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Title Commenter Date Thread
Islamist-Leftist nexus [170 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
PrashantNov 3, 2012 02:20200262
Corruptions of Biblical Faith [113 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Kepha HorNov 2, 2012 22:47200261
Looking Past the Corruption to See the Truth in Biblical Faith [297 words]M ToveyJul 15, 2021 13:45200261
It's 1939 revisited [52 words]Lujack SkylarkNov 2, 2012 15:25200254
far left german mps on ship stopped by IDF [106 words]mythJun 1, 2010 16:59173682
Islam and Marxism not Partners [275 words]Marian HenningsApr 19, 2010 02:10171441
It's a classic alignment [15 words]larkascendingFeb 11, 2010 07:46168782
illogical mind-set of the west!!! [319 words]annam aJun 19, 2009 05:56157632
Small mistake [23 words]Mike LoveSep 5, 2008 02:49137954
the islamist leftist allied menace [22 words]joeAug 20, 2008 14:13137073
throwing rocks in glass houses? [140 words]Larry B.Aug 12, 2008 21:13136636
Liberals couldn't hit the broad side of a barn [281 words]jennifer solisAug 14, 2008 15:16136636
time will tell [75 words]larry BAug 18, 2008 20:38136636
the world doesn't need new Chamberlains [373 words]Staunch Secularism SupporterJul 31, 2008 02:49135953
Birds of a feather flock together [73 words]TruthAloneTriumphsJul 30, 2008 05:55135900
Bravo, Dr Pipes ! [83 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreJul 19, 2008 08:44135392
2Bravo Geert Wilders and Dr.Pipes [77 words]Tony SytsmaJun 30, 2010 20:15135392
Putin and his buddies [107 words]UgriJul 17, 2008 12:03135331
Liberalism and Islam: The Hijacking of America's Schools [88 words]John MarionJul 15, 2008 16:10135227
That will be the day ! [184 words]dfwhite19438Jul 13, 2008 21:26135011
Congratulations President Sarkozy [56 words]PDMJul 13, 2008 12:41134994
all the left? [78 words]obilicJul 11, 2008 11:10134876
The left and generalizing [388 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiJul 11, 2008 19:46134876
Can't happen here? All we have to do is nothing. [81 words]Sofa SogoodJul 12, 2008 01:36134876
Straight_Talk_Luigi, what do you mean? [43 words]InfidelJul 13, 2008 02:25134876
Blasting the Islamic call for prayer? [383 words]EdwardJul 14, 2008 02:38134876
Response to Infidel's Question [47 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiJul 14, 2008 16:15134876
noise pollution [128 words]dfwhite19438Jul 14, 2008 22:23134876
Dear dfwhite19438 [325 words]EdwardJul 15, 2008 01:15134876
Straight_Talk_Luigi, error in typing, not knowledge [75 words]InfidelJul 16, 2008 22:20134876
1islam hate of others. [166 words]surjJul 28, 2008 17:41134876
Hatred for others [335 words]EdwardJul 31, 2008 01:51134876
Myopically educated [264 words]Larry B.Aug 12, 2008 21:42134876
Reason?.. [197 words]DONVANAug 21, 2008 10:03134876
Qur'an is NOT obscure. It is very understandable and rich. [45 words]EdwardAug 23, 2008 06:51134876
interesting.. [80 words]donvanAug 24, 2008 12:22134876
Still the same [30 words]EdwardAug 25, 2008 01:16134876
Islamic call for prayer - Kampala, Uganda [203 words]ScottFeb 20, 2009 14:48134876
Islamic call for prayer in kampala [311 words]EdwardFeb 22, 2009 23:46134876
Prayers in Kampala [118 words]ScottFeb 23, 2009 18:32134876
1Controversial Alliances Found in the Holy Bible's Alignment of Nations Against Israel [406 words]M. ToveyJul 9, 2008 14:01134720
Sure? [16 words]YnnatchkahJul 11, 2008 01:45134720
amazing Revelation [131 words]Rebecca MouldsJul 11, 2008 07:15134720
Ishmael descendants. [79 words]YnnatchkahJul 11, 2008 12:27134720
Positive, According to the Word of the LORD [49 words]M. ToveyJul 14, 2008 10:32134720
In the Face of the Aliied Menace [71 words]M. ToveyJul 14, 2008 10:56134720
Ishmael, Like as a Child of Egypt-To be Brought Under Submission to Israel-The True Son of the Promise [443 words]M. ToveyJul 14, 2008 11:33134720
israelites [88 words]Ahmed KhotaJul 24, 2008 08:46134720
Faith in the Almighty God of Israel is Not a Religion - Read and Believe the Holy Bible [129 words]M. ToveyJul 29, 2008 19:44134720
Adding to Admonitions After Thirteen Years - What Islamism has not Learned [121 words]M ToveyApr 16, 2021 12:27134720
