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Reader comment on item: How the West Could Lose
in response to reader comment: To Noah - A still too one-dimensional viewpoint for my taste

Submitted by Noah Wilk (United States), Jan 11, 2007 at 22:32

Michel C. Zala wrote:

"Noah, as incredible that may read, we do not differ in opinion all that much. You are once again making many good points and I do respect those. This time I will try to respond to specific quotes in your response, in order to evidence the above."

Fair enough. I'll rebut it point-by-point and answer your questions.

You wrote:

"Albeit, I decided to give it a few more days, before I delete the site from my favorites, as all the negatives of ISLAM have been laid out in extremis, which actually may be one cause for the simple assumption that (moderate, average ) Muslims have turned away from this site in resignation."

That sounds almost apologetic for them. Look...if the evils of Islam have been laid bare with no reservation and no sugar-coating, and the so-called "moderate" Muslims turn away for that reason, then that makes them part of the problem. Their inaction is precisely what paints them in the same picture as the radicals. If any so-called "moderate" Muslims are reading this forum, then it is their duty...if they hope to achieve equal acceptance and reform their religion...to confront these unpleasant facts and speak out. "Turning away in resignation" is a cowardly cop-out that does nothing to improve their image.

Next, you wrote:

"In essence, what I try do here, is to steer away from solely pointing out the dangers, negatives, obstacles, but try to offer basic ideas or opinions to approach the issue constructively and pro-actively on all levels of a multi-dimensional challenge."

Precisely what I am trying to do. My solutions are effective, constructive, and transforming on many levels. The bottom line is that Muslims as a whole are either too indifferent, too uncaring, or too cowardly to reform their religion. They must be forced to do so. Otherwise the malignancy will only grow.

You go on:

"This website features a mountain of evidence, historical facts, references and statements as to why ISLAM is dangerous and must be despised. (From the western point of view). As a business executive (leader in that sense) I train and motivate my teams to never come to me with a list of problems alone, but to come prepared with potential (feasible) solutions to them.. I do not see obstacles, but try to see challenges with opportunities to grow, learn and improve."

And I have indeed come forward with solutions to the problem. My solutions are workable, though tougher than many have the will for. But I don't see another solution.

"Here I have almost exclusively, and highly emotionally heard about the "problems".
I think there is sufficient awareness about those by now.( At least amongst the readers of this Blog.)"

However, awareness or rather acknowledgement of the issue is far too rare in our society. Few if any are able or willing to speak the truth, to speak out, and to stand firm for a strong response. As far as being emotional, we should be highly emotional about this. We are, after all, talking about the future of our country and the type of lives our children and grandchildren will be living.

"What I personally am missing are ideas. A catalogue of measures applicable in the 21st Century to address the various concerns."

I thought I had detailed all that, several times.

"You said yourself, : , millions of them are already living here, that they are religious fanatics with utter disregard for their own life. ISRAEL as example does already turn on them and so with a vengeance, experience and expertise."

Gotta correct your wording there. Israel did not "turn on" the Muslims. They give Muslims far more freedoms than they have in any Muslim country. It's the Muslims who have turned on Israel. Instead of backing Israel for giving them a good life, they seek to destroy Israel because of their insane anti-Semitic barbarity.

" So I ask again - why do we not see suicide bombings on the same scale as for instance in ISRAEL?"

Didn't I answer this several times already? It's a fifth column. They are sleeper cells. They are waiting for a "big bang" like 9/11. Their strategy is not what you think it is. Though they are not civilized, they are nonetheless clever and insidious. They realize that if they start committing suicide bombings on the scale seen in Israel, that we will ostracize them. If they limit themselves to an occasional crazy driving his SUV over students on a college campus, then they can claim that person is the exception, which would play right into the propaganda our leaders (Bush, Rice, etc) always spew about how Islam is a peaceful religion hijacked by a few radicals.

They will use that leverage (as they are doing now) to slowly erode our society and take over from within. Just like a virus will infiltrate a host body using the path of least resistance, the Muslims are also taking that easy path. Mass migration. We already have pro-Islam propaganda being taught to our children, who are force to emulate being Muslim in our public schools. Certainly you've heard about those cases and the court battles over them? You need to understand, our enemy thinks in long-range terms. By undermining our society through mass migration and spewing propaganda designed to deceive people into believing Islam is a religion of peace, by influencing our politicians and indeed by getting Muslims elected into office, by manipulating the media and using the ACLU and CAIR to force Americans to silently accept Islam...these are the methods they are using to slowly take over. They're looking ahead 50-100 years. Most in our society are too stupid and too blind to see that far ahead.

And for me, the bottom line is this. Before we allow islam to grow to any significant proportion in our country, we need to look at reality and see what that means for us. Everywhere in the world...everywhere...that Muslims gather in mass numbers, they begin to engage in violence, they begin to turn on the state that hosts them. Britain, Spain, Denmark, Israel, Netherlands...see the pattern? Perhaps in America they have not reached sufficient numbers yet to feel comfortable engaging in outright violence. Who can truly read the mind of the insane and the barbaric? My point is, why should America take the risk of allowing a proven barbaric, depraved, uncivilized death cult to flourish in America and hope that we'll be the first exception to the rule? Why risk the freedoms we fought and sacrificed for, simply to "be fair" and appease a cult that has nowhere else in the world made their host country a better place, but have instead worked to destroy it? And once again I ask you to point out a country where Islam is dominant or where Muslims are in large numbers, where Islamic terrorism, suppression of freedom, sexism, and all sorts of barbarity exists. Can you name me one?

"Who is THEY? If I understand you correctly, then you bunch together all three categories. I try to segment the Muslim world (a, Muslims within the Western world – I call it Moderate Islam for lack of a better nomenclature, b, Muslims living in Muslim Countries, c Radical, Militant Islam, globally"

Muslims are Muslims. Muslims all practice Islam. Islam is a depraved death cult. It's that simple. According to the Koran and the Hadith and the other teachings of Islam, violence against the infidel is indeed called for. Any earlier peaceful verses are superceded by the later more violents verses (in addition to the early violent ones). What part of that do you not understand? It does no good to quote peaceful verses from the Koran, because they have been superceded by later, violent commentary. Unlike the Bible where the New Testament invalidates the violence of the earlier Old Testament. So a "good Muslim" (ie one faithful to his religion) is by definition an enemy of freedom and certainly an enemy to the USA.

