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Thank you for the good laughs Debanjan

Reader comment on item: Is Turkey in Europe?
in response to reader comment: A reply to Mr. Shishir

Submitted by Shishir (United States), Jul 31, 2013 at 04:31

"And why should they fulfill this wish list of yours. You dont seem to understand what is meant by conviction.If killing Pakistani children is their conviction then they are standing by their convictions arent they!"

Myself : These so-called Islamic dissenters need to show that they are not hypocritical when they talk about human rights issues they need to prove their point by criticising where it is valid to criticise the West. As long as they do not do that they will be considered hypocritical by the Islamic world in general.

You also seem to suggest that these people support the killing of innocent Pakistani children by drones

I suggest no such thing. Where do you get this info?I dont see why Islamic dissenters need criticize the West anymore than Western dissenters criticize Islam.I doubt you would appreciate the latter. You cannot create your own private criteria as to what constitutes dissent and expect others to obey

"Just FYI Ayaan Hirsi Ali isnt a Christian fundamentalist-she is pro gay marriage and abortion as well as for feminism. Things that upset her right wing Christian fans a great deal"

Myself : The issues of gay marriage or abortion in the Western world are quite important and relevant and so the death of innocent Muslim children through drones or Western sanctions.

If you support the life of homosexual people and at the same time oppose the right to life by innocent Pakistani children then you are considered as a hypocrit period.

Absolute nonsense. There is no connection between supporting killing Pakistani children via drones and supporting homosexuals. And also you are imposing Islamist thought process on American conservatives. No one in the European or American right wings want to deny homosexuals "right to life".BTW the greatest opponent of drones and the war on terror is a homosexual Glenn Greenwald.

Gays in general tend to be left leaning Democrats and therefore while they support Obama ,they dont care much for his wars.

"Also it was not Sharon who was the the butcher of Shatila but Lebanese Christian militias"

It was Sharon who armed those miiitias it is documented by every sane Israeli writer of the day. Why do you think he allowed these militias to roam freely in those camps when those camps were under his military authority ? He had to resign from his position as defense minister precisely for this.

It is one thing to have authority over an area and another to be omnipotent and omnipresent which no one is.At worst he was indifferent to the massacres.Palestinians had other enemies besides Jews-one of whom were the Maronites.And they were in Lebanese territory ,something that irked the Maronites more than it did Sharon.

"DB:Or may be you have never read about any modern Islamic scholars. Have you read Syed Qutb , Mohammad Iqbal , Jamal Al-Afghani , Syed Nursi or even say Imam Khomenini ? Probably not."

"S: I have read enough of those theocratic gangsters to know that they must be opposed tooth and nail."

Myself: Theocratic gangster who ?? Have you ever bothered to read Mohammad Iqbal whose songs are national songs of both India and Pakistan ? Why do you oppose Mohammad Iqbal someone who exchanged letters with Friedrick Niestchze ? Have you ever heard about Jamal Al=Afghani and his views ? Do you know even who Said Nursi was ? Have you ever gone through Sayed Qutb or Imam Khomeini's political theories ?

Mohmammed Iqbal was a big fan of Mussolini and Communism. I dont care if his songs are observed by Indian and Pakistani governments.

As for Nursi and Jamal Afghani, if their views are in agreement with yours then I am not interested in them.Id sooner probe the political views of stray cats.

And Khomeini? Hahaha I dont care what he says but what he has does, if you think Iran is better off due to his views, you have one more screw loose than I thought

"And you are really a fool to compare Manning,Assange and Snowden to Islamic dissenters. As you are confusing political /national with religious dissent. National dissent or treachery is a very serious crime in any nation, be it Christian,Muslim,Buddhist,Hindu,athiest or what have you. "

Myself : To many Americans , their nation is a god-given country. Their nationalism is akin to a religious fervor if you consider the hero worshipping of ruthless tyrants like Jefferson and Washington as so-called founding fathers. Those ones who opposed Manning and now are calling to assasinate Assange or Snowden do so since they consider Snowden to be a heretic to their religion of American exceptionalism. Period.

Hahahaha! America is "a god given" country therefore these individuals are blasphemers! Hahahaha. Jefferson and Washington as ruthless tyrants! Hahahaha ! This coming from a worshipper of Timur Lang!!

