To Susan: Can Kumbayas be boors?Reader comment on item: How the West Could Lose Submitted by Plato (India), Feb 27, 2007 at 02:47 My comments in bold (if the browser allows!) "If you thought so why did not say so instead of asking a rhetorical question implying 3rd worlders ancient splendour did not exist or maybe are incapable of recreating it?" you are confusing my meaning of 3rd world. I have never denied ancient splendors. I have denied that colonialism destroyed everything, which is not the truth. You dhimmi failed to show evidence that your india under muslim rule instead of british rule was prospering." Here come the Native Indians and aborigines again. And you deny colonialism did not destroy everyting? Perhaps the everything you found in those far off lands were worth destroying. Show me where I have claimed that India prospered under Muslim rule (Your assumption XXX, I can't count beyond triple X). And India prospered under British rule? Ask the British themselves. "My question was to illustrate the contempt felt by Europeans for non-Europeans" newsflash for you, every single kind of people on the planet feels contempt for another kind of people, it's human nature. Secondly, Europeans are composed of different kind of people, there's the people that suffered under communism, there's the 1st class europeans, second class europeans, third class europeans." That news flash was very informative. I learned that you are from another planet where every single kind of people feels contempt for another kind of people. Only some people on my planet are infected with the virus of contempt for everyone around except one's own kind. I learned that you Europeans on your planet also have a caste (sorry class) system. You are a 1st class European I presume? Do you turn your nose up at the 2class and 3rd class Europeans. (My assumption No.....fill in the blank space Susan even three digit numbers are beyond me). Keep your news flashes coming. I eagerly await them. "Boo Hoo, cry me a river. You know nothing about what's outside india, get over yourself. You name yourself plato trashing the concept of a great thinker of the past mudding his name." Oh yes I am drowning in that river of mud flowing out of you. It is your mud that is swirling around this pseudo Plato. The real Plato in his real world outside the cave we live in is probably watching with amusement at the amount of mud that you are able to bring out. "Your put downs don't answer anything. Why are you on this blog. " this blog is to illustrate the perils of muslim supremacism, not to teach people how to be good dhimmis, it's people like yourself out of place. And about questions not answered, do we have to repeat a million times why you muslim apologist never ask to your masters muslims why they adore a caravan robber? Here is the exchange that brought on that reply: "I am not thomas macaulay, sorry." My question was to illustrate the contempt felt by Europeans for non-Europeans. I know I am flippant sometimes but never to avoid answering a query which is what you seem to doing now. I cannot stop you. Your put downs don't answer anything. Why are you on this blog. (I am braced for the blast) " I had expected a lava-laced blast on that. But you have attempted a laboured reply. The perils of Muslim supremacism are accepted but not the solutions. If that makes me a dhimmi, so be it. (Again another assumption No.XXX). My membership with my Kumbaya group is in peril. I know you are pressed for time otherwise you would have read about my admiration for the caravan raider on this blog. "Okay so Nero has time-ported to the ME and what happened. He pumped out so much oil that now you are hooked on it and can't give it up for dear life." LOL, study history, google what nero did with fire. And understand the comparison." I have admitted to several people on this blog about the level of my history knowledge. But some historian of yours seems to have done Nero an injustice by making him play a fiddle that had not even been invented when he lived. Allegorical right? The flash bulb just went off in my head and I see it. I also see that some idiot (I hope you know who) is now pouring liquid paraffin over the conflagration in the ME. And I thought Nero was a Westerner not an ME type. Ah I see your point now. Both the idiot and Nero were tele-ported to the ME. I am bit late on the uptake. Sorry. And I also only just remembered, comparisons are odious. "Your alarm clock seems to be defective. You have not woken up since 1973. Good luck to you finding something cheaper than what is under their sands. " Just because nobody tried before now doesn't mean nobody will try in the near future. I know people like yourself cannot wait to become dhimmis, we are bigger than that." Nobody tried before? That is another news flash worth remembering. That 'nobody' is waiting for oil to hit 100+ to shake him out of his Rip Wan Winkle act. And a lot of the 100+ will be the jiziya you will be paying the caravan raider's followers. So who are the dhimmis now? "They starved even before you showed them the oil beneath their feet. Nothing new for them. But what happens when your (sorry you Italians have small cars, Americans then) SUVs and MUVs stopping humming from oil hunger?" the world was better when they were starving, time to get back to that time. Don't you know there's a kind of gasoline derived from sugar? Sorry that breaks your dream of being a good dhimmi." You can salivate about their going back to that time. But in the meanwhile apart from sugar, palm oil, castor oil, jetropha seeds, soy anything with oil content can be used provided the product is cheaper than crude. So who continues to be a good dhimmi by paying the Muslims top dollar for every barrel? "And how did your nightmare the Muslims parachute in here? They pop in at the most opportune moments for you" this blog is about islam, so at least I try to stay on topic, unlike yourself and the stupids like you who brings native americans into the picture. "As I said it is like my preferring chicken pox to measles. Okay I can see that Muslim rule was like an especially virulent form of measles compared to the British chicken pox. India is now free of both." LOL, with a big difference, the brits will never come back, the muslims