What you call radical militant Muslims are part of every Muslim community anywhere I've found them, whether here in America, or at home in Iran. So to separate the foreign-dwelling Muslims from the radicals is pointless. Consider once more the Pew Center poll in 2005 where 88% of Jordanians endorsed violence against civilians in response to what they see as "attacks on Islam" ie cartoons, critical books, etc. Most Muslims living in Muslim countries are "radical" by civilized standards.

As far as the so-called "moderate" Muslims here and abroad, they still support terror by funding mosques and madrassas where they preach hatred. They support terror by refusing to speak out and reclaim/reform their religion. They support terror by remaining silent and by submitting to the will of the "radicals" who are supposedly in the "minority". Again, if only 10-15% are radical, then why haven't the so-called moderates done something about it yet?

"According to your own logic, enough of them are here already, perfectly hidden amongst us all, integrated and networked. I ask again- What are they waiting for?"As I said, they are using mass migration to instigate a seemingly "peaceful" takeover. In other words, no suicide bombings, etc. Slowly they will subvert our will and our culture, until they reach a critical mass, which is when they will resort to force. Show me the exception to this pattern, anywhere in the world. Can you do that?

"Well, if ISLAM could be seen as one integrated movement containing all three categories, they'd be ready now, as we speak, to commence large scale terrorist activities and thus destabilize the western world."See, here you are in fact the one thinking one-dimensionally. You think that just because they have the ability to exercise force, that they will. Not so. They think on multiple levels and they think far ahead. What did 9/11 result it? It resulted in the USA invading Afghanistan and deposing the Taliban and killing tons of terorrists, invading Iraq and killing tons of terrorists. We forced Al Qaeda's leaders into hiding and took out many of their high ranking planners. We took out one of their sponsors (Saddam, who paid $25,000 to each suicide bomber's family) and hanged him. We bogged them down fighting in Iraq, instead of fighting in America and abroad. We increased security, which resulted in the failure of dozens of other terror plots.

For them to increase terror inside the USA at this point would be counter productive. Look at what the response to 9/11 did to them. So instead, they're taking a more insidious route, capitalizing on our societal weakenesses...mass migration. There may be points where some of them simpy cannot control their urges to kill, and they will certainly commit high-level acts of terrorism from time to time in order to feel out our defenses and our will power. But make no mistake as to what their ultimate goal is...the domination of America and the West under Islamic rule.

Moving on, you wrote:

"Allow me to consider that as a rather daring statement, reminding me of the many conspiracy theories such as Roswell. According to the mainstream media, this attack was conducted by two single operating deranged supremacists who most likely fanatically hated any colored minority, including Muslims."

Well, the first thing I'll bring attention to is your implication that you rely on the mainstream media for all your news. The mainstream media is so biased and so corrupt that you cannot believe anything that say these days. Remember the Dan Rather/Bush debacle? How about the fauxtography issues?

Read The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing by Jayna Davis.

There is a ton of evidence that has been suppressed by the government, which was par for the course during the Clinton administration. Anything linked to Islamic terror was downplayed and covered up.

Here's a quick link to start you on the path of investigation:


Next, you wrote:

"I admit, the majority of peaceful moderate Muslims, as I believe exists, is regrettably amazingly silent. "

Which simply damns them with the rest. Look, if they are so weak, so cowardly, that they cannot take control of their religion from the supposedly "minority" of 10-15% radicals, then they don't deserve to be treated any better than the radicals. They are part of the problem.

"One possible explanation for that may be, that our domestic Muslims are first, second generation immigrants, coming from countries up to this day ruled by some form of totalitarian regime, where the freedom of speech is inexistent. Behavioral patterns created by centuries of oppression do not vanish overnight, just because one lives in a free country. To not draw attention, live quietly in anonymity is a form of conditioning which takes several generations in a free country to overcome. ( Just one possible explanation)"

Or perhaps they simply don't care. Perhaps they simpy do hate America and prefer Islamic rule. Occam's razor...the simplest answer is usually the right one. Perhaps because they are Muslim, they side with Islam.

And your argument does not hold water for several reasons.

First, there are plenty of 2nd and 3rd generation Muslims living here who are equally silent. Several generations of freedom is more than enough to "come out". Americans needed no generations to speak out...we rose from oppression to freedom from day one.

Second, these supposedly intimidated, culturally programmed silent ones seem to have no problem speaking out, protesting, crying on the mainstream media news shows, and demonstrating in large numbers when we throw suspisicously acting Muslims off the plane. They had no compunction about loudly speaking out to support their Muslim candidate when he was sworn in on the Koran (while loudly chanting their death cry of "Allahu Akbar"). The only time they seem to remain silent is when it comes time to condemn terrorism.

Can you explain that paradox for us?

"Evidently your personal experiences were negative. May I ask in what City you live?"

I experienced their "culture" in Chicago, LA, Raleigh. The largest numbers were in Chicago. I knew literally hundreds of them. I found...and I am not exaggerating here...literally two of them from several hundred I'd known over the years, who were not radical anti-Semitic, anti-American, uncivilized .... Two of them, who I tried to teach about the truth. They were not allowed to speak with me after that, and several months later those two were espousing the same virulent nonsense the others were.

While that is indeed a small sampling, it does constitute a pretty significant number of Muslims in a rather large metropolitan area, and you would expect that if it were true that "only 15%" were violent, that I would have found more than 2 out of perhaps 300-500 who were not violent or carried violent attitudes. Even those two were convinced only because they were relatively young and because I was able to demonstrate things to them that established that I knew what I was talking about. And of course, the families made sure that they poisoned those two with their depravity and cut them off from the ability to learn better.

Next, you say:

"We should here in the USA revise our so-called Freedom of speech . I mentioned Germany as an example where that has been done fairly successfully with the Neo- Nazi movement. The right of free speech has anyhow been perverted to the right of free slandering, insulting and mudslinging. I do not believe that it was or is the proper interpretation of our constitution or according to the intent of its original writers."