As I explained to you but you are clearly too dense to understand- there is no country in the world that would tolerate the actions of Snowden and Manning.They would view them as traitors and have them hanged. America is actually more lax on this matter compared to other nations.Despite many such acts of collusion with the enemy over the years,only two people have been executed for treason-the Rosenbergs and yes they were Jewish.I hope your head has exploded by now

I leave the rest of the arguments in the dustbin where they belong.

Please read these people carefully and come back to me.

Please learn to read and come back to me. Your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills are incredibly poor!

"You must compare the treatment of Islamic dissenters not to Manning et al but to those like Dawkins and Hitchens etc who write books against God ,Judaism,Christianity etc and become millionaires and are celebrities among the bien pensants of the West"

Myself : Dawkins and Hitchens were tolerated simply because they belonged to the ethnic majority. Look at the harsh treatment meted out to Reza Islam when he has been threatened because firstly he wrote a book on Jesus with an unique viewpoint and secondly because he is a Muslim who was courageous enough to write something on Jesus.

I think you mean Reza Aslan. I dont agree with him but he has a right to what he says(which is more than you grant to Salman Rushdie or Taslima Nasreen). Probing in to his motivations is perfectly valid as he is not a Christian. Dawkins and Hitchens are "tolerated" because they are the ethnic majority?!Hahaha

Debanjan I say this honestly- You are the stupidest person Ive ever come across.No really I am not being snarky. Your ideology has made you completely brain dead and you are unable to think properly at all. Get some help.For real