are already outbreeding you and with their usual persuasion they will be back to power sooner than you think. But why am I talking? you are craving for dhimmitude. "Yes Susan I wish you would stop wasting your and my time." then go away, me, dhimmi no more, Noah and someone else are talking about islam and how islam is effectively damaging us, you and other non-sense masters are always blaming the west for everything, saying islam is not that bad. Who's the one out of place?" I can see that there is a nice little .... group here enjoying their banter about the best methods to exterminate your enemies, what to use - nerve gas, MOABs, neutron bombs or none of that just deportation . As to '... always blaming the West for everything saying Islam is not that bad.' This is again your XXX assumption "When you get uncomfortable with anything in your world bring in something much worse elsewhere i.e. the Muslim world." I don't get uncomfortable with anything done by my world, because whatever it was, we paid reparations, unlike your future masters of choice, the muslims who destroyed everything they touched and still deny it nowadays" Quickly, before my future masters of choice come in tell me what compensation you (or your friends) paid and to whom for the whole continents of Australia, the two Americas, New Zealand and also the bits and pieces nearby. It must have been something awesome. Why should you be uncomfortable? "Remember the Nazi and Native Indian trick of the Muslims. " the nazi and native indian trick has been played so far by you and michel, thanks for admitting we are wasting our time with muslims" Pull out something from a statement and then clobber it. What I said is in quotes below. If you think you have answered it with what you say above, you are very wise. 'When you get uncomfortable with anything in your world bring in something much worse elsewhere i.e. the Muslim world. And hey presto you begin to smell of roses when compared to the Other. Remember the Nazi and Native Indian trick of the Muslims. Imitation is the best form of flattery you know. You really flatter those Muslims you look down upon.' "Just commit a crime and see what caste you land up in. The criminal caste. You won't get credit no more. The police will question you if your are found within a mile of any crime. Your friends and even relatives will avoid you like the plague. " 1) I never committed a crime, so that makes me despiseable in your eyes and by your muslim standards" Your assumption No. XXX again. "2) avoid me like a plague? maybe in your indian police state, see, the western world among its faults has got also mercy to criminals, you commit a crime, you pay for your crime and you are given the chance to re-enter civil society. Not that I agree strictly with it, but it happens so." You are not a criminal. How many criminals have you associated with. Do a thought experiment, will you walk a street at night or even the day time with a jail-bird? "To answer this one I had to think so hard that I developed a migraine attack. " that's because making up excuses, especially false ones, is hard. Sticking with the truth is much easier." Spoken like a good cathecism teacher. I bow to you. "The Iraqis had a dictator. He was once armed by the US. Then when he turned uppity he was attacked but not deposed. " still not an ounce of evidence why italy, japan, germany could rise up and iraq cannot." To begin with they were all first worlders with the skills still in place and only infrastructure destroyed. In Germany you had the Marhall Plan and in Japan you had SCAP (Wikipedia) helping to rebuild. In Iraq you keep a mass murderer and a dacoit to stay in power after invading his country. Then you starve and blockade his country. Then you again invade and the first and perhaps the only thing you protect on landing there is the Iraqi oil ministry and assets. Then you give billions in aid via Halliburton and other contractors and as world class contractors they have world class ways of making hay while the sun (Bush) shines. Try the same trick in Germany and Japan and see where they will be today. Just a thought experiment will do. "Why else. Why does the US not just drop everything and leave, nobody will blame the US when bombs go off in their mosques. Its that simple." LOL, that's like saying, I am on a boat with a hole that's sinking, maybe if I throw out my luggage, I won't be sinking anymore. What kind of reasoning is that?" I have never LOLd before. But I had to when I read that. Who asked the US to get into a sinking boat and that too with heavy luggage. Start throwing out the luggage you may just make it to the shore. That is the reasoning. "sunni were murdering shites under saddam, now it's the opposite because a sunni dictator was removed. To me there's no problem, it's their matters, the most important thing is that nobody else (except muslims) gets hurt. It's like when mafia clans kills each other. Civil people are happy because they reduce their own numbers without putting the police forces at risk. I don't see where's the problem" You must be on cloud nine whenever you hear of bombs going off in Iraq. You see no problem. Make sure you can avoid the thunderclouds that are moving towards you from there. "Because of who else? Who gave Ali his gas. You seem to know what that poison woman was thinking about. Except you, probably everyone knows who egged Saddam to attack Iran." Blame bush blame usa, that's the mantra, it's getting old plato, blame it on mars next time, you might get an applause for creativity." I repeat my mantra: Except you, probably everyone knows who egged Saddam to attack Iran. No need for applause for creativity. I just cut it and pasted it from above. "Well, if USA is so powerful then it's correct that they own the whole world. They are simply too good to be true." So you also have the slave wish to be dominated and owned by the powerful, just like the Muslims wishing to be slaves of the powerful Allah. As I said Muslim is as Muslim does. "But still, if you want to become a slave of a muslim there will be a chance to satisfy your wish." Another assumption No.XXX "Susan this is one of those news flashes you are so fond of, only this one is nearly 1400 years old. The shias and sunnis don't need the USA to