to attack the Holy Bible is to discredit and reject the Qu'ran which confirms the authority, availability, and authenticity of the previous scriptures. Either way sTs, you can't win. Muslims often quote the Surah's you have done, alleging they support their claim of Biblical corruption, so let's look at them, and I here gladly acknowledge my indebtedness to Sam Shamoun for his Qur'anic exegesis contained in The Quran Confirms the Bible Has Never Been Corrupted (parts 1 & 2) at http://www.answering-islam.org/Shamoun/bible_authentic1.htm http://www.answering-islam.org/Shamoun/bible_authentic2.htm on which I draw heavily, and I start with Surah 5:12-15 (M.A.S.Haleem The Qur'an a New Translation) "Allah took a pledge from the children of Israel. We made twelve leaders arise among them, and Allah said, ‘I am with you: if you keep up the prayer, pay the prescribed alms, believe in my messengers and support them, and lend Allah a good loan, I will wipe out your sins and admit you into Gardens graced with flowing streams. Any of you who now ignore this [pledge] will be far from the right path.' But they broke their pledge so We distanced them [from Us] and hardened their hearts. They distort the meaning of [revealed] words and have forgotten some of what they were told to remember: you (Prophet) will always find treachery in all but a few of them. Overlook this and pardon them: Allah loves those who do good. We also took a pledge from those who say, ‘We are Christians,' but they too forgot some of what they were told to remember, so We stirred up enmity and hatred among them until the day of Resurrection, when Allah will tell them what they have done. People of the Book, Our Messenger has come to make clear to you much of what you have kept hidden of the Scripture and to overlook much [you have done]. A light has now come to you from Allah, and a Scripture making things clear." Muslims who allege the Bible has been corrupted, mistakenly assume that "distort the meaning of [revealed] words" implies that the previous scriptures have been tampered with. Several responses are in order. First, even if this were the case this would only be referring to the Jews, and even then, not all of the Jews, with the Qur'an testifying there were many from the People of the Book who wouldn't deal falsely with God's Word: "Not all of them are alike. Some of the People of the Book are an upright people. They recite the signs (or verses) of God in the night season and they bow down worshipping. They believe in God and the last day. They command what is just, and forbid what is wrong and they hasten in good works, and they are of the righteous. Surah 3:113-114 "Of the people of Moses there is a section who guide and do justice in the light of truth ... After them succeeded an (evil) generation: They inherited the Book, but they chose (for themselves) the vanities of this world, saying (for excuse): ‘(Everything) will be forgiven us.' (Even so), if similar vanities came their way, they would (again) seize them. Was not the covenant of the Book taken from them, that they would not ascribe to Allah anything but the truth? AND THEY STUDY WHAT IS IN THE BOOK. But best for the righteous is the home in the Hereafter. Will ye not understand? As to those WHO HOLD FAST BY THE BOOK and establish regular prayer, - never shall We suffer the reward of the righteous to perish." Surah 7:159, 169-170 Abdullah Yusuf Ali Secondly, the passage says nothing about changing words from the text of Scripture. In fact, when we consult the earliest Muslim views, we soon discover that the Jews were accused of changing words by misinterpreting the text. In the words of early Muslim exegete Ibn Kathir, taken from his comments on Surah 5:13,15: Then Allah informs us of the punishment He inflicted upon them when they violated His Covenant. Allah says, , that is, because they broke their pact, Allah expelled them from His Guidance. And so they will not accept their guilt. The verse, means THAT THEY MISINTERPRETED THE VERSES OF ALLAH, according to their own desires, and fabricated lies against Him. We ask Allah to save us from that ... Allah informs us that He has sent His messenger Muhammad with the guidance and the religion of truth for all the people of the earth; Arabs and non-Arabs, illiterate and literate ... the Prophet has come to explain that which they have altered, misinterpreted and distorted and to ignore most of their unnecessary alterations. Al-Hakim reported in his Mustadrak, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, "Whoever disbelieves in stoning to death (Rajm) in Islam has indeed disbelieved the Qur'an and has no appreciation of Allah's verse, ; therefore, stoning to death is that which the People of the Scripture concealed." Al-Hakim said that the Isnad of this Hadith is Good. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Part 6 Surat An-Nisa', ayat 148 to 176 Surah Al-Ma'idah, ayat 1 to 181, abridged by Sheikh Muhammad Nasib Ar-Rafa'i [Al-Firdous Ltd., London, 2000 first edition], p. 128, 130-131; capital and underline emphasis ours) Commenting on the same expression in 5:41, Ibn Kathir repeats: that is, THEY MISINTERPRET THE WORDS AND ALTER THEM KNOWINGLY… (Ibid., p. 167; capital emphasis ours) Ibn Kathir's comments on Surah 3:78 are also pertinent to this very issue: Mujahid. Ash-Sha'bi, Al-Hassan, Qatadah and Ar-Rabi' bin Anas said that, means, "They alter (Allah's Words)." Al-Bukhari reported that Ibn 'Abbas said that the Ayah means they alter and add although none among Allah's creation CAN REMOVE THE WORDS OF ALLAH FROM HIS BOOKS, THEY ALTER AND DISTORT THEIR APPARENT MEANINGS. Wahb bin Munabbih said, "The Tawrah and Injil REMAIN AS ALLAH REVEALED THEM, AND NO LETTER IN THEM WAS REMOVED. However, the people misguide others by addition and false interpretation, relying on books that they wrote themselves." Then, As for Allah's books, THEY ARE STILL PRESERVED AND CANNOT BE CHANGED." Ibn Abi Hatim recorded this statement ... (Tafsir Ibn Kathir – Abridged, Volume 2, Parts 3, 4 & 5, Surat Al-Baqarah, Verse 253, to Surat An-Nisa, verse 147, abridged by a group of scholars under the supervision of Shaykh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri [Darussalam Publishers & Distributors, Riyadh, Houston, New York, Lahore; First Edition: March 2000], p. 196; bold and capital emphasis ours) This is confirmed by Imam Al-Bukhari. In Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitaab Al-Tawheed, Baab Qawlu Allah Ta'ala, "Bal Huwa Qur'aanun Majeed, fi lawhin Mahfooth" (i.e. in Sahih al-Bukhari, Book "The Oneness of Allah", the Chapter on Surat Al-Borooj (no. 85), Verses 21, 22 saying, "Nay this is a Glorious Qur'an, (Inscribed) in a Tablet Preserved.") we find in a footnote between 9.642 and 643: "They corrupt the word" means "they alter or change its meaning." Yet no one is able to change even a single word from any Book of God. The meaning is that they interpret the word wrongly. [... and he continues to speak about how the Qur'an is preserved ...] Source: http://answering-islam.org/Quran/Bible/ibnabbas.html Turning to some words of the Lord Jesus Christ recorded in the New Testament that you quote, wrongly alleging that Jesus Christ is here denying His divinity, let's examine those words, and their proper interpretation. "Why Do You Call me Good? Only God Is Good" "As he was starting out on a trip, a man came running up to Jesus, knelt down, and asked, ‘Good Teacher, what should I do to get eternal life?' ‘Why do you call Me good?' Jesus asked. "Only God is truly good." Mark 10:17-18 "Once a religious leader asked Jesus this question: ‘Good teacher, what should I do to get eternal life?' ‘Why do you call Me good?' Jesus asked him. ‘Only God is truly good.' " Luke 18:18-19 Sometimes it is very important to know WHICH WORD to stress in a sentence. The following sentence with only 7 words in it, has 3 very different "plain meanings," depending on which of the 7 words is stressed: "I never said she stole my wallet" What is the meaning of this sentence? Did you think:- "I NEVER said she stole my wallet" or which mean totally different things, the problem being that in a written document, we don't have the intonation anymore, but then, we usually don't have "just one sentence" either, and the context will make clear what is the right intonation (and meaning) of a phrase, even if there are several possible meanings when taken in isolation. So after this introduction for the proper "setting of the stage", lets go to the contentious text itself, remembering that a text (a source of information or authority) taken out of context (the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage, and can throw light on its meaning) is a pretext (a purpose or motive alleged, or an appearance assumed, in order to cloak the real intention or state of affairs). Muslims quote Mark 10:17-18 and Luke 18:18-19 so often, alleging that Jesus is denying His divinity, that I think a more detailed explanation of this specific misunderstanding is in order. I have the impression, that when Muslims read this statement by Jesus, they stress it [in disregard of context] as: "Why do you call ME good?" as if Jesus is shocked, and emphatically denies His goodness, and is utterly opposed to such a statement. I want to show in what follows, that Jesus is not denying His goodness, but questioning this man's motives by asking him "WHY" do you call Me good?" because this man is "altogether too obsequious and effusive in his approach," and "before you address Me with such a title, you had better think soberly about what the implications are, and especially what they are for you." Let's look at what the Bible really says, before we jump to conclusions too quickly. This event as recorded by Mark, chapter 10 :13-22 reads:- "One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so He could touch them and bless them, but the disciples told them not to bother Him. But when Jesus saw what was happening, He was very displeased with His disciples. He said to them, ‘Let the children come to Me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you, anyone who doesn't have their kind of faith will never get into the Kingdom of God.' Then He took the children into His arms and placed His hands on their heads and blessed them. As he was starting out on a trip, a man came running up to Jesus, knelt down, and asked, ‘Good Teacher, what should I do to get eternal life?' ‘Why do you call Me good?' Jesus asked. ‘Only God is truly good. But as for your question, you know the commandments: Do not murder. Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not testify falsely. Do not cheat. Honour your father and mother.' ‘Teacher,' the man replied, ‘I've obeyed all these commandments since I was a child.' Jesus felt genuine love for this man as He looked at him. ‘You lack only one thing,' He told him. ‘Go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.' At this, the man's face fell, and he went sadly away because he had many possessions. Firstly, we have to observe that this man is "praising Jesus highly" but then goes on to NOT obey what Jesus tells him he should do, to inherit the eternal life that he desires. Some quick remarks about the context. Jesus has just taught the people that to enter the kingdom of God (= get eternal life), we need to accept it as a gift, just like the children who have no inhibitions in accepting gifts. Jesus tells us that we have to "unlearn" our adult behaviour of "having to earn everything" because we cannot earn God's favour and grace, but have to accept it as a free gift of love. And the next we read is that this man comes up and asks "what MUST I DO to inherit eternal life". This shows how much doing is entrenched in our nature, and how hard it is to accept the pure grace (unconditional, unearned, undeserved, unending love of God). God's grace is without pre-conditions but not without consequences. Whoever has tasted of God's grace, in thankfulness, will then strive to live a life which is pleasing to God. We can only guess at why exactly this man is praising Jesus so highly when he approaches Him. Maybe he thought if he praises Jesus first, he might get a more favourable answer from him? One that is "easier to fulfill"? Isn't that a common approach of many people towards those who are (perceived to be) in authority on a certain issue? But Jesus looks through these smoke screens and goes right to the core problem. Jesus isn't swayed by this man's attempt to win His favour the wrong way. This doesn't mean that the man was a total hypocrite - just trying to manipulate a bit in his own favour. Jesus won't let him do so. I think there are several indications that this man was very serious with his quest. He was a very religious man and had diligently observed the commandments of God. When Jesus gives him a short list of them, he responds that he has obeyed all these from his childhood to the present day. He was indeed a devout and committed believer. We should also observe that Jesus lists the second part of the Ten Commandments, which deal with our relationship with our fellow men -- the examination into the relationship of this inquirer with the first part (about our relationship with God) will come later. But in all his diligent observance of God's law, there still was an insecurity whether that was "enough" to get him eternal life. This didn't let him rest in peace. He wanted to make sure that God would in the end accept him in the last judgment and grant him eternal life. This man had his priorities right at least on this part. He was concerned with this most important question of what do we have to do in this life to be in the right place after it is over, and we have to face the judgment of God.