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Exposure of B'tselem's criminal Ezra Bawi and unreliable Haaretz's war on program that exposed him

Reader comment on item: My Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations
in response to reader comment: B'TSELEM: Anti Israel liars, unreliable source, propagandists , posing as "human rights activists"

Submitted by Filip (United States), Dec 5, 2021 at 09:19

* B'tselem's Ezra Nawi caught in passing on names of Arabs, selling land to Jews, to Palestinian Authority, admittedly knowing that the racist authority will assassinate them for it.

* Haaretz defends other crimes by this criminal.

* Haaretz's Gideon Levy who boasted of riding in a van with Nawi, lies that he "didn't know." But he is upset that the exposure was braoadcasred. Not for the damming facts.

* "Breaking the Silence" also exposed.

* Haaretz begins a vengeful campaign against the program that exposed B'tselem's guy.


Acting editor of "Ovda" to General Ben: "Haaretz is running an aggressive and unethical campaign against the program"

A new clash in a skirmish over a Navy investigation: In a letter sent by Shachar Alterman to the publisher and editor-in-chief, which reached Walla Brenze, he accuses the newspaper of revenge and "hysterical, dishonest discourse of people walking around as if a butter factory is on their heads."

Mia Mana, Sunday, 31 January 2016.

...Acting editor of the program, Shachar Alterman, accuses the Haaretz newspaper of campaigning against the program, following an Ezra Navi investigation. Alterman wrote to publisher Amos Schocken and its editor-in-chief, Maj.

In a letter sent today to Schocken and White, which reached Walla Brenze, Alterman wrote: "My expectations of Haaretz have fallen sharply in the past month...
Alterman goes on to say: "I suppose you too could not help noticing Haaretz's aggressive campaign in recent weeks against 'Ovda' following the article prepared by Omri Assenheim and giving gas to Ezra Navi and his associates to extradite a Palestinian land trader to preventive security. I just wonder if you signed "This campaign must cross every boundary of journalistic ethics - collegiality has no point in exaggerating empty words - out of passionate intent or out of omission and disregard. And I also wonder which of the two options is more serious."


Ovda: Catch the leftist for a change

Nava Koren, 18/01/2016

"I hope that Ilana Dayan will not be frightened by the threats of the bullying and violent left in understandable panic, so they will not stop terrorizing 'fact' investigators lest they reveal more details in their possession, about the betrayal and exploits of left-wing activists against IDF soldiers."

"There is no crime, no crime at all that can not be forgiven when 'our-side' commits it. Even if we do not deny that the crime was committed, even if we know that it is exactly the same crime we condemned in some other case, even if we admit intellectually that it is unjustified, still "You can't feel bad. Loyalty is involved, so compassion stops functioning." (George Orwell 'Under Your Nose')!

I have no idea how the contemporary left will be taught in future schools and universities in future generations. One thing I have no doubt, George Orwell like Uri Zvi Greenberg who were good at diagnosing the intellectual left in their generation, will be considered prophets who watched and prophesied about the left in our generation-do not know what I would do without them to understand the contemporary left and what is happening here ?!

On January 7, 2016, Channel 2 aired on Ilana Dayan's popular program 'Ovda', an unusual investigation that reveals for the first time the shame of the far-left organizations whose activists make a living from the blood libel under 'occupation' under the guise of 'human rights' activists. To the left and most to the Israeli media and its researchers.

Except for the chilling testimony of the far-left activist known by Zehava Gal-On: 'Empire' - after all, it is Ezra Nawi, chairman of the Taayush association who testified, among other well-known activities of left-wing activists against IDF soldiers by provocations and libels - for a fee - who also informs and betrays Arabs who trade with settlers, to the Palestinian Authority for torture to death in his literal language: "First Zobor and then Gazanga"!

As long as Taayush activists, Yesh Din, B'Tselem, Breaking the Silence, the New Foundation and Peace Now acted in Israel as they Esau, a knife in the back of the nation and persecuted, slandered, slandered and caught the Jews de-jour : a bird did not tweet and no outcry was heard, not even when Adv. Roni Aloni-Sedovnik, revealed here on the website on September 20, 2010, a chilling article entitled:

"The betrayal of the left in peace activities that were sexually harmed" - including rape, by Arab left-wing activists, and they were silenced by their "Jewish" activists who prevented them from complaining to the police so as not to harm their livelihoods from the "lie industry" and "anti-occupation" enterprises. And all this under the guise of 'peace,' 'Brotherhood of Nations' and 'Human Rights' - 'never happened!'

