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Major Islamic Groups and Their AIM

Reader comment on item: [Pew Poll on] How Muslims Think

Submitted by Shantilal Verma (India), Jul 8, 2006 at 05:57

Islamic Khalifa " Osama Bin Laden" with his Billion Strong Islamic Army is heading towards the all out confrontation with civilised world. This is a sort of " World Jihad Movement". Although all these Terrorist Organisation , Radical Groups, Militant Factions , Islamic Charities , Muslim Communities are having different names , they are interconnected and are part of a " World Jihad Movement" , they cooperate & coordinate for the ultimate aim to bring the civilised world under the green flag of Islam.You can see that Indonesians burning flags of Israel & USA , they didn't share even history , didn't share borders, In spite of that they hate Jews & Americans because Quran teaches them to do so and Mullahs give calls to kill infidels during Friday Sermons " Khutba". Yesterday Iranian President " Mehmood Ahmedinejhad again threatened Israel and USA of Islamic Explosion in the World. World Leaders must open their eyes and ears , they must see and hear what Islamic Leaders are calling for ! and they mean it.

Islamist Front

Apart from these there are hundreds and thousands of Muslim Organisations in every corner of World working actively to promote and profess " MILITANT ISLAM".

Freedom Lovers of World must unite and support an all out " Global War Against Militant Islam".


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (408) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
11Please can anyone name ONE good thing islam has done ? [24 words]Phil GreendMay 13, 2012 17:16195590
one good thing from Islam [37 words]ChrisFeb 5, 2016 03:19195590
nonsense [10 words]BassanMar 13, 2016 03:26195590
7truth [98 words]steve omaraNov 20, 2011 17:09191056
7Islam [26 words]HumanSep 24, 2010 19:20178664
Another preaching ignorance to the masses... [180 words]JonJul 1, 2011 23:09178664
typical Muslim moderate response [90 words]John SmithOct 10, 2013 09:31178664
answer [79 words]martinSep 4, 2014 14:10178664
13outlaw islam in america [37 words]danielDec 31, 2008 01:53146388
Pipes' comment accurate? [75 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
traehOct 28, 2007 19:35112531
8allow muslims to immigrate to the west ? ? ? [99 words]Phil GreendJul 7, 2007 19:24103204
10More muslim stupidity [720 words]MarieJun 11, 2007 23:0197753
4What can we do to get together and stop them? [387 words]Daryle DawsonDec 23, 2007 10:4497753
2What can we do to get together and stop them? [69 words]Howard E. CookJan 3, 2008 14:2197753
Merci mon Dieu [9 words]Samer SukhunApr 23, 2008 20:5997753
1BLIDNESS OF ANTISLAMIST [175 words]WIDADDec 1, 2008 17:3697753
May Allah support [30 words]sTsDec 3, 2008 07:5397753
5Agree completely [600 words]T JMar 4, 2009 12:1997753
1How Muslims think [413 words]SallyMay 12, 2009 10:0897753
Respect Muslims, and everyone too. [135 words]DiaMay 17, 2009 14:0997753
7It's Too Late For Europe [169 words]RomanSep 5, 2009 10:2797753
8Annihilation of islam [157 words]James A.WyattNov 9, 2009 21:3597753
Count me in [168 words]Ean GerardMar 20, 2011 23:4797753
1You seem to have a problem right there [127 words]Ean GerardMar 21, 2011 00:1197753
Who are the infidels [136 words]Ean GerardMar 21, 2011 00:5097753
5An Islamist's prayer [109 words]PrashantMar 22, 2011 23:3597753
Why let it happen? [268 words]Tien BingJan 6, 2012 21:5197753
Don't generalise [75 words]amyJul 30, 2012 02:4997753
True American [59 words]DipOct 3, 2013 00:0597753
Is this even true [35 words]MowafagOct 10, 2013 03:4097753
Why do Americans and people in the UK [17 words]Michael JamesDec 3, 2013 05:2997753
today the Koran & AK47 tommorow the koran and nuclear holy bomb [10 words]kennyJun 30, 2014 00:1197753
The truth of islam [44 words]rushdanApr 19, 2007 00:0489730
3Religion of Doom - rushdan!!! [105 words]JaladhiApr 20, 2007 17:2189730
2For our dear rushdan rabina yurshidu 3aqluhu [27 words]dihmmi no moreApr 20, 2007 20:5789730