And again, I say we don't need any revisions. We already have laws against inciting violence and restrictions on freedom of speech. We have sedition laws which can be used. With the laws currently on the books and without any Constitutional changes, we can this very day storm every mosque and maddrassah in America and root out those who are preaching hatred and inciting terrorism. So why aren't we?

"Any kind of public display of inflammatory fanatism ( e.g your posters in the storefront) must and could be outlawed."

Most of that takes place around the dinner table and inside the mosques and maddrassahs. Do we start bugging their homes, their mosques, etc? That alone would create havoc and the stupid masses would cry out about "fascism". They do that already. Remember when Bush wanted to intercept calls from Americans to Al Qaeda members overseas? Remember the outcry about fascism and police states?

"Preachers of all breeds and religions trying to propagate (violent, militant) fanatism should be expatriated, even, if they are naturalized."

Again, those laws are on the books. We could be doing that today, if we had the will to do so.

"As (again mentioned in another submission) in Switzerland, the focus must be on enforced assimilation, as far as domestic immigrants are concerned."

You cannot "enforce" assimilation. Either a person wants to assimilate into a new host country or they do not. Forcing them to assimilate does nothing more than paint over the inherent hatred they have, and what you're left with is a seemingly normal citizen who is boiling over inside with resentment. We need to keep out those who do not willingly wish to be true Americans and remain loyal to America first and only.

"The school where Islamic kids work side by side with the rest or our melting pot, can so become the balancing force to any potential indoctrination at home."

It won't matter, when those Islamic kids are fed the psychotic hatred that their parents drum into them daily at the dinner table. Believe me, I've seen this in action.

"Prevent and eliminate these ghettos, where minorities live like in enclaves of their home countries and English becomes a foreign language"

They choose to do so. It's up to them to act otherwise. Instead of setting up Islamic stores catering to Muslims only, why not shop at American stores. Instead of dressing up like someone living in the deserts of Iraq, why not dress like an American? It's entirely their own fault when they choose not to assimilate.

"If you want to live in America, then you have to be American first, Christian, Muslim or Hispanic, Asian or white Caucasian later."

And there is the root of most of America's problems. The problem is, how do we get back to that? We're allowing far too many subversive elements to infiltrate and subvert our culture like a human cancer...Mexicans, Arabs, Muslims...and they're all loyal to their motherland and their religion above their loyalty to America. They aren't Americans. They're squatters, parasites leeching off America's lifeblood and future.

"Now you talk about the Muslims in their original countries. That's to my opinion a whole different story indeed and I have seen the same I regret."

No, you didn't read what I wrote. This was here in the suburbs of Chicago, not in some Islamic overseas hellhole. The same for the posters praising terrorists and suicide bombers...posted all over 63rd street.

Next, you wrote:

"[snip]with the Palestine conflict as its continuously burning ember feeding the fire."

A fire started by the PLO for propaganda purposes, with the help of revisionist history (and a template from Goebbels himself), and through the complicity of other Muslims countries.

"I am not arguing for appeasement or weakness, Noah. I do not believe in " the other cheek". All I argue for is to utilize a segmented approach/strategy towards the various dimensions of ISLAM as a culture."

You cannot "treat" segments of Islam, just as you cannot "treat" one organ of the body without addressing the whole body in order to effect true healing. It's an organic whole. Islam must be addressed as the core problem. Muslims must be made to understand that they are not welcome, that they cannot be trusted (due to their own Koranic mandates), and that they cannot be allowed to dwell in our countries unless and until they reform their religion and become civilized. That is the one and only way that you will ever fix the problem. Outside of that, there is no reason for them to change.

" In a nutshell, I promote enveloping all moderate Muslims while fighting militants with every tool of our arsenal."

And again, which moderate Muslims? The ones who stand silently while their brothers in terror fly planes into skyscrapers and ignote IEDs on our soldiers? The "moderates" who we refer to as moderate simply because they are not strapping on suicide vests, but who are nonetheless destroying our society through mass migration while teaching their children to hate us? The moderates who are afraid to speak out against terror, but yet who are perfectly willing to make a public spectacle of themselves and run crying to the media when we take a few arrogant and suspiciously-acting Islamic clerics off an air flight?

Are these the peaceful "moderates" you're talking about? Because I label them the enemy.

"Because it is not only the mumbo jumbo right thing to do, the ethical responsibility of the strong to help the weak, but purely pragmatic thinking in our very own best interest. Passiveness in the current situation would be suicidal for the Western World. Divide and conquer comes to mind, if one wants to apply a mindset of a military strategist."

Wrong, wrong, wrong. First, by doing all the work for another, we deprive them of freedom of choice. We absolve them of any sense of responsibility for their actions. We feed into their victimology mentality. By making it a situation where we accept responsibility for changing their behavior, we take on their job. We feed into their propaganda and in turn end up playing their game, just like the so-called "Palestinians" play Israel like a harp.

Wrong! It is their duty, their responsibility, to reform themselves. Since they refuse to do so, they must be removed from our society and denied access, aid, or compassion unless and until they change. Tough love, international style.

I don't advocate any sort of passivity. I advocate strong, immediate, uncompromising force to deal with the threat.

"Assuming that all the voices in this website intend to help preserve our progress, democracy and liberty, I would offer that we do need to be pro-active and do something, if we want to survive. Just standing passively by and demanding them to reform, ain't gonna cut it, Noah. We must use the key weapon of militant ISLAM against them: Propaganda, Marketing, PR. Support moderate and respected voices within their own culture. Assist those to reform from within. Just watching passively, hating, slandering them grosso modo is not a strategy with any chance of success."

Again, you didn't hear what I said. I never advocated standing by idly and passively. My contention is that we have to remove Islam and all Muslims from our society, force them back to the lands they came from, and let them know that we simply will not tolerate their barbarity, their treachery, their whining. Let Islam survive or die in its own land under its own people. If what you and others claim is true, if only 15% of them are violent, then this would force the moderates to detsroy the radicals, reform their religion, and become a civilzed people. If they cannot do that, they are not worthy to live among us. It's that simple. If they remain cowardly and silent, then the so-called radicals will continue to rule them, and there will be a Sunni-Shia genicide war, which is fine. Perhaps when they get tired of killing one another, they will eventually turn to reform and peace. But is it not our responsibility to do so. Let them go home and work it out.