It was a terrible article, which was supposed to shake the thresholds of the Knights of the Rule of Law, the left-wing feminists who swallowed their tongues and the monopolists on: 'Wisdom', 'Morality', 'Justice', 'Conscience', 'Truth' and 'Peace' '- and the story as I well remember was unanimously silenced as expected from a Bolshevik recruiter recruited on the left - just as the prophets George Orwell had predicted and prophesied:

"Everyone will react in more or less the same way. One sad stab of nationalism and intellectual fairness may disappear, the past can be changed, and the most obvious facts can be denied"!

And Gideon Levy's red response to the above exposure in 'Ovda'!

The exploits of the 'righteous' from left-wing organizations could be learned long ago, the brilliant and evidential number of the undercover on his own behalf, Tuvia Tenenbom, who impersonated the 'German Toby' journalist as the Palestinians prefer and love 'Germans', and as such did a wonderful job, and if it were not for us we would die of laughter. Tennenbom revealed the hypocrisy, stupidity and ignorance of those left-wing activists who make a living from selective anti-Semitism, and even interviewed Gideon Levy, Uri Avnery, Amos Oz, Merav Michaeli, the useful rabbi Arik Asherman and others in his wonderful book: "Catch the Jew" - a must read!

It was possible to learn how the method works in left-wing organizations, as well as his equally important book by Joan Peters 'book Since and Promoting, by the decent leftist and straight-forward Ben-Dror Yemini, who I think should combine his book, 'The Industry of Lies' with 'From Time Immemorial,' in the Ministry of Education for future generations...

When Gideon Levy swears to Rick 'in the lives of his children'

At the end of the broadcast of "Ovda" investigation, Gideon Levy from the "Haaretz" anti-Semitic newspaper was honored to respond. Despite Ilana Dayan's ridiculous apology to her leftist friends before and after the article aired, Levy did not calm down. He was furious as expected from a common Bolshevik - and not about the horrific interrogation he was angry about, but about Dayan's 'impudence' who dared to broadcast the article at all?

It was not the shocking article that bothered the monopolist about the rights of the wild man in Israel, but the very broadcast that he said: "I was bothered by a few things here, but more than that, with all the appreciation, Ilana, did it bother me that you broadcast this article"? Really! in these words !.

This is how Levy attacked Ilana Dayan in order to protect the "our" people. An article that was supposed to first shock the "beauties of the soul" who boast in vain of "enlightened" values such as: "morality", "conscience", "equality", "truth", "justice", "human dignity and liberty" and other regrets- Barta as only the left knows how to sell and can!

The main thing that 'democracy' and freedom of expression 'exalt in the throats of our leftists, but in the territory as we know, is the sword of Bolshevism, hypocrisy, double standards and omission for Jews: in their language, in microphones, in their pens and in their blood!

The despicable attempt of Gideon Levy, who he said used to 'walk around in a van with Ezra Navi', to shake it off and reduce the well-known and overt deeds since the Oslo scam, of those far-left activists to: "one man"? An insult to intelligence! And it's like abandoning a 'wounded' friend in a typical and predictable treacherous act-area. Expected from a leftist fanatic caught in his perversion !.

Levy increased his swearing "in the lives of his children" to convince Ilana that he did not know what would happen to Arabs who traded land with Jews when they were handed over to the Palestinian Authority?

Is there a single citizen, regardless of religion.. who does not know what happens to an Arab suspected of collaborating with the Zionist enemy?

Let alone investigative journalistic material like Gideon Levy? Even if he, to his shame, does not understand a word in Arabic. Is this a journalist who has spent almost his entire life in this field and more than others? Where did you get this Gideon Levy from? And swear by your children?

"A person has to belong to an intelligence in order to believe such things, but an ordinary person cannot be so stupid"! Also in the opinion of George Orwell!

Only they will not tell us that Amira Hass also does not know what happens to Arabs who trade with Jews?

In conclusion, I very much hope that Ilana Dayan will not be intimidated by the threats of the bully and violent left in understandable panic, so they will not stop terrorizing 'Ovda' investigators lest they reveal more details about their betrayal and the exploits of leftist activists against our IDF soldiers. For his sake, and against innocent Jews, but will continue to do its work faithfully without fear and without prejudice towards all without religious, ethnic and partisan distinction — as equals of equal...

By the way, I heard the journalist Ari Shavit in 'Diary Friday' on 1/15/16 warns us against using the word 'traitors' against those far-left activists. And in one breath, like many on the left who automatically remind us of the 'incitement that preceded Rabin's assassination' in order to silence the right, despite the fact that the incitement to Rabin's assassination was done by one man, according to Gideon Levy, by the inciter, openly instigator to the assassination of Rabin who was Gilon's 'champagne' in the Rabin / Peres / Oslo government named Avishai Raviv, and despite the fact that the then attorney general, Menachem Mazuz, investigated this incitement well and concluded that: "I know it is customary to repeatedly mention the assassination of the Prime Minister as an outgrowth of incitement, to this day no one has proved it!" (August 2005) !!