("It is appointed for all men to die once, and then comes the judgement." Hebrews 8:12). And Jesus acknowledges the right and good desire of this man, we read that He looked at him and "He loved him". He sees that this man wants more and is serious about it, he knows this "religious observance of commandments" isn't "it" yet ` [otherwise he wouldn't have asked in this 'self humiliating way' of falling down before Jesus in front of a whole crowd]. Jesus sees the true desire of this man, and because of His love to him He tells him [after reviewing some basics = some of the Ten Commandments] what he needs for eternal life. Jesus says: Give away what you have to the poor. Then you will have a treasure in heaven. And then FOLLOW ME. This answer of Jesus cuts right through to the core of his problem. He was rich and his wealth and the security that comes with wealth, was too important for him to give up. He wanted eternal life, and he would have made great efforts to do many good deeds with his wealth and his abilities, no question about that. But giving it up completely? Trusting ONLY God and having his security in God ONLY? This was too much for him. He did get the answer that he needed. But it was also the answer that exposed his true heart. His wealth and position was more important than God. And he went away sad. At another time Jesus said: You cannot serve two masters. Either God or money. "No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." Matthew 6:24 And Jesus' command revealed that though this man had kept all the "outward commandments of behaviour", he was guilty of breaking the first commandment "I am the Lord your God, you shall have NO other gods before me" Exodus 20:2-3. Nothing is allowed to take priority over God. For the man asking Jesus "what must I do?" it was money, security, position, ... Yes, God is the source of all goodness and truth. [But God in the creation account pronounces His creation to be "very good" - a goodness derived from the One who made it. And there are many people called "good" in the Bible. Jesus has no problem with that at all. But Jesus points to the source of all goodness - and He doesn't say that He has nothing to do with this source.] Jesus peels away the man's attempt to 'manipulate' in his favour. And He says to him, "don't use divine attributes for Me IF you are not willing to follow what I am going to tell you". Jesus does then make this clear to the rich young man, by showing him WHO [what] really is his 'god'. Jesus with this question "WHY do you call me good -- only God is good" and his exposure of the man's true heart makes clear that this statement has to be read as "Only call me "good" [meaning: (from) God], if you are prepared to fully submit to what I will tell you". And though this does explain the statement, to fully understand the dynamic of this incident, we have to look even more carefully. There is much more. No prophet has ever talked in this "presumptious" way. "How can I get eternal life?" is the question. "Follow ME!" is the answer that Jesus gives. Do you see what He is claiming? He does NOT say, these are the teachings that God has given Me. Follow these rules and you will get to heaven. Neither did he just say, "follow God, submit to God", but he said "Follow ME!". Jesus talks to this man as if it is in His hand to give eternal life. Follow Jesus and you have eternal life. And that by the way is a constant topic in the teaching of Jesus. And it is completely against the tradition of Jewish teachers, who are approached and chosen by their students. But none of the disciples chose Jesus. It is always Jesus Who comes up to them and "claims them" and commands them to follow Him. Do I read into the text that Jesus connects "obtaining eternal life" with "following Him"? I don't think so. This is a constant theme of Jesus' teaching: I AM the resurrection and the life, who believes in ME will live (eternally), even though he dies (physically); and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die (spiritually). -- John 11:25-26 I will give them eternal life and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand. -- John 10:28 In the Gospel of John alone there are 16 passages connecting the very words "eternal life" with faith in Jesus. And not only with the faith in Jesus, but that it is Jesus Himself who is GIVING this eternal life. Indeed Jesus several times says: I AM the LIFE. I cannot understand how Muslims such as Shabir Ally (of the Toronto Dawah Center) for example, can read this and conclude that Jesus never claimed to be God. Half of Jesus' preaching is blasphemous if he was NOT God. Jesus didn't say "I show you the way". He said "I AM the WAY" Jesus said: Follow me. [dozens of times] Back to our text in Mark chapter 10, the next 5 verses (23-27) being:- "Jesus looked around and said to His disciples, ‘How hard it is for rich people to get into the Kingdom of God!' This amazed them. But Jesus said again, ‘Dear children, it is very hard to get into the Kingdom of God. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!' The disciples were astounded. ‘Then who in the world can be saved?' they asked. Jesus looked at them intently and said, ‘Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.' " There is a lot in this text which I don't go into right now, but it was the understanding of Jesus' disciples, that wealth is the visible blessing of God, and so they are astonished that Jesus says it is hard for rich people to get to heaven. They ask, if not even those on whom God's favour already rests, who then? Jesus says, humanly it is impossible. NO MAN can enter heaven out of his own power. Jesus goes back to the teaching He was giving just before this man came up to him. Like the Children we have to receive it from God as a gift. With MAN it is impossible [out of his own righteousness and good deeds], but God makes it possible [by His grace]. It isn't free of cost though. It does cost a hefty price to get to heaven. In fact, the cost is so high that no man can pay it. Therefore it is impossible with man. God has to pay, so that we can come in for free. What is the price for entering heaven? Let us read on, it is all in the next 4 verses (28-31) of text. "Then Peter began to mention all that he and the other disciples had left behind. ‘We've given up everything to follow You,' he said. And Jesus replied, ‘I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for My sake and for the Good News, will receive now in return, a hundred times over, houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property--with persecutions. And in the world to come they will have eternal life. But many who seem to be important now will be the least important then, and those who are considered least here will be the greatest then.' " Leaving ... to follow Jesus results in receiving ... eternal life. How? How is this price paid that offers us heaven and eternal life which we can't possibly earn on our own? Just read on, it is all there:- Mark 10:32-34 "They were now on the way to Jerusalem, and Jesus was walking ahead of them. The disciples were filled with dread and the people following behind were overwhelmed with fear. Taking the twelve disciples aside, Jesus once more began to describe everything that was about to happen to Him in Jerusalem. ‘When we get to Jerusalem,' He told them, ‘the Son of Man will be betrayed to the leading priests and the teachers of religious law. They will sentence Him to die and hand Him over to the Romans. They will mock Him, spit on Him, beat Him with their whips, and kill Him, but after three days He will rise again." and in Mark 10:45 we read:- "For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give My life as a ransom for many." Jesus' death on the cross is the price. There He will pay the price for our sin and ransom us from hell. Jesus, AGAIN predicts His death and resurrection and also says WHY it is going to happen. Jesus didn't die? Why does He talk about it then all the time? Jesus never said He was God? Really? The evidence is all over the place. Even in the very passages which Muslims think strengthen their case against the deity of Christ. If you look closer and read it carefully, even those who do not believe it should be able to see it. I am quite confident that you can give me nearly any chapter of the Gospels sTs, and I can show you Jesus' explicit or implicit claim to be God.["I am the resurrection and the life" is explicit in my eyes, while Jesus' comparison of His body with the Temple of God [God's dwelling place] is an implicit claim.] Summary and Conclusion: The statement/question by Jesus "Why do you call Me good? Only God is good" does ask the rich young man for his motivation in praising Jesus. And it admonishes him not to attribute to Him a quality which he is ultimately not willing to accept and act upon in obedience. Jesus does not reject that this attribute is appropriate for Him, but more than just "any praise" Jesus desires that the praise that is offered to Him is true and genuine. Furthermore, this passage contains some clear statements that link eternal life with