murder each other. They have been at it since Ali's time. " mine was a rethorical question, sorry that your 3rd world mentality is not able to understand the very simple english of a non-english speaker" Your opinion of 3rd world mentality (intelligence?) shines through again. "You are a Chinese supremacist. You told me so. " yes, but the difference between your masters muslims supremacists and myself is that I don't go around killing other non-chinese people. Your suprematist masters do. "I only said in the original reply that the region of Iraq or thereabouts is credited with the invention of writing and you make it into a big deal about the Muslims not having invented it, that it was the Assyrians and Babylonians etc. " which is simply stating the obvious truth. Oh I remember now you have a hard time accepting it. You had written: one one thing the experts agree, inventions of writing has nothing to do with iraq or islam, since that land was inhabitated by assyrians and babilonians. The descendants of those people are modern assyrians, all of christian religion. Now spread all over the world since xenophobic, racist and suprematist muslims cannot cope with that." The one 'booringly' obvious truth is that you go ballistic when any Muslim country is mentioned along with any achievement, even when the mention is of pre-Islamic times. Like Allah gets apoplexy when another is name joined with his. I don't have a photographic memory like yours but please tell me when I even hinted at having a hard time accepting the obvious truth...truth of what? That the descendants of writing are Babylonians and Assyrians or that writing had nothing to do with Iraq or Islam. Whatever it is I admire your skill in making an Everest out of a molehill. "The sense of what is sought to be said is buried. Iraq was brought up along with many other places to show that the location of various cultures were not all Western. " A new trick. Quote most of what was said to avoid charges of out of context. But quote them piecemeal and shoot them down individually. Nice. Now let us see "you are dense beyond imagination. Iraq as it is now has been created some decades ago. But the iraqui people were a mixture of arabs (descendant of invaders) and descendants of assyrians that are a small number and pretty much all of them emigrated outside that land. Does it makes iraqui people nowadays "special" that allegedly writing has been invented there, BY PEOPLE THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IRAQIS NOWADAYS?" I concede that I am dense. So you will have to explain that to me more slowly. The Everest you have built is growing, I am having a hard time climbing to the peak. What I understand from all that vituperation is that you think that in my Kumbaya stupidity I am claiming on behalf of the modern MUSLIM IRAQIS the invention of writing. Let us do a little research into what I said. This is what you said in your Feb 17 post: "The fact that some people in the 3rd world like yourself agree with you is because they don't feel proud that someone else brought civilization to them." In reply to this I said: Oh so the West brought civilisation to the 3rd world. And we have to be happy we were conquored and brutalised for centuries for the 'civilisation' you brought us. Apparently you have not heard of China, Japan, India, Korea, Egypt, Persia, the people who invented writing, right there in Iraq. And you had informed me about my madrassa-type education. (In my 21/2/7 post I had added Syria/Iraq which did not excite your comment as Syria is as Muslim as Iraq). This was further elaborated in my 23/02/07 post: Nothing was said about Islam's or Iraq's inventing writing, even I in my Kumbaya stupidity know that writing was invented much before Islam, and yet you have to bring in your favourite nightmare to spice up the discussion. The sense of what is sought to be said is buried. Iraq was brought up along with many other places to show that the location of various cultures were not all Western. Okay now let us look at your allegation: Where pray have I said present day Iraqis are special for allegedly inventing writing. And when you say 'by people that have nothing to do with Iraqis nowadays' it opens up a whole can of fresh worms. The Mohenjodaro- Harappan civilisation is dead and gone. None of the people who live in the area has any connection with them? Ah since most of them are Muslims that can be ruled out even though almost all them are converts of the local population. Modern Greeks have no connection with Homer's civilisation because the modern Greeks are Christians, were invaded by the Romans etc. The modern Iraqis have no connection with the people who lived there five or six thousand years ago because you are sure that every man jack of them has been polluted genetically by an Arab (from the Hijaz?) who came and settled there. Susan your Everest is now even higher than the one in Nepal. one one thing the experts agree, inventions of writing has nothing to do with iraq or islam, since that land was inhabitated by assyrians and babilonians. The descendants of those people are modern assyrians, all of christian religion. Now spread all over the world since xenophobic, racist and suprematist muslims cannot cope with that." That's like saying Hagia Sophia (one of the seven wonders) is a "merit" of muslim turks. NO WAY. It just happens that unfortunately the cathedral is nowadays in a muslim land. Thanks for reminding me of something I learned in high school. Now do you want any help to add a few more metres to your Everest? "1)Muslims are the pits. They can't reform. 2)They are out to dominate the world with their Muslim supremacist attitudes. 3)The only way to save ourselves from the Islamic nightmare is to supress Muslims and destroy them (is that my Assumption no. 26588954545446?)" it takes too much labour and money to suppress them, just ostracise them from everything west, nature will do the rest. Now you are talking. At least you don't want to incinerate them. Ostracise them. Remember the caste system? Does it makes iraqi people nowadays "special" that allegedly writing has been invented there, BY PEOPLE THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IRAQIS NOWADAYS?
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