Nor does this fact prevent that Bolshevik left from continuing to slander and incite against the right for no wrongdoing, automatically, and without letting any fact and no conclusion confuse them!

I would like to refer Shavit and his tribe to the Ibn Shushan dictionary to internalize and learn once and for all what the word 'traitor' means: "Breach of trust, a person who acts against his friends, against his people, or against his country and helps the enemy."

On the contrary, Ari Shavit is honored to answer us honestly: Who in our homeland meets this criterion?

Finally, it bothers me that the media has never engaged in research on those malignant associations and organizations called by the left: 'Human Rights' - No way!, and the New Foundation headed by those who work in their eyes "for our benefit" as if... And in the question: To point out one bright spot that worked for Israel in exchange for their activities here and in the world?

One 'bright spot' that 'benefited' our international outreach and 'our good'? Who contributed to our 'peace' and security and 'our good'? Who acted for the belief in the righteousness of our factual way? The public's right to know!

I have noticed, since the establishment and activity of all Israeli left-wing organizations for generations, and the lucrative and profitable 'peace' institutes here and around the world - the world remains against us and even becomes much larger anti-Semitic than it was...


Biased and stasis coverage: On Navi, Levy and Breaking the Silence

In Haaretz, Ezra Nawi's conviction for sodomy against a minor is framed as irrelevant. Gideon Levy's insult from the investigation that was broadcast in fact is a strong expression of the media's bias. "Breaking the silence" are not opponents of a regime, but doers of other regimes

Tal Raphael | 12/1/2016

1. Ezra Nawi
As is well known, in the past Ezra Navi was convicted of an act of sodomy on a minor, and in 1997 even ran for this offense a sentence of actual imprisonment. For Amira Hass from Haaretz, this is merely an ancient and marginal conviction, which she vaguely calls: "solicitation and the cause of a minor." There is no definition in the law of "minor cause", and "solicitation" is not exactly an offense in itself (solicitation for what?). Apparently, Hess is playing with the terms in order to avoid the legal definition of an "act of sodomy," which may sound threatening to her. She frames the "ancient" conviction as some sort of irrelevant item in Navi's biography, one that helps attack him for no wrong in his palm. Just like the fact that he wears "headgear that deviates from his nerdy standard of appearance" (yes, so originally).

By the way, Nawi is not clean of convictions to say the least. A few years ago he was convicted of participating in a riot and assaulting a police officer. Nawi appealed, and the judgment on appeal read as follows: "In his (Nawi-TR's) past violent offenses unrelated to his political doctrine. Public, various drug offenses and transportation of "Shavim".
After all this, Amira Hass thinks it is easy to treat him because he is "gay, oriental, aging". Oh, so that's the reason?

2. Gideon Levy
Among right-wing circles, there is often the claim that the media is unbalanced. In order to prove the claim, it is customary to count the number of right-wingers participating in the panel, or to highlight in a red line "convicting" words in biased coverage. But a strong expression of the media's misrepresentation could be found in the astonishment that gripped Gideon Levy at the end of the broadcast of the investigation in "Ovda." "I was bothered by a few things here," he said in the studio. "But more than that, Ilana, with all the appreciation, bothered me that you broadcast this article." In other words, Levy told Dayan, we are old friends. There is an unwritten covenant between us that you have just broken.

He continued to express the insult even in his column in Haaretz: "The story is how the deadly virus of distraction in the propaganda service also penetrated into the almost last outpost of the real press in the tribal bonfire," Levy wrote of "Ovda." "How did a right-wing McCarthyist organization, whose motives are clear (and vile) and whose origins are unknown, manage to easily seduce such esteemed journalists as Ilana Dayan and Omri Assenheim." They are ours, Levy shouts. Although Dayan answered him nicely ("We do not work for you", she wrote in a column published following the review), but the point lies in Levy's assumption: after all, communication and truth research is a game we all play here, why, Ilana, violated the rules of the game.

3. Stasi
"We do not work for the Stasi and do not respond to the Stasi," Breaking the Silence responded to an investigation into them, in which it was revealed that the organization transferred funds to Nawi and Guy Botvia. The Stasi, the secret police of East Germany operated since the 1950s. Its job was to locate the perpetrators under the government and punish them.

