Our dear abd al-rahman and gem timeReader comment on item: Israel and Clear Victory Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Jan 28, 2009 at 07:51 Our dear abd al-rahman who is no more than a victim of Islam wrote >"Your Arabian Allah is saying in the above aya that based on al-qada' wa al-qadr (oh you know by now that I do not translate Arabic for fakes like you) he makes the selection for who is an unbeliever and who is a believer right our dear abd al-rahman al-tablighee?" >Oh let me see ... hmm my native language is arabic , No your native language is not Arabic it is Egyptian Arabic big diffrence >so I speak arabic better than you.... No you speak Egyptian Arabic but because you are a victim of the imperialism of the arabs you have to use not your native tongue Egyptian Arabic but an alien language (modern classical Arabic) to write and for this i say shame >And my dear friend you understand the wrong idea about al-qada' wa al-qadr ... It means that Allah knows what happened and what is happening and what will happen??... No this means omniscence . al-qada' wa al-qadr means pre-destination (v free will) big difference >So he already knows who would follow the right and who won't do that.... Even by your own poor definition it means that your Allah makes the selection for who is to be Muslim or not. Right? so al-da3wa al-islamiyya is against your Allah's will. Do you get it? >And also Allah has the power to change So why does he not change our minds? >that and everything has been estimated by him before you even see this life . Then why are you here hoping to find converts to the religion of the Arabs if your Allah is the one that decides who is to be Muslim and who is not to be Muslim? Do you know what this means? It means that you are working agianst your Allah's wishes and words and if you do not get this much then you are beyond help. So are you beyond help? >This life is meant to be just to worship Allah and that's why Allah sent the messengers to guide the peoples to the right path and whoever follow is a winner... gobbeldygook "And do you know what the above means? it means that your Allah must be evil because he would not change our minds and get us to convert to the religion of the Arabs. So is your Allah evil our dear abd al-rahman?" "But this does not stop your Allah from telling your likes to go out and speard Islam! Do you see the contradiction here? and why is that? why does your Allah ask mere human being like you to go out and spread the religion of the Arabs? could it be because he is not omnipotent? So is your Allah not omnipotent?" >Allah has the power to make all humans worship him but why then we are in this life?? Gobbeldygook >Why aren't we all in heaven?? More gobbeldygook >Why would Allah test us and we all believe in him??... I'm not interested if he does test you or not. Oh I see you have no answer so let me ask you the question again: if you are out to do your little da3awa then you are doing soemthing that is against your Allah's wishes do you get it? >And if Allah is evil (asta3'for Allah) why would he give you the chance to live right now and why don't harm you... It seems that if your Allah wants me to go astray it means that he is evil. So is your Allah evil? >Allah is the most merciful he forgive his worshipers for all their sins and he don't care, you just ask his forgiveness.... I see: you have no answers as I expected >We are told to make the da3wa because that's part of our religion and that's our test in this life and whoever don't believe would come at the day of judgement and wish he followed the right path.... But your Allah says that he guides whom ever he wants to guide which means that he is saying to your likes that da3awa really does not work and is agaisnt his wishes. Do you get it? "And by you adding the O messenger then you are editing your Allah's words. So much for the unedited Qur'an. But wait: you think that i should tell al-Wahabiyuun that a maskeen min el-bakistan like you is editing your Allah's words? what do you think ?" >I already told you my native language is arabic No your native language is Egyptian Arabic >and Im not a maskeen men al-bakistan... Ok let me change it: maskeen min masr >And you seem to know some arabic and you are trying to make fun of me but now you know ... No it is sarcasm and get ever your big time ego or do not post your drivel >And if you know arabic why wouldn't you read the arabic texts??... What Arabic texts? al-Qur'an? al-hadith? al-sira? al-tarikh? which one?or are you saying that you can post your bogus and plagiarized and tendentious translations and we should just sit and agree with yuo? you are a poorly educated person and I pity you >Im not english expert and what I wrote here in these texts from the Qur'an I got it from a website ... Then you know your Arabic then why do you not spend some time reading the English text and see if it fits with the arabic? and to your knowledge most translations of the Qur'an are poor and tendentious translations. And you need to look this word up: plagiarism > I wonder what's your point??.. My point is: do not post poor and tendentious translations. You did not get this one did you? The Qur'an is written in arabic The arabic of the Qur'an is a different Arabic after all when was the last time you used the word ilaf (surat Quraish) or kalala or samad (surat al-ikhlas) or ababeel wa sijeel (surat al-feel) in a sentence? Let me help you: never. and why would your Allah call a mountain tur (from Syriac) and not jabal? and these are only a few examples and whoever doesn't speak arabic would need some translation that is near to the arabic one and there are alot of translations so whoever would search would find them.... But it seems that you selected a poor translation whihc means that we should not believe you. Do you get it? . If you are to use a translation then you must spend some time and be sure that the translation is correct is this asking for much? "Allah is saying that he does his own selection for those poor souls that will become Muslim. Do you know what this means? It means that your bogus little al- da3wa wa al-tabligh are against your Allah's own words" >I told you that's a part of my religion But this is the aya that you selected? right? and all I told you is that based on this little aya your are going against your Allah's little plan. >and that is our duty to do and the disbelievers are having their chances to get saved so they have no reasons to say at the day of judgement and they wil wish to go back to the life they were in to worship Allah..... But your Allah is really saying that da3wa is not part of his plan and he is not interested in us kuffar becoming Muslims. Do you get it? "Oh and in regard to ibtigha' wajih allah: so I have a few questions here: so does Allah have a moustache and a beard? and is he right handed or left handed? It seems that your Allah is indeed a creature as he has a face. Then in this case you are praying to a living idol and the real question would be then who really created your Allah?" >My arabic ignorant friend you haven't heard about Al-bala3'a or Al ta3beer almagazy... So where would I find in the above aya that the reference to Allah's face is no more than al-balagha wa al-ta3beer al-majazy? you will not find it but you will find your Allah's face and oh and his throne too and not that throne with the bidet >This is an expression to meet Allah in the hereafter with his acceptance to you and Allah is not creature he wasn't been born and he is the one and has no son..... Wait: but Jesus has no son and he was born to a virgin which is not possible then it must be part of your Allah's little makr. You know what this means? it means that Jesus is really your Allah Oh I forgot: Allah created you. Right? then you must be his son. Then congratulations our dea abd al-rahman but you are Allah's son. We infidles? We are created by our parents so we cannot be the sons of Allah (god forbid) >So Allah is giving us the greatest test ever to worship him without seeing him so when we follow him Allah gives us his mercy and promise us heaven...... I urge you to abandon islam and be free again and stay tuned for more
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