3? ? Religion of peace ? ? [54 words]Phil GreendMay 15, 2007 18:3289730
3Rushdan [113 words]ScottyJul 1, 2007 17:2089730
how can this be? [4 words]tugboatAug 17, 2009 12:2789730
2Just accept [78 words]E.McAteerOct 14, 2006 06:5660306
Islam [41 words]RussellSep 29, 2010 00:4960306
3Popper anyone? [62 words]jack hawkinsOct 10, 2006 05:5559496
4Totally agree with you [60 words]Stephen PhillipsOct 15, 2006 19:2959496
4What is wrong with Crusaders? [231 words]Matt JoseAug 30, 2007 04:5859496
to the point factual and asked the right questions. [72 words]staggerleeJun 2, 2008 12:5359496
crusaders [334 words]douwlaMay 20, 2009 14:1859496
3just giving an example of india, among the few of islamic suppresive nature.. [176 words]rajatJan 17, 2011 14:0659496
How you find out this information? [268 words]deeAug 11, 2006 13:4952416
3Not all Muslims... [109 words]DONVANJul 31, 2007 10:1252416
2Of course all terror attacks are by Muslims [249 words]Ean GerardMar 21, 2011 02:5252416
1They are gleeful about causing terror around the world and screaming for more... [1693 words]GFAug 2, 2006 05:1551500
3Do what I say, not what I do [181 words]Danish/AmericanAug 3, 2006 15:1551500
UK problem [128 words]tuxxxJan 14, 2008 19:0751500
2too right [116 words]realistJul 29, 2009 08:5051500
3Muslims throwing acid on innocent women & children [42 words]banghbandhuJul 28, 2006 15:2551078
1Re: Muslims throwing acid on children and women [97 words]ZiaOct 14, 2007 00:1851078
Watch out : Any peaceloving muslim neighbour or friend can be a hidden Terrorist or Sleeping Cell of Al Qaida [250 words]TheodorusJul 23, 2006 16:5250674
From the biggest jihadi nuclear proliferator to the frontline 'ally against terror', And Back: Latest report on the Islamic Bombs of Pakistan [413 words]GFJul 24, 2006 11:0150674
Muslim populations grows and Islamic Terrorism increases [47 words]Anubhav KhannaJul 19, 2006 17:5950229
3Muslims and Hitler..same ideology [278 words]Danish/AmericanJul 27, 2006 14:4050229
reply to danish [29 words]rahimin nassirApr 19, 2007 00:1050229
3rahimin nassir [78 words]dansih/americanApr 19, 2007 16:3350229
=>arrogant danish [62 words]rahimin nassirApr 20, 2007 10:0050229
Reply to Rahimin Nassir [35 words]Ean GerardMar 21, 2011 03:3650229
Rahimin Nassir - is even more arrogant [93 words]Ean GerardMar 21, 2011 03:4550229
Survey [42 words]PADRAEGJul 18, 2006 11:5750007
Stereo-typed [59 words]SubriahJul 16, 2006 22:3849851
1Subriah [40 words]Danish/AmericanJul 17, 2006 06:4249851
Question for Subriah [62 words]Kevin MJul 17, 2006 06:5449851
In support of Subriah [77 words]B. MustaphaJul 18, 2006 08:0849851
Questions for Kevin and Danish/American [63 words]SaladinJul 19, 2006 07:3749851
2Saladin..an answer..sort of. [3069 words]Danish/AmericanJul 21, 2006 07:2949851
Danish/American, you forgot to mention [109 words]SaladinJul 22, 2006 05:0549851
2Saladin [149 words]Danish/AmericanJul 22, 2006 16:2249851
2Your answers, Saladin [225 words]Kevin MJul 22, 2006 19:2349851
B Moustapha and Q 9:5 and it is anbiya and not ambiya [64 words]dhimmi no moreJul 24, 2006 19:5549851
danish/american [96 words]ahmad zafireJul 24, 2006 22:2149851
3Allah and God are two different entities [78 words]InfidelJul 25, 2006 16:2849851
To;Danish/American, dhimmi no more [237 words]B. MustaphaJul 26, 2006 07:2349851
For Salah al-deen and Arabian imperialism! [387 words]dhimmi no moreJul 26, 2006 07:2849851
1B. Mustapha..Uncertain claims? [213 words]Danish/AmericanJul 26, 2006 17:1449851
B.Moustapha: ...Ayat al-saif and Muslim logic. [298 words]dhimmi no moreJul 26, 2006 18:0949851
1The western world and our wacky views of life [226 words]Danish/AmericanJul 26, 2006 21:3649851
For Moustapha and Ayat al-saif and anbiya and not ambiya part deux [302 words]dhimmi no moreJul 27, 2006 06:3349851
Kevin. M and Danish/American [122 words]SaladinJul 27, 2006 17:1249851
2Saladin, [215 words]Danish/AmericanJul 28, 2006 06:0449851
1Brilliant! [10 words]PDMJul 28, 2006 13:3449851
2Danish/American: Who attacked New York Twin Towers? [270 words]B. MustaphaJul 31, 2006 10:0449851