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (75) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Turkey is not part of Europe [57 words]RahmatAug 26, 2015 02:10224829
2Turkey is too islamic to be considered European. [71 words]Phil GreendAug 8, 2013 22:23208889
1additional information [130 words]Servet CevikAug 10, 2013 12:55208889
4political science 101 [490 words]Servet CevikAug 5, 2013 04:31208783
1No one said Turkeys crimes are unique [678 words]ShishirAug 7, 2013 08:30208783
7you are attacking a ghost you created in your imagination... [469 words]Servet CevikAug 7, 2013 20:17208783
4also... [141 words]Servet CevikAug 7, 2013 22:11208783
7Historically Politically Economically Geographically Culturally Strategically and by Civilization [225 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Servet CevikAug 2, 2013 17:02208710
1Very specious reasoning [581 words]ShishirAug 3, 2013 02:29208710
2reading too fast may sometimes lead to understanding too little :-) [30 words]Servet CevikAug 3, 2013 20:08208710
What is the use of reading and writing if only to spread lame propaganda and falsehoods? [66 words]ShishirAug 4, 2013 00:59208710
Infrastructure for freedom of thought [478 words]PrashantAug 4, 2013 21:21208710
2Is Turkey Europe or no? [159 words]Farhad LahafdooziJul 17, 2013 17:04208321
2Turkey, and it's competitors for Europe accession. [122 words]Jon, a Brit in EurolandJul 16, 2013 10:07208305
1turks [122 words]havasJul 20, 2013 07:03208305
1Schäuble's statement follows a trend change in Germany [201 words]mythJul 14, 2013 17:40208261
4The answer is simple and is definitely NO [533 words]AlexandrosJul 12, 2013 05:10208217
1not a valid comparison [247 words]MozereJul 12, 2013 04:50208216
On the Other Hand... [17 words]Kepha HorJul 9, 2013 14:44208035
2europe [109 words]havasJul 9, 2013 14:33208034
3Turks in EU? [20 words]HansJul 8, 2013 12:02207972
4Turkey should be European Union [122 words]George BosoloJul 23, 2013 09:18207972
Excellent comment [2 words]sephardiJul 24, 2013 15:36207972
2EU [73 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
gerardJul 8, 2013 10:17207969
4Yes Yurkey is not in Europe,but.. [44 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Taner MersinJul 8, 2013 01:07207960
1What about Greeks "no to EU" in Cyprus? [42 words]Taner MersinJul 9, 2013 01:22207960
avrupa [20 words]emileJul 9, 2013 12:51207960
2Now it makes more sense [21 words]Abdulkarim Al-habsiJul 11, 2013 00:09207960
Bernard Lewis [29 words]David W. LincolnJul 6, 2013 13:30207708
1Missing The Point [65 words]DaveJul 6, 2013 12:31207704
1Turkey is Europe [10 words]cephas33Jul 5, 2013 21:55207681
a reply to Turkey is Europe by cephas33 [59 words]QrtOfAgesAug 27, 2013 01:13207681
2Christian Club [24 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
EuroTurkJul 5, 2013 10:19207652
4Turkish hypocrisy [67 words]dhimmi no moreJul 6, 2013 06:57207652
1Christian Club [51 words]EuroTurkJul 6, 2013 11:38207652
1short sighted [143 words]EuroTurkJul 9, 2013 06:24207652
1christian club [11 words]roger spleenJul 9, 2013 10:57207652
2The Turks and their delusions [362 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2013 07:03207652
1Turkey in the Straw, Socked by Schaeuble in the Jaw [115 words]AlanaJul 5, 2013 03:14207639
1Border states [41 words]James GlucJul 5, 2013 00:35207635
1Muslim countries in the Balkans [6 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
DuvmeisterJul 4, 2013 21:44207631
3Vive La Freedom Shout the Turks [78 words]NuritGJul 4, 2013 21:28207630
3Cyprus, Israel etc [44 words]AnonJul 4, 2013 21:17207629
1İf it is required to be in Europe then why Cyprus? Morocco is not a good example [17 words]Taner MersinJul 8, 2013 07:10207629
it is like you say [30 words]emilushJul 9, 2013 12:57207629
6IS Turkey a Loyal member of NATO? Further more could become a member of EU? [441 words]Peter KikareasJul 4, 2013 19:56207625
Yes [54 words]Nazim CairoJul 4, 2013 19:33207623
1YES [21 words]Susan KJul 4, 2013 18:47207621
2Turkey in the EU [119 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Jeffrey SheffJul 4, 2013 17:05207616
I would love Turkey to be outside Europe [174 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 7, 2013 23:10207616
1A European Turkey will Never have Peace: Neither will an Oriental Turkey [531 words]M. ToveyJul 9, 2013 15:52207616
So many inaccuracies... [611 words]ShishirJul 10, 2013 01:42207616
Congrats Shishir [3 words]PrashantJul 11, 2013 00:45207616
2You are not right [22 words]AlexandrosJul 12, 2013 05:13207616
Dear Mr. Tovey [596 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 13, 2013 14:23207616
Dear Mr. Shishir [441 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 13, 2013 14:49207616
Debanjan Banerjee: Our very own idiocy compactor [726 words]ShishirJul 14, 2013 18:59207616
Debanjan Banerjee is a broken record and facts do not matter to him [355 words]PrashantJul 15, 2013 03:37207616
Turkey - When will They Ever Understand Turkey [514 words]M. ToveyJul 15, 2013 15:49207616
4Arab racism directed against Muslim Indians aka masakeen men el-hind [318 words]dhimmi no moreJul 21, 2013 07:50207616
My answer to Mr. Prashant [366 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 26, 2013 13:16207616
Dear Dhimmi [284 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 26, 2013 13:29207616
Traitor, Dissentor and Apostate are three different thing. Banerjee needs education. [165 words]PrashantJul 27, 2013 01:16207616
The hypocrisy of wannabe Arabs [48 words]dhimmi no moreJul 27, 2013 06:13207616
Debanjan-you are worse than a dhimmi as you are a non Arab Muslim- Arabs spit on you [629 words]ShishirJul 27, 2013 07:28207616
Charity starts at home and Islamic hypocrisy has no limits [290 words]dhimmi no moreJul 27, 2013 07:36207616
Still confused Debanjan? [783 words]ShishirJul 27, 2013 07:45207616
2Our dear Deb edited what I wrote that the Arabs call Indian Muslims masakeen men el-hind which is not very nice [806 words]dhimmi no moreJul 27, 2013 15:35207616
A reply to Mr. Shishir [614 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 30, 2013 11:39207616
My dear Shishir [270 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJul 30, 2013 12:06207616
Thank you for the good laughs Debanjan [1121 words]ShishirJul 31, 2013 04:31207616
Still ducking the issue Debanjan? [536 words]ShishirJul 31, 2013 04:43207616
1two turkish tale [313 words]frombulgaria, stefan(same time as in romania)Aug 13, 2013 15:36207616
7Turkey and its crimes [69 words]dhimmi no moreJul 4, 2013 17:02207615
1One Of The Perks Of Being Muslim [7 words]DaveJul 6, 2013 20:32207615

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