If they try exporting their violence, we simply blow them off the face of the earth. Tough love. Reform Islam or we will simply eradicate Islam.

"Non taken – the Monster, as I really see it, is not ISLAM, but a subcategory, I call militant, fundamentalist, radical, terrorist ISLAM, openly and actively supported by all Muslims, including our own."

If that's what you believe, then you simply choose to ignore both the history and the actual teachings of Islam. And that is precisely the problem. Too few people are willing to look at history, current events, and the realities of that death cult, and tell it like it is.

"No – not more or less than our own. But – brutally macchiavellistic thinking, I am indeed in light of our self-preservation more interested in the present than in the past. Preventing and counter-acting present and future violence seems to me more important, than endlessly pointing at their violent past."

I agree, but I will again say that unless and until we acknowledge their dark history, which is a non-stop, 1,400 year history of violence, we simply will not understand what we are facing. We need to acknowledge in no uncertain terms that Islam at its very core is a violent death cult created by a violent man in order to unite a violent tribal people. We need to acknowledge that their culture is uncivilized and in drastic need of reform. We need to speak out, openly and loudly, and show how rancid and depraved all Islamic societies and countries are. We need to remove the mass psychosis called "multiculturalism" and admit that Islamic society is far inferior to American society, we need to denounce it, we need to declare it barbaric, we need to point out how corrupt and violent it is at its very core, and we need to insist on total reform. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.

"There is a fundamental difference between condoning or excusing and explaining or looking for the root cause.I solely try to find possible explanations, so perhaps solutions/strategies can be deducted in order to secure the quality of living we all enjoy for generations to come."

We know the root cause. Islam. There is no question about that. The problem is that few if any are willing to face reality and admit that. You need look no further than the Koran. The religion was founded by a barbaric rapist, murderer, pedophile who founded the religion in violent terms in order to unite a violent tribal people. They spread it in a violent manner. Their holy book and auxilliary writings all endorse terror. The very name "Islam" means "submission".

Seems to me that you're simply looking for a way to avoid dealing with reality. Looking for excuses and alternative answers to a question that we've already answered.

"As opposed to most angry responders here however, I do not consider ALL Muslims as fanatic, militant or terrorists."Neither do I. Certainly, some are peaceful. Some. However, anyone who thinks that "only" 10-15% are violent is delusional, in denial of reality. People who do not see that the so-called "moderates" are an even greater threat than the radicals are doomed to dhimmitude. Once again, look at the living conditions in ever state that becomes Islamic. When Islam comes to dominate Europe and then America, they will try to turn us into the same dark ages hellhole that all Islamic countries are. We cannot afford the dangerous, delusional belief that somehow America will be the first exception to the rule. Too much is at stake for such a blind and idiotic mistake.

"Until thousands of domestic Muslims march the streets of America chanting anti –American slogans, as they would be entitled to by our Right of free speech, I am not ready to accept the notion that these aforementioned people represent a minority within our domestic Muslim community."