B.Mustapha...where do you get your info?? [625 words]Danish/AmericanJul 31, 2006 19:3449851
Danish/American; more for you [454 words]B. MustaphaAug 4, 2006 04:4149851
For Danish/American [216 words]B. MustaphaAug 4, 2006 05:1249851
Mustafa..look at the other penal codes. [257 words]Danish/AmericanAug 4, 2006 16:4449851
3Mustapha respects racists [167 words]InfidelAug 5, 2006 00:4649851
You don't get offended if an Imam breaks laws of Islam? [420 words]Danish/AmericanAug 5, 2006 04:5649851
For B. Mustapha: Conspiracy theory and Mustapha (Rabina Musahil 'Alaikum) [38 words]dhimmi no moreAug 5, 2006 17:5749851
For Mustapha (Rabna Musahil 'Alayhu) conspiracy theory and the 9/11 atrocity! [369 words]dhimmi no moreAug 6, 2006 07:5149851
Well Said [38 words]AbbieAug 8, 2006 05:5649851
Mustapha Supports the Klu Klux Klan even though they would love to fry him!! Uneducated and not ashamed [91 words]AbbieAug 8, 2006 06:2449851
1To: Infidel- David Duke [148 words]B. MustaphaAug 8, 2006 10:2549851
1Mustapha....You are Black...hello??? The KKK hates you as much as me!!! [98 words]AbbieAug 9, 2006 02:1549851
Mustapha, Google for Duke and Learn [48 words]InfidelAug 10, 2006 01:3749851
2KKK..white CHRISITIANS only [86 words]Danish/AmericanAug 10, 2006 13:2749851
DAVID DUKE is the National President European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO), [184 words]B. MustaphaAug 14, 2006 05:0049851
dhimmi no more; here are Ur answers [512 words]B. MustaphaAug 14, 2006 05:5349851
For B. Mustapha (Rabina Mushil 'Aalihu) and the mother of all gems [37 words]dhimmi no moreAug 14, 2006 19:0949851
For B. Mustapha (Rabina Mushil 'Aalihu) no I changed my mind defending David Duke is the mother of all gems [48 words]dhimmi no moreAug 14, 2006 19:1649851
For B. Mustapha (Rabina Mushil 'Aalihu) and the mother of all gems part deux [302 words]dhimmi no moreAug 15, 2006 07:1249851
2Chinese view [22 words]Anders ErlandssonSep 2, 2006 09:3649851
To Danish/American [40 words]SubriahOct 28, 2006 19:3449851
Real Face of Islam [243 words]THORFeb 8, 2007 13:0849851
1Muslim terror [61 words]nomoreislamSep 20, 2007 09:4549851
Osama bin Laden admitted his involvement???. [140 words]Mustapha BSep 26, 2007 06:1749851
Why? [5 words]TiffanyJan 8, 2008 12:2449851
Who started it all? [5 words]Ean GerardMar 21, 2011 04:5049851
1czech standpoint [335 words]lindaJul 14, 2006 11:3149649
2At least Gypsies don't commit suicide bombings to murder innocents [75 words]Lucky BanjaraJul 15, 2006 10:3149649
Please add to your list also Gypsy music! [27 words]MosheJul 16, 2006 09:0949649
reply [96 words]lindaJul 16, 2006 13:0649649
To Linda [2 words]Kevin MJul 22, 2006 19:2949649
1why? [202 words]melanie.. confused and worriedJul 13, 2006 15:0449581
Man's path to self destruction [195 words]InfidelJul 14, 2006 14:4949581
Thanks [59 words]JoshJan 11, 2009 07:2749581
flawed laws [45 words]John BoySep 10, 2013 21:2249581
Militant Islam again strikes in India , 60 dead , Hundreds wounded in serial bomb blasts [328 words]MohitJul 11, 2006 11:0649394
How Musharraf Thinks [180 words]Georges FernandezJul 15, 2006 23:3149394
Indian Media discovers Islamic Jihad [481 words]Georges FernandezJul 16, 2006 12:5249394
2Secular India !! For who? [159 words]JaladhiJul 19, 2006 16:2749394
Background of the Curious Interpretation of Secularism in India, vis-a-vis Islamic Jihad [1563 words]GFJul 20, 2006 07:4749394
to George, GF and Jaladhi [69 words]Anubhav SinghJul 25, 2006 03:0549394
1Au Contraire, Anubhav... [223 words]jaladhiJul 25, 2006 22:1349394
No Dhimmitude For Daniel Pipes! [350 words]Georges Fernandez (GF)Jul 27, 2006 00:2949394
Mr.Daniel Pipes deserves "Nobel Prize for Peace" [228 words]NiktinJul 9, 2006 09:0749264
2Honest Confession from Mohammad ( Ex-Muslim) [1202 words]AmanJul 8, 2006 14:1549233
Reply To: Aman Jihad verses [628 words]SohailJul 10, 2006 14:5049233
Reply To: Aman [451 words]B. MustaphaJul 11, 2006 07:0249233
Sohail teaches us Jihad verses [95 words]MosheJul 11, 2006 11:5349233
Reply to Sohail [401 words]KJBJul 11, 2006 13:3349233
More murder from christians than muslims [97 words]ahmad zafireJul 11, 2006 22:5949233