Ostensibly, they will say in "Vouchers", we are brave opponents of a regime and in front of us a thought police. But in practice, these opponents of the regime are not exactly opponents of the regime, but the doers of other regimes, from which they receive a budget and in spite of which they are secretive. The NGO Monitor Institute recently revealed that donors to the Breaking the Silence organization have in the past conditioned the transfer of money on obtaining a certain number of negative testimonies. For example, the aid organization ICCO (funded by the Dutch government) required Breaking the Silence to interview at least 90 soldiers in 2009. Breaking the Silence also signed another contract with the British organization Oxfam (funded by the UK government), which requires them to conduct interviews with "Some That more "soldiers who testify to the performance of" immoral "acts that violate human rights.

In other words, "Breaking the Silence" are working to fulfill the will of these "regimes," to whom they report regularly. If what was revealed in the investigation is true, then in "Breaking the Silence" they paid money to Palestinian activists in order for them to attend the demonstrations. Photographs, which show the reactions of IDF soldiers to rioting demonstrators, are regularly transmitted by a variety of organizations to the authorities of the defending and funding countries. So who is working against whom and on a mission?


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (79) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Former 'unreliable B'tselem propagandist' steps down from ratings giant Sustainalytics [569 words]Rita VAug 10, 2022 17:18284999
Another Pallywood fake B'tselem Basel Adra: Ma'on Farm [268 words]Diana from CaliforniaApr 15, 2022 12:02279811
Inviting people to use symmetry in reasoning [361 words]PrashantApr 16, 2022 16:39279811
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"sustained and systematic effort to alter a bellicose mentality" [111 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
David BakinJun 5, 2007 15:0596116
Dr Pipes changing tone.. [112 words]
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HarrakApr 16, 2007 21:0189431
Thanks Dr Pipes [10 words]HarrakApr 17, 2007 21:2589431
Jaw-dropper [86 words]Mark RothApr 13, 2007 07:5489130
Martin Indyk and Dennis Ross are badly misinformed and a real danger to Israeli Jews [152 words]Kenneth BesigMar 18, 2007 02:4886685
Agree with Kenneth Besig's calibration re: Ross v Indyk; however... [597 words]marianaMar 19, 2007 22:2886685
Is It Time Yet? [367 words]Ron ThompsonMar 17, 2007 19:3986662
Hearings on Israeli-Palestinian "Progress" [23 words]Herb JuristMar 16, 2007 23:1086586
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House subcommittee hearing [45 words]Steven LMar 16, 2007 17:2386543
Will this fairy tale never end? [187 words]DrRJPMar 5, 2007 18:0280412
Middle East Experts [152 words]DavodMar 12, 2007 05:0680412
Mysterious and Unique Logic? [184 words]Dean KitnickFeb 26, 2007 19:5479152
Re your position toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict [68 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Gabriel RinzlerFeb 25, 2007 21:0278889
Let the Arabs rot... [304 words]Linda MooreFeb 26, 2007 12:1778889
"Let the Arabs Rot" by Linda [245 words]Fred SchlomkaFeb 28, 2007 11:1878889
OK, rot or prosper, I don't care which [194 words]Linda MooreFeb 28, 2007 17:4778889
Rot or Prosper continued [172 words]Fred SchlomkaMar 1, 2007 00:0878889
I find it hard to believe you are Israeli - all of your hostility is directed at Israel [310 words]Linda MooreMar 1, 2007 17:4478889
1There are many types of Israelis. We are no more homogenious than people in the USA [283 words]Fred SchlomkaMar 2, 2007 09:3578889
Litmus test is dangerous to Antisemites [66 words]DeMar 2, 2007 17:3378889
Visit this site... [143 words]Linda MooreMar 2, 2007 19:0578889
Of Maps and fatalities [454 words]Fred SchlomkaMar 4, 2007 05:1478889
To: Fred Schlomka, Incredible. "You just can't make it up!" [454 words]marianaMar 19, 2007 20:4178889
To Daniel and Gabriel: on "Winning" [522 words]marianaMar 20, 2007 00:4978889
to Mariana [100 words]ASMar 22, 2007 00:3878889
