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There is much more on the table than personalities

Reader comment on item: Ted Cruz for President
in response to reader comment: Anti-Semitism and Ted Cruz

Submitted by Michael S (United States), May 5, 2016 at 19:27

Hello, Mike

You said, "When Mr. Cruz asked his supporters about the "network executives, who were really liberal Democrats", there is no question in my mind that he was using code words for Jews.", and Daniel responded as though you had said "When Mr. Cruz asked his supporters about the "liberal Democrats". While I don't think anything can be considered "nuts" (to quote Daniel) anymore, in a campaign that purports to be a contest between Lucifer Incarnate and the Fascists, there is some merit for Daniel's saying that "Liberal Democrats" should not be equated with "Jews" (perhaps 70% of which are Liberal Democrats, probably more than any other ethnic group). The two are not one and the same, but Daniel and everyone must admit that they're darned close. Even so, you didn't say "Liberal Democrats", burt "NETWORK EXECUTIVES, who were "really liberal Democrats".

So much for your being "nuts", which I don't think you are, and for the dance around how many network executives are Jews, how many Jews are Liberal Democrats and how many Liberal Democrats are network executives, etc. The bottom issue here, is whether or not Ted Cruz has an anti-Semitic streak here. He criticized "New York values" earlier in the campaign; and some have noted that New York contains the highest percentage of Jews of any US city (and yes, they have had a great influence in shaping "New York values". In all honesty, I think the critics have gone overboard there: Donald Trump is from New York, after all, a place that just seems weird to Texans and to anyone else (like me) who hasn't lived in New York.

Concerning me, since I just put myself into this semantic fray, I am not Jewish, nor am I Texan, nor am I from New York (I hail from Milwaukee, formerly called "Bush Town" by New Yorkers and others -- not because of The Bush family, which nobody had even heard of in those days, but because we were considered an outpost in America's outback). My verdict is that (1) You are not nuts, (2) Daniel has been far too free with his epithets lately, and needs to calm down, and (3) Ted Cruz is probably not an antiSemite -- for what it matters anymore, seeing that he has now dropped out of the race.

I have no idea, what direction the Presidential race will take during the next six months. I'm glad nobody has gotten assasinated, and I've read no reports of people going postal (berserk) and shooting one another because of the campaign. I expect that in the next few weeks, the cameras will swing over to the Clinton-Sanders donnybrook; so we Republicans have an opportunity to go fishing and think things over before OUR candidate, Mr. Trump, begins his full-fledged attack against the remnants of the horrible Democrat regime that has plagued this country for seven years. In a few weeks, we will have Presidential, Vice-Presidential, Congressional, Gubernatorial, etc. candidates; and a clearly-stated national platform. I hope that in his ire, Daniel hasn't forgotten that this party is more than just a Presidential contest.

Concerning the Presidential contest, there are issues to consider that transcend the personalities of the candidates. For instance, a Supreme Court Justice needs to be appointed and confirmed. Will he be one who seeks to carry out the intentions of our founding fathers, as Justice Scalia was? Or will he be a free-lancer who legislates from the bench? With a Democrat President, we are almost certain to get the latter. Do we want that?

How about the Mega-Trade Deals that Obama has been pushing? Clinton is completely wobbly on them; but Trump insists that they need to be re-negotiated. Some of you might like the idea of a handful of globalist corporations over-riding our national sovereignty for their own benefit, in matters such as energy policy, wages, labor laws and environmental issues. That is what Obama & Co have presented us with, as the fruit of years of ultra-secret negotiations. I personally do not want these things. Mr. Trump has said he plans to re-negotiate the terms; and though none of us can predict the outcome of those negotiations, they will cannot possibly be worse than what has been signed.