Solving the problem of conflict [112 words]InfidelJul 14, 2006 15:1049233
For Sohail: speaking of "corruption": The Qur'an must be the most edited so called holy book! [39 words]dhimmi no moreJul 22, 2006 16:3449233
Reply to: dhimmi no more [207 words]SohailJul 24, 2006 08:4849233
For Sohail al-faylasoof al-kabeer and the flawed Muslim logic [736 words]dhimmi no moreJul 24, 2006 17:5249233
For Sohail (Rabna Yusahil Alaikum) and the Bible part Deux [197 words]dhimmi no moreJul 25, 2006 06:5249233
For Sohail (Rabna Yusahil Alaikum) and the Bible part Trois [36 words]dhimmi no moreJul 29, 2006 17:5949233
To: dhimmi no more [168 words]B. MustaphaJul 31, 2006 10:4249233
For B. Mustapha, and Rabina Musahil 'Alihu: Sohail (Rabina Yusahil Alaikum) and other sordid matters [1032 words]dhimmi no moreJul 31, 2006 18:1549233
For B. Mustapha It seems that I win the challenge of the Qur'an part deux [387 words]dhimmi no moreJul 31, 2006 18:5049233
For Sohail (Rabna Yusahil Alaikum) and the Bible part Quatre [60 words]dhimmi no moreAug 1, 2006 06:2849233
Sohail's Proof, Bible Corrupted [521 words]InfidelAug 15, 2006 20:4549233
to ahmad zafire [120 words]jack hawkinsOct 10, 2006 06:0949233
jack hawkins [50 words]ahmad zafireOct 11, 2006 10:0249233
Eh??? [145 words]jack hawkinsOct 23, 2006 07:4549233
Mr. hawkins: Let me show you a terrorist [90 words]B. MustaphaOct 31, 2006 06:1449233
Muslim terrorists? where do I start [82 words]jack hawkinsNov 1, 2006 04:0649233
how can muslims say this about other religions? [189 words]anti-jihadiNov 29, 2006 11:5649233
Never Forget ! Never Forgive ! Never Let Your Guard Down ! [93 words]TarubhaisaJul 8, 2006 06:0349198
Hate.. [37 words]IggyJul 30, 2007 13:3149198
Major Islamic Groups and Their AIM [663 words]Shantilal VermaJul 8, 2006 05:5749197
Unholy Alliance of Terrorists [177 words]JaladhiJul 10, 2006 12:1349197
This Is Known; But The Leftists Block A Sane Response [102 words]orange yonasonJul 11, 2006 01:2249197
anarchy is straight ahead by ignoring the radical Islam threat of deceit & violence & intent! [104 words]Don MarshJul 7, 2006 16:3049170
[Pew Poll on] How Muslims Think [30 words]S.C.PandaJul 7, 2006 06:3449137
Bad Dream [823 words]Living in my CocoonJul 5, 2006 08:2348911
Living in my Cocoon, [133 words]SaladinJul 9, 2006 00:0648911
to 'living in my cocoon' [112 words]Anubhav SinghJul 14, 2006 07:4648911
British Government asks muslims to stand up to terrorists [323 words]VijayJul 4, 2006 17:3248873
tony blair is right [82 words]ahmad zafireJul 5, 2006 21:5648873
1Any Muslim Who Does Not Openly Condemn Terrorism... [374 words]DaveJul 4, 2006 16:5448871
Anyone Who Does Not Openly Condemn the Empire... [273 words]SaladinJul 7, 2006 04:2648871
Forcing a Change on Society [210 words]FredJul 4, 2006 08:2348841
Not facing reality [132 words]Donald W. BalesJul 3, 2006 09:3048777
Whether It Be Western Or Muslim, We Humans Have Our Weaknesses [24 words]AnneMJul 5, 2006 19:3148777
The Decline of the West's Moral strength [1111 words]Reuben HorneJul 2, 2006 21:5048750
Revisionist views in Australia [150 words]Anubhav SinghJul 12, 2006 08:2748750
Remember, this IS a survey [283 words]No DhimmiJul 2, 2006 12:5348726
On your mark, get set, go [32 words]robert aJul 4, 2006 05:3848726
yes!! [32 words]ahmad zafireJul 4, 2006 05:5048726
Islam [39 words]The Royal CanadianJul 1, 2006 00:1948631
Royal Canadian [19 words]Danish/AmericanJul 3, 2006 11:4748631
To:Royal Canadian & Danish/American [205 words]B. MustaphaJul 10, 2006 07:0548631
To B. Mustafa [71 words]MosheJul 11, 2006 06:2048631
What Muslims Think - Pew Poll [294 words]Maurice PicowJun 30, 2006 11:2048555
Islam Is Right: Western Governing Class is the Problem [225 words]JoeJun 29, 2006 18:3448467
You got it right, Joe [75 words]Abdul RahmanJun 30, 2006 17:3348467
The meaning of "views" [163 words]Josh G.Jun 29, 2006 16:1648452
You are right - it's okay for Muslims to lie for serving Allah [48 words]Alain Jean-MairetJun 30, 2006 08:3648452
Beliefs? [47 words]Hoot HowellJun 30, 2006 10:2448452
