Submitted by M Tovey (United States), May 10, 2021 at 17:55
Now well past the first 100 days of the 46th Administrative Chief Executive's reign, what has America learned?
First, the era of President Trump is over. Any attempt to recapture those moments are now lost to history; the victors, who are intent on writing such accounts are in a 'woke' frame of mind and the representation of victimhood (not the real victims, 'we the people') of the conservative sectors of the former American society are still in heated debate of what was lost versus what is still being lost: freedom under the Constitution. The dictates of the 46th American Administrative Chief Executive's autocracy is being imposed with a vindictiveness that has not been seen since the similar imposition of the former socialistic regimes (Marxist and Nationalistic alike). In similar fashion, the similar administrative ambitions of certain Islamic regimes are called to mind since they are not all that fond of opposition speech either.
The memorandum here is that there is still no consensus as to what was really lost last November: the punditry on both ends of the spectrum are not merely missing the truth of the matter; it appears they never really grasped the truth in the first place.
History and destiny are the telling of lessons learned and not learned in trying to reach that place that humanity tries so desperately wants to achieve, but never fully does so on its own terms.
The empires of the ages, from the Sumerians/Egyptians through the Babylonians, the Medo-Persians through the Greeks and Romans all have one thing in common; they could never get it right. Let us not forget that the ancient pretenses of China are just as susceptible.
Current ambitions of today's contenders are full of the same evidences that their attempts are just as rife with the futilities of the ancients and the only problem now is that the graveyards are already full; where do the multitudes of the dead go now?
Now to the expositions of those that called America the greatest country in the free world; there was once time that claim cold be made and briefly America was called the land of opportunity - a just destination for immigrants seeking freedom to live a pursuit of contented life with limited interference from governmental intrusions. Apparently, those that are in place of power are intent on terminating that; all with a little bit of help from their friends, the enemies of America from inside and out. Ambitions of envy are just so apparent. This was and is still true in the loss of confidence in the republican form of government, now gone.
So, pose the question; if the government is socialist democratic and no longer republican, what do the so-called republicans have to offer that have not been compromised already? Anyone? That was the difference that President Trump brought to the presidency, but not enough republicans believed that. They still don't, even if they did get a new majority.
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