4Many thanks to brave people to have helped my father escape from Iran . [274 words]zari namdarJul 8, 2008 03:45134622
Stockhausen quote [39 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
dominicJul 7, 2008 01:29134533
you forgot india [43 words]PMJul 6, 2008 04:20134487
Criucial Position of India in the Balance of Powers [46 words]SinghaJul 8, 2008 04:12134487
Not entirely [53 words]DevasahayamJul 8, 2008 09:13134487
Singha [37 words]PMJul 9, 2008 17:13134487
As I stated before [57 words]DevasahayamJul 10, 2008 20:16134487
agree. [18 words]surjJul 28, 2008 18:03134487
The problem of ignorance [117 words]Rebecca MouldsJul 5, 2008 21:14134477
Collusion [640 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Nadia FurlanJul 5, 2008 14:10134464
Leftists and Islam [104 words]Peter HerzJul 5, 2008 07:14134439
Sovietto Leftist Gobbledeegook. Does Tolerance Mean Tolerance of Intolerance? Inversion of Reality. [395 words]Sofa SogoodJul 4, 2008 23:55134421
The Reds are active everywhere [164 words]Peter EdgarJul 4, 2008 08:09134379
1Leftists are COWARDS [131 words]jennifer solisJul 4, 2008 01:17134347
Dear Jennifer [339 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiJul 4, 2008 14:36134347
Situation in France [337 words]GeorgesJul 4, 2008 17:08134347
a portend of frightening degrees [199 words]Rebecca MouldsJul 7, 2008 16:56134347
a portend of frightening degrees [571 words]GeorgesJul 7, 2008 18:55134347
Romans and Liberals [295 words]jennfer solisJul 8, 2008 17:23134347
more of the same [436 words]Rebecca MouldsJul 8, 2008 17:28134347
For Jennifer, Name Calling and Liberals [596 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiJul 8, 2008 18:21134347
LEFTISTS ARE COWARD MENTIONED BY JENNIFER SOLIS [47 words]Tirdad GharibJul 11, 2008 08:59134347
tooting for the oil barons? [176 words]Larry B.Aug 12, 2008 22:02134347
Pres.Clinton cut our military in half [46 words]jennifer solisAug 13, 2008 15:17134347
1Live Example and proof of ISLAMOCOMMUNISM - West Bengal, India [288 words]Simon BJul 3, 2008 01:57134258
These are not strange bedfellows at all [190 words]SurakJul 2, 2008 20:03134237
Response and addtional discussion on leftist/islamist alliance [230 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiJul 4, 2008 00:39134237
Strange Bedfellows Indeed [94 words]M. ToveyJul 2, 2008 19:21134229
Is it really though? [114 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiJul 4, 2008 00:33134229
Communism and Islam: what they also have or had in common. [27 words]Steven LJul 2, 2008 18:24134222
The Islamist-Leftist] Allied Menace [134 words]Ellen SchneiderJul 2, 2008 15:32134203
Ellen Schneider, brilliant evil people [160 words]InfidelJul 3, 2008 00:15134203
brilliant evil people [102 words]Ellen SchneiderJul 3, 2008 22:18134203
Planes Into Buildings -- Not So Brilliant. Perniciously Turning Us Against Ourselves Is More So. [744 words]Sofa SogoodJul 4, 2008 00:22134203
Ellen Schneider, Evil is not Brilliant [155 words]InfidelJul 4, 2008 12:29134203
Response to Sofa Sogood's comment: [The Islamist-Leftist] Allied Menace [363 words]Ellen SchneiderJul 4, 2008 14:07134203
Most Certainly [74 words]MJTJul 2, 2008 13:50134197
"What Sir Malcolm Sargent thought of it" [43 words]Barry HolroydJul 2, 2008 10:04134184
Sir Malcolm Sargent [90 words]GabbyJul 10, 2008 06:56134184
Dr. Pipes Artile - Missing "C" Word [460 words]SinghaJul 2, 2008 00:29134146
China and Islam [106 words]Peter HerzJul 5, 2008 07:06134146
Eritrea and the Islamist-Leftist alliance [147 words]RobJul 2, 2008 00:16134144
Obama...? [33 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
David AroninJul 1, 2008 19:24134113
Almost concur with Dr. Pipes [13 words]DevasahayamJul 9, 2008 15:47134113
3Che Guevara's children in Iran [281 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
FrankJul 1, 2008 17:40134104
fascinating ! [33 words]redmaryNov 11, 2008 03:01134104
Alliance of Islam and the Left [237 words]FrankJul 1, 2008 17:12134098
Excellent Survey of the Misguided Left's Irrational Embrace of Intolerant Islam [348 words]GWKJul 1, 2008 16:21134088