Different Paths (continued) [318 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratJun 29, 2006 09:4848425
Different Paths [397 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratJun 29, 2006 09:3248421
NOW WE ARE GETTING SOMEWHERE!!!!! [170 words]ahmad zafireJun 29, 2006 19:4748421
It All Comes Down For The Need To Get With The 21st Century [55 words]AnneMJul 5, 2006 08:3748421
anne m [46 words]ahmad zafireJul 5, 2006 22:0248421
Islam needs its first reformation, Christianity its second [406 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratJul 6, 2006 06:2848421
What reformations of Christianity you guys are talking about? [92 words]SaladinJul 9, 2006 09:4848421
I've only read the bible once [531 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratJul 11, 2006 21:4248421
try not to confuse what i said.... [43 words]ahmad zafireJul 11, 2006 22:4448421
6World must outlaw Islam or Crush Militant Islam Militarily [329 words]RadadaJun 29, 2006 06:0448412
1Radada - right on! [21 words]Josh G.Jun 29, 2006 16:2148412
Right on indeed... [16 words]Alain Jean-MairetJun 30, 2006 08:2348412
1Radada rules [20 words]AgnosticJun 30, 2006 10:5048412
USA solving Islamic crisis?? [161 words]Anubhav SinghJul 28, 2006 03:3048412
20Kill Islam at once [87 words]MudasirMar 25, 2007 17:5148412
3Please Read This Article Ladies [946 words]Mark RaienMay 10, 2007 17:5748412
I agree [66 words]Fred JonesJul 2, 2007 16:1548412
1Islam and Teddy bears! [108 words]BBDec 1, 2007 19:3148412
1The Danger that Islam Poses for the civilized nations [89 words]Ariana MehsudJun 13, 2008 09:3848412
1Islamic threat [76 words]K BolgerApr 24, 2009 03:3648412
Distinguishing between truths, opinions, hate and agenda [876 words]SolkharMay 3, 2009 10:5948412
Islam [176 words]Ex. salimMay 13, 2009 10:2448412
Radaa [77 words]AdzMay 27, 2009 22:3648412
whens obama going to put the troops [7 words]bullfrog62Nov 5, 2009 22:2248412
yes its quran thats fundamentally flawed [78 words]javedJun 26, 2010 12:5748412
Islam [151 words]CarderSep 12, 2010 19:3448412
We Agree on the Threat – What to do [337 words]Al GinsburghJun 28, 2006 17:5248381
The answer is simple but we don't want to hear it when we are calm [131 words]SullyJun 29, 2006 22:5848381
Muslim assertions vs. Muslim beliefs [127 words]RolandJun 28, 2006 17:5048380
Absolutely! [187 words]Kevin MJun 29, 2006 18:0948380
Very true! [37 words]MosheJun 30, 2006 04:0248380
yes indeed... [83 words]ahmad zafireJul 6, 2006 04:1448380
The situation in the UK is different than elsewhere [243 words]Yoel NatanJun 28, 2006 16:3948373
1The DNA of Islam [567 words]YovenJun 28, 2006 16:0048368
there is only one islam and one muslim [119 words]ahmad zafireJun 28, 2006 23:3348368
1Ahmad Zafire tells it like it is [131 words]InfidelJul 23, 2006 15:4448368
infidel.....To your claims [40 words]ahmad zafireJul 23, 2006 18:5948368
Zafire, Muslims Good and Great People [109 words]InfidelAug 10, 2006 02:4048368
infidel returning your answer [135 words]ahmad zafireAug 10, 2006 23:0748368
Really Ahmad - just how much do you know about your faith? [80 words]Jack hawkinsOct 24, 2006 06:3748368
Jack hawkins; Indeed Islam is peace! [196 words]B. MustaphaNov 7, 2006 05:5248368
I'm from Birmingham not Ur [55 words]jack hawkinsNov 8, 2006 06:2848368
Why think when somebody else can do it for them. [317 words]JaladhiJun 28, 2006 12:2248356
how Muslims think? [138 words]JohnJun 28, 2006 11:0248351
Reply to John [269 words]AscalonJun 28, 2006 17:2548351
true???? [117 words]ahmad zafireJun 28, 2006 23:4448351
Reply to Nawab [112 words]TammyJun 28, 2006 09:5548347
Poll the BBC et al [14 words]RobJun 28, 2006 09:2248341
Nawab and Sahaad's common deceit [276 words]D WolfJun 28, 2006 05:5148324
Mind's amazing ability to hold contradictory thoughts [262 words]Abdul RahmanJun 28, 2006 01:5448313
3You are of the same feathers as Ali Sinai [87 words]YovenJun 28, 2006 16:5148313
Gullible West [64 words]JaladhiJun 29, 2006 22:0948313
Suggestion for an article for Dr. Pipes [188 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Kevin MJul 4, 2006 09:1448313