Again, you still have not explained their actions nor have you answered any of my challenges to explain them as yet. I'm still waiting.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (2112) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
History (8 years later) [210 words]RobertNov 26, 2022 20:37289054
3George Orwell : "If there was hope, it must lie in the proles." [82 words]mythJan 17, 2010 20:20167454
1Beautifully said [133 words]PrashantAug 18, 2016 22:43167454
3How the West Could Lose [168 words]AnneSep 20, 2008 10:59138894
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1how the west could lose [78 words]jamesJun 21, 2010 23:48138894
5How the West could lose. I think you will be surprised at the final outcome. response to James. [101 words]Anne-USAJun 23, 2010 16:43138894
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Really America, really? [49 words]JasnaDec 26, 2008 20:14121684
1how many more must die... before we all see ? [180 words]Phil GreendOct 6, 2007 18:51110560
We need to put aside political correctness and discuss Islam [365 words]Dennis GravesSep 11, 2007 15:22108556
counter thought... [123 words]donvanOct 18, 2007 09:24108556
3ISLAM NOT A RELIGION OF PEACE. [3 words]Nina NiaziOct 19, 2007 19:24108556
1We, the People. [122 words]Linda HaslamOct 20, 2007 00:16108556
1right on brother! [375 words]kid berthaNov 5, 2007 15:19108556
1islam not a religon of peace [158 words]Nina niaziNov 20, 2007 10:06108556
1Brits deserve it!!! [186 words]JaladhiNov 20, 2007 20:22108556
3Islam: Religion of Peace? [85 words]Linda HaslamNov 27, 2007 09:42108556
2ISLAM NOT A RELIGION OF PEACE [207 words]nina niaziDec 2, 2007 17:40108556
God's children??? [139 words]Linda HaslamDec 6, 2007 11:11108556
2Jaladhi get an education old chap! [177 words]Leven-TorresApr 14, 2008 09:04108556
1try to learn scripture first [36 words]johnMay 18, 2008 05:02108556
1Don't misquote the Qur'an please. [832 words]KeithJul 22, 2008 18:22108556
1islam excuses [2162 words]paul dunnNov 28, 2008 17:42108556
don't make any illusions [122 words]SunaJan 18, 2010 15:26108556
Ignorance: a dangerous thing [78 words]HamiyetMay 6, 2012 16:07108556
The War that we are Fighting [1925 words]Major DaveMay 23, 2007 17:3894113
My average American's opinion [768 words]kid berthaJun 12, 2007 16:1994113
So what is your solution? [1942 words]Major DaveJun 12, 2007 23:5394113
misunderstood [1256 words]kid berthaJun 14, 2007 11:1894113
My Respect [341 words]MichelAug 25, 2007 15:0694113
Oh, boy......... [76 words]Nick4693Sep 13, 2007 19:5294113
1ISLAM NOT A RELIGION OF PEACE. [156 words]Nina NiaziOct 19, 2007 16:3694113
1Nina is correct. [432 words]kid berthaNov 5, 2007 14:4394113
ISLAM NOT A RELIGION OF PEACE [114 words]NinaNov 7, 2007 18:1994113
bravo [110 words]kcOct 21, 2009 01:0394113
Islam is not a relgion of Peace [20 words]sahilApr 10, 2011 13:5694113
2Monotheism vs Polytheism [225 words]IndianMay 17, 2007 03:5993309
Very right but still slightly off. [140 words]True-IndianSep 22, 2007 11:2693309
what is the truth? [51 words]najeebSep 15, 2009 09:1293309
Shiites [59 words]Dr Erich MeyerMay 8, 2007 23:5892175
1Why US should attack Islamic Iran now ??? [642 words]ShivaMay 4, 2007 10:1591639
1Finally a factual message has been posted [372 words]kid berthaMay 5, 2007 09:3291639
1Right on! [332 words]Nick4693Sep 13, 2007 22:5291639
there's no why! [84 words]SunaJan 18, 2010 15:3691639
Plato [302 words]SohailApr 22, 2007 06:2090156
To Sohail: All mixed up [210 words]PlatoApr 23, 2007 08:4390156
So why should the West be the winner???? [2 words]aliApr 16, 2007 10:0089384
1Answers for Ali [93 words]Noah WilkApr 19, 2007 18:3889384
how i see it [74 words]warnerApr 20, 2007 01:0189384
Ali your answer is in the Taliban video [99 words]PlatoApr 22, 2007 01:5889384
Three words for you [3 words]RJMay 1, 2007 00:0889384
How the West could lose: Reply to Mr.Ali. [47 words]Jaisingh ThakurJul 13, 2007 00:1689384
Why [35 words]aliJul 21, 2007 14:3489384
No... [93 words]adfJul 20, 2008 15:1789384
3why most of iranian hate arabs and islam? [17 words]persianDec 16, 2008 17:3189384
iranians hate arabs [4 words]joeSep 11, 2009 17:5189384
To Be the Big Dog or Not [628 words]MichaelApr 11, 2007 11:4989023
A muslim duty [581 words]moderate MuslimApr 7, 2007 00:0088762
Reality check and fantasy [50 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2007 18:1488762
make no sense [14 words]moderate MuslimApr 8, 2007 22:2288762
Yes I read it in Arabic a language that you do not know [27 words]dhimmi no moreApr 9, 2007 18:0988762
Honest answers, please! [343 words]Nick4693Sep 11, 2007 19:5788762
Now one question [106 words]moderate MuslimApr 6, 2007 23:3388757
M&M and his bogus context again and Q9:4 or 5 if you wish [53 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2007 18:5188757
i dont even know [228 words]a muslim americanMar 27, 2007 22:1888086
Our dear M&M and Islamic meltdown part deux [19 words]dhimmi no moreMar 28, 2007 17:1588086
1A NORMAL MUSLIM... [341 words]DONVANApr 5, 2007 14:0488086
oil and water [86 words]todd morrisonOct 16, 2007 23:2588086
wow.... [51 words]moderate MuslimMar 27, 2007 15:3388065
It says ya ayuha al-nass! [105 words]dhimmi no moreMar 29, 2007 17:5788065
dhimmi, READ YOUR OWN EVIDENCE FIRST [225 words]moderate MuslimMar 30, 2007 19:3088065
For Our dear M&M and his bogus arabic and the Qur'an really says that islam is the religion of the Arabs only and you ain't one [718 words]dhimmi no moreApr 2, 2007 19:4188065
The poor Arabic translation of Picktall another wannabe Arab! [446 words]dhimmi no moreApr 3, 2007 07:2688065
For our dear M&m and argument from silence! And Islam is indeed the religion of the Hijazi Arabs as per Q14:4 and you ain't one [30 words]dhimmi no moreApr 5, 2007 18:1488065