Fred Schlomka: -Israeli leftist- Is there a difference? [87 words]Mr. ShawarmaMar 27, 2007 23:4678889
Boorish title from Mr. Shawamra [192 words]Fred SchlomkaMar 29, 2007 04:1178889
To Mariana from an israeli [461 words]Fred SchlomkaMar 29, 2007 16:2678889
I applaud those whom you and Jonathan Cook refer to as "thugs" and yes, Jew hater = Ashkenazi Leftist [402 words]Mr.ShawarmaMar 29, 2007 17:0578889
attack by Shawamra [197 words]Fred SchlomkaMar 31, 2007 02:3078889
Fred Schlomka's comments [319 words]Mr. ShawarmaMar 31, 2007 17:3078889
To: Fred Schlomka: on "armchairs and nonsense." [1572 words]marianaApr 1, 2007 12:5078889
some comments for Mariana [878 words]Fred SchlomkaApr 2, 2007 04:3278889
To: AS: This is an ISLAM vs EVERYONE ELSE issue [943 words]marianaApr 2, 2007 11:3878889
To Fred Schlomka: Your "Middle Eastern" Construct is clear. Forgive me if "I pass." [776 words]marianaApr 4, 2007 17:0378889
Fred Schlomka - Hill Top Youth comments verified [40 words]Fred SchlomkaDec 3, 2008 03:4178889
B'TSELEM: Anti Israel liars, unreliable source, propagandists , posing as "human rights activists" [2927 words]FilipSep 1, 2020 11:5778889
Btselem: fake & hypocritical In face of publicized racist Arab attacks inside Israel [77 words]NazariasApr 19, 2021 06:5578889
Fake lying B'Tselem' / Haaretz Basel al-Adara reminds Jussie Smollet [712 words]BassemDec 3, 2021 16:4078889
Exposure of B'tselem's criminal Ezra Bawi and unreliable Haaretz's war on program that exposed him [2865 words]FilipDec 5, 2021 09:1978889
Radical bigot Zehava Galon lack of basic English exposed too [1877 words]FilipOct 18, 2022 19:2378889
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mike DavisFeb 25, 2007 20:2878883
War of Wills [455 words]OliverFeb 25, 2007 17:4778869
Negotiation is valuable, even if you believe it won't bring peace [277 words]Erik NelsonFeb 25, 2007 17:2378866
Illumination [297 words]Felipe OrnelasMar 1, 2007 18:4778866
Chamberlain negotiated at Munich... [149 words]DeanMar 16, 2007 23:2478866
Biological [126 words]Don HedemanFeb 25, 2007 17:0978865
ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES.. [186 words]DONVANMar 20, 2007 16:0178865
To Donvan: Interesting; would you expand. [152 words]marianaApr 2, 2007 11:5578865
It is not academic.. [174 words]DONVANApr 3, 2007 10:3278865
An unlikely negotiation [289 words]Melvyn RosensteinFeb 25, 2007 15:2978850
re "Arab & Muslim World." [160 words]Jascha KesslerFeb 25, 2007 15:2778849
history and the arab and islamic world [87 words]rodney allsworthFeb 25, 2007 22:3678849
Reaction to Pipes, Indyk, Makovsky Congressional Testimony [187 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Martin KaufmanFeb 25, 2007 10:0878790
The Good Old Gulag Days. [42 words]LeeFeb 25, 2007 09:3578788
Apology for not making it with my big Speed Graphic camera [233 words]Dan SchwartzFeb 25, 2007 08:4378780
Re House Subcommittee on Israeli -Palestinian Nego... [26 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
david levyFeb 25, 2007 06:2078766
consider this... [140 words]JoshuaFeb 22, 2007 00:0578292
RE: Great debate [279 words]Donald Grant CheesmanFeb 25, 2007 18:5778292
"OH NO!" "DON'T SAY IT!" But ... "BRAVO!" [1378 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Sofa SogoodFeb 21, 2007 16:5378222
Peace or Genocide [184 words]Felipe OrnelasFeb 20, 2007 12:1878061
Hate to disagree with you but I do. [105 words]PeterFeb 20, 2007 11:1278054
Hate to disagree with your disagreement, but I do [106 words]Dean KitnickFeb 20, 2007 18:2878054
No dean, you have misunderstood ... [128 words]PeterFeb 21, 2007 23:1178054
No misunderstanding, I just think you're wrong. [86 words]Dean KitnickFeb 22, 2007 20:0878054
I agree with Peter [51 words]Irish SavantFeb 25, 2007 07:1078054
Reality Check [219 words]LarryFeb 25, 2007 09:3878054
Some things are non-negotiable [106 words]ZerubbabelFeb 25, 2007 10:1778054
Actually you needn't wonder. My comments stand on their face. [166 words]PeterFeb 25, 2007 15:3078054
Furthermore [69 words]PeterFeb 25, 2007 15:3678054
The genocide gene evolves [258 words]AronFeb 25, 2007 19:0078054
Why elevate Israel legitimacy to a debate? [59 words]JakeFeb 26, 2007 11:4278054
Subcommittee Investigations [435 words]MichaelMar 3, 2007 12:5578054

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