smoldering fire [115 words]John ManittaJun 28, 2006 01:5048312
Time to wake up from deep coma of ignorance toward militant Muslims [369 words]TTSJun 28, 2006 00:0348310
How Muslims Think [63 words]steven LJun 27, 2006 22:4648305
How Muslims Think [145 words]steven LJun 28, 2006 21:1348305
Pew Poll Is No Suprise At All [73 words]AnneMJun 27, 2006 22:3948304
Muslims? Think? [195 words]orange yonasonJun 27, 2006 22:0548301
error in article [51 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mike WevrickJun 27, 2006 21:3248298
I know enough about Islam, and I reject it [436 words]ISJun 27, 2006 20:5648294
PEW Muslim Poll Results [290 words]John R. PeacherJun 27, 2006 20:1148292
4Muslims Are Useless... [83 words]P. AltmanJun 27, 2006 18:1248287
Muslim Schizophrenia [66 words]MosheJun 27, 2006 16:2248274
nawab [56 words]edJun 28, 2006 02:0048274
Well said ! [9 words]true believerJun 28, 2006 11:3148274
I don't think it's a psychosis, but a personality disorder [421 words]J.S.Jun 29, 2006 15:0948274
Well Said Ed [72 words]AnneMJun 29, 2006 22:0148274
J.S. -- please see what "Dr. Sanity" has to say about Islam and psychopathology. [66 words]orange yonasonJul 7, 2006 05:1048274
Yes, I agree.. [168 words]J.S.Jul 10, 2006 14:4948274
Muslim Above All [437 words]Barry KumarJun 27, 2006 14:4948267
To Barry Kumar [137 words]Sarah ThompsonJun 27, 2006 21:0248267
Swedish Boy Scouts [58 words]LDCJun 28, 2006 15:5048267
so very true [125 words]ahmad zafireJun 28, 2006 23:5848267
1To ahamad [35 words]Sarah ThompsonJun 29, 2006 17:4348267
For Ahmad Zafire: " allah gave man free will" you are kidding me. Did you ever hear of al-qada' wa al-qadr [4 words]dhimmi no moreJun 30, 2006 18:2848267
dhimmi no more [123 words]ahmad zafireJul 1, 2006 20:4548267
Ahmad Zafire: Do you really know what al-Qada' wa al-qadr means? I do not think so. [10 words]dihmmi no moreJul 3, 2006 06:0648267
1To Sarah Thompson [74 words]PaulJul 4, 2006 07:5148267
stating the obvious [16 words]cvtJun 27, 2006 14:2048262
Flat Earth Society [43 words]joeJun 27, 2006 23:5048262
Flat Earth Society [201 words]InfidelJul 24, 2006 22:5648262
If only it weren't also true of the leaders and intellectuals [217 words]Yale ZussmanJun 27, 2006 13:5148261
Do muslims think? Can they? [118 words]G.BisvasJun 27, 2006 13:3748260
Another oxymoron! [45 words]JaladhiJun 27, 2006 15:0548260
Reply To:Jaladhi [27 words]SohailJun 27, 2006 17:2848260
"Reality is a mistake, we must rectify it." [Muhammad Wahdan] [294 words]orange yonasonJun 27, 2006 23:2348260
typical reaction by Sohail [164 words]G.BisvasJun 29, 2006 12:0948260
1Exposing Islam [98 words]Abdul RahmanJun 30, 2006 11:1448260
Islam is also a Stockholm Syndrome on a Titanic scale [187 words]Marko SketJun 30, 2006 16:0048260
G.Bisvas, [26 words]SaladinJul 1, 2006 09:5348260
Do your homework yourself [517 words]G.BisvasJul 2, 2006 06:5848260
G.Bisvas, [220 words]SaladinJul 4, 2006 10:1048260
Saladin, Bravo to your parents! [135 words]HARRAKJul 6, 2006 00:0848260
To saladin [522 words]G.BisvasJul 6, 2006 04:1948260
Criticism of Bisvas Is Pathetically Amusing [245 words]orange yonasonJul 7, 2006 04:3948260
HARRAK, read my other posts and you will be impressed even more, [38 words]SaladinJul 9, 2006 00:1148260
G.Bisvas, [711 words]SaladinJul 9, 2006 09:2148260
1Islam is Based on Thinking [335 words]Mariam AliMay 24, 2007 04:2748260
PEACE [77 words]Sana MuneerJun 24, 2007 22:5948260
Muslims in a dreamworld [336 words]rickJun 27, 2006 13:3048257
Public Opinion in the Islamic World [142 words]Leonard MarkowitzJun 27, 2006 13:0248254
Pew Poll [16 words]Charles GilinskyJun 27, 2006 12:3648252
A Correction and a Paradox [337 words]Jalopy DriverJun 27, 2006 12:3048251
Change the wording of the questions and it will get worse [236 words]rickJun 27, 2006 14:3848251
The Elephant [65 words]LDCJun 27, 2006 12:2848250
Not surprising [21 words]David W. LincolnJun 27, 2006 11:5548246
polls [291 words]kim segarJun 27, 2006 11:4048245
APPROVAL OF SUICIDE BOMBERS [193 words]HERB ABELOWJun 27, 2006 11:1948243
Retaliate [62 words]IssacJun 27, 2006 22:1348243