One more time pt 2 [243 words]moderate MuslimMar 26, 2007 19:2788016
1fantasy world of islam [286 words]susanMar 28, 2007 15:2688016
Still in denial, "Moderate" Muslim [357 words]Noah WilkMar 28, 2007 16:5988016
yeah ok [26 words]moderate MuslimMar 28, 2007 19:1988016
3Why are you making excuses, Moderate Muslim? [322 words]Noah WilkMar 31, 2007 17:5688016
were you at the rallies? [40 words]susanApr 1, 2007 10:0388016
Ok, so What? [11 words]moderate MuslimApr 2, 2007 19:0388016
the usual cheap excuse [11 words]susanApr 3, 2007 02:5688016
Ignorance is no excuse [168 words]Noah WilkApr 5, 2007 14:5188016
I will not stand for hate. [42 words]moderate MuslimApr 6, 2007 23:3688016
Moderate Muslim corners himself! [393 words]Noah WilkApr 7, 2007 16:2488016
Misunderstanding [311 words]moderate MuslimApr 7, 2007 21:1588016
easy [51 words]susanApr 8, 2007 07:1888016
the 1960's [27 words]moderate MuslimApr 8, 2007 22:2488016
not an "image" problem [297 words]susanApr 9, 2007 07:2088016
Speaking of hate and the Qur'an [83 words]dhimmi no moreApr 9, 2007 18:1988016
Why not burn effigies? [80 words]Noah WilkApr 9, 2007 20:5288016
noah [62 words]moderate MuslimApr 10, 2007 21:4888016
Back to Morous (12 seconds on the shot clock) [3677 words]moderate MuslimMar 25, 2007 22:1287974
Our dear M&M and cut and paste jobs Paki/Arabic and the bogus hadith! [522 words]dhimmi no moreMar 27, 2007 20:2387974
an addendum and my source for the hadith literary criticism [20 words]dhimmi no moreMar 28, 2007 07:0687974
My compliments to the sheik (morous 360 dunk in moderate's face, the crowd goes wild) [1370 words]MOROUSMar 28, 2007 16:3987974
To Moderate Muslim: [894 words]PlatoMar 30, 2007 04:2287974
No, I respect many [89 words]moderate MuslimMar 30, 2007 19:2587974
To Moderate Muslim: But Allah hates other religions [234 words]PlatoApr 1, 2007 02:0587974
numbers matter [54 words]susanApr 1, 2007 10:1387974
Here's your answer Plato [129 words]moderate MuslimApr 2, 2007 19:0987974
heh, ok right, that is so bogus [40 words]moderate MuslimApr 2, 2007 19:2487974
let's start from... [46 words]susanApr 3, 2007 03:1587974
And speaking of bogus! [86 words]dhimmi no moreApr 4, 2007 17:2987974
your answer [535 words](moderate) Muslim (though all real Muslims are moderate)Apr 5, 2007 22:0887974
christian arabs are first victims of muslims [243 words]susanApr 8, 2007 07:2687974
Islam and Terror [1398 words]moderate Muslim AmericanMar 22, 2007 17:4387720
Hamza Yusuf a Muslim scholar? LOL! [187 words]dhimmi no moreMar 23, 2007 19:2287720
6Nothing's more fun than debunking "Muslim Logic" [2959 words]Noah WilkMar 23, 2007 21:1887720
To Moderate Muslim: It is just a wish-list you have given us [2577 words]PlatoMar 24, 2007 06:4087720
M&M and David Chappelle exposed [147 words]dhimmi no moreMar 25, 2007 09:1487720
high muslim clerics agree with bin laden [394 words]susanMar 27, 2007 15:2487720
ok? [44 words]moderate Muslim-Mar 27, 2007 22:0087720
you just proved how ignorant islamphobes are [82 words]Islamophobic ignoranceMar 28, 2007 15:2687720
1Precisely why we condemn you [380 words]Noah WilkMar 28, 2007 17:1887720
The little olive institute [32 words]dhimmi no moreMar 28, 2007 17:4587720
Our dear M&M and Yusuf Hamza's ancestry [25 words]dhimmi no moreMar 28, 2007 17:5187720
thanks.. [8 words]moderate MuslimMar 28, 2007 19:2087720
Islamophobia, really? [298 words]dhimmi no moreMar 29, 2007 07:2287720
Because , the most comfortable position for a coward is to struggle to be portrayed a "moderate" (&) Moslem. [611 words]Ynna(tchkah)Mar 29, 2007 13:4087720
poor reply [71 words]susanMar 29, 2007 13:4287720
like you said something... [91 words]susanMar 29, 2007 13:5087720
we need ears to listen and eyes to see [252 words]Islamophobia no more...Mar 29, 2007 16:3887720
chechnya is sufi [20 words]susanApr 1, 2007 10:1487720
I dont think you get it (Ynna (tchkah) [129 words]moderate MuslimApr 2, 2007 19:2387720
and why? [41 words]moderate MuslimApr 2, 2007 19:2787720
Our dear Islamophobia no more and his little diatribes [48 words]dhimmi no moreApr 2, 2007 19:5487720
Congratulations for not going to work to CAIR [108 words]Ynna (tchkah)Apr 3, 2007 03:0287720
skewed perception of Islamophobes [138 words]Islamophobia no moreApr 3, 2007 03:0387720
africa's fault is african [146 words]susanApr 3, 2007 03:2287720
an Islamophobe [259 words]Islamophobia no moreApr 3, 2007 03:3287720
cair wants sharia [39 words]susanApr 3, 2007 03:3987720
More diatribes from our dear INM aka M&M [103 words]dhimmi no moreApr 3, 2007 18:4387720
YOU DON'T GET THE POINT [19 words]moderate MuslimApr 3, 2007 20:2787720
For our dear INM and what is an Islamophobe part deux [343 words]dhimmi no moreApr 4, 2007 07:5387720
no matter how you turn it [67 words]susanApr 4, 2007 14:5187720
nobody is irrationally vilifying islam [234 words]susanApr 4, 2007 15:0887720
sharia allows slavery [18 words]susanApr 4, 2007 17:3987720
Dropping names and Si, comprende mucho! [111 words]dhimmi no moreApr 4, 2007 17:4887720
fallacy of bias history-reading [108 words]Islamophobia no moreApr 5, 2007 01:5987720
islamophobia, the stupidest word ever invented [124 words]susanApr 5, 2007 16:3087720
Cair and other people [171 words]moderate MuslimApr 5, 2007 22:1587720
CAIR [374 words]Noah WilkApr 6, 2007 14:5587720
Why then do you support it? [290 words]Noah WilkApr 6, 2007 15:0387720
cair = sharia = stone age [70 words]susanApr 6, 2007 15:1987720
Noah [124 words]moderate MuslimApr 6, 2007 23:4087720
M&M CAIR (big time LOL) and his flawed logic! [344 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2007 08:3787720