And how about Israel? Obama's relationship with Netanyahu has been toxic. I cannot imagine Donald Trump insulting the Israeli PM more than Obama has -- and for that matter, than George W. Bush did. Remember that it was Bush, who had the Israeli PM enter the Annapolis conference through the servants' entrance, while the Arabs came through the front door; and it was Bush who forced PM Sharon to hunt for digs of his own in Waco while Bush entertained a Saudi prince on his ranch. It is Netanyahu, this time around, who snubbed Trump in order to "not get involved" in the US election; but The Donald was more than willing to visit Israel -- before the election, and not after first giving away the store in Cairo the way Obama did. Will Benghazi Email Clinton, wife of Invite-Arafat-Nine-Times-To-The-White-House Clinton strike off a better relationship with Israel?

For heavens' sake, gentlemen ... THINK!

Shalom shalom. God bless and keep you all.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (82) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Race and Politics in America [372 words]Raul MarksMay 15, 2016 15:50229474
Separate reality from Campignese [171 words]Michael SMay 16, 2016 03:51229474
Iran Deal [5 words]JakeMay 11, 2016 14:17229407
1I'm voting for Trump, and am fed up with the others [620 words]Michael SMay 13, 2016 11:17229407
Trump can't be trusted on Israel [193 words]Raul MarksMay 20, 2016 19:54229407
Reading a closed book [56 words]Michael SMay 23, 2016 11:07229407
1Ted Cruz duplicity [59 words]JakeMay 11, 2016 14:09229406
WV, NE primaries and general polls [282 words]Anne JulienneMay 11, 2016 00:34229403
President Sanders [147 words]Michael SMay 13, 2016 02:59229403
I have a different view of God .. [109 words]Anne JulienneMay 16, 2016 02:48229403
Wrestling with God [811 words]Michael SMay 20, 2016 12:50229403
wrestling is not compatible with absolute confidence [70 words]Anne JulienneMay 22, 2016 19:41229403
To whom shall we go? [420 words]Michael SMay 23, 2016 02:38229403
Absolute Confidence Defeats the Need to Wrestle with the Sovereign Almighty [128 words]M ToveyMay 24, 2016 18:57229403
1OMG [28 words]Anne JulienneMay 26, 2016 02:03229403
to you your certainty, to me my wrestling [11 words]Anne JulienneMay 26, 2016 05:56229403
Your're Right- Its Not My Will That is Being Exercised Over the Destiny Of Israel [87 words]M ToveyMay 26, 2016 10:11229403
Michael Row the Boat Ashore; A waste of time [716 words]Michael SMay 30, 2016 22:26229403
respectful disagreement with Dr. Pipes [293 words]Charles MartelMay 10, 2016 23:05229402
Daniel raises an important issue [132 words]Michael SMay 13, 2016 03:33229402
View from Germany [125 words]Kaarsten BraaschMay 9, 2016 01:18229357
sure, the birthers are jerks [245 words]Anne JulienneMay 9, 2016 07:21229357
The real issues in the Republican Party [592 words]Michael SMay 10, 2016 19:05229357
Ted Cruz for President [129 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
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Why did Trump rise? [34 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
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Presidential qualities [134 words]Susan H SomervilleMay 5, 2016 16:50229293
Response to Susan [196 words]AnonMay 7, 2016 05:11229293
Retort to "Anon" (India) [230 words]Susan H SomervilleMay 25, 2016 03:06229293
Trump [152 words]Frank LukeMay 4, 2016 18:51229285
1Hoping Pipes stays with the GOP [209 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
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1I pity the conservatives [17 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Richard PreschelMay 4, 2016 03:00229273
1What Now? [84 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Gary SackMay 3, 2016 23:02229271
Tme to pause and consider [167 words]Michael SMay 4, 2016 03:37229271
thank you for the Peter Wehner article [252 words]Anne JulienneMay 5, 2016 00:40229271