[Pew Poll on] How Muslims Think [250 words]David HoggJun 27, 2006 10:5448242
Why Muslims support violence [85 words]Ted ElleresbyJun 27, 2006 14:3648242
The Practicality of Islam [124 words]David HoggJun 27, 2006 17:1748242
Ted Elleresby [25 words]DaisyJun 27, 2006 19:1948242
The Big Division [53 words]AlexJun 27, 2006 10:4548241
Reply To: Alex [13 words]SahaadJun 27, 2006 16:4948241
Use a different argument Sahaad [279 words]InfidelJun 27, 2006 22:3648241
An Insider [172 words]Abdul RahmanJun 28, 2006 02:0248241
Kick out terrorists [31 words]AlexJun 28, 2006 06:3348241
Reply To: Sahaad and Alex [17 words]SohailJun 28, 2006 06:4548241
huh ? [12 words]true believerJun 28, 2006 07:0448241
War Verses Misunderstood? [5 words]JaladhiJun 28, 2006 13:2948241
The Trouble with Ex-Muslims [30 words]fahad1968Jun 28, 2006 20:0548241
to Abdul Rahman [106 words]Anubhav SinghJun 29, 2006 02:5348241
1Sahad, Did Prophet Mohammed misunderstand quranic ayas of violence? [412 words]Hisham M.Jun 30, 2006 12:0748241
2Typical Response [40 words]Kevin MJun 30, 2006 13:0448241
Exposing Islam to the West [43 words]Abdul RahmanJun 30, 2006 15:5248241
1Exposing Islam [165 words]Abdul RahmanJun 30, 2006 15:5948241
Reply To:Jaladhi and Hisham M [1343 words]SohailJun 30, 2006 18:5948241
Good job, Sohail [27 words]SaladinJul 2, 2006 04:4848241
come on now!!! true believer [212 words]ahmad zafireJul 2, 2006 21:5848241
Do I need to repeat myself repeatedly? [136 words]true believerJul 4, 2006 11:3248241
what??? [37 words]ahmad zafireJul 4, 2006 19:4148241
Reply To: Abdul Rahman [323 words]SohailJul 6, 2006 06:3348241
I will not be deceived [78 words]true believerJul 6, 2006 11:2048241
NOT CLAIM...BUT FACT [105 words]ahmad zafireJul 7, 2006 06:4648241
re : This is the FACT [224 words]true believerJul 10, 2006 06:4248241
which one do you choose?. [191 words]ahmad zafireJul 10, 2006 23:2948241
Mysterious Ayas [230 words]InfidelAug 20, 2006 16:3148241
MUHAMMED is THE No.1 HUMAN [80 words]AHMEDMar 4, 2008 00:0248241
1sach [27 words]sahadSep 19, 2014 17:3948241
Islam compatible with Western Civilization? [48 words]PhillipJun 27, 2006 10:2548239
Thinking Moslems and... [287 words]SHmuel HaLeviJun 27, 2006 10:2048238
1How Muslims Think [101 words]AlexJun 27, 2006 10:0548237
1The media distorts Islam [550 words]Sarah ThompsonJun 27, 2006 20:4748237
Allah save you Alex [77 words]NawabJun 28, 2006 06:4048237
1Response to Sarah [133 words]LDCJun 28, 2006 15:3948237
Muslims need to be accountable [1485 words]ApeManJun 28, 2006 19:1248237
1what sanitised 'Islam lite' are you talking about sarah..? [272 words]tonyJun 28, 2006 21:5048237
What is Islam [274 words]Ted ElleresbyJun 29, 2006 12:3848237
Nawab slow down... [106 words]YovenJun 29, 2006 15:0348237
Islam is nothing to do with all current conflicts [254 words]True Adam's sonJun 29, 2006 16:4848237
to tony [618 words]Sarah ThompsonJun 29, 2006 16:5948237
Ms. Thompson [298 words]DaisyJun 29, 2006 17:1848237
Camel Economics [657 words]DaisyJun 30, 2006 17:3048237
1To Sarah Thompson [274 words]ISJun 30, 2006 19:0648237
Reply to Sarah [552 words]tonyJul 1, 2006 01:3448237
to Daisy [1294 words]Sarah ThompsonJul 1, 2006 15:0948237
Ok there [535 words]Sarah ThompsonJul 1, 2006 16:0248237
Sarah, if Islam is really so good and peaceful... [177 words]MosheJul 2, 2006 16:1648237
Dear Tony [2174 words]Sarah ThompsonJul 3, 2006 16:2848237
1To Sarah Thompson [367 words]DaveJul 3, 2006 18:5548237
Sarah, the effect of the sun on Oldsmobiles mentality like that of Mishmish [320 words]HarrakJul 4, 2006 14:3548237
1Islam and Americans and American Muslims [502 words]HARRAKJul 4, 2006 22:4048237
Reply to Sarah. [664 words]TonyJul 4, 2006 23:0748237
many think this way as did many christians and jews once. [130 words]ahmad zafireJul 6, 2006 04:2948237
Reply to Alex i think you're right [301 words]DavidJul 20, 2006 06:5148237
Sarah, Where are Muslims Against Terrorism? [182 words]AbbieAug 16, 2006 06:3548237
Nawab [79 words]F FryeSep 9, 2006 02:1648237
Ahmad Zafire [12 words]AlexanderOct 13, 2006 06:3048237