Yes, Moderate Muslim, you ARE responsible! [516 words]Noah WilkApr 7, 2007 16:4587720
ROTFL [44 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2007 18:3787720
al-Shari3a [10 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2007 18:3987720
CAIR and mockery [26 words]dhimmi no moreApr 8, 2007 11:4087720
i'll see [37 words]moderate MuslimApr 8, 2007 22:3487720
Why aren't moderate muslims standing up? [55 words]Bob SterlingAug 20, 2007 23:5187720
why should the west win anyways if it continues with its current programme of warmongering? [434 words]cocoMay 6, 2009 12:0187720
islam & terror [627 words]John EdwardsOct 27, 2009 15:1387720
Religion of Peace. [39 words]Phillip SherryAug 28, 2019 05:4487720
so here are you answers more if you want em [29 words]moderate MuslimMar 20, 2007 19:3287302
Moderate Muslim fails again! [1415 words]Noah WilkMar 21, 2007 15:3287302
mauritania has got legal slavery, allowed in islam [15 words]susanMar 21, 2007 16:5787302
MM [230 words]JaladhiMar 21, 2007 18:0187302
handshake with Kuffar? "Muslim debate schemes" and other sordid matters! [599 words]dhimmi no moreMar 22, 2007 07:5187302
morocco 50% literacy rate [18 words]susanMar 22, 2007 10:0387302
"Muslim debate schemes"! part deux [452 words]dhimmi no moreMar 24, 2007 14:1087302
Dhimmi No More - defenders of the faith have left town!!! [40 words]JaladhiMar 26, 2007 16:5687302
Your answer Plato (which is a really bad name for you, because it dishonores someone who actually thought [169 words]Moderate MuslimMar 20, 2007 19:1887298
Was the post for me? [45 words]PlatoMar 21, 2007 08:3087298
Try paying attention, Moderate Muslim [570 words]Noah WilkMar 21, 2007 17:5587298
blatantly clear? LOL [178 words]dhimmi no moreMar 21, 2007 19:5087298
To MM: Would Mohammed be a good name for me? [130 words]PlatoMar 22, 2007 14:0087298
you guys hate the truth, dontcha [23 words]moderate MuslimMar 22, 2007 17:1087298
clarification [36 words]Moderate MuslimMar 22, 2007 17:1287298
No, Im not beyond help, although I dont need much [73 words]moderate MuslimMar 22, 2007 17:1587298
Free will in islam? LOL [379 words]dhimmi no moreMar 24, 2007 08:1587298
you like lies don'tcha? [148 words]susanMar 25, 2007 10:2187298
To Syed [17 words]moderate MuslimMar 16, 2007 19:3086570
LOL syed is asking for caliphate [8 words]susanMar 18, 2007 10:1686570
Syed? LOL He has no credibility! [172 words]dhimmi no moreMar 18, 2007 12:5086570
Syeds are not Iranians?? [83 words]JaladhiMar 19, 2007 17:1886570
What? [35 words]moderate MuslimMar 19, 2007 19:2486570
For our dear M&M and islam [73 words]dhimmi no moreMar 20, 2007 17:4886570
To Moderate Muslim: Spreading Islam by avoiding unpleasant facts [389 words]PlatoMar 22, 2007 13:3586570
Sure, Syed's the perfect choice [230 words]JeffMar 27, 2007 18:2386570
i wasnt..... [77 words]moderate MuslimMar 27, 2007 22:0286570
THE JOKE'S ON YOU (DHIMMI) [32 words]moderate MuslimMar 16, 2007 19:2786568
And your point is? [244 words]dhimmi no moreMar 18, 2007 12:4086568
You dont know me, you dont even care [110 words]moderate MuslimMar 19, 2007 19:3686568
1avoiding the sex slaves matter [52 words]susanMar 20, 2007 16:1186568
Uno Questiono por legion of doom [36 words]moderate MuslimMar 16, 2007 19:2586566
To Moderate Muslim: Global warming a belief? [63 words]PlatoMar 17, 2007 23:1186566
The Official Stance of the Legion of Doom On Global Warming [59 words]Noah WilkMar 18, 2007 10:1786566
youre just not answering [43 words]moderate MuslimMar 19, 2007 19:2986566
heheh, thanks plato [25 words]moderate MuslimMar 19, 2007 19:3086566
You were indeed given an answer [209 words]Noah WilkMar 20, 2007 15:2986566
They're not scared [107 words]Noah WilkMar 20, 2007 15:3686566
sex slaves conspiracy [101 words]susanMar 20, 2007 16:1486566
?? [72 words]moderate MuslimMar 22, 2007 17:1986566
Yes, you are on trial [223 words]Noah WilkMar 23, 2007 18:5786566
islam is not on trial, it's already convicted [14 words]susanMar 25, 2007 10:2686566
heh please [45 words]moderate MuslimMar 26, 2007 19:1686566
Spain and Arabian imperialism and justifying the absurd [69 words]dhimmi no moreMar 27, 2007 20:4886566
spain? islam flourished? [2978 words]susanMar 28, 2007 02:5786566
Islam is peace [103 words]moderate MuslimMar 14, 2007 21:3686334
disproved [331 words]susanMar 15, 2007 16:2486334
Islam and violence and silence [116 words]dhimmi no moreMar 18, 2007 17:3486334
uh NO [7 words]moderate MuslimMar 19, 2007 19:2586334
Our dear M&M has never been to a madrassa! [81 words]dhimmi no moreMar 24, 2007 14:2286334
A Peaceful Muslim Country (oh my) [259 words]moderate MuslimMar 11, 2007 21:2185929
...muslim [492 words]susanMar 12, 2007 18:3085929
very poor example [255 words]susanMar 12, 2007 18:4085929
Dave Chapelle? and who the heck is he? And why should we like him or hate him for this matter [235 words]dhimmi no moreMar 12, 2007 19:3985929
MALAYSIA A PEACEFUL MUSLIM COUNTRY???LOL [110 words]MOROUSMar 13, 2007 16:5385929
Malaysia is Saudi Arabia of East [142 words]JaladhiMar 13, 2007 19:1385929
Talking points, pillars, quibbles, quotes, examples, and some words of wisdom from the kennedys. [972 words]moderate MuslimMar 13, 2007 19:3285929
MY EMAILS? [13 words]muslimMar 13, 2007 21:2385929
Malaysia is Saudi Arabia of East - Pt. 2 [133 words]JaladhiMar 14, 2007 16:2785929
The good ole pillars of islam! [84 words]dhimmi no moreMar 14, 2007 16:4385929
kennedy quote? [659 words]susanMar 14, 2007 16:4485929
why does everyone not get it [32 words]moderate MuslimMar 14, 2007 19:4085929
huh?? [339 words]morousMar 15, 2007 12:2285929
Our dear M&M and you ain't Muqatil [61 words]dhimmi no moreMar 15, 2007 20:0485929
To Morous-Clarify a few things [291 words]moderate MuslimMar 15, 2007 21:2585929