A major distinction, important to consider [642 words]Michael SMay 6, 2016 09:51229271
war crimes ok with you then? [90 words]Anne JulienneMay 7, 2016 18:40229271
this is history, not prophecy [265 words]Anne JulienneMay 7, 2016 19:07229271
100% hyperboly [413 words]Michael SMay 9, 2016 03:58229271
You're talking about war. This is the way it's actually fought. [11 words]Michael SMay 9, 2016 04:01229271
talking about war [182 words]Anne JulienneMay 13, 2016 04:12229271
A spade is a spade [119 words]Michael SMay 16, 2016 03:24229271
an issue that runs very deep ... [432 words]Anne JulienneMay 20, 2016 04:11229271
War, the Bible and Ted Cruz [611 words]Michael SMay 23, 2016 12:34229271
going nowhere ... [10 words]Anne JulienneMay 26, 2016 05:55229271
still praying for "a surprise" [385 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Anne JulienneMay 3, 2016 20:53229268
Lucifer to Messy Bobby, over and out. [140 words]Michael SMay 4, 2016 04:12229268
I am voting for Trump in November. [85 words]PrashantMay 6, 2016 22:06229268
Character & Principles [24 words]Gary ClarkeMay 3, 2016 17:59229267
Cruz? [63 words]JudyMay 3, 2016 16:31229263
unfortunate choices [166 words]lippyMay 3, 2016 13:03229261
Anti-Semitism and Ted Cruz [103 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mike ShapiroMay 3, 2016 10:44229258
RELAX! [99 words]Joe FalkMay 5, 2016 10:59229258
There is much more on the table than personalities [872 words]Michael SMay 5, 2016 19:27229258
Who will win in November presidential elections [10 words]romanMay 6, 2016 22:57229258
Ted Cruz for President [87 words]Michael ArtwichMay 3, 2016 03:39229257
Dignity, Shmignity. How about a President who is willing to walk determindly and swing a big stick? [121 words]EdwardMay 3, 2016 03:33229256
Roll-On TRUMP TRAIN [30 words]Pat PatriotMay 3, 2016 02:02229255
Ted Cruz for President. [235 words]Anne USAMay 2, 2016 21:15229250
Trump v/s Cruz [106 words]Frank LukeMay 2, 2016 20:55229249
If Trump Becomes President [21 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
SamMay 2, 2016 19:50229246
Why some support Trump. [132 words]Michael SMay 2, 2016 19:20229245
we do all need someone "serious" in charge [339 words]Anne JulienneMay 2, 2016 19:03229244
4A Polite Traitor [970 words]UNCLE VLADDIMay 2, 2016 18:42229243
Looking forward to November [59 words]Michael SMay 2, 2016 17:05229239
why now? [90 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Timothy HadleyMay 2, 2016 16:25229237
Response to Hadley [57 words]AnonMay 5, 2016 21:01229237
It looks bad [124 words]Kepha HorMay 2, 2016 16:22229236
1Surprise of surprises [198 words]Regan HuffmanMay 2, 2016 16:20229235
Cruz or Nothing [163 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
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Why does Trump get votes? [228 words]Doug MayfieldMay 2, 2016 16:02229233
3A vote for Cruz will put Hillary in the White House -- Only Trump can defeat her. [144 words]Haile StresserMay 2, 2016 15:17229229
Cruz Is A Religious Extremist [82 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Bill ONeillMay 2, 2016 14:15229227
Response to Bill ONeill [35 words]AnonMay 5, 2016 21:07229227
Dear Daniel ... [156 words]Les LevitanMay 6, 2016 18:46229227
"Ted Cruz is at least a Christian Extremist or perhaps a Christian Zealot", Really? [104 words]RoyMay 20, 2016 21:36229227
No Votes for Republicans [10 words]Samuel TenenbaumMay 2, 2016 13:10229225
Response [85 words]David G. Cannon, Ph.D.May 2, 2016 12:58229224
1Cruz is a loser [34 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
albertoMay 2, 2016 11:59229223
Here's The Bottom Line Question [158 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Gary SackMay 2, 2016 10:40229221
Yes, But People Like Populist Appeals [90 words]DaveMay 1, 2016 21:47229213
Iran deal, Obamacare etc [238 words]AnonMay 1, 2016 21:01229211
Keep on piping up! [78 words]GumBoochoMay 1, 2016 20:29229210

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