As a Christian who takes the Bible literally unless context clearly rules out such an interpretation, I take God's promise to bless those who bless Israel and to curse those who curse her LITERALLY. And because I take God's promise literally, Barack Hussein Obama's ability to achieve electoral victory in 2008 despite his 20 year membership in a "church" which spewed outright hatred along with his closeness to the anti-Semite Louis Farakhan with whom he went to Libya to cavort with the anti-Semite Libyan dictator, Khadafi, scares me beyond description for the sakes of BOTH Israel and America. For Obama's opinion of Israel is reflected in such actions and associations.
And with Iran--a country which actually DENIES the holocaust--on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons, the rise to the American presidency of such a character should send shudders through every Jew and Christian on earth. Yet, elect him America did, nonetheless. And this morning, the headline on the front page of my local newspaper read, "President, Israel could clash over settlements."
Based upon more content than space will allow for me to site at this time, I fear that it is this President's intent to force Israel into accepting a "land for peace" deal that will be no more successful at achieving TRUE peace than Neville Chamberlain's accord was with Adolf Hitler at Munich in 1938.
In addition, since I believe that the rebirth of Israel in 1948 represents the LITERAL fulfillment of Biblical prophecies from Isaiah 66 and Ezekiel 36, I also believe that Jewish repossession of the Temple Mount in 1967 was required by Bible prophecy because the New Testament passage of II Thessalonians 2:4 places the antichrist IN THE TEMPLE at some point in the future. Ergo, if the New Testament was inspired by God as Christians believe, then the Temple MUST be rebuilt.
But what concerns me most about the American President is my fear that in order to get Israel to swallow the NEXT "Munich accord" (Peace for our time) is the likelihood that Obama--as the new Chamberlain--will force Israel into accepting a Palestinian State, by "brokering" an agreement which would allow Israel to rebuild the Temple in return for land (and God only knows what all else).
The antichrist is portrayed as being a silver-tongued liar who comes to power from out of nowhere, suddenly, and swiftly, and as a "man of peace."
I also recall Obama's trip to Europe during his election drive after he got the Democratic Party's nomination during the summer of 2008, and how he was hailed by many as "the messiah" in the process, and how a German magazine featured an article about Obama which it labeled "The Messiah Factor." I also recall how Hitler was hailed as "The New Messiah" as well.
Consequently I have very grave concerns about America's and Israel's future due to the following just for starters:
(1) The character assassination by the political left of people who refuse to walk the "politically correct" goose step such as Carrie Prejean, Miss California USA, who committed the unforgiveable sin of affirming traditional marriage
(2) The tightening of the straightjacket of "political correctness" all over the world
(3) The bowing of an American President to the King of Saudi Arabia in the midst of the inclusion of hundreds of millions of untraceable (illegal) campaign dollars to the American President's campaign for office
(4) The support by the American President for a "two state solution" to the "Palestinian question"
(5) The assertion on the campaign trail by the current president that the USA consists of 57 states when the only organization with 57 states in it is the Islamic Conference
(6) And the refusal by the American President, Barack Hussein Obama to call Islamic Terrorism "Islamic Terrorism"
America's fate is tied to Israel's. And with the collapse of the world economy, the rise of intolerance by the left on an unprecedented scale IN THE NAME OF TOLERANCE, the worldwide spread of disease, the rise in numbers and degrees of catastrophic events, famines, etc., I fear for BOTH Israel and America.
It was just such conditions as these which created the womb for the rise of NAZISM.
There is, however, a bright spot in all of this mess.
I am VERY thankful for people like Daniel Pipes and his organization. They help to keep the world informed. And because of People like Pipes et al, there will be no excuses for any of the oppressors when judgment day comes should the world continue its fall into insanity as it seems it is destined to do just as it did in the 1930s.