your clarification Moderate [664 words]MorousMar 17, 2007 11:4685929
one clarification: malaysia has got sharia law [41 words]susanMar 18, 2007 10:1985929
literal interpretation [68 words]susanMar 18, 2007 10:2285929
Reply to Reply : morous [116 words]moderate MuslimMar 18, 2007 17:1585929
women as humans? [31 words]susanMar 20, 2007 04:5185929
It's Back in your court MODERATE [616 words]MorousMar 20, 2007 13:2585929
Malaysia? [171 words]surjApr 20, 2007 22:3485929
More Answers (Aisha) (ra) [2787 words]moderate MuslimMar 11, 2007 21:0685919
aisha the child [103 words]susanMar 12, 2007 18:3385919
To Moderate Muslim: Hiding the shame of Aisha's age and a Maulana abrogates 9:29 [989 words]PlatoMar 13, 2007 01:1385919
3A'isha and real history! and playing with dolls! [648 words]dhimmi no moreMar 13, 2007 07:2885919
Lies will not change historical age of Aisha at the time of her marriage [157 words]JaladhiMar 20, 2007 15:4385919
The Ultimate Post- No Hiding, No Crying, Just Answers [8353 words]moderate MuslimMar 8, 2007 22:1385330
I'm cherry picking Moderate Muslim's huge post [2178 words]Noah WilkMar 9, 2007 04:1485330
For our dear M&M and his bogus command of Islamic theology [454 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2007 18:0085330
To Moderate Muslim: Ethical basis of Islam and the thrashing of women by men [2001 words]PlatoMar 10, 2007 07:3085330
For our dear Moderate Msulim and what is really a moderate Muslim?And other sordid matters [885 words]dhimmi no moreMar 10, 2007 07:4085330
More Answers-To Dhimmi [293 words]moderate MuslimMar 10, 2007 13:2085330
Our dear M&M and he is really a "bait"? and Jihad or holy war revisited part deux [653 words]dhimmi no moreMar 10, 2007 14:1585330
moderate [592 words]susanMar 10, 2007 15:0185330
For our dear M&M and Q2:216 ...part one! [832 words]dhimmi no moreMar 11, 2007 09:2885330
dhimmi ... [26 words]susanMar 11, 2007 10:3985330
For our dear M&M and Q9:4 part deux! [541 words]dhimmi no moreMar 11, 2007 14:4185330
moderate Muslim [61 words]moderate MuslimMar 11, 2007 17:4285330
Condemnable Offenses. Controlling Men [91 words]moderate MuslimMar 11, 2007 17:4585330
you have no idea what a race is again [13 words]susanMar 12, 2007 03:3885330
M&M and more fantasy [262 words]dhimmi no moreMar 12, 2007 07:5285330
To Moderate Muslim: Fight to make your neighbours submit to Allah [179 words]PlatoMar 12, 2007 10:1585330
response to moderate muslim [555 words]morousMar 12, 2007 16:2585330
invented by modern people? [111 words]susanMar 12, 2007 18:3085330
yeah, so? [97 words]moderate MuslimMar 12, 2007 19:2485330
To Moderate Muslim: On rape and chopping off hands [583 words]PlatoMar 12, 2007 23:1885330
Uh no [17 words]moderate MuslimMar 13, 2007 19:3385330
the joke is on you morous [36 words]moderate MuslimMar 13, 2007 19:3685330
Hypocritical Muslim [56 words]Noah WilkMar 13, 2007 20:4385330
origins [183 words]dhimmi no moreMar 13, 2007 21:5885330
Racism! Really? [147 words]dhimmi no moreMar 14, 2007 12:3185330
i am 100% correct [57 words]susanMar 14, 2007 16:2285330
More evidence [47 words]dhimmi no moreMar 14, 2007 16:5685330
Hypocrisy - thy name is.... [46 words]JaladhiMar 14, 2007 17:3185330
1Jesus is god? [26 words]moderate muslimMar 14, 2007 19:3185330
not quite making sense - at all [129 words]moderate MuslimMar 14, 2007 19:3785330
lies [30 words]moderate MuslimMar 14, 2007 19:3885330
His words? [226 words]dhimmi no moreMar 15, 2007 07:3985330
Muslims suppress free debate on anti Semitism at Leeds University, UK [163 words]DelboyMar 15, 2007 09:4985330
MM [135 words]susanMar 15, 2007 16:1485330
2My dear M&M and i'm glad that you asked and the Qur'an really says that Jesus is God! [93 words]dhimmi no moreMar 15, 2007 19:5985330
Uh what? [38 words]moderate MuslimMar 16, 2007 19:2185330
MM - Read Dhimmi No More's(who knows Arabic) posts to understand Q9:4 [92 words]JaladhiMar 19, 2007 17:4885330
Respond to what? [58 words]dhimmi no moreMar 19, 2007 20:1485330
For our dear M&M and the Qur'an really says that jesus is God and the bogus tawheed [140 words]dhimmi no moreMar 20, 2007 07:5185330
THAT'S NOT WHAT THE KORAN SAYS [22 words]MOROUSMar 20, 2007 14:0285330
The fundamentally faulty logic of the person called dhimmi no more [201 words]moderate MuslimMar 20, 2007 19:0185330
Astaghfirullah is M&M's lame answer [239 words]dhimmi no moreMar 23, 2007 07:2885330
Flat? Hardly [31 words]Moderate MuslimMar 25, 2007 21:5385330
Hand Chopping and Adultery [74 words]Mukhtar Ahmed KashifJul 30, 2009 12:4785330
Why I am proud to be a member of the Legion of Doom! [354 words]Noah WilkMar 8, 2007 21:0985321
The wake up call [15 words]Moderate MuslimFeb 26, 2007 16:2579077
You're talking, but you're not saying anything, Moderate Muslim [499 words]Noah WilkFeb 26, 2007 20:3579077
PEACEFUL NATION? YEAH, COMPARED TO THE HUNS [53 words]Moderate MuslimFeb 28, 2007 07:3279077
homework for moderate muslim [155 words]susanFeb 28, 2007 15:3479077
MM, you very well described actions of Muslims [98 words]JaladhiFeb 28, 2007 17:4279077
mob muslim contradiction [97 words]susanFeb 28, 2007 18:1079077
to mod.muslim [145 words]AnnaFeb 28, 2007 19:3479077
Susan [507 words]Moderate MuslimFeb 28, 2007 20:3479077
For our dear M&M and more fantasy [371 words]dhimmi no moreMar 1, 2007 06:0279077
peace.. [125 words]donvanMar 1, 2007 09:1879077
YES [87 words]Moderate MuslimMar 1, 2007 19:5079077
Strive to forgive what? [15 words]dhimmi no moreMar 2, 2007 17:2279077
don't believe you [65 words]susanMar 3, 2007 12:4879077
Response to Susan [153 words]moderate MuslimMar 5, 2007 20:0779077
educated fanatics.. [14 words]donvanMar 6, 2007 15:0079077

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