Alexander [106 words]ahmjad zafireOct 14, 2006 10:2348237
Well it shows us [61 words]RichardJun 27, 2006 09:5248236
Reply To: Richard [162 words]SohailJun 27, 2006 17:1148236
Good comment Sohail [39 words]NawabJul 1, 2006 18:3548236
Nawab and Sohail - We do give [469 words]PCMadnessJul 2, 2006 22:1948236
Mistake that needs correcting [72 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Brunton StephensonJun 27, 2006 09:4848235
sadly many of Dr. Pipes allegations are true [598 words]Abdul Rahman ReijerinkJun 28, 2006 07:4748235
Muslim countries [27 words]Alexander The GreatJun 27, 2006 09:4648234
east is east [127 words]DonVanJun 27, 2006 09:4348233
to Don Van: East is east n West is west [194 words]AnubhavJun 28, 2006 02:1548233
Christians and the media are the problem [62 words]NawabJun 27, 2006 09:3448230
Our Conflicting Worldviews [188 words]LDCJun 27, 2006 14:3848230
Reply to LDC [63 words]NawabJun 27, 2006 16:4448230
Q. From Whence Cometh a "Bad Name?" [122 words]LDCJun 27, 2006 17:3048230
The problem.... [25 words]Arvind MadhavanJun 27, 2006 19:0248230
Response to Nawab [204 words]Siddhartha ViciousJun 27, 2006 21:2548230
Reply to Nawab [330 words]TonyJun 28, 2006 02:0748230
1Nawab, the Muslims themselves are giving Islam a bad name! [104 words]MosheJun 28, 2006 03:5748230
Nawab [157 words]true believerJun 28, 2006 06:5248230
Nawab [219 words]IblisJun 28, 2006 14:4448230
True Islam , response to Nawab [565 words]N. KhanJun 28, 2006 15:2448230
A dubious relief [102 words]DaisyJun 28, 2006 16:3748230
Nawab, learn the truth of islam in "Prophet of Doom" [71 words]A.AhmedJun 28, 2006 17:4548230
Geniusis 18-18 [168 words]HarrakJun 28, 2006 23:5048230
Christians do believe in absolute truth [200 words]Zane DavidsonJul 1, 2006 13:2648230
Reply To: A.Ahmed [124 words]SohailJul 1, 2006 18:2848230
For Sohail: The Qur'an is a "text with no context" [724 words]dhimmi no moreJul 2, 2006 08:2448230
Reply To: N.Khan [63 words]SohailJul 4, 2006 14:1848230
Reply to: dhimmi no more [443 words]B. MustaphaJul 10, 2006 06:1648230
For B. Mustapha: And Muslim apologetics [643 words]dhimmi no moreJul 10, 2006 18:3748230
For Mustapha: read Q 20:63 and "ina hadhan la sahiran" Part deux [173 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2006 06:4948230
dhimmi no more, lahja or dialect: your arguments not working [275 words]SaladinJul 11, 2006 11:1148230
For Saladin or is it Salah al-Deen and the Muslim logic! lahja, transliteration and other sordid matters [674 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2006 18:1148230
Reply to:dhimmi no more [335 words]B. MustaphaJul 13, 2006 11:1448230
dhimmi no more, give us one example of mansukh with its nasikh [13 words]SaladinJul 13, 2006 12:0448230
For Mustapha: [32 words]dhimmi no moreJul 13, 2006 19:2448230
For Salah al-Deen: [86 words]dhimmi no moreJul 13, 2006 19:3448230
For Mustapha part deux! [52 words]dhimmi no moreJul 13, 2006 19:4648230
For Mustapha: What on earth is Mustalahul? [102 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2006 06:1248230
For Mustapha: Is it "ambiya"? or is it anbiya? More on Muslim logic! [126 words]dhimmi no moreJul 14, 2006 06:3048230
Reply To: dhimmi no more [23 words]NawabJul 14, 2006 10:4548230
For Nawab: and web sites! [68 words]dhimmi no moreJul 15, 2006 06:4448230
For dhimmi no more [320 words]B. MustaphaJul 17, 2006 09:5148230
1For Mustapah: Anbiya and ambiya (sic) and Muslim logic part deux [536 words]dhimmi no moreJul 18, 2006 07:0648230
Do Women Teach in Mosque? [94 words]InfidelAug 10, 2006 02:0448230
More Muslim Confusion [73 words]InfidelAug 10, 2006 03:5048230
Saladin the Scholar [436 words]InfidelAug 10, 2006 20:4648230
This is a Law breaking [83 words]B. MustaphaAug 14, 2006 06:1148230
1Problem with muslim countries. [25 words]SahaadJun 27, 2006 09:2448229
I am sick of this [92 words]true believerJun 28, 2006 07:0048229
God gave man brain. Man uses----- [214 words]responseJul 26, 2006 01:0948229
problem with muslim countries [14 words]marieJun 11, 2007 23:0348229

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