our relationship to Jesus. These claims would be blasphemous if indeed Jesus were just a man like any other prophet. Only God is the giver of life. So, this very passage contains a quite strong (implicit) claim to divine status. By taking such statements out of their immediate and overall contexts, the impression is given that the Lord Jesus is actually denying He is God, since He denies that He is good in the sense that God is good In the first place, Jesus didn't say "I am not good, only God is good", but simply poses a question to the man to think more deeply about the implications of his words. The implication being that if Jesus is good, and only God is good, then Jesus is God. Again, note the logic behind this:
If the man truly believed this, then he must be willing to abandon everything for Christ. This is precisely what Jesus demanded: "And looking at him, Jesus felt love for him, and said to him, ‘One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, FOLLOW ME.'" Mark 10:21 Jesus demands a devotion that is to be given solely to God. This is clearly seen in light of the fact that Jesus' demand was made right after the man had indicated his observance to the last six commands of the Ten Commandments. These commands were given to govern a person's relationship with others. The first four commandments govern a person's devotion to God. The man's trouble was that he loved money more than God, and hence his money became an idol. He had to be willing to die to his idolatry by giving it up in order to devote himself completely to the pure worship of God. Yet, amazingly, Jesus never asked the man to follow the first four commandments, or to follow God completely, but directed the man to follow Him. The reason being, is that to wholeheartedly follow the Lord Jesus is to fulfill one's obligation to God. Thus, Jesus was implicitly claiming to be God since He was clearly saying that to follow Him is to follow God, to obey Him is to obey God, to love Him is to love God. Therefore Jesus is God! Why do we call Him good sTs? Because He is - AND He is the Lord God. Your saying "The Gospel of Barnaba is earlier than any Gospel exist on earth. rejected by the church, because the name of Mohammad is written their" prompts a careful examination of just what the GOB ("Gospel of Barnabas") does say, so here goes. GOB ("Gospel of Barnabas) The ‘GOB is bad news for both Muslims and Christians, and nearly everybody who has studied it, including many Islamic scholars, consider it to be a forgery from the Middle Ages, it contains historical, geographical, climatic and internal inaccuracies, that is, it is self-contradictory. There are plenty of contradictions between GOB and the Bible, and between GOB and the Qur'an. The Muslim scholar Cyril Glassé states: As regards the "Gospel of Barnabas" itself, there is no question that it is a medieval forgery. A complete Italian manuscript exists which appears to be a translation from a Spanish original (which exists in part), written to curry favor with Muslims of the time. It contains anachronisms which can date only from the Middle Ages and not before, and shows a garbled comprehension of Islamic doctrines, calling the Prophet "the Messiah", which Islam does not claim for him. Besides its farcical notion of sacred history, stylistically it is a mediocre parody of the Gospels, as the writings of Baha'Allah are of the Koran. The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, Harper & Row, 1989, p. 64 Some Ways in which the Gospel of Barnabas contradicts the Qur'an According to the ‘Gospel of Barnabas', Jesus expressly denies that he is the Messiah, whilst the Quran, says the Messiah is Jesus. eg. Surah's 3:45, 4:157, 4:171, 4:172, 5:17, 5:72, 5:75, 9:30 & 9:31 So, the Qur'an teaches that Jesus is the Messiah, and it never teaches that Muhammad is the Messiah:Jesus confessed and said the truth, "I am not the Messiah……..I am indeed sent to the house of Israel as a prophet of salvation; but after me shall come the Messiah ". (GOB chaps. 42&48). Then said the priest: "How shall the Messiah be called?" ... (Jesus answered) "Muhammed is his blessed name" (GOB chap. 97). GOB further compounds this confusion. For while it has Jesus denying that He is the Messiah, amazingly, the first words of "Barnabas" following his introductory title, read: "Barnabas, apostle of Jesus the Nazarene, called Christ ..."According to GOB, Jesus is called Christ, but he is not called Messiah. You should stop mentioning GOB if you believe the Qur'an means what it
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