Islamocommunism [299 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Lame CherryJul 1, 2008 15:34134086
Islamocommunist is not a word! [278 words]NuraJul 3, 2008 01:26134086
Islam and communism [278 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiJul 4, 2008 14:49134086
Nura: Attagirl! You tell it like it (Islam) is! [241 words]PlatoJul 8, 2008 09:40134086
Teaching dear Nura that communism is also a religion [588 words]dhimmi no moreJul 10, 2008 06:54134086
Poisonous Stalin's anti-Zionist Marxism at radical left minority in Israel [688 words]EdwardDec 2, 2021 19:49134086
What role has political correctness in the West played in harbouring this alliance? [80 words]JaladhiJul 1, 2008 15:14134084
letter to Mr. Stockhausen [477 words]YnnatchkahJul 1, 2008 13:45134076
who designed who? [127 words]mz ravin blackJul 1, 2008 12:41134073
Leftists, Marxists and Islamists -- Strange bed-fellows! [71 words]M.D'SouzaJul 1, 2008 12:27134071
Not surprising at all [44 words]DevasahayamJul 3, 2008 19:54134071
Islamist-leftist menance -- the enemy within [236 words]sushilJul 1, 2008 12:24134070
West's Folly [299 words]JaladhiJul 2, 2008 09:53134070
Interesting and useful article [171 words]Leonid Kaplun-LeonovJul 1, 2008 10:56134067
Valid, though late to print [6 words]DevasahayamJul 1, 2008 10:43134064
All of this could have been avoided [237 words]RickJul 1, 2008 10:22134059
Rick, here is why Ayatolla was never assassinated in France to save lives [177 words]EdwardJul 9, 2008 03:21134059
Edward, you need to learn the difference bewteen apples and oranges [563 words]rickJul 9, 2008 17:26134059
On the matter of apples and oranges [578 words]EdwardJul 11, 2008 02:01134059
Bush is an idealist with a sense of history (even though I think he's wrong) and you are an idealist with no sense of anything. [697 words]RickJul 11, 2008 17:43134059
dont spread democracy forcefully [297 words]EdwardJul 14, 2008 01:55134059
Edward you just don't get it and I am convinced you never will [673 words]RickJul 15, 2008 09:51134059
Rick, think more [459 words]EdwardJul 22, 2008 01:51134059
On Islam [13 words]Dennis MiddlebrooksJul 1, 2008 09:06134050
Apologies are in order :) [17 words]Paul R.Jul 5, 2008 08:04134050
The Red-Green Alliance [192 words]Dr. Richard L. BenkinJul 1, 2008 08:59134049
RE: [The Islamist-Leftist] Allied Menace [33 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
XavierJul 1, 2008 08:35134045
Why [11 words]joeAug 20, 2008 14:20134045
The leftists and Muslim vote bank in India [100 words]Ramana RajgopaulJul 1, 2008 06:37134034
Left Muslim alliance [129 words]ThiaganJul 2, 2008 01:27134034
Islam, neo-cons and atheism [176 words]G.VishvasJul 1, 2008 06:04134030
"no it doesn't" [290 words]Lactantius JrJul 1, 2008 05:30134026
i'll just add alittle here [178 words]mz ravin blackJul 1, 2008 17:38134026
Allahu Akbar [121 words]dihmmi no moreJul 3, 2008 06:57134026
"what a noxious chant it is" [84 words]Lactantius JrJul 3, 2008 18:16134026
Samer is not an Arab. He is a Pakistani [411 words]dhimmi no moreJul 4, 2008 07:03134026
real arguments [115 words]mz ravin blackJul 4, 2008 15:45134026
Interesting information about allahu akbar [143 words]dhimmi no moreJul 5, 2008 12:59134026
"hey I'm impressed" [45 words]Lactantius JrJul 7, 2008 18:03134026
Islam plagiarizes hebrew [218 words]yuval brandstetterJul 10, 2008 03:19134026
good point [242 words]mz ravin blackJul 10, 2008 22:48134026
Islam and its origin [599 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2008 07:16134026
There are more Syriac than Hebrew loan words in the Qur'an [347 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2008 07:32134026
dhimmi: Letter to Julanda brothers fact or fiction? [91 words]PlatoJul 12, 2008 01:21134026
Islam and its origin [388 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2008 19:31134026
An addendum [81 words]dhimmi no moreJul 13, 2008 06:46134026
Something Foul [140 words]Amin RiazNov 7, 2012 13:04134026
Ken Livingstone, ex-Mayor of London [8 words]John HutchingsJul 1, 2008 05:06134023
Ken Livingstone, ex-Mayor of London [19 words]GeorgesJul 4, 2008 17:42134023

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